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Module 5 : Indigenous Media and Common  Sources of Information

What I Know
What do I already know about the What do I want to know about the
sources of media and information? sources of media and information?
 Source of media and information can  Are there other sources of media and
be printed media, broadcast media, information other than printed media,
new media broadcast media, new media?
 Different eras requires different
sources of media and information

What’s New
Complete the bubble map below with the sources of media that you know.

Newspaper Magazines Dictionary

Sources of Media Television

Radio and Information

Social Media Advertisement

Books / Modules
Let’s Share! 
Have you experienced going to the library? What are the things you  observe? Write an essay
stating how a learner should behave in the  library. 
Library is the best place to be for someone who loves books, reading, or simply learning.
Sadly, not all schools have libraries to teach children what to do when inside a library. But world
is slowly rebuilding their love for libraries by redesigning old libraries or building new ones to
share their books to the world.
Growing up, I’m really excited about libraries or books in general; though I’m not a fan
of reading when I was young I enjoy flipping story books to see the stories through pictures.
Being inside a library makes me feel like I’m smart and it always makes me feel excited to learn.
My knowledge on what my action would be when inside a library is gained through movies and
my teachers. All libraries requires you to speak quietly or not to make a noise because it might
disturb others who are reading and focusing on their books and that’s about right. As someone
who gets distracted easily when I’m focusing on reading, having a quiet environment will really
help. Libraries have this policy too about putting back the books you’ve taken. Even though
other libraries have librarians who’ll do this task for you it is much better to always return the
books to the place where you got them so others who might need it will find it on the right
section of the library. And I remember being excited about my library card too, even though I
didn’t get to use it, knowing that you can borrow a book that’ll be helpful in gaining new
knowledge or answering your homework is a nice feeling. Other than these we should keep in
mind that borrowing books from the library is fine as long as you return it because others might
need it in the future too who can’t afford a book. Also, one more enjoyable thing about the
library is learning with your friends. Library can be a hang out place too, a silent hang out place,
you can share or exchange ideas with your friends without making so much noise and then you
can relax while learning together.
Libraries have a really big help not only for the past generations but also for the new
generations and for the future generation. Without books there won’t be learning and innovating
because if the history isn’t written then we won’t know what to do in our life. So having a good
attitude inside the library is important so we all can learn peacefully together.

Let’s React! 
As a learner, using both worlds, going to the library or visiting the  internet, should be a habit
that we should enjoy in searching for  information. However, there are reasons for doing and not
doing such.  Complete the chart below by stating the advantages and  disadvantages in these
common media sources.
Library Internet
Advantages  Proof read  Easy to access
 Fact checked  Easy to search
 You have a hard copy of it  You don’t need to buy a
that you can always read book in order to read
 No need internet what’s inside it
 Quiet and without
 People can’t edit what’s
written on the book
Disadvantages  Can be far from your house  Might not give the full
 You can’t have food and information of what
drinks inside a library you’re looking for
 You need to pay for other  Needs internet to be used

What’s More
Activity 1. Draw a happy face ( ) if the statement conveys a positive attitude.   Draw a sad face
( ) if not.
🙂1. You are listening attentively to the news on the radio. 
☹️2. You forgot to write the reference of your researched information.
☹️3. You tore a page of the book that you need so that you do not need to bring the   whole book
with you. 
☹️4. You hid the book on the back of the shelf because you need it for your own   research. 
🙂5. You asked permission from the interviewee if you could record the interview. 
Activity 2. Read each statement and identify the source of information to be used to obtain  the
information. State your reason for choosing the source of information. 
Topic  Source of information Explanation for choosing
the source
1. Martin is in search of the Internet You can quickly search the
most  affordable computer net for different shops that
near his  location.  sells computer near your area
2. You want to create a Book and Internet You can’t really get the full
detailed  model of the solar information of the solar
system,  identifying each system in just reading books,
planets’ size,  alignment, and since time is changing
other details. additional information about
the solar system might be in
the internet. So books for the
first information regarding
this then check the internet if
anything changed.
3. Your uncle asks you to find Newspaper Daily newspapers prints the
out the result of the raffle in winning lotto numbers
the  lotto yesterday. everyday.
4. You want to find out the Internet Since I’m nowhere near Apo
reason behind Apo Wang Wang Od, I can search it up
Od’s  signature tattoo. on the internet and read
articles about her tattoo.
5. Your group is in search of Library Libraries or books are the
related studies for your   best way to get related studies
research. because its been proof read
and fact checked before being
published for the public to

