Vesuvius - Xmas Booklet 2022

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DECEMBER 21 & 22, 2022 @ 8:00PM


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Cari amici, Quanno nascette ninno:
Thank you so much for being with us tonight.
Christmas in Southern Italy

We founded Vesuvius Ensemble from our belief that Southern Italian mu-
sical and cultural traditions constitute a heritage that should be preserved.
By bringing attention to some of these traditions here in Canada, we hope Francesco Pellegrino, voice & chitarra battente
to be playing at least some small role in perpetuating them. Lucas Harris, archlute, guitars & colascione
There is no better example than the tradition of shepherds playing the Louis Simão, accordion & colascione
zampogne (Italian bagpipes) during the novena, or the nine days leading up and special guest
to Christmas. Italian bagpipe music has a long history with roots in an- Tommaso Sollazzo, zampogna, guitars & mandolin
cient Greece, and some still believe today that the zampognari play the very PROGRAM
music that was heard when Christ was born. We’re grateful once again that Novena di Natale Traditional (Campania)
our zampogna specialist Tommaso Sollazzo was able to travel here all the
La notti di Natali Traditional (Sicily)
way from his home in Vallo della Lucania. By now his visit has become a
Christmas tradition for the Italian community here in Toronto. Introduzione et Pastorale Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710)
Ninna Nanna de lu mare Traditional (Campania)
We wish all of you a safe and joyous Christmas season, and we look for- Ninna nanna ri la Rosa Traditional (Sicily)
ward to presenting you with some exciting new concerts in 2023.
Ninna Nanna Portoghese Traditional (Portugal)
Sincerely, Sonata del Pollino Traditional (Lucania)
Stella d’argiento Carlo Faiello (b.1958)
Francesco & Lucas Astro del Cielo Traditional


‘O zampugnaro ‘nnammurato (1918) Armando Gill (1877-1945)

O veni sonne di la muntagnella Traditional (Calabria)
Ciaccona Mariona alla vera Spagnola Alessandro Piccinini (1566-1638)
A passo di Strada Traditional (Campania)
La ‘nferta Traditional (Procida)
Canzone di Razzullo Roberto De Simone (b.1933)
Allegro “La Zampogna” Giuseppe Clemente dall’Abaco (1709-1805)
Diu vi manna l’ambasciata Traditional (Sicily)
Cover artwork by Emanuele Luzzati (1921-2007) Novena di Natale Traditional (Campania)

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Texts & Translations Ninna nanna ri la Rosa Lullaby of the Rose

A la notti di Natali On Christmas Eve Duormi riposa sutta a ‘na rosa Go to sleep, sleep beneath a rose,
alla susuta di rugnu na cosa when you wake I’ll give you something nice.
A la notti di Natali On Christmas eve, ti vuogghiu beni, ti vuogghiu beni I love you, I love you,
c’è na festa principali there is a major feast day, chiuri l’ucciddi ca ‘u sunnuzzu veni. close your little eyes, then sleep will come.
e nascì lu Bambineddu for the little Child was born
‘nmezzu lu voi e l’asineddu. between an ox and a donkey. T’ha quitari, t’ha quitari You must calm down, you must calm down
comu si queta l’unna ru mari like waves in the sea calm down.
Pipituni senza sali Pipituni with no salt between your ears, comu agghia a ddiri, comu agghia a ddiri Whay can I say, what can I say, when you have
c’avviniri a vinnignari? Are you coming to the market? l’occhiu ti joca e a ‘ucca t’arriri. a twinkle in your eyes and a smile on your lips?
cu lu pattu ca ti fazzu With the bet I made with you,
ca racina un ti n’ha mangiari. you won’t have to eat only grapes! Quantu si ruci, quantu si ruci How sweet you are, how sweet,
pasta ri zuccaru, pasta ri nuci. like sugar paste or walnuts.
E susi pasturi nun dormiri chiù And rise up, shepherd, don’t sleep anymore, Chi hai ca cianci, a naca ti cunzai Why are you crying? I put your cradle among the
lu vidi ca è natu Bambinu Gesù. don’t you see that baby Jesus is born! miezu aranci, chi hai ca sempri cianci. orange trees, what is it, why do you always cry?

