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The road to

climate neutrality
for all buildings.
Window Heat Pump Roof


Renovating buildings is necessary for climate targets.

Exploding energy costs and regulation increase urgency

230 M 3,5%
28% Building units need
renovation by 2050
renovation rate required
to reach climate goals *
of CO₂ is caused by
building operations 100k € each => 23 trillion € today 1%
Yearly CO₂ savings 821 M tons
EU wide Germany

* climate neutral bei 2050, 100% / 28 years=3,5%



To renovate, owners go

through these steps What options make sense?


Spend all afternoon searching for solutions. Make a few
calls hoping to get some information and only wind up
feeling confused. Give up. Maybe try again later. What measures do I plan to

Roadmap? What order? Get a reasonable roadmap and


hope it is correct. Try to figure out if the work getting
done is right for you or not.
What are available subsidies
and how can I pay for rest?
Take out a loan. Or pay cash you'd rather use on
something else. You're paying whether or not the work
delivers results. And, how do you get the subsidies?

You’re still in control? We hope you are. When it gets Who will do it for me?
down to the nitty-gritty you sure will end up frustrated.
Make sure you get at least good craftsmen.


Current process for producing

BAFA roadmaps is slow

net working time for the EC

Data Collection Energetic Energetic Renovation Roadmap

& Entry surfaces balance sheet activities generation

The status quo of the Energetic surfaces

An outdated EC This should be the A different program is
building is recorded need to be calculated
program with difficult main activity of the EC: used for the
with pen and paper by manually or in a
user interface is used deciding which generation of the
the energy consultant separate program. The
to calculate the renovation activities roadmap document
onsite. Later on, it is resulting data is
energetic balance are required for (.pdf). Many things
entered manually in a entered manually in
sheet. energetic renovation. have to be re-entered.
EC programm. an EC program

Defendability and Technology USP - Vision

We are working on the

42watt energetic algorithm

➔ Existing calculations based on heat transmission loss and 3D model of buildings defined in DIN
V 18599
➔ Key problem: calculations are based on the expected energy consumption of the building
➔ The calculations do not take into account the real energy consumption
➔ Occupants’ behavior and wrong assumptions of ee-expert has been identified as one cause for
energy performance gap
➔ Existing calculations require a lot of data

➔ Scalable and intuitive algorithm to estimate impact and costs of various energetic renovation
measures for buildings with a sufficient degree of accuracy with very little user input
➔ Combination of existing DIN calculations with actual consumption to reduce performance gap
➔ Build up database of actual costs and impacts for machine learning

Defendability and Technology USP - Vision

We show fast progress in automating processes and

have a deep understanding for approximations

Data points from user Integration of existing technology

We use collected data to train our algorithm to Scan to Plan, point clouds and plan to 3d model
further enhance accuracy technology to ease data collection

DIN V 18599 Accessible building surveys

We will work on building own Bafa certified Free geodata will be used to extract building
software information without user interaction

Next steps

We need you!

We follow 3 principles

󰝅 We are driven by speed

🚀 We want to build the best product

🌍 We want to dominate the market


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