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Assignment 1

Introduction: community walk

Within this first assignment we want you to choose a community that you will study during this
student exchange program. The first task is to explore your community and introduce it to your
team members.

1. Method

A community walk is a method where you walk through a neighborhood of interest to map out and
collect information about that neighborhood’s resources and dynamics. It provides a first-hand view
of the community, its people, and its assets and can naturally provide all the location information you
need to put your assets on the map. A small map ‘of the hood’ can be used as a tool to directly
record asset locations, as well as a guide for your walk.

2. What is expected for this reflection?

Take 2 Pictures that relate to a health situation We also like you to explain why you can link this with
a health situation in your community.

Upload this on the activity feed before the digital session of our iSTEP-course on social determinants
of health.

After uploading your work on the activity feed we want you to look at the presentations of your
group members and prepare questions to ask them.

During the breakout room in the next plenary session you will discuss these assignments in your
small group.

3. What is expected for this assignment?

No assignment this time! Only a reflection.

Good luck with this introduction task!

Assignment 1: Introduction
This is the community map that I have chosen

Assignment 1: Introduction
Assignment 1: Introduction
In picture depicts the presence of dustbins that are present in front of every house or any
the end of every road in the locality and there is daily collection of this waste. There is
weekly collection of electronic waste from the locality.

The second picture depicts composting units that are present in very two crosses, or a few
are present at individual homes. This composting unit shall contain dry leaves and household
wastes and shall eventually act as manure for the soil.

There are frequent locality meetings that are held at the local park for discussions on
development and improvement of the hygiene in the locality and awareness programs are
also initiated to educate the members of the society and make them understand the
importance of developing the community and hygiene levels.

Assignment 1: Introduction

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