Activity-The Whole Child

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CPD Program for Professional Teachers


Grade Level:GRADE 5 AND GRADE 2
The Whole Child
This activity encourages you to reflect on the tenets of The Whole Child and your role as
educators. The answers may vary but please relate it to the content and concepts discussed.
Criteria for Role Exceptional 5 Admirable 5 Acceptable 5

Understanding of the Script accurately and Script reflects concepts Script appears to be
Topic clearly reflects complete of the Whole Child somewhat accurate
concepts on the Whole sufficiently

Cooperation Always willing and Usually willing and Rarely willing and
focused during assigned focused focused
task and presentation

Presentation of Convincing Competent Limited variety of verbal

Perspective communication is communication is and non-verbal cues
evident evident were used


Directions: Choose 1 prompt to answer or do a role play on (with your team

members). Explain your answers with mention of the Whole Child Tenet/s.
A. Student is in a conservative school, appears to be experimenting with his gender
identity. How can you show support at the same time balance the prevailing
society/religious norms?
B. After a student approaches you with a sexual health question, you must decide what
to answer the student's question against the wishes of her parents.
C. How should a teacher balance the needs of a disruptive student against the needs of
the other 26 students in the class?
D. How can you keep your students challenged and engaged in your subject?

Having a learner with a disruptive behavior inside the class largely affects
the learning of their classmates. A sympathetic conversation with these
learners is one of the way that we observed in order to balance the needs
of the learners inside the class. Let us first know the reasons towards their
attitudes because sometimes disruptive behavior was caused by stress
and frustrations. Let us acknowledge the feelings of each individual.

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