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It is a study of computers as data

INTRODUCTION TO ICT processing tools. It introduces students
to the fundamentals of using computer
Technology is inevitable in our systems in an internet environment.
everyday lives. This is because life
without technology is pointless in today's HISTORY OF ICT
dynamic world. Technology, which It could be said that ICT has been
brings together tools to promote originated by the emergence of very
development, use and information early tools, e.g. paintings on cave walls
exchange, has as its main objective of but usually, the development of ICT
making tasks easier and the solving of starts with the introduction of
many problems of mankind. educational films. The phrase ICT has
been used by academic researchers
Technology infuses classrooms since the 1980’s but it came popular
with digital learning tools, such as after it was used in a report in the United
computers and handheld devices; Kingdom by Dennis Stevenson in 1997
expands course offerings, experiences, and in the National Curriculum for
and learning materials; supports England, Wales and in the Northern
learning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week; Island in 2000.
builds 21st century skills; increases
student engagement and motivation; INFORMATION - Refers to the
and accelerates learning. Technology knowledge obtained from reading,
also has the power to transform investigation, study or research.
teaching by ushering in a new model of Information is knowledge that helps us
connected teaching. This model links fulfill our daily tasks.
teachers to their students and to
professional content, resources, and COMMUNICATION - Act of transmitting
systems to help them improve their own messages. It is a process whereby
instruction and personalize learning. information is exchanged between
individuals using symbols, signs or
What is ICT? verbal interaction. Communication is
Information Communication important in order to gain knowledge.
Technology (ICT) is a broader term for
Information Technology (IT). It deals TECHNOLOGY - It is the use of
with the use of different communication scientific knowledge, experience and
technologies such as mobile phones, resources to create processes and
internet to locate, save, sends and edit products that fulfill human needs.
Information. Technology is vital in communication.
COMPUTER - An electronic device for creates his/her account, he/she
storing and processing data, typically in can set up a profile, add people,
binary form, according to the share content, etc.
instructions given to it in a variable Example: Facebook and Google.
INTERNET - Is the global system of that allow you to manage links to
interconnected computer networks that various websites and resources.
use the internet protocol suite (TCIP/IP) Most of the site allows you to
to link billions of devices worldwide. create a tag for others.
Example: Stumble upon,
WORLD WIDE WEB - An information Pinterest
system that allows documents to be
connected to other documents by 3. SOCIAL NEWS - Sites that allow
hypertext links, enable user to search users to post their own news,
for information by moving from one items, or links to other news
document to another. sources. The user can also
comment on the post and
comments may also be ranked.
TRENDS IN ICT Example: Reddit and Dig

CONVERGENCE - Is the synergy of 4. MEDIA SHARING - Sites that

technological advancements to work on allow you upload and share
a similar goal or task. For example, media content like images,
besides using your personal computer music, and video.
to create word documents, you can now Example: Flickr, Youtube and
use your smart phones. Instagram

SOCIAL MEDIA - Is a website, 5. MICROBLOGGING - Focus on

application, or online channel that short updates from users. Those
enables web users to create, co-create, that subscribed to that user will
discuss modify, and exchange user be able to receive these updates.
generated content. Example: Twitter and Plurk

Six Types of Social Media 6. BLOGS AND FORUM - Allow

1. SOCIAL NETWORKS - These users to post their content. Other
are sites that allow you to users are able to comment on the
connect with other people with said topic.
the same interests or Example: Blogger, WordPress,
background. Once the user and Tumblr
MOBILE TECHNOLOGIES - The 8 figures long. As one dial turned
popularity of smartphones and tablets 10 notches - or a complete
has taken a major rise over the years. revolution - it mechanically turned
This is largely because of the device's the next dial.
ability to do the tasks that were originally ● Pascal's mechanical Adding
found in PC’s. several of these devices Machine automated the process
are capable of using a high-speed of calculation. Although slow by
internet. Today, the latest model devices modern standards, this machine
use 4G(LTE) which is currently the did provide a fair degree of
fastest. accuracy and speed.

Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz

HISTORY OF COMPUTER ● The step reckoner, a calculating
machine designed (1671) and
ABACUS built (1673). Supposed to be able
● 4th Century B.C. to add, subtract, multiply, divide
● The abacus, a simple counting and calculate square roots
aid, may have been invented in ● **Device never worked properly
Babylonia (now Iraq) in the fourth ● The Step Reckoner expanded on
century B.C. the French
● This device allows users to make mathematician-philosopher
computations using a system of Blaise Pascal's ideas and did
sliding beads arranged on a rack. multiplication by repeated
● Considered the first computer addition and shifting.

BLAISE PASCAL (1623 - 1662) CHARLES BABBAGE (1791 - 1871)

● In 1642, the French ● Considered as the “Father of
mathematician and philosopher Computers”
Blaise Pascal invented a ● Born in 1791, Charles Babbage
calculating device that would was an English mathematician
come to be called the "Adding and professor.
Machine". ● In 1822, he persuaded the British
● One of the first and earliest government to finance his design
mechanical devices used for to build a machine that would
calculating was the Pascaline calculate tables for logarithms.
● Originally called a "numerical Called the “Difference Engine.”
wheel calculator" or the ● Device was to calculate numbers
"Pascaline", Pascal's invention to 20th place and print them at 4
utilized a train of 8 moveable digits per minute.
dials or cogs to add sums of up to ● Analytical Engine (1833)
● Used to perform a variety of programs for) wasn't ever
calculations by following a set of manufactured.
instructions or programs stored ● She lived more than 100 years
on punch cards before computers became
● Machine only designed but never common
U.S. Census
JOSEPH JACQUARD ● Done every 10 years
● Jacquard Loom is an attachment ● Process done by hand in 19th
for powered fabric looms. It uses century
a chain of punch cards to instruct ● Took 10 years to complete UNTIL
the loom on how to make intricate
textiles. For example, a loom Population Count
could have hundreds of cards ● Now took only 6 weeks to count
with holes corresponding to 63 million
hooks that can be raised or
lowered to make a textile HERMAN HOLLERITH (1860-1929)
brocade. ● was a German-American
● The Jacquard Loom is important statistician, inventor, and
to computer history because it is businessman who developed an
the first machine to use electromechanical tabulating
interchangeable punch cards to machine for punched cards to
instruct a machine to perform assist in summarizing information
automated tasks. Having a and, later, in accounting.
machine that could perform ● Hollerith’s Punch Card and
various tasks is similar to today's tabulating machines were a step
computer programs that can be toward automated computation.
programmed to perform different His device could automatically
tasks. read information which had been
● The Jacquard Loom was also an punched onto a card. He got the
inspiration to Charles Babbage idea and then saw Jacquard's
planning to use perforated cards punch card. Punch card
in his analytical engine technology was used in
computers up until the late
ADA BYRON, Countess of Lovelace 1970s.
● In the 1840s, Ada Lovelace
became the first computer Tabulating Machine (Invented by
programmer, in spite of the fact Herman Hollerith)
that the Analytical Engine (the ● Used electricity rather than
computer that she designed the mechanical gears
● Holes representing information to did succeed in putting IBM's
be tabulated were punched in name on the forefront of the
cards computer industry. From 1944 on,
● The location of each hole modern computers would forever
represented a specific piece of be associated with digital
information (male vs. female) intelligence.
● Cards inserted into the machine
and metal pins used to open and The ABC
close electrical circuits ● ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer)
● If the circuit was closed, a was the first electronic digital
computation was increased by computer built by John Atanasoff
one and his student, Clifford Berry
Tabulating Machine Company was ● Computer used binary number
formed by Hollerith in 1896 and merged system of 1 and 0
to form the Computing - Tabulating - ● Binary system is still used today
Recording Company in 1911. This firm
became International Business ENIAC (1943-1946)
Machines Corporation. The key punch ● Electronic Numerical Integrator
was introduced in the United States in And Computer
1901 and remained in essentially the ● A machine that computed at
