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P2 Explain the skills and personal attributes necessary for professionals who

care for individuals with different needs.

For each case study (Nusrat, Alice and Martin) you must

A. Explain the skills required of a professional

B. Explain the importance
C. Explain why it would help to overcome difficult situations?

Include most of the following skills:

• The 6Cs – care, compassion, competence, communication, courage and commitment

• People skills – empathy, patience, engendering trust, flexibility, sense of humour, negotiating skills,
honesty and problem-solving skills

• communication skills – communicating with service users, colleagues and other professionals, e.g.
active listening and responding, using appropriate tone of voice and language, clarifying,
questioning, responding to difficult situations

• Observation skills, e.g. observing changes in an individual’s condition, monitoring development

How to structure P2/wording:

There are several personal skills and attributes that are essential when providing care for
vulnerable individuals. In this essay, I will explain the personal skills and attributes that the
professions require when working with Nusrat, Alice and Martin.


The 6 C’s are ….

Professionals should use skills such as C…… when caring for individuals. This skill is …(define)…
You should use this skill/s because…
For Nusrat, this skill should be used for her in the following way,
This is important because…
This skill would help professionals to deal with difficult situations because….for example….

Follow the same steps for other 6Cs linking to the other cases.

People skills
Professionals should use people skills such as…… when caring for individuals. This skill is …(define)

For Alice, this skill should be used for them in the following ways…
This is important because…
This skill would help use to deal with difficult situations because….for example….

Follow the same steps for other skills linking to the other cases.

Communication skills:
Professionals should use communication skills such as…… when caring for individuals. This skill is
For Martin, this skill should be used for him in the following ways…
This is important because….
This skill would help the professionals to deal with difficult situations because….for example….

Follow the same steps for other skills linking to the other cases.

Observation skills:
You should always observe people to see………
For Nusrat, you can observe her by…
This is important because…
It will help the professionals to deal with difficult situations such as….this is important because…
M2: Assess different methods professionals might use when building
relationships and stabling trust with individuals with needs.
Break down:

1. Describe theories of how to establish trust with individuals and how they
can be used/applied for each case study
2. The importance of these theories when trying to build trust

Theories to include:
 Attachment and emotional resilience theory, to include the effect of secure attachments and
support on emerging autonomy and resilience.
 The triangle of care.
 Empathy theories, e.g. Johannes Volkelt, Robert Vischer, Martin Hoffman, Max Scheler and
Carl Rogers.

3. Assess what issues that may arise when trying to build trust?

Wording for M2:

There are many theories of how you can establish trust with individuals. A theory known as
……………….(describe what the theory is)

This theory can be applied to the case of Nusrat, the theory can be used to build trust in their
situation as it would say that.............. this is important because…

Another theory called…………(describe what the theory is)

This theory can be applied to the case of (Martin), the theory can be used to build trust in their
situation as it would say that..............this is important because…

A third theory called…………(describe what the theory is)
This theory can be applied to the case of Alice/Martin, the theory can be used to build trust in
their situation as it would say that..............this is important because…


However, there are issues that may arise when trying to build trust,

For example in Nusrats case……

The issues of building trust in Martins case are…

The issues of building trust in Alices case are…….

Therefore, in conclusion, the best way to build trust with each individual is…this is because…

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