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Candidate User ID (as per Admit card) : RINL207293 Exam Name : MECHANIC REFRIGERATION AND AIR
Exam Date : 18/09/2022 CONDITIONING (R&AC)
Test Centre Name : Xeon Technologies (A) Exam Timing : 4:30 PM - 6:30 PM

Note: Questions answered are highlighted with selection

1 A, B, C, D, E, and F are sitting in a row. E and F are in the center. A and B are at the ends. C is sitting to the
left of A. Who is to the right of B?

C (Correct Answer)

2 For which of the following disciplines, Nobel Peace Prize is awarded ?

Literature, Peace & Economics

Physics & Chemistry
Physiology & Medicine
All of the above (Correct Answer)

3 30 pens and 75 pencils altogether were purchased for Rs .510. If the average price of a pencil was Rs. 2,
what was the average price of a pen? 

Rs. 11
Rs. 12 (Correct Answer)
Rs. 9
Rs. 10

4 If ' + ' means ' – ' ; ' – ' means ' x ' ; ' x ' means ' ÷  ' ' ÷ ' means ' + ' , then  25 × 5 ÷ 30+ 8 - 2 = ? 

19 (Correct Answer)

5 Which is the correct meaning for the word 'pole'?

North or South ends of earth's axis

A long metal or peice of wood
Both A & B (Correct Answer)
None of the above

6 The average age of 24 boys and their teacher is 15 years. When the teacher's age is excluded, the average
age decreases by 1 year. The age of the teacher is: 

40 years
41 years
38 years
39 years (Correct Answer)

7 Frame a question for this response.

I missed the bus.

Why late ?
Why are you late ? (Correct Answer)
What are you doing ?
Why missed the bus ? 1/17
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8 Which of the following is the largest and the deepest ocean in the world?

Arctic Ocean
Atlantic Ocean
Pacific Ocean (Correct Answer)
Indian Ocean

9 Change the sentence to past tense. He is writing.

She is writing
He is writing
He was writing (Correct Answer)
We was writing.

10 If the sum of two numbers is 13 and the sum of their square is 85. Find the numbers ?

6 & 7 (Correct Answer)

3 & 10

11 Which among the follwing is not an Internet browser?

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Data Channel (Correct Answer)

12 In a computer, ______ performs calculations and takes all the decisions.

CPU (Correct Answer)

Hard disk

13 Who among the following had called Rabindranath Tagore as THE GREAT SENTINEL ?

Abul Kalam Azad

Mahatma Gandhi (Correct Answer)
Dr. Rajendra Prasad
Subhash chandra Bose

14 Find the wrong number in the given number series? 10, 21, 54, 109, 189

189 (Correct Answer)


15 Which Indian state has its maximum area under the forest cover?

Madhya Pradesh
Arunachal Pradesh (Correct Answer)

16 Which is the third largest desert in the world?

Sahara Desert (Correct Answer)

Gobi Desert
Thar Desert
Arabian Desert

17 According to the Constitution of India, which of the following is NOT one of the main organs of the
Government? 2/17
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Political Parties (Correct Answer)

18 In a garden, the ratio of the number of coconut trees to that of mango trees is 5:6 respectively. If the total
number of trees is 121, then how many coconut trees are there in the garden?

55 (Correct Answer)

19 If the average of four consecutive odd numbers is 16, find the smallest of these numbers ?

13 (Correct Answer)

20 Pointing to a photograph, a man said, “I have no brother or sister but that man’s father is my father’s son.”
Whose photograph was it?

His own
His son's (Correct Answer)
His father
His grandfather

21 A man went downstream for 28 km in a motor boat and immediately returned. It took the man twice as
long to make the return trip. If the speed of the river flow were twice as high, the trip downstream and
back would take 672 minutes. Find the speed of the boat in still water and the speed of the river flow.

12 km/hr, 3 km/hr
9 km/hr, 3 km/hr (Correct Answer)
8 km/hr, 2 km/hr
9 km/hr, 6 km/hr

22 State the kind of sentence. Keep the tools in good condition.

Imperative (Correct Answer)

23 In each of the following questions, select the related word from the given alternatives. Q :  Mother : Child :
: Cloud : ?

