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St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)



Subject Year Start date Duration

English Grade 7 Week 1, August 10 weeks 40 hours

In this unit, students will learn about various forms and representations of unfairness, particularly when it comes to media
representations, but also systems that work against equity and perpetuate unfairness without decisive action. Students will learn
to retrieve information through listening, and then how to formulate an argument against unfairness through structured essay

Key and Related Concepts

Key Concepts

Concepts Definition

Development is the act or process of growth, progress or evolution, sometimes through iterative

Global Interactions focuses on the connections among individuals and communities, as well as their
relationships with built and natural environments, from the perspective of the world as a whole.

Related Concept(s)

Phase 3 - Conventions, Structure, Empathy, Point of view

Other Related Concepts

Inference, connections (between different forms of text) and bias.


Conceptual Understanding

Students will understand how relationships between people and global interactions are dependent on the access to rights,
justice, and equal distribution of wealth, and students will study how representations of unfairness are structured and presented
in the media, and study conventions for the presentation of news reports or video segments about various forms of unfairness,
for example through protests, but also other aspects of unfair representation including gender and certain ethnicities or groups

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

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St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)

in society. They will then use their understanding of rights and justice in order to write an essay where they connect their ideas
about global interdependence on justice (or injustice) based on individual and group research.

Global Context

Global Context Explorations to develop

Power and privilege, Inequality, Justice

Fairness and

Identify a specific global context exploration.

This is important because students need to understand how growth and their own individual success depends on the
interconnectedness of equal rights and justice for everyone. The concepts of global interactions and development are important
because they help students understand how the world develops depending on access to education, access to media, and equal
representation. It is important for students to understand this, particularly through the medium of news reports and later essay
writing in order to to be able to critically gather information and later reason their stance. This is particularly important in this day
and age due to recent developments worldwide, both in terms of the global economy as well as COVID-19.

Statement of Inquiry

Our understanding of and solutions to global inequality and unfairness depends on various influences on our point of view and
capacity for empathy.

Inquiry Questions

Type Inquiry Questions Line of Inquiry

Factual What are the main components of an Structure, conventions

argumentative essay? How do you
structure an argument in 3 parts?

Factual What are the main components of an Conventions

argumentative essay?

Factual What are the main components of an

argumentative essay? How do you
structure an argument in 3 parts?

Factual How are news reports manipulated to Empathy, audience

get a message across?

Conceptual What is injustice? Injustice

Conceptual Why does development depend on Equality, human rights

equal access to justice and human

Conceptual How do our individual choices impact Development, global interactions

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

Page 2 of 9
St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)

Type Inquiry Questions Line of Inquiry

on development across the world?

Debatable Does equality mean a loss of privilege Equality

for some people?

Debatable Who is responsible for inequality? Is Development, injustice

that important?



Enable the student to develop multiliteracy skills through the use of a range of learning tools, such as multimedia, in the
various modes of communication

Enable the student to recognize and use language as a vehicle of thought, reflection, self-expression and learning in other
subjects, and as a tool for enhancing literacy

Encourage an awareness and understanding of the perspectives of people from own and other cultures, leading to
involvement and action in own and other communities

MYP subject group objective(s)


A Listening

Capable level (phase 3 and 4)

i.identify explicit and implicit information (facts, opinions, messages and supporting details)

ii.analyse conventions

iii.analyse connections

D Writing

Capable level (phase 3 and 4)

i.use a wide range of vocabulary

ii.use a wide range of grammatical structures generally accurately

iii.organize information effectively and coherently in an appropriate format using a wide range of simple and complex
cohesive devices

iv.communicate all the required information with a clear sense of audience and purpose to suit the context

Content (topics, knowledge, skills)

Factual/procedural: Students will be able to recognise the conventions and structural features of news reports, news segments,
and short documentaries. They will also be able to identify key information in multimodal audio-visual texts. In the second half

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

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St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)

of the unit, the students will be able to gather information from various sources and use them to write an essay in three parts,
with an introduction, three main paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Conceptual: Students will understand the importance of global connections and their part in a global network, and how
development depends on rights for all, as well as their own choices in supporting equality. In the first half of the unit, students
will understand bias in media representations, and understand messages delivered through multimodal texts (both static and
dynamic) in order to influence our perception of world events.


