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Current Applied Physics 31 (2021) 22–28

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Coexistence of nonvolatile unipolar and volatile threshold resistive

switching in the Pt/LaMnO3/Pt heterostructures
Yanfeng Yin a, b, Chaoyang Kang a, Caihong Jia a, *, Weifeng Zhang a, **
Henan Key Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials, Henan University, Kaifeng, 475004, PR China
School of Physics & Electronics, Henan University, Kaifeng, 475004, PR China


Keywords: Coexistence of nonvolatile unipolar and volatile threshold resistive switching is observed in the Pt/LaMnO3
Unipolar resistance switching (LMO)/Pt heterostructures. The nonvolatile unipolar memory is achieved by applying a negative bias, while the
Threshold resistance switching volatile threshold resistive switching is obtained under a positive bias. Additionally, the pristine low resistance
Oxygen vacancy
state (LRS) could be switched to high resistance state (HRS) by the positive voltage sweeping, which is attributed
Insulator-to-metal transition
Oxide heterostructure
to the conduction mechanism of Schottky emission. Subsequently, the insulator-to-metal transition in the LMO
film due to formation of ferromagnetic metallic phase domain contributes to the volatile threshold resistive
switching. However, the nonvolatile unipolar switching under the negative bias is ascribed to the formation/
rupture of oxygen-vacancy conducting filaments. The simultaneously controllable transition between nonvolatile
and volatile resistance switching by the polarity of the applied voltage exhibits great significance in the appli­
cations of in-memory computing technology.

1. Introduction number of unwanted sneak-path currents [12,13], which could be

avoided by using a device with the coexistence of unipolar memory and
The resistive switching (RS) is a phenomenon that the resistance of a threshold RS.
device can be changed by an external electrical stimulation [1–4], which As proposed in previous studies, the mutual transitions between the
is the core of burgeoning technologies such as neuromorphic computing nonvolatile unipolar memory switching and volatile threshold switching
and resistive memories [4–6]. Generally, the resistive switching is could be achieved on NiO by oxygen content [14], temperature [15],
categorized into two types of nonvolatile memory RS and volatile compliance current [16], and electrical pulse polarity [17]. In NiOx
threshold RS [2]. For the nonvolatile memory RS, resistive variable films, unipolar and threshold switching were found at low and high
memory realizes data storage by using the mutual conversion between oxygen content [14], at a measurement temperature below and above
the high-resistance and low-resistance states under the condition of 156 K [15], at a compliance current of 1 and 10 mA [16], after applying
electric excitation, which has the advantages of small unit size [3], fast a negative and positive pulse of 2 V in width between 10− 2 and 10− 4 s,
reading and writing speed [7], low power consumption [8], simple respectively [17].
fabrication process [9]. In contrast, the volatile threshold RS could only However, due to inconvenient conversion mode between memory
be stabilized at HRS under zero bias, which hinders its application in and threshold switching and poor endurance, the above NiO devices
nonvolatile memory [2]. However, because of its volatility (the LRS can have been compromised for practical applications. As a Mott insulator
only be obtained under a high enough external voltage or current), and an A-type antiferromagnetic insulating material (with ferromag­
threshold RS exhibits potential applications in frontier regions including netic spin correlations on a (001) crystal plane and antiferromagnetism
neuromorphic devices [4,10], novel true random number generators [9] between these crystal planes) [18], LaMnO3 (LMO) compound has been
and voltage selectors in resistive random access memories [6,11]. widely studied due to its RS characteristics by controlling oxygen con­
Especially, in perspective of in-memory computing, the cross-point array tent or electronic reconstruction [19,20]. Recently, Liu et al. reported
memories are preferred for the size reduction of bit units, leading to a that the Ag/Sr-doped LMO heterostructure can exhibit a nonvolatile

