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Part 1

Crocheted toy

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The pattern is my authorial work. It’s

prohibited to distribute, sell or gift any
parts of the pattern. It’s prohibited to
publish the pattern in any sources.

You can do everything with a ready

doll on your own. Please, mention
me, as the author of the pattern.

A detailed instruction on making a crocheted

doll of about 10, 26 inches if you use supplies
mentioned below. It’s for the crochet level –
– intermediate.

Toy peculiarities:
- wire skeleton
- head is made down and attached to the body
- painted eyes
- haircut is from thin wool threads

The pattern consists of 65 pages and there are

more than 100 photos of the process.


1) Yarn Alize MISS 100% mercerized cotton (280m/50g) of

light-blue color
You can use the following yarn instead – Iris VITA, ANNA
Seam, PELICAN VITA cotton, Violet YarnArt
1) Wool moulinet thread for hair (any thin wool thread)
2) Sewing thread of the same color as hair thread
3) Thread to embroider smile and eyebrows
4) Thread (of the same thickness as main thread) to crochet
the clothes
5) A hook 1mm
6) Felting wool of black color like combed tape (tail)
7) Scissors
8) Fiberfill (hollow fiber)
9) Wrapped wire 1,5/2mm dia for the skeleton (1 –1,5 for
arms skeleton and 1-2 – for main skeleton)
10) Thin wire (for the tail)
11) A tapestry needle (long one)
12) White fabric (cotton) for the background of the eyes (like
calico – plain, inelastic)
13) Acryl paints (for the eyes and the tint) in a set (you can
use any one)
14) Paint brush №0 (synthetic one)
15) Some strong glue to attach the eyes (or glue gun)
16) Round pliers

- ch -chain
- sc- single crochet

- dc – double crochet

dec - dec, dec 1 sc.

2 sc together, skip 1 sc
inc - increase, increase 1 sc,
2 sc in 1 stitch of previous row
Sl st - slip stitch

Skip 2 stitches – it’s not dec, you have to skip 2 stitches and don’t
count them then.

Magic Ring (MR)

1. Filling with fiber
I insert a skeleton in practically made body of the doll. I fill fiber inside
around inserted wire with the help of a sushi stick.
There are some advantages of such filling with fiber -
- you know the size of the skeleton;
- it’s easier to work, as wire doesn’t disturb the process.
The only disadvantage – you need patience to fill accurately the doll
with fiber.
You can work with a ready skeleton in the
The advantage of this way is that you know
where wire must be right now. But
disadvantage is that you work slowly, as
you always work around inserted wire.

2. Shifting sc
– while working round and depending on the chosen yarn, the
beginning of row can shift. To avoid it, you should work 1 shifting sc
(or more) to the finished row. This sc isn’t counted, but the marker is
shifted in 1 sc to the left!
I always write in the pattern, where is the beginning of a row. But, I
don’t know your crochet density and your yarn thickness. So, check
to your beginning of row on your own. It’s important to have the
beginning of a row in one position.
Fox example, the beginning of row from the ankle to leg’s top is in the
center of the heel in the back, and for the body – it’s in the center of
the back. It’s mentioned in the process description below.
Use the marker in the process.

Arms are worked in the symmetry – right arm and left

Left arm

Begin to work the fingers. 6 ch (leave

a long beginning tail thread to sew
the hand then), 5 hdc in 5 ch (without
any sl st) – forefinger, don’t cut
thread, 6 ch, 5 hdc in 6ch – middle
finger, repeat the same for the ring
finger. 5 ch, 4 – it’s a little finger. Then
work along the beginning of 4

1 row – 2 ch, 5 sc in the side sc of

fingers, 6 ch (for the palm)
Round the work, working 1 sc
above little finger in the side of
beginning ch – it’s the 1st sc of a
new row = 12 sc round.

