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March 14, 2019

Daily Learning Plan in English 7 (Fourth Quarter)


At the end of the 60-minute class discussion, the Grade-7 learners should have drawn similarities and
differences of the featured selections in relation to the theme. (EN7LT-IV-g-2.3)


A. Topic: Drawing similarities and differences of the featured selections in relation to the theme.
B. Subject Integration:
C. Reference/s: Curriculum guide in English 7 page 161 and (for the information).
D. Materials:
E. Value Focus:

A. Activity
1. Preliminary Activity
* Prayer
* Greeting of the class
*Classroom cleanliness
*Checking of attendance
*Recapitulation of the previous lesson

2. Main Activity
* Divide the class into two
* Tell the students that they’re going to play the game entitled “ Sight, cite”
* Paste two pictures with similarities and differences. Then, paste on the board the parts of the
* Then the students will classify if it is different or similar by pasting it on the “similarities side”
and on the “differences side” if they think it is different.
* The group who can guess or answer correctly will win the game.

B. Analysis
1. How did you find the activity?
2. How did you differentiate and find similarities between the two pictures?
3. Do you think that finding differences in such pictures is the same with the selection?

C. Abstraction
* Define what is a selection
* Present and explain on how we compare (similarities) and contrast (differences) selections.
* Present story elements
* Distribute photocopies of stories by Aesop entitled “The Dove and the Ant” and “The Lion and the
Ask students on how to compare and contrast selections and what are some of the story elements

D. Application
With the same group, ask students another 3 elements of the story that can give similarities and
differences of certain selections. They will write this in their notebook in a 5-minute time.

* Distribute individually the worksheet.
* Tell the students that they will write similarities and differences of the stories read in relation to
its theme.
* Give them 7 minutes to do this.


Study your notes for your Fourth quarter examination next meeting.


* Grade 7 Pearl - * Grade 7 Ruby -


* Grade 7 Pearl - * Grade 7 Ruby -

Prepared By:

Marianne F. Gamilla

Pre-Service Teacher

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