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I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .

eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24 1919

rdcH fiajd" m<d;a iNd yd m<d;a md,k wud;HdxYh

Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha

2 mka;sfha II fY%a‚h i|yd n|jd .ekSfï újD; ;r. úNd.h - 2021

1'0 Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2 mka;sfha II fY%a‚fha ;k;=rej,g n|jd .ekSfï újD; ;r.
úNd.h i|yd iqÿiqlï,;a Y%S ,xld mqrejeishkaf.ka whÿïm;a le|jkq ,efí' ta i|yd jk whÿïm; Y%S ,xld úNd.
fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fjí wvúfha m<lr we;s w;r whÿïm;a bÈßm;a l< yelafla ud¾..; (online)
l%uhg mu‚' whÿïm; ud¾..;j fhduq l< miq th nd.; lr uqøs; msgmf;a wod< fldgia iïmQ¾K lr" whÿïlref.a
w;aik iy;sl lr whÿïm;a Ndr.kakd wjidk Èkg fyda Bg fmr úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a" wdh;ksl úNd. ixúOdk
YdLdj" Y%S ,xld úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=j" ;e'fm' 1503" fld<U fj; ,efnk fia ,shdmÈxÑ ;emEf,ka túh hq;=h' ljrfha
jï mi by< fl<jf¾ —Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2 mka;sfha II fY%a‚h i|yd n|jd .ekSfï
újD; ;r. úNd.h - 2021˜ hkqfjka meyeÈ,sj igyka l< hq;=h' whÿm;a Ndr.kakd wjidk Èkh 2021 Tlaf;dan¾
ui 25 jeks Èk fõ' fuu úNd.h 2022 ckjdß ui fld<U § meje;afõ'

igyk (
1' whÿïmf;a uqøs; msgm; ;eme,a u.ska tùu wksjd¾h w;r" th ;emEf,a § ke;s jQ njg fyda m%udo jQ njg flfrk
meñ‚,s .ek i,ld ne,sh yels fkdfõ' wjidk Èkh olajd whÿïm;a m%udo lsÍfuka isÿúh yels w,dN ydks
whÿïlrejka úiskau ú|ord .; hq;=h'

2'0 úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a úiska mj;ajkq ,nk ,sÅ; mÍlaIKhl m%;sM, wkqj l=i,;dj u; iqÿiqlï imqrd we;s
wfmalaIlhka Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2 jk mka;sfha II fY%a‚fha ;k;=re i|yd m;a
lsÍug f;dard .kq we;'

3'0 fuys§ msrùug wfmalaIs; uq¿ mqrmamdvq ixLHdj 162 ls' m;aùu l%shd;aul jk Èkh m;aùï n,Orhd úiska ksYaph lrkq
,efí' lsishï mqrmamdvq ixLHdjla fyda mqrmamdvq ish,a, u fyda fkdmsrùug m;aùï n,Orhdg n,h we;'

4'0 fuu úNd.h u.ska mqrjkq ,nk mqrmamdvq ixLHdfjka 3] la wdndO iys; mqo.
a ,hka i|yd fjka flfrkq we;' úNd.fhka
iu;ajk wdndO iys; mqoa.,hka w;ßka by< ,l=Kq uÜgfï 3] l m%;sY;hla muKla m;aùï ,nd §u i|yd f;dard
.efkkq we;' f;dard .kq ,nk wfmalaIlhkaf.a uq¿ ,l=Kq uÜgu hg;a msßfihska 50] la j;a úh hq;=h' m;aùula
i|yd f;dard .kq ,nk wfmalaIlfhl= úfYaI{ ffjoH mÍlaIK uKav,hla fj; bÈßm;a lrk w;r" úfYaI{ ffjoH
jd¾;djlska ;u wdndO iys; ;;a;ajh yd th wod< ;k;=f¾ rdcldß bgq lsÍu i|yd ndOdjla fkdjk nj ;yjqre l<

5'0 jegqma mßudKh '- 2016'02'25 Èke;s rdcH mßmd,k pl%f,aL wxl 03$2016 wkqj Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok
;dlaIK fiajfha 2 mka;sh II fY%a‚hg wod< udisl jegqma mßudKh re' 36"585 - 10 x 660 - 11 x 755- 15 x 930 -
re' 65"440$- ^MN-06-2016& la fõ'

6'0 fuu ;k;=r iaÓrh' úY%du jegqma iys;h' fuu úNd.fhka Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2
mka;sfha II fY%a‚hg m;ajk ks,OdÍkag ysñ úY%du jegqma l%uh ms<sn| rch úiska bÈßfha § .kq ,nk m%;sm;a;suh
;SrKhlg tu ks,Odßka hg;a fõ'

7'0 iqÿiqlï '- Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2 mka;sfha II fY%a‚fha ;k;=rej,g n|jd .ekSu
i|yd my; iqÿiqlï wod< fõ' (

^w& Y%S ,xldfõ mqrjeisfhl= úh hq;= h'

^wd& whÿïm;a Ndr.kakd wjidk Èkg whÿïlrejkaf.a jhi wjqreÿ 21 g fkdwvq yd wjqreÿ 35 g fkdjeä úh hq;=h'
^tA wkqj 2003'10'25 Èkg fyda Bg fmr yd 1986'10'25 jeks Èkg fyda Bg miqj Wmka Èkh fh§ we;s whg muKla
fï i|yd whÿï lsÍug iqÿiqlï we;'&
^we& úYsIaG pß;hlska hqla; úh hq;=h'
^wE& iEu wfmalaIlhl=u Y%S ,xldj ;=< ´kEu m%foaYhl fiajh lsÍug;a ;k;=f¾ rdcldß bgqlsÍug m%udKj;a YdÍßl
iy udkisl fhda.H;djlska hqla; úh hq;=h'
1920 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24

^b& wOHdmk iqÿiqlï (

^1& úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a úYajúoHd,hlska fyda Wmdê m%Þkh lsÍfï wdh;khla
jYfhka úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a wdh;khlska fyda mß.Kl úoHdj$f;dr;=re
;dlaIKh ms<sn| Wmdêhla ,nd ;sîu¦


^2& ^i& úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a úYajúoHd,hlska fyda Wmdê m%Þkh lsÍfï wdh;khla
jYfhka úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a wdh;khlska fyda mß.Kl úoHdj$f;dr;=re
;dlaIKh m%Odk úIhhla iys; Wmdêhla ,nd ;sîu' ^fuys§ iïmQ¾K Wmdêfhka wju jYfhka 1$3
fldgila mß.Kl úoHdj$f;dr;=re ;dlaIKh ms<sn|j úh hq;=h'&¦


^ii& úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a úYajúoHd,hlska fyda Wmdê m%odkh lsÍfï wdh;khla
jYfhka úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a wdh;khlska fyda mß.Kl úoHdj$f;dr;=re
;dlaIKh ms<sn| mYapd;a Wmdê ämaf,daudjla ,nd ;sîu¦


^3& ^i& úYajúoHd, m%;m

s dok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<.
s ;a úYajúoHd,hlska fyda Wmdê m%odkh lsÍfï wdh;khla
jYfhka úYajúoHd, m%;ms dok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<.s ;a wdh;khlska fyda Wmdêhla ,nd ;sîu¦


^ii& úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a úYajúoHd,hlska fyda Wmdê m%Þkh lsÍfï wdh;khla
jYfhka úYajúoHd, m%;smdok fldñIka iNdj úiska ms<s.;a wdh;khlska fyda mß.Kl úoHdj$f;dr;=re
;dlaIKh ms<sn| mYapd;a Wmdêhla ,nd ;sîu¦

igyk '- 2' iEu whÿïlrefjl=u ;k;=rg wÞ< ish¨ iqÿiqlï whÿïm;a ndr.kakd wjika Èkg fyda Bg fmr fyda
iïmQ¾K lr ;sîu wksjd¾Hh fõ'

8'0 úNd. mßmdáh yd úIh ks¾foaYh (-

8'1 úNd.h m%Yak m;% ;=klska iukaú; fõ' fuu úNd.h isxy," fou< yd bx.%Sis udOHj,ska meje;afõ' b,a¨ï lrk
udOHh miqj fjkia lsÍug bv fokq fkd,efí'

8'2 úNd. úIhka iy tA tA úIhhg fjka lrk ,o ,l=Kq my; ±lafõ (-

úIhhka ld,h Wmßu iu;a

,l=Kq ,l=Kq
m%udKh m%udKh

^01& f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIKh meh 2 100 40

^02& wNsfhda.H;dj meh 1 100 40
^03& idudkH nqoaêh meh 1 100 40

8'3 ^01& f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIKh (

úNd. wfmalaIlhd i;= f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK uQ,O¾u ms<sn| ±kqu" mß.Kl ks¾ñ;sh yd
fufyhqï moaO;s$uDÿldx.$oDVdx. ms<sn| ±kqu" e rdcH ^e-gov& ixl,amh jvd;a M,odhs f,i l%shdjg kexùu
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24 1921

i|yd f;dr;=re yd ikakf s õok ;dlaIK ±kqu" f;dr;=re" moaO;s úYaf,aIKh" ks¾udKh" mÍlaIKh" ia:dmkh
yd kv;a;= lghq;= ^System Analysis, Design, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance& ms<sn| ±kqu" o;a;
iuqodh ^Database& ks¾udKh yd l<ukdlrKh ms<sn| ±kqu" oDVdx. o;a; ikaksfõokh yd mß.Klcd,"
wka;¾cd,h" fjí wvú ks¾udKh iy kj wka;¾cd, fiajdjka" úoHq;a ;emE," f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok
;dlaIK jHdmD;s Ôjk pl%h wd§ lafIa;% ms<sn| ±kqu yd wëlaIK yelshdj .eUqre f,i mÍlaId lrkq ,nk
m%Yakj,ska iukaú; m%Yak m;%hls'

^02& wNsfhda.H;dj (

úNd. wfmalaIlhdf.a ixLHd f,aLkd;aul yelshdj iy ;¾ldkql+,j lreKq ±laùu ms<sn| ±kqu mÍlaId
lsÍfï m%Yak fuu m%Yak m;%hg wvx.= fõ' nyqjrK yd flá ms<s;=re iemhSfï udÈ,sfha m%Yak mkylska ^50&
iukaú; jk w;r" m%Yak ish,a,g u ms<s;=re iemhsh hq;=h'—