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (C. Jia), (W. Zhang).
Received 17 January 2021; Received in revised form 18 June 2021; Accepted 6 July 2021
Available online 18 July 2021
1567-1739/© 2021 Korean Physical Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Y. Yin et al. Current Applied Physics 31 (2021) 22–28

bipolar RS behavior, which could be attributed to the formation/rupture obtained sample was finally post-annealed at 500 ◦ C for 30 min under 5
of Ag nanofilaments [21]. Meunier et al. observed that the Au/LMO/­ × 10− 4 Pa oxygen pressure in the same PLD chamber. Electrical trans­
Si3Nx/SiO2/Si heterostructure LMO exhibits an asymmetric bipolar port properties were measured by using Keithley 2400 source meter. The
counter-eight wise-type switching without requiring an electroforming X-ray diffraction (XRD, DX-2700) was utilized to measure the crystalline
step [22]. However, the unipolar RS was observed in the Au/Pr0.7 structure of the LMO thin film. The atomic force microscope (AFM) and
Ca0.3MnO3 heterojunctions [23]. According to the aforementioned scanning electron microscope (SEM) were employed to characterize the
studies, the switching modes (unipolar and bipolar ones) in a nonvola­ surface morphology and interfacial cross section by Bruker Multimode 8
tile or volatile manner may be drastically different in the and JSM-7001F instrument, respectively. The chemical environments
manganite-based junctions. As a consequence, exploring the new were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS, Kratos
switching modes and involved mechanism in such a memristor is AXIS ULTRA).
extremely important for designing the data storage and miniaturized
electronic devices. 3. Results and discussion
In the present work, we report on the coexistence of the nonvolatile
unipolar memory and volatile threshold RS in the LMO thin film at room According to the XRD patterns in Fig. 1(a), the LMO thin film is of
temperature by switching the polarity of the bias voltage. The nonvol­ polycrystalline nature on the Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate. In addition, all the
atile unipolar switching and volatile threshold switching are observed, peaks were correctly indexed, indicating the LMO thin film in a pure
which could relate with the different migration direction of oxygen phase. From the AFM image in Fig. 1(b), the LMO thin film is granular
vacancies under different voltage polarity. In particular, both stable and uniform. Fig. 1(c) shows the cross sectional SEM image, indicating
threshold and unipolar memory switching on the one device coexist in the film thickness of approximately 140 nm. The device architecture is
the LMO heterostructures, which can be realized by versatilely con­ delivered in Fig. 1(d) and the resistive switching behaviors were
trolling the voltage polarity. This work sheds light on the future appli­ measured by the two-probe technique.
cations in the ReRAM and in-memory computing technology. Fig. 2(a) presents that the initial positive reset I–V curve of the Pt/
LMO/Pt devices. The voltage sweeping in sequences is shown by the
2. Experimental section arrows. First, the pristine state of the Pt/LMO/Pt heterostructure is a low
resistance state (LRS), which is in an Ohmic characteristic through the
Polycrystalline LMO thin films were deposited on the Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si I–V fitting as labelled by “1”. Second, when the positive voltage sweeps
substrate by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) using a KrF excimer laser back, the resistance starts to increase as shown by “2”. Third, as further
(248 nm, 25 ns pulse duration, COMPexPro201, Coherent) with an en­ decreasing the voltage (close to 2.00 V), a sharp current drop occurs,
ergy of 300 mJ and frequency of 5 Hz. The base pressure was pumped to indicating an occurrence of the HRS. In addition, the resistance state is
~2 × 10− 4 Pa. During the film growth, the substrate temperature was unstable during the voltage sweeping back to zero as marked by “3”.
maintained at 750 ◦ C, and the target-substrate distance was set to 6.5 Fig. 2(b) shows that a linear fitting relationship between the natural
cm. The oxygen partial pressure was 5 × 10− 4 Pa, and the growth time logarithm of I [ln(I)] and the square root of the applied voltage (V1/2) for
was set to 20 min. Afterwards, the sample was annealed in situ for 20 the HRS. According to this result, we can determine that the appearance
min, followed by cooling process at a rate of 10 ◦ C/min in a vacuum of the HRS should be ascribed to the Schottky emission conduction
environment. In order to measure the electrical transport properties, the mechanism (See more details in the following discussion).
top electrodes Pt (0.04 mm2) were sputtered on the LMO thin films Fig. 3(a) shows that the volatile threshold switching occurs, when
through a shadow mask by DC sputtering at room temperature. Then the again performing a positive voltage cycling. As increasing the bias