same form for over half a century. speeds 1,000 times faster than
IBM - International Business Machines the Mark I was capable of only 2
years earlier.
HOWARD AIKEN (1900 - 1973) ● Using 18,00-19,000 vacuum
● Aiken thought he could create a tubes, 70,000 resistors and 5
modern and functioning model of million soldered joints this
Babbage's Analytical Engine. massive instrument required the
● He succeeded in securing a grant output of a small power station to
of 1 million dollars for his operate it.
proposed Automatic Sequence ● It could do nuclear physics
Calculator; the Mark I for short. calculations (in two hours) which
From IBM. it would have taken 100
● In 1944, the Mark I was engineers a year to do by hand.
"switched" on. Aiken's colossal ● The system's program could be
machine spanned 51 feet in changed by rewiring a panel.
length and 8 feet in height. 500 ● Weighed 30 tons and was 1500
meters of wiring were required to. square feet (average area of a 3
● The Mark I did transform bedroom house
Babbage's dream into reality and
Computer - An electronic machine won its creators the Nobel Peace
accepts data, processes it according to Prize for their invention.
instructions and provides the results as Advantages:
new data. Can make simple decisions ● increased reliability
and comparisons ● consumed 1/20 of the electricity
of vacuum tubes
Program - List of instructions written in ● were a fraction of the cost
a special language that the computer
understands First Computer Bug
● On September 9, 1947, a team of
Vacuum tube - a device that controls computer scientists reported the
electric current flow in a high vacuum world's first computer bug—a
between electrodes to which an electric moth trapped in their computer at
potential difference has been applied. Harvard University. This “first
Invented by John Ambrose Fleming actual case of a bug being found"
was recorded by computer
1930’s – 1940’s scientist Grace Hopper.
● Alan Turning developed
“Universal Machine” ALTAIR (1975)
● He envisioned a computer that ● The invention of the transistor
could perform any different tasks made computers smaller,
by simply changing a program cheaper and more reliable.
rather than by changing Therefore, the stage was set for
electronic components the entrance of the computer into
the domestic realm. In 1975, the
1945 – John Von Neumann age of personal computers
● Developed stored programme commenced.
concept ● Under the leadership of Ed
● Program would be stored in CPU Roberts the Micro
or Central Processing Unit Instrumentation and Telemetry
Company (MITS) wanted to
TRANSISTOR (1947) design a computer 'kit' for the
● In the laboratories of Bell home hobbyist.
Telephone, John Bardeen, Walter ● ALTAIR FACTS: No Keyboard,
Brattain and William Shockley Video Display, & Storage Device
discovered the "transfer resistor";
later labeled the transistor. 1970 John Huff
● This tiny device had a huge ● Transistors were replaced by
impact on and extensive integrated circuits or chips, giving
implications for modern computers tremendous speed to
computers. In 1956, the transistor
process information at a rate of ● The "Lisa" was the result of their
millions of calculations per competitive thrust.
second. ● This system differed from its
● In 1970 John Huff invented the predecessors in its use of a
microprocessor, an entire CPU "mouse" - then a quite foreign
on a single chip. This allowed for computer instrument - in lieu of
the building of a microcomputer manually typing commands.
or personal computer. ● However, the outrageous price of
the Lisa kept it out of reach for
IBM (PC) 1981 many computer buyers.
● On August 12, 1981 IBM ● Apple's brainchild was the
announced its own personal Macintosh. Like the Lisa, the
computer. Macintosh too would make use of
● Using the 16 bit Intel 8088 a graphical user interface.
microprocessor, allowed for ● Introduced in January 1984 it was
increased speed and huge an immediate success.
amounts of memory. ● The GUI (Graphical User
● Unlike the Altair that was sold as Interface) made the system easy
unassembled computer kits, IBM to use.
sold its "ready-made" machine ● The Apple Macintosh debuted in
through retailers and by qualified 1984. It features a simple,
salespeople. graphical interface, uses the
● To satisfy consumer appetites 8-MHz, 32-bit Motorola 68000
and to increase usability, IBM CPU, and has a built-in 9-inch
gave prototype IBM PCs to a B/W screen. Cost $2,495
number of major software
● For the first time, small
companies and individuals who
never would have imagined
owning a "personal" computer
were now opened to the
computer world.