^03& idudkH nqoaêh (

ixLHd;aul" NdIduh yd rEmdldr jHqyhka iy wka;¾ iïnkaO;djhkag wod<j bÈßm;a flfrk .eg¨
iïnkaOfhka úYaf,aIK l=i,;dj" ;d¾lsl wjfndaOh" w¾:l:k yelshdj" fjk;a ;;a;ajhkag wod<
lr.ekSfï yelshdj yd ks.ukhkag t<öu iïnkaOj wfmalaIlhd i;= nqoaê uÜgu uek ne,Su fuhska
wfmalaId flf¾' nyqjrK yd flá ms<s;=re iemhSfï udÈ,sfha m%Yakj,ska iukaú; jk w;r" m%Yak
ish,a,g u ms<s;=re iemhsh hq;=h'

igyk '- 3' fiajfha rdcldß i|yd wfmalaIlhl=f.a fhda.H;dj iy yelshdj mÍlaId lr ne,Sug fuu m%Yak
m;% ilia ù we;' fuu úNd.h ;r. úNd.hla jqj o tla tla úIh i|yd fjka lr we;s ,l=Kqj,ska hg;a
msßfihska 40] j;a wfmalaIlhd úiska ,nd.; hq;= w;r" úNd.fha uq¿ ,l=Kq .Kkska hg;a msßfihska 50]
j;a ,nd .; hq;= fõ' ;r. úNd.h i|yd fjka fldg we;s mqrmamdvq .Kk imqrd,k mßÈ ,nd.;a ,l=Kq
wkqms<sfj, ;rfhau wkq.ukh lrñka m;aùï ,ndfokq ,efí'

8'4 ms r ùug wfma l a I s ; mq r ma m dvq ixLHdjg iudk wfma l a I lhs k a ixLHdjla we;= < ;a jk fia úNd.h iu;a
wfmalaIlhskaf.a kï we;=<;a m%uqL;d f,aLkh úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a úiska tAldnoaO fiajd wOHlaI
ckrd,a fj; ,nd fokq we;' thg wu;rj úNd.hg fmkS isá ish¨ u wfmalaIlhska fj; m%;sM, fm!oa.,slj
okajd heùug fyda Y%S ,xld úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fjí wvúfha m< lsÍug
Y%S ,xld úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=j mshjr .kq we;'

iïuqL mÍlaIKh (

,sÅ; úNd.fha ish¨u m%Yak m;%j,g fmkSisá whÿïlrejka w;ßka m%udKj;a njg tAldnoaO fiajd wOHlaI ckrd,a
úiska kshu lrkq ,nk by<u uÜgul uq¿ ,l=Kq m%udKhla ,nd .kakd wfmalaIlhka iïnkaOfhka iqÿiqlï mÍlaId
lsÍfï iïuqL mÍlaIKhla meje;afõ' tu mÍlaIKh meje;afjk Èkh tAldnoaO fiajd wOHlaI ckrd,a úiska ;SrKh
lrkq we;'

9'0 jHdc f;dr;=re i|yd o~qjï (

whÿïm;%h msrùfï § b;d ie,ls,su;aj ksrjoH f;dr;=re iemhsh hq;=h' fï úNd.fha kS;sÍ;s wkqj hï wfmalaIlhl=
kqiqÿiq nj wkdjrKh jqjfyd;a úNd.hg fmr fyda úNd.h meje;afjk w;r;=r § fyda úNd.fhka miqj fyda ´kEu
wjia:djl Tyqf.a$wehf.a wfmalaIl;ajh wj,x.= l< yels h' whÿïlrejl= úiska bÈßm;a lrk ,o f;dr;=rla
´kE u wjia:djl wi;H nj fmkS .shfyd;a Tyq$weh rcfha fiajfhka my lsÍug ms<sjk'
1922 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24

10'0 úNd. fldkafoais :

I' úNd.h isxy," fou< yd bx.%Sis NdId udOHj,ska mj;ajkq ,efí' wfmalaIlhka leu;s tla NdIdjlska úNd.hg fmkS
isáh yelsh' wfmalaIlhka fuu úNd.fha ish¨u m%Yak m;%j,g tlu NdIdjlska ms<s;=re Èh hq;=h' wfmalaIlhl=g
iajlSh whÿïmf;ys ±lafjk úNd. udOH fjkia lsÍug wjir fokq fkd,efí' iEu wfmalaIlhl=u m%Yak m;%
;=kgu fmkS isáh hq;=h'

II' ud¾..; ^online& úNd. whÿïm; bx.%Sis NdIdfjka muKla iïmQ¾K l< hq;=h' whÿïlre úiska ud¾..;j fhduq
lrk ,o uDÿ msgm; yd ,shdmÈxÑ ;emEf,ka fhduq lrk uqøs; msgm; ^printout& hk folu úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=jg
,enqKq miq tu uDÿ msgm; yd uqøs; msgm; i;Hdmkh lsÍu ^verify& isÿ lrkq ,nk w;r" j,x.= whÿïm;la njg
fomd¾;fïka;=j úiska Ndr.kakd ,o nj$Ndr fkd.kakd nj moaO;shg m%fõYùug Ndú; lrk ,o cx.u ÿrl:k
wxlhg flá m‚jqvhla ^SMS& u.ska fyda úoHq;a ;eme,a ^B-fï,a& ,smskhg fyda ±kqï fokq ,efí' ud¾..;
whÿïm; iïmQ¾K wh lsÍug fmr úNd.h i|yd whÿï lsÍu fjkqfjka ilid we;s fmdÿ Wmfoia m;%l s dj ^Common
Instructions& nd.; lr.kak' whÿïm; msrùfï§ fuu Wmfoia ;rfha ms<smÈkak' whÿïmf;a uqøs; msgm;la ,nd
.ekSfuka miqj tys isÿlrkq ,nk lsisÿ ixfYdaOkhla j,x.= ixfYdaOkhla f,i i,lkq fkd,efí' wiïmQ¾K
whÿïm;a ±kqï §ulska f;drj m%;slafIam lrkq ,efí'

III' úNd. .dia;=j re' 600ls' úNd. .dia;= f.ùfï§ ud¾..; moaO;sfhka ,ndfok my; .dia;= f.ùfï l%ufõo hgf;a
muKla f.ùu isÿ l< hq;=h'

^i& ´kEu nexl=jl Kh ldâm;la u.ska ^Any Bank Credit Card&

^ii& ud¾..; f.ùï myiqlu il%sh lr we;s yr ldâm;la u.ska ^Debit Card with online payment facility&
^iii& ,xld nexl= Tka,hska nEkalska l%uh u.ska ^Online Banking Method, Bank of Ceylon&
^iv& ´kEu ,xld nexl= YdLdjla u.ska ^Slip Payment, Bank of Ceylon&
^v& ;eme,a fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ;eme,a ld¾hd,hla u.ska ^Postal Department Payment at a Post Office&

igyk '- 4' by; l%uh u.ska f.ùï isÿ lrkq ,nk wdldrh ms<sn| Wmfoia fjí wvúfha úNd.hg wod< ;dlaI‚l
Wmfoia hgf;a m<lr we;'

IV' f.ùu ,enqKq njg flá m‚jqvhla ^SMS& u.ska fyda úoHq;a ;eme,a m‚jqvhla u.ska fyda okajkq ,efí' úNd.
.dia;=j i|yd jk iïmQ¾K uqo,u f.úh hq;=jk w;r úNd. .dia;= wvqfjka fyda jeäfhka f.jd we;s whÿïm;a
m%;slafIam lrkq ,efí' by; i|yka f.ùï l%uh u.ska úNd. .dia;= f.ùfï§ isÿjk fodaI iïnkaOfhka Y%S ,xld
úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=j j.lshkq fkd,efí'

V' úNd.h i|yd f.jk ,o uqo, lsisu fya;=jla ksid wdmiq f.úu fyda fjk;a úNd.hla i|yd udre lsÍu fyda isÿ
lrkq fkd,efí'

VI' whÿïm;%fha o úNd.h i|yd jk m%fõY m;%fha o whÿïlref.a w;aik iy;sl lr ;sìh hq;=h' rcfha fiajfha$m<d;a
rdcH fiajfha$rcfha ixia:djl fiajfha ksh;
q = whÿïlrejl= ;u w;aik wdh;k m%Odkshd fyda Tyq úiska n,h mjrk
,o ks,Odßhl= ,jd o" tfia fkdjk whÿïlrejl= ;u w;aik rcfha mdi,l m%Odksfhl=$úY%dñl ks,Odßfhl="
fldÜGdifha .%du ks,Odßjrhd" iduodk úksYaphldrjrfhl=" Èjqreï flduidßiajrfhl=" kS;s{jrfhl=" m%isoaO
fkd;dßiajrfhl=" ;%súO yuqodfõ wêldÍ,;a ks,Odßfhl=" rcfha$m<d;a rdcH fiajfha iaÓr udKav,sl fY%a‚fha
ks,Odßfhl= fyda fn!oaO úydria:dkhl úydrdêm;s fyda kdhl iajdóka jykafia kula fyda wkH wd.ñl mQcH
ia:dkhla Ndr fyda mQcH mlaIfha ie,lsh hq;= ;;a;ajhla ork whl= fyda ,jd iy;sl lrjd .; hq;=h'

igyk'- 5' m%fõY m;%h fkdue;sj úNd. Yd,djg we;=¿ùug bvfokq fkd,efí' úNd.h wdrïN jk Èkfha úNd.
Yd,dêm;s fj; bÈßm;a l< hq;= jkafka ;u w;aik iy;sl lrjd .;a m%fõY m;%h mu‚' wfmalaIlhl=g úNd.
m%fõY m;%hla ksl=;a lsÍu Tyq fyda weh úNd.hg bÈßm;aùug fyda ;k;=r i|yd iqÿiqlï imqrd we;s njg fyda
ms<s.ekSula f,i fkdie,lsh hq;=h'
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24 1923