What I Can Do
An Interview is an opportunity to obtain information straight from the source. It is also a skill
that you need to develop as a learner. Interview with the oldest person in the community and
create any of the following:
● A documentation of his/ her life (biography)
● Description of the changes in places or events he/she has encountered.
● Beliefs or traditions he/she still practices.
Interviewee : Sophia Mariel Sison
Age : 19
Sophia Mariel Sison was born at UST Hospital in Manila, being the first born of the
family she already knows her responsibility around the house and with her two younger siblings.
Being the achiever in the family, she never fails to get praised in every award she will get, like
Best in Math, Best in English, Best in Writing; she even got an English Wizard award back when
she was in Grade 6. She was also part of their school’s Taekwondo team, achieving one Bronze
and one gold medal during a School Division Contest. After her grade school graduation, their
family decided to move to Quezon City so she can continue her studies at Batasan Hills National
High School as a STEM student. She strived hard during her high school days, even staying up
late to finish their research and even sacrificing family time on weekends when they need to
practice for certain school plays. Despite this, she never forgets her responsibility in the family.
Doing the dishes, cleaning the house, and ironing the clothes are the small tasks done by her
every day after going home from school. She is now studying at Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng
Maynila pursuing Bachelor of Science in Nursing, her dream job since she was young just like
her mom. Being in college changed her perspective a lot. She now stands up and speaks for the
right of the people and the truth she believes in. She is part of their college’ SSC or Supreme
Student Council making her one of the game changers in their college like proposing for an equal
right for the LGBT students and helping the student’s voice to be heard. She is also part of an
active organization called JJC Quezon City, they open a fund drive for the unfortunate victims
typhoons Rolly and Ulysses, and will also be donating foods and clothes for them. Despite being
the same great person she grew up as, she now believes that “No student shall be left behind”
and it is a big change of her personality and beliefs because she used to think that her voice is not
important enough to change a thing in our society. She now believes that every voice is
important, big or small, and every voice can make a change and give help so no one will suffer
alone just because they’re not privileged enough to be heard. The big change she also went
through is maturing and having a bigger world that she needs to explore alone.

I. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct and false if incorrect. Write your  answer
in the blank space before the number.
False 1. A special library can cater all kinds of information for public use. 
False 2. A library is a place where you can express your sentiments, opinions and   ideas about a
certain topic. 
False 3. All information on the internet are reliable and accurate. 
True 4. Oral tradition is done by sharing stories and experiences from the eldest   and is down to
younger generation. 
True 5. Some libraries have internet access. 
II. Multiple Choice. Write the word that best describes the concept in each number. Choose
your answer on the options below: 
School library 1. A library inside the school property for pupils.
Public library 2. A public library near the barangay hall. 
Special library 3. A library exclusive for medical practitioners.
Academic library 4. A library corner for engineering students 
National Library of  France 5. The oldest known library in the world.  
Blogger 6. A person which creates regular web logs on the internet.  
Scholarly Journals 7. It provides highly specific information for scholars and   researchers.  
National Library of  the Philippines 8. The country’s official national library established in
Interview 9. A method of gathering information through face to face conversation.  
Internet 10. A global computer network providing different communication   and information

Additional Libraries
Activity 1: Compare and contrast the sources of information from indigenous media,  libraries,
and the internet.

Indigenous Media
- refers to knowledge that is unique to a
specific culture or society.

exists naturally in a particular region or environment

using indigenous materials or resources, reflecting
community needs and interests, visions and
aspirations, and independent from vested interest
groups. (MIL module)

is passed orally or by
from the past
word or stories
Sources of

Library Internet

a place in which literary, a global computer network

musical, artistic, or reference providing different
materials (such as books, information and
Information for the communication facilities,
manuscripts, recordings, or public to use where consisting of interconnected
films) are kept for use but everyone is free to networks using standardized
not for sale. (MIL module) access. communication protocols.
(MIL module)

Activity 2: Supply the table with the information

required for each  box. 
One thing/ idea I like  about Two questions I have in Three things I have  learned
the lesson mind about the lesson
 Old libraries from the  What’s the difference  Despite being
past are used until of Academic Library different to each
now from Special library? other, medias or
 Is Indigenous media source of information
the only media we still have similarities
should question about  All source of
being legit or not? information is useful
in every generation
 National Library of
the Philippines is near
my sister’s university

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