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In conclusion, Biodiversity is accessible which it exists on many levels and types,

for example, the genes within populations, the populations within species, the species
within ecosystems and so on. Biodiversity is an important key element of the whole
ecosystems in which without the connection biodiversity creates, the ecosystem falls
apart. Biodiversity encompasses more than just species diversity, and to fully classify all
life on Earth. The importance of biodiversity does not only lie in the survival of various
species of the earth. There is social, cultural as well as the economic importance of it as
well. Biodiversity is of extreme importance to maintain the balance of our nature.

To summarize, biodiversity is the most important measure of an ecosystem's

health. Threats will be better handled by a diverse range of species rather than a few
numbers of them in huge populations. Even if pollution, climate change, or human
activities have an impact on particular species, the ecosystem as a whole may adapt
and thrive. Every organism in a biome, or ecosystem, is reliant on the physical
environment and other organisms. The degree of variation in an ecosystem's resources
and species is referred to as biodiversity. There are many levels of biodiversity, each of
these levels has important key points in which reflects the diversity of a region's genes,
organisms, and resources. More resources will be available to help a more diverse
ecosystem rebound from famine, drought, illness, or even the loss of a species.

Biodiversity and Social Health is important to study to determine the conservation

and sustainable use of biodiversity that can provide a considerable health benefits by
safeguarding the life-sustaining commodities and services that biodiversity provides to
humanity. According to Biodiversity and the Health Society without a healthy global
environment that capable of supporting a varied range of species, no human population
can prosper. Biodiversity boosts ecosystem productivity by allowing every species, no
matter how minor, to play an important role. For example, a larger number of plant
species equals a greater variety of crops. Increased species diversity benefits all life
forms because it promotes natural sustainability.

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