Trial On Steam Turbine Power Plant

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Experiment No: 1
Aim: Trial on Steam Turbine Power Plant to determine: -
A] Plant Efficiency, Rankine Efficiency Vs Load
B] Steam Consumption and Specific Steam Consumption Vs Load
C] Rate of Energy Input Vs Load
D] Heat Rate and Incremental Heat Rate Vs Load.

Steam is an important medium of producing mechanical energy. Steam power plants
play a key role in electric power generation. Steam has the advantage that, it can be raised
from water which is available in abundance it does not react much with the materials of the
equipment of power plant and is stable at the temperature required in the plant. Steam is used
to drive steam engines, steam turbines etc. The most prominent physical feature of a steam
power plant is the steam generator or boiler.
Steam power plants are the most common source of electrical energy in the world today.
Steam power plants work on the Rankine cycle with superheating. Operating pressure ranges
from 30 bar to 180 bar and can occasionally peak at 240 bar. Temperature ranges from 450°C
to 585°C. Thermal power plants use a condensing turbine while those meant for captive
power plants use a non-condensing turbine as well. Plant capacity ranges from 5 MW to
Steam power plants operate on the Rankine cycle. In the simple Rankine cycle, steam flows
to a turbine, where part of its energy is converted to mechanical energy that is transmitted
by rotating shaft to drive an electrical generator. The reduced-energy steam flowing out of
the turbine condenses to liquid water in the condenser.
The heat rejected from the steam entering the condenser is transferred to a separate cooling
water loop that in turn delivers the rejected energy to a neighboring lake or tank. As a result
of the conversion of much of its thermal energy into mechanical energy, or work, steam
leaves the turbine at a pressure and temperature well below the turbine entrance values.
The resulting high rotational speed, reliability, and power output of the turbine and
the development of electrical systems allowed the centralization of power production in a
few large plants. The final links in the conversion of chemical energy to thermal energy to
mechanical energy to electricity is the electrical generator. The rotating shaft of the electrical
generator usually is directly coupled to the turbine drive shaft.
In this concept we are going to take trial on steam power plant by applying different loads
on plant by eddy current dynamometer and checking the quality of steam in terms of dryness
fraction of steam by using separating & throttling calorimeter arrangement. It shows
the actual moisture content in steam.

Boiler Specifications:

Rated steam generation = …… Kg/hr

Working pressure of boiler = ….. bar
Design pressure of boiler = …… bar
Rated fuel consumption = …... Kg/hr
Time required for steam generation= …… min
Electricity supply = 415 V, AC 3 Phase Electrical Load Connected:
Blower motor = … HP
Feed water pump motor = …. HP
Fuel supply pump motor= ….. HP
Condensate extraction pump motor =….. HP
Soft water feed pump motor = …… HP
Pump motor for circulation of cold water into condenser= …… HP

Turbine Details:-
Type: Impulse turbine
No. of blade = ……
No. of nozzles = …..
Fuel supply pump motor= ….. HP
Impeller diameter = …… mm [OD], …. mm [ID]
Blade height = …… mm
Nozzle diameter = … … mm

Condenser: Shell and tube type, Dynamometer: Eddy current type


Area of fuel tank= 0.4 x 0.4 m2

C.V. of fuel = 42000 KJ/KG, Density of oil=870 kg/m3
Observation table:-

Sr No Description 1 2 3 4

1. Load at eddy current dynamometer (kg)

2. Steam pressure at boiler valve (bar)

Temperature of steam at boiler steam stop valve
3. (°C)
4. Pressure of steam at turbine inlet (bar)

5. Turbine speed (N) (rpm)

6. Time required for 5 mm drop of fuel (sec)

Time required for 10 revolutions of water meter
7. (sec)
8. Pressure before throttling (bar)

9. Moisture separated in separator in 30 sec (ml)

10. Condensate collected after throttling 30 sec (ml)

Figure: Schematic of steam power plant
1. Plant efficiency (ηp):

2. Rankine Efficiency (ηR):

Neglecting the pump work,

4. Incremental heat rate (IHR) = dI/dL

IHR is found from graph of I vs L by measuring the slope of the tangent at the given load.
Result Table:

Sr. No. Plant Performance Parameter 1 2 3 4

1. Plant Load (kW)

2. Plant Input (kJ/hr)
3. Plant efficiency (%)
4. Heat Rate (kJ/kW-hr) (×103)
5. IHR (kJ/kW-hr) (×103)

Conclusion: -
Performance curves are plotted and they are similar to the standard performance Curves.
The graph of IHR and HR vs Load indicates that the optimum loading point occurs at

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