Students will be able to identify information in various types of audiovisual texts (as per the requirements in Criterion B), and
recognise some elements of bias.

Students will also be able to formulate an argument based on various sources of information and present their argument as part
of a structured essay that incorporates all the conventions of a standard persuasive text.

ATL Skills

ATL skills


- I. Communication skills

Exchanging thoughts, messages and information effectively through interaction

Use appropriate forms of writing for different purposes and audiences

Reading, writing and using language to gather and communicate information

Read critically and for comprehension

Use a variety of organizers for academic writing tasks


- VI. Information literacy skills

Finding, interpreting, judging and creating information

Access information to be informed and inform others

Use critical literacy skills to analyse and interpret media communications

- VII. Media literacy skills

Interacting with media to use and create ideas and information

Demonstrate awareness of media interpretations of events and ideas (including digital social media)

Understand the impact of media representations and modes of presentation

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

Page 4 of 9
St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)

Developing IB Learners

IB Learner Profile



Students will be thinkers as they will consider the information they are presented with through a critical lens, and extract
information from it that is relevant to the idea they wish to formulate as part of their summative assessment.

Students will be reflective as they will examine their own biases and consider how their perceptions can be influenced. They will
also reflect on their personal stance and role in the world, and use their thoughts to communicate an idea.


International Mindedness

Students will firstly look at protests and unfair representation in the media, particularly with regards to protest regarding racial
inequality, but also in terms of gender stereotypes as well as news reporting on the Coronavirus. Secondly, students will consider
poverty, which is very much a global issue by looking at examples of different countries and identifying problems and solutions
which they then express in an essay that addresses some issues related to poverty and injustive worldwide.

Academic Integrity

Students will have to provide the sources to all of their research and proposals in their essay as part of a reference list in their
summative assessment. As part of their discovery of the causes of and solutions for poverty, students will have to engage in
extensive research, and understand that an essay or a theory can never be introduced without solid evidence that can be cited
without being copied wholesale.


Service as Action

Students' awareness of the root causes of poverty, injustice, and unfairness will lead to students reflecting on how their service
learning can be extended beyond fundraisers, and move to more deeply rooted action such as awareness-raising and activism
aimed at eliminating prejudice and considering how sustainable action can be taken to address injustice.


Formative Assessment

Students will both to practice assessments for listening that address different components of listening, including information
retrieval and looking out for tone and bias, but they will also have to deliver presentations where they articulate their

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

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St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)

understanding of bias by looking at different images in both spontaneous and prepared situations.

As part of the examination into bias, students will be asked to analyse images and reflect on their impact while comparing them
to different sources in order to evaluate their reliability or the intention to portray the people involved as "the bad guys" or "the
good guys". A similar activity will be done for audiovisual texts, and some attention will be given to representations of gender as
well in order to examine further unfair representation in the media and enhance the students' media literacy.

As for the essay part, students will have a chance to submit each component individually for in-depth feedback, but also practice
their comprehension of essay components as well as their knowledge of transition words to fully address each strand of the
assessment criteria.

Students will also have the opportunity to assess their comprehension of academic essays so as to both build academic
vocabulary as well as understand how information is communicated and what kind of information is communicated.

AUG Transition Words

19 Formative Quiz Thursday at 4:10 PM

SEP Gender Stereotype Posters

10 Formative Presentation 15/19 Students Friday at 3:25 PM


Analyze symbolic meanings in texts and discuss their purpose and meaning.

Identify and challenge gender stereotypes.

Evaluate how gender stereotypes can be detrimental to society.

Challenging Stereotypes

This activity requires you to create a poster which shows the difference between stereotyped images and non-
stereotyped images. Design a poster (collage, drawing, photos from magazines or newspapers etc..) which
includes the following:

• Stereotyped image and explain what way of thinking is encouraged by this image.
• An image which challenges that stereotype and explain it.
• What you consider to be the most harmful or most untrue stereotypes about males and females. Why?
• What can be the consequences of showing men and women in certain ways in the media?

You will be graded with Criteria D and will also do self assessment.

SEP Transition Words Rap Song

16 Formative 14/19 Students Thursday at 6:00 PM

Unit 1:Unfairness

Content: Transition words


- Analyse the importance of using transition words in a written or spoken text.

