Project 2

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Possessive case – egalik


Ingliz tilida egalik qo’shimchasi ikki xil usulda qoshiladi

Insonlarga tegishli narsalar uchun ‘s dan foydalaniladi

‘S- …. ing
S’ -…. larning
My uncle’s house is very big and beautiful
Workers’ salary is not enough

Ba’zan ‘s vaqtlar uchun ham ishlatiladi

Tomorrow’s+ noun …….. ertangi

Yesterday’s +noun -……… kechagi

Example :
Yesterday’s exam was difficult
Today’s meeting is about our expenditure

Of ko’pincha narslar , joylar uchun ishlatilad. Ushbu holatda” ning “qoshimchasini olgan so’z ikkinchi o’rinda

The handle of the door – eshikning dastasi

The position of stars – yulduzlarning joylashuvi

Example :
The door of the room is black
The wheel of my car is new

Common mistakes made by students –O’rganuvchilar tomonidan tez tez takrorlanuvchi xatolar

Hotel’s name is Turkistan - WRONG

The name of the hotel is Turkistan - RIGHT

The tree of the branches need cutting - Wrong

The branches o the tree need cutting – Right

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