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Democratic and People's Republic of Algeria.

Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Hassiba Benbouali University of Chlef.

Faculty: Civil Engineering and Architecture.

Department of : Hydraulics.
Option : Urban Hydraulics
Module : Water treatment.
Report of the practical work:
Physico-Chemical Measurements.
Measurement of pH & Electrical conductivity
Master 1 Member of group 02:
Touba wafa.
Rasselkaf Ibtissam.
Negadi Zohra.
Legraa Bilal.
Maameri Idriss.
Lead by :
1- Mr. Abaidia.
2- Mrs .Benaboura.
3- Mr Ouadja.
University year :
Work Plan :
1. General introduction.
2. The Purpose of Physico-Chemical Measurement.
3. TP N°01: Physico-Chemical Measurements (Measurement of pH
& Electrical conductivity).
 Measurement of pH.
B-The Purpose
C-Definition of pH.
D-The utility of pH.
E-The ladder [the scale] of pH.
F-Method of Measurement the pH.
G-The potentiometric method with glass electrode.
H-The Principle of the potentiometric method with glass
I-Material used
K-Operation mode :
L-Calibration of the device.
M- Measurement .
N-Findings [Results] and Discussion.
 Measurement of the Électrical Conductivity (EC).
The Purpose
Definition of the Électrical Conductivity.
Definition of the Électrical Conductivity of water .
The Utility of Électrical Conductivity.
The Utility of Électrical Conductivity of water .
The Ladder (the scale) of Électrical Conductivity.
Material used.
Reactives .
Operation mode.
Effect of temperature on conductivity
1. General introduction

The Physico-chemical is a researcher in charge of carrying out experiments and

characterizing the phenomena observed during chemical reactions between various
elements. It also makes it possible to identify and measure one or several chemical
compounds. Whether for work devoted to molecular systems, the storage of nuclear waste
or even the viscosity of dairy products, the Physico-chemist carries out different types of
analysis such as chromatography, spectroscopy or electrochemistry. The Physico-
chemist studies the physical nature of chemistry. During his career, he may be called
upon to develop new analysis protocols.
The estimation of the Physico-chemical quality of water is carried out by measuring a set
of parameters making up the water. Abnormal results make it possible to highlight and
evaluate pollution levels
. Parameters physicochemical :
pH : pH unit at Measurement temperature
Conductivity: unit: µS/cm at 25°C temperature.
Turbidity: unit: UNF.
Water gases: Dosage of dissolved oxygen.
Alkalinity: Unit: °F (French degree).
Appearance, odor, flavor.
Free and Total Chlorine. ...etc.
2. The Purpose of Physico-Chemical Measurement.
It also makes it possible to correct the analysis parameters whose values are linked to the
temperature (notably conductivity). Moreover, by highlighting the contrasts of water
temperature on a medium, it is possible to obtain indications on the origin and the flow of
TP N°01:

Physico-Chemical Measurements
(Measurement of pH & Electrical conductivity).
 Measurement Of pH :
A- Introduction :
In water, pH is mainly due to the presence of ions and concerted ions [H3O+] in the
solution one of the most important water quality parameters for the treatment of water
before use, as we can see that water quality is very important to us.
pH of the water represents the acidity or alkalinity.

Table N°1: The pH Scale.

pH greater pH less
than 7 than 7
Neutral Basic Acid
water. water. water.

Figure N°1 : Shows pH scale.

B-The Purpose:
The Purpose of this TP To carry out the measurement of The pH, the measurement of
the resistivity and the determination of the dry residue of a mineral water, distilled
water...Ect. We will also evaluate the ionic strength of this water and we will deduce the
activity coefficients of the mono, di and trivalent ions at this ionic strength.

C-Definition of pH :
pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, usually expressed on a scale
from 0 to 14. It is defined as the negative logarithm (base 10) of the concentration of
hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution. The lower the pH, the more acidic the solution,
and the higher the pH, the more alkaline (basic) the solution. A solution with a pH of 7
is considered neutral, meaning it has equal concentrations of H+ and hydroxide ions
(OH-) and is neither acidic nor alkaline. pH is an important parameter in many areas
of science and technology, including chemistry, biology, medicine, and environmental
D-The utility of pH:
pH is a very important parameter in many scientific and technological applications
because it can give insight into the chemical and physical properties of a solution.
Some exemples of the utility of pH are:
 Industrial processes: pH is a crucial factor in many industrial processes,
such as the production of paper, textiles, food, and beverages. The pH of a
solution can affect the efficiency of chemical reactions and the quality of the
final product.
 Environmental monitoring: pH is an important parameter in monitoring the
health of natural bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. Changes
in pH can indicate pollution or other environmental stressors that may impact
aquatic ecosystems.
 Biological systems: pH is a critical factor in many biological systems,
including the human body. For example, the pH of blood is tightly regulated,
and changes in blood pH can indicate a serious health problem.
 Analytical chemistry: pH is used in many analytical techniques, such as
titrations, to determine the concentration of a substance in a solution.