Rain (Correct Answer)


24 Which of the following statement is false regarding the above-mentioned arrangement?

N is at the immediate right of supervisor.

Cricketer is third to the right of shopkeeper.
Doctor is sitting exactly between supervisor & accountant (Correct Answer)
L is neither a teacher nor a supervisor.

25 In the sentence given below, choose the action word. My father delivered the parcel.

delivered (Correct Answer) 3/17
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26 What is the height of the building if a ladder at 45° touches the building placed 16 m from the base of the

15 m
16 m (Correct Answer)
17 m

27 In a family, there are husband-wife, two sons and two daughters. All the ladies were invited to a dinner.
Both sons went out to play. Husband did not return from the office. Who was at home?

Only wife was at home

Nobody was at home (Correct Answer)
Only sons were at home
All ladies were at home

28 I help in designing and building houses. I am an _____________

Architectural assistant (Correct Answer)

29 How many liters of water a cylindrical tank of radius 75 cm and height 100 cm can hold?

1766.25 litres (Correct Answer)

1767.25 litres
1768.25 litres
1769.25 litres

30 Statements: Some ships are boats. All boats are submarines. Some submarines are watches. Conclusion: I.
Some watches are boats. II: Some submarines are boats. III: Some submarines are ships. IV: Some watches
are ships.

All Follow
Only II and III Follow (Correct Answer)
Only III Follows
Only IV Follows

31 Name the person who was also known as Deshbandhu.   

S. Radhakrishnan
G.K. Ghokhale
Chittaranjan Das (Correct Answer)
Madan Mohan Malviya

32 A river flows west to east and on the way turns left and goes in a semi-circle round a hillock, and then
turns left at right angles. In which direction in the river finally flowing?

East (Correct Answer)

33 How much load is lifted if an effort of 25 kg is applied to a simple machine having velocity ratio of 4 and
efficiency 75%?

65 kg
70 kg
75 kg (Correct Answer)
80 kg

34 The average of 5 consecutive natural numbers is M If the next three natural numbers are also included 4/17
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34 The average of 5 consecutive natural numbers is M. If the next three natural numbers are also included,
how much more than M will the average of these 8 numbers be? 

1.5 (Correct Answer)

35 In the English alphabet, if B becomes A and P becomes O, then K becomes?

J (Correct Answer)

36 I am facing East. Turning to the right I go 20 m, then turning to the left I go 20 m and turning to the right I
go 20 m, then again turning to the right I go 40 m and then again I go 40 m to the right. In which
direction am I from my original position?

West (Correct Answer)

37 In each of the following questions, select the related word from the given alternatives. Q :  Suggestion :
Demand :: Take : ?

Snatch (Correct Answer)

38 Four usual dice are thrown on the ground. The total of numbers on the top faces of these four dice is 13
as the top faces showed 4, 3, 1 and 5 respectively. What is the total of the faces touching the ground?

15 (Correct Answer)
Cannot be determined

39 ASEAN is headquartered at….

Jakarta (Correct Answer)
Kuala Lampur

40 Which is the largest number that divides 17, , 23, 35, 59 to leave the same remainder in each case ?

6 (Correct Answer)

41 ‘Hey, I am Saran. I am from Ahmedabad. I am really fond of running and travelling!’. This is an _______.

formal introduction
informal introduction (Correct Answer)
Both of the above
None of the above

42 Maintaining tools in good condition is _____________

essential (Correct Answer)
equal 5/17
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43 What is the square root of 0.017?

0.13 (Correct Answer)

44 This river was also called the Ganges of the South, Name the river from the given options.

The Godavari
The Krishna

The Cauvery (Correct Answer)

None of these

45 A cube is coloured blue on all faces. It is cut into 64 small cubes of equal size. How many cubes have only
one face coloured? 