A la notti di Natali . . . On Christmas eve . . .

Aspettatimi tanticchiedda Hold on a minute! Stella d’argiento Silver Star
quantu arrivu a lu pagliaru when I come to the manger,
mi scurdai la puddastredda I forgot to bring the hen, ‘O sole quanno nasce nasce a Oriente When the sun rises, it rises in the East,
l’acidduzzu dintra u panaru the bird in the carrier, si dice ca llà sta ‘na terra santa they say there is a sacred land there,
la racina dintra u cufinu the grapes in a basket, addò ‘nu tiempo arrivaje da luntano where once upon a time,
pi purtarla a Gesù Bambinu. to baby Jesus. ‘na stella argiento a silver star appeared
p’ accuntenta’ tutta ‘sta gente to bring happiness to all these people.
E susi pasturi nun dormiri chiù And rise up, shepherd, don’t sleep anymore,
lu vidi ca è natu Bambinu Gesù don’t you see that baby Jesus is born! Quanta misteri m’ hanno raccuntato How many mysteries they’ve told me
attuorno a ‘stu paese turmentato about these troubled lands,
mò pare ca ‘ncopp’ a ‘sti prete Cristo but now it seems that Christ
Ninna nanna de lu mare Lullaby of the Sea nun ce maje passato never walked upon these stones
mentre si dice ca lloco è nato even while they say that he was born there.
Vi quando e` bella ll’aria de lu mare How beautiful the sea air is,
Nun me ne dice core de partire do not tell me to leave, O my heart. Nuje quanno vene Natale When Christmas comes
C’e` sta nu ninno ca nun vo` durmire There is a child who does not want to sleep, ce sentimmo tutti cchiù carnale all of us all feel more in our flesh
Tanto che e` bello ca me fa murire he is so beautiful it makes me want to die. quando ‘a gente aspetta ‘a sera when the people wait for the evening,
pure ‘o friddo se fa cchiù liggero whether it’s cold or mild.
La notte me ‘nce cocco a core a core At night I fall asleep heart to heart, è primmavera…è primmavera It’s Spring, it’s Spring,
Ca chistu figlio mio e` perla d’oro for this son of mine is a golden pearl. tutto pare ca è overo. everything seems to be true.
O veni sonni e pigliate stu figlio O come, sleep, come and take this child,
Non me lo dare fino a dimane a matina and don’t return him until tomorrow morning. Quanno tramonta ‘o sole all’ orizzonte When the sun sets on the horizon
so’ ancora ‘nfuse ‘ll’ uocchie ‘e ‘sti my eyes are still moist that wayfarers seeking
Duorme nennillo mio dorme e reposa Sleep my little one, sleep and rest, viandante shelter
Mamma t’ha fatto nu lietto de rose I made you a bed of roses, ‘nmiez’ ‘a ‘sta guerra chi cerca in the middle of this war
Lietto de rosa e de rosamarina a bed of roses and rosemary, ‘nu riparo trova sulo viento will find only wind,
Duorme e fa la nonna, ninno mio sleep and lullaby, my little one. mille diavule, e quacche santo. a thousand devils, and just a few saints.

Tu si’ la mamma de lu Salvatore : You are the mother of the Savior, Nuje quanno vene Natale When Christmas comes
Tu si’ la mamma de Gesu` Bammino. you are the mother of baby Jesus. ce sentimmo tutti quanti eguali we all feel the same,
Quanno la Mamma parturì’ ‘sta gioia : When his mother gave birth to this joy, e lassamme ‘e porte aperte and we leave our doors open,
Tutte li Sante ièvano ‘ncunziglio all the Saints were told about it. rimanimmo tutt’ ‘a notte allerta and we stay awake all night.
è primmavera, è primmavera It’s Spring, it’s Spring,
E fa la nonna che fece Maria, Fall asleep like the Madonna did, tutto pare ca è overo. everything seems to be true.
Cu’ ll’uocchie chiuse a cu’ la mento a Dio with eyes closed and thoughts on God,
La ment’ a Dio e la ment’ a li sante, your thoughts on God and on the saints,
‘Sto figlio mia adduòrmel’ a la mamma. my son will also make his mother fall asleep.

