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AAB: College of Arts and Architectur

Subject: Professional Technology in Architecture

Year: 2022-2023
Topic: Video Analysis
Student: Shqiponja Mekaj
Professor: Ph. C. Elisa Nikola

3 ways we can redesign cities for

equity and inclusion
In this video, the authors are discussing the crises
of the cities, both in terms of health, especially
after the pandemic, as well as racism

.They argue that rather than forecasting what cities

might be in the future, we should consider what
cities should be and focus on creating a new
narrative of generosity rather than austerity.To do
this the speaker suggests focusing on three key
areas: equitable health and housing, sustainable
urban mobility, and attainable social and cultural
resources.These areas are interconnected and can have
a significant impact on addressing issues of equity
and sustainability in cities.Cities can quickly
implement better urban transportation system that
prioritize low-emission and healthy options, such as
walking, biking, and kow-wmission buses.the speaker
also suggests using empty storefronta for educational
or social purposes,such as pop-up libraties or
universal,rather than relying on chain stores to
provide vibrancy and activationin cities . They also
mention the importance of architects in improving the
culture of cities and the importance of changes in
education and not traditional schools, according to
them another direction and education can lead to a
more equal system

In my opinion, it was a very significant video, especially for the reason of racism, as both in the

world and in your country it is quite big

Stunning buildings made from raw,
imperfect materials

-An employee of the Ensemble studio talks about

a project of his together with the team. At
first they were, if I may say so, uninspired
until they decided to go to a quarry and see
the whole process of transforming a stone
mountain into a perfect square slab. From all
those stones, they decided to take the
irregular stones that no one wanted, their
challenge now would be to convince the client
to use them. Later they managed to build a
(wall) 18 meters long and 8 meters high, which
they joined with the rest of the building in
the city. The whole genesis of this video leads
us to understand that as architects we are
workers and professionals from ordinary things
and that to some may seem unusable and not
artistic to create something beautiful that can
amaze the people around us. Since architecture
is a profession with some written and some
unwritten rules, maybe in the future we can
write some of them or we change

For me it was the best video I've seen so far in terms
of the architectural aspect, as it shows that we as
architects should be free in our creations to strive from
simple things to make extraordinary things.

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