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10/19 - Took Photos of the alphabet in B&W - Did the composition techniques

10/21 - Took Photos of the alphabet in B&W

10/25 - Took photos of Water in B&W
10/27 - Took photos of water in B&W
10/31 - Fall colors photos!!!!! This Assignment was fun!!!
11/2 - More Fall colors!
11/4 - Finished fall colors!! Took photos of movement ROCKET PHOTOS!!
11/9 - Abstract photos MORE ROCKET PHOTOS!!!!
11/14 - Abstract photos
11/16 - Still life photos
11/18 - Still life photos
11/22 - Still life photos
11/28 - Birds eye view
11/30 - Worked on presentations slides
12/2 - Absent
12/6 - Mouse view photos
12/8 - Birds eye view
12/12 - Absent
12/14 - Absent
12/16 - Absent
12/20 - Mouse/birds eyes view finished!!
12/22 - School canceled
1/3 - Presentations
1/5 - Forced perspective looked at old cameras and people presented
1/9 - Presentations / Force perspective
1/11 - Finished forced perspective
1/13 - Finished presentations
1/18 - We took a quiz and worked on presentations.

● Eliot Porter
● 1901-1990
● Chemical medical engineering degree
● Photographed scenery
● Nature
● Wide backgrounds of space
● Good use of Framing
● The snow one is cool!!!
● I love it because the light snow on the darker blue background
● I was in bathroom
● Takes pictures of people
● Not a fan
● Weird
● All kind of blurry
● I guess it shows movement
● Not really cool though
● Poses or weird people and positions
● All of stage looking activities
● Not very creative
● The people look focused and framed really nice
● Okay some are kind of cute
● I really like the framing
● Shows random things out of focus on the sides
● The color one is really cool
Dorothea Lange - Aya
● Took photos of unemployed men and people
● Toured the world
● Went to Colombia
● Depressing photos that feel real and like your there
● Really captured the living conditions of people
● Shows peoples struggles
● Shows a lot of makeshift houses and huts/tents
● People fled across the country
● Looking for work
● Mot posed work
● Showed a lot of desolate land that's opened space for us to see
● Seems kind of mysterious
● Shows beautiful landscapes
● They really capture everything
● Show the horizon
● Looks sci-fi
● They are misty
● Fun and fairytale looking
● Fog!!!!
● I love these photos
● They make you feel like you can see the whole world
● They show nature and the beauty of nature
● The lighting is incredible
● They are so cool and it so that they will almost look like paintings instead of photographs
● Waterfall
● They all use water as a reflection of the rest of the photos
● Edward James Muggerlie
● He was interested in capturing movement
● Invented his own movie projector in 1879
● They are of Animals
● Some of people
● They look unplanned and of events
● He took some of nature
● They are all kind of with a yellow tint
● They are all small and tight of big and space
● With a variety
● Big range
● Not much in between
● He captured photos from up high
● Really great pictures of events
● Amazing exposure lighting and focus outdoors
Simon - I was taking photos*
● War photos
● Stepped on landmine
● World war 2
● Action shots
● Not all in focus
● Robert Cappa
● Was brave
● He seemed like he was in the photos
William Eggleston
● Seems modern
● In color
● Really fun 1950’s looking things
● Ex. Cars, buildings, clothes, ect.
● He goes out of his way to capture color
● Took some wild photos of funny things
● Did a great job of capturing the sky especially the purples and blues
● Makes posed photos look random
● Good composition
● You feel like your there
Chris - Michael Kenna
● Beautiful images
● Water
● Texture
● Reflection
● Almost looks purple
● Incredible lighting
● Looks trippy
● All of something with structure like a building or a mountain
● Lighting
● Silhouettes
● Hot spots
Nemiah Salomon - Annie Leibovits
● Currently 73 years old
● The rolling stone
● Took pictures of people
● Queen elizabeth
● You can just see the texture
● There all in fun/funny/weird positions
● Man in heels
● Woman in doll house
● Took photos of celebrities
● Took some posed action shots
● Almost all shots are posed
● Took Disney photos
● Used to shoot in black and white
● Took colors
● Took photos for Vogue
● Merriors
● Lots of reflection
● Artistically done photos
Kobe - Henri Cartier Bresson
● Caught the moment
● Allaction
● Forced perspective
● Blurry but in a good way
● Lots of movement
● Lots of action
● Reflection
● Trippy
● World war 2
● Spanish Civil War
● Street photos
● Exciting
● Interesting
● Outside
● Good angles
● Birds hanging out with him

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