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Astro del Ciel Star of the Sky Cielo, e comme fuje doce ‘sta nuvena Heavens, what a sweet novena it was,
Ca ll’attaccaje cu n’ata passione! for it made him find a new passion!
Astro del Ciel, pargol divin Star of the Sky, divine little one, E se scurdaje ‘e ll’ammore ‘e Filumena And he forgot his love for Filomena
Mite agnello, Redentor gentle lamb, Redeemer, Ch’era fatecatora e bona bona who was a good hard-working girl.
Tu che i vati da lungi sognar you, of whom prophets dreamed long ago, Ma ll’urdema jurnata ca turnaje But on the last day when he returned to the
Tu che angeliche voci annunziar you who were announced by angelic voices, Chella signora, â casa, ‘un ce ‘a truvaje lady, she was not at home.
Luce dona alle menti illuminate minds,
Pace infondi nei cuor instill peace within hearts. Ullèro, ullèro Ullero – ullero,
Sturduto overo he was stunned!
Astro del Ciel, pargol divin Star of the Sky, divine little one, Avette ciento lire e ‘sta ‘mmasciata He got one hundred lire and this note:
Mite agnello, Redentor gentle lamb, Redeemer, Scurdatavella, chella è mmaretata “Forget about her — she’s married!”
Tu di stirpe regale decor you of regal descent,
Tu virgineo, mistico fior you virginal, mystical flower Na casarella ‘mmiez’a li mmuntagne, A little house in the mountains,
Luce dona alle menti illuminate minds, nu fucularo cu nu cippo ‘e pigne… a fireplace filled with pine logs,
Pace infondi nei cuor instill peace within hearts. ‘A neve sciocca e na figliola chiagne: the snow is falling, a girl is crying,
Chis stu lietto ‘e sposa si se ‘ncigna as she makes up her marriage bed.
Astro del Ciel, pargol divin Star of the Sky, divine little one, P’’a strada sulitaria d’Avellino On the lonely road to Avellino
Mite agnello, Redentor gentle lamb, Redeemer, nun sta passanno manco nu trano. there’s no horse-cart.
Tu disceso a scontare l’error you descended to correct the error,
Tu sol nato a parlare d’amor you were born only to speak of love, Ullèro, ullèro Ullero- ullero,
Luce dona alle menti illuminate minds, «Cagna penziero…» he lost his reason.
Pace infondi nei cuor instill peace within hearts. Sta sotto a nu barcone appuntunato He’s stuck hiding under the balcony,
Poveru zampugnaro ‘nnammurato. the poor amorous bagpiper.

‘O zampugnaro ‘nnammurato The Amorous Bagpiper

Nu bellu figliulillo zampugnaro A nice young bagpiper, O vèni sonne di la muntagnella Oh come, sleep of the little mountain!
Che a Napule nun c’era stato ancora who had never been to Naples before,
Comme chiagneva, ‘nnante a lu pagliaro oh, how he cried, departing his village, O vèni sonne di la muntagnella O come, sleep of the little mountain!
Quanno lassaje la ‘nnammurata fora sitting on hay, leaving his beloved lu lupo si mangiàu la picurella The wolf has eaten the little lamb.
E a mezanotte, ‘ncopp’a nu traíno at midnight, on a train o mammà o la ninna vo’ fa O Mother, you want to sing a lullaby.
Pe’ Napule partette da Avellino from Avellino to Naples.
O vèni sonne di la landa mia O come, sleep from my homeland!
Ullèro, ullèro Ullero - Ullero, lu mio figghiolu muta mi vorrìa My son would like me to be silent.
Buono e sincero good and honest o mammà o la ninna vo’ fa O Mother, you want to sing a lullaby.
Da lu paese, a Napule arrevato from the countryside to Naples
Nce cammenava comm’a nu stunato. he went distractedly.

E succedette ca, na bella sera It happened one beautiful night,

Jette a suná a la casa ‘e na signora he went to play the bagpipe at a lady’s house.
Tappéte, luce, pavimente a cera Carpets, chandeliers, polished floor,
Ricchezze maje nun viste anfin’a allora! what riches that he’d never seen before!
Ma se ‘ncantaje, But his fascination
cchiù assaje de sti rricchezze was not with all the luxury,
Pe’ ll’uocchie d”a signora e de li ttrezze but rather with the lady’s eyes and hair.