2 row– 5sc above fingers (including
the 1st worked sc), inc, 6sc along the
chain of ch = 13sc
3 row – 6sc, inc, 4ch and in them –
2sc, 1 hdc for the thumb, 6sc = 14sc
(without the thumb)
Then the beginning of row is where
little finger in front of the thumb. If it’s
necessary, work shifting sc.
Place the marker and check it.
4 row – 8sc, skip finger, 6sc = 14sc
5 row – 14sc
6 row – (dec, 5sc)Х2 = 12sc
7 row – (dec, 4sc)Х2 = 10sc

8-10 row – 10sc
11 row – 5sc, inc, 4sc=11sc
12 row – inc, 5sc, inc, 4sc = 13sc
13 row – inc, 12sc =14sc
14 row – 7sc, inc, 6sc = 15sc
15 row – 10sc, inc, 3sc, inc = 17sc
16-20 row – 17sc
21row – 13sc, dec, 2sc = 16sc
22 row – 10sc, dec, 2sc, dec= 14sc
23 row – 9sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 1sc = 16 sc
24 row – 12sc, inc, 3sc=17 sc
25-26 row – 17sc
27 row – 8sc, inc, 8sc=18sc
28-29-30-31-32 row – 18sc
33 row – 12sc, unworked 6 sc

Right arm
Begin with fingers. 5 ch, 4 hdc in 5 ch – little finger, (6chm 5
hdc in 6 ch)Х3 – other fingers. Then work in the beginning of 4
fingers, as you’ve done for the left hand, but in the symmetry.
1 row – 2 ch, 5sc above fingers, 6ch for the palm
Round the work.
2 row– 11sc round,inc in the last sc = 13sc
3 row – 4ch and in them – 2sc, 1 hdc for the thumb, inc, 12 sc
= 14sc(without the thumb)
Then the beginning of a row begins above the thumb. If it’s
necessary, make shifting sc.
4 row – 14sc (skip thumb)
5 row – 14sc
6 row – (dec, 5sc)Х2 = 12sc
7 row - (dec, 4сбн)Х2 = 10sc
8-10 row – 10sc
11 row – inc, 9sc=11sc
12 row – inc, 5sc, inc, 4sc = 13sc
13 row – 7sc, inc, 5sc =14sc
14 row – inc, 13sc = 15sc
15 row – 10sc, inc, 3sc, inc = 17sc
16-20 row – 17sc
21row – 13sc, dec, 2sc = 16sc
22 row – 10sc, dec, 2sc, dec = 14sc
23 row – 9sc, dec, 2sc, inc, 1sc = 16sc
24 row – 12sc, inc, 3sc=17sc
25-26 row – 17sc
27 row – 8sc, inc, 8sc=18sc
28-32 row – 18sc
33 row– 16sc,
Unfinished 2sc

Attach arms to the body. Cut and hide top tail threads.
Don’t cut finger tail threads, you’ll use them to sew the holes
after filling with fiber.

Left leg
Begin with left leg.
1 row – 7ch, work around 13 sc
(14 including beginning ch) –
follow the scheme

2-4 row – 14sc

The beginning of row is


5 row – dec, 12sc =13sc

6-8 row – 13sc
Work 4 shifting sc to have the
beginning of row in the center
of the heel.

9 row – 5ch, 4sc (from the 2nd ch), 12 sc along the
previous round (corner stitch is unfinished) – there is a
new round with protruding.

Make dec in the corners of protruding next rows.
10 row - 2 sc in right side of chain (skip sc in the corner), 3sc in
the top of the ch, 2sc in the other side of ch, dec (sc in the 1st
sc of the row, skip the last sc in the corner) , 11sc =19sc round.

Work 4 shifting sc to have the

beginning of row in the center
of the heel.
The beginning of row is in the
center of the heel, if it’s
necessary make required
number of shifting sc.

