Fdocuments - in KP Astrology Rules of Prediction

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Preliminary KP Astrology Rules of Prediction

These are some of the preliminary rules of KP system of astrology which can be used by
a beginner to make elementary predictions. All these rules have been refined by Dr.
Andrew Dutta in his video course after his own personal testing and research.

1st cusp

1. Longevity ! sub lord of the ascendant cusp if signifies bhadaka and maraka houses
short life.

  "f signifies 1#$#%#1& along with ' ( ) promised long life. A caution is necessary here. "f 
the sub lord of the ascendant signifies 11 and ascendant falls in a movable sign# life is
short# if it falls in a fi*ed sign and signifies i*# life is short.

+. ,ickly native! if the sublord of the lagna cusp is in the constellation of planet in vi #
one will be sickly. The period of sickness whenever the significators of 1 and - operates.

'. "f the ascendant sub lord of a girl is full significator of *i and well connected to
 upiter# she is really chaste and chastity is maintained.

/. "f the sublord of the ascendant is connected fully to ,aturn# mars and 0enus and $
and 11 sub lords connected to either of these planets one will be debauch# even to the
e*tent of committing incest.

$. ,ub lord of the 1st cusp indicates the general health of the native and also of the
general condition of the head.

-. The sublord of the ascendant is in the constellation of planet who is posited in

arakasthana of 2hadhakasthana the life is very short.

3. ,ub lord of the ascendant tells ones physical features in terms of its connection with
the signs and combination with other planets.

). 4ame of a person is known through the 1st cusp sublord connected to * through star.

%. 5ill " commit murder ! the sub lord of the 6uerist7s ascendant is deposited in the
constellation of planet which is significator of the victim7s bhadhakasthana or
marakashthana and also the significator of 6uerist7s ii house# then he commits murder.

1&. To lead a spiritual life# the sub lord of ascendant being Ketu# deposited in the
constellation of planet in %th the and Ketu in some manner connected to ,aturn and 1+th#
if he has 0enus well connected to mars# he will lead a family life and spiritual life without
taking sanyasa margam# 8kethu gnanakaraka# i* philosophy and higher knowledge# 1+th
for service to others9.

11. "n the 6uestion of the missing person# the sublord of the 1st cusp signifies ii# viii and
*i# he is sure to return in the period of the significators of +# ) and 11# as is the case being
consulted by the kith and kin of the missing one.

1+. "f the sub lord of the ascendant is deposited in the constellation of the planet
occupying houses 1 ( 11# health is generally very good.

1'. A woman can be a witch only when the sub lord of ascendant is in a fiery sign
having strong connection with all the three evil houses# i.e. - and ) and 1+ along with
,aturn and mars or Ketu# connected in some way or the other.

1/. Lagna# denotes mental disposition and changes in individual life# if the sublord of
lagna happpens to be kethu who is moksha karaka as well as gnanakaraka and situated in
the star of a plenet in 1+ and connected % through sub or some other manner# the native7s
mental disposition will be poised towards mokshasthana.

2nd cusp
1. ,peaking truth sub lord of the +nd cusp is

  ars ! untruth and mischievous

  ,aturn ! hides some news
  er ! detailed information
  0enus ! peace maker 
  sun ! noble# never lies
  :upiter ! truth only.

+. "f the sub lord of the + cusp is mars or in the star of mars spend thrift# ,aturn ;
economical and stead fastness.

'. To cheat another sub lord of the + cusp should be deposited in the star of the
significator of - and 1&# and ,aturn and ercury connected to the sub lord in some

/. "f the sub lord of the + cusp is either Ketu or <ahu and found in a mute sign# there is
defect in speech 8cusp also to be formed in the star of planet owning mute sign9.

$. +nd cusp indicates finance# family# marriage and kutumbham# childbirth and maraka

  "f the sub lord of the + cusp signifies $ and 11# predict child birth# 3 and 11 predict
marriage# - only borrowing money and incoming debt# 3 only finance through public
contacts# - and 11 success in litigation or getting promotion in service# - and 1 borrowing
money due to ill health# 3 and 1& lucrative income through business# 3 and bhadaka house

-. "f the sub lord of the + cusp is well connected to 3 second marriage# if connected
only to 11th house# one will have a keep as 83 house shows legal bondage where as 11
indicates attachment and friendship only9

3. The sub lord of the + cusp is well connected to 1+ defect in eye can be envisaged in

). The sub lord of the + cusp is the constellation of a depositor of - and 11 shows very
good financial status.