VII' .eiÜ ksfõokfha i|yka iqÿiqlï we;s wh muKla b,a¨ï lrkq we;e hs hk mQ¾j ks.ukh u; ksfõokfha i|yka
jhia iSudj ;=<jk" whÿïm;a Ndr.kakd wjika Èkg fyda tÈkg fmr kshñ; úNd. .dia;=j f.jd whÿïm;a
ksjerÈj ud¾..;j fhduq fldg whÿïmf;a uqøs; msgm; tjd we;s whÿïlrejka fj; úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a
úiska úNd. m%fõY m;% ksl=;a lrkq we;' úNd.h i|yd whÿïlrejkag m%fõY m;% ksl=;a l< jydu tA nj i|yka
lrñka ksfõokhla mqj;am;aj, yd Y%S ,xld úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ks, fjí wvúfha m< lrkq ,efí' ksfõokh
m<ù Èk 2la fyda 3la .; jQ miqj;a ;u m%fõY m;%h fkd,o wfmalaIlhl= fõ kï ±kaùfï i|yka wdldrhg tA nj
Y%S ,xld úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=fõ wdh;ksl úNd. ixúOdk YdLdfjka úuish hq;=h' tfia úuiSfï§ whÿïlre ;ud
b,a¨ïlrk ,o úNd.fha ku" whÿïlref.a ku" cd;sl ye÷kqïm;a wxlh yd ,smskh ksjerÈj i|yka l< hq;h = '
whÿïlre fld<ôka neyer mÈxÑlrejl= kï tu úia;r iu. *elaia u.ska úNd. m%fõY m;%fha msgm;la läkñka
,nd .ekSug yels whÿïlref.a *elaia wxlhla o i|yka l< b,a,Sï ,smshla ±kaùfï i|yka *elaia wxlh fj;
fhduq lr úuid isàu jvd;a M,ÞhS jkq we;' tfia úuiSfï§ úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=j úiska úuid isák lsishï
f;dr;=rla ikd: lsÍu i|yd ;ud <Õ ;nd.;a whÿïmf;a msgm;" úNd. .dia;= f.ùfuka ,o ,ÿmf;a msgm; yd
whÿïmf;a uqøs; msgm; ;eme,a lsÍfï§ ,shdmÈxÑ l< l=ú;dkaish iQÞkñka ;nd .ekSu o m%fhdackj;a jkq we;'

VIII' úNd.h l,a ±ófï fyda wj,x.= lsÍfï n,h úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a i;= fõ'

IX' úNd.h meje;aùu yd m%;sM, ksl=;a lsÍu iïnkaOfhka úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a úiska mkjkq ,nk kS;sÍ;sj,g
úNd. wfmalaIlhka hg;a fõ' tu kS;sÍ;s W,a,x>kh l<fyd;a úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a úiska mkjkq ,nk
o~qjulg hg;a ùug Tyqg fyda wehg isÿjkq we;' ;r. úNd.hg fmkS isàu i|yd m%fõY m;%hla ksl=;a lsÍu
whÿïlre fuu ;k;=r i|yd iqÿiqlï imqrd we;s njg ms<s.ekSula f,i i,lkq fkd,efí' whÿïlrejka iïuqL
mÍlaIKhg le|jd .eiÜ ksfõokh wkqj iqÿiqlï ;sfí±hs mÍlaId lrk wjia:dfõ wjYH iqÿiqlï fkdue;s nj
wkdjrKh jqjfyd;a tu whf.a úNd. wfmalaIl;ajh wj,x.= lrkq ,efí'

X' úNd. wfmalaIl$wfmalaIsldjka úNd. Yd,dj ;=< § ;uka fmkS isák iEu úIhhla i|ydu Yd,dêm;s iEySulg
m;ajk mßÈ iajlSh wkkH;dj ikd: l< hq;=h' tA i|yd my; ±lafjk ljr ,shú,a,la fyda Ndr.kq ,efí'

^i& cd;sl ye÷kqïm;'

^ii& j,x.= úfoaY .uka n,m;%h'
^iii& j,x.= Y%S ,dxlsl ßhÿre n,m;%h'

tfukau úNd. wfmalaIlhska wkkH;dj ;yjqre lr.; yels jk mßÈ uqyqK yd folka wdjrKh lsÍfuka f;drj
úNd. Yd,djg we;=¿ úh hq;=h' tfia ;u wkkH;dj ikd: lsÍu m%;slafIam lrk whÿïlrejka úNd. Yd,djg
we;=<;a lr fkd.efka' ;j o úNd. Yd,djg we;=¿ jQ fudfydf;a isg úNd.h wjika ù bka msgjk f;la úNd.
n,OdÍkag whÿïlre y÷kd.; yels mßÈ uqyqK yd folka wdjrKh lsÍfuka f;drj isáh hq;=h'

XI' m%;sM, ksl=;a lsÍu'- ,sÅ; mÍlaIKfha tla tla úIfhka ,l=Kq 40] lg fkdwvqj ,enQ yd úNd.fha uq¿ ,l=Kq
ixLHdfjka 50] la fyda Bg jeäfhka ,nd.;a whÿïlrejka f;dard Tjqkaf.a tu ,l=Kqj, tl;=jg wkqj l=i,;d
wkqms<sfj,ska" msrùug wfmalaIs; mqrmamdvq ixLHdjg iudk wfmalaIlhska ixLHdjla we;=<;a jk fia ilia l<
m%uqL;d f,aLkh úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a úiska rdcH fiajd fldñIka iNdfõ wkque;sh o we;sj tAldnoaO fiajd
wOHlaI ckrd,a fj; ,nd fokq we;'

úNd.hg fmkS isá ish¨u whÿïlrejka fj; m%;sM, fm!oa.,slj okajd heùu fyda
fjí wvúfha m%isoaO lsÍu úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a úiska isÿ lrkq we;'

11'0 fuys i|yka fkdjk hï lsis lreKla fjf;d;a tA iïnkaOj tAldnoaO fiajd wOHlaI ckrd,a úiska ;SrKh lrkq
we;' ish¨ u whÿïlrejka fuu .eiÜ ksfõkfha i|yka fmdÿ úNd. kS;s Í;s wkqj lghq;= lsÍug ne£ isákq we;'
1924 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24

12'0 fuys isxy," fou< yd bx.%Sis udOH ksfõok w;r lsishï wkkql+,;djhla mj;S kï" tjeks úfgl isxy, udOH
ksfõokh n,meje;afõ'

tia' wdf,dalnKavdr"
tAldnoaO fiajd wOHlaI ckrd,a"
rdcH fiajd" m<d;a iNd yd m<d;a md,k wud;HdxYh'

2021 iema;eïn¾ ui 13 jeks Èk"

rdcH fiajd" m<d;a iNd yd m<d;a md,k wud;HdxYh"
ksoyia p;=ri%h"
fld<U 07'

09 - 191

rdcH fiajd" m<d;a iNd yd m<d;a md,k wud;HdxYh

Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha

2 mka;sfha II fY%a‚h i|yd n|jd .ekSfï iSñ; ;r. úNd.h - 2021

1'0 Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2 jk mka;sfha II fY%a‚fha ;k;=rej,g n|jd .ekSfï újD;
;r. úNd.h i|yd iqÿiqlï,;a Y%S ,xld mqrejeishkaf.ka whÿïm;a le|jkq ,efí' ta i|yd whÿïm; Y%S ,xld úNd.
fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fjí wvúfha m<lr we;s w;r whÿïm;a bÈßm;a l< yelafla ud¾..; (online)
l%uhg mu‚' whÿïm; ud¾..;j fhduq l< miq th nd.; lr uqøs; msgm;la wÞ< fldgia iïmQ¾K lr" whÿïlref.a
w;aik iy;sl lr whÿïm;a Ndr.kakd wjidk Èkg fyda Bg fmr —úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a" wdh;ksl úNd.
ixúOdk YdLdj" Y%S ,xld úNd. fomd¾;fïka;=j" ;e'fm' 1503" fld<U fj; ,efnk fia ,shdmÈxÑ ;emEf,ka túh
hq;=h' ljrfha jï mi by< fl<jf¾ —Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2 mka;sfha II fY%a‚h
i|yd n|jd .ekSfï iSñ; ;r. úNd.h - 2021˜ hkqfjka meyeÈ,sj igyka l< hq;=h' whÿïm;a Ndr.kakd wjidk
Èkh 2021 Tlaf;dan¾ ui 25 jeks Èk fõ' fuu úNd.h 2022 ckjdß ui fld<U § meje;afõ'


1' whÿïmf;a uqøs; msgm; ;eme,a u.ska tùu wksjd¾h w;r th ;emEf,a§ ke;s jQ njg fyda m%udo jQ njg flfrk
meñ‚,s .ek i,ld ne,sh yels fkdfõ' wjidk Èkh olajd whÿïm; m%udo lsÍfuka isÿúh yels w,dN ydks
whÿïlrejka úiskau ú|ord .; hq;=h' miqj lrk úuiSï i|yd whÿïmf;a Pdhd msgm;la <. ;nd .; hq;=h'

2'0 úNd. flduidßia ckrd,a úiska mj;ajkq ,nk ,sÅ; mÍlaIKhl m%;sM, wkqj l=i,;dj u; iqÿiqlï imqrd we;s
ks,Odßka Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok ;dlaIK fiajfha 2 jk mka;sfha II fY%a‚fha ;k;=re i|yd m;a lsÍug
f;dard .kq we;' fuu úNd.h fld<U § muKla mj;ajkq ,efí'

3'0 fuys§ msrùug wfmalaIs; uq¿ mqrmamdvq ixLHdj 69 ls' m;aùu l%shd;auljk Èkh m;aùï n,Orhd úiska ksYaph lrkq
,efí' lsishï wenE¾;= ixLHdjla fyda wenE¾;= ish,a, u fyda fkdmsrùug m;aùï n,Orhdg n,h we;'

4'0 jegqma mßudKh '- 2016'02'25 Èke;s rdcH mßmd,k pl%f,aL wxl 03$2016 wkqj Y%S ,xld f;dr;=re yd ikaksfõok
;dlaIK fiajfha 2 mka;sfha II fY%a‚hg wod< udisl jegqma mßudKh re' 36"585 - 10 x 660 - 11 x 755- 15 x 930 -
re' 65"440$- ^MN-06-2016& la fõ'

5'0 fuu ;k;=r iaÓr yd úY%du jegqma iys;h' jekaoUq yd wk;aore$jekaoUq mqreI yd wk;aore úY%du jegqma l%uhg odhl
uqo,a f.úh hq;=h'
1332 I fldgi ( (IIw) fcoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24
gFjp I : njhFjp (IIm) - ,yq;ifr; rdehaf Nrhryprf; FbauR th;j;jkhdg; gj;jphpif - 2021.09.24

ghPl;irfSk; ghPl;irg; ngWNgWfSk; gpwTk;

murhq;f Nritfs;> khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk; cs;~uhl;rp mikr;R

