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I am Lanz Albert Diomampo. I am standing here in front of you all because majority of you chose to trust
my ability to lead this school for this year. A lot of you knows what I’m capable of doing to improve this
year’s academic days. I can’t thank you all enough but there’s only one thing I could do to really show
you how grateful I really am, to show you the real person you trusted and by doing things that’ll never
make you regret voting for me. Our school was never perfect, and it’ll never be. But I know that I could
make it better but it won’t be easy. I need all of your help that you could give me, I already have a lot of
plans but if some of you could suggest anything, I am open for it. Let your voices be heard. I may be the
president of the SSG but that is all be worthless if I don’t lend my ears to all of your needs. Some
protocols here in our school is being forgotten day after day and students are getting intolerable. I will
fix that. I will bring students on their knees if I have to. Respect the school’s policies, and I’ll give my
respect to you back. As simple as that. And if I may add, I would also like to discuss that’s been
happening this past years.

Probably three of ten thinks that bullying is fine and that it doesn’t make a big impact on their lives as
well as the victim’s lives. But THEY ARE WRONG! To be a bully means that something inside them rotting
and they don’t even have the slightest idea that it is there, inside their minds and hearts, something so
dark that could lead to extreme violence that we all don’t want to face. In contrast to that, to be bullied
is something, somewhat considered as the most painful experience you could ever go through in your
entire life. It’ll leave a mark inside you and it might never go away, it’ll always be embedded there sand
there’s nothing more you could do about it. No matter how hard you try to erase the memories of your
suffering, it will always play on loop inside your head and that will mist definitely affect your life in a
whole new level. From this day forward, as the president of student council, I will never tolerate
anything that is foul in my eyes. There will be a consequence for your every bad decision you will make. I
hope everyone will listen to me because this is just a mere warning for all of you, and I really want you
to listen to it because I never go back on my words, trust me on this one.

To those of you who didn’t vote for me, it’s okay. I know that some of you doesn’t still know who and
what I really am so I don’t blame you for that. As promised, I will do my best to make things much better
and make this school a much safer space for learning activities. And again, I am reminding you guys that
each and everyone of you is invited to join me on my term and help me to gain more ideas, your ideas so
that I would know what the students really want and so that I could never fail everyone who voted for
me. This year’s gonna be fine, I promise. We were once departed but now, we will end this academic
year holding each other’s hands and we will never be divided again. Thank you for your support.

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