Fig. 1. (a) XRD pattern of the LMO thin film. (b) The atomic force microscope image of the LMO film. (c) Cross-sectional SEM image of the LMO film deposited on the
Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si substrate. (d) Schematic of the LMO/Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si device for the resistive switching measurement.

Y. Yin et al. Current Applied Physics 31 (2021) 22–28

Fig. 2. (a) The log-log scale I–V curves of Pt/LaMnO3/Pt device for the initial positive reset process. The fitting curve (red) shows the Ohmic conduction mechanism
for the LRS of the device. (b) The fitting result of the I–V curves of “3” for the HRS marked in (a). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

Fig. 3. (a) 1000 consecutive positive bias volatile threshold switching cycles. (b) The statistical distribution of the Vth and Vhold with the number of cycles. The
orange solid line corresponds to a Lorentz fitting curve for the Vth. (c) The cumulative distribution of the Vth and Vhold. (d) The Vth and Vhold are as a function of the
number of cycles.

voltage, the HRS is switched to the LRS at a threshold voltage (Vth) of voltages (Vhold) are almost stable at 2.35 V. The trend of Vth and Vhold
around 3.40 V (on-switching) a compliance current of 0.002 A. Then the with the threshold switching cycles are shown in Fig. 3(d). The Vth de­
LRS is resumed to the HRS at a low voltage (Vhold) of about 2.35 V (self- creases along with the cycling times, but this case is absent in the
off-switching) as decreasing the voltage. These results suggest that the self-off-switching voltages of Vhold. That is, the Vhold is much more stable
resistance states can be switched in a volatile manner with the feature of than the Vth in the threshold switching probably owing to the formation
the volatile threshold switching. To further confirm this behavior, the of oxygen vacancies. The above results have also been observed in some
threshold switching was performed with 1000 cycles. The LMO film other Mott two-terminal devices with the similar variations of the Vth
indeed exhibits a repeatable threshold switching behavior. The statis­ and Vhold, such as the VO2-based heterostructures [6].
tical distribution of the Vth and Vhold with the number of cycles are Since the resistive switching behaviors strongly depend on the
shown in Fig. 3(b). The Vhold distributes in a sharp manner. However, voltage polarity, the I–V characteristic curves of the device under the
the Vth distributes more diffusely, which is fitted by the Lorentz fitting as reverse voltage were measured as shown in Fig. 4(a). It is interesting that
shown in Fig. 3(b). Subsequently, the fitted threshold voltage is derived the nonvolatile unipolar switching is observed by changing the voltage
as approximately 3.40 ± 0.40 V. The corresponding electric field is polarity and magnitude. Initially, the HRS (OFF state) maintains under
about (2.43 ± 0.29) × 105 V cm− 1, which is comparable with the pre­ the reverse voltage. Subsequently, the current increases sharply
vious reports [6,9]. Fig. 3(c) shows the cumulative distributions of Vth accompanied with the device turning back to the LRS (ON state) at a
and Vhold. The on-switching voltages (Vth) vary within the 0.50 V range, certain voltage (defined as the set voltage, Vset) and quickly reaches the
well consistent with the above result. However, the self-off-switching compliance level. Herein the compliance current was used to avoid the