11 row – 3 sc, dec, 10sc,

dec, 2sc = 17sc

12 row – 2sc, dec, 9sc, dec, 2sc
13 row – 2sc, dec, 7sc, dec, 2sc

10 row

9 row

8 row
The 1st sc of
the 10th row

Detailed pictures to 8-10 rows

14-21 row – 13sc

22 row - inc,12sc = 14sc
23 row - 2sc, inc, sc, inc, 2sc = 16sc
24 row – 16sc
25 row – inc, 15sc = 17sc
26 row – 3sc, inc, 9sc, inc, 3sc = 19sc
27 row – 19sc
28 row – 2sc, inc, 13sc, inc, 2sc =
29 row – 21sc
30 row – 2sc, inc, 15sc, inc, 2sc =
31 row – 23sc
32 row – inc, 22sc = 24sc
33-34 row – 24 sc
35 row – 2sc, dec, 16sc, dec, 2sc =
36 row – 22sc
37 row – 2sc, dec, 14sc, dec, 2sc =
38 row – 20 sc
39 row – 2sc, dec, 6sc, inc, 1sc, inc,
7sc = 21sc
40 row – 10sc, inc,10sc = 22sc
41 row – 2sc, dec, 11sc, inc, 6sc =
42-43 row –22sc
44 row – inc, 3sc, inc, 17sc =24sc
45 row – 24 sc
46 row – 3sc, inc, 15sc, dec, 3sc =
47-49 row –24sc

50 row – 3sc, inc, 20sc = 25sc
51-54 row – 25sc
55 row – 4sc, inc, 15sc, inc,
4sc = 27sc
56-65 row – 27sc
66 row – 21sc, dec, 4sc =
67 row – 20sc, dec, 1sc, 3inc
= 28sc
68 row – 3inc, 19sc –
unworked the row (finish in
the center of inner part of the
hip), there are 31 sc round
Cut thread.

Right leg

1-4 row – begin to work as for the left leg

5 row – 6sc, dec, 6sc =13sc
6-38 row – work as for the left leg
39 row – 7sc, inc, 1sc, inc, 6sc, inc, 2sc = 21sc
40 row – 10sc, inc,10sc=22sc
41 row – 6sc, inc, 11sc, dec, 2sc=22sc
42-43 row –22sc
44 row – 17sc, inc, 3sc, inc =24sc
45 row – 24sc
46 row – 3sc, dec, 15sc, inc, 3sc = 24sc
47-48-49 row –24sc
50 row – 20sc, inc, 3sc = 25sc
51-54 row – 25sc
55 row – 4sc, inc, 15sc, inc, 4sc = 27sc
56-66 row – 27sc
67 row – 4sc, dec, 21sc = 26sc
68 row – 3inc, 1sc, dec, 17sc, 3inc = 31sc
69 row (the row is the beginning of the body, so
it’s only for the right leg) – 8sc – unworked the
row (finish in the center of the inner part of the
hip), а всего по кthere are 31 sc round.

Don’t cut thread, continue to work the body.

Don’t cut thread,
but work 3 ch.
Attach it to the inner side of the hip of
left leg (where you have finished to
work left leg, 1 sc) work round – work
along left leg (29sc (including 1 sc of
attachment), dec = 30sc), then 3 sc
in ch FLO and work the 2nd leg round
(dec, 29sc = 30sc) = 66sc round (2
legs and attaching chain 6sc).

Shift a bit the beginning of row, working above the chain

BLO – 1sc, 1dec (i.e. dec 1 sc in the center of the back =
65sc round)
2 row– 30 sc along left leg, 3sc along front chain, 30sc
along right leg, skip 2 last sc of the row (back chain,
central sc) = 63sc
The beginning of row is in the center of the back. If it’s
necessary, make shifting sc.
Skip 2 sc in some rows to form buttocks – these sc are like
between the rows, i.e. skip the last sc of previous row and
the 1st one of next row (read skip 2 last sc of a row).

Front view

Back view 23
Skip them and don’t count them.

3 row – work along left leg

(1sc - 1st stitch, which will be skipped at the end, 27 sc), dec
before the front chain, 3 sc along chain (check these sc must
be along the center of the front), dec exactly after the chain,
work sc along the 2nd leg (27sc), skip last 2 sc (it’s the 1st sc
and the last sc of the row) = 59sc
4 row – skip 2 last sc of the row = 57sc

There is a line formation of the front diagonally from the 5th

row. These lines are decorative. The description isn’t in the
symmetry to have straight lines – i.e. dec are made by
skipping 1 sc.
If you make decreases in another way (2 sc together,
invisible dec), it’s better to work lines in the symmetry.

