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Aman Bhardwaj




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Aman Bhardwaj(415/IC/05),placed in Bain,shares his experiences of placements...... "It has been over a month since I passed out, but it still feels college will reopen and I will be back to NSIT life again... In these 4 years, one thing that every NSITian learns is to Never Say Never.

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Around 25th July, last year, believing in this core NSIT trait, I began my placement preparations. I got C++ by Yashwant Kanetkar and test your C-an objective book by the same author. I also bought 2 really expensive shirts and 1 cotton pant from CP. My plan was to get a job as soon a possible, as that would give me a huge moral boost. My CAT preparation was in doldrums, Mock scores falling exponentially and the belief to crack CAT getting cloudier by the day. To add salt to injury, I was debarred to sit in the first 3 companies, though in retrospect T&P was correct. So, TCS, Wipro and Aricent came and went. Some of my friends got placed. I felt happy for them, and sad for myself. HCL was the first company I sat for. Smartly dressed and filled with loads of excitement, I heard the Presentation. I just wanted this job. As fate would have it, I couldnt clear the written. Around 150 students cleared the written, of whom 107 got the final offers. With dejected spirits and a broken heart I came back home. Then began a long and an arduous process of sitting in every company and getting rejected. ST Microelectronics-Didnt get the ABC of written Freesacle- Cracked the written, dont know how, but was rejected in the technical interview. Atrenta- Couldnt crack the written Deloitte- Couldnt crack the written Adobe- Really interesting exam, but always knew would never crack it. Accenture- cracked written and G.D. Rejected in the tech interview. Evalueserve- Cracked the written exam and the 1st interview. They cracked me in the final interview. Few more companies I sat for, do not remember the names.... Why Recuit at NSIT? Placement Procedure Placement Policy Visiting Companies Contact Us Home

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Then came CSC-Computer Science Corporation, a company I sat for, thinking will never get into. Luckily, my friends Abha and Batra were solving past year papers of CSC that morning, when the company was to visit. The same paper was to come in the exam. After cracking the written, I somehow managed the tech too. I cracked CSC. It felt like being on the top of the world. I don't have words for that day. I and my friends danced in administrative block. It was just awesome. First Job. Exactly a week later, word spread that Bain is visiting the campus. I didn't knew about Bain, until Prateek Prakash told me it was one of the best management consultancies in the world. It was then that I took the company seriously. Bain visists the campus in three parts : 1. Presentation and general introduction of the company. 2. Case study preparation of the shortlisted. 3. Final interviews

Lokesh Jain Atul Bhatia Mukta Gupta Ankit Sud Aman Bindal Siddharth Malhotra Rashi Shekhar Ankur Gupta

I really liked the way Bain carried out the recruitment process. They enabled students to bring out the best in them, plus it did not have a written round.. My resume was shortlisted and I was selected for the final interview. Bain looks for one thing-Passion and Enthusiasm in whatever you have done. In the 2nd visit Bain prepares you for the final case study interviews. I prepared for the case studies from and . Vaishnavi Sundararajan Mayank Agarwal Harsha Vardhan Karan Verma Manusheel Gupta

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Aman Bhardwaj

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