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Smile Alabel! Goodmorning! Thank you for surname Ma'am? That is Luca?

Is it spells like L
calling Hotel De Cabra "Kung saan may bahay for lima, U for Uniform, C for Charlie and A for
ang puso niyo" this is Monsce speaking how Alpha did I get it right Ma'am?
may I help you?
Yes, you are calling the reservation department, Okay thank you, May I ask you Ma'am if you are
in a corporate account or is it your personal
May I know who is in the line please?
Ms.Yany Luca? Hi Ma'am, how may I help you? travel? ....Okay Ma'am this is your personal
Okay Ma'am, may I know what type of room
Ma'am? Since it is your personal travel Ma'am, I assume
that you are the booking person as well as our
We have Standard room, we have Deluxe room
and we have Suite Room which one would you future guest am I right Ma'am? Noted Ma'am.
May I know your complete Address Ma'am?
like Ma'am?
Here's the difference with the two Ma'am. Our Okay your from MO6 Hayaco Bldg. Karama,
Dubai, UAE.
Standard room is about 3000 per night with
breakfast, lunch and dinner and our Suite How about your nationality Ma'am? Okay your
a Filipino Citizen.
Room is about 8000 per night with breakfast,
lunch and dinner also it includes wifi, dining May I have your personal contact number
please? 09123456789
area and mini bar. Which one would you like to
have Ma'am? May I know your flight number and point of
Origin Ma'am? Okay, CEBU PACIFIC AIR 2B129
Okay Ma'am, a standard room. Anyway, when from NAIA Pasay City.
you are going to arrive Ma'am?
March 11, 2023 at 7:00PM. For awhile Ma'am
let me check first if your requested date & time
is available. ... pause the phone...
Thank you for waiting Ma'am, hello? I'm sorry How about your departure date Ma'am? Okay
to inform you Ma'am, the room is not available on March 15 , 2023, so you will be staying here
would you like to have a Suite Room instead? for four days and three nights Ma'am.
May I know what type of guest are you Ma'am?
Oh your a balikbayan, welcome home Ma'am!

Do you have any accompany Ma'am? Okay

Yes Ma'am it's quite bigger, very spacious and a Ma'am, your alone.
little bit higher on rate. Yes its 8000 per night May I ask Ma'am if you have any special
Ma'am. So would you like to have this one arrangements to be made? .... write muna
Ma'am? Noted Ma'am, may I now proceed to habang gapaminaw....
your reservation? Okay Ma'am you wanted to have a airport pick
up, daily news paper, filipino breakfast with
May I have the name of the guest Ma'am?
Ms.Yany Luca, Ma'am does your name sounds hot choco and shuttle bus going to airport.
Anyway Ma'am, how would you like to settle
like Y for Yankee, A for Alpha, N for November
and Y for Yankee that is Yany. How about your your account Ma'am? Is it in cash, credit card or
gcash? Okay its in cash. are the secretary may I have the fax on please
I wish to repeat your reservation Ma'am because the settlement of the reservation will
(REPEAT ALL) be on March 11, thank you have a nice day,
Ma'am may I please remind you of our four
policies in our hotel. ****swipe & mudagan na ang fax then call
First, we will require you for 50% down again to confirm***
payment upon your arrival
Good morning once again this is from Hotel De
Second is our 6 O'CLOCK Policy you must be
here before 6 O'CLOCK otherwise your reserved Cabra may I know if you received the fax?
Excellent! Thank You Very much, Have a Nice
room will be sold for other awaited guest.
Third, our hotel hired skilled people with
disabilities, so when you see them, please
approach them with respect, ask them anything
you need during your stay, and love them as

And the fourth one is that our hotel is eco-

friendly, which is why please excuse us if there
are a lot of plants and flowers around. If you
see them, love them as your pet. Are we clear
with these policies, ma'am? Okay, ma'am,
Thank you so much for calling Hotel De Cabra
and we are looking forward for your safe trip
and wonderful stay here in our hotel have a
good day and Smile Alabel!


Hello Housekeeping department, I would like to
inform you that March 11 at 7pm is reserved
for Ms.Yany Luca, a Suite Room , Room 111.
May I know who is in the line please? Mr.
Gonzales, thank you Mr. Gonzales have a nice

*SENDING FAX" then ****Dial****

Hello Goodmorning! This is from Hotel De
Cabra, Is this the number of Ms.Yany Luca from
MO6 Hayaco Bldg. Karama, Dubai UAE? alright..
May I know who is in the line please? Okay you

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