The 1st sc in the 5-9 rows is the next sc after 2 sc ,which will
be skipped in the end of the row, i.e. 2 central sc in the
back are the last sc o previous row. Check to the center of
the front.

Front view

Back view

5 row – 9sc, dec, 12sc, dec, inc, 3sc
along the center, inc, dec, 12sc, dec,
9sc, skip last 2 sc of the row = 53sc
6 row – 20sc, dec, inc, 5sc along the
center, inc, dec, 20sc, skip last 2 sc of
the row = 51sc
7row– 11sc, dec, 6sc, inc, dec, 5sc
along the center, inc, dec, 6sc, dec,
11sc, skip 2 last sc of the row = 47sc
8 row – 16sc, inc, dec, 7sc along the
center, inc, dec, 16sc, skip 2 last sc of
the row = 45sc
9 row – 15sc, inc, dec, 7sc along the
center, inc, dec, 15sc, skip last 2 sc of
the row = 43sc

Don’t skip sc in the center of the back

after the row. The beginning of row is
in the center of the back. If it‘s
necessary, make shifting sc.

10 row – (the 1st sc of the row is the last
sc of previous row, which is the next
after skipping 2 sc) 14sc, inc, dec, 9sc
along the center,inc, dec, 14sc =43sc
11 row – 4sc, dec, 8sc, inc, dec, 9sc
along the center, inc, dec, 8sc, dec,
12 row – 13sc, inc, dec, 9sc along the
center, inc, dec, 13sc =41sc
13 row- 4sc, dec, 7sc, inc, dec, 9sc
along the center, inc, dec, 7sc, dec,
4sc = 39sc
14 row – 3sc, dec, 7sc, inc, dec, 9sc
along the center, inc, dec, 7sc, dec,
3sc = 37sc
15 row – 3sc, dec, 6sc, inc,dec, 9sc
along the center, inc, dec, 6sc, dec,
3sc = 35sc

16 row – 3sc, dec, 5sc, inc, dec,

9sc along the center, inc, dec,
5sc, dec, 3sc = 33sc
17-19 row – 33sc
Make the beginning of the row in
the center of the back with the
help of shifting sc.
20 row – 3sc, inc, 25sc, inc, 3sc =
21 row – 9sc, inc, 15sc, inc, 9sc =
22 row – 4sc, inc, 27sc, inc, 4sc =
23 row – 10sc, inc, 17sc, inc, 10sc =
24 row – 5sc, inc, 29sc, inc, 5sc =
25 row – 43sc
26 row – 11sc, inc, 19sc, inc, 11sc
= 45sc
27-28 row – 45sc

Now attach the arms to the body
to work them as one piece.
Attach the arms, make sure they
are placed in the symmetry and
the thumbs face the body a bit.
1st sc along the arms are worked
after all sc of the body.

Divide al sc of the body (45sc) in parts – 21 sc are for the
front, 24 sc are for the back and the arms (18+18= 18 sc of
each arm) = there must be 81 sc in the row.
12 sc from the center of the back, attach the left arm to the
body and continue to work 18 sc along the arm (9sc, inc,
8sc), 21 sc along the front (begin to firm the chest – 2sc, 5inc,
7sc, 5inc, 2sc =31sc along the chest),then 18 sc along the
right arm (8sc, inc, 9sc), 12 sc along the back – 93 sc round.
It was the 29th row of the body.

