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PGIM Product Manual

Power Generation Information Manager Version 5.1

Installation and Administration Guide
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PGIM 5 Contact

Contact: ABB AG
Power Generation Products

Document: 2VAA000322

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PGIM 5 Table of Contents
Table of Contents:

1 General ......................................................................................................................................13

1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................13
1.1.1 Process data acquisition (scanner) ....................................................................................................14
1.1.2 Process Data Management (Server)..................................................................................................15
1.1.3 Process Data Evaluation (Clients)......................................................................................................16 Navigator ........................................................................................................................................16 SignalExplorer ................................................................................................................................16 Trend Analysis ................................................................................................................................16 Process graphic ..............................................................................................................................16 Logging ...........................................................................................................................................16 Technical calculations ....................................................................................................................17 Security Concept ............................................................................................................................17
1.2 Setup instruction ......................................................................................................................................18
1.2.1 PGIM Installation Kit ...........................................................................................................................18
1.2.2 Licensing.............................................................................................................................................18
1.2.3 Installation...........................................................................................................................................18 Requirements for installation ..........................................................................................................18
1.2.4 Remarks for Terminal Server installation ...........................................................................................18 Installation of a component from the PGIM system software.........................................................19 Installation of a PGIM server or PGIM scanner..............................................................................25 Installation of a PGIM client............................................................................................................27 Update ............................................................................................................................................27 Folder structure...............................................................................................................................29 Initialization file PLACO.INI ............................................................................................................30 Installation of a component from the PGIM EventManagement.....................................................36
1.3 Security Concept ......................................................................................................................................37
1.3.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................37
1.3.2 Functionality........................................................................................................................................37
1.3.3 Firewall settings ..................................................................................................................................39
1.3.4 Virus Scanner Exclusions for PGIM ...................................................................................................40
1.4 User Manager ............................................................................................................................................41
1.4.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................41
1.4.2 Call-in of the UserManager.................................................................................................................41
1.4.3 Arrangement of the different control elements in the UserManager ..................................................42
1.4.4 UserManager functionality:.................................................................................................................42 Display users and user groups.......................................................................................................42 Rename user group........................................................................................................................42 Add new user..................................................................................................................................42 Change password for users ...........................................................................................................43 Allocate users to another group .....................................................................................................43 Allocate rights for specific signals to specific user groups .............................................................43 Allocate application rights to a specific user group ........................................................................43
1.5 Signal Names ............................................................................................................................................45

1.6 Status Information....................................................................................................................................46

1.7 Time Zones................................................................................................................................................48

1.7.1 Function of TimeZone.........................................................................................................................49 Time format.....................................................................................................................................49 FileTime ..........................................................................................................................................49 Unix-stile time format Double Values (used in PGIM)....................................................................49 VisualBasic /VB/VBA,etc.)-like Double Values...............................................................................49 Converting function.........................................................................................................................49 Short TimeZoneTableLoaded(void) :..............................................................................................50 Void Initialize (void) :.......................................................................................................................50
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Installation/Administration Double FileTime2UnixDbl (FILETIME *Date) .................................................................................50 BiasFlag..........................................................................................................................................50 Return Code ...................................................................................................................................50
1.7.2 Build up of TimeZone.txt.....................................................................................................................51
1.8 Used Ports.................................................................................................................................................52

1.9 Range (double, float)................................................................................................................................53

1.10 Maintenance Interval ................................................................................................................................53

2 Scanner .....................................................................................................................................55

2.1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................................55

2.2 ScanManager ............................................................................................................................................57

2.2.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................57
2.2.2 Settings...............................................................................................................................................57
2.2.3 Zero Point Cut off................................................................................................................................58
2.2.4 Redundant Scanmanagers.................................................................................................................60
2.2.5 Changing the port number of a ScanManager ...................................................................................60
2.3 ScanDriver.................................................................................................................................................61
2.3.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................61
2.4 Virtual ScanDriver.....................................................................................................................................62
2.4.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................62
2.4.2 Installation...........................................................................................................................................62 Configuration ..................................................................................................................................62 Structure of the VSD.INI control file................................................................................................63 Structure of the signal configuration file KONFI.CSV.....................................................................63
2.5 ABB PGIM System Scandriver ................................................................................................................65
2.5.1 Installation...........................................................................................................................................65
2.5.2 SystemScanner.ini..............................................................................................................................66
2.6 ABB PGIM WatchDog ScanDriver...........................................................................................................67
2.6.1 Installation...........................................................................................................................................67
2.7 ABB Contronic 3.......................................................................................................................................69
2.7.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................69 Contronic 3 connection requirements.............................................................................................69 Example of a C3 configuration .......................................................................................................70 Configuration of the Contronic 3 connection ..................................................................................71
2.8 ABB Conlink (Contronic 3-I, Contronic EK, Contronic P) ....................................................................74
2.8.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................74
2.8.2 Folder structure ConLink connection..................................................................................................74 Folder "Konfi_Conlink Scanner" .....................................................................................................75 Folder " ConlinkNT " .......................................................................................................................75
2.8.3 Contronic block transfer......................................................................................................................77
2.8.4 Configuration of ConLink connection .................................................................................................78 Short configuration procedure for Contronic E and C3I .................................................................78 Short configuration procedure format.............................................................................................78 Short configuration procedure description......................................................................................79 Create short configuration procedure.............................................................................................80 Transfer short configuration procedure ..........................................................................................80 Connection run ...............................................................................................................................81 Contents of the file CONFI.TXT......................................................................................................83 Short configuration procedure format Contronic P.........................................................................83 Short configuration procedure format.............................................................................................83 Short configuration procedure description......................................................................................84

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Installation/Administration Create short configuration procedure.............................................................................................85 Transfer short configuration procedure ..........................................................................................85 Connection run ...............................................................................................................................86 Contents of the file CONFI.TXT......................................................................................................87
2.8.5 ConLink connection with ConVisa configuration data ........................................................................87
2.9 OPC-Client.................................................................................................................................................89
2.9.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................................................89
2.9.2 Prerequisites.......................................................................................................................................90
2.9.3 Installation OPC-Scanner ...................................................................................................................90
2.9.4 Format of the file OPCScanner.INI.....................................................................................................91
2.9.5 Format konfi.txt ...................................................................................................................................91
2.9.6 Start of the OPC-Scanner...................................................................................................................92
2.9.7 Error Codes ........................................................................................................................................92
2.9.8 OPC Status information in PGIM........................................................................................................94
2.9.9 OPC-Scanner an Operate IT B...........................................................................................................95
2.9.10 Advant AC400 and Advant AC450 ...................................................................................................100
2.9.11 Installation instructions for PGIM OPC-Scanner to AC800F (formerly Freelance 2000) .................101
2.9.12 OPC-Scanner for Procontrol P13 .....................................................................................................103 General .........................................................................................................................................103 Scanner Configuration..................................................................................................................103 OPC Data Access Configuration ..................................................................................................103 OPC Alarm and Event ..................................................................................................................104
2.9.13 OPC-Scanner on a WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750..................................................................................105
2.9.14 OPC-Scanner on Siemens WinCC...................................................................................................107 OPC Scanner specials for Siemens S5/S7 ..................................................................................107
2.9.15 Procontrol P13 ..................................................................................................................................108 General .........................................................................................................................................108 Scanner Configuration..................................................................................................................108 OPC Data Access Configuration ..................................................................................................108 OPC Alarm and Event ..................................................................................................................109
2.10 ABB PROCONTROL P14 (POS30).........................................................................................................110
2.10.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................110
2.10.2 Prerequisites PROCONTROL P.......................................................................................................110
2.10.3 Installation XTC-Scanner..................................................................................................................111
2.10.4 XTCScanner.ini.................................................................................................................................114
2.10.5 Network Configuration at PGIM side ................................................................................................114
2.10.6 Start of the XTC-Scanners ...............................................................................................................114
2.11 ABB Symphony Maestro-UX .................................................................................................................115
2.11.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................115
2.11.2 Installation on a PGIM PC ................................................................................................................116
2.11.3 Configuration on a PGIM PC ............................................................................................................116
2.11.4 Updating of the Confi.txt configuration file........................................................................................116
2.11.5 Installation on the Maestro-UX workstation......................................................................................118 Maestro environment and UNIX ...................................................................................................118 Installation of the "NETAPI" software on the Maestro-UX workstation ........................................119
2.12 ABB Symphony PProtocol (Onet, Melody, OperateIT B0/B1) .............................................................124
2.12.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................124
2.12.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................124
2.12.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................125
2.12.4 Pconnect.txt configuration file from Maestro UX ..............................................................................125
2.12.5 Pconnect.txt configuration file from OperateIT B0/B1 .......................................................................126
2.12.6 Pprotscanner.ini (Packed Boolean Telegrams)................................................................................126
2.13 ASCII-File.................................................................................................................................................128
2.13.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................128
2.13.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................128
2.13.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................128
2.13.4 Structure of the signal configuration file KONFI.CSV.......................................................................129
2.13.5 Structure of the measured value file WERTE.CSV ..........................................................................130
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2.14 ASCII Online Scanner.............................................................................................................................132
2.14.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................132
2.14.2 Value file ...........................................................................................................................................132
2.14.3 Signal Configuration .........................................................................................................................133 Build up of the signal configuration file KONFI.CSV ....................................................................133
2.14.4 Configuration file ASCIIOnlineScanner.ini........................................................................................134
2.15 Teleperm-XP............................................................................................................................................137
2.15.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................137
2.15.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................137
2.15.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................138
2.16 ABB Symphony Harmony (Infi 90) ........................................................................................................142
2.16.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................142
2.16.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................142
2.16.3 Structure ...........................................................................................................................................143
2.16.4 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................143
2.17 ABB ConDas ...........................................................................................................................................163
2.17.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................163
2.17.2 Shortconfiguration ............................................................................................................................163 Introduction ...................................................................................................................................163 Creation of Short Documentation .................................................................................................164 Structure of Short Documentation ................................................................................................165 Example of a short configuration procedure.................................................................................167
2.17.3 The GDB File ....................................................................................................................................167
2.17.4 The ConDasScanner.ini Control File................................................................................................168
2.17.5 Log Files ...........................................................................................................................................170
2.18 Intellution FIX ..........................................................................................................................................171
2.18.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................171
2.18.2 The GDB File ....................................................................................................................................171
2.18.3 The FIXScanner.ini Control File .......................................................................................................172
2.18.4 Log Files ...........................................................................................................................................173
2.19 ScanDriver for Mark IV (MarkIVScanner) .............................................................................................173
2.19.1 Data collection ..................................................................................................................................174
2.19.2 MarkIVScanner.ini ............................................................................................................................174
2.19.3 Configuration Files *.txt ....................................................................................................................175
2.19.4 Log files ............................................................................................................................................177
2.20 GSM Protocol for MarkV/VI Scanner ....................................................................................................178
2.20.1 MarkVScanner.ini .............................................................................................................................178
2.20.2 179
2.20.3 Configuration data for MarkV............................................................................................................179
2.20.4 Configuration data of MarkVI............................................................................................................180
2.20.5 Log files ............................................................................................................................................180
2.21 Modbus ....................................................................................................................................................181
2.21.1 ModbusScanner.ini...........................................................................................................................181
2.21.2 Configuration file Confi.txt ................................................................................................................184
2.22 IEC60870-5-104 .......................................................................................................................................187

2.23 SQL Scanner or SQL Transfer Program...............................................................................................189

2.23.1 Installation.........................................................................................................................................189
2.23.2 Start ..................................................................................................................................................189
2.23.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................189
2.23.4 Options .............................................................................................................................................194
2.23.5 Executing the Program .....................................................................................................................194
3 OPC-Servers ...........................................................................................................................195

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PGIM 5 Table of Contents
3.1 OPC DA Server on Scan Manager ........................................................................................................195

3.2 Licensing .................................................................................................................................................195

3.2.1 Installation.........................................................................................................................................196
3.2.2 Name Box .........................................................................................................................................198
3.3 OPC DA Server on PGIM Database.......................................................................................................199

3.4 Functionality ...........................................................................................................................................200

3.5 Quality Mapping......................................................................................................................................200

3.6 Implemented Interfaces .........................................................................................................................201

3.7 PGIM OPC DA Server Performance Test..............................................................................................204

3.8 OPC HDA Compliance Key ....................................................................................................................204

4 Database / Server ...................................................................................................................205

4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................205

4.2 Start / Stop...............................................................................................................................................206

4.2.1 Start the server .................................................................................................................................206
4.2.2 Stop the server .................................................................................................................................206
4.2.3 Status monitoring of the server.........................................................................................................206
4.3 Time synchronization between clients and server .............................................................................208

4.4 Diagnosis.................................................................................................................................................209
4.4.1 PGIM Server diagnosis by Web Interface ........................................................................................209
4.4.2 Client Connections ...........................................................................................................................212
4.4.3 The 1000 fastest Signals ..................................................................................................................213
4.4.4 Description of Perfomance Counter and WMI..................................................................................215
4.5 PGIM Server Redundancy for High Availability...................................................................................217
4.5.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................217
4.5.2 Function mode ..................................................................................................................................217
4.5.3 Installation (Case 1)..........................................................................................................................219 IPSwitch in the Client Network (Redproxy) ..................................................................................220 IPSwitch in the Client Network (Redproxy) ..................................................................................221
4.5.4 Installation (Case 2)..........................................................................................................................222 IPSwitch Case 2 ...........................................................................................................................223
4.5.5 Installation (Case 3)..........................................................................................................................223 IPSwitch Case 3 ...........................................................................................................................225 Installation of the first IPSwitch.....................................................................................................225 Installation of the second IPSwitch...............................................................................................225
4.6 Handling instructions relating to typical scenarios............................................................................227
4.6.1 New installation of a redundancy system .........................................................................................227
4.6.2 Expansion of an existing server to redundancy ...............................................................................227
4.6.3 One redundancy partner fails ...........................................................................................................227
4.6.4 Both servers fail ................................................................................................................................228
4.6.5 Automatic “Primary Server” ..............................................................................................................228
4.6.6 Manual balancing .............................................................................................................................228
4.6.7 Start of only one server without redundancy partner .......................................................................229
4.7 Redundancy Manager ............................................................................................................................230
4.7.1 Possible texts in the detail analysis ..................................................................................................231
4.8 Replace the PGIM Server Hardware (Maintenance) ............................................................................240

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4.8.1 Starting Position Single PGIM Server ..............................................................................................240
4.8.2 Update procedure for “hostname stays the same“...........................................................................240
4.8.3 Update procedure for “hostname does change“ ..............................................................................241
5 PGIM Sytem Overview............................................................................................................242

5.1 General ....................................................................................................................................................242

5.2 Status.......................................................................................................................................................243

6 Trend .......................................................................................................................................244

6.1 Signal Colors...........................................................................................................................................244

6.2 Optional Columns in the Legend ..........................................................................................................244

6.3 Context Menu ..........................................................................................................................................245

6.3.1 Some Signals marked at the same Time .........................................................................................246
6.4 NLSTimeFormatID in GED.Settings......................................................................................................247

7 AutoMail ..................................................................................................................................248

7.1 Installation and Configuration...............................................................................................................248

7.2 Manage AutoMail Tasks.........................................................................................................................249

7.3 Task Configuration.................................................................................................................................250

7.4 E-mail List................................................................................................................................................251

8 Webserver for PGIM ThinWebClient .....................................................................................253

8.1 PGIM Thin WebClient and WebServer..................................................................................................253

8.2 Webclient using the standard PGIM client software ..........................................................................253

8.2.1 Function of WebClients ....................................................................................................................254
8.2.2 Configuration of WebClient...............................................................................................................255
8.2.3 PGIM Server in the Internet..............................................................................................................256
9 Backup hints...........................................................................................................................257

9.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................257
9.1.1 Requirements and Preparations.......................................................................................................257
9.1.2 Backup Tools ....................................................................................................................................257
9.2 Windows Operating System..................................................................................................................258
9.2.1 Backup..............................................................................................................................................258
9.2.2 Recovery...........................................................................................................................................258
9.3 Office Applications and Other Tools ....................................................................................................259
9.3.1 Backup..............................................................................................................................................259
9.3.2 Recovery...........................................................................................................................................259
9.4 PGIM Server ............................................................................................................................................260
9.4.1 Backup of Basic Installation..............................................................................................................260
9.4.2 Recovery of Basic Installation ..........................................................................................................260
9.4.3 Backup of Continuously Changing Data...........................................................................................260
9.4.4 Recovery of Continuously Changing Data .......................................................................................261
9.4.5 PGIM Folder Structure......................................................................................................................261
9.5 PGIM Scanner .........................................................................................................................................261
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9.6 PGIM Client..............................................................................................................................................261

9.7 Event Management .................................................................................................................................261

9.7.1 Backup of Basic Installation..............................................................................................................261
9.7.2 Recovery of Basic Installation ..........................................................................................................261
9.7.3 Backup of Continuously Changing Data...........................................................................................262
9.7.4 Recovery of Continuously Changing Data .......................................................................................262
9.8 Complete Backup and Recovery...........................................................................................................262
9.8.1 Backup..............................................................................................................................................262
9.8.2 Recovery...........................................................................................................................................262
10 Ex/Import-Manager .................................................................................................................263

10.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................263

10.2 Installation...............................................................................................................................................264
10.2.1 Initialization file .................................................................................................................................264
11 AutoUpdate .............................................................................................................................265

11.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................................265

11.2 Preconditions..........................................................................................................................................266

11.3 Installation of AutoUpdate.....................................................................................................................267

11.4 Administration of PGIM AutoUpdate ....................................................................................................268

11.5 AutoUpdate on PGIM Clients.................................................................................................................271

11.6 Files in the Update Folder of the File Server .......................................................................................272

11.7 Sample Installations...............................................................................................................................273

11.7.1 Setup of the FTP server ...................................................................................................................273
11.7.2 Setup of clients .................................................................................................................................274 First example ................................................................................................................................274 Second example ...........................................................................................................................275
12 PGIM Report Scheduler .........................................................................................................277

12.1 Troubleshooting the Report Scheduler................................................................................................279

12.2 Configuration of a scheduler item ........................................................................................................280

12.3 Configuration of additional jobs ...........................................................................................................284

12.4 Options ....................................................................................................................................................285

13 Additional Programs ..............................................................................................................286

13.1 ASCII-Export............................................................................................................................................286
13.1.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................286
13.1.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................286
13.2 External Scheduler (legacy) ..................................................................................................................287
13.2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................287
13.2.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................287 Files required for the installation...................................................................................................287 Files required for the access to PGIM ..........................................................................................287 Files necessary for the access to the registry ..............................................................................288
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13.3 System Router ........................................................................................................................................289
13.3.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................289
13.3.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................289
13.3.3 Structure ...........................................................................................................................................289
13.3.4 Operation ..........................................................................................................................................290
13.3.5 Autostart / Initialization file................................................................................................................290
13.3.6 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................290 Module Connect............................................................................................................................291 Module DisConnectAlarm.............................................................................................................291 Module ODER (OR)......................................................................................................................292 Module 2ZU1 (2 to 1)....................................................................................................................293
13.4 AutoMailer ...............................................................................................................................................294
13.4.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................294
13.4.2 Installation.........................................................................................................................................294
13.4.3 Structure ...........................................................................................................................................294
13.4.4 Procedure during configuration, start and stop ................................................................................294
13.4.5 Operation ..........................................................................................................................................295 Setting Options .............................................................................................................................295 Create new folder .........................................................................................................................295 Set folder ......................................................................................................................................295 Active ............................................................................................................................................295 Add e-mail addresses to the folder...............................................................................................295 Delete e-mail addresses from the folder ......................................................................................295 Add, change or delete e-mail addresses in the internal AutoMail database ................................296 Delete e-mail addresses from the internal AutoMail database ....................................................296 Edit e-mail addresses in the internal AutoMail database .............................................................296 Add e-mail addresses to the internal AutoMail database.............................................................296 Set properties of folder .................................................................................................................296 Quit AutoMail ................................................................................................................................296 Remarks .......................................................................................................................................296
13.4.6 Error analysis....................................................................................................................................297 Options .........................................................................................................................................297 Log file ..........................................................................................................................................297
13.5 System Diagnosis...................................................................................................................................297
13.5.1 General .............................................................................................................................................297
13.5.2 Icons .................................................................................................................................................297
13.5.3 Handling............................................................................................................................................297
13.5.4 Main Items ........................................................................................................................................299 ScanManager ...............................................................................................................................299 Server ...........................................................................................................................................301 Client.............................................................................................................................................302 Info ................................................................................................................................................303
13.5.5 Create Report ...................................................................................................................................303
13.5.6 Restrictions using Windows terminal server ....................................................................................304
13.5.7 Log file "DrPlantCon.log" ..................................................................................................................304
13.6 WatchDog ................................................................................................................................................305
13.6.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................305
13.6.2 Procedure .........................................................................................................................................305 Control System Setup...................................................................................................................305 PGIM Setup ..................................................................................................................................305
13.6.3 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................306
13.7 PlaCoArc (Symphony Maestro-UX).......................................................................................................310
13.7.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................310
13.7.2 Installation on the Maestro-UX workstation......................................................................................311 Detailed description of software installation .................................................................................314 Customize the "/etc/services" file on the Maestro-UX WS ...........................................................315 Installation of the "Mux2PlaCo" software on the Maestro-UX WS ...............................................316 Copy "OPL_APPL_TASK*" for integration into the APIM process...............................................316

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Installation/Administration Customize the "/NETAPI/netapistart" ...........................................................................................317
13.7.3 Installation of the PlaCoArc on the PGIM PC...................................................................................319
13.8 Auto RAS Dialer ......................................................................................................................................320
13.8.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................320
13.8.2 Conditions.........................................................................................................................................320
13.8.3 Installation.........................................................................................................................................320
13.8.4 Configuration ....................................................................................................................................320
13.8.5 Operation ..........................................................................................................................................322

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1 General
Power Generation Information Manager (PGIM) is the new name for the former known Plant
Information Management Software "PlantConnect". This document and also the PGIM Software use
both names.

1.1 Introduction
For the specific tasks of plant management, a Process Information Management System (PIMS) is
both the basis and also the tool to acquire and centrally evaluate all process data using one system
with one user interface.


Counters interface

Alarm and event Trends and +

Real-time Relational
management data History data process graphics
base base

Logs and Performance

accounting calculation


Figure 1: Functional scope of PGIM

PGIM is a PIMS which is completely operable under the Windows operating system. It takes
advantage of the experience gained from the predecessor systems, for example ConDas and
ConVisa. Using the latest development tools and currently available system environments (fast PCs,
Win32, proven and well-known standard software), PGIM meets the requirements of an efficient and
plant-wide process information management.

2VAA000322 July 2010 13


Figure 2: Overview of the PGIM system structure (example)

The PGIM scanner implements the control system connection, for example to Symphony Maestro,
Freelance 2000, PROCONTROL P, Contronic E-K, Contronic P, Contronic 3 or to control systems of
other manufacturers for example via OPC. Via network connections, process data is transmitted by a
TCP/IP protocol to a PGIM server. All process data can be submitted to a preprocessing procedure,
so that all operators will have access to the same data stock.
Each PGIM server stores the process data in a process database. The process data is transferred by
the scanners based on the changes made to the data. In the process database signal descriptions are
stored along with other important information:
 Real-time and historical values.
 Events with detailed status information from the lower-level systems.
The PGIM clients retrieve the process data from the database. The server as well as the clients
provides extensive functions for an evaluation of process states. Analog, binary and counter values as
well as status signals can be evaluated by one system. With trend analysis screens you can observe
current and historical process states. Process graphics display process data together with results from
Laboratory values, such as material data, can be entered manually into the system. With a process
graphic editor, informative plant and/or process graphics are prepared and adapted dynamically. An
integrated import of Windows graphic formats, for example BMP format, is included.
Common interfaces like OLE / SQL are supported by PGIM. Thus, the integration of common software
products, such as Microsoft Excel, is ensured.
The Microsoft Windows operating systems are used as the platform for the PGIM scanners and
servers. PC hardware is used as the hardware platform. The PGIM clients are operable under
Microsoft Windows. For detailed information on supported Windows versions, please refer to the
release note.
For a cost-saving implementation of PC-based small systems, it is possible to operate PGIM server,
scanner and client on the same computer. Due to the modular structure, the system can be adapted
individually to customer requirements.

1.1.1 Process data acquisition (scanner)

Scanners to acquire data from a number of different distributed control systems. In addition, scanners
can be customized to implement any new systems.

2VAA000322 July 2010 14

 For the Symphony distributed control system, the network uses TCP/IP protocol to an operator
workstation Symphony Maestro-UX, and to the O-net system bus.
 For the PROCONTROL P distributed control system, the network uses TCP/IP protocol to a
POS30 workstation, and it uses the XTC protocol.
 For the Symphony Harmony (Infi 90) distributed control system the semAPI is used.
 Contronic E-K, Contronic 3I or Contronic P systems are connected via serial interfaces with the
Conlink protocol.
 With Contronic 3 systems connection is possible via the cubicle bus to the MZ03, XU03/04,
XU13/14 and SL04/05 bus-capable modules.
 An OPC Client allows you to connect to foreign distributed control systems if they support OPC
Server (for example Freelance 2000, Sattline, Siemens S5, Siemens S7, Siemens Teleperm M,...).
 An ASCII-ScanDriver allows for a cyclic data import, for example for connection older process
 For the Teleperm XP distributed control system from Siemens the network uses TCP/IP protocol to
the Siemens gateway TXP/XU.
In addition to this on-line data transfer, manual inputs into the system (for example for laboratory data)
are also possible.
The scanners permit a preprocessing of process data. Based on the incoming values, it is possible to
derive events (messages) or to sum quantities using limit value checks. Counters can be implemented
which will integrate, for instance, the operating hours or determine a switching frequency. This occurs
when the status of binary values change. This preprocessing can be extended at any time by linking
with DLL modules (Dynamic Link Library).

1.1.2 Process Data Management (Server)

PGIM includes a process data server to store:
 Signal descriptions.
 Current process data (real-time data).
 Historical process data (long-term storage).
 Messages (events).
Process data includes these stored values:
 The time of acquisition.
 The physical value.
 Detailed status information (for example measured value disturbed).
This data is retrieved from the lower-level distributed control systems and generated in PGIM. The
process data server is the central element of PGIM, from which all the other functions obtain their
data. It provides a high degree of safety and processing speed.
Data can be compressed for long-term storage using, for example:
 Average value.
 Minimum value.
 Maximum value.
 Last value.
 Tolerance band methods.
The tolerance band procedure is the default method of compression.

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With interface functions (API), the databases can be opened for read and write access from software
applications. Common interfaces (such as OLE, SQL) ensure compatibility with the usual office
environment, and common Microsoft-Office products.

1.1.3 Process Data Evaluation (Clients)

Networked computer systems are required for the management of process data on process data
servers. They are also required for the distribution of data to the respective technical departments.
Commercial PC’s can be used as client workstations for data evaluation, operation and configuration.
The interconnected client-server structure minimizes the data flow in the network. Various specialized
clients (software applications) provide fast and individual services for the specific tasks of plant
management. Navigator
The PGIM navigator manages logs, technical calculations, process graphics and trend analyses using
a familiar Windows tree-structure display. The structure can be changed and adapted individually to
create the optimum working environment for each staff member. SignalExplorer
The SignalExplorer retrieves all configured process data from the connected servers. This data can be
filtered and sorted according to codes. Using drag-and-drop operations the signals are controlled by
the clients, i.e. the process data is connected with the client. Trend Analysis

With Trend Analysis you can examine current and historical process data on a screen. You can easily
select and enlarge the time domain to be examined.
The values, points of time and time domains of an arbitrary number of curves can be measured in one
picture. To obtain a better overview you can flood the curves differently, assign different colors and
displace them in the X- and Y-direction. Via the legend for the trend analysis, the representation can
be faded in or out.
An associated control panel allows the selection of the time domains to be examined. Process graphic

The Process Graphics allow you to clearly display process data together with the results of
calculations. It is also possible to enter calculation parameters and laboratory values manually into the
system, for example material data. Process graphics are customized to fit to the requirements of the
different users. They can be displayed or modified with a user-friendly graphic editor. Logging
Current and historical process data is summarized in a log, and can be printed or saved. The logs are
automatically activated, either in a pre-determined cycle, or by events. Operator intervention is also
possible. Microsoft Excel is used as the front-end software.
Logs are based on templates:
 Daily, weekly, monthly and yearly logs.
 Accounting logs.
 Maintenance logs.

2VAA000322 July 2010 16

 Matrix logs.
The logging process fills in the templates with process data, processes them if necessary, and makes
the logs available for printing or storage as files.
The names and the description of the process data can be accessed through menus. This simplifies
the configuration of signal-connection and layout.
The integration of logging under Microsoft Excel opens log data to Office applications. Logs that have
been generated and stored can processed whenever necessary. Technical calculations

Calculations can be created with algorithms that use current or historical process or test data.
Calculations can either be performed once, or they can be continually executed in a cycle. Standard
libraries (for example water-steam table) can be used for complex thermodynamic calculations.
Compared to logging, the technical calculations provide extended functions such as calculation
modules and methods of calculation.
The configuration takes place in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. You can select a calculation module
from a range of options.
The inputs and outputs of the calculation module can be linked with the process data or with
constants. The Signal Explorer allows you to assign signals via drag-and-drop operations to the
A menu-driven system leads you through the configuration of your technical calculation.
The calculations can be done with Excel or with the Calculation Server. Security Concept

In PGIM you can configure individual applications or signals with different rights to provide the
following functionalities:
 Data security.
 Data integrity.
 Different hierarchy levels.
 Different responsibilities.
The "UserManager" manages PGIM user rights. With it administrators (SysAdmin) can establish new
users or user groups, assign passwords and allocate the different rights to individual user groups or to

2VAA000322 July 2010 17


1.2 Setup instruction

1.2.1 PGIM Installation Kit

The components in the PGIM-Software Installation Kit are as follows:
 PGIM CD with PGIM Basis Software including EventManagement.
 A software protection module (Dongle). This is included with the installation kit. If it is not,
contact your software supplier. In special cases the licensing can also be done via the network
card of the computer on which PGIM is installed.
 A license file "LCFG.INI". This is included with a floppy disc. If it is not, contact your software
supplier. In special cases the license file can be sent by e-mail or the content of the license file can
be sent by fax.
Note: If the PGIM Server and Scanner are installed on different computers a dongle and a license file
are needed for both computers.

1.2.2 Licensing
The CD contains the entire PGIM software package. You are limited in portions of the package you
can use, based on the software protection module in the license file.
Monitoring the licensed scope of use is performed by the PGIM server. If your installation uses one
PGIM server, this server will also be the license server. If you installation uses several PGIM servers
(multi-server environment), you must determine which PGIM server to use as a license server.

1.2.3 Installation Requirements for installation

To install a PGIM server or a PGIM scanner, make sure you have the required operating system.
Please refer to the release note for supported operator system versions, also on hardware and
software requirements.
Because TCP/IP communication is used between the different PGIM components (in the network as
well as on a PC) this protocol must be installed on the PGIM system. Contact your system
administrator for help with installing TCP/IP.
The following requirements must also be met before you can start the setup:
 For the installation of a PGIM server or scanner, you require:
o License file "LCFG.INI".
o Dongle.
 For a PGIM client installation, you must know the TCP/IP name of the PGIM server and the name
of the PGIM license server.
 When installing a component from the PGIM EventManagement, follow the instructions in the
separate configuration.

1.2.4 Remarks for Terminal Server installation

If you plann to install PGIM on a terminal server, please conside to
Switch the server into installation mode: change user /install
Check in which mode the server is right now: change user /query

2VAA000322 July 2010 18

After you are done switch the terminal server back into operation: change user /execute

During installation time, no user shall have access to the terminal server. Installation of a component from the PGIM system software

 Read the preceding chapters regarding installation before installing components.
 Windows login: Log in as a user with administrator rights.
 After inserting the CD, the installation procedure should start automatically. You can also
execute the SETUP.EXE program from the CD.

The following sequence must be performed:

1. Install PGIM.
2. Reboot if necessary.
3. Install the service pack for PGIM.
4. Reboot if necessary.
5. Install EventManagement (if licensed).
6. Reboot if necessary.
7. Install the service pack for EventManagement.
8. Reboot if necessary.

For updating an already existing installation, you can use the Update system button in the automatic
installation section, even if no configure.ini file is present. This button will update the installation
silently without any user interaction, please see the Update System section in this document on more
information on this process.

 The PGIM Welcome window of the installation program opens.

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Automatic installation needs a configuration file, which can be obtained from an ABB
representative for your system. This option is applicable for PGIM in 800xA control system
installations. For details please refer to the PGIM 800xA Installation Manual.
The Setup consist out of three tabs:
PGIM: from here all PGIM base software can be installed
800xA: special setup components for 800xA systems
Tools: 3rd party software components that are pre-requisites for some parts of the PGIM
 From the PGIM tab choose “Install PGIM Server and Client …”.
On the next screen confirm the license agreement:

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Press Continue.

The next screen will show the status of a small system check if your computer software
complies with the PGIM minimum requirements. Please solve all problems before you continue
your installation. Warnings are yellow and can be solved at a later point in time.
For most issues return to the previous screen by pressing Cancel and click on the Tools tab.

If the Dot Net framework is either not installed or with the wrong version number, please install
it. Don’t forget to reboot after the Dot Net Framework was installed.
If everything is ok click the “Start” button
 On the next screen you will find the PGIM Installation Welcome page.

2VAA000322 July 2010 21


Please press “Next” to continue

 On the next screen you can choose the installation path which will be used by the system.

The standard folder is "C:\PGIM"

If you have already installed PGIM on this computer and are only re-installing a component now,
the target folder is recognized by the setup, and a reinstallation will be performed in the same
target folder.

Note: You can not perform a second installation in another folder. If you require another
installation path, you must remove then reinstall PGIM.

 Click Next. The window for the selection of components appears. Now select the required

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Select those components which you would like to install. Client and Server come without an
extra option menu.
 Scanner selection: Activate [] Scanner and select one or several ScanDrivers via the
Details... button. Click ENTER after the detail selection in order to return to the Select
components window.
 Selection of tools: Activate [] Tools and select one or several PGIM tools via the
Details... button. Click ENTER after the detail selection in order to return to the Select
components window.
 After having selected all the components, click Next.

This screen will give you the possibility to choose whether the system will be constructed
redundant or not. After selection press Next
 All necessary files will be copied. This can take a few minutes. After that, some final
questions must be answered.

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When you install a PGIM client then the installation will ask you for giving the PGIM server
name that it shall connect to and retrieve the license from.

When the installation is complete and all software is loaded then hit Finish on this screen.

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Update from OPC DA Server:

When upgrading a PGIM system from a prior version, which is using the OPC DA server, you
will see a message on your screen asking whether to upgrade to the never and improved
version of the OPC DA server. This is recommended but be aware that you will have to change
your OPC client assignments as well since the new OPC server does have a new GUID. Installation of a PGIM server or PGIM scanner

 Characteristic features regarding the installation of a server or scanner: After you have
selected a PGIM server or scanner, you will be requested to select the folder where your license
file resides. (Usually the file "LCFG.INI" on a disk, see notes on the scope of delivery)
 If this is an initial installation of the server or a scanner on this computer, select the corresponding
folder and click OK.
 If you do not yet have a license file, you may click Skip.
 You can manually add the file LCFG.INI later on. To do this, copy the file into the folder <PGIM-
TargetPath>\PlantConnect.bin\CFG and stop and start the Windows services "PGIM Server" and
"PGIM ScanManager" once.
 If you do not manually add an LCFG.INI, you will only have a demo system where the scanner
does not start. The server will start, however, with the limitation to one client and 10 signals.
 Dongle: Now take the supplied dongle and put it onto the printer port LPT1 or LPT2 of the
computer. If you have a USB dongle please place it in any USB port of your system. During this
operation the dongle must not be removed!
 PGIM data path: This is the main path where PGIM saves the complete data for all the signals
(values and configurations). Select any path name. Only make sure that an NTFS drive is used,
and that long file names are permitted.

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 After you have entered all this information, PGIM is installed on your computer.
 Restart your system. In the case of a server or scanner installation, you should log in again as an
administrator and check in the Windows service manager (under the Control panel) whether the
services "PGIM ScanManager" and "PGIM Server" have the status "Started" and if "Automatic"
has been entered as the kind of start.

After the initial installation of a server, you must activate the PGIM User Manager and define the
users. The User Manager expects that you have logged in with the name "Administrator". Then the
password "PlantConnect" is expected (see PGIM UserManager).

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Refer to PGIM Scanner, for commissioning the individual scanners. Installation of a PGIM client

Characteristic features regarding the installation of a client: At the initial installation of a client,
you will be requested to give the following details:
Navigator path: This is the folder where your personal PGIM configurations (trend displays, logs,
calculations, etc.) are stored. Select any path name. Only take care that long file names are permitted.
License server: Enter the TCP/IP name of the PGIM server. In a multi-server environment, select the
relevant PGIM server for your area, which is defined by your system designer.
After you have entered this information, PGIM is installed on your computer. Update
If this is not a new installation, i.e. if there is already a previous version of PGIM on your computer,
observe the following items before you continue with the installation:
If a PGIM Server and/or a PGIM ScanManager (see Control panel / Services) has been installed on
your computer, stop these services.
Backup the folders:
.. PlantConnect
.. PlantConnect.bin
.. PlantConnect.sys
After you have done your backup, please restart the services before you continue.
Before you begin the update , make sure that you have qualified license file for the PGIM
Version that you are going to install.
Licenses for PGIM version 3, 4 and 5.0 will not work with PGIM Version 5.1 and the system will not
start after the upgrade. Therefore make sure that you have new licenses for all your computers
running PGIM Servers or PGIM Scanners (OPC Servers, etc.).
If you have new licenses, test these new licenses before starting the update. Copy the license into


2VAA000322 July 2010 27


as lcfg.ini (save the old license file first of course) on each of your server (one at a time !)and then
restart the PGIM service. If the server does not start after this action, then your license file is not ok.

If you have added PGIM files after the installation, they will not be deleted when installing PGIM.
Windows login: Log in as a user with administrator rights.
The installation is started by executing the setup.exe file of the installation CD.

For you convenience your can use the “Update system” button on all system which will perform an
update of all prior installed components. This is the recommended procedure.
Do not stop any service on your system. Start the update procedure with the PGIM server. When all
servers are updated, move on to the ScanManagers (Connectivity Servers). The last item is to update
all clients.
- first the PGIM Servers
- then the Scan Managers/Connectivity Servers
- then all Clients

During the update process it is forbidden to do any PGIM tag configuration – this will harm the system
because the different versions may be incompatible to each other.
Press the update system button on every computer and wait until finished.
Attention: in some cases (e.g. on a Connectivity Server) the system may ask for a reboot.
-> If you are asked for a reboot then please do this!

2VAA000322 July 2010 28

-> be careful on redundancy servers:
- start Service Release Installation on one node.
- check, whether installation time was short enough to avoid a redundancy failure
- if the redundancy still works and no balance process is running you can proceed
installing Service Release on second server node.
- if redundancy fails during Service Release installation then
and then continue installing second server node!!

Once you are done, continue with the other computers in your System.

Do not forget to start the PGIM Navigator on all systems with an installed client before you can use the
new features in Excel. The Navigator recognizes that a new version has been installed and will run
through the user configuration again once you press “start” in the Navigator. Folder structure

During the installation, the following folder structure is created:
(This example uses drive C:)

Folder for plant-specific applications (graphic charts, curves, logs and calculations). The subfolders of
this folder are displayed in the PGIM navigator.
Folder for program-specific files of the PGIM software.
The SYS folder includes different system subfolders.
Temporary files are stored here which can all be deleted and will be recreated by the applications (for
example: Data.tmp).
C:\ PGIM\PlantConnect.SYS\Debug
Here further subfolders are created by the applications in which the log files for an error analysis will
be created (for example: \SignalExplorer\SignalExplorer.log).
C:\ PGIM\PlantConnect.SYS\Texte
Here further subfolders are created for the different languages in which the text files (one per
application) will be created (for example: \English\SignalExplorer_dt.csv).
C:\ PGIM\PlantConnect.SYS\SysKonfi
Configuration (ini) files are stored here.
C:\ PGIM\PlantConnect.SYS\Events
Here the data interchange files between EventScanner and ImportClient are interchanged if PGIM
event management has been installed.

2VAA000322 July 2010 29

Installation/Administration Initialization file PLACO.INI

This INI-File is placed in the path "... \PlantConnect.bin\Server\" for the server application and in
"....\PlantConnect.bin\Client\" for the client application. The file PLACO.INI files applies to the
configuration and administration of PGIM.
It includes the following entries:
Section [PlantConnect]
Under this entry you can install the PGIM server and / or the graphic editor.
Server=  "Yes" means that PGIM will be used as server.
"No" means that PGIM will be used as client.
GED=  "Yes" means that the graphic editor shall be used on this PC.
"No" means that the graphic editor will not be used on this PC.
EventServer=  When using PGIM together with the event management, the indicate name of
the computer on which the PGIM event database is stored.
KillNotUsedConnectionsAfterHours = 48 Inactive client connections will be disconnected after X
hours. In the example it is 48 hours.

HDAlertIfLessThanMB = 200 If there is less than XX MB available on the hard disk, the file with
the parameter at "AtHDAlertPassMsgToApp" becomes active. If there is only 50% of the set value
available, the data collection of the Database Server stops
AtHDAlertPassMsgToApp = NetSend.bat In this file you can configure who should be informed
when this situation occurs.

Section [Server.Settings]
Paths for archive data:
The PGIM server archives all signal data (signal values and signal configurations) in the file system of
the computer. Therefore base paths for archive data must be preset here. The export paths designate
the external media to which the data will be transferred when the export time has been reached.
Roh.BasePath  Base path for the archives
Each signal in the server has its own RAM-Cache. The default size of a RAM-Cache can be set as
follows. It affects the RAM requirements of the server.
Generally, the following thumb rule applies:
RAM requirements in MB =
Roh.RAMCacheSize  Random-access memory dedicated for raw data
MaxSignals  Maximum of signals to be stored in the database
Roh.LifeTimeDays  Default lifetime of all raw signals in days. This parameter can be
set individual for each signal in the SignalExplorer.
WEBPort = 89  TCP/IP-Port for the Web Client communication (optional)
WebClientAutoLogoffAfterMinutes=15  Inactive Web Client connections are disconnected
after X Minutes.
HDAlertIfLessThanMB entry set, the default is now set to 300 (MBytes)

2VAA000322 July 2010 30

starts a script that is called when the server has less than a specific
amount of free hard disc space
MMM.BasePath=<path>\PGIM\PlantConnect.MMM\ PGIM Aggregate caches
The aggregate caches speed up automatically the access time for very fast signals over long time
ranges, e.g. months up to years. Location for the additional database space (~ 10 MB/signal) can be
configured with this key.
MMM.AutomaticOn=0 PGIM Aggregate Caches On/Off
The automatic mode for the PGIM aggregate caches can be disabled (default: enabled) inside the
PlaCo.ini of the PGIM Server: 0 means disable, 1 means enable
PrimaryServer and AtRedunancyStartupWaitMinutesForPeer are used for Primary server option for
redundancy mode ( set option only at one server ). The meaning is that the primary searver takes the
lead in a confusing situation. Be aware, that using this option has the advantage that the server will
never wait for the user interaction in a confusing situation, but you may loose data, since the primary
server will copy its content to the secondary server, even if the secondary server has newer data.

Section [GED.Settings]
MainPath = C:\PlantConnect  Main folder for the navigator. Here the path
.\System\Autostart is created automatically.
AddPath = D:\Office\Data  Additional folder for the navigator. Also a network path is possible
Section [SignalExplorer]
XtraTools =  The entry at this place allows a user-defined pull-down menu
in the SignalExplorer under Extras.
Signal = _KB_SignalName,140
No = _INDEX,20
Current Value = _KB_VALUE,95
Y-MRB = _KB_MBA,75
Y-MRE = _KB_MBE,75
MRB KKS = mba,75
MRE KKS = mbe,75
Dim = Dimension,70
Description (long text) = Langtext,300
DB Calc function = _KB_DBACCESS,120
Value Transform = _KB_MX_PLUS_B,180
Scanner = ScanMan,85
Driver = ScanDriver,80
Comment =_COMMENT,100

2VAA000322 July 2010 31

 Name (keywords) and length of the fields in the legend of the curve
Note: Do not modify the keywords left to the equation sign.

