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Students will take a unit pre-test. The results of the pre-test will be used
for differentiation of curriculum materials and assessment according to
phase 1 or 2.

Entertainment Calendar
 Given a set of random tickets, students design an entertainment
calendar for their family and friends for one month.

Photo Story Project Criterion A, C, & D
 Create a story using technology:
o Including visuals, written directions, background music,
and voiced directions locations including home, entertain-
ment venues, and restaurants, and opinions on locations.

Map Activity Criterion A, B, & D

 Using a print map, given oral directions students trace directions
on a map to an entertainment location;
 using the writing process, students write one paragraph, includ-
ing topic and concluding sentences about an activity that may
take place at that entertainment location.

Restaurant Simulation Criterion A & C

 Students will play both roles:
o Patron: a student is given a menu, orders from a menu,
uses appropriate etiquette, asks clarifying questions, and
receives the food ordered.
o Server: a student asks where they would like to sit, asks
questions such as “what would you like”, “how would like
it prepared”?, answers questions appropriately.

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