The back
18 18
The front
Make dec in the places of arms attaching to the body, along
the center of the shoulder, along the center fo the back and
the front – differently in every row to form the chest.
The center of the beginning of row is in the center of the

2)30 row – 44sc, dec,

1sc, dec, 44sc=91sc
3)31 row – 11sc, dec,
17sc(arm), (dec, 13sc,
dec, 12sc, dec) – chest,
17sc(arm), dec, 11sc =
4)32 row – 5sc, dec,
25sc, dec, 8sc, skip 2
central sc, 8sc, dec,
25sc, dec, 5sc = 80sc

5)33 row – 19sc, dec (the center of shoulder), 9sc, dec, 16sc,
dec, 9sc, dec (the center of shoulder ), 19sc= 76sc
6)34 row – 5sc, dec, 21sc, dec, 16sc, dec, 21sc, dec, 5sc =
7)35 row – 14sc, dec, 4sc (arm), dec, 28sc (chest), dec, 4sc
(arm), dec, 14sc = 68sc
8)36 row – 5sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 11sc, dec, 18sc (chest), dec,
11sc, dec, 3sc, dec, 5sc = 62sc
9)37 row – 11sc, dec, 4sc(arm), dec, 24sc (chest), dec, 4sc
(arm), dec, 11sc = 58sc

10)38 row– 8sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 2sc, dec, 6sc (chest), dec,
2sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 8sc = 52sc
11)39 row – 9sc, dec, 4sc(arm), dec, 18sc (chest), dec, 4sc
(arm), dec, 9sc = 48sc
12)40 row – 7sc, dec, 6sc, dec, 14sc (chest), dec, 6sc, dec,
7sc = 44sc
13)41 row – 4sc, dec, 5sc, dec (the center of shoulder), 4sc,
dec, 6sc (chest), dec, 4sc, dec (the center of shoulder),
5sc, dec, 4sc = 38sc

Then insert wire skeleton
inside the body.
Bend wire of the body form–
1 part (it can bit a bit
thicker, 2mm) for the legs,
body and neck and 1 part
for the arms (a bit thinner,

Bend the ends of wire. Fix

the attaching place of wire
skeleton of 2 legs together
(wrap the center with
thread or adhesive plaster).

Insert right part of the
skeleton inside the body,
push skeleton to the toes
and bend wire in the heel.
Fill the legs and body with
fiber accurately. Bend wire
for the arms with a hairpin
and insert inside. If it’s
necessary, wrap with thread
or adhesive plaster,
attaching both parts in the
center of the chest.

Fill the center of chest, arms

with fiber (not too tight),
shoulders and chest a bit
with tweezers, wooden stick
or any other things. Sew
holes in the hands with left
tail thread. Fill the body with
fiber every 2 row.

The beginning of row is in the
center of the back, check to
the marker.
14)42 row – 8sc, dec, 18sc,
dec, 8sc = 36sc
15)43 row – 7sc, dec, 18sc,
dec, 7sc = 34sc
16) 44 row – 6sc, dec, 18sc,
dec, 6sc = 32sc
17)45 row – 5sc, dec, 18sc,
dec, 5sc = 30sc
18)46 row – 4sc, dec, 18sc,
dec, 4sc = 28sc
19)47 row – 3sc, dec, 18sc,
dec, 3sc = 26sc
20-22)48-50 row – 26sc

Then work the neck only in the back with
unturning rows, i.e. fix thread in the end of
row, work it (through inside) and fix again
for next row.

23) 51 row – 8sc. Fix thread to the

right shoulder and work 16 sc
24) 52 row – Fix thread, attach
thread to the 2nd shoulder 1 sc to
the left of the previous row. 14sc. back
25) 53 row - Fix thread, attach
thread to the 2nd shoulder 1 sc to
the left of the previous row. 12sc.


Make contractions in the following
way – insert a needle in the
marked place and pull it out the
marked one (armpits, open hole of
the neck, between buttocks),
tighten thread a bit. Fix thread.
Repeat one more time and fix
thread in the hole of the neck to

Make contraction in the chest

in 3 points. Tighten the lower
points in the armpits, and the
top one is in the hole of the

Make contraction in 3 points

to form the neck and

Make a small contraction for

navel , fix thread between

Make contraction in the back.
There are as many points as it could
be. Pull thread out the neck up.

Make contraction in ankles
and toes.

The beginning of row is in the center of head

1 row – 6sc in MR.