24 (Correct Answer)

46 Assertion  (A): I came late today. Reason  (R): It was raining.

If A is true but R is false

If A is false but R is true
If both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A (Correct Answer)
If both A and R are true, and R is not the correct explanation of A

47 If in a certain language, MADRAS is coded as NBESBT, how is BOMBAY coded in that code?

CPNCBZ (Correct Answer)

48 A is D’s brother. D is B’s father. B and C are sisters. How is A related to C ?

Uncle (Correct Answer)

49 The average of 10 numbers is 7. If each number is multiplied by 12, then the average of the new set of
numbers will be 

84 (Correct Answer)

50 The average of seven numbers is 18. If one of the number is 17 and if it is replaced by 31, then the
average becomes: 

20 (Correct Answer)

51  From a tank of petrol, which contains 200 litres of petrol, the seller replaces each time with kerosene
when he sells 40 litres of petrol(or its mixture). Everytime he sells out only 40 litres of petrol(pure or
impure). After replacing the petrol with kerosen 4th time, the total amount of kerosene in the mixture is 6/17
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81.92 L
96 L
118.08 L (Correct Answer)
None of these

52 Grand Central terminal , Park Avenue, New York is the World's __________

Highest railway station

Longest Railway Station
Largest Railway Station (Correct Answer)
None of the above

53 The difference between a two digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the position of its

digits is 36. What is the difference between the two digits of that number ?

4 (Correct Answer)
None of these

54 Rahul enjoys ____________ with his pet dog

playing (Correct Answer)


55 _____ is a storage device which is used in mobile phones, digital cameras and MP3 players.

Memory cards (Correct Answer)

Hard disk
Optical disc

56 In a class, 3/5 of the students are girls and rest are boys. If 2/9 of the girls and 1/4 of the boys are absent.
What part of the total number of students are present?

23/30 (Correct Answer)


57 Meenu is thanking her friend Rita, for helping her before exams. What should Meenu say?

Rita I’m so sorry

Rita, I’ll see you later
Rita, thank you for all your help (Correct Answer)
Rita, thanks

58 _____ is the operating system of Apple.

Mac OS (Correct Answer)

59 Choose the correct response to the given question "Has Mallika called us for the party?"

She will go.

I will certainly
Yes she has (Correct Answer)

60 "Razia enjoys playing in the rain." The naming word in this sentence is __________

i (C A ) 7/17
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razia (Correct Answer)

61 This country is known as the ‘Sugar Bowl of the World’, Identify it from the given options.

Cuba (Correct Answer)

62 Where have you been all these ____________?

days (Correct Answer)

63 Identify the kind of sentence.

Leave the room immediately.

Imperative (Correct Answer)

64 Fill in the blank. The cycle wheel is ______________ in shape.

round (Correct Answer)

65 Where is ‘Nanda Devi Mountain’ (Second highest mountain in India)?

Chamoli (Correct Answer)


66 Which Indian state is inhabited by ‘Jaintiya tribes’?

Arunachal Pradesh (Correct Answer)


67 Arranging words or creating different styles of word on MSWord is called as _________.

Formatting (Correct Answer)

68 Replace the under quoted word with the correct pronoun from the given options:- I know "Virat Kohli". I
know _____________.

he (Correct Answer)

69 Complete the sentence with the correct action word The cup _________ when it fell off the table

broke (Correct Answer)

fell 8/17
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70 Statement:  Should schools in India have only one board of  education?  Arguments: I) Yes, it will create
uniformity and equality in education. II No, it will reduce chances of either quality education or/and may
affect literacy rate

Only Argument I is strong

Either argument I or II is strong
Only argument II is strong (Correct Answer)
Neither argument I or II is strong

71 Two numbers are in the ratios of 2:9, If their H.C.F. is 19.

8, 36
38, 171 (Correct Answer)

72 When is capital letter used?

Beginning of a sentence
Names of persons
Names of places
All of the above (Correct Answer)

73 Garampani Sanctuary is located at

Gangtok, Sikkim
Kohima, Nagaland
Diphu, Assam (Correct Answer)
Junagarh, Gujrat

74 Rearrange the following words to form a sentence. oldman/ reading/ was/ the/ newspaper

Newspaper was reading the oldman

Newspaper reading the oldman
The old man was reading newspaper. (Correct Answer)
None of the above

75 Q, R, S, and T are sitting on a bench. P is sitting next to Q, R is sitting next to S, S is not sitting with T who
is on the left end of the bench. R is in the second position from the right. P is to the right of Q and T. P
and R are sitting together. In which position P is sitting?

