TPF MCZ Overview

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Climate change is a failure of cooperation

We exist to change the way the

world acts on climate change
The Pond Foundation is a Swiss

My Carbon Zero is our Climate Action Program

My Carbon Zero
Inspiring individuals and businesses to take strong, credible,
climate action, today
Our why
We are nowhere near where we need to be on climate change
We must go beyond greenwashing and provide committed
people and businesses an opportunity to make real impact
The Art Of The Possible
People with an interest in selling services can make taking climate
action seem deeply complex, scary
Gripped with complexity and often deep confusion, people freeze

We keep it simple, focusing on what’s possible, today, and

scaling action going forward. We talk about what we can do, not
what we can’t
Inspire – we inspire businesses and individuals
We offer simple, robust RRRI Actions that people understand
• First, we work out your Lifetime Carbon Balance (LCB)
• Then, we support you to:
• Reduce (R1) how much carbon you emit,
• Help others Reduce (R2) how much carbon they emit,
• Remove (R3) your LCB from the atmosphere by investing in credible projects
• And, Inspire (I) others to take the journey too

When people understand, they act. We inspire climate action

Educate – we help people understand climate change
We help them take the first step
• Our LCB calculator for individuals is easy to understand, get your number and go
• Our LCB audits for companies align with ISO standards
• We’re science based in everything we do
• We explain what you can do in simple terms, opening the way for action
• We support businesses with internal and external communications

Sharing knowledge opens a path for credible, inspiring climate action

Engage – we form close, supporting relationships
It is a complex topic, our members have many questions and worries
• We provide ongoing engagement to checkin and keep moving forward
• We provide Advisory Services for complex topics, strategising with you
• We keep communications coming about our projects
• We build confidence that you’re on the right path, to keep going

We help our members every step of the way

Projects – we identify great onground partners
Our members want their money to work hard for people & the planet
• We conduct strict due diligence on project partners
• Our members invest R2 and R3 funds in projects to reduce & remove emissions
• Our projects support communities, the enviroment as well as carbon reductions
• We conduct ongoing monitoring to ensure they’re delivering
Our members get great credibility from our partners’ great work
Consult – we cast our net wide for new opportunities
Our members want innovation, cutting edge
• We develop partnerships with like-minded organizations to scale impact
• We stay up to date with all climate developments
• We bring new projects, new members, new partnerships to our platform
• We advise and guide

Our members are a growing, innovative network, doing great things

Impact – our model leverages climate action
We’re the missing mechanism for scaled, credible climate action
• We bypass costly, inefficient, often greenwashing certification & offsetting
• We open the door to scaled investment in strong onground action that benefits
communities, the environment and climate action
• Our members’ RRRI investments are much greater than what they pay us
• Our carbonproject partners get 100% of their carbon price, we take no haircut,
so our members’ investments work harder

Our members stay informed and grow their impact, lower their risk
How are we different?
LIFETIME carbon, not just current year
Zero means getting ALL your carbon out of the atmosphere
No offsetting
Clear, transparent, truthful communications – there are no heroes
Close connection with our project partners, strong employee engagement
Your carbon investment works harder with us, creating greater impact.
Together with our members, we’re
building a global community that
cooperates to find new ways forward
Becoming a My Carbon Zero Member
The key thing about joining is your commitment to action
We Support You In All Your Actions
LCB Audit Transparent communications

RRRI Actions Growing the ripple

Strategic Advice Credible platform

Your Costs
Annual Membership Fee (see next slide)
LCB Audit – cost to be determined
Advisory services & Management fee on carbon investments
R1 Actions typically reduce your costs e.g. reduced energy, travel
R2 & R3 Actions do require investment (ave. ±CHF40/tCO2)
I Actions are communications costs
Annual Membership Fee

1 2-9 10-49 50-249 >250


250 1,000 2,500 5,000 10,000
Current members include…
If you’re interested to explore further…
We recommend a call to dive deeper into your specific
climate action opportunity

After which, we will send you a costed proposal

The Pond Foundation
Changing The Way The World Acts On Climate Change

Contact us at:

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