In summary, pH is a very useful parameter for understanding the chemical and

physical properties of solutions in a wide range of applications.

E- The ladder (the scale) of pH:

The pH scale is a numerical scale that ranges from 0 to 14 and is used to express the
acidity or basicity (alkalinity) of a solution.
On the pH scale :
 A pH of 0 is considered the most acidic, and represents a high concentration
of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution.
 A pH of 7 is considered neutral, which means that the concentration of
hydrogen ions (H+) and hydroxide ions (OH-) are equal in the solution.
 A pH of 14 is considered the most basic (alkaline), and represents a low
concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution.
Each unit on the pH scale represents a tenfold difference in the concentration of
hydrogen ions (H+). For example, a solution with a pH of 3 is ten times more acidic
than a solution with a pH of 4, and 100 times more acidic than a solution with a pH
of 5. Similarly, a solution with a pH of 10 is ten times more basic than a solution with
a pH of 9, and 100 times more basic than a solution with a pH of 8.
The pH scale is logarithmic, which means that a change in pH by one unit represents a
tenfold change in the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+). This logarithmic scale
allows us to express a wide range of acidity and basicity values with a simple scale.

Figure N°2: The pH of water.

F-Method of Measurement the pH:

There are several methods for measuring pH, depending on the type of sample being
measured and the level of accuracy required. Some of the most common methods include:
1. pH strips: pH strips are small strips of paper or plastic that are impregnated
with a pH-sensitive chemical indicator. The strip is dipped into the solution to
be measured, and the resulting color change is compared to a color chart to
determine the pH.
2. pH meters: pH meters are electronic devices that measure the voltage
difference between a pH-sensitive electrode and a reference electrode. The
meter converts this voltage to a pH value and displays it on a digital readout.
pH meters are more accurate than pH strips and are commonly used in
scientific research and industrial applications.
3. pH meters: pH meters are electronic devices that measure the voltage
difference between a pH-sensitive electrode and a reference electrode. The
meter converts this voltage to a pH value and displays it on a digital readout.
pH meters are more accurate than pH strips and are commonly used in
scientific research and industrial applications.
4. pH meters: pH meters are electronic devices that measure the voltage
difference between a pH-sensitive electrode and a reference electrode.
The meter converts this voltage to a pH value and displays it on a digital
readout. pH meters are more accurate than pH strips and are commonly used
in scientific research and industrial applications.
5. pH meters: pH meters are electronic devices that measure the voltage
difference between a pH-sensitive electrode and a reference electrode. The
meter converts this voltage to a pH value and displays it on a digital readout.
PH meters are more accurate than pH strips and are commonly used in
scientific research and industrial applications.

In addition, the Method we used in our Tp it is the

potentiometric method using glass electrode.

 The potentiometric method with glass electrode:

Potentiometric with glass electrode is a common analytical method used to determine the
concentration of ions in a solution. The method is based on measuring the potential
difference between a reference electrode and a glass electrode in contact with the solution
of interest.
A glass electrode consists of a thin glass membrane that is sensitive to hydrogen ion
concentration. When the electrode is placed in a solution containing an ion of interest,
such as sodium or potassium, the ion will exchange with the hydrogen ions on the surface
of the glass membrane. This results in a change in the electrical potential of the electrode,
which can be measured using a high-impedance voltmeter.
To use the method of potentiometric with a glass electrode, the electrode is first
calibrated by measuring the potential difference between the glass electrode and a
reference electrode in solutions of known ion concentration. A calibration curve is then
generated by plotting the potential difference against the known ion concentration.
Potentiometric with glass electrode is a simple and reliable method for determining the
concentration of ions in a solution, and it has a wide range of applications in fields such as
clinical chemistry, environmental monitoring, and pharmaceutical analysis.
Figure N°3: The Material of pH meter and glass Electrode.

Figure N°4: The Composition of the Glass electrode.

G-The Principle Of the potentiometric method with glass electrode:
This method uses a glass electrode that works based on the principle of ion selective
The glass electrode consists of a thin-walled glass membrane that is sensitive to the
specific ion that is being measured. The membrane is typically made of silica glass,
which is a non-conductive material that can withstand a wide range of pH values. When
the glass electrode is placed in a solution containing the ion being measured, the ion
will diffuse through the glass membrane and interact with the inner surface of the glass.
This interaction results in a potential difference between the inside and outside of the
glass membrane, which can be measured using a reference electrode.