Description to [TREND.ATTRIBUTES]:
This section the trend legend is defined. Each input describes one column. (The example above has
10 columns).
<Column Name> = <DBKEY>,<Pixel Length>
Example: Signal = _KB_SignalName,200

<Column Name> is the text in the legend what is set for the title of the column. <DBKEY> is the key
word for the database field and <Pixel Length> is the length of the column. For <DBKEY> all
reachable database fields are possible (also the user defined).
There are some additional keys <DBKEY>. These special keys are marked with a prefix _. There is no
database information. These keys are internal keys of the trend. The following inputs are necessary:

_INDEX Number of the signal in the trend
_KB_VALUE actual value on the right hand side of the trend
_KB_MBA Scale start in the trend
_KB_MBE Scale end in the trend
_KB_DBACCESS Used database function [Special].
_KB_MX_PLUS_B Used transformation [Special].
_KB_SignalName Name of the wanted Signal
_COMMENT,100 Field for user defined comments. These comments are available in this trend

Section [Trend]
VISUALMODE = NORMAL  The thickness of the letters in the curve display can be changed
from "NORMAL" to "BOLD".
APIPROIFPATH=D:\apipro\apipro42\work If the maintenance program APIPRO is in use, a direct
connection between PGIM and the data in APIPRo can be set. The path to APIPRO is set in this


At each signal in the PGIM graphic a context menu appears if you click the right mouse button. This
example shows an "Applikation1". If you click this function the file "Action.Bat" is active.
A file with the name "CMD.INI" is created in the Client-folder (...PlantConnect.bin\client\). The following
information is set in that file:

2VAA000322 July 2010 32

The input in [Tags] shows the signal, what you selected in the graphic.
"Action.Bat" can start a program that uses this information in the CMD.ini file as a parameter.





In the trend, different context menus may be superimposed depending on the number of selected
signals. A distinction is made between:
- 1 signal selected,
- 2 signals selected,
- 3 signals selected,
- >3 signals selected.

For each of the above cases, a separate section is provided in the PlaCo.INI:

Browse additional info ... = AppA.VBS

2VAA000322 July 2010 33

Browse additional info ... = AppA.VBS
Correlation ... = Correla.XLS

Browse additional info ... = AppA.VBS

Browse additional info ... = AppA.VBS
3D representation = Do3DView.EXE

Example of a PlaCo.INI for a PGIM Client:

2VAA000322 July 2010 34



XtraTools=C:\PIMS\PlantConnect.BIN\Dokumentation\Deutsch\ScreenShow\PlantCo.pps, PPT-Show

MBA Scale=_KB_MBA,50
MBE Scale=_KB_MBE,50
MBA Org=mba,50
MBE Org=mbe,50
Comment =_COMMENT,100




Note: If the first character is a semicolon, this entry is regarded as a comment and will not be
Example of a PlaCo.INI for a PGIM Server:

2VAA000322 July 2010 35


Server = Yes
GED = No
; If You have a PlantConnect EventDB also, fill in the line below:
; EventServer = <ComputerName>

; new since 2.5:

KillNotUsedConnectionsAfterHours = 48

HDAlertIfLessThanMB = 200

Roh.BasePath = D:\PlantConnect.Roh\
Roh.RAMCacheSize = 200
MaxSignals = 1500
Roh.LifeTimeDays = 1000
WEBPort = 8081
AtHDAlertPassMsgToApp = NetSend.bat

MainPath = C:\PlantConnect
; AddPath = d:\XYZ

;XtraTools=C:\PlantConnect\PPTShow\PlantCo_d.ppt, PPT-Show
Signal = _KB_SignalName,200
Nr = _INDEX,20
Wert = _KB_VALUE,60
MBA Skala = _KB_MBA,50
MBE Skala = _KB_MBE,50
MBA Org = mba,50
MBE Org = mbe,50
Dim = Dimension,60
Langtext = Langtext,350
Scanner = ScanMan,80
Driver = ScanDriver,80
BerFkt = _KB_DBACCESS,120
Dim_Umrechnung = _KB_MX_PLUS_B,180

VISUALMODE = NORMAL Installation of a component from the PGIM EventManagement

To install a component from the PGIM EventManagement, follow the instructions in the
EventManagement configuration.

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1.3 Security Concept

1.3.1 Introduction
In PGIM it is possible to configure individual applications or signals with different rights and thus to
provide the following functionalities:
 Data security
 Data integrity
 Different hierarchy levels
 Different responsibilities
The "UserManager" serves for managing the PGIM user rights. By means of this "UserManager" the
PGIM system administrator (SysAdmin) can establish new users or user groups, assign passwords
and allocate the different rights to the individual user groups or to the signals.

1.3.2 Functionality
In order to be able to work within PGIM, each user must log on at the database by entering his name
and his password. In PGIM each user can be exactly allocated to a group. There are eight different
groups in PGIM and the group of system administrators. Only the system administrators are allowed to
connect signals from a ScanManager into the database. The system administrators can assign the
names of the eight user groups. All rights which are assigned in PGIM always refer to the user groups,
never to an individual user. In PGIM the rights are assigned to the individual signals. There are three
different rights per signal:
Read The right to read the signal and its values.
Write The right to write and to delete values for the signal.
The right to write and to delete the descriptions for the signal or to delete the signal itself
(including all archived values).
A specific right for a specific signal can be assigned to a user group, or it can be removed. Such an
assignment may only be performed by the PGIM system administrator (SysAdmin).
For each of the signals, the rights are stored in the database under the property "RTS". The storage is
done in a bit pattern.
RTS Bit pattern
Read Write Confi
PGIM user groups PGIM user groups PGIM user groups
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
3rd byte 2nd byte 1st byte
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Or binary
23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Thus, for each signal the rights can arbitrarily be set for each of the groups.

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 1 (high) in the bit pattern means that the right has been assigned to the group.
 0 (low) in the bit pattern means that the right has not been assigned to the group.
The property "RTS", for example, is displayed as a character string in the SignalExplorer. In this
representation, each of the three bytes (read/write/confi) is displayed by a two-digit hexadecimal
Thus the signal with the property RTS = "0F0705" has the following rights:
Read All PGIM user groups can read the signal.
The user groups 1, 2 and 3 may archive values for this signal or delete them from the
confi Only the user groups 1 and 3 may change the describing information for this signal.
The following table again shows the allocation of the bit pattern in this example to the user groups and
Read Write confi
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1
0F 07 05

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1.3.3 Firewall settings

The following firewall settings need to be applied:

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1.3.4 Virus Scanner Exclusions for PGIM

The following directories, files, and file types need to be excluded form any on-access scanning for
performance reasons:

Product Path or File type

PGIM Scanner %PGIMSYSTEMPATH%\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\scanman\Buffer\
PGIM Database %PGIMSYSTEMPATH%\PlantConnect.BIN\Server\
PGIM EventImporter %PGIMSYSTEMPATH%\PlantConnect.SYS\Events\
PGIM CalcServer %PGIMSYSTEMPATH%\PlantConnect.SYS\CalcServer\

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1.4 User Manager

1.4.1 Introduction
The UserManager module manages the PGIM user rights. By means of this "UserManager" the PGIM
system administrator (SysAdmin) can establish new users or user groups, assign passwords and
allocate the different rights to the individual user groups or to the signals.

1.4.2 Call-in of the UserManager

The UserManager can be started by selecting the entry UserManager from the program group PGIM
When starting the UserManager, you must determine the database to be configured.


In order to be able to start the UserManager, you must have the rights of a PGIM system administrator
for the indicated database.
To call up the UserManager the first time in order to get the rights of a PGIM system administrator you
must enter the user name "administrator" and the Password "PlantConnect".

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1.4.3 Arrangement of the different control elements in the UserManager

User groups User list

Structure tree

Change the view,

press F6


The figure shows the UserManager screen. The legends at the most important control elements of the
UserManager are defined here to get a uniform nomenclature. The UserManager is operated almost
exclusively via the context menu of the right mouse button or the "Drag and Drop" functionality of

1.4.4 UserManager functionality: Display users and user groups

After the SysAdmin has logged in (see 1.4.2), the different user groups will automatically be displayed
in the structure tree. The users of a group are displayed in the user list when a specific group is
selected in the structure tree. Rename user group

Except for the group "SysAdmin", all user groups in the structure tree can be renamed. A dialog is
called via the context menu "rename". Add new user

Select the user, and then click the right mouse button (right-click). Select Add User:
Enter the name of the user, and then set the password.

2VAA000322 July 2010 42

Installation/Administration Change password for users

The dialog for entering a new password (see can also be called by double-clicking the symbol
of the PGIM user. SysAdmin can change the password for the users at any time. Allocate users to another group

A user can be allocated from the user list to the different groups in the structure tree by using a drag-
and-drop operation. Allocate rights for specific signals to specific user groups

To configure the allocation of signals to the groups and to the different rights, the SignalExplorer must
be started in addition to the UserManager. Select the signals, and then drag them from the signal list
of the SignalExplorer to a group in the structure tree of the UserManager. The following dialog
displays the user rights: read, write and configure can be set or revoked for the selected signals. Allocate application rights to a specific user group

To set the application rights for a specific user group, right-click the group:

The rights can be activated or deactivated via the check boxes.

If no rights are activated, the User can create only trends and can use all configured functions in the
Configuration of process-graphics with the Editor means:
- Rights to create and change graphics

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- Rights to create reports out of the Navigator
- Rights to create calculations out of the Navigator
- Rights to create event views out of the Navigator
- Rights to create and change Navigator folders
Start, stop and deleting of signals with the SignalExplorer means
- The Scanner neighborhood in the SignalExplorer is reachable. This gives the rights to start, stop
and delete signals.
Limited Operation Mode means:
- Right to open the Navigator
- No right to close the PGIM Control Panel
- The user can see the PGIM pictures and trends if they are reachable in a startup picture. This
startup picture must be located in the startup folder of the PGIM Navigator.

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1.5 Signal Names

A PGIM signal name uniquely identifies a specific measuring point in a PGIM system.
All inquiries regarding the measured values or the description of signals are addressed in the PGIM
For all clients, the signals are set up as follows:
PGIM signal name = \\DbName\ScanManName\ScanDriverName\SignalName
DbName This is the TCP/IP name of the computer on which the database has been
installed. The name is unique as only one database each may be implemented
on a computer.
ScanManName This is the TCP/IP name of the computer on which the ScanManager has been
installed. The name is unique as only one ScanManager each may be
implemented on a computer.
ScanDriverName This is assigned by the user during the installation of the ScanDrivers. The user
must take care that all names used for the drivers, which are implemented in a
ScanManager, will be unique.
SignalName This is the name being used by the lower-level distributed control system (In a
power plant, this can be a name from the KraftwerkKennzeichnungsSystem
(power plant identification system), in process engineering plants, for example,
AnlagenKennZeichnungssystem (plant identification system)).

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1.6 Status Information

Description Abbr.
0 1 &H1 Off scan AO
1 2 &H2 Default value a1

2 4 &H4 Invalid AU
1st Byte

3 8 &H8 Limit value infringement AG

4 16 &H10 Overflow a4
5 32 &H20 Underflow a5
6 64 &H40 Simulated AS
7 128 &H80 Communication disturbance AK
0 256 &H100 Off scan ScanManager SO
1 512 &H200 Off scan database DO
2 1024 &H400 Not available (past, future) NV

3 2048 &H800 Infringement of max. limit value MA

2nd Byte

4 4096 &H1000 Infringement of min. limit value MI

5 8192 &H2000 Infringement of increasing limit LR
6 16384 &H4000 Infringement of decreasing limit LF
7 32768 &H8000 Error in calculation (tech. calculation CE
or accounting)

The Status Information in PGIM can be different between the connected systems. See the
configuration of the control systems.
The PGIM states have to be watched as independent binary informations. So if bit 0 is set, it gives the
information "Off Scan". Each bit may be set independent from others, but some are self excluding,
e.g. it's physicaly rubbish to have at the same time an "Overflow" and an "Underflow".
Short explained the PGIM states have the following meaning:
Off Scan: The value isn't refreshed by the controller
Default value: A replacement value send by the controller for what reason ever
Invalid: Don't trust the value
Limit Value Infringement: Either high or low limit violated
Overflow: High limit violated

Only ScanDriver Maestro-UX

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Underflow: Low limit violated
Simulated: Forced to a user defined value, e.g. by Melody Composer function plan
Communication Disturbance: Either the state is send by a controller, then it indicates e.g. some
broken link inside the automation, or a broken link between the
ScanDriver and it's datasource.

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1.7 Time Zones

In the PGIM databases all time information is stored in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). The connected
scanners and clients convert the local PC time at any write access into GMT, and at any read access
GMT is converted into the local PC time. Using this procedure, problems like different time zones and
summer / wintertime changeover are resolved.
In order to ensure a correct summer / winter time conversion of the archived measured values over a
longer period, the data of time changeover must be stored on each client for the coming and past
This is done in the file:

The structure of the file must have a specific predefined layout:

Example of a TimeZone.txt
OffsetFromGMT = +1
DayLightBias = +1
1980;30.03.1980 01:00;28.09.1980 01:00
1981;29.03.1981 01:00;27.09.1981 01:00
1982;28.03.1982 01:00;26.09.1982 01:00
1983;27.03.1983 01:00;25.09.1983 01:00
1984;25.03.1984 01:00;30.09.1984 01:00

1999;28.03.1999 01:00;31.10.1999 01:00
2000;26.03.2000 01:00;29.10.2000 01:00
2001;25.03.2001 01:00;28.10.2001 01:00
2002;31.03.2002 01:00;27.10.2002 01:00
2003;30.03.2003 01:00;26.10.2003 01:00
2004;28.03.2004 01:00;31.10.2004 01:00
2005;27.03.2005 01:00;30.10.2005 01:00
2006;26.03.2006 01:00;29.10.2006 01:00
2007;25.03.2007 01:00;28.10.2007 01:00
2008;30.03.2008 01:00;26.10.2008 01:00
2009;29.03.2009 01:00;25.10.2009 01:00

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1.7.1 Function of TimeZone Time format

Three different conversion functions are possible: FileTime
- 64bit Integer.
- Beginning time is 01.01.1601.
- A 1 is equal to 100 ns
- Declared in Winbase.h; include Windows.h. Unix-stile time format Double Values (used in PGIM)

- 64bit IEEE Double.
- Beginning time is 01.01.1970.
- A 1 is equal to 1 sec,
- Resolution according to mantissa, (ca. 10 ns?). VisualBasic /VB/VBA,etc.)-like Double Values

- 64bit IEEE Double.
- beginning time is 30 December 1899.
- A 1 is equal to one day. Converting function

The parameter of the function are all "by reference" meaning to set as a pointer. The parameter
MyDate must be a pointer (of type time format) to the convert date. These functions then give back the
converted time (FILETIME, double). The declarations of the functions in Visual Basic are described in
the example in the index "VBSampleTimeZone".

FILETIME FTLocal2FTGmt (FILETIME *MyDate, short *BiasFlag, short *ReturnCode)

FILETIME FTGmt2FTLocal(FILETIME *MyDate, short *BiasFlag, short *ReturnCode)

double UnxGmt2UnxLocal(double *MyDate, short *BiasFlag, short *ReturnCode)

double UnxLocal2UnxGmt(double *MyDate, short *BiasFlag, short *ReturnCode)

double DATEGmt2DATELocal(double *MyDate, short *BiasFlag, short *ReturnCode)

double DATELocal2DATEGmt(double *MyDate, short *BiasFlag, short *ReturnCode)

2VAA000322 July 2010 49

Installation/Administration Short TimeZoneTableLoaded(void) :

This function returns an error code if the DLL is not proper initialized.
The return value "short" is equivalent to the data type integer in VB.

Return code:
0 : DLL proper initialized.
1 : TimeZone.txt not available.
2 : Error in TimeZone.txt, the first or second line is not correct.
3 : Error in TimeZone.txt, one or more of the lines are not correct. Void Initialize (void) :

This function does the new initialization of the DLL. For example if at the runtime the
- TimeZone.txt has been changed
- A void-DLL-Function in VB is declared as Sub. Double FileTime2UnixDbl (FILETIME *Date)

These functions change UNIX to FILETIME and back.
FILETIME UnixDbl2FileTime (double UnxDate)

double Date2Unix(double MyDate)

double Unix2Date(double UnxDate)

These functions change the date to Unix and back. MyDate must be "double" complement to VB as
"Date" BiasFlag
The BiasFlag is a return code that returns information about summer-(BiasFlag=2) or winter-
(BiasFlag=1) time.
In the case of the Local2GMT-function the BiasFlag has a control function. It is in an output parameter.
This resolves a potential problem with the change between summer and winter time. In that moment
one hour is set two times. You must give the information for example 02:30 summer- (BiasFlag=2) or
winter time (BiasFlag=1) to change in GMT. (If you set BiasFlag=0, this parameter is set to BiasFlag=1
internally). Return Code

The return code returns the information about the time change. Normally the return code should be =0.
ReturnCode = 0 : "Everything OK".

2VAA000322 July 2010 50

ReturnCode = 1 Not clear. Possible in the case of changing from summer to winter time in the
function Local2GMT. One hour is set two times
ReturnCode = 2 : "not available". Possible in the case of changing from winter to summer time.
There is one hour missing. BiasTime is set to winter time. The return value is the
hour before the changing hour.
ReturnCode = 3 : "Date is not in the TimeZone.txt table". Return values are set as winter time. No
real error. This is only a note.

1.7.2 Build up of TimeZone.txt

Example for German time zone :(GMT+1):
OffsetFromGMT = +1
DayLightBias = +1
1980;30.03.1980 01:00;28.09.1980 01:00
1981;29.03.1981 01:00;27.09.1981 01:00
1982;28.03.1982 01:00;26.09.1982 01:00

Example for Brazil time zone:

OffsetFromGMT = -3
DayLightBias = +1
1980;19.10.1980 05:00;08.02.1981 04:00;
1981;18.10.1981 05:00;14.02.1982 04:00;
1982;17.10.1982 05:00;13.02.1983 04:00;


Line 1: "OffsetFromGMT = +1"

- Offset of Local time to GMT.
German time zone : "OffsetFromGMT = +1"
Brazil time zone: "OffsetFromGMT = -3"
Line 2:
- Difference of summer- to winter time in hours.
In Germany: "DayLightBias = +1"
In China: "DayLightBias = 0"

From line 3 and following:

<Start date and time of summer time in GMT!>;<End date and time of summer time in GMT!>

Note: These times must be set in GMT. Only GMT is definite.

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1.8 Used Ports

The communication between PGIM uses TCP/IP. Several ports are used.
Application Port Bemerkung
PlaCoInstaller 4243/TCP adjustable in PlaCoUpdate.ini
Port = xxxx
CalcServer 1111/TCP adjustable in Registry:
Hartmann & Braun\PlantConnect\CS_Port = xxxx
Compressor 1478/TCP adjustable in PCComp.ini:
Port = xxxx
EventImport 9909/TCP fixed
EventImport 1433/TCP Default for ODBC Settings
ScanManager 2069/TCP fixed
CCO-Timesynchronisation 9999/UDP fixed
only for connections via ONet (Melody, Contronic E)
ConMea Service 2070/UDP fixed
Server 4242/TCP Default Settings; adjustable in PlaCo.ini
Server 2424/TCP Redundancy link (only internally)
Server 89/TCP Internet Explorer and Web Clients
adjustable in PlaCo.ini
WEBPort = xx
Client 5079/TCP only for remote call
Report Scheduler 8086/TCP PGIM Report Scheduler service Port
Adjustable in AdvancedScheduler.ini

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1.9 Range (double, float)

Range of Floating-Point Types

Type Minimum value Maximum value

float +/-1.175E-38 +/ 3.401E38 (needs 4 bytes)
double +/-2.225E-308 +/-1.797E308 (needs 8 bytes)

double mantissa:
14 digits, 13 digits if exponent is high negative

float mantissa:
Normally max. 6 - 7 digits. (6 in high negative exponent ranges)
8 digits only if no decimal places and value less equal 16500000:

16499998.0 + 1.0 = 16499999.0
16499999.0 + 1.0 = 16500000.0
16500000.0 + 1.0 = 1.65e7
->rounding calculation to 7 digits if above 16500000
16500000.0 + 4.0 = 1.65e7 <- rounded down
16500000.0 + 5.0 = 1.650001e7 <- rounded up
1e25 + 1e20 = 1.00001e25
1e26 + 1e20 = 1.000001e26
1e27 + 1e20 = 1.0e27 <- rounded

-> rounding to 6 digits if exponent high negative:

1.0e-20 + 1e-24 = 1.0001e-20
1.0e-20 + 1e-25 = 1.00001e-20
1.0e-20 + 1e-26 = 1.0e-20 <-rounded

->Recommendation for PGIM Counters: double

1.10 Maintenance Interval

In some installations and server versions it could happen that the PGIM server falls asleep after a
period of 49 days intermittent.

2VAA000322 July 2010 53

PGIM now offers the possibility of a so-called “Maintenance Interval”. This Maintenance interval solves
the problem described above. Typically it will be executed once a month. For configuration, browse
and open with you text editor
<PGIM main path>\Server\PlaCo.INI
In here you will find a section:

Enable gives you the ability to enable or disable (Enabled=no) the maintenance interval. Default is to
enable it.
DayofMonth describes on which day of the month the system will execute the service interval.
Hour tells you at what time of the day the maintenance is executed on the specific day (24hours).
By default this feature for new installations is enabled. For upgrade it is necessary that the file
<PGIM main path>\Server\PlaCo.INI
is not write protected.
For the maintenance interval, PGIM closes the internal IP Server for about 20 seconds. During this
time frame clients will not be able to contact the server. Since clients will use there “retry”-algorithm no
data will be lost.
On redundant servers all clients will be redirected immediately to the redundant partner. For this it is
important, that the maintenance interval is set differently on both servers, e.g. server 1 on the 10th of
each month, server 2 on the 20th.

2VAA000322 July 2010 54


2 Scanner
2.1 Introduction
The flexible architecture of the PGIM System allows for decentralized data acquisition on what are
generally called scanners. In the scanners, preprocessing of data can be done so that it is possible to
implement quantity, operating hours and switching cycle counters. By means of additional limit values
and the generation of messages resulting from limit value infringements or binary signals, the scanner
becomes a powerful tool.
The scanners are equipped with a configurable temporary storage (buffer) where data can be stored if
the connection to the server is interrupted. In this way, a loss of data, for example, in the case of
network problems, will be avoided. This mechanism allows the decentralized distribution of separate
scanner computers.

PGIM Client PGIM Client PGIM Client PGIM Client

PGIM Server

PGIM Scanner

To acquire data, high-capacity scanners are available for various control systems:

 ABB ControlIT AC800M/F (OPC)

 ABB OperateIT Process Portal (OPC)
 ABB Symphony (Melody, Harmony, Maestro-UX, Maestro-NT)
 ABB Freelance 2000 (OPC)
 ABB Contronik E, Contronik 3, Contronik P
 ABB Infi90
 ABB Sattline
 Siemens S5, S7, Teleperm M, ME, MEA, XP

2VAA000322 July 2010 55

 Intellution iFIX
 OPC Client
 Modbus (Master and Slave)
 Mark IV / Mark V / Mark VI
 ASCII file

The OPC scanner allows you to connect to all control and acquisition systems which provide an OPC
server. OPC is the standard for system connection which is supported by most of the systems.

More scanners can be re-implemented at any time for new systems.

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2.2 ScanManager

2.2.1 Introduction
The ScanManager is the interface and the organizer for the connected ScanDrivers. A ScanDriver is
used for each connected system (data source).
The ScanManager is started as a Windows service and starts automatically at the start of Windows.
When required, the data acquired via the ScanDriver are provided with a time-stamp in the
ScanManager, sorted chronologically and transmitted via a TCP/IP interface to the server (database).
Depending on the system structure, the ScanManager can be installed on the same PC on which the
PGIM server is running. In distributed structures, the ScanManager can also be installed on a
separate PC.
If the connection between ScanManager and server is disrupted, the data will be stored temporarily in
a buffer and transmitted to the server when the connection has been restored. The size of the buffer
(temporary storage) depends on the hard disk storage of the computer.

2.2.2 Settings
Using system settings in an INI file, the ScanManager can be set for different applications. For the
standard application with PGIM, the ScanMan.INI file is not required. Changes in the settings should
be coordinated with ABB in order not to jeopardize the operation of PGIM.
# Name of the ScanManager for the database(s)
# Name = demo
# Tolerance band for measured values in % of the measuring range
# DefaultDeadband = 1.0
# Name of the Eventserver
# EventServer = placo_1
# DisableOffscanFlag = TRUE
# Portnumber = 4242
Protokoll = 1
[Name of Database]
Buffersize = 1000000

"Name = demo"
In addition to the KKS (power plant identification system) or AKZ (plant identification system)
description, the signal name of a PGIM signal also includes the name of the computer on which the
ScanManager has been installed. If this name is changed, it is possible to indicate the desired name in
the ScanMan.ini file under the entry "Name =". The name entered here overwrites the network name
of the computer, which is used by default for PGIM. Any free name can be used here.
Warning: The name of the ScanManager must be unique for PGIM.
"DefaultDeadband = 1.0"
This parameter sets a tolerance band when signals are connected for the first time. This tolerance
band is overwritten by settings done via the SignalExplorer.
"EventServer = placo_1"
If PGIM is to be used with an event management, it is necessary to indicate the name of the computer
on which the event acquisition is running (see the Event management chapter).
"DisableOffscanFlag = TRUE" (obsolete implemented automatically)

2VAA000322 July 2010 57

Special case: To set no "ScanManager Offscan Status" (Status 256) set this parameter. If the
parameter is not set, the "ScanManager Offscan Status" is active (normal conditions).
"Portnumber = 4242"
PGIM communicates via the TCP/IP protocol. This protocol is divided into different ports. By default,
port 4242 is used. If the port number is changed in just this INI file, data transfer between the
ScanManager and the database will be interrupted. This parameter should only be changed in
coordination with ABB.
"Protokoll = 1"
If this parameter is set to 1 in PGIM version 3.x a new protocol between ScanManager and database
is active. If this Parameter is missing or is not 1, the ScanManager communication runs with the old
protocol. The normal condition is to have this parameter set to 1.
[Name of DataBase]
Buffersize = 1000000
During the start of the first signal connected to any PGIM database a folder ....\ScanMan\Buffer will be
created. The buffer file can keep one million entries of process-values. The total size of file can be
determined by the following equation:
Size [kB] = (1000000 entries * 20 Byte + 32 Byte overhead) / 1024
If the first character in the ScanMan.ini file is a hash, this entry is regarded as a comment and will not
be evaluated.

2.2.3 Zero Point Cut off

In some circumstances it is required to cut off values which are lower than the configured Zero Point
e.g. which can simply come through improper configured sensors. To suppress these negative values
and put them to Zero the following method can be applied:
# Default is FALSE
CutNegativeValues = TRUE
This method also provides to set the zero-point to a specific value other than 0 configured in the
“ZeroPoint” from the Signal Explorer ScanManger Tab.
To configure do the following steps:
Edit the Scan Managers configuration file located in

Insert in the section [ScanMan] the following line:

2VAA000322 July 2010 58

CutNegativeValues = TRUE

To activate this feature for a specific signal, you need to enable the leakage flow suppression. Do this
by adding a value in the “range” test box of the signal explorer’s ScanManager tab.

The value given in “Range” will give the percentage of the total measurement range in which the value
will be set to the ZeroPoint. Please refer to below example (without CutNegativeValues=TRUE):

2VAA000322 July 2010 59



o Range
ZeroPoint =0
in %


2.2.4 Redundant Scanmanagers

This key enables redundancy on the ScanManager. The scan manager will copy only newer
configuration data during start up from the already running redundancy partner if available. All
configuration incl. the restart files will be copied. The mechanism will only be run once during startup.
If automatically sets the DisableOffscanFlag key.

RedScanMan1 and RedScanMan2 are two IP addresses for the same hostname. If only one network
path is available then the two IP addresses have to be the same.

The 800xAOffScanHandling disables copying of configuration data but still sets the
DisableOffscanFlag. The reason is that in 800xA the synchronization of the configuration files is
handled by the LogConfiSync Process.
800xAOffScanHandling = TRUE

2.2.5 Changing the port number of a ScanManager

The port number of the ScanManager can be changed by:
PortNumber= xxxxx (obsolete)
Typically not used by any PGIM application. Only makes sense in conjunction with Red Proxy

2VAA000322 July 2010 60


2.3 ScanDriver

2.3.1 Introduction
ScanDrivers are available for different distributed control systems to acquire process data. These
ScanDrivers are always adapted to the connected data source. They control the communication to the
control and data acquisition systems. The transferred data is edited to transmit in a standard form to
the ScanManager.
Additional ScanDrivers can be implemented for new systems.
In addition to on-line data transfer, manual inputs into the system (for example for laboratory data) are
also possible. The virtual ScanDriver is available for the management of signals generated locally in

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2.4 Virtual ScanDriver

2.4.1 Introduction
The virtual ScanDriver generates signals that are captured by the PGIM system (for example
Technical calculations). The configuration of the signals is performed via an associated configuration
file, which contains information on the signals.
To edit new signals in the Virtual ScanDriver (VSD) there is a VSD-Editor available in the
SignalExplorer. Refer to the configuration for the VSD-Editor in the SignalExplorer chapter.

PGIM Client PGIM Client PGIM Client

MS Windows
PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
VSD ScanDriver

Applications such as
- PGIM Technical Calculations
- PGIM Manual Input
- Customer specific applications

2.4.2 Installation
By selecting the virtual ScanDriver in the user-defined installation of PGIM, the following subfolder will
be created:
The ASCII-ScanDriver is listed here with the name VSD.DLL. Configuration
In addition to the driver, one or several configuration files are required to provide necessary
information on the available signals to the PGIM system.
Te configuration folder exists in the setup system.
Lower-level folders are interpreted as logical ScanDrivers, where the folder name corresponds to the
ScanDriver name. By default the folder name is VSD.
In this folder, a folder with the name "KONFI" must exist where the signal configuration file
KONFI.CSV resides.

2VAA000322 July 2010 62

Additionally, a control file for the scanner may reside in this folder with the name VSD.INI. With an
entry in this file, the cyclic updating of the time-stamps in the VSD can be controlled. This possibility is
relevant when the VSD is operated in connection with the PGIM counter application, but also an
improved functionality is achieved for "normal" signals.
The cyclic updating operates as follows:
When a signal is captured, this is usually recorded with the current system time (for example: t1). If the
ScanManager is stopped at the time t2 > t1 now, the ScanManager will write the last value with the
time-stamp t1 and the status "ScanManager Offscan" into the database. If there is a large difference
between t1 and t2, this will lead to wrong information in the database due to the fact that the signal
has been valid until the time t2. To improve this behavior, the scanner can cyclically approximate the
time-stamp of the signals to the present. If, for example, the parameter "DelayTime" is set to 90
seconds, each time-stamp in the VSD that is older than 90 seconds will be adjusted to the present
time. In order to keep the CPU load low, this check is performed once a minute.

To ensure that after a restart of the ScanManager, the last values of the scanner will be available
again, the VSD.rst file is created in the folder \PlantConnect.SYS\SysKonfi\Scanner\VSD. In this file,
all current measured values are saved in a binary form. When starting the scanner this information is
obtained and the time-stamps will be updated according to the algorithm described above. Structure of the VSD.INI control file

The VSD.INI file includes a section with the name "Main". Within this section, a keyword "DelayTime"
exists. This keyword allows you to indicate a time in seconds by which the cyclically generated time-
stamps are delayed compared to the current system time. This can ensure that calculation results will
be transmitted in chronological order to the ScanManager.

DelayTime = 90 Structure of the signal configuration file KONFI.CSV

The division of the KONFI.CSV file is preset. There must always be 11 columns and also 11
semicolons as separators between the columns in one line. If the first character is a semicolon, this
line is regarded as a comment line and will not be evaluated.
Explanation of the columns:
Column A: Signal type (analog, binary)
Column B: Signal name to be displayed for this signal in PGIM (KKS, AKZ, arbitrary)
Column C: Direction as seen from PGIM (READ)
Column D: Descriptive text for the signal
Column E: Measuring range start
Column F: Measuring range end
Column G: Dimension of the signal
Column H: Status text OFF for binary signals
Column I: Status text ON for binary signals

2VAA000322 July 2010 63

Column J: empty
Column K: empty
Column L: Description
The Scanner expects, for historical reasons, 11 columns, but ignores the last 3.

An example of a Konfi_Datei (configuration file) is available in …\PlantConnect.Bin\Scanner\


2VAA000322 July 2010 64


2.5 ABB PGIM System Scandriver

The system ScanDriver produces signals, which are captured by the PGIM computer. Changing the
signals is not possible. The existing signals like "Scanner Uptime", „System Uptime", "disk space",
"physical memory" and "process count" are available in the scanner neighborhood.

PGIM Client PGIM Client PGIM Client

PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
System ScanDriver

PGIM System

2.5.1 Installation
Choose the System ScanDriver in the user defined installation of PGIM and the following folder will be
The "System ScanDriver" has the name SystemScanner.dll.

In the scanner neighborhood the System ScanDriver is set with the name "SYS".
These parameters are available:
 CPUUsage : Used CPU in percent
 Usedspace_drive X : Used disc space on drive X in MB
 Freespace_drive X : Free available space on drive X in MB
 UsedPhyMemory : User physical memory in Percent
 XXXXXXX_Ping : Reply time of the TCP/IP connection in ms
 PhysMemory : free physical memory in MB

2VAA000322 July 2010 65

 CurrentProcesses : Count of running processes
 ScannerUptime : Runtime of the scanner in hours
 SystemUptime : Runtime of the system in hours

2.5.2 SystemScanner.ini
Settings are set in the SystemScanner.ini file. Up to 49 signals are possible to call via ping. Each of
these destinations must be reachable by TCP/IP. The network address is part of the signal name.

Example for a SystemScanner.ini file

These network addresses will be available in the Scanner neighborhood with the name
"Address_ping". The signal value is the return time in milliseconds (ms). Values between –2 up to –7
are error codes.
Error codes :
-2 :Unable to locate ICMP.DLL ICMP.DLL not found
-3 :get host by name failed unknown computer name
-4 :Failed to get proc addr for function function call not possible
-5 :Unable to open ping service the Ping Service can not be opened
-6 :Failed to allocate global ping packet buffer error in the Ping Service
-7 :Error obtaining info from ping packet Error obtaining info from ping packet

2VAA000322 July 2010 66


2.6 ABB PGIM WatchDog ScanDriver

The WatchDog ScanDriver reads signals from the ScanManager. A configuration of the signals is not
necessary. The available signals WatchDog01 and WatchDog02 are in the scanner neighborhood of
the SignalExplorer.


Client Client Client


PGIM Server


Reading of current
Creating of two values
alternating signals
in the Scanner
PGIM ScanManager
WatchDog ScanDriver PGIM

2.6.1 Installation
Choose the WatchDog ScanDriver in the user defined installation of PGIM and the following folder will
be created:
The "WatchDog ScanDriver" has the name WatchDogScanner.dll.

In the scanner neighborhood the System ScanDriver is set with the name "WDS". With the
WatchDogServer application it is possible to control the connection between the Scanner and the
In the case of one scanner it is enough to have one WatchDog signal. See the WatchDogServer
configuration for details.
In the case of two parallel scanners, each scanner can have in the configuration of the
WatchDogServer one signal. One is in use for one Scanner, the second for the parallel scanner.

For Example:
From scanner1 WatchDog01 is in use
From scanner2 WatchDog02 is in use

2VAA000322 July 2010 67

Special case: In the case of parallel Scanners, copy the restart file from one scanner to the other. This
will set back the settings.

2VAA000322 July 2010 68


2.7 ABB Contronic 3

2.7.1 Introduction
For connection of PGIM to the distributed control system Contronic 3 (C3), a driver is available for the
communication on the C3 cubicle bus.
Bus-capable C3 modules (MZ03, XU03/04, XU13/14, and SL04/05) can be addressed via the C3
cubicle bus and transmit signal data.
The PGIM PC is linked via a serial connection (V24/OWG transducer/OWG cable/HW81) with the C3
module HW81 that performs the communication between cubicle bus and V24 interface. As the C3
signals do not have time-stamps, each signal being transmitted is provided with a time-stamp in PGIM.
In the control system, no signal names have been assigned to the C3 signals. For processing in
PGIM, a signal name, text, dimension and measuring range must be added to each signal.


Client Client Client

PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
Contronic 3 ScanDriver

Multiplexer/ PGIM

Serial interface reading / writing of

(fibre optics) current process values

HW81/82 HW81/82
no. 1 no. 16

Contronic 3 Slaves Contronic 3 Slaves Contronic 3 connection requirements

The communication between PGIM and C3 is performed via a V24 RS232 interface (line 1-n). In the
bus-capable C3 modules, data blocks are created (blocks with block numbers) which can be
requested by PGIM. The blocks can be assigned with 16 signals max. (Max. number of data words:
16; 0-15). Each C3 module at the cubicle bus is addressed by the C3 interface card HW81 (slave
address 1-16).

2VAA000322 July 2010 69

Installation/Administration Example of a C3 configuration

Below, the connection for a block is performed using a Contronic 3 program as an example. The
following software plan shows the bus section of a Contronic 3 program. The transmit block 07 is to be
In the program listing of the Contronic 3 program, the conversion of the software plan shown above
looks as follows:

Q535 BUS

Transmit block 7
shall be connectd

For the connection, transmit block 007 must be noted as follows in the
Excel configuration file.

2VAA000322 July 2010 70

Installation/Administration Configuration of the Contronic 3 connection

The configuration for the C3 connection is performed using Microsoft Excel. For each module to be
communicated with, a file is created which includes all information about the connected signals.

Excel configuration
For the configuration, an Excel workbook is available which must be processed plant-related. For each
module, an Excel spreadsheet is opened. It is useful to choose the name of the module as the
spreadsheet name.
Structure of a configuration spreadsheet:
The division of the Excel spreadsheet is preset. The columns must not be changed. The first 7 lines
include descriptive information for the columns. In the 8th line, the configuration of the communication

Explanation of the columns:

Column A: Continuous number for orientation; not important for the configuration
Column B: At the beginning of a new block, you will find the entry "block". Apart from this, the
column includes the data type, for example binary, analog, PackedBoolean.
Column C: Signal name to be displayed for this signal in PGIM (KKS, AKZ, arbitrary)
Column D: Line; Number of the serial connection at the PC via which the signal is connected
Column E: Slave; Number of the C3 module at the C3 cubicle bus
Column F: Block; Number of the C3 transfer block where the signal is connected
Column G: Numb. DW; Number of data words transferred in the block (signals)
Column H: Direction; Direction of the block transfer from C3 to PGIM (C3>PC) or from PGIM to
C3 (PC>C3)
Column I: DW; Data word number (position of the signal in the block)
Column J: Bit; In the case of Packed Boolean data words, up to 16 binary signals are
transferred in one word. To list them individually as a signal, they are numbered
continuously from 0 to 15.
Column K: Telegram type; It is possible to transfer different telegram types. The most common
type is the MixBlock where a mixed transfer of both analog and binary signals can be
performed. Further types are reserved to special applications and must be discussed
with H&B.
Column L: Long text; Descriptive text for the signal
Column M: MBA; Measuring range start
Column N: MBE; Measuring range end
Column O: Dimension; Dimension of the signal
Column P: Status 0; Status text OFF for binary signals
Column Q: Status 1; Statustext ON for binary signals
Column R: MAX-GW; Maximum limit value adjustable
Column S: MIN-GW; Minimum limit value adjustable
Column T: Hysteresis-GW; Hysteresis adjustable for rising limit value

2VAA000322 July 2010 71

Column U: Disturbance;
Column V: Operation;
Column W: Remark;
Column X: Last column; In this column, the following character must be entered: |

An example of a C3-Konfi_Datei resides in \PlantConnect.Bin\Scanner\ Konfi_C3SBScanner\

After the block assignments have been performed for each module, a CSV file can be created for each
module from the Excel file. A CSV file has a specific format, which can be read by the PGIM C3-
Excel offers the possibility to save a single spreadsheet from a workbook in the CSV format.
In Excel, the following menus can be used:
Save as (select path and name)
File type (CSV (separator separately) (*.csv))
Save (Note window: Workbooks with several spreadsheets are
not supported, only the current spreadsheet will be saved;
acknowledge by OK)
Close (Note window: Select NO in order not to save the file in the
Excel format, but in the csv format)
By default, the file resides in the subfolder
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ Konfi_C3SBScanner\
Apart from the configuration file, further settings must be made in the "C3SB.INI" file in the folder
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ Konfi_C3SBScanner\
Example of a C3SB.ini file:
Name = Demo
REM *********************************************************************************
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM The section [HW81_??] is required for the HW81 settings.
REM A continuous numbering, starting with 0 to 31 is written
REM into the section name. This number corresponds to the
REM address line on the HW81 (HW82).
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM The parameter ScanDriverName is the name identifier of the driver.
ScanDriverName = C3SCAN_1
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM Describes the physical serial interface of the system (here COM8 interface).
REM *****************************************************************************************************
Port = 8
REM *********************************************************************************

2VAA000322 July 2010 72

REM Section for a module where the last number of the address line ADRn
REM corresponds to the HW81.
REM *********************************************************************************
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM Name identifier of the bus-capable module.
REM *****************************************************************************************************
EPC = XU03_1
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM Module type
REM Possible entries
REM - XU03
REM - XU13
REM - MZ03
REM - SL04
REM (SL04 is also valid for an SL05)
REM *****************************************************************************************************
Typ = XU03
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM Between 2 calls of a bus telegram in order not to overload a module.
REM *****************************************************************************************************
Wartezeit = 250
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM Name of the confi file.
REM Relative path indications are also possible.
REM *****************************************************************************************************
Konfifile = ...\Konfi_C3SBScanner\Konfi Baugruppe 1.csv
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM Entry for the 2 and further modules.
REM *****************************************************************************************************
EPC = MZ03
Typ = MZ03
Wartezeit = 400
Konfifile = ...\Konfi_C3SBScanner\Konfi Baugruppe 2.csv
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM Entry for further HW81/82
REM *****************************************************************************************************
REM [HW81_1]
ScanDrivername = C3SCAN_2
Port = 7

The configuration of communication blocks in the connected Contronic 3 modules is described in the
C3 configuration.

2VAA000322 July 2010 73


2.8 ABB Conlink (Contronic 3-I, Contronic EK, Contronic P)

2.8.1 Introduction
For connection of PGIM to the ABB control systems Contronic-E/EK (CEK), Contronic 3 Information
(C3I) and Contronic-P (CP), a Conlink-ScanDriver is available which organizes the serial
communication via the Conlink protocol with the CEK, C3I and CP operator stations. The physical
connection between the systems is established via serial interfaces (V24) between PGIM Scanner-PC
and the respective operator stations of the control systems (PCV24 or PCV02).
The connection of signals is based on a concept, which makes available to the user all accessible
signals of the plant after data balancing has been performed once. These signals are determined via a
short configuration procedure of the Contronic system and provided with further information in a
connection run.
Due to the fact that the capacity of the serial interfaces of the Contronic system is limited, the user
must decide, based on PGIM, which signals will really be selected from the total number of signals.
The user can make, for each interface, a selection from all available signals. The total number of
signals is stored after the connection run in the file "CONFI.TXT".
If PGIM is used as a replacement for a previous system (ConVisa), the configuration can be used for
connection to PGIM.
Client Client Client

PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
Conlink ScanDriver


Serial interface reading / writing of
current process values

Central Operating Station no. 16

PCV24 or PCV02
Conlink mode

2.8.2 Folder structure ConLink connection

For the signal acquisition via Conlink, two subfolders in C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner are required.
"Konfi_Conlink Scanner" and "ConlinkNT"

2VAA000322 July 2010 74

Installation/Administration Folder "Konfi_Conlink Scanner"

For the Conlink connection in PGIM, the CONFI.TXT file is of great importance because all information
on the signals is included in this file:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\Konfi_ConlinkScanner\ZLS3_K8\CONFI.TXT ...
For each serial Conlink connection to the Contronic system, a subfolder exists. In each of these
subfolders (for example:\ZLS1_K4\) a file resides with the same name: CONFI.TXT.
The "ConlinkScanner.ini" file exists in the Konfi_ConlinkScanner folder. The following system settings
are performed:
Example of ConlinkScanner.ini :
Path = C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ConlinkNT
Name = ZLS1_K4
Name = ZLS3_K8

The path entry for ConLinkServer indicates the path where the program "ConlinkServer.exe" exists.
The name indicated in "CONLINK-LINE X" is added in PGIM as a ScanDriverName to the connected
signal. Refer to chapter 1.5
We strongly recommend that you use only characters accepted by Windows operating
system to create a name. Use these characters to create folders with the Windows
To create this CONFI.TXT file, further programs are required. Folder " ConlinkNT "

The folder:

Contains a software driver for the communication as well as the configuration tools for editing data.
The file "ConlinkServer.exe" is installed as service under the Windows utilities. Installation is
performed via a DOS box (On the taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run). The program
ConlinkServer.exe is called with the parameter –install.
Call in the DOS box:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ConlinkNT\ConlinkServer –install

In the same folder, the file conlinkx.ini exists which includes settings for the communication via
the serial interface.
Structure of the file conlinkx.ini
PORT=2 # COM1 = 1, COM2 = 2, etc.