  "n houses + and 1&# moderate affluence#

  in houses 1 and ' ust satisfactory financial condition.

  "mproving houses 8i.e. 1#+#'#-#1& and 119 are favourable from the financial point of

%. "f the sublord of the + cusp be connected in any manner with the 11 house then one
may have connection with another7s wife other than his legal partner# provided $ is
connected with + 8otherwise it tells about using another man7s property9.

  =ouses +#$ and 11 should be considered for periods and timing the event.

1&. "f the sub lord of the + cusp is :upiter and signifies 11 house# whatever he speaks is
true and will come to pass# 8vaksiddha9.

11. "f ars happens to be the sub lord of the + cusp he is argumentative and
authoritative# if it signifies ) it portends 6uarrelsome nature in speech.

1+. "f the sub lord of the + cusp is 0enus and signifies 11 or $ one will connect se* in
speech invariably in all matters.

1'. "f the sub lord of the + cusp is ,aturn# one will use hide and seek and uggler of
words# while speaking even though the matter is genuine and good one.

1/. "f the sub lord of the + cusp is connected + and 1+ one will get money through
 behind the screen matters 8in secret manner9.

3rd house
1. >etting a telephone houses '#% and 11# sub lords of the ' cusp signifying ' and 11.

+. Disposal of the produced goods sub lord of the +nd cusp signifying ' and 11 will
fetch profit# ' and 1+ loss.

'. Lottery houses '#) and 11 sub lord of the 'rd cusp8timing through the significators
of +#- and 11 connected to ' house in any manner9.

/. <umour sub lord of the ' cusp is in the star of ,aturn# it is false# if mars
mischievous# :upiter ? true# " like to advise the students of Krishnamurti Paddhati to look
in to the scholarly article of Pt. K.<. Kar in ,eptember 1%)& issue of Astrology and
Athrishta on page 1)# under analysis# he had given a fine interpretation of planets#
regarding rumour or information when connected to ' cusp# in terms of tamo guna# rao
guna and satwa guna.

$. 2oldness top undertake ob  if the sub lord of the 'rd cusp is the significator of + or
1& or 11# one will surely undertake and come out successful

-. "f the sub lord of the ' cusp is mars# one will never be contented# if :upiter ?
legitimate and reasonable ambition# if ,aturn no content at all.

3. "f 'rd cusp sub lord is connected to ' and 11# negotiation will be successful

). "f the sub lord of the 'rd cusp is either :upiter# ,un# ars or 0enus# one has courage
and confidence to compete any competitive e*amination.

  =ouses / #% and 11 should be udged for timing event and success and for departmental
e*aminations and also interviews include - and 1&.

%. "f the sub lord of the 'rd cusp signifies 11 and also connected to mercury and :upiter#
one has ournalistic capacities.

1&. "f the sub lord of the 'rd cusp signifying ' and 11 tells receipt of letter# ' and 11
houses to be udged and moon progressed for timing the event.

11. "f the sub lord to the 'rd# cusp is deposited in the constellation of the significators of 
- and 11# there will be success in appeal ? on petition ? re6uest in courts.

1+. "f the sub lord of the 'rd cusp is the full significator of 1st bhava# he is daring a

1'. @egotiation if the negotiation is for marriage the 3th cusp has to be udged apart
from ' and %# if it is for business 1& and -# have to be udged in addition to ' and %. 4or
getting living accommodation /th house also needs consideration# apart from ' and % if
houses ' and % signify 11th it is successful and if on the contrary connected 1+th#
indicates failure# so the sub lord of the 'rd cusp is in the constellation of a planet in ' or
% and also signify 11# the negotiation is successful. The significators of '# % and 11 will
mark the time of fructification.

1/. "f the 'rd cusp sub lord gets the signification of * house# one will possess a
warrior7s nature.

1$. "f the sublord of the 'rd cusp signifying 1+ house duly well connected to mars# one
should predict defective hearing.

4th house

1. Discharge from hospital houses +# / and 11 sub lord of the /th cusp.

+. onstruction of house houses /# 11 and 11 sub lord of the /th cusp.