Y. Yin et al. Current Applied Physics 31 (2021) 22–28

Fig. 4. (a) 500 cycles of the nonvolatile unipolar

switching under the reverse voltage bias. The
inset of (a) shows the definition of the negative
maximum voltage and the arrows indicating the
direction of the transitions. (b) Statistical distri­
bution of the Vset and Vreset with the number of
cycles. The red and black solid lines correspond to
the Lorentz fitting curves. (c) The cumulative
distribution of the Vset and Vreset. (d) Endurance
test of the LRS and HRS obtained with a reading
voltage of − 0.3 V. (For interpretation of the ref­
erences to colour in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the Web version of this article.)

dielectric breakdown of the LMO film layer. Then the bias voltage re­ on the one device, implying a better endurance than that in the VO2- and
duces to the origin and the LRS nearly maintains, implying a nonvolatile TaOx-based resistive devices under the coexistence of the nonvolatile
switching under the reverse voltage switching. As decreasing the nega­ and volatile switching [26,27].
tive maximum voltage [See the definition in inset of Fig. 4(a)], the LRS is In order to investigate the mechanism of the above switching be­
initially achieved and then switched to the HRS (OFF state) at a certain haviors, the chemical environment of elements in the LMO film were
voltage (defined as the reset voltage Vreset), which is much lower than detected by XPS. The XPS spectra of La 3d, O 1s, Mn 2p and Mn 3s are
Vset. The statistical distribution and the corresponding Lorentz fitting demonstrated in Fig. 5(a)-(d), respectively, wherein the energies are
results of the Vset and Vreset are demonstrated in Fig. 4(b). The Vset and calibrated with C 1s peak (284.80 eV). According to Fig. 5(a), the peaks
Vreset are determined to be − 7.46 ± 3.26 V and − 2.65 ± 1.85 V, of La 3d5/2 and La 3d3/2 are fitted at 834.96 eV and 851.76 eV, with
respectively. The corresponding electric field in the order of magnitude corresponding satellite features locating at 838.44 eV and 855.21 eV,
~105 V cm− 1 is prominently lower than that of the Ni/NiO core-shell respectively. From the above analysis, the spin-orbital splitting energy of
heterostructure (106 V cm− 1) [2]. Hence the device in this work seems La 3d is 16.80 eV, implying the presence of La3+ ions [28]. In Fig. 5(b), a
more applicable in reducing the energy consumption in memory de­ doublet characteristic of O 1s are observed at 529.60 eV and 531.70 eV,
vices. Due to numerous kinds of defects including impurities, vacancies, respectively. The former could be attributed to the lattice oxygen in
dislocations, and grain boundaries, large fluctuations in the switching LMO film, while the latter is related to the oxygen vacancies. In Fig. 5(c),
parameters become inevitable in all resistive switching phenomena. the Mn 2p doublet and the corresponding shake-up satellite indicate the
Thus, the broad distributions of Vset and Vreset in the present work can be coexistence of Mn3+ and Mn2+ oxidation states [28]. Furthermore, Fig. 5
attributed to irregular and random formation and clustering processes of (d) shows the fitting data of the Mn 3s doublet, with the level splitting
oxygen vacancies [24]. Indeed, the major technical obstacle of the (△E3s) of 5.58 eV. Hence the Mn valence is calculated to be 2.58 by
actual commercialization of unipolar RRAM is the large shifts of utilizing the linear equation vMn = 9.67–1.27△E3s/eV, which solidly
switching voltages. When the distributions were too large, there will be confirms the mixed Mn2+/3+ state in LMO film [28].
an overlap between Vreset and Vset, leading to a switching failure for As mentioned in the previous context, the LMO thin film was fabri­
memory devices. In the present work, there is a small operation window cated and annealed under a low oxygen pressure (5 × 10− 4 Pa), which
between Vreset and Vset. inevitably inducing a large amount of oxygen vacancies, as confirmed by
Fig. 4(c) presents the cumulative distributions of the Vset and Vreset, the aforementioned XPS result of the O 1s signal. The presence of oxygen
in which a slightly wider distribution could be observed compared with vacancies well explains the initial low resistance state in our device.
that in the Ni/NiO core-shell heterostructure [2]. The discrepancy could Since the oxygen-deficient LMO is generally considered as an n-type
be attributed to the more measurement cycles (over 500) in this test, semiconductor, the oxygen vacancies act as donors in oxides and
while there is only about 25 cycles in that work [2]. The resistance become positively charged after releasing electrons to the conduction
values of the HRS and LRS are obtained as ~104 Ω and 60 Ω, respectively band [19,29]. Meanwhile, the rectification characteristics of positive
as shown in Fig. 4(d). Consequently, the ROFF/RON is close to ~103. A HRS suggests that the top Pt/LMO interface is responsible for the
large distribution of Vset and Vreset and a relative uniform of resistance resistance switching. Furthermore, the interface of the bottom electrode
have also been found in NiO films, which has been attributed to the and LMO thin film could be regarded as an Ohmic-like contact owing to
lowering of interface barrier [25]. It is mentionable that, by applying the the inevitable leakage in a larger area. And the top electrode interface
forward voltage again, the device recovers to reproducible volatile could be treated as a Schottky-like contact due to the very small contact
threshold switching. Remarkably, it exhibits a stable threshold switch­ area through shadow mask.
ing over ~1000 cycles and unipolar memory switching over ~500 cycles Fig. 6(a) shows the schematic band structure of the HRS of Pt/LMO/