2VAA000322 July 2010 75

UNIT=4 # Station number
SYSTEMVERSION=7 # Software version, 7 or 8 => 30 or 100 blocks
BAUDRATE=9600 # Valid baud rates: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
STOPBIT=1 # 0: none , 1: 1 bit, 2: 1.5 bits, 3: 2 bits
PARITY=ODD # possible entries: ODD, EVEN or NO
BITS_PER_CHAR=8 # Byte size : 7, 8 bpc
TIMEOUT_QUIT=5000 # Timeout acknowledge in ms :
TIMEOUT_ANSWER=10000 # Timeout response in ms :
REPEAT_PROTOKOLL=5 # Number of protocol repeats
EVENTBUFFER_SIZE=10 # Ring buffer for events 10n entries
SHORTDOKU=KDVAX # Contronic short configuration
BLOCKDEF=d:\PlaCo\Scanner\ConlinkNt\BLOCKDEF.DAT # Contronic block def.

For each serial interface, a "CONLINK-LINE" is established.

PORT=X indicates the interface at the PGIM PC, for example: COM 1, COM 2 ...
UNIT=X indicates the Contronic operator station being connected with the serial interface.
The Contronic systems CEK and CP have different interface configurations so that an identifier must
be indicated.
Contronic systems of version 7 differ from those of version 8 in that version 7 can transfer 30 blocks
via a Conlink channel whereas version 8 is able to transfer 100 blocks.
The serial interface is an RS232 interface for which the corresponding parameters must be preset.
The typical settings are indicated in the example above.
Timeout settings for interface communication.
Number of repeats (retries) in the case of communication problems.
Buffering in the case of event transfer.
Name structure of the short configuration procedure file for the mass storage of the connected
operator station.
Path to the file "BLOCKDEF.DAT" where the structure of the Contronic blocks is defined (see the
Contronic block transfer section for additional information).

2VAA000322 July 2010 76


2.8.3 Contronic block transfer

The third file in the subfolder ConlinkNT is "Blockdef.dat". This file includes the structure of the
Contronic blocks to be transferred via the interface. For each interface, the blocks are defined.

# Location : ...\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ConLinkNT\
# Description : Contronic blockdefinition as information for the Conlink
# communication service.
# Creation : 17.12.1996 (Gil)

[Line 01]

# Table on unit 1 Channel 4

# Note: Each Conlink interface line can transfer 2 blocks per second
# block blocktype direction cycletime
# [0..100] [0:b,1:a,2:c] [0:rd,1:wr] [sec]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00 1 0 15.000
01 0 0 15.000
02 2 0 15.000
03 1 0 15.000
04 0 0 15.000
05 2 0 15.000
06 1 0 15.000
07 0 0 15.000
08 2 0 15.000

[Line 02]
# Table on unit 3 Channel 8
# Note: Each Conlink inteface line can transfer 2 blocks per second
# block blocktype direction cycletime
# [0..100] [0:b,1:a,2:c] [0:rd,1:wr] [sec]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
00 1 0 5.000
01 0 0 5.000
02 2 0 5.000
03 1 0 5.000
04 0 0 5.000
05 2 0 5.000
06 1 0 5.000
07 0 0 5.000
08 2 0 5.000
09 1 0 5.000

2VAA000322 July 2010 77

Requirements for block transfer via the Conlink interface:
- Contronic of version 7 can transfer 30 blocks max., each with 30 signals max.
- Contronic of version 8 can transfer 100 blocks max., each with 120 signals max.
- Each block can be transferred with an individual cycle time.
- Each block can only transport one data type. That means binary values will be assigned to
a binary block, analog values to an analog block and counter values to a counter block.
- A Conlink interface can transfer 2 blocks per second.
- For the Contronic version 7, the max. dataset to be transferred are 900 signals max.
resulting from 30 blocks with 30 signals each at a cycle time of 15 seconds. The usage of
the interface can be calculated using the rule of three.
- For the Contronic version 8, the max. dataset to be transferred are, theoretically, 12000
signals resulting from 100 blocks with 120 signals each at a cycle time of 50 seconds. The
usage of the interface can be calculated using the rule of three.
- The blocks must be created in the Contronic system, and for each Conlink interface, a free
cycle level with a cycle time of 250 ms min. (preferably 100 ms) must be available in
Contronic. On this cycle level, a slave function is set up, and the associated blocks will be
created (see the Contronic configuration).
The tools for editing the data are stored in the folder ConlinkNT in the subfolder ....\PEX Tools\
ConLinkKonfi\. Refer to the item "Configuration of Conlink connection".

2.8.4 Configuration of ConLink connection

For the PGIM configuration, a file must be available which includes the information on the signals
existing in the connected control systems. This information can be filtered out from a short
configuration procedure of the CEK or CP system (see CEK or CP configuration). Short configuration procedure for Contronic E and C3I

In Contronic, the short configuration procedure is composed of two parts: the short configuration
procedure format and the configuration description. Both parts are created in the Contronic system
dialog. Short configuration procedure format

The following menu tree must be selected in order to reach the mask for creating the short
configuration procedure format:
<Computer-No.> (Example: PDOKVX)
Within the format mask, a few fields must be assigned as follows:


2VAA000322 July 2010 78

F-B: SATZB,0,68 F-B: SATZB,75,4 F-B: SATZB,102,16 F-B: ASCB,3,3
F-B: * F-B: * F-B: * F-B: *
F-B: * F-B: * F-B: * F-B: *
F-B: * F-B: * F-B: * F-B: *

For ASCB,3,3: \0D\0A\06

EXECUTE (Y/N) <Y> Short configuration procedure description

The following menu tree must be selected in order to reach the mask for creating the short
configuration procedure:
<COMPUTER-NO: > (Example: PNES22)
Within the configuration mask, a few fields must be assigned as follows:

STN-NO.: *


2. *
3. *
P-UT-F: *


2VAA000322 July 2010 79


DOKU-F: <Computer-No. of Short configuration procedure format> (Example: PDOKVX)

EXECUTE (Y/N) <Y> Create short configuration procedure

After format and description have been configured, the short configuration procedure can be started.
The function creates two files in the mass storage in Contronic; later on, only one of these files will be
COMPUTER-NO: <Computer-No. of Short configuration procedure> (Example: PNES22)
Depending on the scope of signals, the creation of the short configuration procedure takes some time.
Start and end of the creation will be logged and can be checked on the monitor or on the printer. Transfer short configuration procedure

After the short configuration procedure has been created in the Contronic mass storage, it can be
transferred to the host computer.

First, the host computer (PGIM computer) must be prepared.

Transfer requirements:
In case a communication is running already, it must be interrupted by stopping in System
control/Services first the "PGIM ScanManager" and second the "CONLINK-NT Service".
Now the restart file of the ScanManager is renamed in order to withdraw the old communication
settings. The restart file resides in the following folder:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ScanManager\Restart\ <computer name>.cdb
Rename into for example: <computer name>.cdb.old
Then the communication is reactivated by starting in System control/Services:
 First the "CONLINK-NT Service".
 Second the "PlantConnect ScanManager".

Now the CONLINK-NT Service is in the waiting state. On the Contronic operator station, the
transfer of the file (SHORT) to the Conlink channel must be started.
FILE: <File of Short configuration procedure > (For Example: SHORT)

2VAA000322 July 2010 80

TR. : <1>
FILE: <any filename>

The transfer has been terminated when the operator station appears in the menu bar.
Now the communication is deactivated again by stopping in System control/Services:
 First the "PlantConnect ScanManager"
 Second the "CONLINK-NT Service".
On the PGIM PC, a folder "HuB" is automatically created in C:\. The short configuration procedure is
copied to this folder. The name of the file corresponds to the settings in Contronic. For further
processing, the file is renamed into "KDVAX" and copied to the folder
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ConlinkNT\ Connection run

For each function entry in the file "KDVAX" (short configuration procedure), a long answer is
requested from the Contronic system. Additionally, all known selectors are requested. The known
selectors are listed function-related in the file SELECTOR_CE_EN.Dat.
Depending on the plant size, connection can take several hours. If the selectors, which will not be
required, are known in advance, the respective selector entries can be removed in the file

Start requirements for the connection run:

- Activate communication by starting the "CONLINK-NT Service"
- Open DOS box and change to the folder....\Scanner\ConlinkNT\
- Rename or delete possibly existing file CONFI.TXT
- Call up the program "ConLinkKonfi.exe" as follows:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\scanner\ConlinkNT\ConLinkKonfi <COM interface >
For the COM interface, the number of the interface port at the PGIM PC is
entered, for example: 2
As type of system either CE or CP is indicated.
In the DOS box, a protocol is running.
- After several hours, there is a file CONFI.TXT in the folder....\Scanner\ConlinkNT\
- Deactivate communication by stopping the "CONLINK-NT Service"
- Now the file CONFI.TXT is copied to each line configuration folder
for example: C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\Konfi_ConlinkScanner\ZLS1_K4
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\Konfi_ConlinkScanner\ZLS3_K8 ...
- Rename the restart file of the ScanManager in order to restore the old communication
settings. The restart file resides in the following folder:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ScanManager\Restart\ <computer name>.cdb.old

2VAA000322 July 2010 81

Rename into <computer name>.cdb
- Then the communication is reactivated by starting in System control/Services
 First the "CONLINK-NT Service"
 Second the "PlantConnect ScanManager".

2VAA000322 July 2010 82

Installation/Administration Contents of the file CONFI.TXT

#Signalname;Datatype;Direction;Units;ScaleBeginning;ScaleEnd;Statustext ON;Statustext
XB023/VXA;1;0;m@4/h;0.000000;20.000000;;;B;;0GAC10CF001 $;0GAC00;Durchfl Brunnenwasser 1;4
XB024/VXA;1;0;m@4/h;0.000000;100.000000;;;B;;0GAC10CF901 $;0GAC00;Durchfl Rohwasser Zulauf;4
XB025/VXA;1;0;m;0.000000;-13.000000;;;B;;0GAC10CL001 $;0GAC00H54;Niveau Brunnen 1;4
XB026/VXA;1;0;m@4/h;0.000000;20.000000;;;B;;0GAC20CF001 $;0GAC00;Durchfl Brunnenwasser 2;4
XB027/VXA;1;0;m;0.000000;-13.000000;;;B;;0GAC20CL001 $;0GAC00H54;Niveau Brunnen 2;4
XB028/VXA;1;0;m@4/h;0.000000;20.000000;;;B;;0GAC30CF001 $;0GAC00;Durchfl Brunnenwasser 3;4
XB029/VXA;1;0;m;0.000000;-13.000000;;;B;;0GAC30CL001 $;0GAC00H54;Niveau Brunnen 3;4

The information for the data direction must be set to writing from values to Contronic to the value 1. Short configuration procedure format Contronic P

In Contronic, the short configuration procedure is composed of two parts: the short configuration
procedure format and the configuration description. Both parts are created in the Contronic system
dialog. Short configuration procedure format

The following menu tree must be selected in order to reach the mask for creating the short
configuration procedure format:
<Kurzname> (Bsp.: KDVAXF)
Within the format mask, a few fields must be assigned as follows:


F-B: SATZB,0,71 F-B: ASCB,1,12 F-B: SATZB,75,4 F-B: SATZB,102,16

F-B: ASCB,3,3 F-B: * F-B: * F-B: *
F-B: * F-B: * F-B: * F-B: *
F-B: * F-B: * F-B: * F-B: *

Für ASCB,1,12: \06

Für ASCB,3,3: \0D\0A\06


2VAA000322 July 2010 83

<Ausführen (J/N) J> Short configuration procedure description

The following menu tree must be selected in order to reach the mask for creating the short
configuration procedure:
<Kurzname> (Bsp.: KDVAX)
Within the configuration mask, a few fields must be assigned as follows:

STN-NR.: n, m, k


4. *
5. *
S-UEB-F: *



DOKU-F: <Kurzname des Kurzdokumentationsformates> (Bsp.: KDVAXF)

<Ausführen (J/N) J>

2VAA000322 July 2010 84

Installation/Administration Create short configuration procedure

After format and description have been configured, the short configuration procedure can be started.
The function creates two files in the mass storage in Contronic; later on, only one of these files will be
KURZNAME: <Kurzname der Kurzdokumentation> (Bsp.: KDVAX)
Depending on the scope of signals, the creation of the short configuration procedure takes some time.
Start and end of the creation will be logged and can be checked on the monitor or on the printer. Transfer short configuration procedure

After the short configuration procedure has been created in the Contronic mass storage, it can be
transferred to the host computer.
First, the host computer (PGIM computer) must be prepared.
Transfer requirements:
In case a communication is running already, it must be interrupted by stopping in System
control/Services the "PlantConnect ScanManager" and the "CONLINK-NT Service".
Next the restart file of the ScanManager is renamed in order to withdraw the old communication
settings. The restart file resides in the following folder:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ScanManager\Restart\ <computer name>.cdb
Rename into, for example: <computer name>.cdb.old
Then the communication is reactivated by starting in System control/Services the "CONLINK-NT
Service" and the "PlantConnect ScanManager".

Now the CONLINK-NT Service is in the waiting state. On the Contronic operator station, the
transfer of the file (KDVAX) to the Conlink channel must be started.
<Datei: Kurzname Kurzdoku> (Bsp.: KDVAX)
<Spur: 1>
<Datei: Rechner-Nr. Kurzdoku+"_CP" ENTER>
<Ausführen (J/N) J>

The transfer has been terminated when the operator station appears in the menu bar.
The communication is deactivated again by stopping in System control/Services the "PlantConnect
ScanManager" and the "CONLINK-NT Service".
On the PGIM PC, a folder called "HuB" is automatically created in drive C: . The short configuration
procedure is copied to this folder. The name of the file corresponds to the settings in Contronic. For
further processing, the file is renamed into "KDVAX" and copied to the folder

2VAA000322 July 2010 85

C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ConlinkNT\ Connection run

For each function entry in the file "KDVAX" (short configuration procedure), a long answer is
requested from the Contronic system. Additionally, all known selectors are requested. The known
selectors are listed function-related in the file "SELECTOR_CP_EN.Dat".
Depending on the plant size, connection can take several hours. If the selectors which will not be
required, are known in advance, the respective selector entries can be removed in the file

Start requirements for the connection run:

- Activate communication by starting the "CONLINK-NT Service"
- Open DOS box (On the taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run) and change to
the folder....\Scanner\ConlinkNT\
- Rename or delete possibly existing file CONFI.TXT
- Call up the program "ConLinkKonfi.exe" as follows:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\scanner\ConlinkNT\ConLinkKonfi <COM interface >
For the COM interface, the number of the interface port at the PGIM PC is
entered, for example: 2
As type of system either CE or CP is indicated.
In the DOS box, a protocol is running.
- After several hours, there is a file CONFI.TXT in the folder....\Scanner\ConlinkNT\
- Deactivate communication by stopping the "CONLINK-NT Service"
- Now the file CONFI.TXT is copied to each line configuration folder.
For example: C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\Konfi_ConlinkScanner\ZLS1_K4
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\Konfi_ConlinkScanner\ZLS3_K8 ...
- Rename the restart file of the ScanManager in order to restore the old communication
settings. The restart file resides in the following folder:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ScanManager\Restart\ <computer name>.cdb.old
- Rename into <computer name>.cdb
- Then the communication is reactivated by starting in System control/Services:
 First the "CONLINK-NT Service"
 Second the "PlantConnect ScanManager".

2VAA000322 July 2010 86

Installation/Administration Contents of the file CONFI.TXT

#Signalname;Datatype;Direction;Units;Scalebeginning;Scaleend;Statustext ON;Statustext

The information for the data direction must be set to writing from values to Contronic to the value 1.

2.8.5 ConLink connection with ConVisa configuration data

If PGIM is used as successor of a ConVisa system, the existing configuration can be used. To edit the
signal information, the file "TransNet.lkc" created by ConVisa via a connection run is necessary. This
file includes all signal information required for connection. To evaluate the file, a utility program is
required. This utility program "lkc2conlink.exe" resides in
The Transnet.lkc file is copied to the same folder.
The program is called as follows in a DOS box (On the taskbar, click the Start button, and then click
Run) :
C:\PlantConnect.bin\scanner\ConlinkNT\Tools\Konfi_LKC\lkc2conlink transnet.lkc [Enter]
In addition to Transnet.lkc and lkc2conlink.exe, the following files reside in the same subfolder:
Subfolder Line00 and Line01
(One subfolder per available interface)
Each of the subfolders includes a "Confi.txt" file with the signals to be connected via the respective
Now the created files are copied to the correct folders and the INI files will be customized.
File Blockdef.dat copy to ....\ConlinkNT\
File Conlinkx.ini copy to ....\ConlinkNT\
File ConlinkScanner.ini copy to ....\Konfi_ConlinkScanner\
Subfolder Line00 copy to ....\Konfi_ConlinkScanner
Subfolder Line01 copy to ....\Konfi_ConlinkScanner
The folder names Line00 and Line01 can be renamed arbitrarily. It is recommended to name the lines
according to the operator stations and channel numbers, for example ZLS1_K4. The name of the
subfolder will be part of the signal name in PGIM.

2VAA000322 July 2010 87

Settings of the INI files:
BLOCKDEF=c:\conlinkserver\blockdef.dat ;Standard path C:\PlantConnect.Bin\scanner\conlinkNT\

BLOCKDEF=c:\conlinkserver\blockdef.dat ;Standard path C:\PlantConnect.Bin\scanner\conlinkNT\ blockdef.dat

#Please customize path=
Path=c:\conlinkserver; Standard C:\PlantConnect.Bin\scanner\Konfi_ConlinkScanner
Name=Line 00 ; for example: ZLS1_K4
Name=Line 01 ; for example: ZLS3_K8

2VAA000322 July 2010 88


2.9 OPC-Client

2.9.1 Introduction
For the connection of PGIM to an OPC-Server DA (Data Access) according to the OPC-Specification
2.0 an OPC-Client must exist.
The OPC-Scanner is implemented by using the "Data Access Custom Interface Standard Version
2.05a". The following interfaces are usable (if the OPC-Server supports this).
 IOPCServer
 IConnectionPointContainer
 IOPCCommon
 IOPCGroupStateMgt
 IOPCItemMgt
 IConnectionPointContainer
 IDataObject
Data transfer is exclusively event driven.
If the OPC-Scanner is installed on the same computer as the OPC-Server, you do not need the
configuration of the DCOM settings.
Methods of connection between OPC-Client and OPC-Server
It is possible to built up a communication in following two ways
 Local
Means both components (OPC-Client and OPC-Server) are installed on the same PC.
 Remote
Means the OPC-Client communicates via TCP-IP and DCOM with an OPC-Server, which is
installed on another PC, remotely.

2VAA000322 July 2010 89

Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
OPC Client ScanDriver

OPC-Server of 3rd party system


reading/writing of
current process values

3rd party system

2.9.2 Prerequisites
The OPC-Server of the foreign System must be installed. Refer to the manufacturer‘s OPC
If the OPC-Server is installed on another PC (Remote-OPC-Server), the following requirements are
 A network connection to the PC, where the OPC-Server is running, must be established.
 The Remote-OPC-Server must be known on the local PC (Windows-Registry).

2.9.3 Installation OPC-Scanner

During the installation the following folder structure is created:
In this folder two files are necessary for the configuration of communication.
 OPCScanner.INI
 CSV-file containing the signals named for example SIGNALS.CSV

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2.9.4 Format of the file OPCScanner.INI

[PlaCoOPC] Section name is at the same time the ScanDriver name, which appears in the
scanner neighborhood
DelayTime = 0 Current time minus DelayTime (in seconds) is the current time-stamp of the
signal value. If the time-stamp is older than the DelayTime adjusted by the OPC
server, then the time-stamp is adapted. This adjustment is needed where OPC
servers do not supply current time-stamps for same signal values. In connection
with the on-line counter it is recommended to set a DelayTime. Default
adjustment is "0". In the case of DelayTime 0, the original time-stamp of the
OPC server is maintained.
RefreshDelay = 2 Time in seconds between the update of the OPC-lists (blocks)
UpDateRate = 0 Default value of the time in milliseconds as minimum actualization cycle of the
blocks. The OPC server will not offer the signals faster than the adjusted time.
Additionally for each signal in konfi.txt a cycle time can be assigned. Signals of
one cycle time are queried in an OPC-list (block). The adjustment "0" means that
the signals are updated with the maximum inquiry cycle.
OPCServerName = ABBMaestroNT.OPCServer Program ID of the OPC server, where this can be
determined. The name is assigned by the OPC
server manufacturer. It can also be determined with
the help of an OPC Client of program.
RedOPCServerName = ABBMaestroNT.OPCServer Program ID of the redundant OPC server,
where this can be determined. The name is
assigned by the OPC server manufacturer. It can
also be determined with the help of an OPC Client
of program. If no redundant OPC server is present
this entry remains empty
RemoteHost = deutaminw1215 Name of the computer where the OPC server is installed. If
the OPC server is locally installed the entry remains empty.
RedRemoteHost = deutaminw1232 Name of the computer where the redundant OPC server is
installed. If no redundant OPC server is present, or the
redundant OPC server is installed locally, the entry remains
VT_Empty If the data type of the reported item is VT_EMPTY, then the old value isn't
replaced with the result of VariantChange, which is always zero in this case.

2.9.5 Format konfi.txt

Analog;ETH10CL001XJ01;READ;L Bettasche-Silo;0;13;m;;;;;2000;AliasName01
Analog;ETH31CW001XJ01;READ;L Flugasche-Bunker 1;0;600;t;;;;;3000;
Analog;ETH32CW001XJ01;READ;L Flugasche-Bunker 2;0;600;t;;;;;2500;
Analog;HHE21CL001XJ01;READ;L Kohle Bunker 1;0;22 ;m;;;;;2000;AliasName02
Analog;HHE21CL002XJ01;READ;L Kohle Bunker 2;0;22 ;m;;;;;;
Analog;HHE22CL001XJ01;READ;L Kohle Bunker 1;0;22 ;m;;;;;;
Analog;HHE22CL002XJ01;READ/WRITE;L Kohle Bunker 2;0;22 ;m;;;;;;

2VAA000322 July 2010 91

Analog;BAA00CE224XJ01;READ;SPG GEN-ABLTG BAA;0;12.6;KV;;;;;;
Binaer;M06NU02D010_XB01;READ;Abzugsschnecke Ein;;;;LOW;HIGH;;;;
Binaer;M06NU02D020_XB01;READ;Zuführungsschnecke Ein;;;;LOW;HIGH;;;;

Use the CSV-file to specify the signals that might be connected for the ScanDriver. The syntax
including upper and lower case must be followed strictly.
The "direction" READ or WRITE are both possible
The "unused" parameter is specified for reasons of compatibility to older versions. The entries do not
possess a function for this.
The "OPCdatatype" is registered in the case of the OPC connection with the WAGO system. The
appropriate signal processing maps are defined here. For more information refer to the "OPC-
Scanner at the WAGO I/O SYSTEM 750".
The "updaterate " parameter indicates the maximum speed the signal is to be updated. At the same
time signals are treated with same cycle time in the same OPC list (block).
The "aliasname" parameter can be used in the case of cryptic signal names from the OPC server into
standardized signal names for PGIM to change.

2.9.6 Start of the OPC-Scanner

The OPC-Scanner is started automatically by starting the PGIM ScanManager (under the assumption
that the respective ScanDriver DLL is located in the correct folder, and the configuration is done in the
right way). By starting the OPC-Scanner the OPC-Server is also started automatically. If the
ScanManager is stopped the OPC-Server is also stopped automatically.
The installed OPC-Server program can run as a program or as a service. To run the OPC-Server as a
program and not a Windows service you must be logged in under Windows. Therefore the
ScanManager must be started after the login of a Windows user.
Note that the Access Rights for the OPC-Client and –Server. Both must run with the same user

2.9.7 Error Codes

// Values are 32 bit values laid out as follows:
// 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
// 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
// +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+
// |Sev|C|R| Facility | Code |
// +---+-+-+-----------------------+-------------------------------+
// where
// Sev - is the severity code
// 00 - Success
// 01 - Informational
// 10 - Warning
// 11 - Error
// C - is the Customer code flag
// R - is a reserved bit
// Facility - is the facility code
// Code - is the facility's status code

2VAA000322 July 2010 92

// MessageId: OPC_E_INVALIDHANDLE 0xC0040001L
// MessageText: The value of the handle is invalid.
// MessageId: OPC_E_BADTYPE 0xC0040004L
// MessageText: The server cannot convert the data between the
// requested data type and the canonical data type.
// MessageId: OPC_E_PUBLIC 0xC0040005L
// MessageText: The requested operation cannot be done on a public group.
// MessageId: OPC_E_BADRIGHTS 0xC0040006L

// MessageText: The Items Access Rights do not allow the operation.

// MessageId: OPC_E_UNKNOWNITEMID 0xC0040007L
// MessageText: The item is no longer available in the server address space
// MessageId: OPC_E_INVALIDITEMID 0xC0040008L
// MessageText: The item definition doesn't conform to the server's syntax.
// MessageId: OPC_E_INVALIDFILTER 0xC0040009L
// MessageText: The filter string was not valid
// MessageId: OPC_E_UNKNOWNPATH 0xC004000AL
// MessageText: The item's access path is not known to the server.
// MessageId: OPC_E_RANGE 0xC004000BL
// MessageText: The value was out of range.
// MessageId: OPC_E_DUPLICATENAME 0xC004000CL
// MessageText: Duplicate name not allowed.
// MessageId: OPC_S_UNSUPPORTEDRATE 0x0004000DL
// MessageText: The server does not support the requested data rate
// but will use the closest available rate.
// MessageId: OPC_S_CLAMP 0x0004000EL
// MessageText: A value passed to WRITE was accepted but the output was clamped.

// MessageId: OPC_S_INUSE 0x0004000FL

// MessageText: The operation cannot be completed because the

// object still has references that exist.

// MessageText: The server's configuration file is an invalid format.
// MessageId: OPC_E_NOTFOUND 0xC0040011L
// MessageText: The server could not locate the requested object.

2VAA000322 July 2010 93


2.9.8 OPC Status information in PGIM

The PGIM states have to be watched as independent binary informations. So if bit 0 is set, it gives the
information "Off Scan". Also compare the chapter “Status Information” in this manual 1.6.
Each bit may be set independent from others, but some are self excluding, e.g. it's physicaly rubbish
to have at the same time an "Overflow" and an "Underflow".Short explained the PGIM states have the
following meaning:
 Off Scan: The value isn't refreshed by the controller
 Default value: A replacement value send by the controller for what reason ever
 Invalid: Don't trust the value
 Limit Value Infringement: Either high or low limit violated
 Overflow: High limit violated
 Underflow: Low limit violated
 Simulated: Forced to a user defined value, e.g. by Melody Composer function plan
 Communication Disturbance: Either the state is send by a controller, then it indicates e.g.
 some brocken link inside the automation, or a brocken link between the ScanDriver and it's

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2.9.9 OPC-Scanner an Operate IT B

This configuration procedure must be followed regardless of whether Maestro NT OPC-Server and
PGIM OPC-Scanner (just called OPC-Client) are running on the same computer machine or not.
Running both applications on separate machines is the recommended installation method, in order to
avoid interference between installed Operate IT and PGIM components.
By default your OPC-Server machine is member of the Maestro NT domain (PDC) and your OPC-
Client machine is by default not within this NT domain (just a member of an ordinary workgroup). This
means that DCOM can not use NT security to determine who can talk to whom. Therefore, it will fall
back on the most basic of security models: the account(s) under which the client and a server running
must be valid and privileged on both machines.
That means that the server must have a user account defined that is the same as the user account on
the client machine under which the interface itself (PGIM ScanManager) will run as a service program.
The password for those two accounts must also be identical. Otherwise, DCOM will not pass any
communication between the client and the server. It can launch the OPC-Server, which may lead you
to falsely believe that you can to talk to the server from the client machine.
ABB has decided to use the service account called "OperateITService", sometimes also called
"OpITService", both with password "opit". Don’t forget to create this account on the OPC Client node
machine. We recommend that you create a copy of any existing administrative account.

Before continuing the OPC installation makes sure that:

 The additional network adapter on both nodes is installed.
 TCP/IP settings are complete.
 Host names are defined in respective host's files. (Use IP addresses from private address space).

Run Windows Explorer to map the installation folder of the OPC-Server on the remote node as a
network drive. Do a search for the following files:

On the OPC-Client node create a folder structure like this:

Copy the above mentioned files here. Next register the OPC-Server in the Command window (On the
taskbar, click the Start button, and then click Run) as follows:

SymOPCServer.exe –regserver (to unregister use –unregserver)

This command creates unique Class and Application ID’s inside the local registry only. Both ID’s are
connected via the <GUID> (globally unique identifier, in this case {7DFB3F34 … 14175}.

2VAA000322 July 2010 95


You will need to create more entries. The following figures are just for informational purposes. Your
installation will be different.

2VAA000322 July 2010 96


Note: In the case of an Operate IT B update, the GUID may change. That means the client could not
communicate anymore with the OPC Server.
Make sure there is only one version of following DLL’s on your client machine. If there is more than
one, it should not be a problem if they are all same version. If they are not the same version, rename
all but the latest one, which you should keep in the \winnt\system32 folder.
regsvr32 Opcproxy.dll
regsvr32 Opccomn_ps.dll
The following dialog boxes should display:
DllRegisterServer in Opcproxy.dll succeeded.
DllRegisterServer in Opccomn_ps.dll succeeded.

Next invoke dcomcnfg by typing in the Command window (On the taskbar, click the Start button, and
then click Run) dcomcnfg.exe on the OPC Server machine. The following dialogs are displayed.
Select the OPC Server and click the Properties button.

2VAA000322 July 2010 97

If, as in this case, you are running the OPC Server and the Client on different nodes, select Run
application on this computer.

Then click the Security tab and make sure it is configured as follows:
Click Edit for Custom Access Permissions. Make sure that all of the following accounts are there.
Add the account with which the PGIM ScanManager, which starts up the OPC Client, is using. The
Type of Access should be, of course, Allow Access. Click OK and proceed with Launch
Permissions in same way.

Select the OPCEnum and click on the Properties button. Repeat the above-mentioned procedure
exactly the same way, including adding access to the account on which PGIM ScanManager is

2VAA000322 July 2010 98


Finally, verify the following Default DCOM Configuration Properties. If required, modify the Default
Protocols accordingly. It is possible that your Default Authentication Level is different that what is

As you have may be noticed, no DCOM configuration settings are required on the machine where
OPC Client (PGIM ScanManager) is running.

2VAA000322 July 2010 99

Now you are ready to try connecting remotely to the OPC Server by using any Tool program described
later in this document.
You may need to reboot. However sometimes it will work without rebooting.

The following settings (OPC Scanner) are required to connect successfully to Operate IT B (formerly
Maestro NT):

OPCServerTyp = Remote
RemoteHost = EE81SRV6
OPCServerName = ABBMaestroNT.OPCServer
UpDateRate = 0

2.9.10 Advant AC400 and Advant AC450

AC 400 and AC450 require a base 800xA system for connection to PGIM. Follow the rules within the
PGIM 800xA installation manual for configuration. Beside the base configuration the following
switches exist in for the AC400 OPC server: a multi-item, a combination of: VALUE and :ERROR if
type VT_AC400 is selected in the configuration file has been implemented.

2VAA000322 July 2010 100


2.9.11 Installation instructions for PGIM OPC-Scanner to AC800F

(formerly Freelance 2000)
Before continuing with the OPC installation make sure that the network connection to the AC800F bus
system, as well as to the configuration station (formerly called DIGI-Tool) is working properly. The
TCP/IP settings should be complete and the host names should be defined in their respective host

Next, install the AC800F OPC Server as documented in the instruction manuals supplied with this
OPC Server. Make a note of the unique defined Resource-ID.
Upload all the required tags from the AC800F system to the OPC Server machine.
Next, install PGIM as licensed. Before you restart, edit the file OPCScanner.ini located in folder:
For example:

Do not forget to insert the noted AC800F Resource-ID in the OPCServerName, separated by a dot.

Copy the previous prepared OPC tag list into the above-mentioned folder. If the name of this file
differs from "Demo.txt" either rename accordingly or modify the file OPCScanner.ini respectively.

2VAA000322 July 2010 101


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2.9.12 OPC-Scanner for Procontrol P13 General
The PGIM OPC Scanner is used for Procontrol P13 in cases where PGIM has to be connected to
Procontrol P13 independently from Industrial IT 800xA.
For Procontrol P13, the PGIM OPC Scanner has to be connected to the Procontrol P13 OPC
Server. The Procontrol OPC Server supports OPC Data Access and OPC Alarm and Event. Scanner Configuration

The PGIM OPC-scanner configuration for Procontrol P13 comprises two parts:
OPC Data Access configuration
OPC Alarm and Event configuration OPC Data Access Configuration

Add the lines shown below to the file OPCSCanner.ini.

The parameter UpdateRate defines the update rate for value changes in milliseconds. Depending
on the signal quantity and performance issues, this parameter possibly has to be adjusted.
Set up the corresponding signal configuration file confi.txt based on the data in the engineering
workbook of the Procontrol P13 OPC server.

ProcontrolP13 Scanner OPC Sanner

Manually or by macro

Procontrol P13 Procontrol P13

OPC Server
OPC Server

The signals to be scanned have to be configured in confi.txt according to the general description
for the PGIM OPC Client.
Name : Is equal to the signal name
OPCdatatype : Can be left empty

Analog;98ANR10AP001_XJ01;READ;Analog Test
Binaer;M1TST13CU040_XB03;READ;Binary Test Value;;;;On;Off;;;

2VAA000322 July 2010 103

Installation/Administration OPC Alarm and Event

Generate the configuration as described in the general description for PGIM OPC Client. The
server name is ABBProcontrolP13.Event.1.
In the generated configuration file (e.g. named ABBProcontrolP13.Event.1 on
localhost.cfg) add the following configurations:
999 – 999 = 1
900 – 900 = 2
800 – 800 = 3
1 – 1 = 4

2VAA000322 July 2010 104


2.9.13 OPC-Scanner on a WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750

The Scanner can work with the OPC-Server from WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH. It is possible to
connect the WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM 750 to PGIM.
The following components are possible:

Digital Inputs:
Typ 750-400 2-Canal DI, DC 24 V, 3,0 ms
Typ 750-401 2-Canal DI, DC 24 V, 0,2 ms
Typ 750-402 4-Canal DI, DC 24 V, 3,0 ms
Typ 750-403 4-Canal DI, DC 24 V, 0,2 ms
Typ 750-405 2-Canal Digital Input, AC 230 V
Typ 750-406 2-Canal Digital Input, AC 120 V
Typ 750-408 4-Canal Digital Input, DC 24 V, 3,0 ms
Typ 750-409 4-Canal Digital Input, DC 24 V, 0,2 ms
Typ 750-410 2-Canal Digital Input, DC 24 V, 3,0 ms
Typ 750-411 2-Canal Digital Input, DC 24 V, 0,2 ms
Typ 750-412 2-Canal Digital Input, DC 48 V, 3,0 ms
Typ 750-414 4-Canal Digital Input, DC 5 V, 0,2 ms
Typ 750-415 4-Canal Digital Input, AC/DC 24 V, 20 ms

Analoge Input:
Typ 750-452 2 Canal Analog Input, 0-20 mA Diff
Typ 750-454 2 Canal Analog Input, 4-20 mA Diff
Typ 750-456 2 Canal Analog Input, +-10 V Diff
Typ 750-461 2 Canal Input Pt 100, RTD
Typ 750-462 2 Canal Input Thermo
Typ 750-465 2 Canal Analog Input, 0-20 mA single-ended
Typ 750-466 2 Canal Analog Input, 4-20 mA single-ended
Typ 750-467 2 Canal Analog Input, 0-10 V single-ended
Typ 750-468 4 Canal Analog Input, 0-10 V single-ended
Typ 750-469 2 Canal Eingang Thermo Drahtbruch
Typ 750-472 2 Canal Analog Input, 0-20 mA single-ended 16 Bit
Typ 750-474 2 Canal Analog Input, 4-20 mA single-ended 16 Bit
Typ 750-476 2 Canal Analog Input, DC +-10 V single-ended
Typ 750-478 2 Canal Analog Input, DC 0-10 V single-ended

2VAA000322 July 2010 105

The data in the analog inputs are given as raw values from the WAGO-OPC Server. The scaling is
done in the Scanner. For this to work properly in the signal configuration file the parameter "OPC-
Datentyp (VT_*)" must be set. For Example:

Binaer;WAGO_IO_TEST/00004_Value;READ;WAGO DO02;;;;;;;VT_BOOL;;
Analog;WAGO_IO_TEST/00005_Value;READ;WAGO AI01;0;10;;;;;VT_WAGO-750-467;;

The "OPC-Data type" parameters of the other analog inputs are similar.
The data in the analog values of the WAGO OPC server are raw values. These values must be
transferred by scaling. That scaling takes place in the scanner.
The binary signals are clearly and completely described in the ItemID. The VT_BOOL parameter is not

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2.9.14 OPC-Scanner on Siemens WinCC

The format of WinCC signals is not like the standard OPC in all cases. Adaptations are necessary.
These adaptations are contained in the signal configuration file.
The format of the signal configuration file is as follows:
Type; Signal; direction; description; MBA; MBE; Dimension; Status0; Status1; not used; not used;
Update Rate (optional); Alias name (optional);

For Example:
Binaer;Random.Boolean;READ;Random value.;;;;;;;;1000;Alias Name 01;
Analog;Saw-toothed Waves.Int1;READ/WRITE;Saw-toothed wave.;-100;100;;;;;;100;

The input in column 11 can set in WinCC Special format like the following example:

Analog;Saw-toothed Waves.UInt2;READ/WRITE;Saw-toothed wave.;0;2048;;;;;VT_WINCC0;;WinCC

0 Ramp
Analog;Saw-toothed Waves.UInt2;READ/WRITE;Saw-toothed
wave.;0;2048;;;;;VT_WINCC512;;WinCC 512 Ramp

VT_WINCC0 is set for conversion without offset and VT_WINCC512 for conversion with offset 512. OPC Scanner specials for Siemens S5/S7

On S5/S7 systems very often it is requested to have special data types with status information. These
have been implemented on the OPCScanner as the following:
With this multi-item signal a couple of other signals can be connected to one object. These
connections are fixed and can be managed by the column OPC Data type (xxx is a replacement for
the OPC-ItemId)
This PGIM signal is a combination of xxx.Value, xxx.Timestamp and xxx.Quality.
This signal is a combination of Items xxx.Value, xxx.Timestamp and xxx.Quality. After receiving the
Items xxx.Timestamp and xxx.Quality will be set to 0.
The Signal will be build out of a combination of Items xxx.value and xxx.status..
This PGIM signal will be a combination from Items xxx/OUT, xxx/SWB, xxx/Pewa and xxx/SMR.
This PGIM signal will be a combination from Items xxx/OUT und xxx/ERR.
This signal will be a combination from Items xxx/IN, xxx/ERR, xxx/SL1, xxx/SL2, xxx/SL3 and xxx/SL4.

2VAA000322 July 2010 107


2.9.15 Procontrol P13 General
The PGIM OPC Scanner is used for Procontrol P13 in cases where PGIM has to be connected to
Procontrol P13 independently from Industrial IT 800xA.
For Procontrol P13, the PGIM OPC Scanner has to be connected to the Procontrol P13 OPC
Server. The Procontrol OPC Server supports OPC Data Access and OPC Alarm and Event. Scanner Configuration

The PGIM OPC-scanner configuration for Procontrol P13 comprises two parts:
OPC Data Access configuration
OPC Alarm and Event configuration OPC Data Access Configuration

Add the lines shown below to the file OPCSCanner.ini.

The parameter UpdateRate defines the update rate for value changes in milliseconds. Depending
on the signal quantity and performance issues, this parameter possibly has to be adjusted.
Set up the corresponding signal configuration file confi.txt based on the data in the engineering
workbook of the Procontrol P13 OPC server.

ProcontrolP13 Scanner OPC Sanner

Manually or by macro

Procontrol P13 Procontrol P13

OPC Server
OPC Server

The signals to be scanned have to be configured in confi.txt according to the general description
for the PGIM OPC Client.
Name : Is equal to the signal name
OPCdatatype : Can be left empty

Analog;98ANR10AP001_XJ01;READ;Analog Test
Binaer;M1TST13CU040_XB03;READ;Binary Test Value;;;;On;Off;;;

2VAA000322 July 2010 108

Installation/Administration OPC Alarm and Event

Generate the configuration as described in the general description for PGIM OPC Client. The
server name is ABBProcontrolP13.Event.1.
In the generated configuration file (e.g. named ABBProcontrolP13.Event.1 on
localhost.cfg) add the following configurations:
999 – 999 = 1
900 – 900 = 2
800 – 800 = 3
1 – 1 = 4

2VAA000322 July 2010 109



2.10.1 Introduction
For the connection of PGIM to the ABB control system PROCONTROL P an XTC-ScanDriver is
available. It organizes the network communication with a PBS30 station of the PROCONTROL P
At this time only the transfer of online data (read and write) is implemented.


Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
XTC ScanDriver

Reading / writing of
current process values

XTC Interface
Stream Mode


2.10.2 Prerequisites PROCONTROL P

The communication between PGIM and PROCONTROL P uses the XTC-interface of the PBS30.
Therefore the XTC software, including the license, must be installed on the PBS30. For security
reasons (to avoid network problems inside the PROCONTROL network) PGIM is connected to the
PROCONTROL network using a configurable router. (Refer to the user guide for the data interface
During the licensing of the XTC software it must to be taken into account that the PGIM Scanner uses
the so-called "stream mode" in order to achieve an event driven data transfer.

2VAA000322 July 2010 110


2.10.3 Installation XTC-Scanner

The PGIM XCT-ScanDriver creates the following folder structure during the installation:
In this folder a subfolder with the desired name of the ScanDriver must be created manually for
example "PBS30". Within this subfolder the following configuration files are expected to contain the
analog and binary signals to be read. The write direction is also possible, if you use the file "write.txt".
This file must contain signals, which are included in the "analog.csv or "binary.csv". Then the PGIM
ScanManager writes these signals to the PBS30.

50AP15E201XQ50; LEISTUNG HT;0,00;330,00;MW
50BA02E301XQ50; LEISTUNG SCHIENE BA/BB;0,00;30,00;MW
50BL05E301XQ50; LEISTUNG SCHIENE BL/BM;0,00;30,00;MW
50NA14T004XQ50;T SPEISEWASSER HI ECO 3;0,00;600,00;GRD C
50NA51T005XQ50;T DAMPF V HD-KUEHLER 1.1;0,00;600,00;GRD C
50NA52T005XQ50;T DAMPF V HD-KUEHLER 1.2;0,00;600,00;GRD C


HNA20 AS001 XC00;Checkb. cntr.FGD ind.drgt;23
HNA20 EA100 XA00;;19
HNB00 DP001 XR00;Checkback MST master cntr;22
HNB00 DU001 XR00;Checkback limit boil. 2+3;22
HNC01 AA001 XB00;;21
HNC01 AN001 XB00;;21
HNC01 AP001 XB00;Rückmeldungen;21
HNC01 AP002 XB00;Rückmeldungen;21

2VAA000322 July 2010 111




2VAA000322 July 2010 112




# Signal name

The PGIM ScanManager gets all event-driven measured values from the PBS30. The configuration
files "analog.csv" und "binary.csv" are used to select the desired signals for the measured values
which must be send via the PGIM ScanManager to the PGIM database.
Configuring the back-signals is made by the files packedbool.csv and packedboolmap.txt. In the file
packedbool.csv the allocation of a signal to a data type takes place. This serves then as code into the
file packedboolmap.txt, from which then the bit locations and signal flags of the single bits come out.