,yq;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,w;F Ml;Nrh;g;gjw;fhd
jpwe;j Nghl;bg; guPl;ir- 2021

1.0 ,yq;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,Ys;s gjtpfSf;F
Ml;Nrh;g;gjw;fhd jpwe;j Nghl;bg; guPl;irf;Fj; jFjp ngw;Ws;s ,yq;ifg; gpuirfsplkpUe;J tpz;zg;gq;fs;
Nfhug;gLfpd;wd. mjw;fhd tpz;zg;gk; ,yq;if guPl;irfs; jpizf;fsj;jpd; ,izaj;jsj;jpy;
ntspaplg;gl;Ls;sJld;> tpz;zg;gq;fis ,izatop (online) Kiw Clhf khj;jpuNk tpz;zg;gpf;f
KbAk;. tpz;zg;gq;fis ,izatop Clhf mDg;gpajd; gpd;du; mjid gjptpwf;fk; nra;J mr;rplg;gl;l
gpujpapy; Fwpj;j gFjpfis g{u;j;jpnra;J> tpz;zg;gjhupapd; ifnahg;gj;ij rhd;Wg;gLj;jp tpz;zg;gq;fs;
Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gLk; ,Wjpj; jpfjpf;F Kd;du; guPl;ir Mizahsu; ehafk;> epWtdg; guPl;irfs; xOq;fikg;Gf;
fpis> ,yq;if guPl;irj; jpizf;fsk;> jghy; ngl;b 1503> nfhOk;G vd;w Kftupf;F fpilf;Fk; tifapy; gjpTj;
jghypy; mDg;Gjy; Ntz;Lk;. mDg;Gk; fbj ciwapd; ,lJ gf;f Nky; %iyapy; '',yq;if jfty; kw;Wk;
njhlu;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,w;F Ml;Nru;g;gjw;fhd jpwe;j Nghl;bg; guPl;ir - 2021""
vd njspthf Fwpg;gpLjy; Ntz;Lk;. tpz;zg;gq;fs; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gLk; ,Wjpj; jpfjp 2021> xw;Nwhgu; 25 Me;
jpfjpahFk;. ,g;guPl;irahdJ 2022 Mk; Mz;L rdtup khjk; nfhOk;gpy; khj;jpuk; eilngWk;.

Fwpg;G 1 : tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;jpd; mr;rplg;gl;l gpujpia fl;lhakhf jghypy; mDg;Gjy; Ntz;Lk; vd;gNjhL>

mJ jghypy; fhzhky; Nghjy; my;yJ jhkjkiljy; gw;wpa Kiwg;ghLfs; ftdj;jpw; nfhs;sg;gl khl;lhJ.
tpz;zg;g KbTj; jpfjp tiu tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;ij jhkjg;gLj;Jtjdhy; Vw;glf;$ba ,og;Gf;F tpz;zg;g
jhupfNs nghWg;Ngw;f Ntz;Lk;.
2.0 guPl;irfs; Mizahsh; ehafj;jpdhy; elhj;jg;gLk; vOj;Jg; guPl;irnahd;wpd; ngWNgWfSf;fika jpwik
mbg;gilapy; jFjp ngw;Ws;s tpz;zg;gjhupfs; ,yq;;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd;
tFg;G 2 Mk; tFg;gpd; juk; II ,Ys;s gjtpfspy; epakpf;fg;gLtjw;fhf Njh;e;njLf;fg;gLthu;fs;.

3.0 ,jd; %yk; epug;Gtjw;F cj;Njrpf;fg;gl;Ls;s nkhj;j ntw;;wplq;fspd; vz;zpf;if 162 MFk;. epakdk; gad;tYg;
ngWk; jpdk; epakd mjpfhupapdhy; jPh;khdpf;fg;gLk;. VNjDk; xU ntw;wpl vz;zpf;if my;yJ ntw;wplq;fs;
vy;yhtw;iwAk; epug;ghky; tpLtjw;fhd mjpfhuj;ij epakd mjpfhup nfhz;Ls;shh;.
4.0 ,g;guPl;irapd; %yk; epug;Gtjw;F vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLk; ntw;wpl vz;zpf;ifapy; 3… tPjk; mq;ftPdKila egh;fSf;F
xJf;fg;gLk;. guPl;irapy; jifik ngWfpd;w mq;ftPdKila egh;fspy; $ba Gs;sp kl;lj;ij milfpd;w 3…
tPjkhdth;fs; kl;Lk;; epakdk; toq;Ftjw;fhf njupT nra;ag;gLth;. njupT nra;ag;gLk; guPl;rhh;j;jpfspd; Gs;spfs;
Fiwe;j gl;rk; 50… tPjkhtJ ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. epakdnkhd;Wf;fhf njupT nra;ag;gLk; guPl;rhh;j;jpnahUth;
tpNrl kUj;Jt gupNrhjidf; FOtplk; rkh;g;gpf;fg;gLtJld; jdJ mq;ftPd epiyikAk; rk;ge;jg;gl;l gjtpapy;
flikahw;Wtjw;F mJ jilahf ,uhJ vd;gijAk; tpNrl kUj;Jt mwpf;if %yk; cWjpg;gLj;j Ntz;Lk;.
5.0 rk;gs msTj;jpl;lk;.- 2016.02.25 Me; jpfjpa murhq;f eph;thf Rw;wwpf;if ,y. 03/ 2016 ,d; gpufhuk;
,yq;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd; 2-II Mk; juj;jpw;fhd khjhe;j rk;gsj; jpl;lk; &gh
36>585-10Š660-11Š755-15Š930 - &gh 65>440 (MN-06-2016) MFk;.
6.0 ,g;gjtp epue;jukhdJk; Xa;t{jpa cupj;JilaJkhFk;. ,g;guPl;irapy; ,yq;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly;
njhopy;El;g Nritapd; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,w;F epakpf;fg;gLk; mYtyu;fSf;F cupj;Jila Xa;t{jpaj; jpl;lkhdJ
murhq;fj;jpdhy; njhlu;e;Njr;irahf vLf;fg;gLk; nfhs;if uPjpahd jPu;khdq;fSf;F mYtyu;fs; fl;Lg;gly;
7.0 jifikfs;.- ,yq;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,w;F Ml;Nrh;g;Gr;
nra;a gpd;tUk; jifikfs; Vw;GilajhFk;.
(m) ,yq;ifg; gpuirahf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;@
(M) tpz;zg;gq;fs; Vw;Wf; nfhs;sg;gLk; ,Wjpj; jpfjpad;W 21 tajpw;Ff; FiwahjtuhfTk; 35 tajpw;Ff;
Nkw;glhjtuhfTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. (mjw;fika 2003.10.25 Me; jpfjpf;F my;;yJ mjw;F Kd;dh; kw;Wk;
1986.10.25 Me; jpfjpf;F my;yJ mjw;Fg; gpd;dh; gpwe;jpUg;gth;fs; khj;jpuk; ,jw;fhf tpz;zg;gpg;gjw;F
jifik ngWth;.).
I fldgi ( (IIw) fcoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24 1333
gFjp I : njhFjp (IIm) - ,yq;ifr; rdehaf Nrhryprf; FbauR th;j;jkhdg; gj;jphpif - 2021.09.24
(,) ed;elj;;ijAilath;fshf ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.

(<) rfy guPl;rhu;j;jpfSk; ehl;bd; vg;ghfj;jpYk; Nritahw;Wtjw;Fk;> gjtpapy; flik Guptjw;Fk; NghJkhd
rpwe;j cs> NjfhNuhf;fpak; cilatu;fshfTk; ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.

(c) fy;tpj; jifikfs;:

(1) gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l gy;fiyf;fofk; xd;wpypUe;J my;yJ

gl;lk; toq;Fk; epWtdnkhd;whf gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l
epWtdnkhd;wpy; ,Ue;J fzpdpapay; / jfty; njhopy;El;gk; njhlu;ghd gl;lk; ngw;wpUj;jy;.


(2) (i) gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l gy;fiyf;fofk; xd;wpypUe;J

my;yJ gl;lk; toq;Fk; epWtdnkhd;whf gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy;
mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l epWtdnkhd;wpy; ,Ue;J fzpdpapay; / jfty; njhopy;El;gj;ijg; gpujhd ghlkhff;
nfhz;l gl;lnkhd;wpidg; ngw;wpUj;jy;. (,jd;NghJ KOikahd gl;lkhdJ Mff; Fiwe;jJ 1/3
gFjp fzpdpapay;/ jfty; njhopy;El;gk; njhlu;ghdjhf mikjy; Ntz;Lk;.)


(ii) gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l gy;fiyf;fofk; xd;wpypUe;J

my;yJ gl;lk; toq;Fk; epWtdnkhd;whf gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy;
mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l epWtdnkhd;wpy; ,Ue;J fzpdpapay; / jfty; njhopy;El;gk; njhlu;ghd gl;lg;gpd;
gl;l bg;Nshkhit ngw;wpUj;jy;.


(3) (i) gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l gy;fiyf;fofk; xd;wpypUe;J

my;yJ gl;lk; toq;Fk; epWtdnkhd;whf gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy;
mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l epWtdnkhd;wpy; ,Ue;J gl;lnkhd;wpidg; ngw;wpUj;jy;.


(ii) gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy; mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l gy;fiyf;fofk; xd;wpypUe;J

my;yJ gl;lk; toq;Fk; epWtdnkhd;whf gy;fiyf;fof khdpaq;fs; Mizf;FOtpdhy;
mq;fPfupf;fg;gl;l epWtdnkhd;wpy; ,Ue;J fzpdpapay; / jfty; njhopy;El;gk; njhlu;ghd gl;lg;gpd;
gl;lj;ijg; ngw;wpUj;jy;.

Fwpg;G 2 : xt;nthU tpz;zg;gjhuUk; cupa jifikfis tpz;zg;g KbTj; jpfjpad;Nwh my;yJ

mjw;F Kd;dNuh g{u;j;jp nra;jpUj;jy; fl;lhakhdjhFk;.

