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PoC AVN e 15 STARS EVERYONE CAN FIND ® POLARIS Draw a line through the two stars that form the outer side of the Big Dipper's "bowl". URSA bl Cols: aoe Big Dipper | \ Polaris URSA MAJOR Leyte BL aiid In 2,000 years, Gamma Cephei will replace Polaris as the North Star. @ ARCTURUS Extend the curve of the Big Dipper's "handle". BOOTES rs “ URSA MAJOR ® CAPELLA Draw a line through the two stars on the top of the Big Dipper's "bowl". Big Dipper ’ ¢ URSAMAJOR AURIGA Cee V (UL) Draw a line through Orion's Belt toward the horizon. yf BTR Clee Sirius, the brightest star in the. sky, is moving closer to us and will get even brighter over the - next 60,000 years. ® ALDEBARAN Draw a line through Orion's Belt to the right. ® RIGEL Draw a line at a 90° angle from Orion's Belt toward the horizon. €) VEGA, DENEB, ALTAIR These three stars form the Summer Triangle asterism. hg 7.N Deneb CYGNUS; © BETELGEUSE, PROCYON, SIRIUS These three stars form the Winter Triangle asterism. CANIS MINOR Y CANIS MAJOR DoT BYTE relied Betelgeuse is near the end of ~ its life and will eventually explode. It could be tomorro' or a million years in the future. © FOMALHAUT Draw a line southward along the right side of the Great Square of Pegasus. we N a , (iam e rf Great Square a , i Coa eC EitEy ya om y ra 7 SS PISCIS PEGASUS AUSTRINUS tut Ts te ALPHA CENTAURI Draw a line through the "crossbar" of the constellation Crux toward the horizon. Alpha Centauri POT BY TT Caled The Alpha Centauri star system contains the closest known exoplanet to the Earth — Proxima Centauri b. Rio NOV Extend the longer "cross arm" of the constellation Crux. y | is ERIDANUS 7 CRUX - ] Achernar wy CANOPUS Draw a line from Sirius towards the south celestial pole. WANT TO. IDENTIFY A STAR? TONIGHT! Br Mut Mlele ice] luli

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