2VAA000322 July 2010 113


2.10.4 XTCScanner.ini
Appropriate INI-files can be stored in ....\PlantConnect.bin\Scanner\Konfi_XTCScanner. The following
entries are possible:

TimeSync = 1 time synchronization via XTC interface; 1=on 0=off
SnapShotCycle = 300 additionally cyclic request in seconds or 0 for no cyclic request
TimestampDelay = 120
#[PBS30-XTC 2] additional PBS30 Gateways
The entry TimestampDelay can control cyclic updating of the time-stamps in the XTC scanner.
The cyclic updating operates in a similar manner as the virtual ScanDriver, however the data source is
the PBS.

2.10.5 Network Configuration at PGIM side

For the connection of the PGIM PC to the PBS30 station pure TCP/IP is used. The PGIM Scanner
must be able to reach the PBS30 station via its node name PBS30 (see the ScanDriver name). If no
name server is available within the network, the name PBS30 must be defined inside the file "hosts"
on the PGIM Scanner PC.
Depending on the network structure the definition of a separate route from the PGIM Scanner PC to
the PBS30 station may be necessary. To define a separate route procedure contact your network or
Windows system administrator.
For Example:
 The first network card of the PC is connected to the office network via the default gateway
 The second network card is used for the connection of the PBS30 via a separate LAN-Router

2.10.6 Start of the XTC-Scanners

The XTC-Scanner is started by starting the PGIM ScanManager. The XTC-Scanner is implemented
completely as a Windows service.

2VAA000322 July 2010 114


2.11 ABB Symphony Maestro-UX

2.11.1 Introduction
Apart from the Symphony-ScanDriver (P-Protokoll-ScanDriver; O-Net, Melody, OperateIT B0/B1), a
connection can be established between the Maestro workstation and PGIM so that data is returned to
the control system. Current data can also be obtained from Symphony-Maestro.
As a physical interface, a network connection between the PGIM-PC and the BLE network is used.
The plant management level network is Ethernet with TCP/IP protocol. (See the Symphony

Client Client



reading/writing of
current values
Symphony Maestro-UX
Operator Station
reading of process
values from history


In a CSO workstation, the following Ethernet ports can be installed:

1. CSO-Net: This card is integrated on the CPU board and designated as LAN0.
2. X-Net: Here an additional card is required to be installed on the VME bus; it is designated as
3. CM-Net: Here, too, an additional card is required to be installed on the VME bus; it is
designated as NAT1.
On the Maestro workstation, the basic software must have been installed so that the services of
Maestro can be utilized via the CSO network. Also the licenses for the CSO-API must be available.
The communication between a Maestro workstation and a PGIM server or scanner PC is performed
via TCP/IP protocol.
The interface program NetAPISrv can receive data via the network, which will be interpreted and
converted into API C++ calls. After that, the interface program returns the result to the calling client.
In PGIM, the Maestro-UX connection is performed via a logic line.

2VAA000322 July 2010 115

For the communication between Maestro and the PGIM ScanDriver, settings are required.

2.11.2 Installation on a PGIM PC

On the computer where the PGIM ScanManager has been installed, the corresponding ScanDriver will
also be installed. By selecting the correct ScanDriver in the user-defined installation (ScanDriver
Maestro-UX) of PGIM, the following subfolder is created:
The folders listed here contain the drivers for the respective connections.
The Symphony ScanDriver is listed here with the name MUXScanner. It communicates via the
Maestro workstation (BLE-Net). In the subfolder "ScanDriver", the driver DLL "muxscanner.dll" is

2.11.3 Configuration on a PGIM PC

In addition to the appropriate driver, a configuration file is required which provides the PGIM system
with all necessary information on the signals that are in the Symphony control system.
In the set up system, the configuration file "Confi.txt" resides in the folder
The configuration file includes all information on the signals which can be connected. The most
important ones are signal name (KKS or AKS), long text, dimension, measuring range start and end. If
changes are made in the control system, it may be necessary to update the configuration file.
The configuration file is similar to the file for the PProtScanner (see the example under PProtScanner).
Moreover, the configuration for the Maestro-UX scanner includes all local flags, which are known in
Maestro. Later on, these flags will be obtained or described by PGIM.
In the file %WINNT%\system32\drivers\etc\services the following entry must be added:
cso_01 5001/tcp
In the folder ....\PlantConnect.Bin\Scanner\Konfi_MUXScanner a file can exist called
"MUXScanner.ini". In it relevant communication information is described.

For Example:
# Redundancy pair for the WSR1

2.11.4 Updating of the Confi.txt configuration file

The configuration file "Confi.txt" is based on the archive file "ArcFile" created in Maestro. This file is
created automatically when Maestro objects are archived (see the Maestro configuration). To create a
Confi.txt file, the program "ArcFile" is available in:
This will create a configuration automatically.
When reinstalling the system, a few settings must be customized. The file "Makearc.cmd" must be
opened with an editor (for example Notepad), and the following settings must be changed:
Contents of the original file Makearc.cmd:

2VAA000322 July 2010 116

cd \PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\ArcFile
ftp -n -s:getarc.ftp >NUL
arcfile_m arcfile
Set the correct drive and path if it differs from the standard:
For Example: d:
cd \PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\ArcFile
ftp -n -s:getarc.ftp >NUL
arcfile_m arcfile
In the file "getarc.ftp", the Maestro workstation must be indicated with its network name (Also refer to
the host file on the PGIM PC) and the path where the file ArcFile exists on the Maestro workstation.
Contents of the original file getarc.ftp:
open ws1
user pml pml
cd /usr/contronic/appl/Zov
get ArcFile
Indicate the correct workstation and path:
For Example: open demo1 (Workstation name = demo1)
user pml pml
cd /usr/contronic/appl/Zov (Standard path)
get ArcFile
The program is started by selecting the file "getarc.ftp" with the mouse in the Windows explorer and
dragging it to the file "Makearc.cmd".
After the start of the program, a DOS box will be opened automatically showing that the ArcFile is
retrieved via ftp from the Maestro workstation. Then a configuration file is filtered. When the process
has been concluded, a file with the name "config.txt" resides in the ArcFile folder. This file can be
copied to the folder:
C:\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\ Konfi_MUXScanner\
The ScanDriver does not recognize that a new configuration file is available. In order to update the
changes the ScanManager must be restarted and in the PGIM database, the changed signals must be
retrieved again from the scanner environment into the database (see the SignalExplorer –
Configuration balancing).

2VAA000322 July 2010 117


2.11.5 Installation on the Maestro-UX workstation Maestro environment and UNIX

For the configuration in Maestro or HP-UX, either a console (ASCII terminal) or an HPTERM (terminal
in HP-UX) is required.
By selecting the "Wrench" symbol in the "Global menu" of "Sys", the Maestro system dialog is opened.
By clicking on the menu item:
Plant management level
An HPTERM will be opened if none is open as yet. Only one HPTERM can be opened in this way.
From this HPTERM, an arbitrary number of further HP terminals can be opened with the following
hpterm -sb -name <terminalname> &
-sb = scroll bar
-name = initiates the indication of a name for the terminal
& = opens another window
For example hpterm -sb -name BLE &
Or with the command:
Now the necessary entries can be made in the new terminal.

For Example:
ll list long Indication of files and folders in the long form
ll *.dat
mkdir make folder Creates a folder
mkdir temp
rmdir remove folder Deletes a folder
rmdir temp
rm remove Deletes files
rm *.old
cd change folder Changes to a folder
cd temp

2VAA000322 July 2010 118

Installation/Administration Installation of the "NETAPI" software on the Maestro-UX

For the installation, the following file is required:

The file Pexall.tar is transferred via FTP (binary file transfer) from the PC to the workstation.

For example with workstation demo01

C:\>ftp demo01
Connected to demo01.
220 demo01 FTP server (Version Thu Jul 22 18:32:22 GMT 1993) ready.
User (demo01:(none)): pml
331 Password required for pml.
230 User pml logged in.
ftp> lcd c:\plantconnect.bin\placoarc\install
Local folder now C:\plantconnect.bin\placoarc\install
ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
ftp> put pexall.tar
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for Pexall.tar.
226 Transfer complete.
194560 bytes sent in 0,25 seconds (778,24 Kbytes/sec)
ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.
Check the tar file on the workstation with tar -tvf and
unpack the packed file with tar -xvf.
12 [pml] demo01:/users/pml: ll
total 400
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 194560 Jan 19 17:18 Pexall.tar
13 [pml] demo01:/users/pml: tar -tvf Pexall.tar
14 [pml] demo01:/users/pml: tar -xvf Pexall.tar

2VAA000322 July 2010 119

15 [pml] demo01:/users/pml: ll
total 404
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 194560 Jan 19 17:18 Pexall.tar
drwxr-xr-x 2 pml pss 1024 Jan 19 17:22 netapi
16 [pml] wsr03:/users/pml:
Create links (symbolic links) to the subfolders so that, later on, the folder ../users/pml/netapi can be
called from each folder using /NETAPI and the folder ../users/pml/mux2placo via /MUX2PLACO.
The command pwd indicates the current folder. The creation of links must be performed from the root.
18 [pml] demo01:/: su
# pwd
# ln -s /users/pml/netapi /NETAPI
# exit
19 [pml] demo01:/:
19 [pml] demo01:/: cd /NETAPI
20 [pml] demo01:/users/pml/netapi: ll
total 30
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 7133 Dec 9 17:17 OPL_APPL_TASK01.Normal
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 1953 Dec 9 17:23 OPL_APPL_TASK01.lists
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 1434 Dec 14 18:11 netapistart
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 1359 Oct 22 10:12 netapistart_pex
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 728 Apr 10 1997 netapistop
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 29 Dec 9 16:53 t
18 [pml] demo01:/: su
# pwd
# ln -s /users/pml/mux2placo /MUX2PLACO
# exit
19 [pml] demo01:/:
19 [pml] demo01:/: cd /MUX2PLACO
20 [pml] demo01:/users/pml/mux2placo:

2VAA000322 July 2010 120

To process the communication, a service number must be entered in the file Services. The Services
file resides in the /etc folder. As superuser su, the file can be edited with the vi editor. Since the
service to be entered has the number 5001, a place in ascending order is selected in the Services file.
21 [pml] demo01:/users/pml/netapi: cd /etc
22 [pml] demo01:/etc: su
# vi services

Example of a Services file before it has been changed for PGIM

lansrm 570/udp # SRM/UX Server
DAServer 987/tcp # SQL distributed access
instl_boots 1067/udp # installation bootstrap protocol server
instl_bootc 1068/udp # installation bootstrap protocol client
rlb 1260/tcp # remote loopback diagnostic
nft 1536/tcp # NS network file transfer
pmlockd 1889/tcp # SynerVision locking daemon
pmlockd 1889/udp #
nfsd 2049/udp # NFS remote file system
netdist 2106/tcp # update(1m) network distribution service
rfa 4672/tcp # NS remote file access
lanmgrx.osB 5696/tcp # LAN Manager/X for B.00.00 OfficeShare
hcserver 5710/tcp # HP Cooperative Services
grmd 5999/tcp # graphics resource manager
spc 6111/tcp # sub-process control
iasqlsvr 7489/tcp # Information Access
recserv 7815/tcp # SharedX Receiver Service
# Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services
klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos rlogin -kfall
kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos remote shell -kfall

Example of a Services file after it has been changed for PGIM

pmlockd 1889/udp #
nfsd 2049/udp # NFS remote file system
netdist 2106/tcp # update(1m) network distribution service
rfa 4672/tcp # NS remote file access
lanmgrx.osB 5696/tcp # LAN Manager/X for B.00.00 OfficeShare

2VAA000322 July 2010 121

hcserver 5710/tcp # HP Cooperative Services
grmd 5999/tcp # graphics resource manager
spc 6111/tcp # sub-process control
iasqlsvr 7489/tcp # Information Access
recserv 7815/tcp # SharedX Receiver Service
# These services are required for PGIM ...
# H&B 19.1.1999

CSO_01 5001/tcp # PGIM MUX_Scanner

CSO_25 5025/tcp # PGIM PlaCoArc

# Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services
klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos rlogin -kfall
kshell 544/tcp krcmd # Kerberos remote shell -kfall
ekshell 545/tcp krcmd # Kerberos encrypted remote shell -kfall

You can quit the vi editor with the command :wq!.

The OPL* files from the folder /NETAPI (symbolic link) are copied to the folder /usr/contronic/config
29 [pml] demo01:/usr/contronic/admin: cd /NETAPI
30 [pml] demo01:/users/pml/netapi: ll
total 30
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 7133 Dec 9 17:17 OPL_APPL_TASK01.Normal
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 1953 Dec 9 17:23 OPL_APPL_TASK01.lists
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 1434 Dec 14 18:11 netapistart
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 1359 Oct 22 10:12 netapistart_pex
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 728 Apr 10 1997 netapistop
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 29 Dec 9 16:53 t
31 [pml] wsr03:/users/pml/netapi: cp OPL* /usr/contronic/config
32 [pml] wsr03:/users/pml/netapi: ll /usr/contronic/config/OPL*
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 7133 Jan 19 17:43 /usr/contronic/config/OPL_
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 1953 Jan 19 17:43 /usr/contronic/config/OPL_
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pj72 pss 5675 Jun 5 1997 /usr/contronic/config/OPL_
-rw-rw-r-- 1 pj72 pss 1908 May 6 1996 /usr/contronic/config/OPL_
33 [pml] wsr03:/users/pml/netapi:

2VAA000322 July 2010 122

To initiate the automatic start when the workstation is started, a software package must be installed in
Maestro. Typically, the PML base is reinstalled. After that, the program has been established and will
start automatically.
The program can be started manually from the folder /NETAPI using netapistart. To check this, the
program t can be called with cat t.
You must enter these instructions:
Telnet < workstation name>

This procedure checks whether the process still runs netapisrv. If it runs, then everything is clear.
If not, then stop the program with the "Terminate APIM TA01" command and start with "Start APIM

2VAA000322 July 2010 123


2.12 ABB Symphony PProtocol (Onet, Melody, OperateIT B0/B1)

2.12.1 Introduction
The Symphony control system by ABB can be connected in two different ways. A fast and high-
capacity interface is set up via the P-Protocol-ScanDriver. As a physical interface, a network
connection between the PGIM PC and a CCO star coupler (see Symphony configuration) is used.


Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
PProtocol ScanDriver


Operator Station reading / writing of

current process values

Onet (PProtocol)

CCO20, CCO30, CCU, CMC70

2.12.2 Installation
On the computer where the PGIM ScanManager has been installed, the corresponding ScanDriver will
also be installed. By selecting the correct ScanDriver in the user-defined installation of PGIM, the
following subfolder is created:
The folders listed here include the drivers for the respective connections.
The Symphony ScanDriver is listed here with the name PProt-Scanner because it communicates via
the P-Protocol of the Symphony-Operation-Network. In the subfolder "PProtScanner", the driver DLL
"pprotscanner.dll" is included.

2VAA000322 July 2010 124


2.12.3 Configuration
In addition to the appropriate driver, a configuration file is required which provides the PGIM system
with all necessary information on the signals that are available in the Symphony control system.
In the set up system, the configuration file "Pconnect.txt" resides in the folder:
The configuration file includes all information on the signals which can be connected. The most
important ones are signal name (KKS or AKS), long text, dimension, measuring range start and end. If
changes are made in the control system, it may be necessary to update the configuration file.
An example of a configuration file:
31MBA40EE010;$CSCBIN3;I1;XA01;ep121g09;;;;Ein;Ein;;31MBA00;TS Abblaseklappen;GT 31MBA00;31;Alias001
31MBA40EE010;$CSCBIN3;I2;XA02;ep121g09;;;;Aus;Aus;;31MBA00;TS Abblaseklappen;GT 31MBA00;31
31MBL20EE010;$CSCBIN3;I1;XA02;ep121g09;;;;Aus;Aus;;31MBA00;TS Klappe Luftansaugung;GT 31MBA00;31
31MBP01EC001X;$CSCBIN13;I1;XA11;ep121g09;;;;>LFZ;>LFZ;;31MBP00;UGS Erdgasversorgung;GT 31MBP00;31
31MBV01EC001;$CSCSFC;I4;XA11;ep121g09;;;;>LFZ;>LFZ;;31MBV00;UGS Ölverso/WelDreh;GT 31MBV00;31
40HAD00EB100;$CECOA;I1;XA64;ep029a29;;;;Soll<Ist;Soll<Ist;;40HAD00;UmsLogik Regelkessel 1-3;RK 40HAD00;31
40HAD00EB100;$CECOA;I2;XA66;ep029a29;;;;Soll>Ist;Soll>Ist;;40HAD00;UmsLogik Regelkessel 1-3;RK 40HAD00;31

2.12.4 Pconnect.txt configuration file from Maestro UX

The configuration file "Pconnect.txt" is based on the archive file "ArcFile" created in Maestro. This file
is created automatically when Maestro objects are archived (see the Maestro configuration). To create
a Pconnect.txt file, a program is available in:
This will create a configuration file automatically.
When reinstalling the system, a few settings must be customized. The file "Makearc.cmd" must be
opened with an editor (for example Notepad), and the following settings must be changed:
Contents of the original file Makearc.cmd:
cd \PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\ArcFile
ftp -n -s:getarc.ftp >NUL
arcfile arcfile
Set the correct drive and path if it differs from the standard:
For Example: d:
cd \PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\ArcFile
ftp -n -s:getarc.ftp >NUL
arcfile arcfile
In the file "getarc.ftp", the Maestro workstation must be indicated with its network name (Also refer to
the host file on the PGIM PC) and the path where the ArcFile exists on the Maestro workstation.
Contents of the original file getarc.ftp:
open ws1

2VAA000322 July 2010 125

user pml pml
cd /usr/contronic/appl/Zov
get ArcFile

Indicate the correct workstation and path:

For Example: open demo1 (Workstation name = demo1)
user pml pml
cd /usr/contronic/appl/Zov (Standard path)
get ArcFile
The program is started by selecting the file "getarc.ftp" with the mouse in the Windows explorer and
dragging it to the file "Makearc.cmd".
After the start of the program, a DOS box will be opened automatically showing where the ArcFile is
retrieved via ftp from the Maestro workstation. Then a configuration file is filtered. When the process
has been concluded, a file with the name "config.txt" resides in the ArcFile folder. Please remind to
add the optional aliasnames after this step. This file must be renamed into Pconnect.txt; then it can be
copied to the folder:
The ScanDriver recognizes on its own that a new configuration file is available and updates the
acquisition. In order to update the changes in the PGIM database also, the changed signals must be
retrieved again from the scanner environment, and copied to the database (see the SignalExplorer –
Configuration balancing).

2.12.5 Pconnect.txt configuration file from OperateIT B0/B1

The information needed for the "pconnect.txt" configuration file is in the SQL-Server database. With a
SQL-Script (PlantConnectKonfi.sql) it is possible to get all this information out of database. The
convert program ConV_MNT_PlaCo.exe creates the pconnect.txt file you need for the PGIM
ScanDriver configuration. Please remind to add the optional aliasnames after this step.

- SQL Script . <PlantConnectKonfi.sql>

- Converter program for PConnect.txt <ConV_MNT_PlaCo.exe>
- Shortcut combines the functions
- Folder ...PlantConnect.bin\Tools\OPITB\

2.12.6 Pprotscanner.ini (Packed Boolean Telegrams)

The Pprotscanner.ini file includes additional settings for handling exceptional cases.
Konfi = C:\Programme\Simulation\RtdbFiles

2VAA000322 July 2010 126

[Packed Bool]
UseBits = 0x00000003
In Pathnames, the path for the configuration file is indicated.
Packed Bool
If the entry is commented out, all 32 bits of the telegram are listed as single binary values in PGIM. To
limit the amount of signals to the relevant signals, a bit pattern can be indicated in hexadecimal
notation which filters out the required bits from the Packed Boolean telegram.

For Example: 10LAB20AP001/ZB91

UseBits = 0x00000003 means 00000000000000000000000000000011 converted to binary.
In this case the bits 1 and 2 are available as binary values in the scanner environment of PGIM.
UseBits = 0x0000F456 means 00000000000000001111010001010110 converted to binary.
In this case the bits 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, and 16 are available as binary values in the scanner
environment of PGIM.
The name of the Packed Boolean word with the appendix of the bit is assigned as a signal name to
the binary signals.

For Example: 10LAB20AP001/ZB91/00 10LAB20AP001/ZB91/01 10LAB20AP001/ZB91/02

The meaning of the different bits depends on the control system used. This can be found in the
respective configuration.

2VAA000322 July 2010 127


2.13 ASCII-File

2.13.1 Introduction
The ASCII-Import-ScanDriver imports measured values for different signals from one or several files.
With the function OVERWRITEHIST, the measured values are written directly into the database,
bypassing the ScanManager. The configuration of the signals is performed via a configuration file
where the information on the signals is available. The measured values reside in a value file, which is
evaluated and deleted after the import of the measured values.


Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
ASCII ScanDriver

Remote System
reading of current / historical
File Transfer
of ASCII Files process values


Remote System FTP

Windows drive mapping

2.13.2 Installation
By selecting the ASCII-ScanDriver in the user-defined installation of PGIM, the following subfolder will
be created:
The ASCII-ScanDriver is listed here with the name ASCIIScanner.DLL.

2.13.3 Configuration
In addition to the driver, one or several configuration files are required to provide all the necessary
information on the available signals to the PGIM system.
In the set up system, this configuration folder exists:

2VAA000322 July 2010 128

Lower-level folders are interpreted as logic ScanDrivers, where the folder name corresponds to the
ScanDriver name.
This folder must include two other folders. The first folder is called KONFI where two files exist,
namely the ScanDriver configuration file ASCIISCANNER.INI and the signal configuration file
The most important entry of the ScanDriver configuration file is the name of the PGIM database server
to which the measured values shall be transmitted via OVERWRITEHIST.
For Example:
Server = MIP311

Here the values are transmitted to the database server with the host name MIP311.

Another entry can be the name of the value file from which the measured values are to be read. This
entry is optional. If no entry exists, the file WERTE.CSV is searched by default in the folder WERTE.
For Example:
Wertefile = \PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\Werte_ASCIIScanner\BSP_ASC\Werte.csv

2.13.4 Structure of the signal configuration file KONFI.CSV

Structure of a configuration spreadsheet:
The division of the KONFI.CSV file is preset. There must always be 11 columns and also 11
semicolons as separators between the columns in one line. If the first character is a semicolon, this
line is regarded as a comment line and will not be evaluated.
Explanation of the columns:
Column A: Signal type (analog, binary)
Column B: Signal name to be displayed for this signal in PGIM (KKS, AKS, arbitrary)
Column C: Direction; Direction as seen from PGIM (READ)
Column D: Status Status of the signal
Column E: Long text; Descriptive text for the signal
Column F: MBA; Measuring range start
Column G: MBE; Measuring range end
Column H: Dimension; Dimension of the signal
Column I: Status 0; Status text OFF for binary signals
Column J: Status 1; Status text ON for binary signals
Column K: Factor a of the conversion function y=ax+b Default: 1.0
Column L: Factor b of the conversion function y=ax+b Default: 0.0
Column M: | Mark for column end
An example of a Konfi_Datei (configuration file) is available in C:\PlantConnect.Bin\Scanner\

2VAA000322 July 2010 129


2.13.5 Structure of the measured value file WERTE.CSV

The division of the WERTE.CSV file is preset. There must always be 5 columns and 4 semicolons as
separators between the columns in one line. If the first character is a semicolon, this line is regarded
as a comment line and will not be evaluated.
The file includes a value list where one line includes the measured value for one signal. The
information is separated by a semicolon (;).
The following condition applies: The values for a signal must be available in the file in ascending
chronological order. But it is not absolutely necessary that the measured values for one signal exist in
one block. If signals are not listed in chronological order, those measured values which are not
indicated in the correct sequence will be rejected.

The signal list includes the following information.

 Column A Signal name
o The following conditions apply:
o Maximum length of the signal name: 255 characters.
o The following characters must not occur
Semicolon (;)
Quotation marks
Blank in front of the signal name
Blank at the end of the signal name
 Column B Time stamp
o If no valid entry exists, the entry will be rejected completely.
 Column C Measured value
o Maximum length: 100 characters.
o If no valid entry exists, the last value will be written and the status set to &H4 (invalid).
 Column D Status
o If no valid entry exists, the status will be set to &H4 (invalid).
o Permissible values are 0-255 (see status bits in PGIM in the Short instruction – Signal
 Column E Time identifier
o Possible entries:

o No entry The time-stamp is available as UTC time.

o S The time-stamp is available as local summer time.
o W The time-stamp is available as local winter time.

For Example:

2VAA000322 July 2010 130

;#class modul application;09.12.98 11:16:31
1LAB10CT001 XJ01;01.11.1998 08:50:00.100;1,2; 0;W
1LAB10CT001 XJ01;01.11.1998 09:20:00.020;2,5; 0;W
1LAB10CT001 XJ01;01.11.1998 09:50:00.003;2,6; 0;W
1LAB10CT001 XJ01;01.11.1998 09:50:00.003;1,0; 0;W
1LAB10CT001 XJ01;01.11.1998 10:20:00.400;1,6;100;W

2VAA000322 July 2010 131


2.14 ASCII Online Scanner

2.14.1 Introduction
The difference between the AsciiScanner and the AsciiOnlineScanner is that the AsciiOnlineScanner
is much faster than the AsciiScanner. The restriction to the AsciiScanner is that the
AsciiOnlineScanner can not overwrite values in the database.

Two files are important for the AsciiOnlineScanner. The value file and the signal configuration file.
Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
ASCII OnlineScanDriver

Remote System
reading of current / historical
File Transfer
of ASCII Files process values


Remote System FTP

Windows drive mapping

2.14.2 Value file

An example of the AsciiOnlineScanner ASCII-Format:

LSTWKGES_Z21;01.07.2002 08:50:00.100;1,2;0;W
LPREAGES_Z21;01.07.2002 09:20:00.020;2,5;0;S
206_G_____ZW_P;01.07.2002 09:50:00.003;2,6;0;
OSBEG_WETTWISK;01.07.2002 10:20:00.400;1,6;0;
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. 07 ac 01;01.07.2002 10:50:00.050;1;0;
LSTWKGES_Z21;01.07.2002 10:50:00.100;1,2;0;W
OSBEG_WETTWISK;01.07.2002 10:51:01.000;1,6;0;

2VAA000322 July 2010 132

CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. 07 ac 01;01.07.2002 11:50:00.030;1;0;
CISCO SYSTEMS, INC. 07 ac 01;01.07.2002 11:50:01.150;1;0;
LPREAGES_Z21;01.07.2002 11:52:00.000;2,5;0;S

ABB can adjust each ASCII format for the AsciiOnlineScanner on request.

2.14.3 Signal Configuration

The signal configuration file Konfi.csv must be located in the folder:
Konfi_AsciiOnlineScanner\FreeName\Konfi\Konfi.csv. Build up of the signal configuration file KONFI.CSV

The structure of a configuration spreadsheet:
The division of the KONFI.CSV file is preset. There must always be 12 columns and also 12
semicolons as separators between the columns in one line. If the first character is a semicolon, this
line is regarded as a comment line and will not be evaluated.

Explanation of the columns:

Column A: Signal type (analog, binary)
Column B: Signal name to be displayed for this signal in PGIM (KKS, AKS, arbitrary)
Column C: Direction; Direction as seen from PGIM (READ)
Column E: Long text; Descriptive text for the signal
Column F: MBA; Measuring range start
Column G: MBE; Measuring range end
Column H: Dimension; Dimension of the signal
Column I: Status 0; Status text OFF for binary signals
Column J: Status 1; Status text ON for binary signals
Column K: Factor a of the conversion function y=ax+b Default: 1.0
Column L: Factor b of the conversion function y=ax+b Default: 0.0
Column M: Alias-Name, exchange name for the signal name
An example of a Konfi_Datei (configuration file) is available in C:\PlantConnect.Bin\Scanner\

Type; Name; Direction; Description; MBA; MBE; Dimension; Status text OFF; Status text ON; a; b;
Alias name;

2VAA000322 July 2010 133


2.14.4 Configuration file ASCIIOnlineScanner.ini

The behavior of the data logging can be set with the parameters in the ASCIIOnlineScanner.ini file.
Each instance of the scanner requires a section in that file.
In this section different settings can be done:



 Valuefile
Name of the value file. If this information missing, the file
Konfi_AsciiOnlineScanner\FreeName\werte.csv is active.
Wildcards (? and *) are allowed in the file name. In the case of wildcards the files which are included
will be imported in sorted order.

For Example:
Valuefile = E:\PIMS\Scanner\Konfi_AsciiOnlineScanner\52756\GAS\EM_01.TXT

 ValueFileFormat
Designate the parser to be used. If this information missing, the standard format is used.

 Separator
Designate the separator to be used. If this information missing, the standard format Semicolon is

For Example:
Separator = :
Separator = |

 DeleteAfterRead

2VAA000322 July 2010 134

Here you can define that the file should be deleted after reading. Possible inputs are true or false. If
this information missing, the file will be not be deleted.

For Example:
DeleteAfterRead = true
DeleteAfterRead = false

 EndOfLineChar
Define the character in use for the end-of-line information. This information can be in decimal or hex
notation. If this information missing the character 0x0d (13) is active.

For Example:
EndOfLineChar = 0x0a
EndOfLineChar = 0x0d

 FTPServer
If this entry is defined, the value files are read from a server with the ftp. At the same time this
parameter must also define the entries for ftp user and FTP Password. This entry does not have a
default value.

For Example:
FTPServer = unixserver1

 FTPUser and FTPPasswd

Defines the account which can be used for the ftp connection. These entries do not have a default

For Example:
FTPUser = user1
FTPPasswd = XXXX

 Pollcycle
Define the cycle rate to search for files if no notification by the operating system is possible. The cycle
rate is indicated in seconds. If the entry is missing, then 60 seconds are used.

For Example:
Pollcycle = 60

 RelStarttime
Defines a point of reference for the polling cycle. This allows you to look every 8 minutes after the full
hour for files. If the entry is missing, then midnight is used

2VAA000322 July 2010 135


For Example:
RelStarttime = 00:08:00

2VAA000322 July 2010 136


2.15 Teleperm-XP

2.15.1 Introduction
For the connection between PGIM and the control system Teleperm-XP from Siemens a separate
driver is available that allows you to read process data from the Teleperm-XP system and write values
from PGIM to the Teleperm-XP system. The PGIM Scanner TXP/XU is connected to the TXP/XU
gateway from Siemens.
Client Client Client

PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
TXPXU ScanDriver

reading / writing of
current process values Siemens
Network (TCP/IP)


Terminal Bus

2.15.2 Installation
For the installation of the TXP/XU Scanner a network connection to the TXP/XU gateway from
Siemens must be established. The PGIM database may be located either on the same PC as the
TXP/XU Scanner or on a different one connected via an additional network card. The PGIM Scanner-
PC is able to buffer the incoming data in case the network connection to the PGIM Server that stores
the data is disturbed.
The PGIM ScanManager with the TXP/XU ScanDriver is installed on the PC. This PC is connected on
one side to the TXP/XU gateway station by a crossover cable. This is a direct connection between the
first network card of the PGIM Scanner PC and the network card of the TXP/XU gateway. The
connection of the PGIM Scanner to the PGIM Server is established using a second network card
The PGIM Scanner directly reads the values from the TXP/XU gateway. Values from PGIM to the
TXP/XU gateway station are written by a cyclic file transfer (with a cycle rate of approximately 5
seconds) to both redundant TXP process station "PUa" and "PUb".
If the network connection between the PGIM Scanner and the PGIM Server is lost, the scanner stores
the values read from the TXP/XU gateway on the local hard disk (buffering of the scanner data)

2VAA000322 July 2010 137


2.15.3 Configuration
The PGIM TXP/XU -ScanDriver creates the following folder structure during the installation:
In this folder a subfolder with the desired name of the ScanDriver must be created manually for
example "PBS30". Within this subfolder the following configuration files are expected to contain the
analog and binary signals to be read.
Each subfolder is interpreted as the name of a gateway station, for example
The name "h01xu1" is used as the name of a connected gateway station. This name must be
configured as an IP address, either by a name server or in the file "hosts" of the Scanner PC. The
command "ping" with the name "h01xu1" must be successful. Both these files are created at the
Siemens system and transferred to the Scanner PC by FTP.
In the subfolder "h01xu1" two files are located named "descr.txt" and "Signal2.txt". Both files together
describe all signals that can be read by this Scanner.
If values must be written to the Siemens system, two additional files named "analog_write.txt" and
"binary_write.txt" are necessary. Inside these two additional files the signals to which values must be
written are defined.
The file "TXPXUScanner.ini" must exist in the folder
"PlantConnect.Bin\Scanner\Konfi_TXPXUScanner". In this file the relevant information for the
communication is specified.

For Example:
# separator in the file Signal2.txt (this file contains the scaling information)
Seperator = |
# In general two gateway stations (XU) could exist, but this is not tested
Redundancy =
# ID for the communication with the XU, value defined during configuration of XU
ClientID = 10
# Name (IP-adress) of the process stations (PU)s, two which the write files must # be
transferred. The PU can be redundant, therefore two entries
ProcessUnit1 = pu35a
ProcessUnit2 = pu35b
# Username and password for the FTP connection
FTPUser = user
FTPPassword = password
# Name of the write files
WriteFileAnalog = analog.dat
WriteFileBinary = binary.dat

Lines starting with the character "#" are comments.
[h01xu1]: Name of the section in the ini-file. This must be the same as the name of the gateway
station (XU). The parameters for the respective scanner are defined in this section.
Separator: Separator of the columns in the file "Signal2.txt" that contains the scaling information.

2VAA000322 July 2010 138

Redundancy: If a redundant XU is available this redundant XU may be defined here. (This function is
not tested due to missing test equipment.)
ClientID: ID of the Scanner used for the login at the XU. This value is defined during the
configuration of the XU.
The following lines are only necessary if data must be written to the XU.

ProcessUnit1: Name of a Process Unit (PU), to which data shall to be written.

This name must be configured as an IP address, either by a name server or in
the file "hosts" of the Scanner PC. The command "ping" with the name "h01xu1"
must be successful.
ProcessUnit2: Necessary for redundant Process Stations. The name of the redundant PU to
which data shall to be written. Concerning the name the above mentioned
naming requirement is also valid for this parameter.
FTPUser: The writing of the data is done via a FTP connection to the PU(s). In this line the
FTP user must be defined.
FTPPassword: The password for the defined user must be specified here.
WriteFileAnalog: Because the writing of data works by files the name of the file for the analog
signals must be defined. The amount of signals that can be written is limited to
100 analog and binary signals.
WriteFileBinary: The same as for analog signals.

All the configuration files are generated within the TXP system. These files must be obtained from the
The following configuration files are needed:

The file "analog_write.txt" contains the analog signals to be written:

# Signalname;Dimension; MBA; MBE; Langtext
TESTSIGNAL01 VXA;%;-10.0;110.0;Langtext zu TESTSIGNAL01
TESTSIGNAL02 VXA;bar;0.0;1.0;Langtext zu TESTSIGNAL02

The file "binary _write.txt" contains the binary signals to be written:

# Signalname; Eintext; Austext; Langtext
TESTSIGNAL01 VXZ;ein;aus;Langtext zu TESTSIGNAL01
TESTSIGNAL02 VXZ;ein;aus;Langtext zu TESTSIGNAL02

2VAA000322 July 2010 139

The file "descr.txt" contains information concerning the signals to be read. The measuring ranges of
the signals are missing in this file. Therefore an additional file (Signal2.txt) is required.
- descr.txt
# Descriptionfile XU
# 06.12.1999 08:15:18
TAG/INSTRUMENT TAG: 000300430001
00 MR00 M001 XB01 K1 Bl. B Leinhäuser Weg
Point Type: D
Zero / Span: 0/1
--- No value ---
--- Platzhalter 1 ---
--- Platzhalter 2 ---
TAG/INSTRUMENT TAG: 000300550001
00 WS01 M001 XQ01 Windgeschwindigkeit
Point Type: R/S
Zero / Span: 0,5 49,5
Engineering units: m/s
--- Platzhalter 1 ---
--- Platzhalter 2 ---
TAG/INSTRUMENT TAG: 000300590001
00 WS02 M002 XQ01 Lufttemperatur
Point Type: R/S
Zero / Span: -30 100
Engineering units: °C
--- Platzhalter 1 ---
--- Platzhalter 2 ---
00 MR00 M001 XG01 K1 Bl. B Leinhäuser Weg
Point Type: D
Zero / Span: 0/1
--- No value ---
--- Platzhalter 1 ---
--- Platzhalter 2 ---
TAG/INSTRUMENT TAG: 000300660001
00 MR15 M000 XB11 Pförtner OS-Umschaltung
Point Type: D
Zero / Span: 0/1

2VAA000322 July 2010 140

--- No value ---
--- Platzhalter 1 ---
--- Platzhalter 2 ---
TAG/INSTRUMENT TAG: 000300670001
00 MR00 U001 XA01 TS Quittung Alarm
Point Type: D
Zero / Span: 0/1
--- No value ---
--- Platzhalter 1 ---
--- Platzhalter 2 ---
16 DT11 U001 ZM81 Klimaanlage Stö
Point Type: D
Zero / Span: 0/1
--- No value ---
--- Platzhalter 1 ---
--- Platzhalter 2 ---

The file "Signal2.txt" forms an addition to the file "descr.txt" and contains the measuring ranges of the
different signals. The last column in the file "Signal2.txt" is not needed for the connection. The file is
delivered by Siemens.
- Signal2.txt
00 AZ01 E801 |XE01 | -400 | 400 | 1
00 AZ01 E802 |XE01 | -400 | 400 | 1
00 ES01 E001 |XQ02 | 0 | 50 | 100
00 ES01 E001 |XQ01 | 0 | 50 | 0.5
00 ES01 M001 |XQ01 | 0 | 120 | 100
00 HW05 U950 |XQ01 | 0 | 20000 | 1
00 HW05 U957 |XQ01 | 0 | 20000 | 1
00 VC65 F001 |XQ01 | 0 | 300 | 1667
00 VC65 P001 |XL01 | 0 | 2.0 | 500
00 VC65 P001 |XQ01 | 0 | 2 | 100
00 WS01 M001 |XQ01 | 0.5 | 50 | 500

The PGIM TXP/XU Scanner uses the following DLL as the ScanDriver:
....\PlantConnect.Bin\Scanner\ ScanDriver\TXPXUScanner.dll

2VAA000322 July 2010 141


2.16 ABB Symphony Harmony (Infi 90)

2.16.1 Introduction
For the connection between PGIM and the Harmony control system a separate driver is available that
allows you to read process data from the Harmony system. The PGIM Scanner INFI90 is connected to
the Harmony network communication coupler using the semAPI Software (see the picture below).
The PGIM INFI90 Scanner therefore requires:
 The SemAPI Run-time kit Version 2.1, to be installed on the PC where the PGIM INFI90 Scanner
is running including the license for data acquisition (DA)


Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager PGIM
INFI90 ScanDriver
sem API
reading and writing of INFI90
RS 232 C current process values



 The supported interface on the Harmony side. Currently only the INICI03 interface is tested and

2.16.2 Installation
For the installation of the PGIM INFI90 Scanner a RS-232-c or SCSI connection to the INICI03
interface must be established. The PGIM database may be located either on the same PC as the
INFI90 Scanner or on a different one connected via an additional network card. The PGIM Scanner-
PC is able to buffer the incoming data in case the network connection to the PGIM Server that stores
the data is disturbed.

2VAA000322 July 2010 142


2.16.3 Structure
On the PC the PGIM ScanManager with the INFI90 ScanDriver is installed. The INFI90 ScanDriver
uses the semAPI client function library. It gets the process values from the INICI03 Interface via a
device driver. The connection of the PGIM Scanner to the PGIM Server either uses local TCP/IP (if the
PGIM server is installed on the same PC as the ScanManager) or network TCP/IP.



PGIM Server

Local TCP/IP

PGIM ScanManager
INFI 90 ScanDriver

semAPI software

SemAPI client function library Device driver

Local TCP/IP


Interface INICIO3

If the network connection between the PGIM Scanner and the PGIM Server is lost, the scanner stores
the values read by the INFI90 ScanDriver on the local hard disk (buffering of the scanner data)

In PGIM there are two types of INFI90 Scanners possible.

In the case of a new installation you should take type 2. This type allows more detailed information
from the INFI90 System. The difference between the two types is that they make different Signal
names available. That is the reason why you should take type 1 in the case of an existing installation.
Otherwise you get new signal names, and the signal names used in the past will be different than the
future signal names.

2.16.4 Configuration
The PGIM INFI90-ScanDriver creates the following folder structure during the installation:
In this folder a subfolder with the desired name of the ScanDriver must be created manually for
example "INFI90".
Every subfolder is read by the driver and the name is used as a ScanDriver names, for example:

2VAA000322 July 2010 143

Results in a ScanDriver named INFI90.
The connection between a ScanDriver (for example INFI90) and the semAPI is done by the INI-File
"INFI90Scanner.ini" in the base path:
The structure of this file is as follows
LogICI = 1
TimeSync = 0
EstablishDelay = 50
OnlineStart = 1
The Scanner expects, for historical reasons, 11 columns, but ignores the last 3.
The ScanDriver name is used as the section name. The entry must be equal to the subfolder
The key „LogICI" corresponds to the settings of the Application Logical ICI in the ICICONF
program. Possible values are „1" up to „20".
If the key „TimeSync" is set to 1 then the INFI90 ScanDriver synchronizes the computer clock
to the INFI90 system. Possible values are „0" or „1".
The key "EstablishDelay". Here you set the time in milliseconds between two function calls
The key "OnlineStart" defines the startup mode for the function s_ici_restart_w. Default 0 (DISABLE)
The key "ExceptionReportScreening" can be set as a parameter for the function "s_ici_restart_w".
Default 0 (DISABLE).

The folder .\PlantConnect.bin\Scanner\Konfi_Infi90Scanner\INFI90 contains one or more files which

describes the tags available by the ScanDriver. The filenames are fixed, currently used are:

The structure of the files is as follows:

 For the files „digital.txt" and „rcm.txt":

2VAA000322 July 2010 144

Tag type;direction;tag name;tag description;units;lower range value; upper range value;connection
For Example:
bin; read; IX100; switch motor feedwaterpump; ON; OFF;1223334444
 The entries in the first and second column are fixed.
 The entry in the column "tagname" must be unique for all tags read via the INFI90 Scanner.

 For the files "analog.txt", "rmsc.txt" and "station.txt"

Tag type;direction;tag name;tag description;units;lower range value; upper range value;connection
For Example:
ana; read; TC100; temperature after superheater; DegC; 300.0; 600.0;102030004
 The entries in the first and second column are fixed.
 The entry in the column "tagname" must be unique for all tags read via the INFI90 Scanner.

The connection address is based on four parts:

 the loop number (L: 1 digit),
 the control unit (or node) number (U: 2 digits),
 the control module number (M: 2 digits) and
 the block number (B:4 digits)
This leads to the following format (filled with leading zeroes if necessary):
For example:

The ScanDriver log file is written in the folder


There is no way to mark a line as comment.

