Multimedia Presentation Rubric

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Rubric for Multimedia Presentation

Group Number: _________

Task Description: Each group will choose a topic from the

next lesson which is “Legal, Ethical, and Societal
Issues in Media and Information concerning the
Media Literacy.

-Digital Piracy -Internet Addiction

-Netiquette -Internet Fame Wars
-Cybercrime -Cyberbullying
-Plagiarism -Internet Safety
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.
Criteria Exemplary Admirable Acceptable Attempted

 Use of three or more  Use of two sources,  Use of one Internet source  Use of only one source
Research of Topic

sources, including at least including, including at least  Some errors in  Numerous errors in
two Internet and one print one Internet source; use of information information
source; use of two search one search engine  Topic somewhat broad  Topic too general
engines  Most information can be
 Variety of domain name confirmed
suffix (.com, .edu, .net)  Topic could be more
 Factual information is narrowly focused
 Narrow focus of topic
 Logical sequencing  Somewhat logical  Sequencing is poorly  Sequencing is confusing
 Menus and paths are clear sequencing planned  Menus and paths are

Storyboard for
(Outline or

 Original; inventive;  Menus and paths are mostly  Menus and paths are confusing

creative clear sometimes confusing  Inconsistent

 Original  Little originality  Rehash of other people’s

 Covers topic completely  Covers topic  Barely covers topic  Does not adequately cover
and in depth  Content is mostly  Content is somewhat topic

 Content is readily understandable understandable  Content is confusing

understandable  Media used mostly  Media used somewhat  Media used does not
 Media used contributes to contributes to contributes to contributing to
understanding of topic understanding of topic understanding of topic understanding of topic

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

 Effective combination of  Good combination of  Some use of multimedia  0-1 media used
multimedia and persuasive multimedia and design and design elements  Buttons and navigational
Graphic Design design elements elements  Some buttons and tools are absent or
 Excellent use of  Adequate navigational tools navigational tools work confusing
25% navigational tools and and buttons properly  Use of visuals and images
buttons  Visuals and images are  Use of visuals and images is confusing or absent;
 Graphics effectively entice attractive; adequately is limited; message is message is confusing
audience; accurately conveys message conveyed
convey message
 Correct grammar, usage,  Few grammar, usage,  Several grammar, usage,  Obvious grammar, usage,

mechanics, and spelling mechanics, or spelling mechanics, or spelling mechanics, or spelling

 All sources are correctly errors errors errors
cited  Most sources are correctly  Some sources are  Sources are not cited
cited incorrectly cited

 Work load is divided and  Some members contribute  Few members contribute  One or two people do all

shared equally of the work



Assignment Score: ______________ + Beyonder/Bonus: ______________ = Final Score ___


Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2006. All rights reserved.

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