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Assignment Cover Page

 Subject code BUSM4188

 Subject name Leadership

 The title of assignment A3 : Leadership Development Plan

 Student Name Nguyen Pham Thien An

 Student Number S3818385

 Lecture Name Brian O’Reilly

 Assignment due date 20thJanuary,2022

 Word accounts 1,800 words


The leader, who establishes the organization's vision and goal and makes others follow
it, is crucial to the organization's orientation and direction. Regardless of the kind of
work they do, all organizations need leadership () . Leadership is "the core of
administrative science and its beating heart, and it is the key to management" in
administrative disciplines including planning, organization, motivation, and control
(Harwiki, 2016). Furthermore, through the practice of leadership, a person may
persuade others to work toward a common goal and guide the organization toward
greater coherence and coherence. Northouse's and this definition are related (2007,
p3). For these reasons, this assignment paper will support an individual to explore the
strong points and low points that need to improve to become an effective leader in the
future by approaching the diagnostic tests, learn from the feedbacks of the experience

2.Strength points
 Human skills

In addition to understanding their followers' thoughts, attitudes, and motivations, leaders

need be knowledgeable about human behavior and group dynamics (James
W:1999:87). Human competence is the understanding of and capacity for interacting
with others. It is very distinct from technical skill, which has to do with using things
(Katz, 1955). Furthermore, it is sometimes referred to as "human skills," meaning that
the manager or leader is skilled in interacting with people in a way that will inspire the
effective completion of the task at hand. For these reasons, these abilities will help the
manager or leader communicate clearly with his peers, subordinates, and even
superiors. On the other hand, cooperation, empathetic understanding, and respect are
some examples of interpersonal or human abilities (Gallardo :2020: 496) . Following to
the Skill Inventory in Appendix 1 that the human skill is the highest score that I have
which is around 26 points. For these reasons, I think that the human skill is my strength
because I often spend my free time to learn about psychological human behavior to
understand people’s behaviors around my personal’s life and my professional’s life at
university which improve my knowledge to communicate and behave with different
people in various ways

 Locus of control

The propensity to see events as being controlled either inwardly or outside is known as
locus of control (Rotter, 1966; Lloyd & Hastinhs, 2009; French & Shojaee, 2014).People
who think outcomes can be influenced by their own actions, abilities, and traits are said
to have an internal orientation (internals), whereas those who think outcomes are
determined by outside forces, such as chance, fate, and the influence of others, are
said to have an external orientation (externals). Then, people are divided into categories
ranging from highly internal to very exterior (Millet, 2005). According to Hiers and Heckel
(1977), Anderson and Schneider (1978), McCullough, Ashbridge, and Pegg (1994), and
Anderson and Schneider (1978), successful leaders have a high internal locus of
control. On the other hand, unsuccessful ones often have a poor internal locus of
control. For these reasons, my diagnostic test is around 50 points which is also the high
score, and it is still in the internal traits that be still high points. Hence, I’m hard-working
person because I want to achieve different goals in my life by myself. On the other
hand, I understand that I have to be the person who have responsibility to control the
personal life and actions which lead to I also think clearly before I do something due to it
will impact on my result in the future.

 Tolerance
The capacity or readiness to put up with beliefs or actions that one opposes or finds
objectionable is referred to as tolerance (Soanes, Stevenson, 2003, p. 1855). Accepting
people's differences is a key component of tolerance. Knowing that individuals
frequently deviate from what one anticipates helps one to be accepting (Raatma, 2000).
According to Allport (1954), there are three types of tolerance: warm tolerance
(approving of others), cold tolerance (putting up with things we don't like), and
limitations of tolerance (being intolerant of intolerance in others).For these reasons ,
following to my Diversity Management Capability test that my score is around 18 points ,
and this score show that I’m basically tolerant person due to I used to be a leader in
different team groups at university . Furthermore, the presentation assignments that I
need to do work with my teammates. On the other hand, I dealt with the problems of my
teammates, and I tried to put my self on my team member’s perspectives. Furthermore,
I decided to fix an issue together with my team partner which led to it brings an effective
decisions and high quality of teamwork. As a result, I believe that tolerance behavior
helps an individual can avoid making worst decisions and understand people’s
perspective rather than become anger which impact on both work and social

3.Weakness points

 Technical skill
Technical proficiency includes specialized knowledge, analytical prowess within that
field, and comfort with the instruments and methods of the particular discipline (Katz,
1991; Robbins & Decenzo, 1998; Mirsepassi, 1991). Technical expertise includes
knowledge of an organization's operations, norms, and structure as well as competence
in specific tasks and knowledge of the procedures, tools, and machinery that
organizational units utilize ( ) . Moreover, my technical skill is around 17 points, and it is
around medium range. For these reasons, my technical skill is also needed to improve
because my technical skills are in basic and high level, but I still want to boost my level
of technical skills to be an advance level. Because of I’m not good at high advance of
technical skills, such as Excel or Access technical programs. However, these technical
skills are very important to me because I will use these technical skills for my work life,
and it will be affected to my success in career.
 Conceptual skill
The third talent is conceptual, which is the capacity to recognize what matters most at
the highest levels of management when thorough planning and big-picture thinking are
necessary. As leaders advance through the organizational hierarchy, they are required
to acquire and use this talent more frequently (Aibieyi: 2014: 56) . Furthermore,
Judgment, intuition, inventiveness, and foresight are just a few of the qualities that are
incorporated into conceptual talents. Some conceptual abilities, such as inductive or
deductive reasoning, logical reasoning, analytical aptitude, and concept formulation
(Holsinger: 1999: p88) . For these reasons that I think that I also need to improve my
conceptual skill due to the score that I completed a diagnostic test show that my
conceptual skill is around 16 points. Additionally, I can not understand and imagine
clearly about an abstract ideas or pictures in some lessons at university, and my ability
of logical thinking and critical thinking is not good because I often think by sentimental