● IBM's major competitor was a
company led by Steve Wozniak
and Steve Jobs; the Apple
Computer Inc.
ADVANTAGES OF ICT / COMPUTER another, and allow for the
exchange of views and ideas,
1. Communication - Speed / time thus increasing awareness and
– money can be saved because reducing prejudice.
it’s much quicker to move
information around. With the help 6. Creation of new jobs - Probably,
of ICT it has become quicker and the best advantage of ICT has
more efficient. been the creation of new and
interesting jobs.
2. Globalization - Video
conferencing saves money on 7. Education – Computer’s along
flights and accommodation. ICT with their programs and the
has not only brought the Internet have created educational
countries and people closer opportunities not available to
together, but it has allowed the previous generations.
world's economy to become a
single interdependent system to 8. Through ICT , images can easily
contact either a business or be used in teaching and
family member. improving the retentive memory
of students.
3. Cost effectiveness - It feels free
to send an email (although it 9. Complex structure - through
isn’t); it’s without doubt cheaper ICT, teachers can easily explain
than phone calls. ICT has also complex structure ,instruction and
helped to automate business ensure students comprehension.
practices, thus restructuring
businesses to make them 10. Through ICT , teachers are able
exceptionally cost effective. to create interactive classrooms
and make the lesson more
4. Greater Availability - ICT has enjoyable.
made it possible for businesses
to be automated giving clients
access to a website or voicemail DISADVANTAGES OF ICT /
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. COMPUTER

5. Bridging the cultural gap – 1. Education – Computer’s along

Greater access to technology has with their programs and the
helped to bridge the cultural gap Internet have created educational
by helping people from different opportunities not available to
cultures to communicate with one previous generations.
2. Lack of job security – Experts in technology for their memory but
a wide variety of fields believe the less you use your memory,
that ICT has made job security a the poorer it becomes. . people
big issue, since technology keeps don’t bother learning to spell
on changing nearly every day. because they use spell-checkers,
This means that individuals need or need a calculator to perform
to be constantly studying or at minor addition or subtraction.
least keeping up with changes in
their profession, if they want to 6. Reliability of Information –
feel secure in their jobs. Anyone with access to a
computer and an internet
3. Overriding Cultures - While ICT connection can start a blog or
may have made the world a post something up on a website,
global village, it has also so just because something’s on
contributed to one culture the web doesn't mean it’s
consuming another weaker one. reliable. A prime example of this
For example, it is now argued is the open source
that teenagers in the US encyclopedia, Wikipedia,
influence how most young although considered a good
teenagers all over the world now source of information it is not
act, dress, and behave recognized by academic
institutions as a trustworthy
4. Privacy - Though information reference.
technology may have made
communication quicker, easier, 7. Computer viruses, worms,
and more convenient, it has also Trojans, malware, spam,
brought along privacy issues. phishing- any or all can cause
From cell phone signal chaos and disrupt our daily lives
interceptions to email hacking,
people are now worried about 8. Setting - setting up the device
their once private information can be very troublesome.
becoming public knowledge.
9. Expensive - too expensive to
5. Reliance on Technology – afford.
Professor Ian Robertson, a
neuropsychology expert based at 10. Lack of experience - hard for
Trinity College Dublin who carried teachers to use with a lack of
out the study, said: “People have experience using ICT tools.
more to remember these days,
and they are relying on
TYPES AND PARTS OF COMPUTERS to make up the computer itself.

