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Learning adjectives by describing images for AI

image generation.

AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. It refers to the ability of machines to perform tasks
that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition,
decision-making, and natural language processing. AI is a broad field that encompasses
several subfields, including machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision,
and robotics.

AI systems can be classified into three types:

1. Artificial Narrow Intelligence (ANI) or Weak AI, which is designed to perform specific tasks
such as playing chess or recognizing objects in an image.
2. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) or Strong AI, which aims to create machines that can
perform any intellectual task that a human can do.
3. Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI), which refers to the hypothetical future development of
AI systems that are vastly more intelligent than humans and can solve problems beyond
human comprehension.
AI is an interdisciplinary field that draws on computer science, mathematics, engineering,
psychology, linguistics, and philosophy, among other disciplines. It has numerous
applications in fields such as healthcare, finance, transportation, entertainment, and more.

AI image generation is a subfield of artificial intelligence that involves using machine

learning algorithms to generate new images that are similar to those in a given dataset. AI
image generation techniques use neural networks, a type of machine learning algorithm that
is modeled after the structure and function of the human brain.

Adjectives are words that modify or describe nouns or pronouns. They provide more
information about the qualities, characteristics, or attributes of the noun or pronoun that
they modify. Adjectives can be used to describe physical or abstract qualities, such as size,
shape, color, texture, age, origin, and emotional state.

For example, in the sentence "The red car is fast," "red" is an adjective that describes the
color of the car, while "fast" is an adjective that describes the car's speed. In another
example, in the sentence "The old, wooden house creaked in the wind," "old" and "wooden"
are adjectives that describe the age and material of the house, respectively.

Adjectives can be used before or after the noun they modify, and they can also be used in
comparative and superlative forms to indicate degrees of comparison. For example, "taller"
and "tallest" are comparative and superlative forms of the adjective "tall," which is used to
describe the height of a person or object.

The order of adjectives in a sentence generally follows a specific pattern, which can be
remembered using the acronym "OSASCOMP":

1. Opinion: Adjectives that express an opinion or a judgment, such as

"beautiful," "ugly," "lovely," "nice," etc. This category of adjectives is optional,
and not all sentences contain an opinion adjective.
2. Size: Adjectives that describe the size of the noun, such as "big," "small,"
"tiny," "large," "huge," etc.
3. Age: Adjectives that describe the age of the noun, such as "old," "young,"
"ancient," "new," "modern," etc.
4. Shape: Adjectives that describe the shape of the noun, such as "round,"
"square," "oval," "flat," etc.
5. Color: Adjectives that describe the color of the noun, such as "red,"
"green," "blue," "yellow," etc.
6. Origin: Adjectives that describe the origin or nationality of the noun, such
as "American," "British," "Chinese," "African," etc.
7. Material: Adjectives that describe the material of the noun, such as
"wooden," "plastic," "metal," "cotton," etc.
8. Purpose: Adjectives that describe the purpose or function of the noun,
such as "cooking," "sleeping," "fishing," "dining," etc.

In practice, not all adjectives will fit into these categories, and not all sentences will
contain every category of adjective. The order of adjectives is flexible, and it can be adjusted
depending on the context and the speaker's preference. However, following the OSASCOMP
pattern can help to make the sentence more organized and easier to understand.

100 adjectives to practice with

Let's look at some lists of adjectives and AI image generation prompts to

try out! We will be using the app DREAM to generate the images.

Here are some images I have generated...

Here are ten adjectives to describe landscapes with their Spanish translations:

English Adjective Spanish Translation

Majestic Majestuoso/a

Serene Sereno/a

Picturesque Pintoresco/a

Breathtaking Impresionante

Lush Exuberante

Barren Árido/a
Peaceful Pacífico/a

Pristine Prístino/a

Towering Altísimo/a

Tranquil Tranquilo/a

Here are ten AI image generation prompts for landscapes with their Spanish

English Prompt Spanish Translation

Forest in Autumn Bosque en otoño

Coastal Sunset Atardecer costero

Mountain Range in the Mist Cordillera en la niebla

Desert Landscape with Sand Dunes Paisaje desértico con dunas de arena

Northern Lights over a Lake Aurora boreal sobre un lago

Tropical Rainforest Selva tropical

Snowy Mountain Peak Pico de montaña nevado

Fields of Sunflowers Campos de girasoles

Waterfall in a Canyon Cascada en un cañón

Volcanic Island at Sunrise Isla volcánica al amanecer

I hope these prompts inspire some beautiful AI-generated landscape images!