'. 5ill a particular child go in adoption if the /th cusp sub lord of the child is deposited
in a dual sign or if the sub lord itself is ercury and if the sub lord is a significator of )th
house 8house for legacy9. The child is given in adoption. The conoining period of the
significators of / and )# houses of the child to be considered for timing the event.

/. Any treasure in my building# if the sub a lord of the /th cusp is deposited in the
constellation of planets +# - and 11 you will have treasure. The lord of the constellation
must have some connection with ,aturn in direct motion.

$. The house under 6uery is a haunted one if the sub lord of the /th cusp signifies ' or
% and in any manner connected with ,aturn and mars# Branus and @eptune.

-. "f the sub lord of the /th cusp signifies ) or 1+ or /# you will marry a career girl.

3. 5hen will he reach homeC

  "f the sub lord of the /th cusp is in the constellation of a planet signifying 11. And in a
movable sign# we will reach home soon. "f fi*ed sign ? long duration# if common sign
undue delay.

). edical e*amination physical9 if the sub lord of the /th cusp is a significator of 1&
house and well connected to 11th you will appear for medical e*amination and come out

%. <elease from ail sub lord of the /th cusp signifies +# / and 11 release will be in
conoining period of +# / and 11.

1&. Domestic environments are shown through the sub lord of the /th cusp.

11. ,ub lord of the /th cusp is in the constellation of mercury or :upiter# promises
education and planets signifying /# % and 11 give education in the periods and is to be
 udged from the sub lords of the cusps of % and 11 also. The sub lord of the %th cusp
throws light on higher studies and research.

1+. /th cusp represents the educational institution 8college9. ,o the sub lord of the /th
cusp if posited in the star of planets signifying / and 11# admission into the institution
8college9 is certain.

1'. ,ub lord of the /th cusp signifying ) and 1+ causes breaks in education or no
education in certain cases.

1/. To sell a house# the sub lord of the 1&th cusp signifies ' and 1& 8mars should have
some relevance with 1&th9. =ouses '# $ and 1& to be udged for selling and ' and 1+ for
giving possession. @ote /th represents immovable property 8land# building etc9 mars is
the karaka for such properties. The purchaser is represented by the 3th cusp of the chart
and his ac6uisition of property is denoted by the /th from 3th i.e. 1&th. 5hether any party
would purchase the uerent7s property8i.e. 5hether the 6uerent will be able to sell the
 property9 is therefore to be udged from 1&th cusp of the chart. The uerent7s property is
denoted by the /th cusp and his parting with it by the 'rd house 8which is 1+ from /9.
Thus some party would purchase only if the sub lord of the 1&th cusp is a significator of
'rd and 1&th. The $th house is also relevant to the matter as it is the 11th house from the
3th representing purchaser.

1$. =ouse if the sub lord of the /th cusp signifies /# 11 and 1+ one will construct a
house and mars also should come into the picture for immovable properties and buildings
and ,aturn for construction. 11th fulfilment of desires and 1+th for investment of money.

  @ote ! as the purchased house is not a new building# - and % bhavas are also to be
 udged because# -th is 1+th for the 3th which stands for the person who sells and the %th
is 1+th to /th of the 3th.

1-. Transfer in service the sub lord of the /th cusp signifies '# 1& and 1+ and the
conoint period of these houses operate transfer is effected.

  "f /th cusp sub lord signifies /th house and if there is a transfer order issued# it will get
cancelled if the 11th cusp sub lord signifies 1# +#/#1& and 11 and he will be retained if
these significators operate.

13. "f the sub lord of the /th cusp is in the star of a planet signifying ' and 1+# change in
residence cannot be ruled out.

1). To ascertain the outcome of an e*amination one has to look the sub lord of the /th
cusp. The same should be connected to the 11th house and at the same time should have
no connection with the 'rd which is negation to the /th house matters. Then he will be

1%. "f the /th cusp sublord is 0enus itself and connected to any of the improving houses
in movable signs# one will have vehicles and vehicular comforts# if in fi*ed signs
furniture and if in common signs rocking chaior like articles# giving bodily comforts.

5th house

1. hild birth  house +# $ and 11. ,ub lord of the $th cusp signifying +# $ and 11.

+. hildren denied if the sub lord of the $th cusp signifies 1# / and 1& one can never
have a child.

'. Playing cards or bet in a race course if the sub lord of the $th cusp signifies - and
11# wins most satisfactory + and 1&# moderate gain 1 and ' in significant gain 1+ and $

  @ote  there are two types of speculative gains.