Between Q and S
Between Q and R (Correct Answer)
Between T and S
Between R and T

76 Why the LP cut out control is bypassed electrically before pump down operation?

Avoid oil foaming

Prevent liquid entry to compressor
Increase current of the compressor motor
To lower the suction pressure close to 0.5 kg/cm2 (Correct Answer)

77 Which part of electronic filter removes tobacco smoke and odours?

Pre Filter
Charcoal Filter (Correct Answer)
Static Electric Field

78 What is the physical state of refrigerant at the outlet of condenser in vapour compression cycle?

High Pressure Vapour 9/17
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High Pressure Liquid (Correct Answer)

Low Pressure Liquid
Low Pressure Vapour

79 How pressure drop is achieved in capillary tube of refrigeration cycle?

The friction between refrigerant and tube (Correct Answer)

The friction between refrigerant and oil
The friction between piston and cylinder
The friction between belt and pulley

80 Which device ensures correct flow of chilled water supply in chiller AC plant?

Sight glass
Leaf Switch (Correct Answer)
Level Master Control
Pressure relief valve

81 What is the minimum temperature difference in water required between inlet and outlet of water cooled

5°C (Correct Answer)


82 What is the advantage of air washer compared to cooling coil of AHU?

Faster heat transfer (Correct Answer)

Quick dehumidification
No eliminators are required
Can be used in small systems

83 How the zeotropic refrigerant is taken from the cylinder for charging it into RAC system?

Liqiud state (Correct Answer)

Vapour state
Vapour & liquid
Super heated vapour

84 Which instrument is used to identify the terminals of a compressor motor?

Ohmmeter (Correct Answer)

85 What is measured by clamp tester during “Test run” of package AC?

Idle pressure
Running current (Correct Answer)
Rotation per minute
Vacuum holding strength

86 What is the remedy for broken bimetal thermo in a frost free refrigerator?

Repair the bimetal thermo

Reuse the bimetal thermo
Replace the bimetal thermo (Correct Answer)
Readjust the bimetal thermo

87 Which winding has more inductance in refrigerator compressor motor?

Run (Correct Answer)

Start 10/17
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Start & common

88 Which psychometric process takes place if the air is passed through hygroscopic chemicals?

Sensible heating of air

Heating & humidification
Heating & cleaning of air
Heating & dehumidification (Correct Answer)

89 Which tool is used for descaling the condenser tubes in shell and tube condenser?

Steel brush

Brass brush (Correct Answer)

Sponge brush
Teflon Fibre Brush

90 Which substance absorbs heat and directly changes its state from solid to vapour?

Dry ice (Correct Answer)
Primary Refrigerants
Secondary Refrigerants

91 What is the reverse break down voltage range of zener diode?

0.1 to 0.5 volt

0.5 to 1 volt
3 to 18 volt (Correct Answer)
1 to 3 volt

92 What is the reason for poor cooling effect in multi split air conditioner?

Efficient compressor
Proper condensation
Good insulation
Dirty air filter (Correct Answer)

93 Which type of evaporator is used in window air conditioner?

Bare tube
Plate & tube
Fins & plate
Fins & tube (Correct Answer)

94 How the refrigerants are classified based on heat absorption by latent and sensible heat?

Primary and secondary (Correct Answer)

Organic and inorganic
Zeotropic and azeotropic
Halocarbons and hydrocarbons

95 What is the percentage range of silver in copper to copper pipes brazing rod?

20 to 35%
35 to 45% (Correct Answer)
45 to 60%
60 to 100%

96 What parameters are checked if the uneven cooling prevails at different rooms in a chiller plant?

Compressor current drawn

Condenser water pump ampere
Cooling tower fan motor ampere
Chilled water pump current drawn (Correct Answer) 11/17
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97 What is the effect on defective thermostat sensor in split AC?

