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Apologetic examination answers.
QN.1 How does somebody know that Christianity is the only true religion out of many
worldly religions?. Provide a scholarly paper for Christian evidence.
Christianity is the religion that stemmed from Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the founder of
Christian religion hence the name “Christianity”. It became world’s wide religion after the death
of Jesus Christ following the great commission that he gave to his disciples when he was leaving
and ascending to heaven.
Therefore the following are the reasons for Christianity to be the only true religion;
Evidence for the existence of the universe. The world wide Christian book that is the Bible gives
us a clear information about how the world and universe as a whole came into existence. In
genesis chapter 1 we see the Lord God creating everything by the power of His words. The
Christian God is there creator of everything in this universe. Therefore the Lord God is the father
of Jesus Christ who is the founder of Christianity. Therefore, Christianity is it true because it is
termed from the greater of the universe which is the Lord God who brought all the things in the
universe into existence.(William.L.C.1994)
The authority of the Bible. The Bible offers stories that are true about Christian God and Jesus
Christ. Therefore the authority of the Bible gives us clear evidence on why the Christian religion
is the true religion. There is no any world book that gives clear and true stories about the
existence of God apart from the Christian book which is the Bible. Therefore by the authority of
the Bible Christianity is the true religion among all the religions.( Nash Ronald.1998)
The uniqueness of Jesus Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the son of God who came
to redeem the world. Christ come to accomplish the task that his father the Lord God gave him.
Jesus Christ is unique in his life, his power and the miracles he performed that identifies him to
be the true son of God since his authority came from God. No prophet performed the miracle that
Jesus performed. The miracle that Jesus performed identify him to be the son of God as no one
could do what Jesus did unless he is from God.( Nash Ronald.1998)
The resurrection of Jesus Christ. The resurrection of Christ makes us believe that Jesus Christ is
God in human nature. Jesus was crucified buried and the third day as prophesied he rose from
the dead. No history has shown such mighty events in the world therefore the resurrection of
Jesus Christ gives us an insight that the Lord God who is the creator rose Jesus Christ from the
dead and he ascended into heaven with glory..(William.L.C.1994)
Personal encounter with God and the Holy Spirit. God can be experienced personally. The level
of one experience in God depends on his faith and the personal encounter, this makes one believe
that true God exist who created the heavens and the earth therefore one must believe and have
faith that God exist and he sent his only son Jesus Christ who died on the cross to redeem us and
reconcile the human kind back to him therefore Christianity offers the best explanation for the
mission of Jesus Christ in this world. Therefore, this makes me believe that Christianity is the
only true religion.( with reason.2002)
The fulfilled prophecies. According to the Bible in the old Testament many prophets prophesied
about the coming of the Messiah who will be the savior for all of which the prophecy was
fulfilled according to Bible therefore from the history according to the Bible, Christianity is the
true religion because the coming of the Messiah was foretold by the early Prophets and it was
fulfilled in exactly its time. No religion in this universe has such event being recorded and
fulfilled therefore Christian Bible records all the events that was prophesied and fulfilled over
which the coming of the Messiah which is Jesus Christ, his death and Resurrection which was
prophesied was fulfilled according to the Christian Bible. This is an indication that Christianity is
the only true religion.( with reason.2002)
The work of the disciples of Jesus Christ. If Christianity is not a true religion the disciples of
Jesus Christ will not continue with the work that Jesus left for them. Therefore the commitment
of the disciples to undergo persecution and other trials tells us that really Jesus Christ live on this
Earth he was died and resurrected on the third day, and ascended in heaven and now is seated at
the throne with the father, therefore the disciples gives us the assurance that Christianity is it true
religion.( with reason.2002)
The work of the Holy Spirit. Ask Jesus was living this early life he sure did his disciples that he
would not leave them as orphans but would rather give them a helper that is the Holy Spirit that
will work with them and encourage them until he comes back. Therefore the Holy Spirit which
can be experienced and is at work today gives us the assurance that Christianity is the only true
religion.( Nash R. faith and reason1998)
The miracles performed both by Jesus and his disciples. This gives the proof to both believe us
and unbelievers but Jesus Christ is a true son of God and he used the authority of the father who
is the Lord God to perform the miracles. The same he did and so his disciples did the miracles in
his name therefore, therefore anyone who believes in Jesus Christ can do the same way the
disciples did this tells us that the only true religion with reason and faith is
Christianity.( with reason.2002)
QN.2 evolution theory is Satan’s deception for the intellectual minds in this justify that
statement with the argument for the existence of one and only true God the creator of all
the things.
The following are the arguments about the existence of God;
The argument of the uncaused cause. This tells us that God is the best explanation for everything
that comes into existence but God himself is not caused. This is based on the fact that beginning
needs a beginner. For anything to exist there must be the first cause that makes it come into
existence. All matters need something to cause it into existence, nothing can come into existence
without the cause therefore good is the best explanation for the origin of the universe that came
into existence but himself is uncaused..(William.L.C.reasonable faith.1994)
Contingency. Everything in this world is contingent, the world is dependent for something itself
to exist which is God. Universe is contingent because there is something that caused it . The
universe is contingent because it was caused into existence by God who is the creator of the
universe who himself is unmoved..(William.L.C.reasonable faith.1994)
The ontological argument attempts to prove that God exists in away that if God is conceivable,
then he must actually exist if something is to exist in mind, it must exist in reality as well for
example the painting and the painter, the painting exist in reality but also in the mind of the
painter therefore if we conceive that God exist then he exist in reality as well.
