Handout - Project 1

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Make sure you have the
following before we start:

● Good internet connection

● Full charge on your
● A glass of water
● Something to eat :)
The dog is a furry domestic animal. The dog is a mammal with
sharp teeth, an excellent sense of smell, and a fine sense of
hearing. Each of its four legs ends in a foot, or paw, with five
toes. Each toe has a soft pad and a claw. A coat of hair, the fur,
keeps the dog warm. It has got a tail.

The cat is a furry domestic animal. It is a small mammal and it has

got a long tail and sharp claws. Domestic cats are natural
hunters. They are particularly effective at night. They have got
light-reflecting eyes that allow them to see better.


A fish is an oviparous animal which lives and breathes in
water. They are not mammals. All fish are vertebrates.
They have got a backbone and most breathe through
gills. They have got fins and scales. They haven’t got any

Birds are not mammals because they lay hard-shelled

eggs and have feathers. They are oviparous. They
have got a backbone. A bird has got four limbs: two
wings and two legs. They have got a beak, but they
haven’t got any teeth. Most birds are able to fly, but
others, like the penguin, cannot. Unlike mammals, birds
have got no external ears.
Tick the characteristic that corresponds to each animal

Feathers Paws Wings Ears Fins Fur




Where does each pet move?
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

swim - run -
The _________________. The fish ___________.
walk - fly

The cat ___________. The dog ___________.

Fill the gap with have got/haven’t got.

● Birds can fly because they ______________ wings.

● Dogs ____________________fins. They ______________ legs and paws

which allow them to walk and run.

● Fish ____________________ fins which allow them to swim. They

_________ wings.

● Cats _________________ fur, which keeps them warm.

What is the backbone?

The backbone or spine is a column of

vertebrae in the back part of the torso.
Vertebrate and invertebrate animals
Vertebrate animals have got a backbone inside their body.
Invertebrates have got no spine and no vertebrae inside
their bodies.

Let’s play a game!

These are our pets but...

● Why do our birds live in cages?

● Why do our fish live in a tank/bowl?

● Can our dogs and cats live in the wild?

Have you got a pet?
What pet has your classmate got?

● _____________ .

● _____________ .

● _____________ .

● _____________ .

● _____________ .
Well done!

Thank you for attending!

Are you ready for a fun learning session?
Make sure you have the following before we

- Good internet connection

- Full charge on your computer or cellphone

- A glass of water

- Something to eat

-A toddler is younger
than a child.

-A child is older than

a toddler.

-A pre-teen is taller
than a child but
shorter than a
Each sentence has an error, either grammatical or semantic. Spot them
and provide the correct version of the sentence.

1. An adult cat is older than a junior cat.

2. A teenager are younger than an elderly.

3. A kitten is smallest than a senior.

4. A preteen is more developed that a toddler.

5. A super senior cat is as old as a senior cat.

6. A newborn is as younger as a kitten.

7. An adult person is more taller than a preteen.

8. Cats is more beatifuller than any other animal in the world.

-create five sentences about yourself using the
comparative structure.
Match each picture with the correct word

[ elderly - kitten - teenager - baby - super senior - adult - child ]

A Day in the Life of Danny the Cat
Danny wakes up
Finds a private place in the garden,
He returns
Plays with the plants
And sleeps
Danny wakes up
Comes indoors
Inspects the carpet
Scratches himself
And sleeps.
Danny has hobbies

Being stroked

Car watching

And smelling feet

He loves life,

Keeps fit

And then keeps clean,

Every night he covers himself

In spit,

Then he eats

And sleeps.
Emotions between
animals and
Try to describe what emotion is represented in the
Are you ready for a
fun learning lesson?
Make sure you have
the following before
we start:

Good internet connection

Full charge on your computer or
A glass of water
Something to eat
Let’s go
on a
African Lions

They have got powerful bodies and roars that can be heard from five miles away. In the cat
family, they are second in size only to tigers. Adult lions' coats are yellow-gold, and the
juveniles have got some light spots that disappear with age. Only male lions typically boast
manes, the impressive fringe of long hair that encircles their heads.

African lions once were part of Africa, Asia
and Europe. But 94 percent of the species
has disappeared. Today they can be found
in parts of sub- Saharan Africa. These lions
mainly prefer to live in the grasslands,
scrub, or open woodlands where they can
hunt their prey. They love meat!They can
also live in most habitats apart from
tropical rainforests and deserts.
COMMON NAME: African lions


TYPE: Mammals

DIET: Carnivore

WEIGHT: 265 to 420 pounds

Bengal Tigers

Bengal Tigers are the biggest

members of the cat family . They are
powerful and strong.

They live in India and are sometimes

called Indian tigers.