In summary, the potentiometric method with a glass electrode relies on the

measurement of the potential difference between the glass electrode and a reference
electrode to determine the concentration of a specific ion in a solution.

H-Material used:
1. Glass electrode: A glass electrode is a type of ion-selective electrode commonly
used in analytical chemistry to measure the concentration of ions in a solution. It
consists of a thin-walled glass tube filled with an electrolyte solution and a reference
electrode immersed in the solution.
2. Reference electrode calomel-saturated potassium chloride: The Calomel-
Saturated Potassium Chloride Reference Electrode, also known as the Calomel
electrode, is a type of reference electrode commonly used in electrochemistry to
measure the potential of a half-cell. It consists of a mercury-calomel electrode
immersed in a saturated potassium chloride (KCl) solution.
3. Amplifying potentiometric device specially built for pH measurement: An
amplifying potentiometric device built for pH measurement is an electronic device that
amplifies the electrical signal produced by a pH electrode, allowing for accurate and
sensitive pH measurements. The device typically includes an amplifier circuit and a
display or data output system.

Figure N°4: shows us the electrode.

Figure N°5: The materiel of ph which include the glass electrode and the reference
electrode .

1) Potassium Hydrogen phthalate solution=pH : 4.00, T= 20°c.
2) Solution of hydrogen phosphates=pH: 6.88, T=20°c.
3) Sodium tetra borate solution = pH: 9.22, T=20°c.

Figure N°6: The three Reactives.

J- Operation mode:
Well, we have 6 (six) types of water and We will measure the pH of each one of
them and of course we will compare it with the ph which we found on the bottles.
Firstly, before we start the operation we need to clean our becher and our glass
electrode with Distilled water and before we start our practical work we need to
calibrate our devises if the are not calibrated yet
In addition, here we can give a simple definition of the calibration of device.

Figure N°7: The six 6 types of water we used

L-Calibration of the device:
Device calibration is the process of ensuring that a device, such as an instrument or
tool, is accurately measuring or performing to its intended specifications. Calibration
is important for maintaining the quality and accuracy of measurements and ensuring
that the device is operating as intended. The calibration process typically involves
comparing the device's measurement or performance against a reference standard
or traceable measurement. This reference standard may be a physical artifact or a
standardized procedure, such as a calibration standard that has been established
by a recognized calibration authority.
Overall, device calibration is an essential process to ensure that the measurements
or performance of a device is accurate and reliable. Calibration should be
performed regularly, according to a pre-determined schedule, to ensure that the
device remains accurate over time.

Figure N°8: The Calibration Solutions.

M- Measurement:
First of fall we bring our 6 types of water and start putting some of water for examples we
want to start by Distilled water Pour distilled water into the beaker(bécher ) like the picture
below shows us

Figure N°9: Measurement the pH of distilled water.

while we are measure the pH of the distilled water in the materiel we need to tap on
this CFM to find the best result of pH for us it’s an important step.
And we repeat this steps for all the types of water we have.


Figure N°10: The pH before we tap on the CEM.

Figure N°11: The pH after we tap on the CEM.

In addition, the table below include some short definition for each type
of water and with the ph expert and Theo
types of Definition T°C
exper Theo
Is water that has been purified through the
process of distillation
Distilled Distillation is a method of separating and Around
10.52 20°C
water purifying liquids by heating them to the point 7
of vaporization, and then condensing the
vapor back into a liquid form.
The water that comes directly from the
Faucet faucet or tap in your home or building. In Rang
water many countries, tap water is treated and from
9.26 20°C
(tap purified to meet strict health and safety 6.5 to
water) standards before it is supplied to 8.5
households and businesses.
Or seaWater that contains a high
concentration of dissolved salts, primarily Rang
Salt sodium chloride (NaCl). It is commonly from
7.79 20°C
water found in oceans and seas, but can also be 7.5 to
found in saltwater lakes, saltpans, and other 8.4
saline bodies of water.
Is a type of water that is naturally rich in
minerals and other trace elements, such as
Mineral calcium, magnesium, and potassium, It is
8.93 7.7 20°C
water often bottled at its source, which can be an
underground spring or well, and sold as a
beverage for drinking and cooking.
Also known as, carbonated water is a type
of water that has been infused with carbon
dioxide gas under pressure, creating a fizzy,
Sparkling 5.52
effervescent quality. It is often consumed 5.38 20°C
either as a refreshing beverage, plain or
with added flavors, and can be a low-calorie
alternative to sugary soda.
Is water that falls to the Earth's surface as
precipitation, typically from the atmosphere
rain in the form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. A
6.87 range 20°C
water naturally occurring source of freshwater can
of 5.0
be collected and used for a variety of
to 5.5.

 we will set some pictures so that we will clarify the things :

Figure N°12: The pH measurement Of the Mineral water.