4. Leadership Development Plan

Goal Leadershi Reasoning Anticipated Activities to help Where can you Timeline
p challenges develop strength/ practice or apply for
strength Or justification if Weakness this strength/ achievin
weakness it none /Skill? Weakness/skill? g goals
Goal Technical  Become an  Improve  Research  Study From
1 skill expert of from basic to new technical 2023 to
technical advance technical online and 2026
skill to level and it programs online
support for needs and ways to courses at
high level learn the home or
of position  It needs to skills university
in the be patient become
workplace because more  Apply new
take long effectively technical
time  programs in
videos and
IT trainer
Goal 2 Conceptual  Increase  Lack of  Reading  Find the From
skill the ability leadership books about leadership 2023 to
of analyze, expertise to conceptual cases and 2025
logical share an skills to learn book in
thinking to experiences tips and do library to
see the big and daily study at
picture and knowledge practice university
have a of
visionary in conceptual  Practice with  Join to the
leadership skill leadership workshops
skills cases to to learn an
improve experiences
logical to meet
thinking and industry
analyze leaders of
ability conceptual

Goal 3 Locus of  Write down  Take some From

control  The locus  Difficult to the good advice short 2023 to
of control adapt new personalities -term 2024
supports an mindset to and the courses of
individual to upgrade the personalities leadership
control the locus of are easily and
level of control impact on psychologica
behavior in ability external l to improve
the daily life environment locus of
which will a s control
big impact  Study from
on career the failure by
and reflecting the
personal issues and
life find the
solution to
deal with it

4. Industrial feedback
Ms. Pham Thi Van Khanh is head of legal in Vietcombank, and she has twenty-five
years of an experience as the effective leader. Furthermore, I had more than two
chances to share about my study with her. Because of she is a close friend of my
family. For these reasons, she gave me an advice about two main skills that I need to
improve is spend free time to explore technical programs and practices every with
different questions will make my technical skills become fluently and smoothly. On the
other hand, the conceptual skills that I also need to improve by study outside knowledge
not only from book and theory at university with challenges by doing leadership case
studies to connect with the theory and the challenges that I used to met in last case
studies which lead to I have a new visionary and see a whole picture to improve my
logical, problem-solving and analyze ability. Hence, she suggests that the locus of
control that I need to have an advice from the psychologists or professional training
such as Awake power organization to led young people to go the right path by study
locus of control and other necessary skills to prepare for professional life in the future.

5. Development plan research

 Goal 1: I want to improve my technical skills, and my first goal for this skill that I need to
begin with the first step by practicing the basic technical program that I have mentioned
before, such as Excel or Access. These two technical programs are two foundation
technical skills that I have to learn from the basic to advance level. Furthermore, I will
have to upgrade my technical skills by doing each Excel or Access tasks in daily life and
I can have a support from my friends who is master of technical skills to improve my
technical skills
 Goal 2: I also need to boost my conceptual skills by doing more research cases of
leadership and other subjects at university to improve this skill. Moreover , I can do
practice test of logical thinking and analyzing in each week to test my knowledge and my
skill score .
 Goal 3: For the locus of control ability that I will take advices from psychologists and go
for the ability training that boost the ability of the locus of control and other abilities to
understand more about an individual’s self . Futhermore, I will have to learn to control
an outside outcomes that can impact on the mindset of thinking

” Role of Leadership in Organizational Effectiveness”,<>[Accessed 11thJanuary,2022]

” The role of leadership”,<[Ac

,” Leadership Management: Principles, Models and Theories”,<>[Accessed

,” Skills Approach”,<>[

,” Significance of High Human Skills in the Success of an

an_Skills_in_the_Success_of_an_Organization>[Accessed 13thJanuary,2022]


RIAL_SKILLS_BASED_ON_KATZ'S_THEORY>[Accessed 11thJanuary,2022]


81ea7b48.pdf>[ [Accessed 11thJanuary,2022]

,” The Influence of the Locus of Control and Decision-making

Capacity upon the Leadership Style”,<
Decision%20(1).pdf> [Accessed 15thJanuary,2022]


BEHAVIOUR”, <>[Accessed
1624706865>[ [Accessed 9thJanuary,2022]

,” The Influence of the Locus of Control and Decision-making

Capacity upon the Leadership Style”,<
making_Capacity_upon_the_Leadership_Style>[Accessed 12thJanuary,2022]



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