Intelligent designer. This can be based on the truth that the design needs a designer. God has
wonderfully and beautifully designed all the things in the universe and they in the emotion. In
the world we see everything in the motion. For everything to be in motion it must be caused by
something which is God..(William.L.C.1994)
Moral argument. If God does not exist then the objective morals of right and wrong should not
exist. For someone to say something is right or wrong it must be either acceptable or
unacceptable by the law, therefore, there must be a law giver, which the law giver is God. Then it
is absurd for us to say God does not exist yet we believe in the objective right and wrong or the
moral values therefore God exist..(William.L.C.reasonable faith.1994)
Existence requires explanation. For the universe to exist there must be the explanation for its
existence. The best explanation for the existence of the universe is good himself who created the
universe by words..(William.L.C.reasonable faith.1994)
Resurrection requires a resurrector. In order for Jesus to resurrect there must be a resurrector of
which that is the God who has the supreme power to resurrect Jesus from the dead in order to
establish and accomplish his plan..(William.L.C.reasonable faith.1994)
Bible requires a supernatural author. The authority for the interpretation of the Bible is from God
and the Holy Spirit that gives insight and understanding of the Bible. The Bible is God’s word
that was written by the people God inspired them by the help of the Holy Spirit. Therefore if God
does not exist such inspiration we do not exist therefore there will not be a supernatural book that
talks about God and his supernatural power..(William.L.C.reasonable faith.1994)

QN.5. use the historical events of the resurrection of Jesus Christ as impeccable evidence
that God the Father of Jesus Christ is in control of the world history which will culminate
into his plan and purpose.
The historical events tells us that Jesus Christ resurrected and ascended in heaven and is seated in
the right hand side of his father the Lord God.
The historical events started from the last supper, arrest,trial,crusifixion, resurrection, his
appearance to the disciples and assencion in to heaven.
The predominant resurrection events include the following.
The burial of Jesus Christ. Jesus was buried in a tomb which was well guarded by the guards.
And I’ve stones were placed at the entrance so that no one can steal the body of Jesus. But good
with his great power manifested his power by the Holy Angels which was witnessed by the
guards who were guarding the tombs. Meaning that God who resurrected Jesus from the dead
can still bring everything to an end.( with reason.2002)
The empty tomb. After Jesus crucifixion he was buried in a tomb by Joseph of Arymathea and
the tomb was guarded by the guards. Huge Stones were placed at the entrance of the tombs so
that the disciples could not open and steal the body of Jesus then claim that Jesus has resurrected.
But miraculous things happened where by a great earthquake took place and the stones were
rolled by the Angels and the guards were perplexed about the event. This made a confirmation to
the guards and the rest of world that Jesus Christ is true son of God as prophesied. This was the
intended plan of God to make known to the human kind about the redemption that he has
planned. Therefore, in the same way God manifested his great power through the resurrection of
Jesus Christ He has the power to bring all things to an end.( with
The appearance of the angels to the women. The angels of the Lord appeared to marry
Magdalene and Mary mother of James and said to them “do not be alarmed, you are seeking
Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified, he is a risen”( mark 16:4-6). This tells us the great power
of God that can bring all things into an end..(William.L.C.reasonable faith.1994)
Jesus instruction to his disciples before the assencion. Jesus met his disciples and instructed them
to continue with the work that he was doing and he empowered them with the Holy Spirit. That
he has a promised for them. And his disciples witnessed how he ascended into the heavens with
the angels.( with reason.2002)
Different individuals experiencing Jesus after his resurrection. There were many eyewitnesses
that witnessed the and saw Jesus after his resurrection. Jesus was seen after his resurrection by
his disciples including Jams, Thomas who did not believe in the resurrection of Jesus and
believed after he saw Jesus Jesus Christ this tells us the truth about the resurrection of Jesus
Christ.( Nash with reason.1998)
The glorious Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. Jesus Christ ascended into the heavens with
the angels witnessed by the disciples. This gives us the implication that Jesus who was risen and
ascended into heaven will come back and judge the dead and the living then the righteous will
reign in glory together with him and inherit the kingdom of God. These are all intended plan of
God to his people as he intends to bring back his people to himself that he may bring together
with them one day.( with reason.2002)
The Ascension of Jesus Christ into heaven. Following God’s intended plan to redeem the world
Jesus Christ ascended into the heaven and left his disciples with a great commission to continue
with the work he was doing until he comes back. That is a resurrection hope that one day God
will make everything to come to an end as Jesus promised to his disciple about his coming back
as a judge. The Resurrection of Jesus is a lesson to us that there is hope for the righteous as God
will intend to bring the world and everything you need to end.( with

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