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Syntax Analysis On Descriptive Text “Borobudur Temple”.

Dani Chandra Manik1, RayhanIbnu Adnan2, SitiAqilatul Zahro3, Mayang Sari4(Calibri, 11)
NIM 21018119, Kelas K0-21, English Department, FBS UniversitasNegeri Padang (Calibri, Italic, 10)
NIM 21018142, Kelas K0-21, English Department, FBS UniversitasNegeri Padang (Calibri, Italic, 10)
NIM 21018148, Kelas K0-21, English Department, FBS UniversitasNegeri Padang (Calibri, Italic, 10)
NIM 19018090, Kelas K0-21, English Department, FBS UniversitasNegeri Padang (Calibri, Italic, 10)

Abstract.Type of phrase is very important because it is a central core of a sentence and it has different
function in their structure such as subject, object, and complement. As the learners, by understanding
type phrase structure, it helps us to solve our problem in creating and composing sentences correctly.
This research focused on syntax analysis on descriptive text of Borobudur phrase. In constructing an
appropriate Type of phrase, We should understand all type of phrase and their component. The
objectives of this research are To identify the types of phrases that used in the Descriptive text text, To
analyze the constructions and the constituents of the sentences in the Descriptive text, to know
whether the is a compliment clause or not., To looking for if there are found any coordinate sentence in
the text, To find out if there are surface structure consist from the text; Borobudur temple in descriptive
text; Borobudur temple. For this research, we use the Tree diagram to analyze sentences, we applied
qualitative approach and used descriptive research design.

Keywords: Syntax, Phrases, Tree Diagram, Syntax Analisis, Descriptive text.


Syntax is a study of principle and processes of sentence constructions in particular languages.

According to Noam Chomsky, syntactic given investigation to the language, its has goal in
grammatical construction that can be viewed as a device in producing sentence under
analysis.19 Furthermore, The syntax of a language is described the term of a taxonomy.
Syntactic analysis built up of a series of constituents (syntactic units), each of which belongs to a
specific grammatical category and serves a specific grammatical function.20 According to
Andrew Radford syntactic structure looking at how words are combined together to form
phrases and sentences. Learn about syntax is a way for us to determine the structure of a
sentence, that we can tell it a part of phrase, clause, or the sentence itself. Phrase is small group
of words standing together as a conceptual unit, typically forming a component of a clause. a
unit of grammatical organization next below the sentence in rank and in traditional grammar
said to consist of a subject and predicate. Sentence is a set of words that is complete in itself,
typically containing a subject and predicate, conveying a statement, question, exclamation, or
command, and consisting of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. In
syntax, there are some way that can be used to know what is the structure have.
In this report, we have doing research about the descriptive text, the title is Borobudur Temple.
It construct of 14 paragraphs. And to analyze this text for this report, we use tree diagram way,
to increase our knowledge about tree diagram to support learning about syntax.
Based on the Result, the researcher found that there were five types of phrase found in
Borobudur temple text , there were Noun phrase,verb phrase,prepotsitional phrase, adjective
phrase, and adverb phrase The highest percentage of phrase is Noun Phrase 46,15% and the
lowest percentage of phrase is Prepositional phrases 7,69% and Adverb phrases 7,69% While
percentage of Verb phrases is 23,07% and Adjective phrases 15,38%
1.1. Problem Formulation
1.1.1. What types of phrases are used in the text?
a. If the text has any NP/VP/PP/AdjP/AdvP/XP, what is the construction(s) of the
b. Among the phrases, which phrase(s) occurs the most and the least?
c. Among the vocabularies, which constituent(s) occurs the most and the least?
1.1.2. Does the text have any complement clause? If yes, what complementizer(s) is used?
1.1.3. Does the text also have any coordinate sentence? If yes, what coordinating conjunction(s)
is used?
1.1.4. Which level of structure does the text have?
a. If the text has any deep-structured sentence that is transformable, which Transformational
Rule can be done to create its surface structure?
b. If the text also has any surface-structured sentence, which Transformational Rule was done
to its deep structure?
1.2. Purpose of Report
1. To identify the types of phrases that used in the Descriptive text text
2. To analyze the constructions and the constituents of the sentences in the Descriptive text, to
know whether the is a compliment clause or not.
3. To looking for if there are found any coordinate sentence in the text.
4. To find out if there are surface structure consist from the text: Borobudur temple.

