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Now days parents are being more open-minded for certain things such as letting

their children decide their free time activities. Personally, I am against the idea
that children should manage their free time. This is because of the way that I was
raised, and reasonably arguments.

The primary thing which has a vast influence in the person’s character is the way
how he was raised by his family. For example, when I was a child, my mother used
to manage my free time in order for me to be more time efficient and practical.
Although the desire to play outside was enormous, thinking back made me realize
how beneficial it was for me growing up. Parents have experienced more in life,
and they want only the best for their children so that they can grow to become
more mature as well as humble. Therefore, family actions manifest crucially in the
individual’s life.

Secondly, by analyzing characteristics of children, we come to the conclusion that

they have the tendency to please themselves in every moment. However, they do
not understand that they are hurting themselves by developing detrimental
characteristics. For instance, if a child was deciding how to spend his free time, he
would choose to do unpractical things such as playing all day or watch tv. As a
result of these actions, he will become lazy and an unproductive individual.
Additionally, these consequences are research proven by organizations studying
physiological behavior of children.

Ultimately, examining children behavior is very straightforward since we are

constantly surrounded by them in different places causing us to cautiously
investigate their decisions. Therefore, I believe that children leisure time should
be monitored, and managed by their parents.

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