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descriting items G possessive pronouns/ possessive

3B Is it yours?

2 stnped shit
A 1woolsweater
What do you
Numbor the words in when buying clothes or
(1 most order of
important, 6 =
least inmportant)
3 color
design fabric
pattern trendiness
B 1 Look at the
boxes below to labelpictures. Combine the words from the

picture. Then listen and check. SIK Sa
item Golden Ring
Sitk SWeater sbt
hools- -baats
staped Lg
fiorai-pri0t baselet

C Think
polka dot
about things you like
to wear. Tell your
about them. partner
Ireally like my brown leather jacket. I wear it
almost every day

A CB Melissa is having a
garage sale. Listen to the
conversation between Melissa and Jane.
items they talk abouUL Check() the
leatherboots leather jacket
polka dot dress floral print dress
gold earrings gold rings
B Listen again. Who
each item?
Lea're SaeKe+
The leather jacket is Melissa's dad's

30 Unit 3
Listen and completo the CComplete the sentonces with the words in the box.
A O santences
What s going on) 1s this ail lpauls
Kates hers Hieu
2 Soe all tho1e jackets? They ro all hecls
3 You moan tho polia dot die:s?
1A Aro toso your qla1ses7

No. that one'

sclenim UNo they aront mfne think they ore Kevin's
heelsis tho Moral print orne
2 Als this your jackot?
No it is my dad h e i r jacket in black
B Completo the oxercises below
3A ls thi1 your paronts tar
1 Change the posse55ive pronouns in A by using the
phroses below B No, it isnt h e i s _ a tar 15 5ilycr

his jackets my dress 4 A Is this Mlcs bag?

your stuff her dress
B No, thatis mine hers isthe small one
2 Change the possessive adjectives to pOstossive
Umy dad s ncknt = dads
dess youUrStff
his ucKs her dhcss
beds Pronunciation
OUr their
Lean mort aboul possesEAVE pIonouns and possestive 1 OListen and repeat Notice how the words spelled
adjectives with i are pronounced.
Grammar Referencep 126
Vihere is his j2ckst?
stiped hats aro
2 O Practice the pronunciation ofi

Dcmin CaP 10 PoKa dot diess 11 a tem ie mght icrint thrs his

2Play twenty questions with a partner. Pick one
item that a classmate has or is wearing. but don't tell
your partner what it is. Your partner will guess what
it is by asking yes-or-no questions. Then switch
roles and play again.

Im thinking of something that

belongs to a person in this class
Can you guess what it
Is it yours?
Yes, it is
fleval pvn heels Is it denim
No. it isn t

Is it your bag?
Yes it is!

Unit 3 31
A Look the pictures in the article. What were
used for? How are
they orig1naly
they being used now?
BRead the tite and the
introduction. Do you know the diference
between recycing and
C Read the
paragraph titled What ls Upcycling7 and explan
partner what upcycling is. Howis it different from recycing?
D Read the rest of the ardicle.
Mark the sentences T (true) or F(talse).
1 Upcycled tems can be
foud onine onty T
2 You can't sell
upcycled items F
3 Peopla ddn't reuse
things in the past F
4Upryching can help with the waste problem What Is Upcycling?
E A Look at the highlighted words Write them next to
Upcycing takes something old
their definitions end
it a new purpose. Itis a way of reusing
pNpOSC a use, a reason why something eists old matenals, even rash. Sounds lik
h that sell used gods
recycling? Yes, it is similar, but it's a'so
CIiC Usimg new and unusual ideas dfferent. Recyclimg breaks down an old
bYRAKS divides something into smaller parts item and turns it into a new one. Upcycing
a 0 Y c o k to understand the importance of something
changes an tem burt doesn't break it down,
So you can do it at homeif you have an ides.
F Which of these
upcycling ideas are you most interested in? And more importantiy. upcycled iHems don't
Why? Would you try to make any of them?
just get a longer life, they become more
valuable and more beautiful