  1. Lottery# priEe bonds etc.

  +. =orse racing# cards# share market
  '. "n Krishnamurti Paddhati# it has been stated that the improving houses i.e.
1#+#'#-#1& and 11# whenever receiving favourable aspects# promises victory over enemies#
win in competition# success in litigation# gain in lottery# games etc. Ftc.

  "t is also said that the 'rd house denoted gain in lottery# priEe bond where as the $th
house# horse racing# cards# share market etc. Provided the significators of +# - and 11 has
connection with 'rd or $th house.

  "t is imperative that whenever udgement for horse racing# cards etc is to be made one
is to take only the planets that have connection with the $th house# but never take the
 planets or significators8specially the sub portion9 which signify the $th house matter as
the $ is the 11 for 3th house i.e. >ain to opponent.

/. 5ill invalid child pick up health# if the 6uerent is the parent# take the cusp of the $th
house as the ascendant of the child and if the sub lord of the $th house 8ascendant of
child9 is the significator ' and $# the child will pick up health# if it signified 1&th and
connected to ,aturn also in any manner# the child will not recover.

$. "f the lord of the $th cusp is deposited in the constellation of a planet situated in 1st
house which may be either Leo or A6uarius one has musical talent.

-. "f the sub lord of the $th cusp is deposited in the constellation of $# - and 1& and in
any manner connected to 0enus# one becomes a popular actor.

3. "f the sub lord of the $th cusp is deposited in the constellation of a planet signifying 3
and 11 materialisation of love affair into marriage is definite. "f in the constellation
connected to - and 1+ it will not materialiEe.

). Gnes prestige is lost as debauch# if the $th cusp sub lord signifies 1& and 1+.

%. Gnes property is lost if the sub lord of the $th cusp is a significator of / and 1+#
through debauchery.

1&. ash is lost if the $th cusp sub lord signifies + and 1+ through debauchery.

11. "nitiation# of mantras and siddhi# if the $th cusp sub lord is connected to 11th and
,aturn in some manner connected 8,aturn is the planet for renunciation and tapas9.

1+. The sub lord of the $th cusp signifying $ or 3 or both and being connected with
0enus# the karaka of music shows proficiency in music8$th house is for music and 3th for 
fine arts9.

1'. ,peculation if the sub lord of the $th cusp signifies +# -# $ and 11 one gains in

1/. 2y e*amining the sub lord of the $th cusp# and 0enus# a lover affairs se*ual
 pleasure# the degree of success or failure achieved in lover affairs# courtship and
licentiousness etc. can be seen.

1$. "f the $th cusp sub lord stays in the constellation of a planet deposited in 11th and
also signifies 1&th one becomes a statesman.

1-. Attaining puberty the $tha cusp sub lord should be the significator of $th or )th or
 both and mars also should be well connected to $th or )th in any manner since mars
represents blood in the body. 4or fructification consider +# $ and 11th house and their
conoining period for timing the event.

6th cusp

1. Gver draft facility sub lord of the -th cusp signifying +# - and 11 and in the
conoining period of these significators.

+. "llness ! houses -# )# and 1+ .

  ,ub lord of the -th cusp signifying any of the above houses or all.

  "n the conoining period of ascendant and -th house signification# sickness is there# 1+
is connected hospitaliEation is there# ) tells seriousness of the disease and danger to life
can be envisaged.

'. Promotion! sub lord of the - and 1& cusps# in the conoining period of +# - and 11.

/. >etting a tenant sub lord of the -th cusp# in the conoining period of /#- and 11.

$. 4or reappointment in service# the sub lord of the -th cusp should signify - or 1& or +
and if signifies 1# $# % or 1+# no reappointment.

-. "n e*change business# if the sub lord of the $tha cusp signifies - and 11 you gain and
if $ and 1+ you stand to loose.

3. "f the sub lord of the -th cusp signifies +# - and 11# there is receipt of money as one

). To get donation# see the sub lord of the -th cusp signifies + or - or 11.

%. To get back entangled money# the sub lord of the -th cusp should signify +# - and 11#
and should have nothing to do with ,aturn.

1&. "f the sub lord of the -th cusp signifies 1# - and 11 success in litigation is promised.

