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1. Classify the following into groups: Moral and non-moral standards.

Non-moral standards a. No talking while your mouth is full.

Moral standards b. Do not lie.

Non-moral standards c. Wear black or white for mourning; never red.

Moral standards d. The males should be the one to propose marriage, not females.

Moral standards e. Don’t steal.

Non-moral standards f. Observe correct grammar when writing and speaking English.

Non-moral standards g. Submit school requirements on time.

Moral standards h. If you are a male, stay by the danger side (roadside) when walking with a

Non-moral standards I. Go with the fashion or you are not “in”.

Moral standards j. Don’t cheat others.

Moral standards k. Don’t kill.

Non-moral standards l. When you speak, pronounce words correctly.

Non-moral standards m. Focus the microscope properly.

Non-moral standards n. Maintain a 36-24-36 body figure.

Non-moral standards o. Pass your outputs on time.

2. Answer the following questions: (5 points each)

a. Why do you classify one group as moral standards and another as non-moral standards? Explain
your answer.

a. The classification of standards into moral and non-moral is based on their relationship to ethical
values and principles. Moral standards relate to ethical values, such as fairness, honesty, and
compassion, while non-moral standards relate to practical or technical considerations, such as
efficiency or effectiveness.

b. What is common to those listed under moral standards? Explain your answer.

b. What is common to those listed under moral standards is their emphasis on ethical values and
principles. They are concerned with what is right or wrong, just or unjust, fair or unfair in human
interactions and relationships.
c. What is common to the list of non-moral standards? Explain your answer.

c. What is common to the list of non-moral standards is their focus on practical or technical
considerations. They are concerned with efficiency, effectiveness, or other pragmatic considerations,
rather than ethical values or principles.

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