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Periodo: 1° Asignatura: PRODUCCIÓN DE TEXTOS No. Bloque(s): 6-8
Nombre del Alumno: Grupo: No. de lista:
No. de semana No. Actividades de aprendizaje autónomo Entregable: Valor %: Calificación:
1 Cover 1st Period-Semester B Notebook
2 Grading Criteria, ss print and sign Notebook
1 3 NB Mental map prepositions. Read the information on page 216 about Mental map/
16 al 20 de enero. prepositions at, in, on. Make a mental map including all the information Notebook
4 Answer page 216, complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. Book
5 Watch the video Grammar on the move-prepositions Book

Answer page 84 activitites 1,2,3 and complex prepositions. Read the

blog, underline the prepositions. Then, complete the text with a compound
6 Answer page 82 activities 1,2,3. Choose the most suitable photo for the Book
2 cover of each book. HOMEWORK
23 al 27 de enero. 7 Watch the video “sea anemone” Summary/ Google Classroom

Write a summary about the video, with the main ideas.

Page 83,act 4 Read the information and complete the gaps with one Word.
8 NB Compound Nouns (definitions and examples) Definitions/
Write the definition of a compound noun. Then, write the compound nouns Notebook
that you can find on page 83 and the definition of each noun. Book
Answer page page 83
9 Speaking part 2 Book
Read the model answers and practice answering different questions
Answer page 85
10 Audio (pair work) Google
Upload an audio answring activity 7 on page 85 (You can find the questions Classroom
on page 199 and 200)
11 Watch the video about wild animals Highlight some facts that catch your Book
attention ,write them on a post it and attach them to page 86.
Listen a radio discussion programme and answer Page 86.
30 de enero al 3 de
Read Mark’s blog on page 88 about an African Safari park, then circle the
best word to complete the text
12 NB Relative Clauses Notebook
Watch the video about relative pronouns and relative clauses. Book
Make a chart in the notebook comparing defining relative clauses and non-
defining relative clauses.
Answer page 217, choose the correct relative clause to complete the
13 Google
Relative clases activity Classroom
Click on the link, answer the worksheet and upload your results in the
14 Identify the relative clauses and answer page 87 book
15 Writing a report
Read the exam task and answer activities 1 to 5 on page 89

Read and pages 242-243

16 Writing a report - Magazine Google
Follow the rules given on pages 242-243 and write a report about an animal Classroom
or a zoo.
The report has to be delivered as a magazine page, with pictures and
4 information. HOMEWORK
6 al 10 de febrero. 17 Read about the speaking paper Page 246 and complete the model answer book
on page 247.
18 AUDIO (pair work) Google
Upload and audio using the tips given on pages 246-247 to compare and classroom
contrast pictures on page 248 or 249.

19 REAL WORLD Pages 92-93 Book

Read about FLORIDA, listen and complete the table about Jack’s visit to
Florida and answer both pages.
20 Talk about technology, watch the video, share opinions about life being Book
simple with it and answer page 106
Talk about online learning and answer the listening practice on page 107.
21 Direct and Indirect objects read page 220, underline the main ideas and Book
answer PRACTICE 1 Page 220
22 Read and answer page 107 Book
Watch the following video and answer page 107
13 al 17 de febrero. 3_GR1.mp4
23 Technology Vocabulary definitions NB
Write the compound words in your notebook and the definitons
24 Page 108
Read and complete the sentences using compound words .

Firma del Padre o Tutor Firma del alumno Valeria Alvarado


Nombre del alumno: Grupo: No. de lista:

Criterio: Evidencia: Valor %: Calificación:
Assessment 40%
Formula 20%
Notebook 10%
Total: REMEMBER all the activities done during class have to be stamped or signed by the teacher to get 30%
the complete percetage.

Firma del Padres o Tutor Firma del alumno Valeria Alvarado

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