The description for rcm.txt should read "Tag type;direction;tag name;tag description;state text
low;state text high;connection address"
The content of “DigitalReport.txt” is nearly the same as the one for "digital.txt", the difference is one
added column for the pointindex which is used by the SemAPI for the write access.
The description for DigitalReport.txt should read "Tag type;direction;tag name;tag
description;state text low;state text high;connection address;pointindex"

2VAA000322 July 2010 145


You can activate the desired function in the INFI90Scanner.ini file:


2VAA000322 July 2010 146


Example of a INFI90Scanner.ini:

LogICI = 1
TimeSync = 0
EstablishDelay = 50
OnlineStart = 1

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm

2VAA000322 July 2010 147

LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 1
# limit alarm
LA = 1
# deviation alarm
DA = 1
# points red tagged
RT = 1
# point tracking
PT = 1
# calibration correction values
CCV = 1
# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# process variable quality
PVQ = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# set point tracking

2VAA000322 July 2010 148

SPT = 0
# bypassed
BYP = 0
# manual interlock
MI = 0
# output tracking
OT = 0
# digital station failure
DSF = 0
# computer OK signal
COK = 0
# control level
LEV = 0
# cascade/ratio control strategy
CRN = 0
# automatic/manual mode
AM = 0
# quality
Q = 1
# limit alarm
LA = 1
# value
V = 1

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged

2VAA000322 July 2010 149

RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0


# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# value
V = 1


2VAA000322 July 2010 150


# quality
Q = 1
# alarm
ALM = 1
# tagged
TAG = 1
# output value
OV = 1
# logic set input received
SI = 1
# set permissive input received
SP = 1
# logic reset input received
RI = 1
# override
OR = 1
# feedback
FB = 1
# set command received
SC = 1
# reset command received
RC = 1

# quality
Q = 0
# alarm
ALM = 0
# tagged
TAG = 0
# output value
OV = 0
# logic set input received
SI = 0
# set permissive input received
SP = 0
# logic reset input received
RI = 0
# override
OR = 0
# feedback
FB = 0
# set command received
SC = 0
# reset command received
RC = 0


2VAA000322 July 2010 151

# process_variable_value
PV = 0
# set_point_value
SP = 0
# control_output_value
CO = 0
# ratio_index_value
RI = 0
# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# process variable quality
PVQ = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# set point tracking
SPT = 0
# bypassed
BYP = 0
# manual interlock
MI = 0
# output tracking
OT = 0
# digital station failure
DSF = 0
# computer OK signal
COK = 0
# control level
LEV = 0
# cascade/ratio control strategy
CRN = 0
# automatic/manual mode
AM = 0

# quality
Q = 1
# limit alarm
LA = 1
# deviation alarm
DA = 1
# points red tagged
RT = 1
# point tracking
PT = 1
# calibration correction values

2VAA000322 July 2010 152

CCV = 1

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# process_variable_value
PV = 1
# set_point_value
SP = 1
# control_output_value
CO = 1
# ratio_index_value
RI = 1
# quality
Q = 1
# limit alarm
LA = 1
# deviation alarm
DA = 1
# process variable quality
PVQ = 1
# points red tagged
RT = 1
# set point tracking
SPT = 1
# bypassed
BYP = 1
# manual interlock
MI = 1
# output tracking
OT = 1
# digital station failure
DSF = 1
# computer OK signal
COK = 1
# control level
LEV = 1

2VAA000322 July 2010 153

# cascade/ratio control strategy
CRN = 1
# automatic/manual mode
AM = 1

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0

# quality
Q = 0
# limit alarm
LA = 0
# deviation alarm
DA = 0
# points red tagged
RT = 0
# point tracking
PT = 0
# calibration correction values
CCV = 0


# maximum reporting time exceeded
MXT = 0
# request for immediate notification
IMM = 0
# message size limitation exceeded
MSG = 0
# enhnaced trend block in alarm
ALM = 0
# quality

2VAA000322 July 2010 154

Q = 0
# sequence number
NUM = 0

# quality
Q = 1
# high alarm
HA = 1
# low alarm
LA = 1
# alarm level
AL = 1
X = 1
# block red tagged
TAG1 = 1
# auto/manual
AM1 = 1
UC_BYTE2 = 1
# constant value 1
# block red tagged
TAG3 = 1
# hardware fault/bad quality of input signal
FQ3 = 1
# out of range
OR = 1
# limited
LIM = 1
# auto/manual
AM3 = 1
# calculated value
CAL3 = 1
# qualtiy override
QO = 1
# off scan/no report
SS = 1
# high deviation alarm
HDA = 1
# low deviation alarm
LDA = 1
# high rate
HR = 1
# low rate
LR = 1
# variable alarms
VA = 1
# alarm suppression indication
ASI = 1

2VAA000322 July 2010 155

# in realarm
RA = 1
# permit input select
PIS = 1
# constraints enabled
CE = 1
# calculated value
CAL5 = 1
# hardware fault/bad quality of input signal
FQ5 = 1
# multilevel alarming
MA = 1
# auto/manaul
AM5 = 1


# quality
Q = 1
# multistate device driver block alarm
ALM = 1
# status override value
SOR = 1
# control override value
COR = 1
# operating mode
M = 1
# block tagged
TAG = 1
# command output equal
CO = 1
# feedback state 1
FB1 = 1
# feedback state 2
FB2 = 1
# feedback state 3

2VAA000322 July 2010 156

FB3 = 1
# feedback state 4
FB4 = 1
# good state table value
GS = 1
# requested state
RS = 1

# quality
Q = 1
# device driver block alarm
ALM = 1
# device driver block tagged
TAG = 1
# output value
OV = 1
# feedback state 1
FB1 = 1
# feedback state 2
FB2 = 1
# feedbak status
FS = 1
# override value
OR = 1
# operationg mode
MODE = 1

# quality
Q = 0
# rmc block in alarm
ALM = 0
# feedback state 1
FB1 = 0
# feedback state 2
FB2 = 0
# rmc block tagged
TAG = 0
# output value
OV = 0
# bad start
BS = 0
# fault
F = 0
# start permissive state 1
SP1 = 0
# start permissive state 2
SP2 = 0
# error codes for bad start

2VAA000322 July 2010 157


# quality
Q = 0
# dadig block alarm
ALM = 0
# time in alarm re-alarm (bit is toggled)
# alarms suppressed
SUP = 0
# output suspect
OS = 0
# point off scan (no report)
NR = 0
# red tagged
TAG = 0
# output value
OV = 0
# extended status transition latched
LAT = 0
# quality override
QO = 0
# set permissive
SP = 0
# primary input selected
PI = 0
# alternate input selected
AI = 0
# quality
Q = 0
F_DATA = 0
# value quality (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_Q = 0
# value is in high alarm (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# value is in low alarm (0 = NO; 1 = YES)

2VAA000322 July 2010 158

# status errors are inhibited (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SEI = 0
# simulated value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SIM = 0
# overridden value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_OE = 0
# value is suspect (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# is quality propogated (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_PQ = 0
# extended range (valid if range = 11; 0 = overdriven low 1 = overdriven high)
UC_ER = 0
# configuration error exists (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# channel condition (range: 00 = OK, 01 = open, 10 = short, 11 = overdrive)
# readback status (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
# reference status (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_REF = 0
# calibration status (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_CAL = 0

F_DATA = 0
# value quality (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_Q = 0
# value is in high alarm (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# value is in low alarm (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# status errors are inhibited (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SEI = 0
# simulated value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SIM = 0
# overridden value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_OE = 0
# value is suspect (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# is quality propogated (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_PQ = 0
# extended range (valid if range = 11; 0 = overdriven low 1 = overdriven high)
UC_ER = 0

2VAA000322 July 2010 159

# configuration error exists (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# channel condition (range: 00 = OK, 01 = open, 10 = short, 11 = overdrive)
# readback status (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
# reference status (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_REF = 0
# calibration status (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_CAL = 0

# value quality (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_Q = 0
# value is in alarm (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_ALM = 0
# status error are inhibited (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SEI = 0
# simulated value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SIM = 0
# overridden value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# value is suspect (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# is quality propogated (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_PQ = 0
# configuration error exists (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# channel condition (range: 00 = OK, 01 = open, 10 = short, 11 = overdrive)
# readback status (0 = OK; 1 - BAD)
# value
UC_VAL = 0

# value quality (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_Q = 0
# value is in alarm (0 = NO; 1 = YES)

2VAA000322 July 2010 160

UC_ALM = 0
# status error are inhibited (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SEI = 0
# simulated value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_SIM = 0
# overridden value (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# value is suspect (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# is quality propogated (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
UC_PQ = 0
# configuration error exists (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# channel condition (range: 00 = OK, 01 = open, 10 = short, 11 = overdrive)
# readback status (0 = OK; 1 - BAD)
# value
UC_VAL = 0

# value quality (0 = OK; 1 = BAD)
UC_Q = 0
# alarm status(level) (1 = user messages (future), 2 = user faults, 3 = system faults)
UC_ALM = 0
# XR confirmation (0 = not expected, 1 = expected)
# program status (0 = inactive, 1 = active)
# acquired status (0 = not acquired, 1 = acquired)
UC_ACQ = 0

2VAA000322 July 2010 161

# red tag status (0 = no red tags, 1 = one or more red tags set)
UC_RTG = 0
# sequence mode (0 = normal, 1 = sequence mode)
UC_SEQ = 0
# LEAD PHASEX block (0 = NO; 1 = YES)
# step execution mode (0 = normal, 1 = step execution commanded by Debugger)

2VAA000322 July 2010 162


2.17 ABB ConDas

2.17.1 Introduction


Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
ConDas ScanDriver PGIM


reading/writing of
current values

ConDas Server
TCP/IP Server

2.17.2 Shortconfiguration Introduction
To connect ConDas as a data supplier for ABB PGIM, a signal list (short configuration procedure) from
ConDas is required. This list is created by the ConDas program:


This is a text file which will be transmitted, for example via FTP, to the PGIM system. In a short
configuration procedure, signals from several ConDas configurations may be combined, provided that
configuration-wide unique short names are used.
The program SHORTDOCUMENTATION is included in the distribution of ConDas version 7.71 and
higher, but it can also be used without any problem on previous ConDas versions 7.x.

2VAA000322 July 2010 163

Installation/Administration Creation of Short Documentation

The program SHORTDOCUMENTATION, for the creation of a short configuration procedure, can be
executed from the DCL prompt of OpenVMS using the command:


Alternatively, you may also integrate it into ConDas as an external program, setting the sequence
mode to "Foreground".
The program has a simple user interface. After the start, the following outputs are displayed (the parts
in italics are examples; you can provide your own inputs):


This program creates a short configuration from one or more configurations and writes it to an output

First, the program requests that you enter a file name for the text file in which the short configuration
procedure will be created. You can use any name. In the case of an empty input, the program will

Enter the output file name [no default] : MWF:KDOK.GDB

Then enter a number for the configuration whose signals are to be included in the short configuration
procedure. All signals of the configuration are always documented.

Enter the configuration number [no default] : 1

After the selected configuration has been read and processed, you may either include another
configuration in the short configuration procedure, or terminate the inputs and then create the short
configuration procedure:

Do you want to add another configuration [Y/N] ? N

If "N" is entered, the short configuration procedure will be created in the selected file.
By entering "Y" or "J", you can include another configuration in the short configuration procedure. The
same configuration can not be selected a second time.
The signal names of the configurations included in the short configuration procedure are checked for
their configuration-wide uniqueness, i.e., each signal name may exist only once in the short
configuration procedure. If an infringement of this rule is detected, the program indicates the signal
name and removes the associated configuration completely from the short configuration procedure:

2VAA000322 July 2010 164

*** Duplicate tag name (#1) : STD
*** Error adding signal #1.

Configuration processed with error(s).

Do you want to continue anyway [Y/N] ? N

You can choose two possibilities: either you enter "N" to abort the program because of the error, or
you enter "Y" or "J" to ignore the error and have the short configuration procedure created for the
remaining configurations. You can also include other configurations.
After the program has created the short configuration procedure, it indicates the name of the file and
the number of documented signals:

Short configuration written to file mwf:kdok.gdb

(89 signals)

Press ENTER to finish...

Press ENTER to terminate the program. Structure of Short Documentation

The format of the text file with the short configuration procedure is based on the format of the .GDB
files of Intellution® FIX® 7.0.
The file begins with a five-line header which includes date and time of the creation, as well as the
node name of the ConDas computer.
! Short configuration of 9-MAY-2001 14:40:00.80
! Nodename: AXPSW

The parameters of the signals follow in separate text blocks which are separated from each other by a
blank line. Each text block begins with a two-line header, followed by a blank line. Then the parameter
block follows indented by 2 blank spaces. It is composed of a different number of lines depending on
the signal type.

Type :: AI
Tag Name :: 01LAB01CP901/X1/SIG

EGU TAG :: Grad C

2VAA000322 July 2010 165


Each line includes a keyword for the parameter, which is separated by 2 colons from the following
proper parameter value. The table below lists all keywords used at present and their meaning:
Keyword K/P1 Meaning
Type K Signal type:
AI = Analog Input
AO = Analog Output
DI = Digital Input
DO = Digital Output

Note: All signal types of ConDas are mapped

onto these 4 types.

Tag Name K Name of the signal (short name)

DESCRIPTION P Description of the signal (long text)

EGU TAG P Unit of measure (dimension) of the signal

(not for digital signals)

LOW EGU LIMIT P Measuring range start2 of the signal

(not for digital signals)

HIGH EGU LIMIT P Measuring range end2 of the signal

(not for digital signals)

OPEN TAG P Text for the off condition of the signal

(only for digital signals)

CLOSE TAG P Text for the on condition of the signal

(only for digital signals)

K/P: Use of keyword (K = header, P = parameter block)

Measuring range: Signals from ConDas without specific measuring range (for example virtual
channels) get the measuring range 0..100.

2VAA000322 July 2010 166

Installation/Administration Example of a short configuration procedure

! Short configuration of 9-MAY-2001 14:40:00.80
! Nodename: AXPSW
Type :: AI
Tag Name :: 01LAB01CP901/X1/SIG

EGU TAG :: Grad C

Type :: DI
Tag Name :: 10AE00E007/VXA


2.17.3 The GDB File

In the case of the ScanDriver for ConDas, the definition of the signals to be processed is performed
via a .GDB file which can be created in the ConDas system using the "SHORTDOCUMENTATION"
tool (Refer to the "Short Documentation for ABB PGIM" section of this manual).
For each ConDas system, a...\Confi_ConDasScanner\<ConDas-System> folder must exist. The first
.GDB file found in this folder will be read. It will check whether the system name in the header of the
file is identical to the folder name.
The following fields from the .GDB file are evaluated for each signal:

Type of the signal:
AI,CI,VI,EX,HN => analog/read
AO,CO,MA => analog/read-write
DI => binary/read
DO => binary/read-write

Only these types are evaluated, signals of other types will be ignored.

Tag Name
Name of the signal

2VAA000322 July 2010 167

Description of the signal (long text)

For binary signals (ConDas types DI, DO), the following evaluations are additionally performed:

Status text for signal value 0 (status text "Off")

Status text for signal value 1 (status text "On")

For analog signals (ConDas types AI,AO,CI,CO,VI,EX,HN,MA), the following evaluations are
additionally performed:


Measuring range start of the signal (MBA)


Measuring range end of the signal (MBE)

Dimension of the measured values of the signal

2.17.4 The ConDasScanner.ini Control File

The ConDasScanner.ini control file is created in the folder ...\Confi_ConDasScanner\. The file
includes one section for the configuration of the ConDasScanner as well as one or several sections for
the configuration of the ConDas systems.
For each ConDas system, one section [<ConDas-System>] may exist where
the <ConDas-System> must not be identical with "ConDasScanner". The name must correspond with
the name in the GDB file. The TCP/IP host name or the TCP/IP address of the ConDas system would
be appropriate.
In this section, the following variables are recognized:

Variable: nodename
Purpose: TCP/IP host name of the ConDas system
Default: Name of the ConDas system (from <ConDas-System>)
Variable: port
Purpose: TCP/IP port number of the ConDas network server
Default: 4000

2VAA000322 July 2010 168


Variable: timeout
Purpose: Timeout period of TCP/IP system calls in milliseconds
Default: 1000

Variable: Cycletime
Purpose: Length of the scanning cycle in milliseconds
Default: 10 milliseconds

Variable: separatorThousand
Purpose: Thousand separator of the .GDB file
Default: Thousand separator of the local Win32 system or "."

Variable: separatorDecimal
Purpose: Decimal separator of the .GDB file
Default: Decimal separator of the local Win32 system or ","

If a blank space is used as a value for the variables separatorThousand or separatorDecimal, the
program will ignore any spaces when reading in numbers (i.e. those for which the C function isspace()
delivers a true value).

The section [ConDasScanner] may exist only once. In this section, the following variable is

Variable: debug
Purpose: Logging level
Values: 0 Only errors are logged (default).
1 Warnings are logged.
3 The most important non-iterative methods of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
4 Iterative methods (FindFirst / FindNext) of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
5 Start/Stop methods of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
6 Start/Stop methods of CLogicalScanner are logged.

2VAA000322 July 2010 169

7 The ReadThread is logged.
8 Constructors and destructors of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
9 All methods of the FIXScanner layer are logged.
12 "Official" FIX functions are logged (EDA.log only).
15 All functions/methods of the EDA layer are logged (EDA.log only).
20 Calls of WriteSignalToScanMan() are logged.
21 Calls of the ConDasLib interface are logged (EDA.log only).

2.17.5 Log Files

Log files are created in the ...\log\ConDasScanner\ folder with the name ConDasScanner.log and/or
ConDasScanner.log.old. Furthermore, a particular log file EDA.log (or EDA.log.old) is created for the
functions of the intermediate layer (conversion of EDA calls into ConDas calls) into which EDA-specific
messages of the debug levels 0, 1, 12, 15 and 21 are written.

2VAA000322 July 2010 170


2.18 Intellution FIX

2.18.1 Introduction


Client Client Client


PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
FIX ScanDriver PGIM

Intellution iFIX

reading/writing of
current values

Intellution FIX
EDA interface

2.18.2 The GDB File

In the case of the ScanDriver for Intellution FIX, the definition of the signals to be processed (FIX
terminology: blocks) is performed via a .GDB file. This can be created in the FIX system using the
"Database Builder" tool. Select the Database/Export menu item.
For each SCADA, a folder ...\Confi_FIXScanner\<SCADA-Name> must exist. The first .GDB file
found in this folder will be read.
It is checked whether the SCADA name in the header of the file is identical with the folder name.
The following fields from the .GDB file are evaluated for each signal:

Type of the signal:
AI,CI => analog/read
AO,AR => analog/read-write (AO actually write only)
DI,MDI => binary/read
DO,DR => binary/read-write (DO actually write only)

Only these types are evaluated; signals of other types will be ignored.

2VAA000322 July 2010 171

Tag Name
Name of the signal

Description of the signal (long text)

For binary signals (FIX types DI, DO, DR, MDI), the following evaluations are additionally performed:

Status text for signal value 0 (statustext0)

Status text for signal value 1 (statustext1)

For analog signals (FIX types AI, AO, AR, CA), the following evaluations are additionally performed:


Measuring range start of the signal (MBA)


Measuring range end of the signal (MBE)

Dimension of the measured values of the signal
Note that AO and DO signals in FIX are write-only!

2.18.3 The FIXScanner.ini Control File

The FIXScanner.ini control file is created in the folder ...\Confi_FIXScanner\. The file includes one
section for the configuration of the FIXScanner as well as one or several sections for the configuration
of the SCADAs.
For each SCADA, one section [<SCADA-Name>] may exist where <SCADA-Name> must not be
identical with "FIXScanner".
In this section, the following variables are recognized:

Variable: Cycletime
Purpose: Length of the scanning cycle in milliseconds
Default: 10 milliseconds
Variable: separatorMillion
Purpose: Million- separator of the .GDB file

2VAA000322 July 2010 172

Default: Million - separator of the local Win32 system or "."

Variable: separatorThousand
Purpose: Thousand separator of the .GDB file
Default: Thousand separator of the local Win32 system or "."

Variable: separatorDecimal
Purpose: Decimal separator of the .GDB file
Default: Decimal separator of the local Win32 system or ","

If a blank space is used as value for the variables separatorMillion, separatorThousand or

separatorDecimal, , the program will ignore any spaces when reading in numbers (i.e. those for which
the C function isspace() delivers a true value).

Nodename = Nodename
Type = Type
TagName = Tagname

The section [FIXScanner] may exist only once. In this section, the following variable is recognized:

Variable: debug
Purpose: Logging level
Values: 0 Only errors are logged (default).
1 Warnings are logged (at present "FIX is not running" only).
3 The most important non-iterative methods of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
4 Iterative methods (FindFirst / FindNext) of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
5 Start/Stop methods of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
6 Start/Stop methods of CLogicalScanner are logged.
7 The ReadThread is logged.
8 Constructors and destructors of CPhysicalScanner are logged.
9 All methods are logged.
20 The calls of WriteSignalToScanMan() are logged.

2.18.4 Log Files

Log files are created in the ...\log\FIXScanner\ folder with the name FIXScanner.log and/or

2.19 ScanDriver for Mark IV (MarkIVScanner)

2VAA000322 July 2010 173


2.19.1 Data collection


Client Client Client

PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
MARK IV ScanDriver

Multiplexer GE
reading of current process values
Serial interface

Serial data dump

Measured values are sent from the MarkIV system cyclically without any special requirements. They
are passed as a byte stream over a serial interface (the configuration of the interfaces is described in
the following section). The byte stream consists of binary-coded data without any special beginning or
final identifications. In order to make a synchronization possible, is assumed at the beginning of the
byte stream that the time-stamps are always in order, and consist of 6 bytes.

Seconds (0..59)
Minutes (0..59)
Hours (0..23)
Days (1..31)
Month (1..12)
Year (0..255) (+2000 if < 100, else +1900)

Starting from that 7th byte the measured values follow. A measured value can consist of an individual
bit or of two or three bytes.

2.19.2 MarkIVScanner.ini
The file MarkIVScanner.ini is located in the ...\Konfi_MarkIVScanner \ folder. It contains configuration
data for the logical scanners, for example the parameters of the serial interface. The file contains a
section for each logical scanner. The names of the sections correspond to the names of the logical

2VAA000322 July 2010 174

scanners, for example [ MarkIVScanner01 ], [ MarkIVScanner02 ] etc. In each section the following
variables are recognized:
Variable Default Aim

Port 1 Number of the used COM Port:

2=COM2: usw.
Note: The same interface for several logical scanners may not
be used!
Baud rate 9600 Baud rate for the serial interface.
Parity N Parity for the COM Port:
Databits 8 Number of Databits.
Stopbits 1 Number of Stopbits.
Totalbytes No Def. Total number of the bytes in the data stream, including the
time-stamp (so that many bytes in each cycle of the Mark iv
system are sent).
Timegap 500 Time difference in milliseconds for the recognition of the
transmission gap between two data telegrams of the Mark iv
system. If the temporal distance between two received bytes is
larger than Timegap, this is interpreted as beginning of a new
telegram. If the previous telegram contains less than
Totalbytes bytes, it is regarded as incomplete and discarded.
Note: If the Timegap selected is too small, it is possibly that all
received data will be rejected!
Debug N Activation of the debug mode (Debug = Y). In the debug mode
the data telegrams and the information about the telegram
processing in the log file are inserted. They are received over
the serial interface.
Note: The debug mode should be activated for a logical
scanner in each case. Otherwise the expenditures in the log
file can no longer be assigned.
RefreshDelay 60 This will integrate individual tracing in lists with active cyclic
procedures. The value designates the delay time in seconds. It is
applied to the next list.

2.19.3 Configuration Files *.txt

The definition of the signals which can be processed takes place at the ScanDriver for MarkIV, using
text files. These are located in ...\Konfi_MarkIVScanner folder. For each logical scanner a separate file
with the name of the logical scanner, for example MarkIVScanner01.txt, MarkIVScanner02.txt etc.

2VAA000322 July 2010 175

must be created. The names of the logical scanners result from the control file MarkIVScanner.ini (See
the previous section for more information)

The files have a CSV format. The individual data is separated by semicolons. It is possible to read and
work on these files with Microsoft Excel. They can also be produced and processed manually with a
text editor.
A configuration file is developed line by line. A signal is defined in each line. Each line contains,
separated by semicolons, the following information for the signal:

Information Description

Signalname Name of the Signal.

Datatype Type of the Signal:
0: Timer (misc. point). The measured value is transferred into three
bytes and is a whole number, which is divided by 10. It will be sent as
an analog value to PGIM.
1: Analog value (integer point). The measured value is transferred with 2
bytes and consists of a whole number within the range of -32768 to
32767, which is scaled on the basis of the measuring range borders.
2: Binary value (logic point). The measured value is transferred with a
bit within a byte. The bit number is indicated in the following.
3: Counter (misc. point). The measured value is transferred into three
bytes and is a whole number, which is not continued to scale.
Further data types are missing in the Mark iv system.
Startposition The initial position of the measured value within the byte stream. The
smallest possible initial position is 7. The number of bytes results from
the data type.
Bitnumber Number of the bit within the range of 0 to 7. This information is evaluated
only with binary signals.
Description Description of the Signal.
Dimension Dimension of the Signal.
MRB1 Beginning measuring range for the signal. This value is used only for the
scaling of the raw values with analog signals and counter signals. It
corresponds to the raw value 32768.
MRE1 End measuring range for the signal. This value is used only for the
scaling of the raw values with analog signals and counter signals. It
corresponds to the raw value 32767.
Ontext Status text "on" for the signal. This information is evaluated only with
binary signals.
Offtext Statustext "off" for the signal. This information is evaluated only with
binary signals.
MRB2 Beginning measuring range for the signal. This value will be transferred
with analog signals and counter signals to PGIM. If a MRB2 value is not
indicated, then MRB2 = MRB1.

2VAA000322 July 2010 176

Information Description

MRE2 Beginning measuring range for the signal. This value will be transferred
with analog signals and counter signals to PGIM. If MRE2 is not
indicated, then MRE2 = MRE1.

Depending upon the type of signal not all information is relevant. These parameters can remain
empty. One point '.' is the expected decimal separator. This is only necessary when the measuring
range borders are on.
Example for a Configuration
TIMR-01;3;7;;Total fired hours;h;;;;
TTXD1-1;1;25;;Exhaust temperature;Grad C;-2048;2048;;;0;500
L43F;2;194;2;Fire mode selected;;;;yes;no

2.19.4 Log files

Log files are located in the ...\log\MarkIVScanner\ folder with the Name MarkIVScanner.log or

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2.20 GSM Protocol for MarkV/VI Scanner

The PGIM Mark V/VI scanner is used to connect components by GSM protocol, see figure below:


Client Client Client

PGIM Server
PGIM ScanManager
MARKV / VI ScanDriver

reading / writing of
current process values GE
Network (TCP/IP)

GSM protocol

Configuration file for measuring ranges added. In the past the scanner has set the low and high
measurement ranges based on the theoretical limits of the transferred values. Now the ranges could
be defined by a separate file named displayscale.txt. This file contains in each row
a signal name, the start and the end of measuring range and a dimension. E.g.
For this connection the Mark V/VI uses a so-called GSM server from which the PGIM scanner
transfers the data cyclically together with a timestamp to the PGIM system. Analog data can be
transferred up to 1 s cycle time.
Binary values transferred to PGIM will have a millisecond resolution since the PGIM scanner analyses
events coming from the Mark V and converts the event messages to binary data.
The GSM scanner fully supports the GSM messaging queue, which includes the bi-directional transfer
of messages and events (acknowledgements). Since this functionality is available also on the
connected PGIM OPC AE server and the PGIM OPC DA server this scanner can act as a complete
OPC gateway (connectivity server) to Mark V/VI.

2.20.1 MarkVScanner.ini

2VAA000322 July 2010 178

The initialization file for the Mark V scanner is located in
..\Konfi_MarkVScanner\ MarkVScanner.ini
This file contains the data for the logical scanners as well as for all parameters related to the network
connection. Difference for MarkV and Mark VI are indicated in the configuration file through the entry:
Version =
The configuration file consists out of a separate section for each logical scanner. Section names can
be freely configured, e.g. [GT1], [GT2] etc. In each section the scanner recognizes the following

Variable Default Usage

[GT1] logical Scanner Name

GatewayName IP Address for the connected GE Gateway
Unitname Selection of the GE Controllers (Controller name)
Version 5 Version of the GE Systems; MarkV = 5; MarkVI = 6
Attention: be aware that the configuration data is different
between Mark V and Mark VI !
PeriodicCode 1 cycle time of data transfer


2.20.3 Configuration data for MarkV

The signal definition is similar to other PGIM scan drivers and relates to a text file which is placed
according to the MarkVScanner.ini configuration file. This subdirectory needs to be named as the
logical scan drivers name is defined, e.g. [GT1], [GT2] which translates to:
The signal list can be copied from the GE System and have a fixed and by the GE system defined
format. The following files need to be copied from the MarkV system:
Additionally the following files can be added to this folder:
aliasname.txt Usage of alias names in order of the original GE used names. (same format for Mark V
and Mark VI)
alarm.prio Only together with the usage of the PGIM OPC AE server for reflecting alarm priorities.
(same format for Mark V and Mark VI)
displayscale.txt by adding this file measurement ranges can be given individually to each signal. the
following format of the displayscale.txt file is used:

2VAA000322 July 2010 179

signal name; min range; max range; eng. unit, e.g.

2.20.4 Configuration data of MarkVI

General configuration of MarkVScanner.ini see above section for MarkV Scanner configuration.
The following configuration data need to be copied from the GE Mark VI system:
EGD Network Report.csv
Alarm List Report.csv
Scale List Report.csv
Additionally the following files can be added to this folder:
Aliasname.txt Usage of alias names in order of the original GE used names. (same format for Mark V
and Mark VI)
alarm.prio Only together with the usage of the PGIM OPC AE server for reflecting alarm priorities.
(same format for Mark V and Mark VI)

2.20.5 Log files

Log data for MarkV and MarkVI can be found in
..PLANTCONNECT.Sys\ Debug\Scanner\MarkVScanner\ MarkVScanner.log
..PLANTCONNECT.Sys\ Debug\Scanner\MarkVScanner\ MarkVScanner.log.old

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2.21 Modbus

In case of the specific configuration the PGIM Modbus Scanner works as:
- Modbus RTU / ASCII Master or Slave
- Modbus TCP Master
- Modbus UDP Master or Slave

Possible protocol: RTU (8Bit) is default

ASC (7Bit)
Possible Interfaces: RS232 (default)
The physical connection can be done with serial interfaces likeRS232 or RS485 (RS 485 only point to
point) or network.
The Modbus Scanner fulfils the requirements for Modbus Interfaces as defined at
The configuration of the Scanners take place as a folder at the position
..PlantConnect.bin\Scanner\Konfi_ModbusScanner. Each Path defines a new Scanner. In
that folder the file confi.txt includes the Signal configuration. The specific interface parameters for each
connection are set with the folder name in the file

2.21.1 ModbusScanner.ini
This file includes the interface settings.
Possible Parameters are:

2VAA000322 July 2010 181

PortNumber at RS232 COM-Port; at TCP/IP (default 502) or UDP/IP Network Port
UpdateRate in Milliseconds
SlaveAddress 1 to 254
Baudrate default is 9600
Stopbits 1 / 1.5 / 2 default is 1
Parity possible settings: NO, ODD, EVEN, MARK, SPACE
Databits default is 8
Timeout Max. waitung time for Slave request before retry in ms
ModBusSlave NO or YES
Protokoll RTU , TCP , ASC
AddressShift Offset between configured and transfered Register-/Coil Number
Transport RS232 , TCP/IP , UDP/IP
SignedRegister NO or YES

Special Parameter:
SwapBytes YES or NO swap High Byte and Low Byte
SwapWords YES or NO swap Word in case of 32Bit
Events YES or NO
EventReg1 3072
EventReg2 3076
Event driven transfer at ModbusMaster;
Please have a look at the ABB Melody CCF10 documentation
DelayTime Delay between Modbus Master requests in ms

Modbus RTU or ASCII

# Section name; is also the name of the folder, where the confi.txt file take place.
[Line 09]
# Portnumber, is the number of the COM Port, COM1 -> 1, COM2 -> 2, … COM10 -> 10 …
PortNumber = 7
# Update rate in ms for all signals, can be set signal specific in the file confi.txt
UpdateRate = 1000
# Address of the ModBus Slave
SlaveAddress = 2
# Baudrate of the serial Interface
Baudrate = 9600
# Number of Stoppbits, possible values: 1, 1.5 (1,5), 2
Stopbits = 1
# Parity, possible: NO, ODD, EVEN, MARK, SPACE
Parity = NO
# Number of Databits for the interface
Databits = 8
# Time (in ms) when the Slave should answer a question of the Master.
Timeout = 1000
#A Slave needs the key „ModBusSlave = YES”, otherwise PGIM is all time Modbus Master
ModBusSlave = NO
# In case of a Modbus ASCII interface this setting has to be set. Without it is Modbus RTU
Protokoll = ASC
# Used ModBus-Addresses can be modified
AddressShift = 0
# The physical connection can be: RS232 (also for RS485 put in RS232), TCP/IP, UDP/IP. Default ist RS232.
#SignedRegister=YES it complement on two as -32768 to 32767; NO is 0 to 65535
SignedRegister = YES

Modbus TCP
# Section name; is also the name of the folder, where the confi.txt file take place.

2VAA000322 July 2010 182

# Portnumber, is the number of the used TCP/IP Port
PortNumber = 502
# Hostname is the TCP/IP Address of the foreign system (Modbus Slave)
Hostname =
# In case of a Modbus/TCP the protocol entry has to be there. Without this entry it is Modbus RTU
Protokoll = TCP
# Used communication
Transport = TCP/IP
# Update rate for all signals, can be changed signal specific in the file confi.txt
UpdateRate = 1000
# Address of the ModBus Slave
SlaveAddress = 1
# Time (in ms) when the Slave should answer a question of the Master.
Timeout = 1000
# Used ModBus-Addresses can be modified
AddressShift = 0
#SignedRegister=YES it complement on two as -32768 to 32767; NO is 0 to 65535
SignedRegister = YES

Example of a ModBusScanner.ini file:

PortNumber = 5
UpdateRate = 1000
SlaveAddress = 2
Baudrate = 9600
Stopbits = 1
Parity = NO
Databits = 8
Events = NO
Timeout = 1000
ModBusSlave = NO
AddressShift = 0

PortNumber = 8
UpdateRate = 1000
SlaveAddress = 2
Baudrate = 9600
Stopbits = 1
Parity = NO
Databits = 8
Events = NO
Timeout = 2000
ModBusSlave = YES
AddressShift = 0

[MB_Master _ASCII]
PortNumber = 3
UpdateRate = 1000
SlaveAddress = 2
Baudrate = 9600
Stopbits = 1
Parity = NO
Databits = 8
Events = NO
Timeout = 2000

2VAA000322 July 2010 183

ModBusSlave = NO
AddressShift = 0
Protokoll = ASC

[MB_Slave _ASCII]
PortNumber = 4
UpdateRate = 1000
SlaveAddress = 2
Baudrate = 9600
Stopbits = 1
Parity = NO
Databits = 8
Events = NO
Timeout = 2000
ModBusSlave = YES
AddressShift = 0
Protokoll = ASC

PortNumber = 502
Hostname =
Protokoll = TCP
Transport = TCP/IP
UpdateRate = 1000
SlaveAddress = 1
Timeout = 1000
AddressShift = 0
SignedRegister = YES

PortNumber = 502
Hostname = GT1-CPU-A1
Protokoll = RTU
Transport = UDP/IP
UpdateRate = 1000
SlaveAddress = 1
Timeout = 3000
AddressShift = -1
SignedRegister = YES

2.21.2 Configuration file Confi.txt

The composition of the configuration file for all Modbus types is the same. In a text file called confi.txt
the signal information is set semicolon separated.
Beside the Modbus format the scanner also supports ConfiConDas.txt. For the composition of this file
please refer the ConDas documentation.
The text line is composed as the following:
Data type; Function code; Register Number; Signal; Description; MRBCalc; MRECalc; MRBShow;
MREShow; Unit; State 0; State 1; Update rate
Data type: Analog
A special type for Analog can be used. You can put the number of bits behind the key word
“Analog” and the program uses only this number of bits. Example: „Analog15“ uses only 15 Bits
from 16. The highest Bit is not used. Please set the right scaling in that case.

2VAA000322 July 2010 184

Binary2 2Bit info Bit1 is 0, Bit2 is 1 or 0
Float32 floating-point
Counter32 Integer
ExtendedBoolean 4Byte with information 0 or 255
DoubleBoolean ambivalent Binary information
Example: Feedback of a valve
Value drive Error
Closed 01 00 0
Open 10 10 0
Intermediate pos. 00 1 0
Error 11 0 1
PackedBool The register will be devided in 16 Single-Binary-Signals

Function code: 1..6, 15, 16

Funktion Codes:
ModBus Slave ModBus Master
Bits (Coils)
Read Coils 01 Read Read/Write (cyclic)
Read Discrete Inputs 02 Read/Write Read (cyclic)
Write Single Coil 05 Read/Write (spontaneous)
(in case of UDP/IP automatically after 5 seconds an upcoming 1 will be overwritten by 0)
Write Multiple Coils 15 Read/Write (cyclic)

Register (16 Bit)

Read Holding Registers 03 Read Read/Write (cyclic)
Read Input Register 04 Read/Write Read (cyclic)
Write Single Register 06 Read/Write (spontaneous)
Write Multiple Registers 16 Read/Write (cyclic)

Register Number: 0..65535

Signal: Signal Name / KKS
Description: Signal description text
MRBCalc: Measuring range beginning for the Scaling for Analog types
MRECalc: Measuring range end for the Scaling for Analog types
MRBShow: Measuring range beginning as it should be sent to the PGIM database
MREShow: Measuring range end as it should be sent to the PGIM database
Unit: Only used for Analog, Float32, Counter32
State 0: OFF text for Binary, ExtendedBoolean, DoubleBoolean
State 1: ON text for Binary, ExtendedBoolean, DoubleBoolean
Update rate: Update rate for this Signal in ms

Analog;3;4;C1HNA50FQ001 XQ31;SO2 MWT HI REA;-10.0;150.0;0.0;100.0;MG/NM3;;;1000
Binary;1;1;C0CKQ10CH104 XG01;REA-Switch;;;;;;Off;On;1000

ANALOG;4;292;51M30292.X1;GT-1 Sprint Flow Setpoint;-2000;2000;0;200;LPM;;;1000
ANALOG;4;293;51M30293.X1;Perm On Line WW GT-1 One Hour Timer;-3600;3600;0;3600;SECONDS;;;1000
ANALOG;4;294;51M30294.X1;On Line WW GT-1 Wash Timer;-600;600;0;600;SECONDS;;;1000
ANALOG;4;295;51M30295.X1;On Line WW GT-1 Purge Timer;-60;60;0;60;SECONDS;;;1000
ANALOG;4;296;51M30296.X1;Off Line WW GT-1 Soak Timer;-600;600;0;600;SECONDS;;;1000
BINARY;1;1;51M1ZSH62110.I1;GT-1 GF Staging Valve 01 Open Limit Switch - Inner;;;;;;N.OPEN;OPEN;500
BINARY;1;2;51M1ZSH62111.I1;GT-1 GF Staging Valve 02 Open Limit Switch - Outer;;;;;;N.OPEN;OPEN;500
BINARY;1;3;51M1ZSH62112.I1;GT-1 GF Staging Valve 03 Open Limit Switch - Inner;;;;;;N.OPEN;OPEN;500
BINARY;1;4;51M1ZSH62113.I1;GT-1 GF Staging Valve 04 Open Limit Switch - Outer;;;;;;N.OPEN;OPEN;500
BINARY;1;5;51M1ZSH62114.I1;GT-1 GF Staging Valve 05 Open Limit Switch - Inner;;;;;;N.OPEN;OPEN;500

Analog;3;13336;K2 Höhe Abgegebene Leistung;Text Kunde 2 Höhe Abgegebene Leistung;0.0;65535.0;0.0;100.0;MW;5000
Analog;3;13337;K2 Angeforderte Leistung;Text Kunde 2 Angeforderte Leistung;0.0;65535.0;0.0;100.0;MW;5000

Conversion/Adaptation of Measuring Ranges

Analog signals have a resolution of 65535 Bit means „0 to 65535“ or „-32768 to 32767“. In some
cases not the whole range will be used.

2VAA000322 July 2010 185

A frequency with the measuring range 45 to 55 Hz should be used as analog value. A Modbus Master
sends a value with the resolution 0 to 32767to the PGIM Modbus Slave. To convert the value for the
right measuring range in PGIM, the confi.txt file has to be configured in the right way. In the columns
MBACalc and MBECalc the adaption has to be done. MBACalc=35 and MBECalc=55. The value 35
matches to -32768. Now the value 45 matches to 0 and the value 55 matches to 32767. MBACalc and
MBECalc will be used for linear transformation of measuring ranges.

The entries MBAShow and MBEShow are used in PGIM for to calculate the deadband and to show
the measuring range for example in trends.

2VAA000322 July 2010 186


2.22 IEC60870-5-104
Please see details in the PGIM IEC 608770-5-104 Interoperability sheet for details on the supported


Content of confi.txt:

IP-Addr: Hostname of IEC-60870-5-104 Slave

CommonAddr: Common Address Of ASDU
IEC-Addr: Information Object Address (unstructured)
Type: Definition of used ASDU
In monitor direction:
Single-point information
M_SP_TB_1 combined to SP

Double-point information
M_DP_TB_1 combined to DP

Measured value
M_ME_TF_1 combined to ME

Integrated totals
M_IT_TB_1 combined to IT

Step position information

M_ST_NA_1 combined to ST

In control direction:


Signalname: KKS

2VAA000322 July 2010 187

Description: Descriptional text
MRS: Measuring range start
MRE: Measuring range end
Dimension: Dimension of KKS
Status0: Text for binary 0
Status1: Text for binary 1
Gain: Gain for linear transform
Offset: Offset for linear transform


# VRE COMMAND INFORMATION FROM P320 TGC TO DCS (code 11) measured interger

# BINARY INFORMATION FROM P320 TGC TO DCS (code 30) single point with time
tag cp56tIME2a

# ANALOGUE INFORMATION FROM P320 TGC TO DCS (code 35) measured scaled
value with time tag cp56time2a
GATEWAY02;1;12002;ME;C1BAA10CE313_XQ11;COSINE PHI;-1.0;1.0;°;;;0.001;0.0

# BINARY INFORMATION FROM DCS TO P320 TGC (code 45) single command

# ANALOGUE INFORMATION FROM DCS TO P320 TGC (code 49) set point command,
scaled value
GATEWAY02;1;15101;C_SE_NB_1;C1BAA10CE313_XQ10;COSINE PHI;-

Content of IEC60870_5_Scanner.ini:

#Sectionname like Hostname

#CommonAddress = Common Address Of ASDU
CommonAddress = 1
#Enable automatic connection establishment
AutomaticConnectMode = true

2VAA000322 July 2010 188


2.23 SQL Scanner or SQL Transfer Program

The PGIMSQLTransfer Program is a program for transferring signals from PGIM Database to any
database (MS SQL, Oracle, Access, MySQL) and/or reverse.

2.23.1 Installation
To install the program the “PGIMSQLTransfer.exe” is copied into any desired directory.

2.23.2 Start
The PGIMSQLTransfer Program is started by double-clicking the “PGIMSQLTransfer.exe”.

2.23.3 Configuration
In order to configure the Connection-Settings, the menu “Settings/Configure group…” is chosen, so
that the following dialogue is displayed:

2VAA000322 July 2010 189


Maximal 10 connections can be configured. Therefore the desired connection is chosen in the “Select
After that the connection is configured in the register below.
The server name, the name of the database, the username and the password have to be entered in
the “Connection parameter”-sheet.
Moreover the type of the database has to be chosen.

2VAA000322 July 2010 190


In the “Transfer parameter”-sheet the transmission direction is adjusted. Marking the “Active”-box
activates the connection.
The “Cycle”-box is for setting the interval after which the transmission is automatically restarted.

Choosing the direction “PGIM -> SQL DB” allows choosing the “Interval” and “Compression”.

The “Interval”-box is for setting an interval, used for calculation.

Following settings can be chosen in the “Compression”-box:

- AVG : The average value over the chosen interval would be transferred
- MIN : The minimum value of the chosen interval would be transferred
- MAX : The maximum value of the chosen interval would be transferred
- VALUE : All values of the chosen interval would be transferred

Entering a date in the “Next run”-box sets the starting point on which the first transmission is done.

Entering a date in the “Last run”-box( and mark the checkbox “Use last start” ) sets the ending point on
which the last transmission is done.

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The “Field translation”-sheet is for specifying the selected table/view.

Therefore the used table of the database is entered and the translations are inserted.
For example, the “Timestamp” of the PGIM database is saved in the column “Zeitstempel” in the SQL
By selecting the “Timestamp GMT”-box the timestamp is converted to GMT, instead of using the local
By clicking the “Configure Signals”-button following display occurs:

2VAA000322 July 2010 192


In this table the signals of the PGIM database which should be transferred have to be set.
Furthermore an “Alias name” might be specified, to shorten the signal name in the SQL database.
If the “Alias name” for a signal is missing, the signal name of the PGIM database would be used
By clicking on the “Save”-button the signal settings are saved.
After configuring all desired connections, the settings can be saved by clicking the “Save”-button in the
“Configuration settings”-window.
Clicking the button “Close” leads back to the “PGIMSQLTransfer”-window.
The configured connections now are listed up in the “Group configuration”-sheet.