Unit consumes less power

Increases super heat
AC unit runs continuously (Correct Answer)
Relay malfunctions

98 What is the unit of capacitance used with single phase induction motors in domestic RAC system?

Kilo ohm
Microfarad (Correct Answer)

Milli ampere

99 Which international agency standardises the numbering system for identifying refrigerants?

ASHRAE (Correct Answer)


100 Which position is safe for storing refrigerant cylinder?

Upside down
Upright (Correct Answer)

101 What is the area of room cooled by 1ton window air conditioner?

5000 sq. ft
2000 sq. ft
1000 sq. ft (Correct Answer)
3000 sq. ft

102 What is the full form of the relay - PTC?

Positive temperature coefficient (Correct Answer)

Permanent temperature control
Polar terminal checking
Positive terminal circuit

103 How to neutralise the concentration of leaked ammonia from air?

Recover ammonia from air

Spraying a lot of wate (Correct Answer)
Shut down the plant
Spray Hydrochloric acid

104 Which method of welding process is suitable to nonferrous dissimilar metals?

Cold welding
Explosive welding
Brazing and bronze welding (Correct Answer)
Ultrasonic method of welding

105 Which is the constant operating condition of TEV?

Super heat at suction line point (Correct Answer)

Evaporator pressure at its inlet
Enthalpy at the evaporator outlet
Entropy at the condenser outlet

106 Which tool is used for bending, seaming and forming of sheet metal? 12/17
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Bench vice
Hand vice
Stakes (Correct Answer)

107 Which power supply has the fixed polarity?

Direct Current (Correct Answer)

Signal Voltage
Signal ripples
Alternating Current

108 Which type of processor control is used for safety in package air conditioner?

Electronic (Correct Answer)

109 What is the reason for the compressor does not start but the fan motor works normally in window AC?

Defective blower
Defective fan motor
Defective fan capacitor
Defective compresser blower (Correct Answer)

110 Which device meters the amount of refrigerant entering the evaporator in window AC?

Capillary Tube (Correct Answer)
Heat Exchanger
Finned Tube Condenser

111 How many parameters are needed to locate all properties of moist air in psychrometric chart?

Two (Correct Answer)

112 What are the passive components used in electronic circuits?

Resistors, capacitors and inductors (Correct Answer)

Transformers and semiconductors
Semi conductors and transistors
Transistors, diodes and SCRs

113 Which component secures the hose with regulator union in gas welding set?

Steel wire
Hose clamp (Correct Answer)
Fibre clip
Iron chain

114 What is the reason for filter drier sweating in refrigerator?

Nitrogen in the system

Moisture in the system (Correct Answer)
Oxygen in the system
Oil in the system

115 What is bottom dead centre in reciprocating compressor cylinder?

The piston moves up from the point of cylinder (Correct Answer)

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The piston stops in cylinder at top
The piston moves down from the point of cylinder
The piston starts in cylinder at top

116 How the reciprocal of air density is mentioned in psychrometric chart?

Specific gravity
Specific heat ratio
Sensible heat ratio
Specific Volume per unit mass (Correct Answer)

117 How to position the liquid line valve to start the pump down operation in split AC?

Closed (Correct Answer)

Back seated
Back seat crack

118 How the pressure drop of refrigerant flow is minimised during installation of indoor and outdoor units in
ductable split AC?

Pipe lines with more joints

With more horizontal distance
System pipes with minimum bends (Correct Answer)
Install units as far as possible

119 What is the material composition of a Tin man s solder?

50% Tin 50% Zinc

50% Tin 50% lead (Correct Answer)
50% Zinc 50% lead
50% Tin 50% Bronze

120 Which evaporator is known as extended surface evaporator?

Evaporator Tubes
Finned Evaporator (Correct Answer)
Bare tube evaporator
Coiled Stake evaporator

121 Which winding of compressor motor is directly connected across voltage relay coil?

Main winding
Starting winding (Correct Answer)
Running winding
Auxiliary winding

122 What is the effect of releasing HCFC refrigerants to atmosphere?

Increases ODP and GWP (Correct Answer)

Decreases GWP and ODP
Decreases TEWI
Inactive to TEW

123 What is the effect of increased out door temperature in car AC?

Compressor runs more time (Correct Answer)

Compressor runs less time
Performance remains the same
Performance increase

124 What is the effect of operating the compressor under 5 of Hg vacuum during pump down process?

Pumps oil to condenser (Correct Answer)

Prevent motor damage in dome
Prevent leakage in service valve 14/17
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Prevent piston damage

125 Which part of water pump becomes worn out fast?

Water Seal
Shaft Seal (Correct Answer)

