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Red Roses

Question and Answers

1. How did Lila undergo a change or transformation? Justify with evidence.

Lila was upset at first and was frustrated and shouted at Derek and told him to go away, but
then later she thought about how embarrassing it would be for him so she decided to take the

2. In your opinion, was this a mature choice for Lila? Could it have been done / handled

It was mature choice that Lila decided to accept the flowers because, she could have not taken
them and that would have been embarrassing for Derek and he would be made fun of because
when she started to scream and first it looked like he was going to cry and if she didn't accept
the flowers maybe he would have started to cry.

3. Rewrite the ending of the story, presenting a scenario in which Lila does not take the roses.

He was going to cry, Lila proceeded to scream at derek. “Don't you understand that I don't like
you? I have to spell it out for you, can you please stop bothering me.” Derek got off the table
and started to sob Lila stopped screaming and looked at Derek “No, I didn't mean it in that way.”
He ran to the bathroom. Everyone starts to laugh. Lila runs out to follow Derek. He wasn't in the
hallway anymore. Her friends follow her out “That was weird” , says one of them, Lila doesn't
reply. Lila felt bad about what had happened; she didn't mean to make him cry, she was just
The next day she sees Derek and he walks past her and completely ignores her. In break Lila
sees her friends teasing Derek one yells “Hey Lila, I know I’m not the coolest kid/But
take these roses/You’ll be glad you did.” They all started to laugh then Lila felt bad about what
had happened. She wanted to apologize to him, but she was probably the last person he
wanted to talk to right now.

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