Here are ten adjectives to describe people with their Spanish translations:

English Adjective Spanish Translation

Confident Seguro/a

Compassionate Compasivo/a

Humorous Gracioso/a

Ambitious Ambicioso/a

Charismatic Carismático/a

Reliable Confiable

Empathetic Empático/a

Innovative Innovador/a

Generous Generoso/a

Adaptable Adaptable

Here are ten AI image generation prompts for people with their Spanish translations:

English Prompt Spanish Translation

Young Woman with Flowers Joven mujer con flores

Elderly Man with a Cane Hombre anciano con bastón

Child Playing in the Park Niño jugando en el parque

Group of Friends at the Beach Grupo de amigos en la playa

Athlete in Action Atleta en acción

Businesswoman in a Skyscraper Mujer de negocios en un rascacielos

Musician on Stage Músico en el escenario

Romantic Couple by the Fireplace Pareja romántica junto a la chimenea

Artist Painting in a Studio Artista pintando en un estudio

Chef in a Busy Kitchen Chef en una cocina ocupada

I hope these prompts inspire some interesting AI-generated images of people!

Here are ten adjectives to describe animals with their Spanish translations:

English Adjective Spanish Translation

Fierce Feroz

Majestic Majestuoso/a

Adorable Adorable

Cunning Astuto/a

Agile Ágil

Playful Juguetón/a

Powerful Poderoso/a

Graceful Gracioso/a

Timid Tímido/a

Sly Astuto/a

Here are ten AI image generation prompts for animals with their Spanish translations:

English Prompt Spanish Translation

Lion in the Jungle León en la selva

Koalas in a Eucalyptus Forest Koalas en un bosque de eucaliptos

Group of Penguins on an Iceberg Grupo de pingüinos en un iceberg

Tigers at Sunset Tigres al atardecer

Polar Bear on an Ice Floe Oso polar en un témpano de hielo

Pod of Dolphins in the Ocean Manada de delfines en el océano

Chimpanzee in the Jungle Chimpancé en la selva

Owl in a Moonlit Forest Búho en un bosque iluminado por la luna

School of Tropical Fish in a Coral Reef Escuela de peces tropicales en un arrecife

de coral

Group of Elephants in the Savannah Grupo de elefantes en la sabana

I hope these prompts inspire some beautiful AI-generated images of animals!

Here are ten adjectives to describe food with their Spanish translations:

English Adjective Spanish Translation

Spicy Picante

Savory Sabroso/a

Sweet Dulce

Tangy Ácido/a

Bitter Amargo/a

Creamy Cremoso/a

Crispy Crujiente

Rich Rico/a

Flaky Escamoso/a

Juicy Jugoso/a
Here are ten AI image generation prompts for food with their Spanish translations:

English Prompt Spanish Translation

Plate of Pasta with Tomato Sauce Plato de pasta con salsa de tomate

Stack of Pancakes with Syrup and Berries Pila de panqueques con jarabe y frutas

Sushi Platter with Wasabi and Soy Sauce Bandeja de sushi con wasabi y salsa de soja

Grilled Steak with Vegetables Bistec a la parrilla con verduras

Slice of Pepperoni Pizza Rebanada de pizza de pepperoni

Cup of Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows Taza de chocolate caliente con


Colorful Smoothie Bowl with Fresh Fruit Bol de batido colorido con frutas frescas

Bowl of Creamy Soup with Croutons Cuenco de sopa cremosa con crotones

Burger with Cheese and Fries Hamburguesa con queso y papas fritas

Bowl of Spicy Chili with Cornbread Cuenco de chile picante con pan de maíz

I hope these prompts inspire some delicious AI-generated food images!

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