A Look at the picture below. What do you think was used to make
the decorations?
A New Trend
B Listen to Seth and Barb's comversation.
correct answer for each question.
Check ( the
You can find a lot of upcycling ideas onfine. You
can also find upcycled items in some shops and
1 Whera are Seth and Barb7
thriftstores. Many people are giving a new ife
Cat the library i t Seth's place to ald products. Try saarching for some,
2 What does Barb want? will find all kinds of crtrse examples.
and you
Seths bottles Seth's textbock Check out these peycing
3 What place is Barb decorating? O bookends made froni old telechones
her room her backyard Ooutdont ernutute astum ai drums
4. What did Barb make with Oa lamp aie ircm an.ay gass bottle
some old jeans?
a dress O3 wreathtrde frem rautar parts
a purse ficwarpots niæsa rom ai tres
What should you do with your empty qlass bottles and eld denim jeans? You dont seed them any longer, but yoa don't
want to throw them in the trash. Recycling is a good optien. Bat did you know there's anether option? It's upcycling.

Recyclha Why Do It2
Upcycing is not e new idea. In
the past, peope often reused

things. They made gits fro

otd clothes. They tarned od

rew wme betthe

bags ito dresses. Tres
meh rwm
became swings for ehldren
But today, t's common to
throw zway od thngs and
bury new enes. Because maste is a big
problem, pesgie are starting ta agpreciate upcycling again.
There are a kt of advantages to upcyclirg. It is a cheap or
free way to maBe realy tol Hirgs And t's an
easy way to do
somerting gosd for the eryirgrment.
cut the top bH 11ew drinkrng glers

Btar orline for upcycling ideas. Pack an idea that you
an share it with the ciass.

Include detai's about..

t made trom how it is made
iy y90 think it's interesting
Unit 3 33
38 Is it yours?

the pictures and choose the correct

A Look at answers

Meet Some Street Tashionistas


This cute little girl is wearing a

yellow rain coat and rubber/
leather boots. How adorable!

Ben is wearing a plaid/ striped

shirt and black denim pants. The
Jack is wearing a silk / wool
skateboard makes him look so cool
sweater over a shirt. He has on his
favorite denim/leather pants.

Jenny is wearing a polka dot / Katy looks like a rock star. She is
floral print dress. Isn't it pretty? wearing a wool /leather jacket
and a striped./ polka dot T-shirt.
The black hat goes with her outfit
just perfectly.

Unit 3 17
LOok at the pictures and write the correct
possessive pronoun.

1 This is my camera. 2 This is our house. 3 This is

your b0ok.
It's mine It's heiv It's i n e

4 This is her
dog. 5 This is his cell phone. 6 This is their car now.
It's nerS it's It's h e

B Choose the correct

1 Whose/Who's bag is this? 6 Do you know her/ hers name?
2 Are these your/ yours gloves? 7 Ihave their
phone numbers, but Idon't have your/yours
3 This hat is not my / mine. It's my brother's.
8 Is this yours or Karen /Karen's?
4 Ican't find my phone. Can I
borrow your/yours? 9 These are not our suitcases. Our/Ours
5 My brother has a lot of shoes. These are him/his to00. 10 We have very similar dresses. But
much bigger.
mine is a little longer
than her's/hers.

C Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given words.
1 A Look! I found your old Halloween costumes!
2 A Hey, where did your friends
B Wow! I remember some of these. This mask go?
was B They went home already
mine0). right? A Oh, but they left
A No, that was
Sohn'SJohn). And this is lnciy _(they) things in the
living room.
S h e ) cape. Remember, he wore them B Really? Let me see.
B A Whose is that?
Yeah, that's right. He was a cute little superhero. B The black
What about mine? Where are
rnine () jacket? It's
costumes? A And whose are these?
OUYS (you) are here. You dressed up as an B Those earrings? They're Hannah's too.
astronaut with this helmet. A Is this her hat?
B No,
that's not hev S_(she). It's hers
(her brother). They must have forgotten theirthings
after we went swimming.

18 Unit 3

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