- Demonstrate an understanding of the use of transition words.

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

Page 6 of 9
St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)


Students will create a rap song explaining and using transition words.

Transitions - Transition Words - Grammar Exercises (

Summative Assessment

In this unit, there will be two summative assessments:

Summative assessment #1 (to assess Criterion A): Students will listen to (and watch) a news report on protests in the USA,
where they will be asked to retrieve factual information, but also to identify conventions, as well as make connections between
the content and the concepts of the unit and identify the persons, causes, or groups who are placed in positions of being vilified
or glorified, depending on how the information is presented both visually as well as orally. This assessment will be structured
according to standard MYP assessments for listening.

Summative assessment #2 (to assess Criterion B): Students will put together a 5 paragraph essay where they comment on
a country struggling with poverty (as part of their investigation in I&S), and propose solutions that address unfair access to
resources or education by using appropriate sentence and paragraph structures, pointing to sources, and including infographics
or pictorial representations of statistics in order to make their work multimodal.

OCT Summative Listening Assessment

11 Summative Listening Monday at 11:15 AM

NOV Essay
2 Summative Research 17/19 Students Tuesday at 6:00 PM

In this task, students need to write an essay with an introduction, 3 main body paragraphs, and a conclusion, where
they outline three solutions to poverty in the country they researched as part of your Individuals and Societies project.
You are writing this as a proposed solutions paper to request the help of the international community as well as the
local government.

MYP Assessment Criteria

Students will practice listening skills by studying news reports where they need to identify bias but also practice information
retrieval and identify some key features of hard news and soft news reports.

Students will express their understanding of the interconnectedess of poverty and injustice to multiple environmental, societal,
and governmental factors as part of a 5 paragraph essay that follows appropriate structures and conventions.

Peer and Self-assessment

Students will have the opportunity to look at each other's essays and compare them to the task sheet with the success criteria
and level descriptors.

Students will also make use of essay models to assess their understanding of essay and writing structures, and they will have to
engage in reflective exercises in order to identify their current weaknesses. This will be achieved in part by students comparing
their work to model texts, but also by them articulating their understanding of the teacher's feedback.

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

Page 7 of 9
St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)

Standardization and Moderation

As this unit is partly done in collaboration with Individuals and Societies, standardisation and moderation of marking will be
achieved by a shared marking process of the summative assessment, which comes in natural succession after a collaborative
process that leads to the development of the summative assessment as a broad assessment of the concepts and content under

Learning Experiences

Prior Learning Experiences

Students will have some awareness of structured writing and transition words (hook, introduction, and conclusion) and they will
have some understanding of the grammar necessary to express their ideas.

Students will also have some idea of analysis and critical evaluation of sources from our previous unit on urban planning.

Learning Experiences and Teaching Strategies

Image analysis to examine bias, study of photojournalism and media representation through documentaries, discussions, and
individual explorations, escape rooms to practise understanding of modal verbs and transition words, research to examine root
causes of injustice through the lens of certain countries, and deep dives into essay components and how language influences

Student Expectations

Students will have a clear idea of expectations through the use of mentor texts as well as through the use of practice/mock
assessments that give them an idea of how to apply the command terms they are expected to use, as well as through the
discussion of task-specific clarifications and one-on-one feedback.


Immediate feedback: Google Forms will be used to give students a quick and clear idea of the gaps in their knowledge for

Dialogical feedback: Students will be given opportunities to share drafts with their teacher and set up individual meetings for
a discussion on their progress

Feedback on feedback: Students will have to report back on their understanding of the feedback they have received and set
themselves goals accordingly

Practice feedback: Students will receive feedback on mock summative assessments in order to determine their trajectory
between the formative and the summative assessment.

St Nicholas School - Alphaville

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St Nicholas School - Alphaville Isabella Martini Baptistella, Guðrún Ingimundardóttir, Carlos (Chuck) León
Hernandez, Alexandre Velasquez
IB MYP English Phases 2, 3 (Grade 7)


Students will receive different levels of scaffolding for their essays (different graphic organisers), and assessment procedures for
Criterion A can be adjusted to suit different learning needs.

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