2 row – 6inc = 12sc
3 row – (1sc, inc)Х6=18sc
4 row – (2sc, inc)Х6=24sc
5 row – (3sc, inc)Х6=30sc
6 row – 9sc, inc, 10sc, inc, 9sc =32sc
7 row – 8sc, inc, 14sc, inc, 8sc =34sc
8 row – 12sc, inc, 8sc, inc, 12sc =36sc
9 row – 10sc, inc, 14sc, inc, 10sc =38sc
10-12 row – 38sc

13 row – 11sc, dec, 1sc, dec,

1sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 1sc, dec, 1sc,
dec, 11sc = 36sc
14 row – 16sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 16sc
= 38sc
15 row – 3sc, dec, 7sc, inc, 1sc,
inc, 1sc, 2inc, 2sc, 2inc, 1sc, inc,
1sc, inc, 7sc, dec, 3sc =44sc
16 row – 44sc 43
17 row – 3sc, dec, 13sc, sl st, skip 6
sc of nose,sl st, 13sc, dec, 3sc = 36sc

18 row – 5sc, dec, 5sc, dec, 2sc, inc,

2sc, inc, 2sc, dec, 5sc, dec,
1shifting sc
19 row – 8sc, dec, 14sc, dec, 8sc =
20 row – 9sc, dec, 10sc, dec, 9sc =
21 row – 2sc, dec, 8sc, inc, 1sc, 2inc,
(chin), 1sc, inc, 7sc, unworked 5 sc
(there are 33sc) 44
Don’t cut thread, but continue to work 6ch, skip 10 sc (i.e.
5 unworked sc and 5 sc of a new row) – we have a new
round of 29 sc(23sc along the chin and 6 sc along chain)
22 row – 1sc (=1 sc of attached chain), dec, 2sc, dec, 9sc
(the center is in the nose), dec, 2sc, dec, 1sc, 4sc along
the chain of 6ch (or work sc in chain but not the stitch, or
make 2 dec along the chain) = 23 sc

23 row – 2sc, 8dec, 1sc, 2 dec along 4 sc above chain –

2dec = 13sc
24 row and until the end – 6dec=6sc

Cut thread, leave tail thread. Fill the head with fiber.
Tighten the end of work with a needle a bit inside the head
to have an even chin. 45 46
Ears are worked in turning rows by the
1 row – 5ch
2 row - 3s = 4sc (including edge sc), turn
the work
3 row – ch, 3sc, 3dc in the center, 4sc
along the 2nd side of the chain = 11sc, turn
the work
4 row – ch, 4sc, (3dc, 2ch, 3dc)in central
dc of previous row, 4 sc = 18
Cut thread, leave tail thread for attaching.
Make the 2nd ear by the same scheme. 47
Points of ear attaching to the head–
Bottom – between 13-14 rows along the center of the side, count
from the top.
Top – in the 12th row 3 sc to the right from the center of the side. 48
Head attachment
You can attach it after face decoration
back view

front view

Make a form of the neck, flatten

it a bit in the front.
Prepare a hole in the fiber inside
the head, attach the head to the
wire skeleton of the body, sew
stitches of the head and the
neck together. Sew stitches of
the neck along the edge to the
head – but not the edge of the
hole, but the size of the neck.

1 piece is worked round
1 row – 6sc in MR.
2-5 row– 6sc
2 piece
Begin to work by the scheme of the foot.

5 ch and work round 9sc (=10sc including

edge sc). Continue to work round.
2-4 row –10sc
5 row – (1sc, dec)Х3, 1sc=7sc
Cut thread, needle it and make contraction,
dividing the piece in halves.
Attach both pieces to the body.

If you need another size of manhood,

increase number of rows or sc in the 1st row.


Work round from the bottom to the top.

1 row – 6ch round
Work the 2nd row in the chain round.
2-17 row – 7sc
18 row – dec, 5sc = 6sc
19-40 row – 6sc
41 row – dec, 4sc = 5sc
42-47 row – 5sc
Cut and hide tail thread

Insert thin wire inside the

tail. Insert the top end
inside the body.


Sew the tail to the back of the


Make a tassel from felting wool or

any other suitable thread.

