Pacific Mercury - VDR Performance Test Report

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Gopan Radio Co. Ltd. VOYAGE DATA RECORDER PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT (Note: Insert Yes for success, No for failure or NIA for non-fited interfaces in these boxes, as appropriate) ‘sdetaiis Ships name RSTERST Fiag HONG KONG [IMO number (9714630 Date ceo laid BE Aor, 12075 ‘Gross tonnage 78.205 Voyage data recorder details [Manutacurer —_____.- span Rao Cote) Mode! JCY-1900 Systeriseral umber iaastsae ‘Sofware version number D108 Date tee TE Ten. 12015 Inspection detalis Name of person conducting testing J LUIS ALVAREZ ‘Company 1 HI TEK MARINE S.A. inspection date ZT Feb. 12023 inspection iocaton TALBOA, PANAVA 4 Preexisting alarms Yes} [No] [Confirm that no alarms were present at start of procedure Iwo ] 2 Power supply alarm checic [ Remave source of edemal power Confim that ams acivated —] [Record time (hh:mm) I 14:25 (UTC) ol 1. ] 3 Reserve power source check Allow VOR to continue running for 1 hour $$ minutos trom 2" above, Confirm tet equipments sil operating at his time, with no addtional alarms Recor ime Gam] _—] ED —UAG) Ima 4 Reserve power source shutdown check ZRoUws OS minules fom P above confirm that he VOR hes autoratoally Stopped recorsing Record fime fmm) —] Ee momo 5 Expiry dates nie Expy Sate [where appleabie] Using manufacturers fest equipment confirm that acoustic beacon Is functional cor by the substitution of a certified fuly operational unt. [Rcoustie beacon t ‘Sep. /2024 Eo FFC's Battery i Oct. 12027 ECs HRU Oct 12026 [Reserve power source | Des. [2026 8 Acoustic beacon test URC lev4, (062022) MSC.1-Cire-1222-Rev.1 7 Overall condition of equipment Inspect equipment end record condition, tick if satisfactory. ‘Sub unit Notes on condition [Yes] (Ne) Twa} Protective capsule, [Good Float free capsule [Good i 1 ([Extemal cables [Good [Main unit’ [Sood [sete inivenant [Conirm that orginal JRG Reserve Pow Source tihetaled I< s}sisis} 8 Interfaces: Operation and recording Date and time Preferably external to ship (e.g. Giobal | Navigation Satellite ae L System) Sas postion Electonie PeatOAMS Joga | system | Speed [rough waterar | Snips desgratea | over ground), speed andistence — |vaw.vTe reaauring equipment Tesang ‘Ships compass = Brage audio Tor mare badge | microphones jAlo! Communications Audio| VEF = Radar date- post displey selection Master radar deplay (both racars, where Iho & No & No-SRADAR [as I lvoo,vom L spplicable) | EODIS ECDIS dispiayinuse, |, . where fited (niacin AIAIS data [Rong moter Electronic inclinometer, where fitted Configuration data ‘Where applicable [sya er VOR rain nt Electronic logbook ‘Where fited Water depih Echo sounder pet [ainsi as on RB BET] Fp eC | bridge [Booycame sores Rudder orderand | Steering gearend | leparee | autopil |HTD,RSA, Analog, RMS Engine order and Telegraphs, controls | Cw Ome Dewar response end thrusters Drees Hull openings status | Al mancetory satus information displayed | on bridge Weterightand fre Gor | All mandatory satus stetus information displayed ory Contact fon brege ‘Aeceleralon and hall | Hull sess and | stresses response monitoring | equipment where fed Wind speed and ‘Anemometer wnere | girection fitted ~~ z wm mw wm wm wm mo wm wm wo o wm o JOO 000000 0 Uk UU UOOUU00UUUO0O00000 0 Co Co at fe ww Ea wo Ey HOO IRC Rev4 (Oct 2022) MSC.1-Cire.1222-Rev.t ° Flost-free capsule For fioatiree capsules aparoved in accordance with resolution MSC.383(80): SF ....ca4 on anal eet guile ‘examination according to MSC.1/Cire. 1040/ Rev.2 has been conducted 10 Change or repair of sensors vj CJ (Check maintenance records of VOR (Confirm any defects properly recified LUIS ALVAREZ| 27 / Feb, 2028 Lug 4, Alvarez “Re Engineer comments; |SOFTWARE UPDATE DURING THE SERVICE IRCU APP:01,08.004 JRO Revd (0012022) MSC.1-Cte 1222Rew

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