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6:30 am - 6:45 am Queenstown Airport Fetch/Pick Up the Guest

6:45 am - 8:00 am Kamana Lakehouse Check- In, Breakfast, Briefing

8:00 am - 9:00 am Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge Tour, Bungy Jumping, Photo-
Bridge taking, Sight-Seeing

9:30 am - 11:00 am Kahurangi National Park Q&A, Park Tour, Sight-Seeing,


11:00 am - 1:00 pm The wholemeal cafe Lunch, Tourist Personal Time

1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Museum of New Zealand Te Scramble Words (while travelling) ,

Papa Tongarewa Falls Site Tour, Sight- Seeing,Photo-

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm Hobbiton Movie Set Tours Movie Set Tour, Photo-taking,

6:00pm-7:00pm Gibss Farm New Zealand Tour Farm, Dinner, Debriefing

What's Up! Good Morning! I am ISHAAC, STEPHANIE, MONSCE, CJ, BERNIE from Lakwatsa Travel Tour
Agency, we will be your tour guides for today's trip here at the “ The land of the long white cloud" no
other than the Country of NEW ZEALAND,

RESTAURO : together with me our coach captain,  Mr. Jose Ibarra Gonzales Jr. "MR. DOS" in short, his
already 14 years in service and he will be with us throughout this trip.

And now, I believe that you were all excited for this trip, before proceeding to our briefing let check first
if were all complete by doing the headcount, lets begin with you ma'am, 1,2,3,4,5,15, and all in all were
17 including me and our coach captain.

Okay Tourist, Let's open this briefing with a humble and safety travel prayer ( prayer) and amen.
Ma'am/sir each of you have paid 4,500 each right? Well, it would be the inclusion of accomodation, food
and snacks, tour guide fee, drivers fee, entrance fee and souvenirs.

I have here your itinerary for todays trip please and also your ID for your identification her

Our assemble area is in QUEENSTOWN AIRPORT , then you got your accommodation at Kamana
Lakehouse where during this time we are having your briefing for your information, then tourist we will
be enjoying your tour with this best 5 destinations in the Country of New Zealand

We have your 1st destination, which will be at the Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge , then your next
trip will be at Kahurangi National Park

Before proceeding in our 3rd destination which in Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa you
will experience the delicious taste of New Zealand Cuisines in The wholemeal cafe
After that we will going to proceed to your 4th destination which is the Hobbiton Movie Set Tours

After that we will be enjoying your dinner and this will be your final destination the Gibss Farm New
Zealand. Okay tourist do you have any questions?

Okay Tourist, let's do some lines for us to ensure that everybody is ready, when I say "100% PURE", your
reply, "NEW ZEALAND!"

Okay, would you like try it? Okay let's do the drill, in 3,2,1


Excellent! Please be reminded to our safety precautions for the safety, secure and enjoyable tour. You
just have to remember the word CHAMP, which stands for

C - for CLAYGO or "Clean As You Go"

H - for Having face mask, face shield and alcohol.

A - for Always secure your valuable things

M - for Maintaining social distancing and Mind your time so that no one will left behind

----(Time check, it's already 7:30 in the morning)--- don't forget tourist to set your time same as mine to
avoid delays.

P - for Provid e partner to observe the assistant, which means "you need to be with someone wherever
you go" of course for your SAFETY

and speaking of SAFETY, please fasten your setbelt because in a while we will arrive to our first

📢And please remember that, if you hear me whistle ONCE, (*whistle*) while raising this YELLOW FLAG
it means you have 10 to 15 minutes to roam around and take some photos. 

📢When I WHISTLE TWICE (*whistle*) while raising this   GREEN FLAG it means you should go back to the
bus to proceed in our next destination.

📢And if I WHISTLE TRICE while raising this RED FLAG it means that there is emergency situation and we
need to go back as soon as possible.

Always remember the color of your bus yellow, blue with the vehicle number JCK 129. 

And if we encounter unexpected incident or if you are not feeling well don't you worry because I'm
always at your service, from alcohol, toileteries, first aid kit and everything you need you got my back!
Just don't yah be shy to approach me.Now, are you all excited tourists? LET'S GET IT ON

While on our way to our first destination , Let me Tell you some facts of New Zealand
It is one of the most gorgeous countries on earth, and even with its modest size, it packs a lot of history,
culture, and attractions for us to experience. New Zealand is known for its stunning national parks,
dynamic Māori culture, incredible hiking trails, and world-class skiing and surfing.