11. The sub lord of the -th cusp reveals the type of disease in terms of its placements in
the birth chart or horary chart and it is seen through the sign lord# star lord.

1+. The sub lord of the -th cusp is in the 1+th from Lagna and becomes a strong
significator of -th # the native will definitely suffer from an incurable disease.

1'. 5hen will the tenant vacateC -tha house indicates tenant# /th and 11th counted
there from denote occupation of your house. "f he is to vacate the 'rd from -th should
operate. ,o the significator of )th 8'rd from -th9 should be connected with -th.# hence
during the conoinibng period of the significator of - and ) he vacates.

1/. To get a loan  the sub lord of the -th cusp should not be in retrograde motion or in
the constellation of a planet in retrograde status# and also have some connection with the
houses + or - or 11.

1$. "n general if the sub lord of the -th cusp gets a good signification in a horoscope i.e.
onnected to improving houses 81# +# '# -# 1& and 119 he will be a man of success in all
theatres of life while dealing with others.

1-. Pet animals and about maternal uncle# one can read through the sub lord of the -th
cusp if connected to 8signifies9 the improving houses# benefit through them can be
enoyed# if connected to $# ) and 1+ loss and trouble from these sources.

7th house

1. arriage if the sub lord of the 3th cusp signifies +# 3 and 11 and with unafflicted
0enus# marriage is promised and the same fructifies in the conoined period of the
significators of +# 3 and 11.

+. arriage stopped if the sub lord of the 3tha cusp is the significator of 1# -# 1& or 1+#
marriage will not take place with the party in 6uestion# position of 0enus to be looked

'. "f the sub lord of the 3th cusp is in the constellation of a planet signifying - and 11#
you can have a partner in business. "f signifies - and 1+# partnership will break. "f
signifies $ and 11# permanent tie with partner. "f signifies $# ) and 1+# partner will be
 benefited and you stand to lose much.

/. "f the sub lord of the 3th cusp is the significator of 3# )# 1+ and $# opponent is very
 powerful in all walks of life.

$. "f the sub lord of the 3th cusp signifies +# 3 and 11 and the girl born with such ruling
 planets8 as are the significators of +# 3 and 119n you can marry rich girl for harmonious
married life. "f 1# - and 1& she will not come under marriage fold.

-. 5ill marriage take place between two persons if the Lagna that rises as per the
number given by 6uerent within +/%# moon is posited at the time of the 6uery in any of
the houses '# $# 3# 1& or 11# and it received beneficial aspect from :upiter with benefic
signification in the chart# marriage will surely take place between them and if ,aturn
comes# there will be some delay and no denial.

3. "f the sub lord of the 3th cusp is either 0enus or :upiter and signifies + and 11# very
happy marital life.

). "f the 3th cusp sub lord is sun ? no pleasure# moon ? very pleasant# mars ? silly
6uarrels and displeasure# ercury ? enoys more than ones# :upiter ? pleasant# 0enus ?
e*treme pleasure# -/ leelas# ,aturn dissatisfaction in intercourse and duration short.

%. "f the 3th cusp sub lord is ,aturn# aged husband i.e. Difference is very much# :upiter#
0enus and sun ? proper difference in age# oon# ars or ercury ? difference is very
little and at times husband will be younger. <ahu and Ketu# in terms of rasi lords.

1&. "f the 3th cusp sub lord in the constellation of a planet signifying / and 1&# one
living in the same house or village. 'rd ? partner may be cousin or a neighbour.
Ascendant ? in the same town 11th ? from the friend7s family. $ and % live marriage or

11. 3th cusp sub lord is ercury or any planet occupying dual sign# more than one wife
and if the same sub lord signified + and 11.

1+. "f you want to know your future from an astrologer# the 3th cusp denoted the
astrologer. "f the sub lord of the 3th cusp is a fast moving planet# he will predict
immediately# slow moving planet# there will be delay in analysis of the problem.

1'. Theft  if the sub lord of the 3th cusp is ercury# thief is very young# 0enus ?

youthful and young female# mars ? full of age# :upiter ? middle age# ,aturn ? elderly
 person# sun ? young and se* ? see the sub lord in terms of the planets se*.

1/. Partner in business is shown by 3th cusp. "f the sub lord is ercury tells more than
one partner and if signifies 11th strong tie of partnership and if will connected to 0enus
through sub# cordial relationship are promised.