8.0 guPl;ir eilKiwfs; kw;Wk; ghltpjhdk;:

8.1 guPl;irahdJ %d;W tpdhg;gj;jpuq;fisf; nfhz;ljhf mikAk;. ,g;guPl;ir rpq;fsk;> jkpo;

kw;Wk; Mq;fpyk; Mfpa nkhop%yq;fspy; elhj;jg;gLk;. tpz;zg;gpf;fg;gLk; nkhop%yj;ij gpd;dh;
khw;Wtjw;F ,lkspf;fg;glkhl;lhJ.

8.2 guPl;irf;fhd ghlq;fSk; xt;nthU ghlj;jpw;Fk; xJf;fg;gl;Ls;s Gs;spfSk; fPNo fhl;lg;gl;Ls;sd:-

ghlq;fs; Neuk; mjpfgl;r rpj;jpaila ngw

Gs;spfs; Ntz;ba Gs;spfs;

(1) jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;gk; 2 kzp 100 40

(2) csr;rhh;G 1 kzp 100 40

(3) nghJ tpNtfk; 1 kzp 100 40

1334 I fldgi ( (IIw) fcoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24
gFjp I : njhFjp (IIm) - ,yq;ifr; rdehaf Nrhryprf; FbauR th;j;jkhdg; gj;jphpif - 2021.09.24
8.3 (01) jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;gk;:-

guPl;rhh;j;jpfspd; jfty; kw;Wk; njhlu;ghly; njhopy;El;gf; Nfhl;ghLfs; gw;wpa mwpT

fzpdp tbtikg;G kw;Wk; ,aq;F jsk;/ nkd;nghUl;fs;/ td;nghUl;fs; njhlu;ghd
mwpT> e - murhq;fk; (e-gov) vz;zf;fUtpid kpfTk; gaDWjp tha;e;j Kiwapy; nraw;
ghl;by; nfhz;L tUtjw;fhf jfty; kw;Wk; njhlu;ghly; njhopy;El;g mwpT> jfty;fs;
mikg;Gg; gFg;gha;T> Mf;fq;fs; gupNrhjid nraw;gLj;jy; kw;Wk; guhkupg;G eltbf;iffs;
(System Analysis, Design, Testing, Implementation and Maintenance) njhlh;ghd mwpT> juTj;jsk;
(Database)> tbtikg;G kw;Wk; Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlu;ghd mwpT> td;nghUs;> juTj; njhlu;ghly; kw;Wk;
fzpdp tiyaikg;G> ,izaj;jsk;> ,izaj;jsq;fis cUthf;Fjy; kw;Wk; Gjpa ,izaj;js Nritfs;>
fzpdp tiyaikg;G Kfhikj;Jtk; njhlu;ghd mwpT> ,iza tiyaikg;G kw;Wk; kpd;dQ;ry; jfty;
kw;Wk; njhlu;ghly; njhopy;El;g nraw;jpl;l tho;f;if Row;rp Nghd;w Jiwfs; njhlu;ghd mwpT kw;Wk;
fz;fhzpg;Gj; jpwid Mokhfg; guPl;rpj;Jg; ghu;f;Fk; tpdhf;fisf; nfhz;l tpdhg;gj;jpukhFk;.

(2) csr;rhh;Gg; guPl;ir:-

,t;tpdhg;gj;jpuk;> guPl;rhh;j;jpfspd; Gs;sptpgu Mw;wypidAk; kw;Wk; jh;f;f uPjpahf tplaq;fis

Kd;itf;Fk; mwptpidAk; guPl;rpj;jy; njhlu;ghd tpdhf;fs; ,t;tpdhj;jhspy; cs;slf;fg;gl;bUf;Fk;. ,J
gy;Nju;T kw;Wk; RUf;f tpilaspj;jy; khjpupahd 50 tpdhf;fisf; nfhz;Ls;sJld; vy;yh tpdhf;fSf;Fk;
tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.

(3) nghJ tpNtfk;:-

Gs;sptpgutpay; uPjpahf> nkhopuPjpahf> tbtf; fl;likg;Gf;fs;> cwTfSf;fpilapyhd njhlu;Gfs;

Nghd;w gpur;rpidfs; kl;byhd gFg;gha;Tj; jpwik> ju;f;f uPjpahd mwpT> nghUs;Nfhly; jpwik> NtW
epiyikfSf;F cupj;jhf;fpf;nfhs;sj;jf;f Mw;wy; kw;Wk; KbTfis vl;Ljy; njhlu;ghf guPl;rhu;j;jpapd;
mwpT kl;lj;ij mstpLjy;> ,jd; %yk; vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gLfpd;wJ. ,J gy;Nju;T kw;Wk; RUf;f tpilaspj;jy;
khjpupahd tpdhf;fisf; nfhz;Ls;sJld; vy;yh tpdhf;fSf;Fk; tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;.

Fwpg;G 3 : flik Nehf;fq;fSf;fhf guPl;rhh;j;jpfspd; jifikiaAk; Mw;wiyAk; guPl;rpf;ff; $bajhf

,t;tpdhg;gj;jpuk; jahupf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ. ,g;guPl;ir xU Nghl;bg; guPl;irahf ,Ue;j NghjpYk;
epakdj;jpw;fhd jifikiag; ngWtjw;F xt;nthU ghlj;jpw;Fk; xJf;fg;gl;Ls;s Gs;;spfspy; Mff;
Fiwe;jJ 40… tPjj;ijahtJ ngw Ntz;bAs;sJld;> guPl;irf;fhd nkhj;jg; Gs;spfspy; 50…
tPjj;ijahtJ ngWjy; Ntz;Lk;. Nghl;bg;guPl;irf;fhf xJf;fg;gl;Ls;s ntw;wplq;fspd; vz;zpf;ifiag;
G{h;j;jp nra;af; $bathW Gs;sp xOq;F fl;lhakhf filgpbf;fg;gl;L epakdq;fs; toq;fg;gLk;.

8.4 epug;Gtjw;Fj; jPh;khdpj;Js;s ntw;wpl vz;zpf;iff;Fr; rkkhd guPl;rhh;j;jpfspd; vz;zpf;ifia

cs;slf;fpathW guPl;irapy; rpj;jpaile;j guPl;rhu;j;jpfspd; ngau;fs; cs;slq;Fk; tz;zk; jahupf;fg;gl;l
Kjd;ik ml;ltiznahd;W guPl;irfs; Mizahsh; ehafj;jpdhy; ,ize;j Nritfs;
gzpg;ghsh; ehafj;Jf;F mDg;gp itf;fg;gLk;. mjw;F Nkyjpfkhf guPl;irf;Fj; Njhw;wpa midj;J
guPl;rhh;j;jpfSf;Fk; ngWNgWfs; jdpg;gl;l tifapy; mDg;Gtjw;F my;yJ ,yq;ifg; guPl;irfs;
jpizf;fsj;jpd; ,izaj;jpy; gpuRupg;gjw;F ,yq;ifg; guPl;irfs;
jpizf;fsj;jpdhy; eltbf;if vLf;fg;gLk;.

Neu;Kfg; guPl;ir.- vOj;J%yg; guPl;irapd; midj;J tpdhj;jhs;fSf;Fk; Njhw;wpa guPl;rhu;j;jp

fspilNaapUe;J ,ize;j Nritfs; gzpg;ghsu; ehafj;jpdhy; tpjpf;fg;gLk; mjp$ba Gs;spfisg; ngw;w
guPl;rhu;j;jpfspd; jifikfisg; guPl;rpg;gjw;fhf Neu;Kfg; guPl;ir elhj;jg;gLk;. me; Neu;Kfg; guPl;ir
elhj;jg;gLk; jpfjp ,ize;j Nritfs; gzpg;ghsu; ehafj;jpdhy; jPu;khdpf;fg;gLk;.

9.0 Nghypahd jfty;fSf;fhd jz;lid.- tpz;zg;gg;gbtq;fis epug;Gfpd;w NghJ rupahd jfty;fis

toq;FtJ njhlh;gpy; $Ljyhd ftdk; nrYj;Jjy; Ntz;Lk;. ,g;guPl;irapd; xOq;F tpjpfSf;F ,zq;f
guPl;irf;F Kd;dh; my;yJ guPl;ir eilngWk;NghJ my;;yJ guPl;irapd; gpd;dh; ve;jnthU re;jh;g;gj;jpYk;
vtNuDk; guPl;rhh;j;jpnahUth; jFjpaw;wth; vdj; njupatUkplj;J> mtuJ guPl;rhh;j;j cupikia ,uj;Jr; nra;a
KbAk;. tpz;zg;gjhupapdhy; rkh;g;gpf;fg;gl;Ls;s jfty;fs; gpioahdit vd vg;NghjhtJ njupatUkplj;J
mtiu murhq;f NritapypUe;J ePf;f KbAk;.
I fldgi ( (IIw) fcoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24 1335
gFjp I : njhFjp (IIm) - ,yq;ifr; rdehaf Nrhryprf; FbauR th;j;jkhdg; gj;jphpif - 2021.09.24
10.0 guPl;ir epge;jidfs;.-

(i) guPl;ir rpq;fsk;> jkpo; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy nkhopfspy; eilngWk;. guPl;rhu;j;jpfs; jhd; tpUk;Gk; xU
nkhopapy; guPl;irf;Fj; Njhw;w KbAk;. guPl;rhu;j;jpfs; ,g;guPl;irapd; vy;yh tpdhg;gj;jpuq;fSf;Fk; xNu
nkhopapNy tpilaspf;f Ntz;Lk;. guPl;rhu;j;jpfs; jkJ tpz;zg;gj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;l guPl;ir nkhop
%yj;ij khw;Wtjw;F ,lkspf;fg;glkhl;lhJ. rfy guPl;rhu;j;jpfSk; tpdhg;gj;jpuq;fs; %d;Wf;Fk;
Njhw;Wjy; Ntz;Lk;.

