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Unit 3. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the word from the box
atmosphere judge confident performance talent
eliminate audience location participate
a. He has the won the title “Artist of the Year” 4 times. He’s a (1) __________ artist.
b. Hoang Dung was invited to be one of the (2) __________ for this singing competition. He
gave great comments and he was so supportive of the singers.
c. The (3) __________ stood up and clapped for 5 minutes at the end of the show because the
dance (4) __________ were really great.
d. He didn’t want to (5) __________ in the singing competition because he was not (6)
__________ about his singing skills.
e. This year, the (7) __________ for the concert is Maraja Stadium in the center of the city.
f. The national football club was (8) __________ after the first round in the World Cup this
g. Everyone was singing along with the singers. The (9) __________ of the concert was so
exciting and fun.
Unit 4.
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer
1. People _____ greatly from doing volunteer work.
A. provide B. perform C. benefit
2. He was so ______. He gave all the money he has saved for one year to the charity to help
homeless people.
A. remote B. generous C. selfish
3. Lots of money and old clothes was _____ to help victims of the earthquake.
A. benefited B. volunteered C. donated
4. Taking part in volunteering activities helps to _____ necessary skills such as communication
A. reduce B. build C. protect
5. We should try to improve some _____ life skills to be successful in our study and future
A. confused B. cheerful C. essential
6. The school’s volunteer club has just made a(n) _____ about the volunteer projects for next
A. news B. annoucement C. organisation
7. The school voleyball club was _______ 8 years ago and since then, they have attracted
hundreds of students.
A. set in B. put up C. set up
Exercise 2: Give the correct form of the word
1. This exercise if so difficult. It makes me ................................... (CONFUSE)
2. This problem is so ................................... (CONFUSE) and hard to solve.
3. It’s ................................... (USE) to use a smartphone to look up some new words.
4. All these toys are ................................... (USE) because our children have grown up, but we
can still donate them to the charity for homeless people.
5. It’s really ................................... (DISAPOINT) to see his test results. He got mark 4 in three
6. He was such a(n) ................................... (INTEREST) person. He always tells funny stories
that make people cheerful.
7. The news about the volunteer jobs make me feel ................. (INTEREST)
8. I turned of the TV because the show was ........ (BORE)
9. What a lovely present! That was very ................................... of you. (THINK)
10. He drives really ................................... - one day he's going to have an accident. (CARE)
11. England is ................................... (HOPE) about winning the World Cup. They have
prepared carefully for the championship.
12. This computer is ................................... (POWER). It can help you do various tasks at the
same time.
13. You must remember to recharge your phone. Without its batteries, it's ...................................
14. Smoking is ................................... to your health. (HARM)
15. "Don't worry - this will be completely ................................... (PAIN)” the doctor said to me.
16. She's really rich, but her clothes are always very ................................... (TASTE)
17. His speech went on ................................... I thought he'd never stop talking. (END)

Unit 5.
Exercise 1: Choose the best answer
1. Laptops and smartphones are some devices/experiments/accidents that change the way we
2. He stays at the room/laboratory/equipment all day to do some careful
devices/experiments/experience with anti-biotics.
3. It’s useless/convenient/stain to use an online dictionary to look up new words.
4. Let’s fix this hardware/software problem. The screen and keyboard have broken down.
5. Some buttons/applications/devices on this phones can support video calls.
6. If you want your robot vacuum cleaner to clean this mark/stain/app, you need to press this
7. E-readers can be used to clean/press/store books and online magazines.
8. Thanks to the support from students’ parents, the classroom has lots of useful
experiments/inventions/equipment that allow students to study better.
Exercise 2: Match the invention to its use
1. television a. create three-dimensional objects
2. electricity b. search for latest news, take part in online
3. 3d printer c. cleaning the room automatically, remove
4. the Internet d. watch news, movies, sports and game shows
5. robot e. lighting, heating, cooling, and running
6. robovacuum f. work in toxic or dangerous environment, do
difficult tasks, perform difficult calculations

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