1$. To find out if one will die of murder the sub lord of the 3th cusp is deposited in the
constellation of a planet which is the significator of 2adhaka or marakashthana in terms
of the 1st cusp and also )th house. The person murdered represents the 1st cusp.

8th house

1. "f the sub lord of the )th cusp signifies $# -# ) and 1+ he will be borrowing from

+. "f the sub lord of the )th cusp signifies +# 1& or 11 he returns the borrowed money.

'. "f the sub lord of the )th cusp signifies - and 11# you receive che6ue and he loses.

/. "f the sub lord of the )th cusp deposited in the star of a planet signifying araka or
2adhaka houses and also )th house and more connected t o mars# suicidal death is to be

$. @ature of death sub lord of the )th cusp and its connection to other houses through
star and elements to be considered 8/ elements fiery# earthy# airy and watery9.

-. 5hile -th cusp sub lord tells about the nature of the disease# that of )th tells about
danger# and fatality is finally told.

3. Death by suicide the sub lord of the )th cusp must be deposited in the constellation
of a planet signifying either bhadhakasthana or marakashthana and moreover of the )th
house# further the lord of the constellation must have some connection with ars# karaka
of unnatural death.

). Accident can happen only when the sub lord of the )th cusp is deposited in the
constellation of a planet signifying )th house and it happens in the conoined period of
the significators of 1 and ). "t will be fatal only if the sub lord of the )th cusp is in the
constellation of the significator of 2adhaka or arakashthana.

%. ,urgery is denoted by the )th house. 4or one to undergo surgery 8an operation9.# the
sub lord of the )th cusp should be well connected with -th 8house of sickness9# )th 8the
house of surgery 9 or 1+th 8house that indicates hospitaliEation# confinement to bed9. The
same sub lord should also in some manner be connected to mars# the karaka for knives
8surgery9. Gperation takes place in the conoint period of -# )# 1+th houses.

th house

1. Longevity of father houses ' and 1&th and bhadhakasthana reckoned in terms of %th
 being movable# fi*ed and common signs. ,ub lord of the %th cusp signifying other than
the above housed i.e. %# 11#1#- for long life of the father.

+. %th cusp sub lord signifying 1 and 11# paternal properties are sure.

'. %th cusp sub lord connected to '# % and 1& indicates pilgrimage and ourney to holy

/. 5ho is an astrologer if the sub lord of the %th cusp is deposited in the star of planets
signifying +# % and 11# one can become successful astrologer# :upiter and moon should be
connected to % and 1+.

1!th house

1. Fmployment  houses +# -# 1& and 11# sub lord of the 1&th cusp.

+. Promotion ! houses +# -# 1& and 11 sub lord of 1& and - .

'. Pilgrimage  houses '# % and 1& sub lord of 1&th cusp.

/. Disposal of immovable property  houses '# $ and 1& sub of 1&th cusp signifying '# $
and 1&.

$. "ncome ta* trouble  houses 3# ) and 1+ sub lord of the 1&th cusp.

-. "f the 1&th cusp sub lord signifies 3 his profession 8main9 is business and if signifies
-# profession is service.

3. 4or reinstatement in service# the sub lord of the 1&th cusp signifies +# - and 1&# and
will never be reinstated if signifies 1# $# % and 1+.

). 4or one to earn by self e*ertion# the sub lord of the 1&th cusp should be significator
of +8the house of self ac6uisition9 or 1& 8the house of profession9. "f the sub lord of 1&th
connected with a dual sign and with both - and 3# one will earn by service as well as
 business and so on.

%. Politics  the sub lord of the 1&th cusp should signify 1# -# %# 1& and 11 and planets
:upiter# ercury# ars and ,aturn also should have connection to 1&th.

  4or :upiter ? celestial chief minister 

  for ercury ? messenger of god
  for ars ? commander in chief 
  for ,aturn ? position of trust

  for ascendant ? denotes success

  for -th ? defeat of opponents
  for %th ? general fortune
  for 1&th ? honour and popularity
  for 11th ? ambition achieved

1&. "f the 1&th cusp sub lord is ,aturn and signifies 11th house# one will earn money
through illegal ways.

11. "f the 1&th cusp sub lord is total significator of 3th house and in no way it has
connection with any other house ? he will be a man of public activities without any
material happiness or return.