2VAA000322 July 2010 193


2.23.4 Options
In the menu “Settings/Options” there are two more possible settings:

If the “Debug messages” are activated, possible failure messages would be displayed in the “Debug
Activating the “Autostart” leads to inserting the “PGIMSQLTransfer” into the autostart of windows, so
that the program is automatically started after booting the PC.

2.23.5 Executing the Program

Clicking on the “Start”-button begins the transmission:

The transmission might be stopped by clicking on the “Stop”-button.

2VAA000322 July 2010 194


3 OPC-Servers
PGIM provides two different OPC DA servers:
1. OPC DA server which connects to the PGIM ScanManager
2. OPC DA server which connects to the database
In the following both OPC DA servers will be described starting with

3.1 OPC DA Server on Scan Manager

Scanner 1

PlaCo Scan Manager

Scanner n

OPC Client

Scanner 1

PlaCo Scan Manager

Scanner n

The OPC server for PGIM provides process data from systems which are connected via scan
managers and scanners. The OPC server complies with the OPC specifications 1.0 and 2.0. It is a
"Data Access" server, i.e., only process data is transmitted, no events.
The OPC server is started automatically ("OutProc Server") as an autonomous process as soon as a
client initiates a connection setup.

3.2 Licensing
Each OPC Server needs to have a license file installed on its own machine. An OPC Server can be
browsed without license but subscribing life data does require a valid license file. Beside that the OPC
DA Server on the database will request a PGIM client license from the PGIM database.

2VAA000322 July 2010 195


3.2.1 Installation
The installation of the OPC server is performed within the scope of the PGIM installation by selecting
the corresponding option.
After the installation, the initialization file of the OPC server must be customized. This file always
resides in the same folder as the OPC server itself. It is only read at the start of the OPC server.

Example of an initialization file:

# PGIM OPC Server
# Description : OPC Server Definition File

# set debug information (On, Off)

Debug = On
# size of tracefile (2 files are toggled)
TraceFileSize = 500000

# number of ScanManager to connect to

NoScanManager = 2

# each ScanManager has its own configuration section


# name of the ScanManager

# - the name is free configurable
# - the name will be the first node
# - the name will be part of the access path
ScanManName = SCM_hgp72
# name of the host, the ScanManager is located
ConnectHost = hgp72

# C-style format for the port number

# (either "%d" decimal, or "%x" hexadecimal)
Format = %x

2VAA000322 July 2010 196


# port number in decimal or hexadecimal C-style

# (decimal = 2069 equals hexadecimal = 0x0815)
PortNumber = 0x0815


# name of the ScanManager

ScanManName = SCM_hgs11
ConnectHost = hgs11

Format = %x

Sector [Common]

Debug The text output for program checking is controlled using this parameter.
On The text output logs a multitude of accesses and events within the OPC server.
Note: The performance of the program is affected !
Off Default value. Only errors and basic information at the start of the program will
be logged.

TraceFileSize Determines the size of the log file in bytes. At the start of the program, two files
are generated. The program changes to a new file when the set file size is
reached on the old file. The files are created in an automatically generated "log"

NoScanManager Number of connected ScanManagers. This also determines the number of the
following sectors because each ScanManager requires its own sector for

Sector [ScanMan_n]

Each scan manager requires its own sector. If the sector is missing or if the designation of the sector
is faulty (n = number of the scan manager, consecutively numbered, beginning with 1), the OPC
server will not start.

ScanManName Name of the scan manager. The name is freely configurable. The OPC
server uses this name to form the name box when addressing the
process data. This name is the first hierarchy level of the name box.

ConnectHost Name of the computer on which the scan manager has been installed.
This name should also be entered in the file

2VAA000322 July 2010 197


Format Format (C style) of the port number to be read immediately.

%x Port number is indicated in hexadecimal notation.
%d Port number is indicated in decimal notation.

PortNumber TCP port number for communication with the scan manager.
0x0815 Default port number in hexadecimal notation. (In this case, the format
would be "%x".)

3.2.2 Name Box

The address of a process value is defined via the name box of an OPC server. The name box is
configured in a hierarchical form, like the folder tree of a hard disk.
The name box of the OPC server is set up dynamically.

I. Level
The names of the defined scan managers. The names of the scan managers used in the initialization
file are applied here. These names are static, and they cannot be modified during the runtime of the
OPC server.

II. Level
Name of the scanners. On request, these names are transmitted by the scan managers to the OPC
server. Newly added scanners are recognized and transmitted to the client in the case of a new

III. Level
Names of the process values of a scanner. On request (browsing) by the client, the names are
inquired by the OPC server from the respective scanner and dynamically added to the name box.
Depending on the connected subsystem, the transmission of the names may take some time. Newly
added measuring points can immediately be used without restarting the OPC server.

The character "\" is used as a separator between the hierarchy levels. This character is fixed and
cannot be changed.

Example of addressing:

Scan manager = SCMhost1

Scanner = VSD
Measuring point = TI4711.X/VXA

Address in the name box = SCMhost1\VSD\TI4711.X/VXA

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3.3 OPC DA Server on PGIM Database


The PGIM OPC DA server connects to the PGIM database. The advantage of this OPC server is that
clients can subscribe and read data immediately, since the database always has the relevant data
already in it memory caches. The OPC Server allows ready as well as writing.
Configuration of the OPC DA server is done through the following registry keys, which can be found in
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Hartmann & Braun\PlantConnect

The following keys are used:

DAConnectTo: Specifies the name of the PGIM database computer where the DA server will
connect to
PlaCoDAUser: Specifies the PGIM user name, which will be used to connect to the PGIM database

As the legacy OPC server the PGIM OPC DA server on the PGIM database needs a local PGIM client
with a valid local PGIM OPC server license.

2VAA000322 July 2010 199


3.4 Functionality
The OPC server operates with a dynamic name box (except for the connected scan managers) and
can process newly added scanners and measured values without restarting. The client may, at any
time, add measuring points to a group. The measuring point will then be transmitted to the
corresponding scanner and checked.
The OPC server also supports the browsing of measuring points. However, this may take time and
require computer capacity, depending on the system and on the number of measuring points in the

With started measuring points (OPC group and measuring point enabled), the OPC server operates
event-controlled. The process values are transmitted by the scan manager (legacy OPC server
behavior) in the case of a change (taking into account the tolerance set in the scan manager) and is
immediately signaled to the client (within the cycle time set for the group). In contrast to this the OPC
server on PGIM DB directly reeds the relevant information from the database.

In the case of fast value changes (less than one second), a special feature becomes evident. These
values are collected in the scan manager and then transmitted every second to the OPC server. This
implies that the OPC server will simultaneously receive several process values for one measuring
point. All process values are processed, and a change is signaled to the client. The client will receive
the current process value. Intermediate values are lost. For this reason, cycle times less than one
second are not appropriate for this OPC server.

If a client wants to read all values, including several changes within one second, the cycle time of the
OPC group must be set to zero (Report Mode). Then no process values will be lost. All process values
are stored in a queue and can be polled by the client. In this mode, the client must ensure that all
measured values are polled and processed without interruption.

3.5 Quality Mapping

Mapping PGIM quality information -> OPC-Quality
Description Substatus OPC Quality ScanMan Quality
Good Non-specific 110000LL if Bit 0, 1, 2, 6, 7 und Bit 0 (high Byte) not active
Bad Comm Failure 000110LL if Bit 7 active
Bad Out of Service 000111LL if Bit 0 active
Bad Out of Service 000111LL if Bit 0 (high Byte) active
Bad Non-specific 000000LL if Bit 1 active
Bad Non-specific 000000LL if Bit 2 active
Good Local Override 110110LL if Bit 6 active

Limits Low QQSSSS01 if Bit 5 active

Limits Low QQSSSS01 if Bit 4 (high Byte) active
Limits High QQSSSS10 if Bit 4 active
Limits High QQSSSS10 if Bit 3 (high Byte) active
Limits Low QQSSSS01 if Bit 3 active

2VAA000322 July 2010 200


3.6 Implemented Interfaces

HRESULT SetLocaleID ( dwLcid )
HRESULT GetLocaleID ( pdwLcid )
HRESULT QueryAvailableLocaleIDs ( pdwCount, pdwLcid )
HRESULT GetErrorString ( dwError, ppString)
HRESULT SetClientName (szName)

HRESULT AddGroup(szName, bActive, dwRequestedUpdateRate, hClientGroup, pTimeBias, pPercentDeadband,
dwLCID, phServerGroup, pRevisedUpdateRate, riid, ppUnk)
HRESULT GetErrorString(dwError, dwLocale, ppString)
HRESULT GetGroupByName(szName, riid, ppUnk)
HRESULT GetStatus(ppServerStatus)
HRESULT RemoveGroup(hServerGroup, bForce)
HRESULT CreateGroupEnumerator(dwScope, riid, ppUnk)

HRESULT EnumConnectionPoints( IEnumConnectionPoints ppEnum);
HRESULT FindConnectionPoint( REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint ppCP);

HRESULT QueryAvailableProperties(szItemID, pdwCount,
ppPropertyIDs, ppDescriptions, ppvtDataTypes );
HRESULT GetItemProperties (szItemID, dwCount, pdwPropertyIDs,
ppvData, ppErrors );
HRESULT LookupItemIDs( szItemID, dwCount, pdwPropertyIDs,
ppszNewItemIDs, ppErrors );

IOPCBrowseServerAddressSpace (optional)
HRESULT QueryOrganization(pNameSpaceType );
HRESULT ChangeBrowsePosition(dwBrowseDirection, szString );
HRESULT BrowseOPCItemIDs( dwBrowseFilterType, szFilterCriteria, vtDataTypeFilter, dwAccessRightsFilter,
ppIEnumString );
HRESULT GetItemID( szItemDataID, szItemID );
HRESULT BrowseAccessPaths( szItemID, ppIEnumString );

2VAA000322 July 2010 201


HRESULT GetState(pUpdateRate, pActive, ppName, pTimeBias, pPercentDeadband, pLCID, phClientGroup,
HRESULT SetState(pRequestedUpdateRate, pRevisedUpdateRate, pActive, pTimeBias, pPercentDeadband,
pLCID, phClientGroup)
HRESULT SetName(szName);
HRESULT CloneGroup(szName, riid, ppUnk);

HRESULT Read(dwSource, dwCount, phServer, ppItemValues, ppErrors)
HRESULT Write(dwCount, phServer, pItemValues, ppErrors)

HRESULT Read(dwCount, phServer, dwTransactionID, pdwCancelID, ppErrors,)
HRESULT Write(dwCount, phServer, pItemValues, dwTransactionID, pdwCancelID, ppErrors);
HRESULT Cancel2 (dwCancelID);
HRESULT Refresh2(dwSource, dwTransactionID, pdwCancelID);
HRESULT SetEnable(bEnable);
HRESULT GetEnable(pbEnable);

HRESULT AddItems(dwCount, pItemArray, ppAddResults, ppErrors)
HRESULT ValidateItems(dwCount, pItemArray, bBlobUpdate, ppValidationResults, ppErrors)
HRESULT RemoveItems(dwCount, phServer, ppErrors)
HRESULT SetActiveState(dwCount, phServer, bActive, ppErrors)
HRESULT SetClientHandles(dwCount, phServer, phClient, ppErrors)
HRESULT SetDatatypes(dwCount, phServer, pRequestedDatatypes, ppErrors)
HRESULT CreateEnumerator(riid, ppUnk)

HRESULT EnumConnectionPoints( IEnumConnectionPoints ppEnum);
HRESULT FindConnectionPoint( REFIID riid, IConnectionPoint ppCP);

2VAA000322 July 2010 202


IOPCAsyncIO (old)
HRESULT Read(dwConnection, dwSource, dwCount, phServer, pTransactionID, ppErrors,)
HRESULT Write(dwConnection, dwCount, phServer, pItemValues, pTransactionID, ppErrors);
HRESULT Cancel (dwTransactionID);
HRESULT Refresh(dwConnection, dwSource, pTransactionID);

IDataObject (old)
HRESULT Dadvise(pFmt, adv, pSnk, pConnection);
HRESULT Dunadvise(Connection);
Note: all other functions can be stubs which return E_NOTIMPL.

HRESULT Next(celt, ppItemArray, pceltFetched);
HRESULT Skip(celt);
HRESULT Reset( void);
HRESULT Clone(ppEnumItemAttributes);

2VAA000322 July 2010 203


3.7 PGIM OPC DA Server Performance Test

Processor load (%)
Values/s Lokal DCOM
100 Mbit LAN
5000 Min 4% 3%
Max 15% 12%
Avg 8% 8%
10000 Min 10,9% 10,1%
Max 21,2% 20,2%
Avg 14,4% 14,4%
15000 Min 13,9% 15%
Max 25% 25%
Avg 18,8% 19,2%
20000 Min 23% 24%
Max 34% 68%
Avg 28% 35,8%
25000 Min 26% 100%
Max 79% 100%
Avg 43,8% 100%

3.8 OPC HDA Compliance Key

OPC-HDA-Compliance in reading HDA Raw Values.
Attention: To enable the compliance behavior instead of the 800xA optimized behavior you
have to
Enter in the Registry where the HDA Server is hosted (typically Connectivity Server) under
SOFTWARE\Hartmann & Braun\PlantConnect
a new key:
(Default value is 0 , which is required for the 800xA behavior)
The difference between these versions is that the HDAtuning=1 deals with OPC_NOBOUND state info
and a OPCHDA_MOREDATA return value of requesting less values than in that time domain

2VAA000322 July 2010 204


4 Database / Server
4.1 Introduction
All signals which are made available within the PGIM system are stored in a database which is
optimized for the special requirements of plant management. That means that a large number of
signals (currently up to 100.000 signals per server, please refer to PGIM data sheet for actual
performance) can be managed in the PGIM database. Measured values with a high time resolution
are saved for these signals. They can easily be accessed by the evaluation functions.

The database is divided into the "static" information about signals and the actual measured value
sequences. These sequences are saved in a file system where the folder name for measured value
sequences is derived from the signal name.
"Static" information, which is not changed with each measured value, includes, for example,
measuring range start and measuring range end. Along from this information additional attributes
(such as "cost center") can be defined by the user for the signals, and parameterized immediately.

The PGIM server controls the data transfer from the PGIM database to the individual inquiring
applications. Inquiries regarding the representation of current process values in process displays or
trend displays can be take place. Inquiries can also include average values for characteristic value
calculations, as well as maximum or minimum values for logs. Communication is performed via
TCP/IP protocol.

The structure of the PGIM database is signal-oriented. First, the values are written by the
ScanManager into the random-access memory (RAM) in the PGIM database according to the changes
A flash algorithm provides the optimal packet-oriented storage of the values on the hard disk. These
have been stored in the volatile memory before. Using additional cache algorithms data loss is
reduced when unexpected computer failures take place. The archives for the different signals have a
uniform fractionation which usually includes 1 day. Consequently, the size of the different archives
varies considerably depending on the plant operation and the adjusted tolerance band.

2VAA000322 July 2010 205


4.2 Start / Stop

4.2.1 Start the server

After the installation of a PGIM server and the subsequent restart of the system, the server is installed
as service under Windows. A check is possible using Start, Settings, Control panel, Services in the
taskbar. Select the entry "PGIM Server" in the list of services. There you will find in the Status
column the value "Started" and in the column Kind of start the entry Automatic.
If there is no entry in the "Status" column of the server, it has not yet been started. This will only be the
case if you have not restarted the system after the installation or if the server has been stopped
manually. In such a case, click the Start button in the service manager. Then the server will be
started, which takes approx. 5 to 10 seconds.

4.2.2 Stop the server

Usually, it is not necessary to stop the server. If, however, you want to stop the server, select Start,
Settings, Control panel, Services in the taskbar. Select the entry "PGIM Server" in the list of
services and click the Terminate button. If you also want to prevent re-starting the server after a
restart of the system, you must additionally click the Kind of start .. button and select Manual.

4.2.3 Status monitoring of the server

To observe the internal status of the server, you may use a normal web browser (for example
Microsoft Internet Explorer). Start the web browser and enter the name of the PGIM Server as a URL.
For Example: The name of the server is mip311. Enter mip311 as the URL. (The web browser
automatically extends the entry to http:\\mip311. Now you will see some basic operating data for the
selected server.
Note: This functionality is only of use to the PGIM administrator. Therefore, the menu guidance is
neutrally performed in English.

Explanation of the different points:

2VAA000322 July 2010 206

Progress state: Indicates the most important last status message of the server.
Standard value: "Start Up Complete"
Server is: Status of the server. Standard value: "On"
TCP/IP Server: Status of the PGIM network service. Standard value: "Run".
Note: If PGIM is stopped in the NT service manager, "Stopped" is
indicated here.
DB Average Storing Rate: Indicates the average number of incoming measured values to be stored
(From the ScanManager or from the clients).
Current Client Reading Rate: Indicates the average reading rate of clients, measured in measured
values per second.
Current Client Connections: List of clients being logged in at the moment.
License Information: Indicates the available number of signals (tags) and clients.

2VAA000322 July 2010 207


4.3 Time synchronization between clients and server

Using the Windows command at and a respective command file the computer clock of the client PC
can cyclically be set to the time of the server. The task added to the time scheduler of Windows is
executed independently from the user logged in. This is still available even if the computer was re-
booted. Entering at at the command prompt (On the taskbar, click the Start button, and then click
Run) to list the task.
Input: at 4:00 /every:Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa,So C:\Programs\SyncTimeAt.cmd
Output on screen:

New task added. ID = 1

Input: at
Output on screen:

Status-ID Day Time Command

1 Every Mo Di Mi Do Fr...04:00 AM C:\Programs\SyncTimeAt.cmd

Input: at 1

Output on screen:
Task-ID: 1
Status: OK
Schedule: Every Mo Di Mi Do Fr Sa So
Time: 04:00 AM
Interactive: No
Command: C:\Programs\SyncTimeAt.cmd

Content of the command file „SyncTimeAt.cmd"

net time \\<server name> /set /yes >C:\NETTIME.LOG

2VAA000322 July 2010 208


4.4 Diagnosis
The PGIM server (database) can be analyzed with the help of a Web Browser (for example the
Internet Explorer). The web browser must be started and the name of the PGIM server must be
entered as sn address (for example http://PlaCoSrv). The Webport is adjusted to 89 by default. It can
be changed in the file PlaCo.INI, for example to 81. Only SysAdmin users are permitted to use this

4.4.1 PGIM Server diagnosis by Web Interface

2VAA000322 July 2010 209

Input of the password of a user from the SysAdmin group to open the next level.

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4.4.2 Client Connections

A list of up-to-date connected Clients is displayed, along with indications of the last access and the IP
address. Select the Clients in the kill column and press the Kill key to delete the connection to the
Client, and release the license.

2VAA000322 July 2010 212


4.4.3 The 1000 fastest Signals

A list of the 1000 most frequent stored signals appears. You can use this information to optimize the
properties of the deadband, and thus the allocation of the hard disk. If you have a very high storage
rate the deadband should be increased.

The columns have the following meaning:

 Signalname
Name of the signal.

 Amount(Lifetime)
Number of all values over the lifetime of this signal. Values already exported are not considered.
Contains the up-to-date available values in the database.

2VAA000322 July 2010 213

 Ta[sec](Lifetime)
Average alteration rate over the entirely available time of the signal (small value: high alteration rate,
large value: small alteration rate).
Ta[sec](Lifetime) = (TimeOfLatestValue - TimeOfFirstVale) / Amount(Lifetime)
Note: The whole list is sorted by this column.

 Ta[sec](cache,estimated)
Each signal has its own Cache in the RAM, in which about on the average 100 - 500 values are
stored. "Ta[sec](cache, estimated)" indicates the alteration rate of the values up-to-date available in
the Cache.
Ta[sec](cache,estimated) = (TimeOfLatestCacheValue - TimeOfFirstCVacheValue) /
Note: If you optimize (change the deadband), then the result is first readable with these values. The
ranking in the list does not change however, since the whole list is still stored after "Ta[sec](Lifetime)"
The position in the list of the fastest signals (thus the "Ranking") will only change slowly over time.

 Deadband
The current deadband. Value in % of the scaling (= scale end – scale beginning).

 firstMW
The first (oldest) value in the database.

 lastMW
The last (youngest) value in the database.

2VAA000322 July 2010 214


4.4.4 Description of Perfomance Counter and WMI

PGIM has build in diagnose and monitoring key performance indicators that each application exposes
to the operating system. These key performance indicators are either MS Windows Management
Instrumentation(WMI) or MS performance counters. How to retrieve these information from the
operating system please either use the “PGIM System Overview” (System Check) or refer to the
operating system manuals an look for the individual technology monitoring sections as mentioned
Performance counter:
Performance Object: PGIM ScanManager
Clients: Current number of API connections to the ScanManager
Databases : Current number of supplyed Databases
Values/sec send: Average number of signals send to the clients
Values/sec recv: Average number of signals received from the clients

Performance Object: PGIM ScanMan2Database

Started signals: Current number of signals started for this instance
Signals send/sec: Average number of signals send to this database
Connection state:Current TCP status of the database connection, 0 -> connected, 1 -> not connected
Roundtrip time/ms: Time needed for the transmission of values to the database in milliseconds
% Valuebuffer: Current fill level of the transmission buffer

Performance Object: PGIM ScanMan2API

Signals send : Current number of signals prepared to be send to the client
Signals recv : Current number of signals prepared to be received from the client
Signals send/sec : Average number of signals send to the client
Signals recv/sec : Average number of signals received from the client

Performance Object: PGIM_EM - PGIM Eventmanagement

DBFillLevel : Actual fill level of "PlaCoEvent" in [%]
Limit : Actual fill level of the SQL Datenbank "PlaCoEvent" in [%] , when a event limit has
been configured (in number of events)
MessagesPerMinute : median of event messages per minute that are processed by the PGIM system
SendTime : median of used staorage time for a single event message in ms
State : Status with the following meaning
0 = OK
1 = Startup error
3= Eventfile error
4= database full
5 = Connection failure

WMI (windows management instrumentation):

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4.5 PGIM Server Redundancy for High Availability

4.5.1 Introduction
Two server computers as similar as possible (performance & HD capacity) with the same license data
(LCFG.INI) mutually mirror all writing logs. Incoming signal values of the scanners are mirrored, along
with all configuration actions such as signal creation, attribute changes, and signal deletion. Even
configuration changes regarding user accounts will be mirrored.

4.5.2 Function mode

Two equal PGIM servers are connected in a Network, and additionally connected via a separate direct
network link between both servers. This separate link is necessary for the adjustment between the
redundant servers. For the PGIM clients the redundant server looks like one server. A PGIM client
contacts only the logical server SRV, not the SRV1.1 or SRV1.2 (see Picture 1
If a server fails, the IPSwitch gates the telegram to the second server.
A client application recognizes this by a short-time connection break which, depending on the client,
will either be reported (manual restart required depending on the respective client), or the client has
implemented an automatic restart. In that case, the user will not become aware of the switchover.

Picture 1: Example of a redundant PGIM system: Server and Scanner are on different computers

Note: The telegram being transmitted during a network break will be lost. This means that the client
must repeat this telegram.

2VAA000322 July 2010 217

If a computer fails, the inactive server transmits a message to the EventManagement.
Moreover, a CMD command can be activated.

Different types of the redundant installations are possible:

Case 1: One redundant server, scanner and client applications are located on a different computer.
Case 2: One redundant server and client applications are located on the same computer.
Case 3: One redundant server, scanner and client applications are located on the same computer.

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4.5.3 Installation (Case 1)

To install redundant PGIM databases you must choose the right installation.

PGIM Server database, Client applications and scanner are installed on

different computers

The following settings are also possible with the "PGIM System Configuration" tool
 Install PGIM server via setup.
 Do NOT start the server (service: to manual)
 Make the following entries in the PlaCo.INI for [Server.Settings] on SRV1.1:
; === That is the redundancy counterpart:
; === That is executed in the case of a failure:
; === At the start, the server is waiting xx minutes for the redundancy peer.
; Default without specification: 30 min
 Make the following entries in the PlaCo.INI for [Server.Settings] on SRV1.2:
; === That is the redundancy counterpart:
; === That is executed in the case of a failure:
; === At the start, the server is waiting xx minutes for the redundancy peer.
; Default without specification: 30 min

Also check the following:

- The license file entries must be identical on both servers.
- PlaCo.INI: LifeTimeDaysRoh must be identical.
- Hard disk capacity must be identical.
- PC performance should nearly be the same.

2VAA000322 July 2010 219

Installation/Administration IPSwitch in the Client Network (Redproxy)

To enable a client to see one redundancy server (SRV), an IPSwitch is installed and configured on
each client. For all client applications (SignalExplorer, Curve Display, Excel, ...), only the logic server
name must be used. The connection to the physical server is established by the IPSwitch.
The IPSwitch knows both IP names of the servers, for example: SRV1.1 and SRV1.2, and presents
them to the client using one name, for example: SRV.
The IPSwitch is installed by executing:
"....\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\Proxy\Redproxy –install".
It may be de-installed by executing: "....\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\Proxy\Redproxy –remove".
You must edit the names of the servers in the registry.
The easiest way to do this is using the PGIM System Configuration tool. Be aware, that you need to
be PGIM Admin to do that and this means you need to have a connection to a working PGIM license
server. Open PGIM System Configuration from either PGIM System Diagnosis or from

Entry can be a number or string and is not really used – only if you want to reflect redundant scanners.
Then you use <ScanMan>:<Port> to reflect this feature.
For redundant servers this is not necessary.
Mode is used to influence the behaviour of the IPswitch:
Mode = 0 - priority on remote computer 1 [default]
Mode = 1 - alternating
When you press save, the settings will be stored in the registry, be figure below. You can also edit the
registry directly, find below example.

2VAA000322 July 2010 220


Description Name IP Address
physical PGIM server 1 SRV1.1
physical PGIM server 2 SRV1.2
logic PGIM server SRV

On each client, the following must be entered in the "Hosts" file: localhost SRV # logic PGIM server SRV1.1 # physical PGIM server SRV1.2 # physical PGIM server

The registry input must be like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\LocalPortNumber 4242
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName1 SRV1.1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber1 4242
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName2 SRV1.2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber2 4242

You must change the example names SRV1.1, SRV1.2 and SRV to the real names.
The redproxy installation must be done on the Scanner computers also.

In this installation case the redproxy should not be installed on the servers. IPSwitch in the Client Network (Redproxy)

Note: in picture 1 the scanner neighborhood includes different networks for the office net and the DCS
net. This is not necessary, but in most cases this is the layout.

The redproxy installation must be done on the Scanner computers in the same manner as the client.

2VAA000322 July 2010 221


4.5.4 Installation (Case 2)

In the case of the installation of redundant PGIM databases you must choose the right installation.

PGIM Server database and Client applications are installed on the same

The following settings are also possible with the "PlaCoConfiTool"

 Install PGIM server via setup.
 Do NOT start the server (service: to manual)
 Make the following entries in the PlaCo.INI for [Server.Settings] on SRV1.1:
; === This is the redundancy counterpart:
; === This is executed in the case of a failure:
; === At the start, the server is waiting xx minutes for the redundancy peer.
; Default without specification: 30 min
 Make the following entries in the PlaCo.INI for [Server.Settings] on SRV1.2:
; === That is the redundancy counterpart:
; === That is executed in the case of a failure:
; === At the start, the server is waiting xx minutes for the redundancy peer.
; Default without specification: 30 min

Also check the following:

- The license file entries must be identical on both servers.
- PlaCo.INI: LifeTimeDaysRoh must be identical.
- Hard disk capacity must be identical.
- PC performance should nearly be the same.

2VAA000322 July 2010 222

Installation/Administration IPSwitch Case 2

To enable a client to see one redundancy server (SRV), an IPSwitch is installed and configured on
each client. For all client applications (SignalExplorer, Curve Display, Excel, ...), only the logic server
name must be used. The connection to the physical server is established by the IPSwitch.
The IPSwitch knows both IP names of the servers, for example: SRV1.1 and SRV1.2 and presents
them to the client using one name, for example: SRV.
The IPSwitch is installed by executing:
"....\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\Proxy\Redproxy –install".
It may be de-installed by executing: "....\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\Proxy\Redproxy –remove".
You must edit the names of the servers in the registry.

Description Name IP Address
physical PGIM server 1 SRV1.1
physical PGIM server 2 SRV1.2
logic PGIM server SRV

On each client, the following must be entered in the "Hosts" file: localhost SRV # logic PGIM server SRV1.1 # physical PGIM server SRV1.2 # physical PGIM server

The registry input must be like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\LocalPortNumber 4242
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName1 SRV1.1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber1 4241
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName2 SRV1.2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber2 4241

You must change the example names SRV1.1, SRV1.2 and SRV to the real names.
The redproxy installation must be done on the Scanner computers also.

In this installation case the redproxy must be installed on the servers also.

4.5.5 Installation (Case 3)

In the case of the installation of redundant PGIM databases you must choose the right installation.

2VAA000322 July 2010 223


PGIM Server database, Scanner and Client applications are installed on

the same computer.

The following settings are also possible with the "PlaCoConfiTool"

 Install PGIM server via setup.
 Do NOT start the server (service: to manual)
 Make the following entries in the PlaCo.INI for [Server.Settings] on SRV1.1:
; === This is the redundancy counterpart:
; === This is executed in case of a failure:
; === At the start, the server is waiting xx minutes for the redundancy peer.
; Default without specification: 30 min
 Make the following entries in the PlaCo.INI for [Server.Settings] on SRV1.2:
; === This is the redundancy counterpart:
; === This is executed in case of a failure:
; === At the start, the server is waiting xx minutes for the redundancy peer.
; Default without specification: 30 min
In the ScanMan.ini (...PlantConnect.bin\Scanner\ScanMan\) section [ScanMan] put in following:

Also check the following:

- The license file entries must be identical on both servers.
- PlaCo.INI: LifeTimeDaysRoh must be identical.
- Hard disk capacity must be identical.
- PC performance should nearly be the same.

2VAA000322 July 2010 224

Installation/Administration IPSwitch Case 3

On each PGIM client the IPSwitch must be installed. In the case 3 installation the IPSwitch must also
be installed on the servers.
Clients which may connect to the scanners must install 2 redproxys. Installation of the first IPSwitch

For any client to see one redundancy server (SRV), an IPSwitch is installed and configured on each
client. For all client applications (SignalExplorer, Curve Display, Excel, ...), only the logic server name
must be used. The connection to the physical server is established by the IPSwitch.
The IPSwitch knows both IP names of the servers, for example: SRV1.1 and SRV1.2 and presents
them to the client using one name, for example: SRV.
The IPSwitch is installed by executing:
"....\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\Proxy\Redproxy –install".
It may be de-installed by executing: "....\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\Proxy\Redproxy –remove".
You must edit the names of the servers in the registry.

Description Name IP Address
physical PGIM server 1 SRV1.1
physical PGIM server 2 SRV1.2
logic PGIM server SRV

On each client, the following must be entered in the "Hosts" file: localhost SRV # logic PGIM server SRV1.1 # physical PGIM server SRV1.2 # physical PGIM server

The registry input must be like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\LocalPortNumber 4242
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName1 SRV1.1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber1 4241
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName2 SRV1.2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber2 4241

You must change the example names SRV1.1, SRV1.2 and SRV to the real names. Installation of the second IPSwitch

The second ip-switch can be installed with the command:

2VAA000322 July 2010 225

"....\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\Proxy\Redproxy –install".
You must edit the names of the servers in the registry.

On each client, the following must be entered in the "Hosts" file: localhost SRV # logic PGIM server SRV1.1 # physical PGIM server SRV1.2 # physical PGIM server

The registry input must be like the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\LocalPortNumber 2069
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName1 SRV1.1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber1 2068
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemoteComputerName2 SRV1.2
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\PlantConnect\RedProxy\RemotePortNumber2 2068

You must change the example names SRV1.1, SRV1.2 and SRV to the real names.

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4.6 Handling instructions relating to typical scenarios

There are 4 typical scenarios in connection with the redundancy mode of a PGIM server:
1. New installation of a redundancy system
2. Expansion of an existing server to redundancy
3. Failure and restore of a redundancy partner
4. Failure of both computers.

4.6.1 New installation of a redundancy system

1. Install the PGIM server on PC A as well as on PC B without taking into account a redundancy.
2. Start PC A and B as simultaneously as possible because A is waiting for B and vice versa. The
window of time for a successful redundancy start includes approx. 30 min (default value). This is
adjustable in PlaCo.INI.
3. When starting with two WebExplorers, observe the login pages of both servers, or observe the
messages via ShowEvents or EventClient. These will signal the redundancy mode, and include a
redundancy-oriented logging. The final message must be: "Redundancy startup: Ok, both Servers
are balanced !"

4.6.2 Expansion of an existing server to redundancy

1. Install the new redundancy computer.
2. Reconfigure the PlaCo.INI on the original computer to redundancy.
3. Quickly stop and restart the original server.
4. Immediately (within the 30 min time window) start the redundancy server.
5. Balance manually.

4.6.3 One redundancy partner fails

1. This is logged as an error in the EventManagement (if it exists) and the shell program
"AtRedundancyFailureDo=DoThis.cmd" (depending on the setting in PlaCo.INI) will be called.
2. To restart and balance the failed computer, it must first meet the requirements specified by the
Server Redundant Installation.
3. Balancing is performed approx. 42 seconds after the restart of the failed redundancy partner,
which also initiates the balancing. It automatically logs on to the active partner and starts

NOTE: Depending on the number of tags and the duration of failure, balancing may take a
few hours.
The balanced server will be reachable again for clients only after balancing is

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4.6.4 Both servers fail

The behavior in this case is as follows:
- If both servers started "simultaneously" within the startup time window (default: 30 min):
- Then the server which has failed first will be balanced to the server failed last.
- Then both signal in the log:
- Peer Server is still down during my start up !
- Manual balancing recommended !

You must decide which server has the better data. Then you must initiate manually balancing.
If both servers announce this status, then the following procedures must be accomplished:
1. Decide which server has the better data. Start this one (DOS NTA starting IP
server). Wait unit this server is available to receive data from the scanners and
from the PGIM Clients.
2. Start the alignment on the other server (see the "ManualBalancing" section)

4.6.5 Automatic “Primary Server”

PrimaryServer and AtRedunancyStartupWaitMinutesForPeer are used (Placo.ini of the server, see
chapter installing the PGIM server) for Primary server option for redundancy mode ( set option only at
one server ). The meaning is that the primary server takes the lead in a confusing situation. Be aware,
that using this option has the advantage that the server will never wait for the user interaction in a
confusing situation, but you may loose data, since the primary server will copy its content to the
secondary server, even if the secondary server has newer data.

4.6.6 Manual balancing

Manual balancing should only be performed in the case of a disturbance in both servers, or in the case
of increasing the system from one server to a redundant server. It can, however, be executed
whenever required.
Execute the following via the WebExplorer for the server to be balanced:
DOS NTA stopIPServer. NTA balanceMe.

After successful balancing (which may take some time), the balanced server will automatically be
online again.

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4.6.7 Start of only one server without redundancy partner

Note: In principle you are not allowed to start only one server! This situation should not arise, and
should not occur even when simultaneously stopping both servers.
Nevertheless, a scenario can be constructed where this situation can occur. Imagine one server fails
due to a hardware defect and is not available for a couple of days. If the second server fails also (for
example due to a power failure) during this time, then this is a situation in which the server should start
alone without its peer.
After the automatic start (Reboot) the server would try again to connect to its partner in the
configured time window. After that the server returns a message indicating that the partner is not
available, and that the partner will stay offline.
In this situation are allowed to set this server online without its partner. Do this by entering "DOS NTA
startIPServer" in the SQL Page.

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4.7 Redundancy Manager

The redundancy manager offers the system administrator the ability to get the system conditions of
the redundant server.
Click the field "click here to refresh the screen" to obtain a current analysis of the server redundancy.

Click the Detailed Analysis Report button to obtain more information:

A detailed analysis of the redundant server is displayed. The displayed text depends upon conditions
of the redundant server as explained below.

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4.7.1 Possible texts in the detail analysis

- Short description:
Server #1 is running and is online. Server #2 is not accessible.
- Measures:
* Check server #2 and the network connections.
* Then restart server #2!

- Short description:
IP-Server #1 is offline and server #2 cannot be achieved. NOTE: The Clients cannot reach the
server in this state!
- Measures:
* First check #1 and if everything is ok, start up the IP-Server #1 again.
* Check network and server #2. Then start server #2 again.

- Short description:
Neither servers #1 nor #2 are attainable by Ping.
* Check the network connections and the configuration of both servers!
* Then boot both servers.
* Monitor the Startup.

- Short description:
#1 is not accessible, server #2 is not attainable by Ping.
- Measures:
* Check server #2 and network locally.
* Start both servers at the same time again.
* Monitor the Startup.

- Short description:
Normal operation. The servers are balanced and ok.

2VAA000322 July 2010 231

- Short description:
NOTE: Both IP-Servers are stopped! Scanners and Clients cannot write and/or read data at present.
* Consider the following causes. Based on the cause decide further measures.

- Short description:
NOTE: IP-Server on #1 is not running!
Check, why is the IP-Server is not running?
* Then start again.

- Short description:
#1 switched to the alternative IP line #2 because the standard-IP-mirror-connection was not
available at the point in time #3.
* Perform a Network examination: Check the mirror line!
* #1 will try again to reach the standard IP line after 1 hour. Wait for this amount of time and check the
status again.

- Short description:
#1 switched to the alternative IP line #2 because the standard IP mirror connection was not available
at the point in time #3.
* Perform a Network examination: Check the mirror line!
* #1 will try again to reach the standard IP line after 1 hour. Wait for this amount of time and check the
status again.

- Short description:
Startup of server #1 is still running. Start was at # 3. NOTE: Server #2 is not started.
* NOTE: Start server #2 as soon as possible, otherwise server #1 will not be able to terminate its

- Short description:
#1 had a redundancy error, but the IP-Server is still running.
* Why is the IP-Server still running on #1? Check and if necessary switch off.
* Check locally #1, then start #1 again.

2VAA000322 July 2010 232

- Short description:
Redundancy error on #1.
* Check locally.
* Stop the server-service on #1 and start again or boot.

- Short description:
Redundancy error.
Probably the server-service on #1 was stopped manually.
* Restart the server-service on #1.

- Short description:
Redundancy error on # 1.
Server-service started but server #1 does not react. Reason unclear.
* Check locally then start server-service on #1 or boot #1.

- Short description:
#2 detected a redundancy error on #1. Breakdown-time was #3
(Maybe the server-service on #1 was stopped manually or #1 is still in the starting procedure)
* Consider the further causes below following Analysis.
* Restart the server-service on #1 again.

- Short description:
Redundancy error on # 1.
Main voltage or network or computer error on # 1.
* Check server and network locally.
* Then start server-service on #1 or restart #1.

- Short description:
Startup of server #1 is still running. Start was at #2
* Wait for end of the starting procedure.


2VAA000322 July 2010 233

- Short description:
CONFUSING SITUATION on #1: At the Startup of #1 the redundancy partner #2 was not attainable.
Reason: Network problems between #1 and #2 during the startup phase.
- Description of details:
At the start of this server a connection to the redundancy partner could not be recovered. This
occurred again after an xx minute waiting period. The redundancy-partner is available to the network
and the redundancy partner server is likewise accessible by the Redundancy Manager. The partner-
IP-Server is running and is therefore also available for Clients.
- Reasons:
The situation points on the fact that the network connections (as well the mirror connection as the
alternative IP connection which can be configured) was not available during the starting procedure.
- Measures:
* Check and locally insure that the mirror connection between the servers operates now. (Ping each
* Now stop/start the server-service or boot the server again.

- Short description:
CONFUSING SITUATION on both servers. The reason is probably network problems when in the
starting phase or the nonexistence of the partner server during the whole starting phase.
- Description of details:
At the start of this server a connection to the redundancy-partner could not be recovered. This
occurred again after an xx minute waiting period. The redundancy-partner is available to the network
and the redundancy-partner-server is likewise accessible by the Redundancy Manager. The partner-
IP-Server is not running, is therefore not available. It indicates that the partner-server had problems
finding its partner while starting. - > NOTE: This is a critical situation because none of the two servers
is available online for Clients.
- Reasons:
The situation points to the fact that the network connections (as well the mirror connection as the
alternative IP connection which can be configured) were not available during the starting procedure.
- Measures:
* Check all network connections locally.
* Because none of the two servers is active the administrator must start the IP-server (DOS NTA
startIPServer) on the server that contains the more current and more correct data. The clues are in the
information about the number of tags, values and lastMW.
* After that start the balancing on the other server by using "DOS NTA balancMe".

- Short description:
Startup at the redundancy-partner #1 is still running.
* Wait for the result...


2VAA000322 July 2010 234

- Short description:
At the redundancy-partner #1 the Balancing is still running.
* Wait ...

- Short description:
Redundancy-partner #1 is started but the IP-Server is offline.
* Was the IP-Server perhaps set offline manually for maintenance? If so set it back online.

- Short description:
Redundancy-partner #1 is not started (state=#2). Number of tags or values or indexes did not match
at the partner's start. (Partner is waiting for user's decision)
* Check the partner and repair.

- Short description:
At the Startup the redundancy-partner #1 was not attainable by Ping.
* Check #1 locally. Then stop both servers and start again at the same point in time.
- Description of details:
- Situation:
At the start of this server a connection to the redundancy-partner could not be recovered. This
occurred again after an xx minute waiting period. The redundancy-partner is also not attainable by
Ping. Either no network connection to the redundancy-partner exists, or the computer is switched off.
-> NOTE: This is a critical situation because none of the two servers is available online for Clients.
- Measures:
1) Check network and hardware locally and check whether the partner-server-service stands on
2) Stop both server-services.
3) Now start the server-service again (as close as possible to the same time) or boot both servers
(as close as possible to the same time).

- Short description:
Server #1 had a breakdown and/or was stopped but has more signals than the redundancy-partner
#2 now.
Information: The server #1 remains preliminarily closed for clients.(IPServer OFF)
- Description of details:

2VAA000322 July 2010 235

At the start of server #1 it was noticed that server #1 was shut down normally and the partner-server
#2 took over at that time. Further on it was noticed that the partner-server #2 has fewer signals than
server #1. A reason could be that the signals were deleted on server #2 during the "ServerDown"-time.
- Measures:
* If signals were deleted during the breakdown-time by users then #1 must be adjusted. (Open the
Internet explorer and log in on http:\\#1, then implement under Direct SQL the command "DOS NTA
* If you are however sure that despite this server-analysis this failed server #1 has the more current
signals and data then start the balancing on server #2.(Open the Internet explorer and log in on
http:\\#2, then implement under Direct SQL the command "DOS NTA balanceMe").

- Short description:
Server #1 had a breakdown and/or was stopped but has more values than the redundancy-partner
now. Therefore the IP-Server at #1 remains offline (IPServer OFF).
- Description of details:
At the start of server #1 it was noticed that server #1 was shut down normally and that the partner-
server #2 took over at that time. Further on it was noticed that the partner-server has fewer signals
than this server. A reason could be a normal procedure: for example if signals were deleted on server
#2 during the "ServerDown"-time (ring - archive).
- Measures:
* If the breakdown-time was > 1 day and if old data will be deleted daily (ring - Archive) then the
balancing must be started manually on #1. (Open the Internet explorer and log in on http:\\#1, then
implement under Direct SQL the command "DOS NTA balanceMe").
* If signals were deleted by users during the breakdown-time then #1 must be adjusted as follows.
(Open the Internet explorer and log in on http:\\#1 then implement under Direct SQL the command
"DOS NTA balanceMe").
* If you are sure that despite this server-analysis this failed server #1 has data that is the most
current, then start the balancing on server #2.(Open the Internet explorer and log in on http:\\#2, then
implement under Direct SQL the command "DOS NTA balanceMe").