In this research, the researcher used qualitative research design. The data is obtained from
quoting sentences from descriptive text paragraphs: Borobudur temple. In determining
sentences, types of sentences, words and phrases, researchers use tree diagrams to find out
more detail. text obtained from web(Google). The data which have already been collected and
archived by others. It may either be published data or unpublished data.10 In this research the
researcher took other sources such as books, journals, articles and all the printer matters to
support the main data related to syntactical analysis about phrase.
Because the data were from words and would be analyzed using the description and also
statistical numbers. Qualitative research is an approach for exploring and understanding the
meaning of individuals or group ascribe to a thing or human problem. This research also used
Quantitative methods because it include a statical numbers.


2.1. Results

This section contains results of data analysis in the form of tables and/or fugures.

Table 1*. The number of sentences within each paragraph

N Paragraph F
1 Borobudur is one of the most beautiful 7
. temple tourist resorts in Indonesia. It is
situated in central Java. Borobudur temple
is one of the seven wonders of the world
which needs to be preserved its
circumstances. The people all over the
world know that Borobudur is one of the
greatest art works that ever known since
long time ago. Borobudur temple was built
by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth
century. It needed more than two million
river stones. It is the biggest temple in the
2 After going into some restorations,
. Borobudur is visited by more and more
tourists, both domestic and foreign
tourists. Most of them admire Borobudur
temple because of its beauty, its elegance
and the story of the relief on its walls.
Domestic tourists usually go there by bus
or private cars, while foreign tourists like
to join travel because they don’t need to
think of the transportation,
accommodation, and itinerary. There are
some money changers around the location.
It makes them easier to change their
money. But some of them like to bring
credit cards and checks.
Total 14
*The font used in the table is Arial, size “11”, and line spacing “1,0”.

Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2
Figure 1. The number of sentences within each paragraph

A. Analyzing Sentence

1. Borobudur is one of the most beautiful temple tourist resorts in Indonesia.

2. temple tourist resorts in Indonesia
3. It is situated in central Java.

4. Borobudur
temple was
built by
during the eighth
5.It needed more than two
million river stones.

6.Most of
them admire
because of its
7.There are some
money changers
around the location.
8.. It makes them
easier to change
their money.
B. Table number of phrases from the tree diagram

NO. Type of Phrases f Percentage

1. Noun Phrases 18 46,15%
2. Verb phrases 9 23,07%
3. Prepositional phrases 3 7,69%
4. Adjective phrases 6 15,38%
5. Adverb phrases 3 7,69%

C. Table number of vocabularies from the tree diagram

NO. Part of speech f

1. Determiner Article 5
Quant 3
Possessive -
4. Adjective 4
5. Adverb
6. Conjunction 4
7. Noun Noun 18
pronoun 5
9. Preposition 7
10. Verb 8

Based on the Result, the researcher concluded that there were five types of phrase found in
Borobudur temple text , there were Noun phrase,verb phrase,prepotsitional phrase,
adjective phrase, and adverb phrase The highest percentage of phrase is Noun Phrase
46,15% and the lowest percentage of phrase is Prepositional phrases 7,69% and Adverb
phrases 7,69% While percentage of Verb phrases is 23,07% and Adjective phrases 15,38%

2.2 Discussion

We have discuss about the sentence of the descriptive text ; Borobudur temple, by using
tree diagram. Tree Diagram is a tool used to break down large categories into smaller or
detailed levels. As the name suggests, the Tree Diagram is shaped like a tree that has one
branch that branches into two or more. In this part of discussion will answer the question
from problem formulation.

1. What type of phrases areused in the text?

Nounphrase,verbphrase,prepotitionalphrase, adjective phrase,andadverbphrase
 noun phrase
Noun phrases are built from phrases that have an object as the main point. It can show like :
a. NP → Nc
b. NP → Art Nc
c. NP → Np
d. NP → Art Np
here some example from the text
 Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved its
 two million river stones
 There are some money changers around the location

*Verb Phrase

Verb phrase is a word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence, and forming the main part of
the predicate of a can be followed by noun phrase or not. It can show like :

VP → V (NP)

Here some example from the text :

 It is situated in central Java.

 Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century

 Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved

 Borobudur is visited by more and more tourist , both domestic and foreign tourist

*Prepotional Pharase

Prepositional phrase is a modifying phrase consisting of a preposition and its object. Usually PP have
followed by noun phrase. It show like :

PP → Prep NP

Here some example from the text:

 Borobudur temple was built by Syailendra Dynasty during the eighth century.

 Borobudur is one of the most beautiful temple tourist resorts in Indonesia

 The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever
known since long time ago.

*Adverb Phrase

Adverb Phrase is a word or phrase that modifies or qualifies an adjective, verb, or other adverb or a
word group, expressing a relation of place, time, circumstance, manner, cause, degree, etc.

 Borobudur is one of the most beautiful temple tourist resorts in Indonesia.

 Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the world which needs to be preserved its

 the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long
time ago

*Adjective Phrase

Adjective phrase is a phrase that functions just like an adjective in a sentence. The main point must
be include is an adjective. It can show like :
AdjP →Deg) Adj

 Borobudur is one of the most beautiful temple tourist resorts in Indonesia.

 Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever known since long time ago.

 It is the biggest temple in the world.

 Borobudur temple because of its beauty, its elegance and the story of the relief on its walls.

b.Among the phrases, which phrase(s) occurs the most and the least?

 The most is noun phrase and the least is adjective phrase

c. Among the vocabularies, which constituent(s) occurs the most and the least?

 The most is noun and the least is possessive

Based on the Result, the researcher concluded that there were five types of phrase found in
Borobudur temple text , there were Noun phrase,verb phrase,prepotsitional phrase,
adjective phrase, and adverb phrase The highest percentage of phrase is Noun Phrase
46,15% and the lowest percentage of phrase is Prepositional phrases 7,69% and Adverb
phrases 7,69% While percentage of Verb phrases is 23,07% and Adjective phrases 15,38%

2. Does the text have any complement clause? If yes, what complementizer(s) is used?
A. Relative Clause
 Borobudur temple is one of the seven wonders of the worldwhich needs to be preserved its
 The people all over the world know that Borobudur is one of the greatest art works that ever
known since long time ago
B. Nominal Clause
 -
C. Subordinate Clause
 Most of them admire Borobudur temple because of its beauty

3. Does the text also have any coordinate sentence? If yes, what coordinating conjunction(s) is
1. Cumulative
 both domestic and foreign tourists
2. Adversative
 It makes them easier to change their moneybut some of them like to bring credit cards and
3. Illative
 -
4. Alternative
 Domestic tourists usually go there by bus or private cars

4. Which level of structure does the text have?

a. If the text has any deep-structured sentence that is transformable, which Transformational
Rule can be done to create its surface structure?
b. If the text also has any surface-structured sentence, which Transformational Rule was done
to its deep structure?
a.Deep Structure,Mostly the sentence is using indirect-Object Transformation (T-IO)
b. no, it does not has.


1. There are five types of phrase found in text , there were Noun phrase,verb
phrase,prepotsitional phrase, adjective phrase, and adverb phrase

2. The highest percentage of phrase is Noun Phrase 46,15% and the lowest percentage of
phrase is Prepositional phrases 7,69% and Adverb phrases 7,69% While percentage of Verb
phrases is 23,07% and Adjective phrases 15,38%

3. -Noun and Verb phrase is mostly used in the text; Borobudur Temple.
-It,s also accompanied by prepotional phrase, adjective phrase, and adverb phrase.
-Coordinating cojunction include to construct some sentence in this text, such as that.
-It generally use deep structure level sentence which id T-IO

Please use IEEE Reference Style.

[1] UNESCO,. (1970). Indonesia Travel MagelangRegency : Borobudur Temple, Indonesia.

[2] Indonesia Kaya,. (2020) ; Indonesia Kaya, Pustaka Indonesia, Candi Borobudur
KeajaibanDuniadariabad Ke-9

[3] Indonesian Gonvernment and UNESCO,.(1991) :Candi Borobudur Salah SatuKeajaibanDunia

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