Y. Yin et al. Current Applied Physics 31 (2021) 22–28

Fig. 5. The XPS spectra of (a) La 3d, (b) O 1s, (c) Mn 2p and (d) Mn 3s for the LMO/Pt/Ti/SiO2/Si thin film, respectively.

Fig. 6. The schematic energy band structure

for the initial HRS under a forward bias (a)
and LRS under a reverse bias (d), respec­
tively. The “circled plus” symbols represent
the ionized oxygen vacancies and the dark
arrows show the drifting direction of the
ionized oxygen vacancies. (b) and (c) show
the schematic mechanism of the volatile
threshold switching. The irregularly shaped
black pieces show the metallic domains and
the light blue area represents the insulating
domains. (e) and (f) show the schematic
mechanism of the nonvolatile unipolar
switching. The “hollow circle” symbols
represent the oxygen vacancies. The thick
orange and black lines represent the top and
bottom Pt electrode, respectively. The “plus”
and “minus” symbols represent the positive
and negative polarity of the bias voltage,
respectively. (For interpretation of the ref­
erences to colour in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the Web version of this

Pt after applying a forward bias. Under a positive bias, the oxygen va­ formation of Schottky contact [19]. This scenario could be confirmed by
cancies drift away from the top electrode interface, which results in a the fitting curve (red) of the HRS as shown in Fig. 2(b), which indicates
wider and higher barrier at the top Pt/LMO interface, leading to the Schottky emission conduction mechanism [30]. Meanwhile, the oxygen

Y. Yin et al. Current Applied Physics 31 (2021) 22–28

vacancies drift from the top Pt/LMO interface to the bulk LMO thin film. Acknowledgements
Consequently, the charge disproportionation effect of the Mn3+→Mn2+
in the oxygen-deficient LMO thin film must be enhanced, resulting in an This work was supported by the National Science Foundation of
increase of Mn2+ concentration [31,32]. Then the double exchange (DE) China (11974099), Intelligence Introduction Plan of Henan Province in
effect occurs in Mn2+-O-Mn3+ in the electron-doped LMO thin films, as 2021 (CXJD2021008), Plan for Leading Talent of Fundamental Research
similar as in the case of Mn3+-O-Mn4+ in the hole-doped manganites of the Central China in 2020, Natural Science Foundation of Henan
[31,33]. Thus the ferromagnetic metal phase domains randomly Province (202300410090) and Key Scientific Research Projects of
distribute in the charge ordered antiferromagnetic insulator phase do­ Henan Province (21A140005).
mains in the LMO thin film as shown in Fig. 6(b) and (c). Accordingly,
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