- Short description:
Server #1 had a breakdown and/or was stopped but has more current values than the redundancy-
partner now. Therefore the IP-Server at #1 remains offline.
- Description of details:
At the start of this server it was noticed that this server was shut down normally and that the partner-
server took over for that time. Further on it was noticed that the partner-server has fewer tags than this
server. A reason could be a normal procedure: for example if tags were deleted by SignalExplorer on
the other server during the "ServerDown"-time. Because of fewer amounts of data on the partner this
means that during the balancing fewer amounts of data were reflected than were available on this
server. Check the accuracy of the conditions.
- Measures:
* Check data consistency on #1, compare with #2.
* Decide on which server to start the balancing.

2VAA000322 July 2010 236

* Start the balancing on the selected server now.
* Start the IP-Server (if stopped) on the other server.

- Short description:
Server #1 had a breakdown and/or was stopped (regular breakdown).
Balancing supplied automatically now.
- Description of details:
- Situation:
At the start of this server it was noticed that this server had a breakdown and the partner-server took
over at that time. Balancing supplied automatically on this server now.
- Measures:

- Short description:
This server had a breakdown. The redundancy-partner, however, had nothing to mirror in the
breakdown-time (this arises when a server is shut down and no Client writes occur during this time.)
Balancing is not necessary. The IP-Server automatically goes online.
- Description of details:
- Situation:
At the start of this server it was noticed that during the stop-time that the other server was active but
there were no writing operations which were completed. Therefore there was no redundancy error and
balancing must not be initiated. The data is still identical. This situation can occur if the Admin shuts
down the server for maintenance and during this time he stops all Clients (users and ScanManager)
from doing write operations. Thus the balancing is not necessary at the start, and the server is online
- Measures:

- Short description:
This server had a breakdown and the redundancy-partner had nothing to mirror during the
breakdown down-time, but he has nevertheless more values.
(Possible because on #2 meanwhile fewer data exists because of an export) Balancing supplied
automatically now.
- Description of details:
- Situation:
At the start of this server it was noticed that this server was not shut down normally (for example
Main voltage error ?). But during the stop-time the other server was active. During the stop-time there
were no writing operations which could be reflected. Therefore this was no redundancy error. Because
the redundancy-partner has more data the balancing will be started automatically. (A reason may be
because of manual manipulation or cache loss on this server during a breakdown)

2VAA000322 July 2010 237

- Measures:

- Short description:
Server #1 was switched off but #2 did not write in that time. Therefore the Servers are still balanced.
- Description of details:
- Situation:
At the start of this server it was noticed that this server was not shut down normally (for example
Main voltage error ?). But the redundancy-partner had not noticed a breakdown (because it was
stopped, or there were no writing operations which could be reflected). Therefore this was no
redundancy error. Because this server has more data (a reason could be manual manipulation on the
redundancy-partner) this server goes online now.
- Measures:

- Short description:
#1 had failed. #2 noticed no breakdown. Primary-index-tables are however unequal! Check first who
the current server is. On the other one start the balancing manually.
- Description of details:
- Situation:
At the start of this server it was noticed that this server was not shut down normally (for example
Main voltage error ?). But the redundancy-partner had not noticed a breakdown (because it was
stopped, or there were no writing operations which could be reflected). The internal check showed that
the primary-index-tables are not identical. (A reason could be manual manipulation on the
redundancy-server by the configuration). This IP-Server does not go online.
- Measures:
1) Analyze and decide which server is the current one, and on which server the balancing must be
2) Start the balancing on the selected server now. Start the IP-Server on the other server (if

- Short description:
a) #1 is started for the first time.
b) The machine was exchanged because of a hardware failure.
c) It was reconfigured manually (for example the drive was changed or the PlaCo.INI was incorrectly
changed, etc.).
1) Check whether #2 a) is online and b) whether #1 has the most current data.
2) If it (1) applies: Start the balancing on this computer.

2VAA000322 July 2010 238

- Description of details:
- Situation:
This server is a) either started for the first time or b) the machine was exchanged because of a
hardware failure or c) it was reconfigured manually (for example the drive was changed or the
PlaCo.INI was incorrectly changed).
- Measures:
1) Check whether the other server a) is online and b) is the one with the most current data.
2) If it (1) applies: Start the balancing on this computer.

- Short description:
On server #1 is currently active and balancing with #2.
- Measures:
* For this time none measures. Wait for the end of the balancing and check the result.

Server #1 adjusted itself on the other server at #2.

- Short description:
Redundancy-configuration-error. #1 is not configured as a redundancy-server. Check both server
configurations (PlaCo.INI). Then start both server PCs at the same time again.

- Short description:
Server #1 is running and is online. No errors are announced to server #2.
Server #2 is however not accessible from here.
* Check the network connection to server #2.

- Short description:
Server #1 is running and is online. Server #2 is accessible by the network but is not responsive,
although the server-service is running. This situation is possibly caused by a manual stop of # 2, or an
unknown problem on server #2.
* Check server #2
* Then restart of #2!

- Short description:
On #1 the balancing is running. Therefore the IP-Server is still stopped. Ok.

2VAA000322 July 2010 239


- Short description:
On both redundancy-server-machines the PGIM server-services is not started.
* Start both server-services at the same time (approximately).
* Monitor the starting procedure.
* Information: Check also whether the server-services are adjusted to be "automatic".

4.8 Replace the PGIM Server Hardware (Maintenance)

This chapter describes the approach to replace the PGIM server hardware by keeping all
configurations and collected data. This is normally the case when the hardware becomes old and
needs to be replaces for availability or performance reasons.

4.8.1 Starting Position Single PGIM Server

The system consists out of a single PGIM server which is up and running. On this computer we do not
find a scan manager on it – that means all scan managers are on different computers.
Usage of the same PGIM version on the old and new server.
This description will use the name Old-Server and New-Server to distinguish between the old and the
new hardware.

4.8.2 Update procedure for “hostname stays the same“

This procedure implies that the new computer will have the same hostname as the old computer.
Step 1: Install the base operating system software and tools. Give the New-Server the same
hostname as the Old-Server. Do not connect them to the same network though. If you are planning to
do that, choose a different temporary hostname for the New-Server – you will need to rename it later
Step 2: Install the New-Server with the PGIM server software from the CD. Install the license file with
at least the capabilities as the Old-Server had. Do no configuration on the server itself. When you are
installing a client on this computer, make sure that you are using the Old-Server’s hostname during
the installation procedure – do NOT use the new temporary one – we are going to replace the
temporary hostname later!
Step 3: On both the Old-Server and the New-Server stop the PGIM server services.
Step 4: Copy all data from
to the same appropriate directory on the New-Server. On your new installation this directory must exist
Step 5. Copy the files
to the same appropriate directory on the New-Server.

2VAA000322 July 2010 240

Step 6: If you need to change the hostname, this is now the time to disconnect the Old-Server and
replace it with the New-Server – change the hostname on the New-Server to the Old-Server’s
Step 7: Start on the New-Server the PGIM server service. You are done. You have successfully
replaced the Old-Server.

4.8.3 Update procedure for “hostname does change“

This procedure implies that the new computer will have an new hostname which is different from the
old computer. ScanManagers on the server node are not allowed for this upgrade procedure.
Step 1: Install the base operating system software and tools. Give the New-Server a new hostname.
Step 2: Install the New-Server with the PGIM server software from the CD. Install the license file with
at least the capabilities as the Old-Server had. Do no configuration on the server itself. When you are
installing a client on this computer, then the client should already point to the New-Server’s hostname.
You are asked for the server name during the installation.
Step 3: On both the Old-Server and the New-Server stop the PGIM server services.
Step 4: Copy all data from
to the same appropriate directory on the New-Server. On your new installation this directory must exist
Step 5. Copy the files
to the same appropriate directory on the New-Server.
Step 6: Choose any PGIM client on your network (you will have to make these changes to all clients
any how). On that computer open up the registry editor and search for the key:
In here you will find several keys at least the key “Licserver”: change all Old-Server hostnames to the
New-Server hostname.
Step 7: Start on the New-Server the PGIM server service.
Step 8: Now you need to reconnect all the signals to your new hostname. To do that, open a
SignalExplorer on the PGIM client where you have just changed the registry to your new PGIM-Server
hostname. Remove the old database. Connect the New-Server PGIM database by its hostname.
Step 9: You will see all your old signals with the status stopped (red) if you look into you server
neighborhood. Select all signals from the server neighborhood (make sure it is the server and NOT the
scanner!!!) and drag them over to start signals.
All your signals are now back in the server and connected. Please verify this with the signal explorer.

2VAA000322 July 2010 241


5 PGIM Sytem Overview

5.1 General
The “System Sytem Overview” provides a quick overview about the most important PGIM components
installed on the local PC and remote PC. The program provides performance data (e.g. ScanManager
transfer rate) and also state information ( e.g. PGIM Server startup time )

1.1 Performance data

The tab “Performance data” displays the performance data for the following programs
- PGIM EventImporter
- PGIM CalcServer
- PGIM ScanManager

Also the tab display the information ( started/stopped/not installed) about the following services :
- PGIM Server
- PGIM ScanManager
- PGIM CalcServer
- PGIM ReportScheduler
- PGIM EventImporter

The button “Refresh” will read out all values from all configured computer.

To read out the information from a remote computer, the following account parameter must be set:
Account name : Windows account name
Account password : Windows account password

2VAA000322 July 2010 242


5.2 Status
The tab “Status” displays status information about the PGIM Server, PGIM ScanManager, PGIM Client
and 800xA Extensions.

A color indication will give a visual information about the state of the different components :

State OK

State Error

State not installed

To read out the information’s from a remote PC the following account parameter must be set:
Remote IP : IP Address of the remote computer
User : Windows account name
Password : Windows account password

2VAA000322 July 2010 243


6 Trend
6.1 Signal Colors
The colors for the selected curves are assigned according to a standard. The color chart is used in
The color 90 is used for the first signal in the trend. Further signals in the trend use the color 90 + and
index value. This applies up until the 10th trend signal. The 11th signal begins again with the color
index 90.
Colors in PGIM are specified in the COLIDX.CSV file under... \PlantConnect.BIN\Client \.

6.2 Optional Columns in the Legend

The columns in the trend legend are specified in the PlaCo.ini file of the Clients in the
....\PlantConnect.BIN\Clients \ folder.
Optional adjustment:
A comment can be added to each signal in the trend.
The PlaCo.ini file is stored in the ...PlantConnect.bin\client folder. To add another column add this
entry under the [ TREND ATTRIBUTE ]:
reference = _ COMMENT, 100
The entry can be edited in the legend. The information in this field is also stored in the trend.

2VAA000322 July 2010 244


6.3 Context Menu

From a trend it is possible to hand the selected signal over as a parameter to another application.
For example:
- User A would like to receive this information for a selected signal in a curve display:
- What is the full text? When is the signal stored? What is the memory rate of the signal? Etc..
- User B would like to see the monthly average values for the previous year in an Excel diagram.
- User C would like to find and list all analog signals.

The goal is to call foreign applications using the context menu, then to hand the selected signal over
as a parameter. The foreign application must evaluate the parameter file CMD.INI and insert the
desired functionality.
The basic conditions for this goal are available in PGIM.
For example the foreign applications which can be started are called AppA.BAT, AppB.XLS, and
AppC.EXE. In the PlaCo.INI file you can make the following entries under the section
Browse auxiliary info.... = AppA.VBS
Previous year month means = AppB.XLS
Search similar signals... = AppC.EXE

There are now three new menu options within the context menu (using the right mouse) in the display
for each signal:
Browse auxiliary info....
- previous year month means
- Search similar signals...
Select one of these points and the appropriate foreign application is started.

2VAA000322 July 2010 245

The program "AppA.VBS" keeps the information in the "CMD.INI" for the selected signal. This file has
the following structure:
CalledFrom=D:\PIMS\PlantConnect\new Trend 3.crv
TimePoint=18.06.2001 17:36:28.224
StartTime=14.02.2001 13:02:01.000
EndTime=14.02.2001 13:02:01.000
<CalledFrom> shows from which PlaCo application one called
.<ScreenPosX><ScreenPosY> the mouse position at the selection time (this can be interesting for
applications to open further windows)
<TimePoint> Time of action
<StartTime><EndTime> The start and end time in the case of a trend.
The foreign application must evaluate the parameters in this CMD.INI file, and then trigger further

6.3.1 Some Signals marked at the same Time

Context menus can be faded in as a function of the number of selected signals: It can be
differentiated as:
· 1 signal selected,
· 2 signals selected,
· 3 signals selected,
· >3 signals selected.
For each of these cases you can add an extra a section in the PlaCo.INI:

2VAA000322 July 2010 246

Example: · I would like to be able to always start AppA, and determine how many signals are selected.
- Additionally I would like to be able to start a correlation analysis, if exactly 2 signals are selected.
- If exactly 3 are selected, I would like to be able to open a 3D-Picture.
The configuration in the PlaCo.INI would look like this:
Browse auxiliary info.... = AppA.VBS
Browse auxiliary info.... = AppA.VBS
correlation... = Korrela.XLS
Browse auxiliary info.... = AppA.VBS
Browse auxiliary info.... = AppA.VBS
3D-Graphic = Do3DView.EXE
The information to the selected signals is added along with several signals into the CMD.INI.

6.4 NLSTimeFormatID in GED.Settings

PlaCo.INI can have a key in the GED.SETTINGS section:
NLSTimeFormat controls the time format, used in trend and GED.
supported values and formats:
NLSTimeFormatID=GER hh:mm:ss.nnn (default)
NLSTimeFormatID=US hh:mm:ss.nnn
NLSTimeFormatID=GB hh:mm:ss.nnn am/pm
NLSTimeFormatID=SE 2005-mm-tt hh:mm:ss.nnn

2VAA000322 July 2010 247


7 AutoMail
The idea of AutoMail is simple, but it offers power features for information sharing.
The basic problem is this: How can files in specific folders be automatically sent as e-mail attachments
to a specific e-mail address? For example, a report (which might have been generated automatically)
can be forwarded by e-mail to the responsible person. AutoMail presents a solution to this problem.
PGIM AutoMail is a program which continuously monitors particular folders. As soon as files and/or
further subdirectories appear in such a folder, they will automatically be sent as attachment to an e-
mail generated automatically. Each file will be sent by means of an e-mail.

IMPORTANT: The subdirectories of the monitored folder and the files will be deleted after they
have been sent.

Therefore you must take care that the right folders are selected and/or that the folders are filled
correctly (e.g. by copying) in order to prevent the deletion of important originals.

AutoMail works in the background and supports SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).

7.1 Installation and Configuration

To install AutoMail mark the „AutoMail“ option in the “Tools” menu of then PGIM setup.
On the first start of AutoMail the “Option” dialog appears: here you can make the base configuration of
AutoMail. This dialog can also be shown over the main menu “Extras” -> “Options”.

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In this dialog the following fields must/can be entered:

from (name of sender) the name of the sender that appears in the e-mail optional
from (e-mail of the sender) the e-mail address of the sender
Subject the subject of the e-mail optional
Mail-Server the address of the SMTP Server that AutoMail uses
Login crossed if the SMTP Server needs an authentication
Username name of the user in the SMTP Server
Password password of the user in the SMTP Server

The standard port of a SMTP server is port 25. If another port must be used you can write the port
number behind the server separated by a “:” (e.g.

7.2 Manage AutoMail Tasks

In the main windows of AutoMail the tasks of the application are shown. A task is a “monitor” job of
AutoMail. That means that a task describe which folder AutoMail monitors and to which addresses
AutoMail send the files.

The icon of the tasks predicates if the task is active or not .

A active task monitors the specified folder and sends e-mails whenever a file is found in this folder.

The following actions can be done within the main window:

Exit AutoMail Main menu -> “File” -> “Exit” Terminates the application
Add a task Main menu -> “File” -> “Add” Adds a task to the AutoMail main window and
opens the Task Configuration dialog (s.
Or Right mouse menu -> “Add”
Chapter 5)
Delete a task Select task and Deletes the task from the main window. The
configured folder is no longer monitored.
Main menu -> “File” -> “Delete”

2VAA000322 July 2010 249

Or Select task and
Right mouse menu -> “Delete”
Edit a task Select task and Opens the Task Configuration dialog (s.
Chapter 5)
Main menu -> “File” -> “Edit”
Or Select Task and
Right mouse menu -> “Edit”
Or double click task
Options Main menu -> “Extras” -> “Options” Opens the AutoMail Configuration (s. chapter

7.3 Task Configuration

In a task configuration it is specified which folder (with its subfolders) is monitored and to which
address(es) the found files are sent.

A task configuration has the following fields:

Name The name of the task

Directory The name of the folder that is monitored
Active Specifies if the task is active or inactive
to A list of addresses where the found files are sent to (recipient list)

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In the case of a new task (Add action in the main window) all fields are empty.

The folder to monitor can be set via the “…” button which opens a directory browser. In this browser
select the wanted directory and click the “OK” button.

With the checkbox “Active” you can specify if the task is active or not. Click in the box and the value

In the address list (recipient list) e-mail addresses can be added and deleted. To add an e-mail
address click in the list then open the right mouse menu and select “Add”. Another list will appear
where you can select an e-mail address and transfer it to the recipient list with the “Add to folder”
button. For more information about the e-mail list please refer to the next chapter. To delete an e-mail
from the list select the name field then open the right mouse menu and select “Delete”.

7.4 E-mail List

All e-mail addresses are collected and can be managed in a separate list. You can achieve this list via
the task configuration when adding an e-mail in the address list (s. Chapter 5). In the e-mail list e-mail
addresses can be added, deleted and selected for the transfer to the address list of the task

2VAA000322 July 2010 251

In the e-mail list you can find a name and an address field.

To add a new e-mail address to the list click in the list then open the right mouse menu and select
“Add”. Then a dialog appears in which you can edit the name and the e-mail address for this entry.

The same dialog appears when you want to edit an entry. Therefore select a name then open the right
mouse menu and select “Edit”.

To delete an entry, select a name then open the right mouse menu and select “Delete”.

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8 Webserver for PGIM ThinWebClient

8.1 PGIM Thin WebClient and WebServer
Please refer to the 800xA installation manual for installing the PGIM WebServer.

8.2 Webclient using the standard PGIM client software

This section does not relate to the PGIM ThinWebClient and Server. Instead this section is related to
a technology which was used introduction on the PGIM WebServer. It is recommended to use the new
PGIM can be accessed from the Internet.
A WebClient is a normal PGIM-Client-PC with a correspondingly configured WebRouting.INI file.
All normal PGIM functions (Navigator, User Manager, SignalExplorer, GED, Trend, Logs, and TecBer)
may communicate via the internet server according to the WebRouting.INI.
A WebClient can continue to access the PGIM servers simultaneously available on the Intranet.
There is one difference with the WebClient. PGIM ScanManagers cannot be contacted via the
Internet. Consequently, the following message is displayed in the SignalExplorer during the "System
Update": "Cannot reach ScanDriver XY".

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8.2.1 Function of WebClients

PGIM clients by default communicate with the PGIM server via TCP/IP.
To be exact: Via the TCP/IP port 4242, which usually is fully available in the Intranet.
If you want to access a PGIM server in the Internet using a PGIM client, there will usually be the
following restrictions:
 The office client along with the remote PGIM server are both placed in an individual Intranet, in
most cases each behind a firewall which usually does not permit a direct TCP/IP communication.
 This is aggravated by the fact that Proxy firewalls are mostly used. They only let the HTTP protocol
through on a special TCP/IP port (usually port 80). Due to these so-called protocol filters, a real IP
connection is not available.

In order to allow a PGIM client to communicate via the Internet with a server it is possible to expand
the communication for the PGIM client by using a corresponding configuration (INI file) for the HTTP
Proxy operation. The configuration file defines the Proxy through which the client will reach a server,
as well as the respective server to be reached.

A client operation beyond the limits of the Intranet (WebClient) will be as follows:

[WebClient XY] can simultaneously access PGIMServer A and B!

TCP/IP-Intranet Company XY

[MYFW:8080] Firewall from Company XY of the client

[FirewallA] [FirewallB]

TCP/IP-Intranet Company A TCP/IP-Intranet Company B

[PGIMServerA] [PGIMServerB]

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8.2.2 Configuration of WebClient

In the case of the WebClient, the file WebRouting.INI (on the ...PlantConnect.Bin\cfg folder) must be
configured for the servers to be reached via the Internet. All local servers will then become reachable.
A client will get into the Internet via the HttpProxyFirewall from their own company (let name be:
MYFW, let port be: 8080). The firewall supports host authentication. Let login name be "Mustermann",
let password be "karin".
For example, assume that for Company A, a PGIM server is available which is known in the Internet
as PGIMServerA. For Company B, assume a PGIM server is available which is known in the Internet
as PGIMServerB.
The client would like to address these servers using the names CompA and CompB.

The structure of the sample file WebRouting.INI:



If no HostAuthentication is required, the entry "must" be exactly "HostAuthentication=dummy", i.e. the
entry must not be dummy.

After that, the SignalExplorer may be started and the servers "CompA" and "CompB" can be added.

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8.2.3 PGIM Server in the Internet

The PGIM server is installed as usual.
The firewall configuration must be set by the responsible administrator in order to integrate the PGIM
server into the network. It must be possible to let through incoming HTTP requests on port 80 to the
PGIM server, and to answer such requests.
In the license file, the desired number of permitted WebClients must be set in the [Server] section:
WebClients=xx (please ask for the licenses at ABB).

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9 Backup hints
9.1 Introduction
This document describes the procedure for backup and recovery of a PGIM installation on a computer.
The first section describes the backup performed in single steps. A solution for backup and recovery of
the overall system is presented in the last section.
It is the task of the system administrator to ensure that the data is saved at regular intervals to the
extent necessary. The data should also be deposited in a safe place. The system administrator and/or
the company must bear the responsibility.
This description includes notes on the backup of the operating system and its components. No
warranty is given for the correctness of this information. The backup of the operating system is not the
primary task of this manual, and it is only mentioned for the sake of completeness. The system
administrator and/or the company are responsible for correct backups.

9.1.1 Requirements and Preparations

 For the backup, a suitable device and medium must be available.
 The marginal conditions guaranteed by the manufacturer of the device and/or of the medium must
be observed.
 The data integrity guaranteed by the manufacturer of the device and/or of the medium must be
 Usually, administrator rights are required.

9.1.2 Backup Tools

For the backup and recovery of software installations, different systems are available on the market.
We here with explicitly declare that no warranty can be given by ABB for the correct functioning of
such tools.
For example, the "DriveImage" program from the Power Quest company is available. By means of this
program, the data can, for example, also be burnt on a CD if a CD burner is available. The system
also offers the possibility to create incremental backups. In any case, the instructions and notes
relating to the tool must be observed.

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9.2 Windows Operating System

9.2.1 Backup
After the installation and after an update, even of single components, a backup of the operating
system must be performed by suitable means. Ensure that the tool being used will also copy and save
all settings (Registry, opened files, ...). If necessary, the system must be brought down.
Appropriate tools are available on the market.
In any case, the settings in the hard disk manager of the operating system must be recorded and
deposited at a safe place. They are required for a restoration of the system.
If a backup is not possible, all inputs made during the installation/update must be recorded exactly,
and deposited at a safe place. All data media (for example CD drivers) required for the
installation/update must also be secured and deposited. Magnetic data media (for example floppies)
only have a limited shelf life. Their contents must be refreshed in time.

9.2.2 Recovery
The recovery of the operating system is carried out according to the instructions of the backup tool
being used.
If no backup could be created, a reinstallation must be performed. For this, the recordings of the
installation/update and the corresponding data media (for example CD drivers) are required.

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9.3 Office Applications and Other Tools

9.3.1 Backup
After the installation and after an update, even of single components, a backup of the Office
applications and of other tools must be performed by suitable means. Ensure that the tool being used
will also copy and save all settings (Registry, opened files, ...). If necessary, the system must be
brought down.
Appropriate tools are available on the market.
If a backup is not possible, all inputs made during the installation/update must be recorded exactly,
and deposited at a safe place. All data media (for example CD drivers) required for the
installation/update must also be secured and deposited. Magnetic data media (for example floppies)
only have a limited shelf life. Their contents must be refreshed in time.

9.3.2 Recovery
The recovery of the Office applications and of other tools is carried out according to the instructions of
the backup tool being used.
If no backup could be created, a reinstallation must be performed. For this, the recordings of the
installation/update and the corresponding data media (for example CD drivers) are required.

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9.4 PGIM Server

9.4.1 Backup of Basic Installation

After the installation and after an update, even of single components, a backup of the PGIM server
must be performed by suitable means. Ensure that the tool being used will also copy and save all
settings (Registry, opened files, ...). If necessary, the system must be brought down.
Appropriate tools are available on the market.
If a backup is not possible, all inputs made during the installation/update must exactly be recorded and
deposited at a safe place. These settings can also be documented with the aid of the Dr. PGIM tool
which is included in the scope of supply beginning in version 2.5. Dr. PGIM can create a report of
backup information that must be kept at a safe place.
All data media (for example CD drivers) required for the installation/update must also be secured and
deposited. Magnetic data media (for example floppies) only have a limited shelf life. Their contents
must be refreshed in time.

9.4.2 Recovery of Basic Installation

The recovery of the PGIM server is carried out according to the instructions of the backup tool being
If no backup could be created, a reinstallation must be performed. For this, the recordings of the
installation/update and the corresponding data media (for example CD drivers) are required.

9.4.3 Backup of Continuously Changing Data

The process described above is used for the backup of all data after the installation and after an
update, even of single components of the software package. During the operation, however, data is
continuously added, removed or changed. There are, for example:
 Configuration data of the scanners
 Configuration data of the server
 Measured value archives
 Settings
 Curve displays
 Graphic displays
 Logs
 ...
By means of the PGIM Ex/Import tool, an automatic backup of this data can be performed during
running operation (for example once per day in the night). The full scope of this feature is available
from PGIM version 3.0. In the case of previous versions, a few data elements must be saved manually
after they have been changed.
Handling and functions of the PGIM Ex/Import tool are described in the manual.

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9.4.4 Recovery of Continuously Changing Data

The data which has changed during the continuous operation of PGIM and saved with the aid of the
PGIM Ex/Import tool, must be imported again after a reinstallation or recovery of PGIM.
The Ex/Import tool supports this work, and ensures that all data will be integrated again in the correct
place in the system. Depending on the scope of data, this process may take quite a long time.

9.4.5 PGIM Folder Structure

PGIM is copied to the installation folder by the installation program. You must indicate the folder
location during the installation. If you are not sure where PGIM is installed, the following folders should
be saved periodically and restored if required:
<Installation path>\PlantConnect
<Installation path>\PlantConnect.BIN
<Installation path>\PlantConnect.Sys
<Installation path>\PlantConnect\Events

9.5 PGIM Scanner

PGIM has the ability to install scanners on separate computers. In this case, a backup of these
computers must also be carried out as described above.

9.6 PGIM Client

PGIM has the ability to install the clients on separate computers. In that case, a backup of these
computers must also be carried out as described above.

9.7 Event Management

9.7.1 Backup of Basic Installation

After the installation and after an update, even of single components, a backup of the Event
Management including its database must be performed by suitable means. Ensure that the tool being
used will copy and save all settings (Registry, opened files, ...).
Appropriate tools are available on the market.
If a backup is not possible, all inputs made during the installation/update must be recorded exactly,
and deposited at a safe place. All data media (for example CD drivers) required for the
installation/update must also be secured and deposited. Magnetic data media (for example floppies)
only have a limited shelf life. Their contents must be refreshed in time.

9.7.2 Recovery of Basic Installation

The recovery of the Event Management and of the database is carried out according to the
instructions of the backup tool being used.
If no backup could be created, a reinstallation must be performed. For this, the recordings of the
installation/update and the corresponding data media (for example CD drivers) are required.

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9.7.3 Backup of Continuously Changing Data

The process described above is used for the backup of all data after the installation of the software
package. During the operation, however, data are continuously added, removed or changed. These
are, for example:
 Configuration data of the scanners
 Event archives
 Settings
 ...
By means of the PGIM Ex/Import tool, an automatic backup of this data can be performed during
running operation (for example once per day in the night). The full scope of this feature is available
from PGIM version 3.0. In the case of previous versions, a few data elements must be saved manually
after they have been changed.
Handling and functions of the PGIM Ex/Import tool are described in the manual.

9.7.4 Recovery of Continuously Changing Data

The data which has changed during the continuous operation of PGIM and saved with the aid of the
PGIM Ex/Import tool, must be imported again after a reinstallation or recovery of PGIM.
The Ex/Import tool supports this work, and ensures that all data will be integrated again in the correct
place in the system. Depending on the scope of data, this process may take quite a long time.

9.8 Complete Backup and Recovery

9.8.1 Backup
As an alternative to the single steps described above for the backup of software packages and basic
installation, the backup procedure can also be performed in one step using an appropriate tool after all
partial packages (operating system, Office applications, other tools, PGIM and Event Management)
have been installed. Usually, a so-called image backup of the hard disk(s) will then be created.
For this, the instructions of the backup tool must be followed. If necessary, the system must be
brought down.
In any case, the continuously changing data of PGIM and of the Event Management must be saved as
described above using the PGIM Ex/Import tool.

9.8.2 Recovery
If a backup of the overall system has been performed using one tool, it is possible to restore the
system after a failure using the same tool.
For this, the instructions of the backup tool must be followed. If necessary, the system must be
brought down.
In any case, the continuously changing data of PGIM and of the Event Management must be restored
as described above using the PGIM Ex/Import tool.

2VAA000322 July 2010 262


10 Ex/Import-Manager
10.1 Introduction
The program ExIm.exe is used to save the archived data stored in the PGIM database. It can either be
used for backup purposes, or for moving the data to external media. It is also possible to use this
program to delete the oldest data on the hard disk.

For data storage hardware normally a magneto-optical drive with the respective media is used. The
drive may be included in the PGIM server PC, connected to it as an external device or it may be
reachable via a network connection. For any drive where it is possible to read and write like a hard
disc, it is also possible to use this drive for data storage.

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10.2 Installation
For the installation of the PGIM ExImport tool, the entry "ExImport" must be selected from the tools in
the PGIM Setup. The program is installed as a service and will be available under the name "PGIM
ExImport" in the list of services. During the runtime of the program, an icon in the system taskbar
refers to the program. It is possible to execute the program from the taskbar.

10.2.1 Initialization file

The initialization file ...\PlantConnect.BIN\ExIm\ExImport.ini contains the general settings of the PGIM

SingleOpDelayMilliSec= Delay between the processing of two signals
EventServer= Name of the Event Server
EventMsgRepeatAfterMinutes=60 Delay time to wait before repeating the sending of messages to the
event server
DailyExportStart=04:00 Daily start time for the export.
DebugLevel=0 Level for the debug outputs:
0 means few outputs
5 means many outputs
(The default value is 0.)
[ShellProgram] Automatic call of any program when the capacity limit of the
export medium has been reached.
ProgName= Name of the program to be called.
ProgPath= Path to the program to be called.
ProgParameter= Call parameter for the program to be executed.

DEUTAMINW1035=f:\ROH\ Folder for the PGIM archive data.

WaitForExcecuteInSeconds=2000 Waiting time until the SQL server command has been executed
(Time out).
EventImportPath = If the entry is empty or not available, "PGIM-System path
\PlantConnect.BIN\Events\Import\" is entered for the path of the
EventImport-Ini file.

2VAA000322 July 2010 264


11 AutoUpdate
11.1 Introduction
The PGIM product is continuously improved to achieve the best possible functionality and operator
convenience. PGIM AutoUpdate can be used to distribute new versions of the product easily;
particularly in plants with several client installations.
PGIM setup files are saved on a central HTTP or FTP server. PGIM AutoUpdate is installed on each
client, and the address of the server is configured.
PGIM AutoUpdate copies the setup files to the individual clients, then automatically installs the
transmitted product version on these computers. Whenever PGIM is started on a client, PGIM
AutoUpdate will check whether a new version exists on a configured server. If there is a new version
available, you receive a notification. You can then choose to automatically update the PGIM version.
This ensures that the latest PGIM version is available on all clients of a plant.
Moreover, PGIM AutoUpdate also allows the installation of a new PGIM client via the FTP/HTTP

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11.2 Preconditions
PGIM AutoUpdate uses the HTTP or FTP protocol for transmitting the new versions. For this reason,
the existence of an FTP server or Web server (HTTP) is required.

An HTTP or FTP server is not included in the scope of supply, but by default Microsoft supplies
a FTP server with Win 2000 as a component of Internet Information Services IIS.

A freeware FTP server may also be used. The freeware server GuildFTPd, for example, has proved to
be sufficient for the purposes of PGIM AutoUpdate.

On the installed server, an update folder (for example ...PIMS\PlantConnect.SETUP) must be created
and released for all accessing clients. In this folder, the PGIM setup CD and information files are
saved (see Chapter 11.6).

2VAA000322 July 2010 266


11.3 Installation of AutoUpdate

PGIM AutoUpdate must be installed on each client computer to which automatic updates are to be
transmitted. The installation of PGIM AutoUpdate can be performed on a client where an installation of
PGIM already exists as well as on a PC where an installation of PGIM does not yet exist.
Execute AutoUpdateSetup.exe to start the installation. If the installation is performed on a new client,
a target path must be indicated (it is appropriate to choose the same path which will also be used for a
PGIM installation).
If PGIM has already been installed, the setup program automatically selects the PGIM folder. After the
installation, the configuration view of PGIM AutoUpdate is displayed. In this view, all PGIM
AutoUpdate parameters can be set. You will find a detailed description of the configuration possibilities
in the next section "Administration".
If a file server has been set up and is accessible via the HTTP/FTP protocol, the PGIM AutoUpdate
installation can be loaded and executed using a simple starter program (deliverable on disk; minimum
requirement: Internet Explorer 4.01). In this case you must indicate the URL of the PGIM setup on the
server, and click Start after the Starter.exe has been triggered.

An installation can also be performed manually via the available standard FTP program. After having
initiated the prompt, start the FTP program and download the AutoUpdateSetup.exe file from the FTP
server. Then execute AutoUpdateSetup.exe. The same procedure (download or direct execution of
the AutoUpdateSetup.exe file) can also be carried out in the same manner using the Internet Explorer
(HTTP basis).

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11.4 Administration of PGIM AutoUpdate

All the necessary parameters can be set in the PGIM AutoUpdate configuration view. It is also
possible to access the settings of other clients in the network. This enables central administration.
Except at the initial start, the configuration view is protected after installation by the password optimax.

The PGIM AutoUpdate configuration view:

The different fields show the current configuration of the client which has been selected in the Select
Client for Configuration field.
Click Add new Client to input the name or the IP number of a new client. Click OK. The system
checks if the client is reachable within the network, and whether PGIM AutoUpdate has been installed.
The client can only be found if PGIM AutoUpdate has been installed.

2VAA000322 July 2010 268


Client configurations can be displayed by selecting a client from the list. The following information is
displays about the PGIM software installed on the selected client:
 The Current Version of the PGIM software is displayed.
 The PGIM Path indicates the installation path of the software.
 In the Installed Components view all installed modules of PGIM software are listed.

You can make the following settings in AutoUpdate Settings:

 Use "Local Path" to select the folder to be used by AutoUpdate to save the setup file. It is
important that these folders already exist. Otherwise, no files can be transmitted from the
HTTP/FTP server.
 Use "Select Protocol" to select the protocol which the server will use to transmit the setup files.
 "ftp/http Server location" indicates the path of the folder where the setup files are residing on the
server. Click the Check Server Connection button to check the input, and also to find the version
number of the PGIM software available on the server. If the test is successful, the message
"Connection OK" appears, and the version of the PGIM software on the server is displayed in the
field "Available Update Version on Server". If not, the message "Connection failed" will be
displayed. If the test fails, this may have the following causes.
 The folder in the field "Local Path" does not exist.
 The path in the field "ftp/http Server location" is not identical to the path on the server.

Click Write Settings to Client to update and save the settings.

You can create a Collection of Clients to avoid changing each client individually. By pressing the
Edit Collection of Clients button you can add a client into the collection or to remove it from the list.

2VAA000322 July 2010 269


In the "Known Clients" list all clients are shown that have been added with the Add new Client
button. A new client can only be added if a PGIM AutoUpdate has been installed on this client. By
marking the clients in the list Known Clients and pressing the >> button these clients will be added to
the Selected Clients list. To remove clients from the list Selected Clients you must select the clients
and press the << button.

Click the Apply button acknowledge changes to the list.

After all the clients have been included into the Collection list, press the Write Settings to Collection

For the clients in the "Collection", only those parameters will be applied which have been selected.
An update of the client can also be initiated immediately by selecting the Update localhost button in
the configuration view. This also allows reinstalling a PGIM client. However, this is only possible for
the "localhost" (i.e. the local client). You must ensure that the executed update is a full setup ( *.*.0).

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11.5 AutoUpdate on PGIM Clients

If a new PGIM version is available on the server, the following notification is shown when the PGIM
client is started:

You can decide whether you want to install the new version right now or later. If you decide not to
perform an update now, you will be asked again when starting the PGIM client next time. For detailed
information about the update, an information document is available by clicking the Readme button:

To ensure an optimum functionality and operator convenience, the update should be performed in all
cases. The update executes completely without further user inputs. It only takes a few minutes.
If the PGIM client is closed only on rare occasions, the availability of a new PGIM version can be
checked manually. On the taskbar select Start, Programs, PGIM, PGIM Update to perform an update
if possible.

2VAA000322 July 2010 271


11.6 Files in the Update Folder of the File Server

The following files reside in the released folder of a PGIM AutoUpdate file server:

File name Meaning

Setup.inf Information file with version number and details about the
setup files
Setup.exe Startup file of the PGIM setup (updates)
Setup.W01 – Setup.W** Follow-up files of the PGIM setup (updates)
Readme.html Readme in HTML format
Logo.gif ABB logo
*.txt Check file
AutoUpdateSetup.exe Setup of the PGIM AutoUpdate

2VAA000322 July 2010 272


11.7 Sample Installations

In this chapter, the procedure for the installation of PGIM AutoUpdate is demonstrated using an

11.7.1 Setup of the FTP server

For the FTP server, a desktop PC with Pentium processor and Windows 2000 or later is used.
Within the network, the name "MyFTP" was assigned to this PC. On this PC, the FTP server software
GuildFTPd (freeware) was installed. GuildFTPd can be downloaded from the following Internet

With the installation of AutoUpdate, a new folder (....\PIMS\PlantConnect.SETUP) is created. Then the
PGIM setup files were copied to this folder (see Chapter 6). In the server software, the sub-folder
....\PIMS\PlantConnect.SETUP\PlantConnect\bin has been released on the virtual path
/PlaCoNewVersion for all clients (Anonymous).

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11.7.2 Setup of clients First example

This client is a desktop PC with Windows 2000, Internet Explorer 5.5 and PGIM. Because the client
meets the minimum requirements for the AutoUpdateInstaller, the respective file
(AutoUpdateSetup.exe) must be executed. The file is installed as an addition to PGIM. Above
mentioned executable file could be downloaded from the FTP-Server in a known way (already
described in previous sections) from the virtual path /PlaCoAutoUpgradeInstall for this client
It’s recommended to download the file into sub-folder called ....\PIMS\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools and to
start it from this location. The installation begins with a welcome message. Select the option "Install
with Administration Tool" and finish the setup.

The AutoUpdateSetup terminates, and the configuration view is displayed:

Due to the fact that the PGIM version was already installed, and the AutoUpdateInstaller was used for
the installation, changes to the settings are not necessary now.

2VAA000322 July 2010 274

Installation/Administration Second example

This client was a desktop PC with Windows 2000, Internet Explorer 6, but without PGIM software.
Because the PC does not meet the minimum requirements for the AutoUpdateInstaller, the
AutoUpdateSetup.exe had to be downloaded manually from the server. For that purpose, in this
example the Internet Explorer was launched and the address of the server and the name of the setup
file were entered into the address field.

For example: ftp://MyFTP/PlaCoAutoUpdateInstall/AutoUpdateSetup.exe

In the File Download dialog you can save the program to disk, or you can run the program from its
current location.
Select the option "Run this program from its current location". A security warning is displayed. Click
Yes. The download will begin and AutoUpdateSetup is launched.
During the setup, the installation path indicates where PGIM will be installed later.
The installation begins with a welcome message. Select the option "Install with Administration Tool"
and finish the setup.

In this case, PGIM AutoUpdate was installed on the path C:\PIMS.

After the installation, the configuration view of PGIM AutoUpdate was displayed.

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Only the "ftp/http Server location" needs to be indicated here.

In this case, it was ftp://MyFTP/PlaCoNewVersion. Pressing the Check Server Connection button
checks the input and simultaneously the version number of the PGIM software on the server that is
displayed in the field Available Update Version on Server.
Because PGIM has not yet been installed, a version must be selected. Select a version where the last
digit is zero. Only these versions are complete setups. For example 3.5.0 is complete, but 3.5.1 is only
a Service Pack for the previous version.
Click the Update localhost button to download the setup files.

2VAA000322 July 2010 276


12 PGIM Report Scheduler

The PGIM Report Scheduler program is a program for executing PGIM reports. The program can
cyclically or event driven start a PGIM report and create an output either as a file or write back data
into the PGIM database.
The PGIM Report Scheduler is a true client server application which means that there is a service
managing the report execution and also a client which is the user interface for configuration.
The PGIM Report Scheduler can be started with the windows Service Control Manager.

Make sure that the service is running under a user account and NOT the local system account,
compare figure below. The user account used must be able to read an write to the desired directories
of the report and must also be a PGIM user with the necessary rights to the tags.

Once the service is running make sure it has been set to automatic so that after a reboot it starts
automatically as well.
The user interface for configuration can be opend up by starting PGIM Advanced Scheduler user
interface from the windows start menue, see figure below.

2VAA000322 July 2010 277


The PGIM advanced scheduler user interface ist started.


: Starts/Stop the automatic

: Adds a new report entry

: Removes a report entry

: Save the additional job list

Call up the configuration of the report scheduler

Tab “Entrys” : Displays all configured reports
Tab “Jobqueue” : Displays all current jobs
Tab “Additional jobs” : Displays all additional jobs
Tab “Debug messages” : Displays the latest progam messages
For a detailed description on how to work with the report scheduler, please refer to the PGIM user manual.

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12.1 Troubleshooting the Report Scheduler

If for what ever reason the report scheduler does not show up in the windows service structure as seen below,
then you need to register the service manually.

To do so, please follow the following easy steps:

1. Use:
2. Open a command box and "drag &drop" the tool
3. press blank
4. Goto to
and "drag &drop the AdvancedScheduler.exe to the command box
5. press "Enter"

The AdvancedScheduler is now available as a service. Before starting the service, do not forget to change the
account for the service to a user account (see above).

2VAA000322 July 2010 279


12.2 Configuration of a scheduler item

Before you can add or modify an entry you first have to stop the report scheduler from running. This is achived
by pressing the start/stop button.

To add a new Report to then PGIM Report Scheduler , press the button in the toolbar or select in the menu
“Entry” -> “New Entry…”
The following display is opend:

3.1 Description:
Entry name : The name of the Excel-Report ( will be set automatic )
Exec path : The full qualified Excel-Report file
Parameter : Additional start parameter ( optional )
Button „Edit“ : The button „Edit“ opens the report
Button „Cancel“ : The button „Cancel” close the dialog without saving
Button „Save“ : The button „Save“ close the dialog with saving

IMPORTANT: The first time that you use the report scheduler under a service account, you
must open the Report with the “Edit” button after you have chosen your report it in the exec

2VAA000322 July 2010 280

path line. Excel will ask you this first time for your initials and you MUST answer this question
once to run the service later on in a service account.

3.2 Description tab “Time control”

This is the configuration tab for the cyclically execution of a PGIM report

Activ : Activates/deactivates the cyclically execution

Time priority : Set the priority for this report ( 1: high priority ;5: low priority)

Next run : Sets the date for the next execution of the configured report

Cycle : Sets the cycle for the execution

Delay : Sets the delay (in seconds ) . The PGIM Report Scheduler waits
for this time, before executing the report

Last Start : Activates/deactivates the last start option

Last Run : Sets the date for the last execution of the configured report

Report start : Sets the next date for the report

Next run : 20/01/2006 00:00
Cycle : 1 Day
Report start : 10/01/2006 00:00
The report will be executed from 20.Jan 06 every day at 00:00
The timestamp for the report will be set 10 days before

Interval : This value is always equal to the cycle time

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3.3 Description tab “Event control”

This is the configuration tab for the event driven execution of a PGIM report

Activ : Activates/deactivates the event driven execution

Event priority : Set the priority for this report ( 1: high priority ;5: low priority)

Begin scan at : Sets the date for the next scan interval

Stop event scan : Activates/deactivates the last scan option

Stop scan at : Sets the date for the last scan of the configured report

Exec. Delay : Sets the delay (in seconds ) . The PGIM Report Scheduler waits
for this time after getting an event, before executing the report

2VAA000322 July 2010 282


To configure signals for an event driven execution, Drag&Drop a database signal from the
SignalExplorer ( not in service mode ) or write a full qualified PGIM item in the datagrid.