Tigers prefer to live alone. They can be

rude with rivals.
They like having buffalo , deer, wild
pigs , and other big mammals.
COMMON NAME: Bengal Tiger
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Panthera tigris
TYPE: Mammals
DIET: Carnivore
WEIGHT: 240 to 500 pounds

They can be found in Africa

and Asia. They are also known
as the fastest land animals of
the big cat family , which
include tigers, lions , pumas,
etc. Their name comes from
the Hindi word "chita," which
means "spotted one".
They are nomadic cats. They go from one place to another.
You can find them in grasslands, savannas , forests and
mountains. They prefer to sleep in tall grasses or under trees.
Pumas are members of the cat family. They are mammals ,
meaning they have fur or hair , are warm-blooded , and give
birth to babies. Pumas go by lots of different names ,
including cougar and mountain lion.

They are big , but they are still in the small cat category.
Pumas can be as long as 8 feet long from nose to tail.
That’s longer than a tall adult. They can weigh between 75
to 160 pounds, which is quite similar to a small adult
Pumas can live in North America. They
can be found in Mexico and Canada and
South America such as in Patagonia. They
prefer places with lots of bushes or rocky

They are also carnivores. That is, they can

eat other animals.
Let's learn some magic words today
The magic words are:
- I prefer … because
- I don't/do not prefer… because

- I prefer the African lion because it is powerful
and strong.
- I don't prefer Danny the cat because he is lazy
Time to create!

Make groups of 3 and choose different body parts of the big

wild cats and make up a new specimen. Name it
Describe its habitat and diet. What is special about it? Is it a
Carnivore/ herbivore? Remember that it is YOUR choice.
Interrogative forms:

- Which big cat do you prefer? why?

- Which big cat don´t you prefer? why?

Use these words to give examples:

Fierce - fast - powerful - weak - brave

Let’s work!

Have a look at the Cheetah text and fill in the Cheetah fact zone. Can
you spot which piece of information is missing? Make it up to complete
the fact zone!

Common name:
Scientific name:
Go back to the Puma text and and place its location in the Argentina map:
Discussion time

Which big cat do you prefer? Why? Which one don’t you prefer? Why?
Be ready to share your new specimen with your classmates! Do not
forget to include linking words and discourse markers such as because ,
but, we prefer, etc.
Read the following
Did you know? Less than 4,000 tigers remain
whatsapp message in the wild. Of the nine tiger subspecies ,
three are now extinct ( Javan, Caspian, and
on one big wild cat Bali) and the South China tiger is considered
extinct( not found in the wild) with around
written by a nature 100 individuals living in captivity around the
world. They are not finding safe places to
activist. live because humans are constantly trying to
hunt them and sell their fur. They are not
trophies. What can you do to help tigers?
Well, first , don’t buy products with palm oil-
Tigers tend to live under these trees so if they
are cut down they don’t have shelters.
Second, reduce paper consumption. Once
again trees are really important for them to
live. Finally, you can sign up here ( click) to
prevent palm oil production and use. Please ,
spread the word!
1-What can be done to contribute to tigers’ conservation?

2- Why should WE take care of them?

3- Today is Endangered Species Day. If you had to write a message in

a bottle that would be found in the future, what would you say about
human beings and their treatment of animals in general? What piece
of advice would you give to future generations about what NOT to do?

4- Back to Danny the cat, what did we say about him? Is he a house
cat/ wild one?Don' t you remember? Then should we take care of him
the same way we might do with big wild cats? Why?/ why not?
Word of the day
Let´s vote:

1. Powerful
2. Brave
3. Strong
4. Fierce
5. Weak
Well done!

Thank you for attending!

Are you ready for a fun
learning session?
Make sure you have the

following before we start:

Good internet connection

Full charge on your
A glass of water
Something to eat :)

Happy learning!

Refers to all those limitless

energy sources present in nature

Can you think of any other renewable resource?

Refers to the limited energy
Agregar texto sources that we exhaust with


Can you think of any other nonrenewable resource?

Now let's play a


What things can we do to protect national


We mustn't throw rubbish We must put rubbish in the bin

We mustn't make noise

We must be silent

We mustn't hunt animals We must protect endangered

animal species



We ____ pick the flowers We ____ save the trees We ____ make fire

We ____ smoke We ____ cut down trees We ____go fishing in the lakes
What things can we do from our homes to

protect national parks?

:( Don't use plastic bottles :( :(

:) Use reusable bottles :) :)

face mask face mask

:( :( :(

:) :) :)


Rubbish...what a problem!
How much time does rubbish take to dissapear from the Earth?

Organic waste 3 to 4 weeks Organic waste takes 3 to

4 weeks to dissapear

Chewing gum 5 years

Aerosol 30 years

Plastic bags ?

Sport shoes ?

Glass bottle ?
Recycle at home


The 3 R's

Let's have fun and make a

poster with everything we

have learnt to protect

mother nature!
Thank You

For Attending!

Well done!

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