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Selama Satu Bulan

Meeting 4
Peraturan Selama Online Class
Hari Ini
• Pertanyaan hanya akan dibuka di sesi tanya jawab
• Silahkan tuliskan pertanyaan anda di kolom chat
• Pertanyaan anda akan dijawab oleh pengajar di waktu sesi tanya
One More Important Thing!
Agar suasana belajar tenang dan kondusif, silahkan matikan (mute)
microphone anda ketika pembelajaran sedang berlangsung kecuali anda
diminta oleh pengajar untuk menghidupkan microphone.

Terimakasih :)
So, let’s get started!
Today’s Lesson is all about



Part 1 Personal Information

Part 1 Description

Part 3 Giving opinion

In summary of Scoring Criteria

1. Fluent and coherent

Fluency and Coherence
2. Discourse markers

1. Use synonym from the questions effectively

Lexical Resources
2. Sufficient & wide range of vocabulary (synonym)

1. Variety of complex structures

Grammatical Range & Accuracy
2. Control of grammar (tenses) & punctuation

1. Use pronunciation features (intonation, stress,

Pronunciation accent)
2. Clear & Correct
Target Materi Hari Ini

Speaking Part 3

Scoring Criteria: Fluency & Coherence

What is Speaking Part 2?
● Tujuan: Giving opinion
● Format: Hampir sama seperti speaking part 1 (tanya jawab langsung dengan native speaker)
● Durasi: 4 - 5 menit
● Note: Topic yang ditanyakan berhubungan dengan speaking part 2

Contoh Speaking Part 3

● Can learning a language help us

understand more about a culture? Tips
● Why is it so difficult to learn a new
Jawaban bersifat personal opinion, tapi
disampaikan secara general perspective
● How will language learning change in the
● Should governments invest more in
second language learning in schools?
Ok, let’s answer this question

Contoh Speaking Part 3

● Can learning a language help us understand more about a culture?

● Why is it so difficult to learn a new language?
● How will language learning change in the future?
● Should governments invest more in second language learning in schools?
How to answer speaking part 3?

CONCEPT Menjawab Speaking Part 2

Pertanyaan Jawaban (Idea) Further Explanation (5W / 1H) Grammar

(Why, what, when, where, who, and how)

Can learning a Absolutely! Language is a part When we learn a new language, we most likely learn the expression or Present
language help us of culture, so indeed learning it common words used in their daily life. For example, we learn how to ask
understand more is the way we get to know a condition, saying goodbye, giving compliment, and so on. From these, we can
about a culture? culture deeper. actually know how one language show us as learners their daily culture in

Why is it so It is actually very challenging Some language can come with its own writing systems, like the characters, Present
difficult to learn a to take in a new language which can require longer time to master for example Chinese, Japanese, and
new language? due to the distinctive Russian. Moreover, learning language includes the endeavors to study its
properties that each structure or rules, or what we commonly have known as the grammatical
language owns features. Some have the basic common structure as in subject, verb, and
object like English and Indonesian, while some other can have
subject-object-verb pattern as in Korean.
Open Questions
(Sesi 1)
Silahkan tuliskan pertanyaan anda di kolom
See You in the Next
Education Centrum

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