Ullèro, ullèro Ullero, ullero,

Fuje nu mistero it was a mystery why,
Quanno jette pe’ vasá â signora ‘e mmane when he went over to kiss the lady’s hand,
Zitto, sentette ‘e dí, she said to him softly:
viene dimane! “Come back tomorrow!” Armando Gill

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La ‘nferta The Offering Chiagnenno appena nato int’a ‘stu lietto, Crying as soon as he was born in this bed,
cercaie da mammélla ‘a zizza ‘mpietto. He tried to nurse at my breast.
Che ‘nferta mi farraie cara signora What will you offer me, dear lady, Ma zuca che te zuca ‘stu nennillo che te pesca? But as he suckles, what does he get?
Si ciente vota allora te chiammaria if a hundred times an hour we call upon Maria, Da chella zizza ‘o llatte era From this breast the milk
Vergine bella e Madre di Dio? Beautiful Virgin and Mother of God? comma ll’acqua fresca! flowed like fresh water.
Cchiù zuca ca te zuca But the longer he suckled,
Vulesse ca chiuvesse maccarune I wish it would rain macaroni, that the cobble- e cchillu pietto cchiù s’arrogna, the more the breast emptied,
e prete della via case rattate stones would become grated cheese, zucanno me ‘mparaie a ssunare la zampogna. and thus I learned how to play the zampogna.
E l’acqua de lu mare, vino annevate and that the sea water would become wine.
Mamme la nferta e Mamme la bona Mother of charity, blessed Mother, Nuvena, nuvena, Natale mo vene Noel, noel, Christmas is coming,
ca Dio ce la perdona may God forgive us. ma cu ‘sta nuvena cchiù famme me vene, But with this noel comes more hunger,
verenn’ ‘o mmagna’ pe chi tene ‘e quattrine, and I see the rich eating well
ce la perdona a nuie a tutti quanti Forgive us, one and all: verennolo sulo adderet’ ê vvetrine, from the other side of their windows.
Primma li piccirille a poi a li grandi first the little ones and then the older ones. e allora me cocco cu tutt’ ‘e calzine So I go to bed wearing all my socks,
Si ce la fai de noce e castagne If you give us some walnuts and chestnuts, may e â notte me sonno ca nasce un bambino and I dream that a baby is born
Che puozza fa nu figlio Re di Spagna you have a son that becomes the King of Spain! che nasce ‘e rimpetto a ‘na bella cantina, in front of a nice cantina,
cu addore ‘e suffritto, cu tre litr’ ‘e vino, with the smell of a stir-fry, three litres of wine,
Si nce la fai de noce e pignuole If you don’t give us walnuts and pine nuts, n’appesa ‘e sacicce, nu bellu capone, sausages hanging alongside a nice chicken,
Che puozza fa nu figlio mariuolo may you have a son that becomes a thief! anguille ammescate cu lu capitone, different types of eel,
Mamme la nferta e Mamme la bona Mother of charity, blessed Mother, castagne r’ ‘o prevete, noce e nnucelle, the priest’s chestnuts, walnuts and hazelnuts,
ca Dio ce la perdona may God forgive us. ‘nzalata ‘e rinforzo cu lu susamiello. a rinforzo salad plus susamiello pastries!
ce la perdona a nuie a tutti quanti Forgive us, one and all, Ma senza renare, But without any money
stienne lu ravulone e fatte annante let’s set the long table and line up! ‘a nott’ ‘e Natale, on Christmas Eve,
me fummo ‘na pippa I’ll just smoke a pipe
e me vaco a cuccà. And go to bed.”
Canzone di Razzullo Razzullo’s song
Andrea Perrucci, La cantata dei pastori (1698)
Quann’io nascette ninno ‘a cuorpo a When I was a baby born
mmamma, from mother’s womb,
a Nnapule nascette muorto ‘e famma. another starving wretch was born in Naples.
E muorto ‘e famma nun appena nato, I was starving just as soon as I came out,
mammella mia dicette: and mother said,
”È nato un altro sventurato”. “Another unlucky one is born.”
E arravugliato rint’a ‘na mappina She wrapped me up
me ‘nfasciaje, in some rags,
e dint’a nu spurtone And after putting me in a bag,
‘sta nuvena me cantaie: she sang this song:
Nuvena, nuvena, mammella era prena “Noel, noel, your mother was already expecting;
appriesso a ‘nu figlio già n’ato ne vene. just after a son is born, another will come.
Facette ‘o primmo e nascette cecato I made the first one who was born blind,
mò cerc’ ‘a lemmosena pe ‘mmiez’ ‘e strate. and now he begs in the street.
Facette ‘o sicondo chiammato Pascale, The second one is named Pasquale,
ca sta carcerato a Ppuceriale, and he’s now imprisoned in Poggio Reale.*
e aroppo ‘o cchiù bello ‘o chiammaie The one after is the best looking, I called him
Gennaro, Gennaro**:
c’ ‘abbascio ‘a Duchesca mo fa ‘o ricuttaro. he now makes ricotta for the duchess.
E mo pe cumpleto, sgravannose ‘e chisto, To complete the scene, I gave birth to this one,
ha fatto un altro povero Cristo. and created yet another poor Jesus Christ.