(ii) ,izatop (online) guPl;irf;fhd tpz;zg;gq;fs; Mq;fpy nkhopapy; khj;jpuk; KOikg;gLj;jg;gly;

Ntz;Lk;. tpz;zg;gjhupapdhy; ,izatop Clhf mDg;gpa nkd;gpujp kw;Wk; gjpTj; jghypy;
mDg;gpa mr;rplg;gl;l gpujp (printout) Mfpa ,uz;ilAk; guPl;irj; jpizf;fsj;jpw;F fpilj;jjd; gpd;du;
mk;nkd;gpujp kw;Wk; mr;rplg;gl;l gpujpia cWjpg;gLj;Jif (verify) nra;ag;gLtJld;> nry;YgbahFk;
tpz;zg;gq;fshf jpizf;fsj;jpdhy; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gl;ljh/ Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gltpy;iyah vd
njhFjpapDs; gpuNtrpf;fg; gad;gLj;jg;gLk; ifalf;fj; njhiyNgrp ,yf;fj;jpw;F FWQ;nra;jp (SMS)
%yk; my;yJ kpd;dQ;ry; (<-nkapy;) Kftupf;F mwptpf;fg;gLk;. ,izatop tpz;zg;gj;ij g{u;j;jp
nra;tjw;F Kd;du; guPl;irf;F tpz;zg;gpg;gjw;fhf jahu;gLj;jg;gl;Ls;s nghJthd mwpTiug;
gj;jpuj;ij (Common Instructions) gjptpwf;fk; nra;aTk;. tpz;zg;gq;fis g{u;j;jp nra;Ak; NghJ
,t;twpTiufis fz;bg;ghfg; gpd;gw;wTk;. tpz;zg;gj;jpd; mr;Rg; gpujpia ngw;Wf;nfhz;ljd; gpd;du;>
mjpy; Nkw;nfhs;sg;gLk; ve;jnthU jpUj;jq;fSk; nry;YgbahFk; jpUj;jq;fshf fUjg;glkhl;lhJ.
g{uzkw;w tpz;zg;gg;gbtq;fs; vt;tpj mwptpj;jYkpd;wp epuhfupf;fg;gLk;.

(iii) guPl;irf; fl;lzk; &gh 600 MFk;. guPl;irf; fl;lzj;ij nrYj;Jk; NghJ ,izatop mikg;gpy;
toq;fg;gl;Ls;s gpd;tUk; fl;lz Kiwfspd; %yk; khj;jpuk; nrYj;jg;gly; Ntz;Lk;.

(i) ve;jnthU tq;fpapdJk; fldl;il %yk; (Any Bank Credit Cards) @

(ii) ,izatopf; nfhLg;gdT nra;af;$ba ve;jnthU gw;W ml;il %yk; (Debit Card with online
payment facility) @
(iii) ,yq;if tq;fpapd; ,izatop tq;fp Kiwapd; %yk; (Online Banking Method, Bank of Ceylon) @
(iv) ve;jnthU ,yq;if tq;fpf; fpisapd; %yk; (Slip Payment, Bank of Ceylon) @
(v) jghy; jpizf;fsj;jpd; ve;jnthU jghyfj;jpd; %yk; (Postal Department Payment at Post Office) @

Fwpg;G 4 : Nkw;gb Kiwfspd; %yk; fl;lz nrYj;Jif ,lk;ngWk; tpjk; gw;wpa mwpTiu ,izaj;jpy;
guPl;irf;F cupj;jhd njhopy;El;g MNyhridapd; fPo; gpuRupf;fg;gl;Ls;sJ.

(iv) fl;lzk; fpilf;fg;ngw;wjhf FWe;jfty; (SMS) %yk; my;yJ kpd;dQ;ry; %yk; mwptpf;fg;gLk;. guPl;irf;
fl;lzj;Jf;Fupa KOj; njhifiaAk; nrYj;j Ntz;Lk; vd;gNjhL guPl;irf; fl;lzk; FiwthfNth
my;yJ $ljyhfNth nrYj;jg;gl;Ls;s tpz;zg;gq;fs; epuhfupf;fg;gLk;. Nkw;$wg;gl;l fl;lzr;
nrYj;jy; Kiwapd; Clhf guPl;irf; fl;lzj;ijr; nrYj;Jk; NghJ Vw;gLk; jtWfs; njhlu;ghf ,yq;if
guPl;irj; jpizf;fsk; nghWg;Ngw;f khl;lhJ.

(v) guPl;irf;fhf nrYj;jpa gzk; vf;fhuzk; nfhz;Lk; kPsspf;fg;gl khl;lhJ mj;NjhL kw;nwhU guPl;irf;F
khw;wg;glTk; khl;lhJ.

(vi) tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;jpYk; guPl;irf;fhd mDkjp ml;ilapYk; guPl;rhu;j;jpapd; ifnahg;gk;

cWjpg;gLj;jg;gl;bUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. mur Nritapd;/ khfhz Nritapd;/ mur $l;Lj;jhgd Nritapd;
tpz;zg;gpg;gjhapd; tpz;zg;gjhup jdJ ifnahg;gj;ij epWtdj; jiytu; my;yJ mtupdhy;
mjpfhukspf;fg;gl;l cj;jpNahfj;ju; xUtupdhy;> mt;thwy;yhj tpz;zg;gjhupfs; jdJ xg;gj;ij
mur ghlrhiynahd;wpd; mjpgu;/ Xa;T ngw;w xU mYtyu;> gpuptpd; fpuhk mYtyu;> rkhjhd ePjthd;>
rj;jpag; gpukhz Mizahsu;> tof;fwpQu;> gpurpj;jp ngw;w nehj;jhupR> Kg;gilapy; mjpfhuk; ngw;w
mYtyu;> mur my;yJ khfhz Nritapd; epue;ju gjtpepiy juj;Jila mYtyu; my;yJ ngsj;j
1336 I fldgi ( (IIw) fcoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24
gFjp I : njhFjp (IIm) - ,yq;ifr; rdehaf Nrhryprf; FbauR th;j;jkhdg; gj;jphpif - 2021.09.24
tpfhiunahd;wpd; tpfhuhjpgjp my;yJ ngsj;j tpfhiuapd; jiyikg; gpf;F my;yJ Vida kjj;
jsq;fSf;Fg; nghWg;ghd kjj; jiytu; mtu;fisf; nfhz;L rhd;Wg;gLj;jpf; nfhs;s Ntz;Lk;.

Fwpg;G 5 : mDkjpg;gj;jpukpd;wp guPl;ir kz;lgj;jpDs; Eiotjw;F ,lkspf;fg;glkhl;lhJ. guPl;ir

Muk;gkhFk; jpdj;jpy; guPl;ir kz;lgg; nghWg;ghsuplk; jdJ ifnahg;gj;ij rhd;Wg;gLj;jpa
mDkjpg; gj;jpuj;ij khj;jpuNk toq;f Ntz;Lk;. guPl;rhu;j;jpnahUtUf;F guPl;ir mDkjpg;gj;jpuk;
toq;fg;gLtjhdJ mtu; guPl;irf;F Njhw;Wtjw;fhd my;yJ gjtpf;fhd jifik nfhz;ltuhff;

(vii) th;j;jkhdp mwptpj;jypy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s jifikAilath;fs; khj;jpuk; tpz;zg;gpg;ghh;fs; vd;w

g{u;thq;f jPu;khdj;jpd;gb> mwptpj;jypy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s tanjy;iyf;Fl;gl;l> tpz;zg;gq;fs;
Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gLk; ,Wjpj; jpfjpf;F my;yJ mjw;F Kd;du; cupa guPl;irf; fl;lzk; nrYj;jg;gl;L
tpz;zg;gq;fis Kiwahf ,izatop Clhf mDg;gp itj;J tpz;zg;gj;jpd; mr;rplg;gl;l gpujpfis
mDg;gp itj;J tpz;zg;gjhupfSf;F guPl;irfs; Mizahsh; ehafj;jpdhy; guPl;irf;fhd mDkjp
ml;ilfs; mDg;gp itf;fg;gLk;. guPl;irf;fhd mDkjp ml;il mDg;gg;gl;lTld; mJ njhlu;ghf
mwptpj;J mwptpj;jnyhd;W gj;jpupifapYk; ,yq;if guPl;irj; jpizf;fsj;jpd; cj;jpNahfg{u;t
,izaj;jsj;jpYk; gpuRupf;fg;gLk;. mwptpj;jy; ntspaplg;gl;L 2 my;yJ 3 ehs; fle;j gpd;dUk;
mDkjp ml;il fpilf;fg;ngwhj tpz;zg;gjhupfs; ,Ug;gpd; mwptpj;jypy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;sgb mJ
Fwpj;J ,yq;ifg; guPl;irf;s jpizf;fsj;jpd; epWtdg; guPl;irfs; xOq;fikg;Gf; fpisaplk; tpdTjy;
Ntz;Lk;. mt;thW tpdTk; NghJ tpz;zg;gjhup jhd; Njhw;Wk; guPl;irapd; ngau;> tpz;zg;gjhupapd;
KOg; ngau;> Njrpa milahs ml;il ,yf;fk; kw;Wk; Kftupia gpioapd;wpf; Fwpg;gpLjy; Ntz;Lk;.
nfhOk;Gf;F ntspNa cs;s tpz;zg;gjhupahapd;> mt; tpguq;fSld; ngf;]; Clhf guPl;ir
mDkjp ml;il epow; gpujpnahd;iw kpf tpiuthf ngw;Wf;nfhs;tjw;F tpz;zg;gjhupapd; ngf;];
,yf;fj;ijf; Fwpg;gpl;L Nfhupf;iff; fbjj;ijAk; mwptpj;jypy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s ngf;]; ,yf;fj;jpd;
Clhf guPl;ir jpizf;fsj;Jf;F mDg;gp tpdTtJ kpfTk; gad;kpf;fjhFk;. mt;thW NfhUk; NghJ
guPl;irj; jpizf;fsj;jpdhy; Nfl;fg;gLk; VNjDnkhU jftiy cWjpg;gLj;Jtjw;fhf jd;trk;
cs;s tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;jpd; epow; gpujp> guPl;irf; fl;lzk; nrYj;jpa gw;Wr;rPl;bd; epow; gpujp kw;Wk;
tpz;zg;gg;gbtj;ij jghypy; mDg;Gk; NghJ gjpT nra;ag;gl;l gw;Wr;rPl;bidAk; jahuhf itj;jpUg;gJ

(viii) ,g; guPl;irapidg; gpw;NghLtjw;F my;yJ ,uj;Jr;nra;tjw;Fupa mjpfhuk; guPl;ir Mizahsu;

ehafj;jpw;F cupikAz;L.

