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Education and academics are essential for human survival because society and education are
inextricably linked. This can also be seen in a child's nature and development in a given society. As the
school serves as a governing body for children from various parental and social backgrounds, the
children's learning and rate of academic development are closely related to experience. The
environment in which the child finds himself or herself determines the child's performance in school.
Different factors can be found in the child's environment, including social-economic, psychological,
cultural, genetic, environmental, and emotional factors.

The home environment is one of the most significant factors that affects a learner's performance and
academic progress. Whether we're talking about a student's current environment (home) or the
educational environment (school). Additionally, a student's academic performance is influenced by a
number of factors in their home environment, such as their parents' educational background,
background, economic situation (at least an average financial situation), marital status, and place of

In conclusion, learning is not encouraged in a dissatisfied family. An unhappy home is not the best place
to learn. The role of academic performance, parental involvement, and influence on academic
performance are examined in this study, along with factors like parental economic status, home
amenities, motivation, and parenting style. The findings of this study serve as the foundation for
innovative strategies to address the findings of earlier studies.


At the start of 2020, COVID-19 dealt our society an unprecedented blow that has negatively
impacted the health of hundreds of thousands of people. People's lives are still being taken by it
everywhere in the world. Education and training systems all over the world have begun to
respond to the crisis, which may be the biggest of the 21st century and has resulted in a high
number of recorded deaths; as a result, there are widespread school closures in many
During these school closures, all face-to-face lessons were cancelled, compelling many
institutions, including our school, to immediately transition from face-to-face in-person learning
to completely online lessons. The abrupt switch to fully online learning has been particularly
stressful for many instructors and students who prefer in-person instruction. Teachers face
different challenges due to these abrupt changes in the new educational system. Modular
instruction, as an alternative modality for learning continuity, resulted in various challenges. Still,
teachers must keep track of their students’ development and monitor the progress of their

Finally, it has been demonstrated that in-person education increases student-tutor and student-
student interaction, which can lead to higher levels of engagement. New patterns of behavior
emerge from direct interactions with peers or from observing peers' behavior, according to the
Social Learning Theory.
TITLE: The TVL Curriculum's Efficacy for Graduating Senior High School Students

The competition for a job in an emerging economy like the Philippines is fiercer than ever.
Prospective employees should strive for a higher level of competence in order to land a good
job; thus, every professional should prioritize making themselves competitive. It is extremely
risky for emerging economies such as the Philippines because the number of skilled workers
ready to face the challenges of a twenty-first-century workplace is limited. Many high school and
college graduates lack the necessary knowledge and skills to be productive members of the
TVL track in Senior High School is the most popular option to choose from in our Senior High
School program. Here are some reasons why.
1.Obviously, Employment
As the students finish a specific TVL strand, they will be equipped with skills in order for them to
be employed as soon as they finish two years of Senior High School. Most of the skills offered
are highly marketable outside the country with very high salary. This is why people are more
into skills training now.
2. Students are exposed to the industry at an early age
To be successful, start young. One of the curriculum features of the TVL is the work immersion
program in which they learn and practice their skills in an actual work environment. Here, they
will learn and experience not only the hardships but on how to interact with co-workers and
clients as well.
3. More opportunities to market their skills
Since they would be able to interact with industries, clients, and colleagues, they would also
learn skills like entrepreneurship and more in which not only they would know how to sell, but
also on how to value their efforts and skills correctly.
 4. An extra skills brought in college is an advantage.
Although not all can go to college, there are still some who would prefer higher education.
Having the skills in college especially those related ones is a huge plus. It’s like having a good
practice before starting college and impress them during class. Even if your college course is
somehow different from your senior high, showing your cooking skills or dressmaking
techniques would come in handy someday.
The TVL track is a viable option to get jobs faster. It has become a more affordable option since
it is offered in public schools. TVL track teaches practical hands-on skills and comes with
industry partnerships by its immersion program that will give students on-the-job experience.

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