11th house

1. <eunion with the husband house +# 3 and 11# sub of the 11th cusp signifying +# 3
and 11# fructification in the conoing period of significators of +# 3 and 11.

+. <ecovery of the lost property sub lord of the 11the cusp signifying houses +# - and
11 and fructification in their conoint period.

'. <eturn of the missing person sub lord of the 11th cusp signifying +# /# - and 11. "n
the conoining period of the significators of +# ) and 11.

/. 5ill i tap water  if the sub alord of the 11th cusp is deposited in the constellation of
a planet in a watery sign you will tap water. "f in a barren sign# can not tap water.

$. "f the sub lord of the 11th cusp signifies 1 and +# and also 11# one has success in any
enterprise he undertakes and there is fulfillment of his desires.

-. "f the sub lord of the 11th cusp is in the 1+th bhava or connected in any manner to
1+th and also connected to % and 11 it shows his swucess in his attempts to do research
and the sub lord7s placement in 1+# indicated doing so in a foreigh country.

3. "f the sub lord of the 11 cuspa in the constellation of the significators of / and % and
in some way connected to upiter# phd is got# if the same sub lord is in a movable sign# he
will become phd very early.

). 4or winning election# the sub lord of the 11th cusp should signify 1# -# 1& and 11 and
for failure $# ) and 1+.

  4or no of seats in an election# fortuna is to be looked into.

%. 4or prosperity of an instituion# the sub lord of the 11 cusp signifies - and 1&#
 prosperity is promised.

1&. ,ub lord of the 11th cusp signifying any of the houses 1# +# '# -# 1& and 11# will
have friends who will be hlpful and beneficial.

11. "nterview  if the sub lord of the 11th cusp is direct and signifies ' and %# interview
is successful# in the conoining period of ' and %.

1+. hild7s return from school  this is trictly worked out on number given by the
mother of the child.

  "f the sub lord of the 11. usp signifies $ and 11# child
  will return when the transitting lagna degree touches
  the $ and 11 significators.

1'. "f the sub lord of the 11# cusp signifies +# - and 11# in all cases of theft# lost property
will be recovered# if the significators of +# - and 11 agrees with the rulling planets.

1/. arital life is indicated by the sub lord of the 3th cusp# but the nature of marital life
is assessed through the sub lord of the 11 cusp only.

1$. To get party ticket for assembly election  11 cusp sub lord should be the
significator of 'rd# being the house for agreement or permission to go ahead with the

1-. The 11th cusp sub lord signifying $# 1& and 11 shows siddhi following initiation.
$th shows manthra# 1&th telle regular practice and 11th points to acvhievement.

13. "f the sub lord of the 11tha cusp is a significator of houses +# $# 3 or 11 perfect
harmony and happay matrimonial life is indicated.

1). "f the sub lord of the 11th cusp is a significator of - and 1+# there is no cure or
recovery from illness.a if the same sub alord signifies $ and 11# recovery from illness is

12th house

1. 4oreign trip  house '# % and 1+.

  ,ub loprd of the 1+th cusp should signify ' or % or 1+ 8' shows leaving home and
home land# %th shows long ourney# 1+ tells new atmosphere and environment9.

+. Loss of reputation  sub lord of the 1+th cusp signifying )th and 1+th# and happens in
the conoining period of the significators of ) and 1+.

'. "f the sub lord of the 1+tha cusp is a significator of ' or % or 1+ and also a strong

significator of -th # trip is there on foreign assignment.

/. "f the sub lord of the 1+th cusp signifies +# '# ) and 1+ and rahu also well connected
to the sub lord# imprisonment is indicated8preferably rahu 3 be the sub lord it self and
signify '# ) and 1+9.

  +  afflicted ? seperation from family

  '  leaving home and residence

  )  restriction in movements.

  1+ confinement within / walls and life in entirely

  different surroundings.

$. "f the sub lord of the 1+th cusp is a natural benefic and signifies +# - and 11# one is
lucky in all and there will be more return within e*penses.

-. The adefects are shown by the sub lord of the 1+th cusp. 4or a native to have a
defect# the sub lord of the 1+th cusp should be a significator of one of the evil houses -# )
and 1+. The nature of the sub lord of the 1+th cusp and bhava 8s9# it signifies throw light
on the part of the body affected.

3. "f the sub lord of the 1+th cusp signifies -# ) and 1+ and some way connected to + nd
house# maor defect to left eye is shown.

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