(ix) guPl;ir elhj;jy; kw;Wk; ngWNgWfis ntspaply; njhlu;gpy; guPl;ir Mizahsu; ehafj;jpdhy;
tpjpf;fg;gLk; xOq;FtpjpfSf;F rfy guPl;rhu;j;jpfSk; fPo;g;gbjy; Ntz;Lk;. mr;rl;l tpjpfis kPWk;
gl;rj;jpy; guPl;ir Mizahsu; ehafj;jpdhy; tpjpf;fg;gLk; jz;lidf;F cl;gLj;jg;gLthu;fs;. Nghl;bg;
guPl;irf;Fj; Njhw;Wtjw;fhd mDkjp ml;il toq;fg;gLjy; guPl;rhu;j;jp ,g;gjtpf;Fupa jifikfisf;
nfhz;Ls;shu; vd Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;glyhfhJ. guPl;rhu;j;jpfs; Neu;Kfg; guPl;irf;F miof;fg;gl;L
tu;j;jkhdp mwptpj;jYf;fika jifikfisf; nfhz;Ls;shu;fsh vd;W guPl;rpf;Fk; re;ju;g;gj;jpy;
Njitahd jifikfis nfhz;bUf;ftpy;iy vd mwpatUkplj;J mtu;fspd; guPl;rhu;j;j cupik
,uj;Jr; nra;ag;gLk;.

(x) guPl;rhh;j;jpfs; jhk; Njhw;Wfpd;w xt;nthU ghlj;jpd; NghJk; guPl;ir kz;lgj;jpd; Nkw;ghu;itahsu;
jpUg;jpAWk; tifapy; jdJ Msilahsj;ij ep&gpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mjw;fhf gpd;tUtdtw;Ws; VNjDk;
xU Mtzk; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gLk;:-

(i) Njrpa Msilahs ml;il@

(ii) nry;YgbahFk; flTr; rPl;L @
(iii) nry;YgbahFk; ,yq;if rhujp mDkjpg;gj;jpuk;.

mt;thNw guPl;rhu;j;jpapd; Msilahsj;ij cWjpg;gLj;j KbAkhd tifapy; jq;fsJ Kfk;

kw;Wk; ,U fhJfisAk; kiwf;fhJ guPl;ir kz;lgj;jpDs; gpuNtrpf;f Ntz;Lk;. mNjNghd;W
Msilahsj;ij rhd;Wg;gLj;Jtjw;F kWf;Fk; tpz;zg;gjhupfs; guPl;ir kz;lgj;jpDs; Eiotjw;F
I fldgi ( (IIw) fcoh - Y%S ,xld m%cd;dka;%sl iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h - 2021'09'24 1337
gFjp I : njhFjp (IIm) - ,yq;ifr; rdehaf Nrhryprf; FbauR th;j;jkhdg; gj;jphpif - 2021.09.24
mDkjpf;fg;glkhl;lhu;fs;> NkYk; guPl;ir kz;lgj;jpDs; Eioe;jJ Kjy; mjpypUe;J ntspNaWk;
tiu guPl;ir mjpfhupfSf;F tpz;zg;gjhupia milahsk; fhz KbAkhd tifapy; Kfk; kw;Wk; ,U
fhJfisAk; kiwf;fhjpUj;jy; Ntz;Lk;.

(xi) ngWNgWfis ntspaply;.- vOj;Jg; guPl;irapy; xt;nthU ghlj;jpw;Fk; Gs;spfs; 40… ,w;Ff; $Ljyhf
ngw;Ws;s kw;Wk; guPl;irapd; nkhj;j Gs;sp vz;zpf;ifapy; 50… ,id my;yJ mjw;Ff; $Ljyhf
ngw;Ws;s tpz;zg;gjhupfis njupT nra;J mtu;fspd; Gs;spf;$l;Lj;njhiff;F Vw;g jpwik xOq;fpy;
epug;Gtjw;F vjpu;ghu;f;fg;gl;l ntw;wplq;fspd; vz;zpf;iff;Fr; rkdhd guPl;rhu;j;jpfspd; vz;zpf;ifia
cs;slf;fpathW jahupf;fg;gl;l Kd;Dupik Mtzk; guPl;irfs; Mizahsu; ehafj;jpdhy; ,ize;j
Nrtifs; gzpg;ghsu; ehafj;jpw;F toq;fg;gLk;.

guPl;irf;Fj; Njhw;wpa midj;J guPl;rhu;j;jpfSf;Fk; ngWNgWfs; jdpg;gl;l tifapy; mDg;Gtjw;F

my;yJ ,yq;if guPl;irj; jpizf;fsj;jpd; ,izaj;jsj;jpy; gpuRupg;gjw;F
guPl;irfs; Mizahsu; ehafj;jpdhy; eltbf;if vLf;fg;gLk;.

11.0 NkYk;> ,q;F Fwpg;gplg;glhj VNjDk; tplak; ,Ug;gpd; mJ gw;wp ,ize;j Nritfs; gzpg;ghsu;
ehafj;jpdhy; jPh;khdpf;fg;gLk;. rfy tpz;zg;gjhupfSk; ,t;th;j;jkhdp mwptpj;jypy; Fwpg;gplg;gl;Ls;s nghJ
guPl;ir rl;ljpl;lq;fSf;F mika ,zq;fpnahOFjy; Ntz;Lk;.

12.0 ,q;F rpq;fsk;> jkpo; kw;Wk; Mq;fpy nkhop %y mwptpj;jy;fSf;fpilNa VNjDk; ,zf;fkpd;ik
fhzg;gbd; mt;thwhd re;ju;g;gq;fspy; rpq;fs nkhop mwptpj;jNy tYtpypUf;Fk;.

v];. MNyhfgz;lhu>
,ize;j Nritfs; gzpg;ghsh; ehafk;;>
murhq;f Nritfs;> khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk;
cs;~uhl;rp mikr;R>

murhq;f Nritfs;> khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk;

  cs;~uhl;rp mikr;R>
Rje;jpu rJf;fk;>
nfhOk;G 07>
2021> nrj;njk;gu; 13.

09 - 191

murhq;f Nritfs;> khfhz rigfs; kw;Wk; cs;~uhl;rp mikr;R

,yq;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapy; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,w;F Ml;Nrh;g;Gr;
nra;tjw;fhd kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gl;l Nghl;bg; guPl;ir- 2021

1.0 ,yq;if jfty; kw;Wk; njhlh;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,Ys;s gjtpfSf;F
Ml;Nrh;g;gjw;fhd kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gl;l Nghl;bg; guPl;irf;Fj; jFjp ngw;Ws;s ,yq;ifg; gpuirfsplkpUe;J
tpz;zg;gq;fs; Nfhug;gLfpd;wd. mjw;fhd tpz;zg;gk; ,yq;ifg; guPl;irj;; jpizf;fsj;jpd; www.doenets.
lk ,izaj;jsj;jpy; ntspaplg;gl;Ls;sJld;> tpz;zg;gq;fis ,izatop (online) Kiw Clhf khj;jpuNk
tpz;zg;gpf;f KbAk;. tpz;zg;gq;fis ,izatop Clhf mDg;gpajd; gpd;du; mjid gjptpwf;fk; nra;J
mr;rplg;gl;l gpujpapy; Fwpj;j gFjpfis g{u;j;jpnra;J> tpz;zg;gjhupapd; ifnahg;gj;ij rhd;Wg;gLj;jp
tpz;zg;gq;fs; Vw;Wf;nfhs;sg;gLk; ,Wjpj; jpfjpf;F Kd;du; guPl;ir Mizahsu; ehafk;> epWtdg; guPl;irfs;
xOq;fikg;Gf; fpis> ,yq;if guPl;irj; jpizf;fsk;> jghy; ngl;b 1503> nfhOk;G vd;w Kftupf;F fpilf;Fk;
tifapy; gjpTj; jghypy; mDg;Gjy; Ntz;Lk;. mDg;Gk; fbj ciwapd; ,lJ gf;f Nky; %iyapy; '',yq;if jfty;
kw;Wk; njhlu;ghly; njhopy;El;g Nritapd; tFg;G 2 juk; II ,w;F Ml;Nru;g;gjw;fhd kl;Lg;gLj;jg;gl;l Nghl;bg;
1962 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2021'09'24

Examinations, Results of Examinations & c.


Open Competitive Examination for Recruitment to Grade II of Class 2 of

Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service - 2021

Applications are hereby called from qualified citizens of Sri Lanka for the Open Competitive Examination for
recruitment to the Posts in Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service. The
relevant application is published on the website of the Department of Examinations of Sri Lanka and
the applications can only be submitted online. Once the application is submitted online, it should be downloaded and the
printed copy of the same should be sent by registered post to reach the Commissioner General of Examinations, Institutional
Examination Organization Branch, Department of Examinations of Sri Lanka, P.O. Box 1503, Colombo on or before the
closing date of applications after attesting the signature of the applicant. The top left corner of the envelope c ontaining
the application should clearly bear the words "Open Competitive Examination for recruitment to Grade II of Class 2 of
Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service 2021". The closing date of applications is
25th October 2021 this examination will be held in January 2022 in Colombo.

Note 1 : It is compulsory to send the printed copy of the application by post and the complaints made on the loss or delay
of application in the post will not be considered. The candidate shall bear the losses which may occur due to their delay in
sending applications until the closing date.

02. Applicants, who satisfy the prescribed qualifications, shall be selected on merit for appointment to the posts in Grade
II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service on the results of a written examination to be
conducted by the Commissioner General of Examinations.

03. Number of vacancies expected to be filled is 162 Effective date of appointments shall be determined by the appointing
authority. Further, the appointing authority reserves the right to refrain from filling any or all of the vacancies.

04. Three percent (3%) of the number of vacancies filled by this examination will be reserved for persons with disabilities.
Only 3% of the persons with disabilities who secure highest marks in the examination and qualify will be selected for
appointments. The minimum level of marks candidates should score to be selected for appointment is 50%. A candidate
selected for an appointment will be referred to a Special Medical Board and, by a report obtained from a medical specialist
he/she should establish the disablement and the fact that, it does not hinder performance of duties of the respective post.

05. Salary Scale.- In terms of the Public Administration Circular No. 03/2016 dated 25.02.2016, monthly salary scale
entitled to Grade 2 class II and 2 - I of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service is Rs. 36,585 - 10 x
660 - 11 x 755 - 15 x 930 - Rs. 65,440 (MN-06-2016)

06. This post is permanent and pensionable. The officers, who are selected from this examination for the posts in
Grade II of Class 2 of Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service. are subjected to any policy decisions
taken by the Government with regard to the pension scheme to which they are entitled, in the future.