Figure N°13: The pH measurement of the saltwater.

Figure N°14: The pH measurement of sparkling water.

Figure N°15: The pH measurement of Distilled water.
N-Findings [Results] and Discussion:
Here we can say that the expert PH is too close to the theo PH
And we can classify our 6 types of water.
The table below is the table of classify our 6ntypes of water to
Type of water The pH exper (basic /neutral/acid)
Distilled Water 10.53 Basic water
tap water 9.26 Basic water
Salt water 7.79 Basic water
Mineral water 8.93 Basic water
sparkling water 5.52 Acid water
Rain water 6.87 too close to 7 Neutral water.

Because of the different methods we can know the water quality is very
important to us so that we can use our water in safety when we knew the

Figure N°16: the Ladder of pH.

 Measurement of the Électrical Conductivity (EC):
Electrical conductivity reflects the ability of an aqueous solution to conduct electrical current.
This concept is inversely proportional to that of electrical resistivity. The unit of
measurement used is Siemens / meter (S/m). In SI and in micro ohms per centimeter
[mmhos/cm] in US units. Its symbol is k or s.

The conductivity of a solution depends on the nature of the ions and their concentration of
ions in the solution will be important, the Conductivity will be higher.
Electrical conductivity can be used to control quality:
 Surface waters.
 Water in distribution and water and treatment stations.
 Residual water.

The Purpose (the goal ) :

Measure the electrical conductivity of water, that is to say its ability to carry electric
current either in the field or in the laboratory on water samples taken.

Definition of the Electrical Conductivity :

Electrical conductivity, also known as specific conductance, is a measure of a
material's ability to conduct an electric current. It is defined as the ability of a material
to allow the flow of electrical charge through it, and is typically represented by the
symbol σ (sigma) and measured in Siemens per meter (S/m) or mho per meter
Electrical conductivity is an important property in many fields, including electrical
engineering, electronics, materials science, and chemistry.

Definition of the Électrical Conductivity of water:

The electrical conductivity of water refers to the ability of water to conduct an electrical
current. Water is a poor conductor of electricity in its pure form, as it has very low levels
of dissolved ions or charged particles that can carry electrical charge. However, when
water contains dissolved substances, such as salts or minerals, its electrical
conductivity increases significantly.
The electrical conductivity of water is measured in units of electrical conductivity or
conductivity, typically in Siemens per meter (S/m) or micro Siemens per centimeter
(µS/cm). The higher the concentration of dissolved substances in water, the higher its
electrical conductivity. This property of water is often used as an indicator of the
presence of dissolved solids, which can include minerals, salts, metals, and other
The electrical conductivity of water is an important parameter in various applications,
including water treatment, industrial processes, and environmental monitoring. It is often
used to assess the quality of water for its suitability for different purposes, such as
drinking water or industrial use.
The Utility of Électrical Conductivity:

Electrical conductivity is a useful property with a wide range of applications in different fields,
 Agriculture: Electrical conductivity is useful in soil analysis and the measurement of
the salinity of water for agricultural purposes.
 Electronics: Electrical conductivity is critical in the design and manufacture of
electronic devices, including computer chips and circuit boards, as it allows the flow of
electrical current needed to operate these devices.
 Medical Applications: Electrical conductivity is utilized in various medical
applications, including bioelectrical impedance analysis, a technique used to estimate
body composition, and electrical stimulation therapy used to treat some medical
The Utility of Électrical Conductivity of water :
The electrical conductivity of water has important utility in various applications, including:
 Water Quality Assessment: The electrical conductivity of water is a critical
parameter in the assessment of water quality, particularly in determining the
concentration of dissolved solids, including minerals, salts, and other
 Water Treatment: The electrical conductivity of water is used in the treatment
of water, particularly in the removal of salts and other dissolved solids through
desalination and reverse osmosis processes.
 Environmental Monitoring: The electrical conductivity of water is an
essential parameter in the monitoring of the quality of natural water bodies,
including rivers, lakes, and oceans, as it helps to detect the presence of
 Agricultural Applications: Electrical conductivity is used in the measurement
of soil salinity, which is an important parameter in agriculture, particularly in
assessing soil quality and the suitability of different crops for different types of
In summary, the electrical conductivity of water is a critical parameter with important
utility in various applications, including water quality assessment, water treatment,
agricultural applications, environmental monitoring, and industrial processes.
The Ladder (the scale) of Électrical Conductivity:

The ladder, or scale, of electrical conductivity refers to the range of values of electrical
conductivity for different materials, which can range from insulators with very low electrical
conductivity to good conductors with very high electrical conductivity. Here are some
examples of materials and their electrical conductivity:

1) Insulators: Insulators are materials that have very low electrical conductivity and do
not allow electrical charge to flow through them easily. Examples include rubber,
glass, and dry air.
In Addition, The ladder or scale of electrical conductivity can also be applied to
water. Pure water is a poor conductor of electricity because it does not contain ions or
charged particles that can carry electrical charge. However, the electrical conductivity of
water increases significantly when it contains dissolved substances, such as salts and
minerals. Here are some examples of the electrical conductivity of water:
 Pure water: Pure water has a very low electrical conductivity, typically in the
range of 5.5 x 10^-6 to 5.5 x 10^-5 siemens per meter (S/m).
 Drinking water: The electrical conductivity of drinking water can vary widely
depending on the source and treatment process, but it typically falls in the
range of 10 to 800 microsiemens per centimeter (µS/cm).
 Seawater: Seawater has a high electrical conductivity due to its high
concentration of dissolved salts, typically in the range of 4 to 5 S/m.
 Industrial process water: The electrical conductivity of water used in
industrial processes can vary widely depending on the application, but it can
be much higher than that of drinking water, ranging from a few hundred to
several thousand µS/cm.
In general, the electrical conductivity of water is an important parameter in various
applications, including water treatment, environmental monitoring, and industrial processes.

Figure N°1: The ladder of water E.C

Material used:
 Conductivity meter[Conduct meter,]=
A conductivity meter, also known as a conduct meter or conductance meter, is an
electronic instrument used to measure the electrical conductivity of a solution. It
measures the ability of a solution to conduct an electrical current, which is directly
related to the concentration of ions or charged particles in the solution.
Figure N°2: Conductivity meters .
 Thermometer to the tenth of a degree centigrade:
A thermometer to the tenth of a degree centigrade, also known as a digital
thermometer or electronic thermometer, is an instrument used to measure
temperature with a high degree of accuracy. It is capable of measuring
temperature to one-tenth of a degree centigrade or less, providing precise
temperature readings.
 Magnetic bar:
A magnetic bar, also known as a magnetic stir bar or magnetic flea, is a small
magnetic object used in chemistry and biology laboratories to stir or mix liquids. It is
typically made of a small cylindrical or rectangular magnet, usually coated with a non-
reactive material such as PTFE (polytetrafluoroethylene) to prevent chemical
reactions or contamination.
 Thermostatic bath:
A thermostatic bath, also known as a circulating bath or water bath, is a piece of
laboratory equipment used to control the temperature of a liquid bath. It typically
consists of a water reservoir with a heating element, a circulator, and a temperature
controller. The circulator is a pump that moves the liquid in the bath, ensuring that
the temperature is evenly distributed throughout the bath.
Reactives :
Four types of water .
1-Distilled water.
2-Tap water.
3-Salt water.
4-Minearl water.

Salt water


Figure N°03: The four Reactives.

Operation mode :
Rinse the conductivity cell several times, first with purified water and then by
immersing it in a container containing the water to be examined. Take the
measurement in a second container taking care that the platinum electrodes are
completely submerged. Stir the liquid (magnetic bar) so that the ion concentration
between the electrodes is identical to that of the ambient liquid. This agitation also
eliminates air bubbles on the electrodes. Then introduce the thermometer as close
as possible to the cell. Preferably operate at the reference temperature of 25°C.

Measurement :
The table below include the results of our measurement
Water types E.C T°C
41.1 µS/m 14.8 °C
Tap water 55.8 µS/m 15.2°C
saltwater 39.9 mS/m 15.20°C
1302 µS/m 16.4°C
Effect of temperature on conductivity:
Conductivity is temperature dependent; it is temperature increases conductivity
also increases. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the mobility of the ions
increases due to the decrease in the viscosity of the medium. This causes the current
transport to be linked to the transport of matter .
Conclusion :
From our experience we could determine the electrical conductivity.
Conductivity measurement is an extremely popular and useful method; All
especially in quality control applications .
Here are some examples of what conductivity measurement offers: Purity
monitoring of water , control of drinking water and water used in the
manufacture of products , estimate of total number of ions in a solution or
even direct measurement of the components.

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