*Poggio Reale: a famous prison in Naples

**San Gennaro: patron saint of Naples
Filippo Bonanni, Il gabinetto armonico, 1723

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Upcoming 2023 concerts at Heliconian Hall
Diu vi manna l’ambasciata God sends you a messenger
Tickets available at
Diu vi manna l’ambasciata God sends you a messenger - the news
fu di l’angilu purtata: was from the angel of the Annunciation. January 16
Ah ca lu figghiu, lu figliu di Diu Patri Ah, that son, the son of God the Father -
e Maria fu fatta matri. and Mary was made his mother.
Vergine e casta fusti Maria Virgin and chaste were you, Mary,
iu mi cunsolu assai ccu tia. what a great solace you have been to me. A NIGHT WITH ELISA CITTERIO
E pi la gioia partistivu ccu fretta Happily, your labour went quickly, BACH, TARTINI, MONTANARI
p’annunziarlu a Santa Elisabetta. and it was announced to Saint Elizabeth.
E San Giuanni ancora unn’era natu Though St. John was not yet born
fu ppi vui santificatu. He was sanctified for you. Elisa Citterio, Baroque violin
Vergine e casta . . . Virgin and chaste, etc. _______________________________________

Chi bellu fruttu Maria aviti a fari What a fine fruit you produced, February 23
lu Verbu eternu incarnatu ccu vui the Eternal Word embodied within you.
Tu parturisci comu na gran signura You bore him like a great lady
senza aviri né dogli e né dulura without having any pains or sorrows. NINNA NANNA E BUONANOTTE
Vergine e casta . . . Virgin and chaste, etc.
Francesco Pellegrino, voice & chitarra battente
Lucas Harris, lute & guitar
Louis Simão, accordion & colascione
Mothers have always rocked their children into the world of
sleep and dreams with lullabies, soothing melodies which
emerge from popular tradition. This concert’s title comes
directly from one of Southern Italy’s many exquisite lullabies
which will be featured in this concert. Between these delicate
melodies, short texts will be read by Romina di Gasbarro.

May 17



Francesco Pellegrino, voice

Lucas Harris, guitar
Andrew Downing, double bass
Louis Simão, accordion & piano

As Southern Italy became Americanized in the years following World War II, this traditional
rural society saw their young people playing baseball, smoking Camel cigarettes, and drinking
whisky & sodas. The infectious rhythms of swing and early rock & roll penetrated the music
scene in the Old Country. Parents’ hair turned gray as their children danced to a new beat!
Music by the renowned swing master Renato Carosone among others.

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The Vesuvius Ensemble gratefully acknowledges the
support of our generous season sponsors.

Presenting Sponsors:



John & Angela Caliendo

Paul & Rebecca Elia
Paul Golini


Tony Boccitto
Nico Bock
Mary & Chris Chalmers
John Donald & Linda Chu
Al & Jane Forest
Patrick Luciani
Tony Galliano
Corrado Paina
Rocco Vessio

Biscotti provided by
Alta Trading inc

Tommaso Sollazzo is
partially sponsored by
Travelpoint Enterprises Inc.

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