07. Qualifications.- Following qualifications are applicable for the recruitment to the posts in Grade II of Class 2 of
Sri Lanka Information and Communication Technology Service.
(a). Shall be a citizen of Sri Lanka.
(b). Shall be not less than 21 years and not more than 35 years of age on the closing date of applications. (Accordingly,
only the persons whose birthday fall on or before 25.10.2003 and on or after 25.10.1986 are qualified to apply for
this examination)
I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2021'09'24 1963

(c). Shall have an excellent character.

(d). All the candidates shall have the physical and mental fitness to serve in any part of Sri Lanka and to perform the
duties of the post.

(e). Educational Qualifications.-

1. Shall have obtained a degree in Computer Science/ Information Technology from a University recognized by the
University Grants Commission or an institution recognized by the University Grants Commission as a Degree
Awarding Institution.
(i). Shall have obtained a degree with Computer Science/ Information Technology as a major subject from a
University recognized by the University Grants Commission or an institution recognized by the University
Grants Commission as a Degree Awarding Institution (at least 1/3 of the degree should be comprised of Computer
Science/Information Technology)
(ii). Shall have obtained a post graduate diploma in Computer science/Information Technology from a University
recognized by the University Grants Commission or an institution recognized by the University Grants
Commission as a Degree Awarding Institution.
(i). Shall have obtained a degree from a University recognized by the University Grants Commission or an institution
recognized by the University Grants Commission as a Degree Awarding Institution.
(ii). Shall have obtained a post graduate degree in Computer Science / Information Technology from a University
recognized by the University Grants Commission or an institution recognized by the University Grants
Commission as a Degree Awarding Institution.

Note 2 : It is compulsory for every applicant to have satisfied all the relevant qualifications on or before the closing date
of applications.

8.0. Scheme of the examination and syllabus.-

8.1. The examination will consist of three papers. This examination will be held in Sinhala, Tamil and English
medium. Candidates will not be allowed to change the language medium applied once it selected.

8.2. Subjects and the marks allocated for ecah subject are mentioned below.

Maximum Pass
Subjects Duration
Marks Marks
1. Information and 2 hours 100 40
Communication Technology
2. Aptitude 1 hour 100 40
3. General Intelligence 1 hour 100 40

1. Information and Communication Technology:

The paper shall consit to thoroughly measure the knowledge and ability on supervision in the fields such
as principles on Information and Communication Technology, Computer architecture and operating
1964 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2021'09'24

systems / software, hardware, knowldege on Information and Communication Technology for the productive
implementation of the e-government concept, knowledge on system analysis, design, testing, implemetation
and maintenance, knowledge on creating and maintaining data base, hardware, data communication and
computer network, internet, designing websites and new internet services, e-mail, life cycle of the projects of
Information and Communication Technology.

2. Aptitude.-

the paper shall consist of questions to measure the ability on statistics and critical reasoning. the question
paper shall consist of fifty (50) questions of multiple choice and short answers and all the questions should
be answered.

3. General Intelligence.-

it is expected to assess the level of intelligence of the candidate in analytical skills, logical comprehension,
interpretative ability, ability in application to other situations and arriving at conclusions, in response to
problems presented in relation to numerical, lingual and figurative structure and inter-relations. Question
paper shall consist of questions of multiple choice and short answers and all the questions should be answered.

Note 3 : These question papers have been designed to test the competency and skills of the candidate for the duties of
the service. Even though this is a competitive examination, a candidate is required to obtain at least 40% of marks allocated
for each subject whilst obtaining at least 50% of the total marks. Marks will be deducted in every answer sheet for illegible
handwriting and spelling mistakes. Appointments shall strictly be made on the order of the marks scored in order to fill the
number of vacancies allocated for the competitive examination.

8.4. The result sheet containing the name list of applicants, who have passed the examination, equivalent to the
number of vacancies expected to be filled, will be issued to the Director General of Combined Services by
the Commissioner General of Examinations. In addition to the above, action will be taken by the Department
of Examinations to issue results personally to all the applicants or to publish the results on the web site of the
Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka -


An interview for verification of qualifications will be conducted in respect of the candidates, who have secured the
highest level of aggregate marks determined by the Director General of Combined Services out of the candidates
who have sat for all the question paper of the written examination. The date of the interview will be determined by
the Director General of Combined Services.

09. Penalty for furnishing false information.-

The candidates should be very careful to include the correct particulars in the application. If it is found that any
candidate is not eligible according to the rules and regulations of this examination his/her candidature can be
cancelled at any time before, during or after the examination. Further, if it is found that any information furnished
by a candidate is false he/she is liable to dismissal at any time from the Public Service.

10. Conditions of the Examination.-

(i). The examination will be held in the language medium of Sinhala, Tamil and English. Candidates shall sit for
the examination in a language of their preference. A candidate should sit for all the papers of the examination
in one and the same language. A candidate shall not be permitted to change the language medium of the
examination, indicated in the application. Every candidate shall appear for all three question papers.
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(ii). Online Examination Application should strictly be filled in English. Once the Department of Examination
receives both the soft copy of the application submitted online and the printed copy of the application sent
via registered post, the soft copy and the printed copy will be verified and the candidates will be notified
via SMS to the mobile phone number used to access the system or via email whether the application was
accepted/ not accepted by the Department as a valid application. Before completing the online application
you should download the common instructions sheet, and the instruction should be strictly followed. Any
alteration done after taking the print out of the application will not be considered as a valid modification.
Incomplete applications are rejected without any notice.
Examination fee is Rs. 600/-. Payments should be made only via following methods of payments provided by
the online system.
(a). Any Bank Credit Cards,
(b). Debit Cards with online payment facilities,
(c). Bank of Ceylon Online Banking method,
(d). Bank of Ceylon Teller Slip Payment,
(e). Postal Department Payment at any Post Office.

Note 4 : Instructions on making payment through above methods are published under technical instructions relevant to
the examination on the web site.

(iv). Receipt of payment will be notified via an SMS or e-mail. The total of the examination fees should be paid
and the applications with payment of lesser or higher amounts shall be rejected. Department of Examination
shall not be responsible for any error occurs during the payment of examination fees via above methods of

(v). Under no circumstances the examination fee will be refunded or transferred to pay any other examination fee.

(vi). The signature of the applicant placed on the application and admission card should also be attested. An applicant
who submits the application through an institution should get his/her signature attested by the Head of the
Institution or any officer authorized by him. Other applicants should get their signature attested by a Principal
of Government School/Retired Officer, Grama Niladhari of the Division, Justice of Peace, Commissioner of
Oaths, Attorney at Law, Notary Public a commissioned officer in three armed forces, a permament staff officer
in the Public or Provincial Public Service or higher or a chief incumbent of a Buddhist temple or clergy of any
other religion who holds a considereable position.

Note 5 : Entrance to the examination hall shall not be permitted without an admission card. Every applicant should
furnish the admission card in which his/her signature has been attested to the supervisor of the examination on the first day
on which he/she sits for the examination. Inssuance of an admission card to an applicant does not necessarily mean that he/
she has fulfilled the qualifications to sit for the examination and to hold the post.

(vii). Commissioner General of Examinations will issue admissions to applicants who are within the age
limit mentioned in the notification and have paid relevant examination fee and submitted the perfected
application online and the printed copy of the same by post on or before the closing date of applications, on
the assumption that only those who have satisfied qualifications mentioned in the Gazette have applied. A
notification will be published in newspapers and on the official website of the Department of Examinations
as soon as the admission cards are issued to candidates. If the admission card is not received even after 2 or
3 days of such advertisement, steps should be taken to notify the Department of Examinations, Institutional
Examination Organization Branch in the manner specified in the advertisement. when such inquiry is made,
the candidate should clearly mention the name of the examination, full name of the applicant, National
Identity Card number and address, In case of applicants outside Colombo, it will be more effective to send a
letter of request to the fax number mentioned in the said advertisement furnishing a fax number to which the
admission card should be sent. Furthur, it would be advisable to keep the copy of the application kept in your
possession, copy of the receipt relevant to the payment of examination fee, and the receipt of registration of
the printed copy of the application to prove any information requested by the Department of Examinations.
1966 I fldgi : (IIw) fPoh ­­­‑ YS% ,xld m%cd;dka;s%l iudcjd§ ckrcfha .eiÜ m;%h ‑ 2021'09'24

(viii). Commissioner General of Examinations shall reserve the right to postpone or to cancel the Examination.

(ix). All candidates are bound to comply with the rules and regulations imposed by the Commissioner General
of Examination with regard to the conducting and issuing results of this examination. Further, candidates
will be subjected to the punishment imposed by the Commissioner General of Examinations for violation of
those rules and regulations. Issuance of an admission card to a candidate does not necessarily mean that the
candidate has satisfied the qualifications for this post. If it is found at the interview that the applicant does not
posses the required qualifications as per the Gazette Notification, his or her candidature shall be cancelled.

(x). A candidate will be required to prove his/her identity at the examination hall to the satisfaction of the
supervisor for each subject he offers. For this purpose, any of the following documents shall be accepted.

(a) National Identity Card,

(b) A valid Passport,
(c) Valid driving license in Sri Lanka.

Candidates should enter the examination hall without covering face and ears enabling to verify the identity.
Those who refuse to verify their identity as such shall not be permitted to enter the examination hall. Further,
candidates should remain with face and ears uncovered until they leave the examination hall enabling the
examination supervisors to cinfirm their identity.

(xi). Issuance of results.-

Result sheet prepared on the order of the merit including the names of the candidates equal to the number of
vacancies expected to be filled by selecting who have secured marks not less than 40% for each subject at the
written examination and who have secured 50% or more out of the aggregate marks of the examination shall
be submittede to the Director General of Combined Services by the Commissioner General of Examinations.

The results of all the applicants who have sat for the examination shall be informed personally or published
on the website by the Commissioner General of Examinations.

Candidates shall be bound by the rules and regulations imposed by the Commissioner General of Examinations
on conducting the examination and issuance of results. They shall be liable to be subjected to any punishment
imposed by the Commissioner General of Examinations for violation of these rules and regulations.

11. Any matter not referred to herein shall be decided by the Director General of Combined Services. All candidates
are bound to comply with the general examination rules published in this Gazette.

12. In case of any inconsistency among Sinhala, Tamil and English texts of this notification, the Sinhala notification shall

S. Alokabandara ,
Director General of Combined Services,
Ministry of Public Services,
Provincial Councils and Local Government.

ministry of Public services, Provincial councils and Local Government,

“independence square”,
13th september, 2021.

09 - 191

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