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Project Research Group Meeting 22 nd February 2023

Attached will be the following;

A breakdown of my sub-topics that I plan to present

A selection of research I am currently undertaking

1. A direct brief introduction of what my seminar is- clearly

identifying each of the three primary areas; Attention Deficit
Disorder, A biological overview of the brain in connection to
attention deficit disorder and Music, and the effects of undertaking
practical music. I will ensure to break down every advanced
terminology used into simple and understandable
definitions/analogies. Each following section has been planned out
to bridge together to keep a steady flow, audience attention and
avoid information overload.

2. A.M.E. The ‘Audience Music Exercise.’ To engage my

audience/stakeholders I have devised a short interactive exercise.
In this section I will play a short excerpt of music with some
distinct easily recognisable musical features (such as a soloing
instrument, a key change, or a dramatic change in dynamics). Upon
the excerpt finishing I will ask a series ‘raise your hand if’ style
questions for if the audience/stakeholders recognised each specific
change in the music. I will then present diagram 1 highlighting each
specific area of the brain that the audience themselves have
used/engaged when listening, processing, and distinguishing the
excerpt of music. (Show diagram 1).

3. Simple overview/analysis of the different areas of the brain

strictly regarding listening and playing music. Bridge information
and research stated in previous section.

4. ‘Bridge section’ bringing presentation onto brain areas/functions

strictly relation to attention deficit disorder.
5. Simple scientific definition of attention deficit disorder (note;
use simple accurate analogies that are backed by scientific

Delving into


Peripheral Vision

The positive effects of attention deficit disorder on learning- delving
into music

The negative effects of attention deficit disorder on learning- delving
into music

6. The effects of playing music on the brain with a direct comparison

of a ‘neurotypical’ brain’ and A.D.D brain.

7. Make solid conclusions/final points from each chapter devised from

undertaken research

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