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Animal Behavior Analysis Solutions

One system – Multiple tests

Saving Time, Money and Animals

The LABORAS system

∇ LABORAS automatically recognises behaviors based on vibration analysis

∇ One LABORAS system

o distinguishes more than 16 different rat and mouse behaviours
o provides high resolution position tracking
o can be integrated with telemetry measurements and data processing (heart
rate, blood pressure, temperature)

∇ On a single LABORAS system the researcher can perform many different animals

∇ Proven system that saves up to 75% of your experiment leadtime and decreases 90%
of your day-to-day workload

∇ Improves animal behaviour scoring of fast movements like scratching, WDS and head

∇ Operates independent of light; high quality scoring in dark when the animals are most

∇ 8 platform configuration: High throughput proven up to 1200 test sessions per month!

∇ Storage of 1 MB/hrs/animal raw data enables re-use of existing experiments with new
behaviour detection modules: avoid repeating experiments.

∇ Examples: (Primary) Observation Test, Motor Activity Test, Open Field Test, Eating
Test, Drinking Test, (Anti-)Convulsive Test

Metris BV
Kruisweg 801a • 2132 NG Hoofddorp • The Netherlands • Tel. +31 (0)23 562 3400 • •
Animal Behavior Analysis Solutions

Automatic scoring of behavior

Tracking Normal behaviours Special behaviors

High resolution XY position Locomotion Scratching

Velocity (avg, max, Lmax) Immobility Paw Licking
Distance travelled Rearing Purposeless Chewing
Position Distribution Grooming Circling / Turning
Circling & Turning Eating Seizures (tonic-clonic)
(CW & CCW) Drinking Seizures (barrel rolls)
Estimation of energy use* Climbing Seizures (P5 and P4)
Wet Dog Shakes
Head Shakes
Head Twitches

from Treatment to Dose Response Curve

Leads to

R e s e a rc h D e v e lo p m e n t P r o d u c t io n
B io lo g y C h e m is t r y C lin ic a l D e v e lo p m e n t

B a s ic T a rg e t P r e - c lin ic a l
R e s e a rc h T a r g e t ID V a li d a ti o n S c r e e n in g O p ti m iz a t io n P hase I P h a s e II P h a s e II I R e g u la t o r y
D e v elop m e n t

D e c r e a s e R & D le a d tim e In c r e a s e p a te n t p r o fit

R e se a rc h D e v e lo p m e n t
B io lo g y C h e m is t r y C li n ic a l D e v e lo p m e n t

B a s ic T a rg e t P r e - c lin ic a l
R e s e a rc h T a r g e t ID V a l i d a tio n S c r e e n in g O p t im iz a t io n P hase I P h a s e II P h a s e II I R e g u la t o r y
D e v e lo p m e n t

Saving time and workload & improving R&D

Profit from earlier introduction of your new drug

For commercial information please contact

Metris BV
Kruisweg 801a • 2132 NG Hoofddorp • The Netherlands • Tel. +31 (0)23 562 3400 • •

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