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EGCE 581 – Remediation of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater

Jeff Kuo, Ph.D., P.E.

Tamires Nassar
CWID 886572288
Homework Set #1

1. The aquifer underneath a site (T = 20 oC) is contaminated with 1,1,1-TCA

(C2H3Cl3). The aquifer porosity is 0.35 and the dry bulk density of the aquifer
material is 1.6 g/cm3. A groundwater sample contains 600 ppb of 1,1,1-TCA.
Assuming that the adsorption follows a linear model, estimate:

(a) The 1,1,1-TCA concentration adsorbed on the aquifer material, which contains
1.0% by weight of organic carbon

Value of log Know from table;

Log Know = 2.6
Know = 398
Here, Know is partition coefficient between actanol and water. Calculate the partition
coefficient organic carbon to water.
Log Koc = log Know – 0.21
Substitute the values log Koc = 2.6 – 0.21  2.39  Koc = 145 L/kg
Relation btw Koc and Know Koc=0.63 Kow
Substitute Koc = 0.63 x 398  251 L/kg
Calculate the reaction coefficient for pressure constant
Kp = Foc Koc
Substitute Kp=(1/100)x251  2.51 L/kg
Calculate the PCE concentration absorbed on the aquifer material
X = KpC
Substitute X = 2.51 x 0.5  1.255 mg/kg
(b) The partition of the 1,1,1-TCA mass in the two phases (i.e., dissolved phase and
adsorbed onto the solid phase).

A = CFoc O
Substitute A = 0.5 x 1 x 0.35  0.175 mg
Calculate the mass of PCE in solid phase
B = X(Foc Pb)
Substitute B = 1.255 x 1 x 1.6  2.008 mg
Calculate the total PCE
Substitute C = 0.175 + 2.008  2.183
Calculate the percentage of PCE in aqueous phase
M = A/C
Substitute M=0.175/2.183 = 0.08  8%

2. A 40-mL VOA vial is 80%-filled with water contaminated with toluene (T = 20 oC).
The toluene concentration in the liquid is 2.5 mg/L. Determine
(1) the concentration of toluene in the head space (in ppmV), and

(2.5 x 10^-3) x 92.14 = 2.713 x 10^-5 mol/L

Using Henry Law
C = P/KH
P= CKH = (2.713 x 10^-5) x 6.7
P = 1.818 x 10^-4 atm
Using ideal gas equation
PV = nRT  P= n/v RT = Cgas RT
Cgas = P/RT (R= 0.0821 Latm/Kmol)
Cgas = 1.818 x 10^-4/ (0.0821 x 293) = 7.557 x 10^-6M
(7.557 x 10^-6 mol/L) x (92.14 g/mol) x (1000mg/g)  0.696 mg/L
= 0.696 PPmv

(2) the percentage of total toluene mass in the aqueous phase.

The Henry's constant for toluene is 6.7 atm/M (T = 20 oC)

Fraction C of toluene = 2.5/1 = 2.5x10^-6

Percentage of toluene = 2.5x10^-6 x 100  0.00025%

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