Type : Rising / Falling / Both ( for binary signals )

Starts the report, if the signal value changed from “0” to “1”

Starts the report, if the signal value changed from “1” to “0”

Starts the report, if the signal value changed

>Limit / <Limit ( for analogue signals )

Starts the report, if the signal value is lager then the configured limit

Starts the report, if the signal value is smaller then the configured limit

Limit : Limit value

Current value : the button “Current value” read the values for the signals at the “Begin scan at”
timestamp and displays them in the datagrid

Clear : the button “Clear” deletes all configured signals in the datagrid

2VAA000322 July 2010 283


12.3 Configuration of additional jobs

To configure or modify a new addition job, double-click on one additional job.

Following display occurs:

Report start : Sets the start for the report

Report end : Sets the end for the report

Report activation : Sets the date for the report execution

Report : The full qualified Excel-Report file

Priority : Set the priority for this report ( 1: high priority ;5: low

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12.4 Options

The menu “Settings/Configuration” opens the configuration dialogue

Autostart : En/Disable the autostart of the PGIM Report Scheduler after the startup

Scan cycle : Set the scan cycle for the event driven execution

Job folder : Temporary folder, to save the current executing reports

Web-Job folder : Temporary folder for extra jobs from the PGIM WebClient

IIS root path : Root path for the Microsoft Internet Information Server
( Optional, if using PGIM WebClient )

2VAA000322 July 2010 285


13 Additional Programs
13.1 ASCII-Export

13.1.1 Introduction
The program PlaCoExport.exe is used to read information (signal descriptions as well as measured
values) from the PGIM databases and store this incorporation in files.
The format of the files depends on the application for which the file is created. Applications using
these files are, for example, the data reconciliation program "ConVali" (VALI III), or the lifetime
monitoring program "ConLife".
The amount of information that will be stored in the file as well as the format of the file is defined in a
configuration file that must be given as a parameter when the program is started.

13.1.2 Installation
To install the program the file PlaCoExport.exe and the respective configuration file (for example
"ConLife.txt") must be copied into the subfolder "PlaCoExport". This subfolder must be created in the
"PlantConnect.bin" folder.
In order to make the start of the program as easy as possible, the creation of a shortcut is
recommended. The following picture shows the properties of a shortcut for PlaCoExport to create files
for ConLife.

2VAA000322 July 2010 286


13.2 External Scheduler (legacy)

13.2.1 Introduction
The program PcSched.exe provides administration features for other programs that do not belong
directly to PGIM, but run in parallel to the scanning and analyzing programs of PGIM.
If you have never used this program, please refer to the section “PGIM Scheduler” instead of using
this program.
Those other programs may be developed by the customer, or may be special interface programs.
Normally those programs read the stored values from the PGIM databases, process these values and
perhaps write back results to the PGIM databases.
The external programs can be started once or cyclically with configurable cycles. The execution can
be automatically triggered by the configuration values or by an event (for example the changing of a
binary signal in one of the PGIM-ScanManagers).
Two types of programs can be started:
 NT-batch files (Extension ".bat",".vbs","js",etc.)
 Executable programs (Extension ".exe")
The programs to be started run in the background as separate applications. In this case no interaction
with the user is possible. Therefore the input parameters for the programs must be stored in a
configuration file. If the started program runs in the foreground interactions are possible via the
keyboard or the mouse.

13.2.2 Installation
The installation is carried out automatically after starting the program Setup.exe on the delivered
installation CD. Files required for the installation

The following prerequisites must be fulfilled before the installation of the PGIM Scheduler can start:
The following files must be available in the system folder:
 RWREGVALS.DLL Files required for the access to PGIM

The file SCANMANAPI.DLL enables access to signals descriptions and values in the PGIM database.
The file PLANTCON.DLL establishes a TCP/IP connection to the PGIM server.

2VAA000322 July 2010 287

Installation/Administration Files necessary for the access to the registry

The file RWREGVALS.DLL offers functions to read/write parameters from/to the registry of Windows.

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13.3 System Router

13.3.1 Introduction
The program PGIM Router (or PCRouter for short) is used to exchange process values between
different ScanDrivers. This data exchange is needed if two or more stand-alone control systems must
exchange information. The program PCRouter allows you to transfer data from control system A to
control system B and vice versa.
The program establishes the communication between two or more ScanManagers, and starts an
event driven data exchange.

13.3.2 Installation
The installation of the PGIM Router must be selected as an option of the tools during the installation of
the PGIM software. During the installation the following folders are created to store the files.
<Installation folder>\PlantConnect.BIN\PCRouter
 PCRouter.EXE
 KonfiPCRouter.CSV

< Installation folder >\PlantConnect.SYS\Texte\Deutsch

 PCRouter_dt.CSV

13.3.3 Structure

ration file

Scandriver 1 ScanDriver 2
(e.g. Modbus) (e.g. P-Protocol)

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13.3.4 Operation
The program PCRouter can be started by double-clicking the file "PCRouter.exe", or a link to this file.
PC Router can also be installed as a service. Then it is accessible from the windows services.
Before the data transfer can be started a configuration file must be selected. The configuration file can
be selected by typing the name of the file into the field "Module File" or by selecting the file from a file
selection dialog located besides the input field.
The configuration file can be created or modified from the program PCRouter. Therefore an editor
must be selected. The selection of the editor works in the same way as the selection of the
configuration file.
The settings concerning the editor as well as the configuration file are stored when the program is
stopped. Those settings are available for the next start of the program.
In order to modify the configuration file the click the Edit Configuration file button.
The field "Test signal" allows you to specify a single or several signals for which the data exchange is
shown on screen. For all signals that contain the defined string in their names the data exchange is
logged in the debug window, if the checkbox "Logging for Testsignal active" is selected.
The data transfer is started by selecting the "Start the Router" checkbox.
The selection of "Output in log file" starts the logging of all actions of the program. The logging should
be activated if problems occur during the data transfer. The log file is located in the folder:
< Installation folder >\PlantConnect.SYS\Debug\PCRouter.

13.3.5 Autostart / Initialization file

For an automatic start of the PCRouters follow these steps:
 In the startup file for ALL users specify a link to the executable file PCRouter.Exe, for example with
the starting type "minimized".
 An initialization file with the name "PCRouter.Ini" …\PlantConnect.BIN\PCRouter specifies the
following contents as ASCII files in the listing:
[ Application ]
With these two steps the PCRouter is always called whenever a user at the computer announces
You can also create an automatic logon. In this case the program will start after a restart of the
computer, for example after a voltage failure of the PCRouter.

13.3.6 Configuration
The configuration file is structured by lines, each line containing a source and one or more sinks. The
columns are separated by semicolons. Each line starts with the type of the connection module. The
following types are possible:

 Connect
 DisConnectAlarm
 2ZU1

2VAA000322 July 2010 290

Installation/Administration Module Connect

The module "Connect" can be used to route the value from one input signal to up to 8 output signals.
Column A Connect Keyword
Column B Module name unique identification of the connection, may only
exist once
Column C Number of input signals for this entry always 1
Column D Number of output signals 1-8
Column E Input signal Signal identification with the structure
Column F Output signal 1 same as input signal
Column G Output signal 2 ...
Depending on the number of output signals)

Connect; Connect[Signal 1];1;2;\PCEAST\ep001e09\SIGNAL1;


Scanmanager PCEAST Scanmanager PCWEST

ep001e09 Modbus1 ep002e09 Modbus2

Signal1 Signal2 Signal3 Module DisConnectAlarm

This module allows you to check whether the connection to a special ScanDriver still works. A binary
signal is set to the value "1" if no new value is transferred by this special ScanDriver. The binary signal
is reset to the value "0" as soon as a new value comes from this ScanDriver.

Column A DisConnectAlarm Keyword
Column B Module name unique identification of the connection, may only
exist once
Column C ScanManager Name of the ScanManager
Column D ScanDriver Name of the Scandriver
Column E Binärsignal Signal identification with the structure

2VAA000322 July 2010 291

Column F Timeout in seconds

DisConnectAlarm; PCWEST ;ep001e09 ;PCWEST\MODBUS\Alarm/XM41;9 Module ODER (OR)

With the module ODER an "OR" connection for up to 8 input signals can be generated. The result is
written to a single output signal.

Column A ODER Keyword
Column B Module name unique identification of the connection, may only
exist once
Column C Number of input signals 1-8
Column D Number of output signals 1
Column E Input signal 1 Signal identification with the structure
(Column F Input signal 2 )

Column F Output signal 1 as input signal

ODER;Oder1;2;1;\PCEAST\ep001e09\SIGNAL1; ¬


Scanmanager PCEAST Scanmanager PCWEST

ep001e09 Modbus1 ep002e09 Modbus2


2VAA000322 July 2010 292

Installation/Administration Module 2ZU1 (2 to 1)

The module 2ZU1 allows you to write two different constant values to the output signal, depending on the value
of the input signal. If the value of the input signal is "0" the first constant is written to the output signal. If the
value of the input signal is "1", the second constant is written to the output signal.

Column A 2ZU1 Keyword
Column B Module name unique identification of the connection, may only
exist once
Column C Number of input signals 1
Column D Number of output signals 1
Column E Input signal 1 Signal identification with the structure
Column F Output signal 1 same as input signal
Column G Value 1 numerical value
Column H Value 2 numerical value


2VAA000322 July 2010 293


13.4 AutoMailer

13.4.1 Introduction
The idea of AutoMail is simple, but it offers power features for information sharing.
The basic problem is this: How can files in specific folders be automatically sent as e-mail attachments
to a specific e-mail address? For example, a report (which might have been generated automatically)
can be forwarded by e-mail to the responsible person. AutoMail presents a solution to this problem.
AutoMail is a program that continuously monitors particular folders. As soon as files and/or further
subfolders appear in these folders, they are automatically sent as attachments to an e-mail. The email
message is also generated automatically. Each file will be sent using an e-mail message.
IMPORTANT: The subfolders of the monitored folder and the files will be deleted after they
have been sent. Therefore you must take care that the correct folders are selected. Also make sure
that the folders are filled in correctly (for example by copying) in order to prevent the deletion of
important original files.

13.4.2 Installation
To install AutoMail from the CD execute Setup.exe. You are guided by an installation Wizard. When
starting AutoMail for the first time, your e-mail address, subject and mail server are required. These
details are important to ensure that the program runs correctly. They can also be entered in the
Options menu of the AutoMail main screen.

13.4.3 Structure
The folders from which the files will be sent are displayed in the AutoMail main screen. The names
indicated in the main window are logical names.
Select Options from the main window of AutoMail to find the information required for sending files.
You can delete folders and terminate AutoMail in the AutoMail main window. Use the Properties or
Add menus to create folders or to change properties of existing folders. You can set properties such
as folder names, folders, active addresses and e-mail addresses.
From these menus you can display commands like Explorer and E-mail addresses. Folders can be
selected in the Explorer. The E-mail addresses commands shows the e-mail addresses that are
available in the internal AutoMail database. You can delete e-mail addresses from the database. If you
want to change or add e-mail addresses in the database, you must use the Change or Add menus.

13.4.4 Procedure during configuration, start and stop

In this section you will find a short description how to use AutoMail procedures.
When starting AutoMail for the first time, you will be asked for the options (e-mail address, subject and
mail server) so that the files in the selected folders can be sent via e-mail.
Before sending files, however, folders must first be created in AutoMail. The "Create new folder"
section explains how to create folders in AutoMail.
When you first start AutoMail there are no e-mail addresses in the internal AutoMail database. The
"Add e-mail addresses in the internal AutoMail database" section describes how to create e-mail

2VAA000322 July 2010 294

addresses in the database. Only when the database includes e-mail addresses can you add e-mail
addresses to the individual folders in AutoMail.
Folder monitoring becomes active when you set the folders to be active, and you have closed the
Add or Properties menus.
If the AutoMail window is active you will be asked whether the files in the monitored folders should be
sent and deleted immediately. If the AutoMail dialog box is minimized (as icon in the task bar) the files
are sent and deleted immediately.
AutoMail should be started and installed only once.
To terminate AutoMail, you should set all folders to inactive before terminating in order to ensure a
reliable program run.

13.4.5 Operation Setting Options

The folders from which the files shall be sent are displayed in the main screen. The names of the
folders shown are logical names which describe the required task.
Select Options from the Extras menu to set the options. Enter an e-mail address, a subject and a
mail server so that the e-mails can be sent with the files. Create new folder

Select Add from the File menu to create a new folder. Enter a logical name for the folder. You can
also use the right mouse button (right-click) to select the Add command. Set folder

To set a folder an existing folder name can be entered directly in the Folder text field. You can also
click the [...] button to use Windows Explorer to select a folder. Click OK to finish the selection. Active
Select the Active check box to actively monitor the folder. Files in the folder will be sent and deleted
immediately. Add e-mail addresses to the folder

Double-click the E-mail addresses field to add new addresses. In the Properties or Add windows
you can also right-click, and then select Add.
Click the Add to folder button to add the selected e-mail addresses to the folder. Delete e-mail addresses from the folder

To delete e-mail addresses in the Properties or Add windows right-click, and then select Delete.

2VAA000322 July 2010 295

Installation/Administration Add, change or delete e-mail addresses in the internal AutoMail

The E-mail addresses screen must be active when you delete, edit or add names and e-mail
addresses in the Internal AutoMail database.
You can open the E-mail addresses screen from the Properties or Add dialog boxes. Delete e-mail addresses from the internal AutoMail database

Select the Delete command from the E-mail addresses screen to delete e-mail addresses from the
database. Edit e-mail addresses in the internal AutoMail database

Select the Edit command from the E-mail addresses screen to display and change selected names
and the associated e-mail address. Add e-mail addresses to the internal AutoMail database

Select the Add command from the E-mail addresses screen to add e-mail addresses and names to
the database. The name and e-mail address are saved in the database. Set properties of folder

You can open the property sheet using three methods:
 Double-click a folder.
 Right-Click, and then select Properties.
 Select Properties from the File menu.
The functions of the property sheet are the same as already described above. Quit AutoMail

Use the File\Terminate menu to quit the AutoMail program, or use the Close command.
You should set all folders to be inactive before you terminate AutoMail to ensure a reliable program
exit. Remarks
Each file in the folder is sent separately. Files above 1.2 MB are not sent, but deleted.

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13.4.6 Error analysis Options
The options information must have the correct sender e-mail address and the correct mail server. If
errors occur when sending e-mails, check the settings in the Options menu. Log file

The "Automail.log" log file shows the start and termination times of AutoMail, as well the files sent. The
log file is created in the "PlantConnect.SYS\Debug\AutoMail" folder.

13.5 System Diagnosis

13.5.1 General
The setup monitor called “System Diagnosis” provides a quick overview about the PGIM components
installed on the local PC, along with their operating state. It can also be used for trouble shooting, and
for the preparation of a report of the current state of the installation.

13.5.2 Icons
The following icons with the mentioned meaning are used inside the program “System Diagnosis”

Symbol of the root node

No problems, everything works fine

Not installed or not working optimal

A problem occurred


Further action


Item contains further information

13.5.3 Handling
A tree structure is used for displaying the information. The root of this tree structure is the local PC.
After the start of the program only the root and the main items are visible. The different symbols and
colors show the current operating state of the main items ScanManager, server and client. The last
main item in the tree structure is labeled "Setup Info".

2VAA000322 July 2010 297

Each main item contains further information (see chapter 3), that can be seen if the main item is
expanded (either by clicking on the "+" sign or by double-clicking the name of the main item).
Expanding any main item of the root node, as well as pressing the F5 button refreshes the displayed
information. During the time required for refreshing the information the cursor is shown as an hour

2VAA000322 July 2010 298


13.5.4 Main Items ScanManager

The main item ScanManager contains the sub items "Installed", "License
OK", "Operating" and "ScanDriver OK" with the remark
"yes" or "no".
The item "License OK" contains the sub item "Analysis" where the
license file can be inspected, the ScanManager folder
can be opened and the network card can be analyzed.
The item "Operating" contains the sub item "Analysis" where the log
file can be inspected, and the Scanner folder can be
The item "ScanDriver OK" contains all ScanDrivers as sub items that can
be found either in
<system path>\PlantConnect.BIN\Scanner\Scandriver or in the license
file <system path>\PlantConnect.BIN\Cfg\lcfg.ini.
These items contain information on whether the
respective ScanDriver is included in the license. The
respective configuration folder can also be opened.
A fifth sub item which is always red indicates a severe error (for
example if the license file lcfg.ini cannot be found).

2VAA000322 July 2010 299

This item is only visible in the case of severe

2VAA000322 July 2010 300

Installation/Administration Server

The main item Server contains the sub items "Installed", "License OK",
"Service started" and "Server operating" with the
remark "yes" or "no".
If the local server is running, the last item "Start webbrowser..."
allow you to create a connection to the server in an
internet browser.
Further information concerning the version, number of tags and the
number of licensed clients are displayed behind the
paper clip symbols if accessible. The large number of
clients showing the value "0" may indicate that the
TCP/IP server of the PGIM server is not running. The
TCP/IP server delivers the data for the clients.
The item "License OK" contains the sub item "Analysis" where the
license file can be inspected, and the network card
can be analyzed.
The item "Server operating" contains the sub item "Analysis" where the
initialization file "PlaCo.ini" can be inspected, and
the folder for the log files can be opened.

2VAA000322 July 2010 301

Installation/Administration Client

The main item Client contains the sub items "Installed", "Client
operating" and "License server operating" with the
remark "yes" or "no".
Further information concerning the name and version of the license
server can be displayed behind the paper clip symbols
if accessible.

2VAA000322 July 2010 302

Installation/Administration Info

The info items "System Applications", "Client Applications", "Event

Management" and "Setup Info" contain the sub items for
detailed information on the PGIM applications are
running on the local computer.

13.5.5 Create Report

Select Create Report from the Report menu o write all information in the tree structure as a report in
a text file.
You can add additional information to this file, such as the regional settings, entries in the file "Hosts",
versions of the Internet Explorer, the Windows operating system and MS-Office as well as the
complete Winmsd report ( as far as accessible).
If the Winmsd report cannot be created within a period of 30 seconds a respective hint appears in the
report file, and this report is not created.
The name of the report is created according the rule Dr.PlantCon_ddmmyy.txt (with dd = day of
month, mm = month, yy = year) and stored in the folder <Installation
Two additional files containing the complete content of the folder System32 (FilesSystem32.txt) and
PlantConnect.BIN (FilesPlaCoBin.txt) are also stored in this folder. The complete path to the report file
is shown at the end of the report.

2VAA000322 July 2010 303

The second menu entry "Open log folder" allows you to open the log folder of DrPlantConnect.

13.5.6 Restrictions using Windows terminal server

On windows terminal server reading from hirect hardware is not possible. Therefore the program will
not show that PGIM dongles are connected.

13.5.7 Log file "DrPlantCon.log"

The log file named "DrPlantCon.log" of the program “System Diagnosis”
appears in the folder:
< Installation path > \PlantConnect.SYS \Debug\Dr_PlantCon

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13.6 WatchDog

13.6.1 Introduction
The PGIM Watch-Dog (PlaCoWD) monitors the sections from the control system via the PGIM
Scandriver and the PGIM ScanManager up to the PGIM database. In the case of a failure or
regeneration of the connection, corresponding messages are issued in the control system and in
PGIM so that an operator in the control system or in PGIM can initiate appropriate measures to
remove the fault. This requires that the procedure described in the following chapter can be
implemented in the control system.

13.6.2 Procedure Control System Setup

In the control system, a ramp (automatically and continuously increasing signal) is configured with a
limit value. This ramp is incremented, for example, every second by the value 1. If a configurable limit
value is exceeded, an incoming message will be issued in the control system (for example "+ PGIM
disturbed"). If the signal falls below the limit value, the corresponding outgoing message (for example
"- PGIM disturbed") will be issued. This ramp can be reset either by a binary pulse (Reset) or by
describing the ramp signal with the value 0. If the ramp is reset before reaching the limit value, no
message will be issued in the control system. PGIM Setup

In PGIM, a PGIM WatchDog (PlaCoWD) application runs as a service under Windows, which can be
set via a configuration file. The PlaCoWD cyclically checks in the ScanManager and in the database to
determine whether the value of the ramp changes in the control system.

If the values change, the connection is OK, and PlaCoWD either writes a binary pulse for a
configurable duration or the value 0 on the ramp signal in the control system. In this way, the ramp in
the control system is reset, and the message will be suppressed. Writing can be performed via the
existing interface. You can also use another scanner to transmit the value, for example, via a direct
output card in the PC to the control system (The hardware extension is optionally available).

PlaCoWD also resets the ramp in the control system if the value of the ramp has exceeded an
adjustable maximum value. This is to avoid a situation where the ramp in the control system reaches a
limit where it will no longer change (for example 102.5%). This state may occur when the connection
to PGIM has been interrupted. Then the ramp in the control system exceeds the limit value initiating a
message up to the maximum value. The value remains at the maximum value until PlaCoWD resets
the value by comparing it with the adjusted maximum value.

If PlaCoWD detects that the value of the ramp does not change either in the ScanManager and/or in
the database, the ramp will not be reset in the control system, and the fault is automatically indicated
in the control system when exceeding the limit value of the ramp.

PlaCoWD additionally indicates failures in its LOG file, in the Windows event log and in the PGIM
alarm management. An error message in PGIM indicates whether there is a problem in the
ScanManager and/or the database. When PlaCoWD again recognizes a change of the ramp signal

2VAA000322 July 2010 305

(connection restored), PlaCoWD issues corresponding positive acknowledgments in the LOG file, in
the Windows event log, and also in the PGIM alarm management. It resets the value of the ramp in
the control system. The outputs of PlaCoWD are configurable (see Chapter 3.3).

13.6.3 Configuration
For configuring and start/stop of monitoring of the PGIM WatchDog service the WatchDog UI is used:

The buttons in the toolbar (A) have the following functionality:

Load: Loads the configuration of a specified WatchDog Service. You must specity the service with
hostname and portnumber. Default is localhost and port 9295
Reload: Reloads the configuration (incl. monitoring results) using the last hostname and portnumber.
Save: Writes back a changed or new configuration to the specified PGIM WatchDog service.
Add Job: Adds a new monitoring job to the configuration.
Remove Job: Removes the selected monitoring job.

2VAA000322 July 2010 306

Monitor Mode: Displays a windows where the monitoring results are shown.

The list of jobs (B) shows all configured jobs of the specified PGIM WatchDog service. If the checkbox
is checked the monitoring will be executed when the monitoring is started.
If the jobname is followed by an asterisk the configuration has been changed and should be saved in
the service.

The attributes of a monitoring job can be edited in the area (C). The attributes are:
Jobname: Name des monitoring jobs.
Cycle: The cycle time in seconds during which the signal to be monitored is checked for changes.
Input: The name of the ramp signal indicated in the PGIM notation. By means of the syntax of the
name, PGIM WatchDog automatically recognizes the name in the ScanManager and in the Server. It
establishes the appropriate connections. This signal is monitored for changes (complete PGIM name
including server and scanner name).
OnlyDB: If true only the Server signal is monitored.
Deviation: The minimum deviation of the ramp signal value from the last cycle.
Max. value: Maximum value of the ramp which is still monitored for changes. If the read value
exceeds the “Max. value”, PGIM WatchDog also writes on "reset signal" in order to achieve a defined
state in the control system.
Reset signal: The name of the signal in the control system indicated in the PGIM notation. The reset
value will be written once to this control system. This writing causes a reset of the ramp signal to 0 in
the control system (PGIM name without server name, scanner name only so that the signal is written
directly on the ScanManager).
Reset value: The value that is written to “Reset signal” either once or as an impulse.
Reset duration: If greater than 0 a pulse (reset) will be written to this control system. This writing
causes a reset of the ramp signal to 0 in the control system. "Reset value" is written on “Reset signal”
for a specific time and then on 0 again. The specific time in seconds is the “Reset duration”.
DB state: Signal in the ScanManager environment where DB monitoring result can be written.
SM state: Signal in the ScanManager environment where SM monitoring result can be written.
Special Write: if greater 0 a ramp from 0 to “Special Write” with step 1 will be written to the “Reset

If messages are written to the PGIM EventManagement or there is a acoustical signal in the case of a
DB/SM failure can be configured in the area (D). For enable/disable acoustical signal check or
uncheck the checkbox. For enable/disable EventManagement messages check or uncheck the
checkbox and insert the name of the EventServer (conmea).

With the two button in the area (E) monitoring can be started/stopped in the PGIM WatchDog Service
and the monitoring messages can be shown .
For reference you can also create a text file acctording to the following description:
The configuration file for the Watch-Dog application resides in the folder
...\PlantConnect.BIN\Tools\WatchDog\ . The name is "PlaCoDW.ini".
PlaCoWD requires the following information, which is stored in the configuration file:
[WatchDogSignal 1]

2VAA000322 July 2010 307

# Cycle time in seconds for checking the ramp
cycle = 10
# Deviation of the ramp value from the last value
deviation = 5.0
# Name of the ramp signal
input = \\SRV01\SM01\SD01\SignalName01
# Maximum value of the ramp
maxvalue = 9999
# Name of the reset signal
output = \SM01\SD02\SignalName02
[WatchDogSignal 2]
# Cycle time in seconds for checking the ramp
cycle = 20
# Deviation of the ramp value from the last value
deviation = 2.0
# Name of the ramp signal
input = \\SRV02\SM02\SD01\SignalName01
# Maximum value of the ramp
maxvalue = 105
# Name of the reset pulse
reset = \SM03\SD02\ResetSignalName01
# Duration of the reset pulse
resetduration = 2

[WatchDogSignal 1]
It is possible to configure an arbitrary number of signals for monitoring (WatchDogSignal 1 ...n) which
can be acquired from different control systems via different ScanDrivers and ScanManagers. All the
following parameters in the section refer to this area.
cycle (Default = 10)
The cycle time in seconds during which the signal to be monitored is checked for changes.
deviation (Default = 1.0)
The minimum deviation of the ramp signal value from the last cycle.
The name of the ramp signal indicated in the PGIM notation. By means of the syntax of the name,
PlaCoWD automatically recognizes the name in the ScanManager and in the server. It establishes the
appropriate connections. This signal is monitored for changes (complete PGIM name including server
and scanner name).

2VAA000322 July 2010 308

Maximum value of the ramp which is still monitored for changes. If the read value exceeds the
maximum value, PlaCoWD also writes on "output" or "reset" in order to achieve a defined state in the
control system.
The name of the signal in the control system indicated in the PGIM notation. The value 0 will be
written once to this control system. This writing causes a reset of the ramp signal to 0 in the control
system (PGIM name without server name, scanner name only so that the signal is written directly on
the ScanManager).

alternative for output

The name of the signal in the control system indicated in the PGIM notation. A pulse (reset) will be
written to this control system. This writing causes a reset of the ramp signal to 0 in the control system.
In contrast to "output", "reset" is written on 1 for a specific time and then on 0 again.
resetduration (Default = 1)
The time in seconds during which the reset signal will show a value of 1 before being set back to 0.

2VAA000322 July 2010 309


13.7 PlaCoArc (Symphony Maestro-UX)

13.7.1 Introduction
The ABB DCS Symphony Maestro-UX is able to perform a medium-term storage of process data (over
several days) and to make the data available for evaluation purposes.
The data extraction of archive data from Maestro-UX is performed via a TCP/IP protocol network

Usually data is extracted from Melody to the PGIM system continuously, and PGIM stores the process
data in long-term archives if required.

If the PGIM server or the associated PGIM scanner must be stopped, for example for maintenance
purposes, the process data for the period during which the data acquisition was not available is
missing in the PGIM archives.

The program PlaCoArc (or also PGIM/MaestroArchiv) is used to store process data from the Maestro
system immediately in the PGIM archives.

To ensure the overall function of the PlaCoArc program, software portions are required in Maestro-UX
as well as in PGIM with the corresponding configuration.

2VAA000322 July 2010 310

This configuration describes the portions on the PGIM side (either PGIM server or PGIM scanner) as
well as on the Maestro-UX side (HP workstation).

13.7.2 Installation on the Maestro-UX workstation

After the installation of the PGIM software, the necessary software package for the Maestro-UX
Workstation is available in the folder ...PlantConnect.bin\PlaCoArc. The installation can be done as in
the following example:

Example: Sending the Tar-Files from the PC to the Workstation:


E:\temp>dir PlaCo*
Data carrier in drive E: is Local Data
Data carrier number: EC1D-E909

Folder from E:\temp

30.08.01 10:41 327.680 PlaCo_Inst.tar

1 Datei(en) 327.680 Bytes Bytes frei

E:\temp>ftp miw4
Connected to MIW4.
220 demo1 FTP server (Version Tue Apr 21 12:14:46 GMT 1998) ready.
User (MIW4:(none)): pml
331 Password required for pml.
230 User pml logged in.
Ftp> pwd
257 "/usr/pml" is current folder.
Ftp> mkdir temp
257 MKD command successful.
Ftp> cd temp
250 CWD command successful.
Ftp> bin
200 Type set to I.
Ftp> put PlaCo_Inst.tar
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for PlaCo_Inst.tar.

2VAA000322 July 2010 311

226 Transfer complete.
327680 Bytes gesendet in 0,36 Sekunden (907,70 KB/s)
Ftp> quit
221 Goodbye.


Example: Unpacking of Tar-Files in a temporary folder:

21 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml: cd temp
22 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml/temp: tar -xvf PlaCo_Inst.tar
x PlaCo_Mux.tar, 317440 bytes, 620 tape blocks
x, 1356 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x, 1077 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x services.template, 340 bytes, 1 tape blocks
23 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml/temp: ll
total 1270
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 327680 Aug 30 10:49 PlaCo_Inst.tar
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 317440 Aug 29 18:19 PlaCo_Mux.tar
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 1356 Aug 30 10:33
-rwxr-xr-x 1 pml pss 1077 Aug 30 10:43
-rw-r--r-- 1 pml pss 340 Aug 30 10:19 services.template
24 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml/temp:

Example: Installation of PGIM-drivers to MUX :


71 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml/temp:

Nun wird PlaCo_Mux vom folder /usr/pml/temp nach /usr/pml installiert....
x cso2condas/CSO2CONDAS_CSO_25.Log, 282 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x cso2condas/cso2condas, 49309 bytes, 97 tape blocks
x cso2condas/start, 383 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x eventsrv/exe/eventserver, 53392 bytes, 105 tape blocks
x netapi.002/OPL_APPL_TASK01.Normal, 7133 bytes, 14 tape blocks
x netapi.002/OPL_APPL_TASK01.lists, 1953 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x netapi.002/cso2condasstart_pex, 1424 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x netapi.002/event2condasstart_pex, 1424 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x netapi.002/exe/netapisrv, 127448 bytes, 249 tape blocks

2VAA000322 July 2010 312

x netapi.002/exe/NETAPISRV.LOG_CSO_01, 116 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/netapistart, 1124 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x netapi.002/netapistart.t, 1140 bytes, 3 tape blocks
x netapi.002/netapistart_pex, 1022 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x netapi.002/netapistop, 726 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSOE_FLAG_ANA, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEANA, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANA_4L, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANA_8L, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEANA1, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSO_FLAG_ANA, 124 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEREAL, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/DEFAULT, 81 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_BINUEB, 183 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEBIN3, 209 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSO_FLAG_BIN, 227 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANA, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANA1, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANA2, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_MERKBIN, 227 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_REGLER, 237 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_ANAUEB, 237 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_MERKANA, 221 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEANA_X1, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEANA_I1, 220 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANMON, 115 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBIN3, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/SSO_Station_LOS, 159 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCCLC, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCCLCD, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEBIN13, 233 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCAPID, 123 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCAPID_XAY, 123 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEIDF_ISTA1, 262 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEBIN13_XG54, 233 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEANA_XB02, 220 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEBIN3_I1, 212 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEBIN3_I2, 212 bytes, 1 tape blocks

2VAA000322 July 2010 313

x netapi.002/sellist/_CEBIN3_XB01, 212 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CEBIN3_XB02, 212 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANOUT, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCANOUT_Y, 115 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCAPID_WSTA, 239 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCAPID_YAY, 123 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCAPID_YSTA, 239 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBFLAG_B, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBFLAG_I, 123 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBFLAG_I_YI1, 123 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBFLAG_R, 119 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBIN3_I1, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBIN3_I2, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCBIN3_I3, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCIDF, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCIDF_I1, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCIDF_I2, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCIDF_I3, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_CSCIDF_I4, 217 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_REGLER_VYA, 237 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/sellist/_ZAEUEB, 83 bytes, 1 tape blocks
x netapi.002/t, 81 bytes, 1 tape blocks
Now it is necessary to install the software package PML_BASE !
72 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml/temp:

Example: Uninstall of PGIM-drivers at MUX :


72 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml/temp:

Now the PlaCo_Mux out of the folder /usr/pml will be uninstalled....
73 [pml] demo1:/usr/pml/temp: Detailed description of software installation

2VAA000322 July 2010 314

Installation/Administration Customize the "/etc/services" file on the Maestro-UX WS

For the installation on the Maestro-UX workstation, first a free service number must be obtained and
entered from a superuser account into the Services file "/etc/services". This service number refers to
the TCP/IP protocol and must correspond to the configured service number on the PlaCoArc side.
At present, the numbers used in the following examples are taken as default values in most of the
plants, however, it is quite possible to use any free service number. You should try to use the common
standard whenever possible.
The table below shows a sample session for the modification of the file "/etc/services":

34 [pml] lin02:/users/pml: cd /etc Set current folder to "/etc".

35 [pml] lin02:/etc: su Switch to SuperUser "root", possibly
with password inquiry.
# pwd For checking: PrintWorkingFolder
/etc Output: "/etc" is set, therefore okay.
# vi services Call up Unix-Editor "vi" to edit the
"services" file.

::: Check whether the service numbers

5001-5025 are already used.
Iasqlsvr 7489/tcp # Information Access
If not, find an appropriate place for the
recserv 7815/tcp # SharedX Receiver Service
input, for example before the
# Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services
klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos rlogin –kfall
::: Comments begin with the ‘#’ character.
Including information on the purpose
Iasqlsvr 7489/tcp # Information Access
and origin of these modifications can
recserv 7815/tcp # SharedX Receiver Service help users in the future.
CSO_25 has been entered.
# The following service is required for PGIM ! Note: In the editor vi, the command
":wq!" is entered to save a read-only
# H&B 14.1.1999
Before saving, however, you must
check for write errors.
CSO_25 5025/tcp

# Kerberos (Project Athena/MIT) services

2VAA000322 July 2010 315

klogin 543/tcp # Kerberos rlogin –kfall

In this example, the service CSO_25 has been defined with the service no. 5025 and the protocol
TCP/IP. Installation of the "Mux2PlaCo" software on the Maestro-UX WS

The name of this software has been derived from the term "Maestro-UX to PGIM".
For the installation of the software Mux2PlaCo, it is recommended to create a folder or a symbolic link
"/NETAPI" and "/MUX2PLACO" as a superuser account and, if necessary, to set the owner of the
folder and of all the files included to "PML" (for example with the command "cd /NETAPI; chown pml
An example of such an installation : Comments :

30 [pml] lin02:/users/pml: cd / Set current folder to "/".

31 [pml] lin02:/: su Switch to SuperUser "root", possibly with
password inquiry.
# pwd For checking: PrintWorkingFolder
/ Output: "/" is set, therefore okay.
# ln -s /users/pml/netapi /NETAPI Set a symbolic link "/NETAPI" to the
folder "/users/pml/netapi".
# ln -s /users/pml/mux2placo /MUX2PLACO And set a symbolic link "/MUX2PLACO"
to the folder "/users/pml/mux2placo".
# exit And exit the "root" shell, return to the PML
32 [pml] lin02:/: cd /NETAPI Checking the just created link "/NETAPI"
33 [pml] lin02:/users/pml/netapi: cd /MUX2PLACO Okay, the folder change has been
executed without error message.
Now checking the just created link
34 [pml] lin02:/users/pml/mux2placo: Okay, this folder change, too, has been
executed without error message. Copy "OPL_APPL_TASK*" for integration into the APIM process

Here is a short example of the installation of the "OPL files"; Refer to the Maestro-UX and also to the
"NetApiSrv" configuration for detailed information.
If the specifications and folders used in the previously described steps have been retained, then the
sample "OPL files" of the installation can be used without modification. If, however, other folder names
or links have been selected, the corresponding places in the OPL files must be customized.

2VAA000322 July 2010 316

38 [pml] lin02:/users/pml/netapi: ll /NETAPI/OPL* Lists all OPL files in "/NETAPI",
i.e. in the folder
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 7133 Dec 9 17:17 OPL_APPL_TASK01.Normal
-rw-r----- 1 pml pss 1953 Dec 9 17:23 OPL_APPL_TASK01.lists
Output: 2 files exist in the
installation folder, okay.
39 [pml] lin02:/users/pml/netapi: cd /usr/contronic/config Set current folder to
40 [pml] lin02:/usr/contronic/config: ll OPL* Display the OPL files that exist in
-rw-rw-r 1 pj72 pss 5675 Jun 5 1997 OPL_DSPL_TASK00.Normal
-rw-rw-r 1 pj72 pss 1908 May 6 1996 OPL_DSPL_TASK00.lists
41 [pml] lin02:/usr/contronic/config: cp /NETAPI/OPL* ./ Copy the new OPL files from
"/NETAPI" to the folder
42 [pml] lin02:/usr/contronic/config: ll OPL* Lists all OPL files in
-rw-r-----1 pml pss 7133 Jan 14 14:09 OPL_APPL_TASK01.Normal
Output: 4 files exist now in the
-rw-r-----1 pml pss 1953 Jan 14 14:09 OPL_APPL_TASK01.lists
installation folder, okay.
-rw-rw-r-1 pj72 pss 5675 Jun 5 1997 OPL_DSPL_TASK00.Normal
Note: In order to be able to
-rw-rw-r-1 pj72 pss 1908 May 6 1996 OPL_DSPL_TASK00.lists execute the commands
"Terminate APIM TA01" and
"Start APIM TA01", an arbitrary
software package (for example
PML_Base) must be installed.
Only after this step is complete
will the NETAPISRV be started
and stopped in a controlled
way by Maestro ! Customize the "/NETAPI/netapistart"

The fourth and last step to be done on the Maestro-UX workstation is to integrate the start of the
Mux2PlaCo process in the "netapistart" file. The fundamental structure of this file is included in the
description for the NetApiSrv; therefore, only those sections which must be changed will be mentioned
The mechanisms for including the netapistart file into the Maestro-UX program management is also
described in the configuration of the NetApiSrv.
In addition to the lines that already exist, a few lines for the Mux2PlaCo process must be inserted.
These lines should be inserted at the end of the existing file, but should be placed before the "endless
loop" which starts with the comment "Maestro-UX-Exit-Procedure".
Extract of a "netapistart" before the installation of Mux2PlaCo :
# Shellscript to be used to start and stop "netapisrv"-processes
# under the control of CS-O. From a terminal window use the
# standart CS-O commands "Start" and "Terminate" for example
# Start APIM TA01

2VAA000322 July 2010 317

# Terminate APIM TA01
cd /NETAPI/exe
#export PML_LOGFILE=/NETAPI/pml_5.log
./netapisrv -c 5 -d 00 -s CSO_05 &
./netapisrv -c 6 -d 00 -s CSO_06 &
export PML_TRACE=
# Maestro-UX-Exit procedure
trap '/NETAPI/netapistop ; exit' 15
while true
sleep 10
exit 0
Extract of a "netapistart" after the installation of Mux2PlaCo:
# Shellscript to be used to start and stop "netapisrv"-processes
# under the control of CS-O. From a terminal window use the
# standart CS-O commands "Start" and "Terminate" for example
# Start APIM TA01
# Terminate APIM TA01
cd /NETAPI/exe
#export PML_LOGFILE=/NETAPI/pml_5.log
./netapisrv -c 5 -d 00 -s CSO_05 &

2VAA000322 July 2010 318

./netapisrv -c 6 -d 00 -s CSO_06 &
export PML_TRACE=
# Starting the MUX2PLACO process....
# export PML_LOGFILE=/MUX2PLACO/pml_25.log
/MUX2PLACO/mux2placo -s CSO_25 -t 30 &
# Maestro-UX-Exit procedure
trap '/NETAPI/netapistop ; exit' 15
while true
sleep 10
exit 0
The above example shows that "mux2placo" is started according to the same principle as the
The parameter "-s CSO_25" transfers the service to be used on the Maestro-UX workstation (see
3.1.1), the 2nd parameter "-t 30" sets the timeout period of 30 seconds. This timeout period refers to
the waiting time for archive inquiries, and should not be changed by the user. In the case of archives
being distributed to several Maestro-UX workstations, the response time on archive inquiries may take
a few seconds.

13.7.3 Installation of the PlaCoArc on the PGIM PC

During the PGIM installation the PlaCoArc software is automatically integrated in the PGIM folder tree,
for example in the subfolder" C:\PLANTCONNECT.BIN\PlaCoArc".
In order to avoid overwriting configuration files that may already exist, a sample file with the name
"Confi_PlaCoArc.txt" is also installed. For an individual customization, or for a new configuration file,
this sample file should be taken as a template and copied completely or partly to a file with a new
Customizations must be performed either in the standard configuration file PlaCoArc.CFG or in a
configuration text file named differently (the name of which must be transferred as a parameter to
PlaCoArc) (see the PlaCoArc.CFG configuration file).
Note that the names of the Maestro-UX workstation, which are used in the PlaCoArc.CFG file, have
also been entered as valid host names in the "Hosts" file under Windows. (The name of this file
depends on the Windows system path, for example "C:\.WINNT\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC\HOSTS".)

2VAA000322 July 2010 319


13.8 Auto RAS Dialer

13.8.1 Introduction
Decentralized plants are supervised from central control posts. Data from these plants become more
important in large interlaced systems. Timely control of the data in a central system is the basis for
evaluation, logging, analysis and optimization.

Decentralized plants are queried cyclically by the PGIM server over voice-grade channels.

13.8.2 Conditions
 A telephone connection for each plant location.
 PGIM ScanManager computer with an appropriate ScanDriver for the existing data acquisition.
 A modem for each location.
 PGIM server with modem and an Auto RAS Dialer software license.

13.8.3 Installation
The Auto RAS Dialer is installed on the PGIM server computer. The PGIM installation copies the
program to the ...PlantConnect.bin\AutoRasDialer\ folder. The program is added to the AutoStart
group of the computer. The application is started with the computer. The telecommunications
connections are furnished with the telecommunications monitor by Windows. You can also examine
whether you can make a connection to the desired location.

13.8.4 Configuration
The AutoRasDialer can be configured by the Auto-Dial-Configurator.

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In a table the goals are configured.

 New entry:
The first selection button creates a new entry.
 Safe:
The second selection button stores to the configuration.
 Attributes:
After selecting a line, use the third selection button to open a window to change attributes.

o Communications selection:
Select from the configured list of telecommunications providers.
o Active:
Each configured entry can be deactivated.
o Entry alias:
A detailed name can be registered for the connection.
o Start:
Indication of the first point of starting time. This indication is basis for the cycles configured.
o Option:
 Daily(1x) A connection is opened once daily.
 Cyclically all x minutes A connection is opened in the cycle of the adjusted
 Connect time: After the adjusted minutes the switched line is closed.

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 Delete:
The selected line can be deleted with this button. A safety inquiry protects against inadvertent
 Terminate:
Click the Terminate button to close the configuration screen.

13.8.5 Operation
After the start of the Auto-RAS-Dialer this screen appears.

A display similar to a traffic light shows the current condition of the program:
 Green lamp: Program is started. No connection actively.
 Yellow lamp flashing: Connection actively to the goal indicated on the top right
 Red lamp: Connection failed.

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A connection can be made or terminated manually:

 Connect manually for the provider displayed on the top right.
 Disconnect connection manually the provider displayed on the top right.
A list is displayed of all available telecommunications connections. A status line with current
information displays in the lower portion of the scene.
During the establishment of a connection the telecommunications connecting manager screen

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