Types of Computers Motherboard - the main board that is

screwed directly inside the computer
Supercomputer is a broad term for one case. The CPU, RAM, drives, power
of the fastest computers currently supply and more all get connected to it.
available. Supercomputers are very Its function is to integrate all the
expensive and are employed for components with each other so they can
specialized applications that require communicate and operate together.
immense amounts of mathematical
calculations. The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is
basically like the brain of a computer. It
Mainframe was a term originally processes all the information on a
referring to the cabinet containing the computational level. It takes information
central processor unit or "main frame" of from the RAM and processes it to
a room-filling Stone Age batch machine. perform the tasks required from the
Minicomputer - a midsize computer. A
minicomputer is a multiprocessing RAM: Random Access Memory is a
system capable of supporting from up to data storage device that can provide
200 users simultaneously. fast read and write access. RAM is also
volatile which means that it loses all the
Workstation - It is a type of computer stored data the moment power is lost.
used for engineering applications
(CAD/CAM), desktop publishing, Graphics Card processes the data from
software development, and other types the motherboard and sends the
of applications that require a moderate appropriate information to the monitor in
amount of computing power and order for it to be displayed.
relatively high quality graphics
capabilities. Sound Card is an internal expansion
card that provides input and output of
Personal Computer - It can be defined audio signals to and from a computer
as a small, relatively inexpensive under control of computer programs.
computer designed for an individual
user. SSD: Solid State Drive is also a type of
hard drive, but it doesn’t have any
Parts of Computer moving parts. It consists of a bank of
flash memory that can hold a
Computer Case - This is the part that reasonable amount of data.
holds all of the internal components
PSU: Power Supply Unit mounts inside knowing what’s inside will make it
the computer case. This converts the easier.
AC mains supply from the wall socket
and supplies the correct DC voltages to COMPONENTS OF A COMPUTER
all the components inside the computer. SYSTEM
Every computer system has the
Monitor is what you use to see a visual following three basic components:
representation of the graphics data sent
from the graphics card of the Computer. 1. INPUT UNIT
- These components help users
A keyboard is one of the ways to enter data and commands into a
communicate with a computer. By typing computer system.
a key from the keyboard, it sends a - Data can be in the form of
small portion of data to tell the computer numbers, words, actions,
which key was pressed. commands, etc. The main
function of input devices is to
A mouse allows the user to move a direct commands and data into
pointer displayed on the monitor and computers.
experience a more intuitive interaction - Computers then use their CPU
with the computer. to process this data and produce
- For example, the Laptop's
COMPUTER SYSTEM keyboard is an input unit that
is a collection of entities enters numbers and characters.
(hardware, software and peopleware) Similarly even a mouse can be
that are designed to receive, process, an input unit for entering
and manage and present information in directions and commands.
a meaningful format. Other examples: Barcode
readers, Magnetic Ink Character
WORK? Optical Character Reader, etc.
A computer is a machine
composed of hardware and software
components. A computer receives data 2. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT
through an input unit based on the - After receiving data and
instructions it is given and after it commands from users, a
processes the data, it sends it back computer system now has to
through an output device. To better process it according to
imagine how a computer works, instructions provided.
- The CPU further uses these 2. SOFTWARE
three elements: - Software is nothing but a set of
a. Memory Unit programmes (computer
b. Arithmetic and Logic Unit instructions), which helps the
c. Control Unit user to do a set of specific tasks.
It helps the user interact with the
3. OUTPUT UNIT computer system with the help of
- The third and final component of hardware. Software, as you can
a computer system is the output imagine, is the intangible aspect
unit. After processing the data, it of the system.
is converted into a format which - Types: Operating System
humans can understand. After Application Software
conversion, the output units Utility Software
display this data to users. Language Processor
- For example, Monitor, Screens, System Software
Speakers, Printers Connectivity Software
- Thus, output units basically
reproduce the data formatted by 3. PEOPLE WARE
the computer for the user's - The people interacting with the
benefit. computer system are also an
element of it. We call this element
the liveware. They are ultimate
ELEMENTS OF COMPUTER “users” of the computer systems.
- E.g. Programmers, System
There are six main elements that make Analyst, End-Users
up a computer system. They all interact
with each other and perform the task at 4. PROCEDURES
hand. - These are a set of instructions,
written in code, to construct a
1. HARDWARE computer on how to perform a
- These are all the physical task, run a software, do
aspects of a computer system. calculations etc.
They are tangible, hardware - E.g: Hardware-Oriented
components are the electronic or Procedure, Software-Oriented
mechanical instruments, like Procedure, Internal Procedures
keyboard, monitor, printer etc.
- Types: Input Hardware, Output 5. DATA
Hardware, & Processing and - Data essentially the raw facts
Memory Hardware and figures that we input in the
computer. The data gets
processed via the computer
system and becomes information,
which is processed and
organized data. Information can
then be used for decision-making
- The measurement of data is
done in terms of “bytes”. One
kilobyte (KB) is 1 million bytes
and finally, 1 gigabyte (GB) is
approximately 1 billion bytes.

- This is when the computers are
linked to a network. It facilitates
sharing of information, files, and
other facilities. Computers can
connect to a network via LAN
cables, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi,
Satellites etc. The internet is the
most obvious example of
connectivity in a computer

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