I will see the results of your work with great pleasure!
You can e-mail me, link to the accounts below. You can see
other my works and works by my patters in my Vkontakte

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Vkontakte group
Livemaster shop:
Part 2

Crocheted toy

• Vkontakte profile
• Vkontakte group
• Livemaster profile
• Instagram
Make a small contraction for the Eyes
eyes. Pull thread out the bottom of
the neck.
Insert a needle through the hole of
the neck inside the head and pull it
out the left eye. Insert a needle
again in the place at the left eye
and pull it out the right eye.
Repeat, tightening thread a bit.
You can tighten each eye
separately in the neck hole. Fix

The eyes are painter with acryl

paints on the fabric. If paints are too
thick, add some water. But add a bit
of water to avoid it spreading over
the fabric.
Dry fabric after each paint layer (for
some minutes) or dry with hair dryer.

Cut eyes from paper and try

them on the face, find out the
best position and the size.
Pencil the eyes on the fabric.
Draw the pupil. And color the iris
with yellow.
Draw the edges with dark color.
Shade the edges.

Draw the lines from the center.

Draw the pupil with black color

in the center.

Draw white points – flares.

Glue a bit the back of the eye (to

avoid crumbling fabric while
cutting), dry a bit and cut. Try on
the face and if it’s necessary, cut
round again. Glue the eyes
To the suitable place on the face. If
it’s necessary, check the color of
the eyes after gluing on the face
(after hair attachment).

You need about 3 pieces of
moulinet thread.

Cut threads of about 15,75 inches

long (from the forehead to the
bottom of hair Х2).
Fold each thread in halves and
attach hair around the head in 1
thread – between 6-7 rows in the
front (count from the top of head),
and between 17-18 rows in the
back, between 8-9 rows aside
above the ears.

Pull a folded in halves thread

thought the loop in the head
with the help of a hook.
Pull thread through the loop
and tighten it.

Firstly, attach hair along the front edge, then attach them
along both sides and the back round. Thread of the first
round must be attached too close to each other, in every sc.
But attach thread in the back in a sc to avoid hair thickness.
You can not attach hair in the back and in the top of the
head at all, to avoid hair thickness.
Attach thread above ears for the side braids.

Felt some felting wool to the
top of the head without hair
– it will help to hide blue
color of the head.

Needle thread ad make

additional stitches along the
front edge to form an even
front edge of the hair.

Braid hair.
Braid hair aside.

Wet the ends of the

braids with white glue,
make a form and dry

Face decoration
Correct the color of eyes with paints – make the whites of the
eye a bit darker, if it’s necessary make them lighter or darker.

Embroider eyebrows (inner

corner is 2 rows upper than the
eye) – make stitches above
each eye. Spin thread 3-4
times around ready stitches to
make the 2nd row.

Make 2 parallel stitches with

thread like Iris or moulinet
thread in 2 rows lower than the
nose to make smile.

Make a form of the nose – widen
the hole with sushi stick and add
a bit of fiber in the nose bridge.
Press the nose tip and flatten it a

The tint
and fingers
Paint the head with black acryl
color, which is visual through hair
in the front.
Tint the body with acryl paints
along the anatomical lines. Add
decorative horizontal lines.

Wet fingers with white glue,

bend them and dry to make
form and make them harder.
Waist band 1. About 48 ch and round
the work. Work the 1st row
Use thread of the same in sl st, cut thread and fix it.
thickness as the body. If you
use thread of another
thickness, change number of
beginning ch. The band 2. 21 ch. Work in
consists of 3 pieces. turning rows.
2-7 row – 20sc
1. Fix and leave tail
thread for attaching.

3. 57 ch
2. 1 row – 56sc
Fix and leave tail
thread for


4. Attach pieces 1 and 3 ,as it’s

shown in the picture.

5. Attach piece 2 to
4. piece 1 above
piece 3.

Make neck lace – ch
round. Attach both
ends of the necklace
to each other and
make it harder (as
the fingers).
Decorate the legs
and shoulders with
wrapped thread.

I will see the results of your work with great pleasure!
You can e-mail me, link to the accounts below. You can see
other my works and works by my patters in my Vkontakte

Vkontakte profile

Vkontakte group
Livemaster shop:

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