___________________________ 1ST DESTINATION ______________________________

And now tourist, let us all witness our first destination The Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge,

The Kawarau Gorge Suspension Bridge spans the Kawarau River in the Otago region in the South Island
of New Zealand. The bridge is mainly used for commercial purposes by the AJ Hackett Bungy Company
for bungy jumping - the world's first commercial bungy jumping site. You didn’t come all this way to
watch other people jump. Kiss your Maori tiki necklace for good luck, tether up and introduce your
stomach to your cranium as you plummet 43m, headfirst off the bridge at breakneck speed. If that
doesn’t have your heart bruising the insides of your rib cage, sign up for an optional water dip and see
how you go free-falling into frigid water.

🛑 (*WHISTLE 1*)Y : Now tourist, To grab this opportunity for your first destination, you can take this
opportunity to roam around and take some photos.

⏰🛬 (*WHISTLE 2*) G : Okay let's gather back to our shuttle bus and proceed to our next destination.

Tourist please kindly check your belongings, is there any missing ma'am/sir? and let's check if were all
complete by doing the head count let's begin with you Ma'am 1,2,3 and 15 perfect! Were all set! I
would like to introduce to you beside me a beaitiful lady Ms. STEPHANIE she company all of you in your
2nd trip, thank you!

___________________________ 2ND DESTINATION ______________________________

Hi hello tourist, im back ! Let me introduce myself for second time im Stephanie Louise Restauro you
can call me steph and ill be ur tour guide in your second destination. While travelling let me ask you
some question. What are you thankful for today?

Now, speaking of being grateful let us thank God for this wonderful creature Kahurangi National Park,
the Located in the northwest corner of New Zealand's South Island, Kahurangi is New Zealand's second
largest national park. In places it is an untracked wilderness, elsewhere a wonderful network of tracks
lets you explore wild rivers, high plateaux and alpine herbfields, and coastal forests.  It was gazetted in
1996 and covers 4,529 square kilometres, ranging to near Golden Bay in the north. Diverse and wild,
Kahurangi is an enticing world of marble mountains and peaceful, palm-fringed beaches.

🛑 (*WHISTLE 1*)Y : Now tourist, To grab this opportunity for your first destination, you can take this
opportunity to roam around and take some photos.

----Ringg--- Goodday! This is STEPHANIE from Lakwatsa Travel Tour Agency, is this Viajera Dine and Cafe
may I remind you again our orders may I remind you again of our orders it is 15 pieces of Spicy Chicken
w/rice and Ice Tea and 15 pieces of Peachy Frosty Flan. Please note that: It should be less in salt, less in
pepper and peanuts are not allowed, please thank you. Were now heading to your restaurant for about
30 minutes, Is it all clear ma'am? Excellent! Thank you very much see you there.

⏰🛬 (*WHISTLE 2*) G : Okay let's gather back to our shuttle bus and proceed to our next destination.

Tourist please kindly check your belongings, is there any missing ma'am/sir? and let's check if were all
complete by doing the head count let's begin with you Ma'am 1,2,3 and 15 perfect!

_________________________ LUNCH DESTINATION ____________________________

Okay Tourist, may I have your attention please, is everybody hungry? Don't you worry because were
now here at Namit Seafoods and Chicken House Halal to

have our Lunch. So you have already your food, Bon Appetite Tourist!

🛑  (*WHISTLE 1*)  Y

⏰🛬 (*WHISTLE 2*) G

Okay tourist did you enjoy your food? How's the taste? Is is delicious! Alright that's good to hear, now
before proceeding to our next destinatiion let's do the headcount to ensure that there's no one left
behind let's begin with you Ma'am 1,2,3 and 15 perfect! Were all set! I would like to introduce to you
beside me Mr. Bernie company all of you in your 3rd trip, thank you!

___________________________ 3RD DESTINATION ____________________________

Hello Tourist! Once again I'm Bernie and I will be your tour guide for this 3rd wonderful destination,
kindly fasten your seatbelt because we were now going to arrive tourist! While Travelling, let's have a
game! I will show you some scrambled word and when you know the answer you may raise your hand
and have the chance to get prices! Are you all ready? Lets go!




