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BTAR3063 Planning Studies

Minor Project Rubric

Group: _____

Criteria Score
5 4 3 2 1
(Weight) (Rank X Weight)
Excellent Good Average Weak Poor
Deliver an Demonstrate a high Demonstrate an Able to complete the Unable to
exceptional level of level of reasoning and expected level of project but lacking in demonstrate any
Critical Thinking (5)
critical thinking in the analysis in the reasoning in the analytical thinking. logical thinking.
project. project. project.
Very clear Fair explanation on Some part of the Brief explanation of Very brief or unclear
Justification of
explanation on the the site analysis. explanation is the site analysis site analysis
analysis (5)
site analysis. ambiguous.
Conceptual plan Conceptual plan Conceptual plan Conceptual plan lack Conceptual plan
represents a variety represents some represents expected of representation of unable to provide
Creativity (5) of solutions and solutions and solutions and the solutions and solutions to the site
strength of the site strength of the site strength of the site strength of the site current issue.
area. area. area. area.
Pain point is clearly Well explained pain Fair pain point Able to highlight Unable to
highlighted, the point, the proposed highlighted, the some pain point, brief demonstrate any pain
Integration between proposed idea is idea is able to define proposed idea is at relation justified point to show the
focal point and clearly define the the relation of the expected level of the between the relation between
overall site area (5) relation of the development. relation between development. focal point and
development. development. surrounding
Total (100 marks)
Total (20 marks)
Report Assignment Rubric

Criteria Score
5 4 3 2 1
(Weight) (Rank X Weight)
Excellent Good Average Weak Poor
Deliver an Demonstrate a high Demonstrate an Able to complete the Unable to
exceptional level of level of reasoning and expected level of project but lacking in demonstrate any
Critical Thinking (5)
critical thinking in the analysis in the reasoning in the analytical thinking. logical thinking.
project. project. project.
Very clear Fair explanation on Some part of the Brief explanation of Very brief or unclear
Justification of
explanation on the the site analysis. explanation is the site analysis site analysis
analysis (5)
site analysis. ambiguous.
Conceptual plan Conceptual plan Conceptual plan Conceptual plan lack Conceptual plan
represents a variety represents some represents expected of representation of unable to provide
Creativity (5) of solutions and solutions and solutions and the solutions and solutions to the site
strength of the site strength of the site strength of the site strength of the site current issue.
area. area. area. area.
Pain point is clearly Well explained pain Fair pain point Able to highlight Unable to
highlighted, the point, the proposed highlighted, the some pain point, brief demonstrate any pain
Integration between proposed idea is idea is able to define proposed idea is at relation justified point to show the
focal point and clearly define the the relation of the expected level of the between the relation between
overall site area (5) relation of the development. relation between development. focal point and
development. development. surrounding
Excellent verbal skills Good verbal skills Appropriate verbal Lack of verbal skills Poor verbal skills with
with appropriate eye with appropriate eye skills with eye contact with weak eye weak eye contact and
Presentation (1)
contact and voice contact and voice and voice loudness. contact and slightly soft voice.
loudness. loudness. soft voice loudness.
Total Report (100 marks)
Total Report (55 marks)
Total Presentation (5 marks)

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