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Academic year: 2021 – 2022 Semester: II

Subject: English for Philosophy
HUE UNIVERSITY Allocation: 90 mins

Name: ___________________________________________ Group:____________

PART 1: GRAMMAR (30 marks)

A. The first sentence is in the ACTIVE VOICE. Choose the most correct way of saying the
same thing in the PASSIVE VOICE.
1. They were interviewing her for the job.
 She ________________ for the job.
A. was being interviewed B. was interviewed C. has been interviewed
2. The employees brought up this issue during the meeting.
 This issue ________________ by the employees during the meeting.
A. has been brought up B. is brought up C. was brought up
3. They say that women are smarter than men.
 Women ________________ to be smarter than men.
A. were being said B. were said C. are said
4. The fire has destroyed the house.
 The house ________________ by the fire.
A. has been destroyed B. was being destroyed C. is destroyed
5. This surprises me.
 I ________________ by this.
A. would have been surprised B. will be surprised C. am surprised
B. Choose the correct adjective for each sentence.
6. You look really ___. Why don't you go to bed?
A. tiring B. tired
7. Can I call you? I've got some very ___ news for you!
A. excited B. exciting
8. My neighbour is always playing loud music. It's very ___.
A. annoying B. annoyed
9. The directions were ___ and we got lost.
A. confusing B. confused
10. I was really ___ that I won the competition.
A. surprising B. surprised
Match the concept with its characteristics. (15 marks)
11 Orthodox A Discuss the three aspects of Reality: the world, the self,
and the God.
12 Heterodox B Discuss the validity of knowledge, limits of knowledge
and nature of knowledge
13 Epistemology C The Indian philosophical schools which do not believe in
the authority of the Vedas.
14 Metaphysics D Discuss the criteria of right and good, the nature and
criteria of beauty.
15 Axiology E The Indian philosophical schools which accept the
authority of the Vedas.


What Is Confucianism?
Confucianism is the term used to describe the family of traditions that
are based on the teachings of Confucius (c. 551-479 B.C.E.), a Chinese
thinker whose given name was Kong Qiu and whose disciples called him
Kongzi ("Master Kong"). Kongzi's ideas became well known only after his
death in the 5th century B.C.E.
Sometimes viewed as a philosophy, sometimes as a religion,
Confucianism is perhaps best understood as an all-encompassing
humanism that is compatible with other forms of religion.
Confucianism is based entirely on kindness, mutual respect and an appreciation for character
virtues. It is founded on the belief that society can flourish only when people learn to interact
positively with each other.
Three main principles
Confucianists were concerned with the balance between individual integrity and social
harmony. So there are three main principles:
1. Jen: human heartedness; goodness; benevolence; what makes man distinctively human
(that which gives human beings their humanity).
2. Li: principle of gain, benefit, order, propriety; concrete guide to human action.
The main components of propriety emphasize the openness of people to each other.
(a) The reification of names: language used in accordance with the truth of things.
(b) The Doctrine of the Mean: so important that an entire book is dedicated to it in the
Confucian canon: the proper action is the way between the extremes.

(c) The Five Relationships: In each of our relationships, we have a designated role. In order to
keep these relationships healthy, we have to be aware of what that role is and how to live it
out. He identified the five main relationships in life to be:
- father and son (loving / reverential)
- elder brother and younger brother (gentle / respectful)
- husband and wife (good / listening)
- friend and friend (considerate / deferential)
- ruler and subject (benevolent / loyal)
As you can see, three of these relationships are familial, and all but the last are hierarchial.
According to Confucius, the family makes up the core of society and is the most important of
(d) Respect for age: age gives all things their worth: objects, institutions, and individual lives.
3. Chih: moral wisdom; the source of this virtue is knowledge of right and wrong. Chih is added
to Confucianism by Mencius who believed that people are basically born good.
According to Mencius, the origin of evil is:
- From external circumstances: nature and the needs for survival.
- From society and culture being in disarray: it would be our disadvantage to be moral.
- From lack of knowledge: we do not seek to find out the options we have. We fail to develop
our feelings and senses.

 Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F). (20 marks)

16. Confucius’s ideas became popular in the 4th century B.C.E.

17. According to Confucianism, people have to learn to behave positively with each other to
make a better society.

18. Principle of Jen gives a specific guide to human action.

19. According to Confucianism, Jen is what makes human different from other animals.

20. All the five relationships defined in Confucianism are familial.

 Answer the questions with the information in the text. (10 marks)
21. What is the base of Confucianism?
22. What does propriety emphasize?

23. What are the three main principles of Confucianism?
24. According to Confucianism, how to keep the relationships healthy?
25. According to Confucianism, what makes up the core of society?

 Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (30 marks)

Confucianism is the family of traditions based on the (26)_____ of Confucius. It can be seen as
both philosophy and (27)_____. Kindness, mutual respect and an appreciation for character
(28)_____ are considered as the base of Confucianism.
Confucianists believe that there should be a (29)_____ between individual integrity and social
harmony. The principle of Jen is what makes a man human. The principle of Li is how people
should interact with each other. Li also identifies the five main relationships in life in which
each person has a (30)_____ role. Since three of these relationships are familial, it can be seen
that according to Confucius, the (31)_____ of society is family. In the principle of Li, (32)_____
should be respected because it gives all things their worth. The principle of Chih is related to
(33)_____ wisdom. Chih is added to Confucianism later by Mencius. Mencius believed that the
nature of human is good, and the root of evil comes from the needs for (34)_____, the
(35)_____ of culture and society, and the lack of knowledge.

religion humanism designated balance moral

core virtues survival harmony loyal proper
disarray age knowledge teachings canon

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