Thank you for your cooperation Tourist, Let us all be amazed to this Museum of New Zealand Te Papa

The Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa is New Zealand's national museum, located in
Wellington. Usually known as Te Papa, it opened in 1998 after the merging of the National Museum of
New Zealand and the National Art Gallery. The meaning of Te Papa TongarewanOur te reo Māori name,
'Te Papa Tongarewa', translates literally to 'container of treasures'. A fuller interpretation is 'our
container of treasured things and people that spring from mother earth here in New Zealand'. Now
Tourist, have time to roam around and take some photos.
🛑  (*WHISTLE 1*)  Y

⏰🛬 (*WHISTLE 2*) G Okay let's gather back to our shuttle bus and proceed to our next destination.

Tourist please kindly check your things if there is no missing and let's check if were all complete by doing
the head count let's begin with you Ma'am 1,2,3 and 15 perfect! Were all set!

While arriving to our 4th destination let us all be entertained by watching this video that shows the
traditional dance of the Tribe T'boli, seat back, relax and enjoy the show!

May I have your attention tourist, now let us all get ready to witness our 4th destination no other than
the Hobbiton Movie Set Tours, we have here Mr. CJ my co-tour guide,

___________________________ 4TH DESTINATION ____________________________

Thank you very much Mr. Bernie, okay tourist is everybody ready? Before proceeding to our tour let me
share you some facts about Hobbiton Movie Set Tours

Since the filming of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and The Hobbit trilogy, Hobbiton has become New
Zealand’s biggest tourist attraction. The hyper realistic movie set designed by Sir Peter Jackson’s
production team makes travelers feel like they’re in the heart of Middle Earth. Walking the streets of
Hobbiton, you almost expect to see Bilbo Baggins, Gandalf, and Frodo and his gang of mischievous and
playful hobbits.

Okay tourist to grab this opportunity for your 4th destination, you may now take your time to roam
around, take some photos and discover the weaving indsutry! Enjoy!

🛑 (*WHISTLE 1*)Y :

⏰🛬 (*WHISTLE 2*) G : Okay let's gather back to our shuttle bus and proceed to our next destination.

Tourist please kindly check your belongings, is there any missing ma'am/sir? and let's check if were all
complete by doing the head count let's begin with you Ma'am 1,2,3 and 15 perfect! Were all set! Don't
forget to fasten your seatbelt. Thank you! I would like to introduce to you beside me Mr. IShaac he will
company all of you in your 5th destination, thank you!

___________________________ 5TH DESTINATION ____________________________

Goodafternoon for your last destination we have the Gibbs Farm is an open-air sculpture park located in
Kaipara Harbour, 47 kilometres north of Auckland, New Zealand. It contains the largest collection of
large-scale outdoor sculptures in New Zealand.

Okay tourist, you may have this opportunity to roam around and tske some photos.

----Ringg--- Goodday! This is Ishaac from Lakwatsa Travel Tour Agency, is this.may I remind you again of
our orders it is 15 pieces of Boffo Melu Packed Meal with Ice Tea and 15 pieces of 5 pieced J Platter
consist of Fish Fillet Salad & Fries. Please note that: It should be less in salt, less in pepper and peanuts
are not allowed, please thank you. Were now touring this place and with about 15 mins the tourist is
ready. Thank you very much.

And now before ending this trip let us come here at Gibss Farm Restaurant, So what are you waiting for
tourist let's dine and enjoy the rest of the time!

🛑 (*WHISTLE 1*) Y

⏰🛬 (*WHISTLE 2*) G: Okay tourist your time is up, hope you enjoy dining here at Gibss Farm, only
here at New Zealand. Once again kindly check your things first, is there any missing ma'am/sir? If none
let's check if everybody is here, let's do a headcount let's begin with you sir 1,2,5,10, and were all
complete, thank you for your cooperation tourist and now were heading back your hotel.

But before that I have some question. Did you enjoy our tour today? Okay! Thank you so much, it's my
pleasure and now I have here some evaluation forms for you to evaluate my performance and you may
add comments and suggestions for us to improve our service.

In behalf of Lakwatsa Travel Tour Agency, we thank you for choosing our travel agency, for your future
booking you can contact us in 09123456789, email us at or you
can visit us on our facebook page for you to avail some of our promos just search LAKWATSA TRAVEL
TOUR AGENCY. Once again I am Ishaac CABRADILLA your tour guide, It's nice meeting you all tourist and
I hope to see you once again soon thank you and God Bless!SULTAN KUDARAT TOUR

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