126 What is the function of refrigerant fluid in a refrigerator?

Releases heat inside the cabinet

Absorbs heat from inside the cabinet (Correct Answer)

Absorbs heat from outside the cabinet

Absorbs heat from bottom side cabinet

127 What is the use of a starting capacitor in single phase induction motor?

Improve Power factor

Increase starting torque (Correct Answer)
Decrease starting torque
Disconnect starting winding

128 Which RAC system belongs to centralised air conditioning?

Split AC
Window AC
Casette Ac
Chiller Plant AC (Correct Answer)

129 Why the capillary tube is preferred as an expansion device?

No system pressure equalising

Inexpensive and has no moving parts (Correct Answer)
Expensive and more moving parts
Periodical servicing is required

130 What is the preventive remedy for scale in water cooled condenser tubes in package AC?

Install flow meter

Minimise water flow
improve water quality (Correct Answer)
increase water pressure

131 What is the reason for switching contacts get carbonised in package AC electrical wiring?

Quality is bad
Loose connections (Correct Answer)
Too tight connection contacts

132 Why frost free model refrigerator takes less freezing time of products?

Forced air circulation (Correct Answer)

natural air circulation
Low temperature setting
High temperature setting

133 How the difference between the synchronous speed and the actual rotor speed is specified?

Slip (Correct Answer)
Trip 15/17
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134 Which valve is closed during compression stroke in reciprocating compressor?

Service Valve
Liquid Line valve
Discharge Valve
Suction Valve (Correct Answer)

135 What is the cylinder colour code of R 22 refrigerant?

Green (Correct Answer)

136 What is the method of converting AC to DC power supply with two diodes and a step down transformer?

Bridge rectifier
Full wave Rectifier (Correct Answer)
Half wave rectifier
Medium wave rectifier

137 Why the service port fitting size differs in HFC-134a from CFC-12 car AC system?

Increases quantity of refrigerant charge

Avoids cross contamination of refrigerants (Correct Answer)
Decreases quantity of refrigerant charge
Improves performance of car air conditioners

138 What is the effect of sensing higher temperature by thermistor NTC?

Resistance increases
Resistance decreases (Correct Answer)
Resistance becomes zero
Resistance becomes infinity

139 Which safety control is electrically connected in series with magnetic clutch of compressor in car AC?

HPC (Correct Answer)

140 Which is the numerical designation of ammonia refrigerant?

700 + ( Molecular mass of NH3 = 717 (Correct Answer)

700 + (Molecular mass of NH3) = 718
700 + (Molecular mass of NH3) = 719
700 + (Molecular mass of NH3) = 720

141 Where the refrigerant vapour is compressed in scroll compressor?

Fixed and reciprocating scroll

Between fixed and orbiting scrolls (Correct Answer)
Crank and connecting rod
Eccentric and cylinder

142 What is phenotherm?

A ducting clump
An insulation material (Correct Answer)
A chemical substance
Temperature measuring device

143 Which movement of the scroll compresses the low pressure vapour in scroll compressor?

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Orbital (Correct Answer)

144 What is the cause for frequent tripping of circuit breaker while starting a single phase motor?

Winding open
Winding short (Correct Answer)
Motor Belt removed
No load on the motor

145 What is the cause of compressor knocking sound in chiller AC plant?

High oil level

Liquid Refrigerant entry (Correct Answer)
Shortage of refrigerant
Air entered into system

146 Which type of compressor is used for domestic refrigerator?

Semi sealed compressor

Centrifugal compressor
Hermetic compressor (Correct Answer)
Open type compressor

147 Why CFC 12 system is replaced by HFC 134a system in car AC?

Increase ODP
Increase GWP
GWP becomes zero
ODP becomes zero (Correct Answer)

148 What is the reason for intermittent cooling cycle in car AC?

Moisture in the system (Correct Answer)

Fully evacuated system
Excess of lubricant in receiver
Non condensables in the system

149 What is the expansion of HVAC?

Heavy Vehicle Air Conditioning

Heating, Vibration, Auto Correction
Heating, Ventilation Automatic Contro
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (Correct Answer)

150 Which device is used to measure the static and total pressure of air in ducting systems?

Pitot tube (Correct Answer)

Gauge manifold
Pressure gauge
Compound gauge 17/17

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