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Wildfire™ 2.0

Help Topic Collection

Parametric Technology Corporation

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Parametric Technology Corporation, 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USA
Table Of Contents
Using Additional Modules ................................................................................. 1

Computer-Aided Verification Option................................................................ 1

Pro/CMM .................................................................................................. 1

About Pro/CMM .............................................................................................. 1

A Typical Pro/CMM Session............................................................................ 2

To Create a Pro/CMM Model ............................................................................. 4

To Retrieve a Pro/CMM Model ........................................................................... 4

To Bring Components into a Pro/CMM Model....................................................... 4

To Replace a Reference Model .......................................................................... 5

Part Family Tables in Pro/CMM ......................................................................... 5

About Configuration File Options ....................................................................... 6

To Set Pro/CMM Configuration Options .............................................................. 6

ncl_file_extension ........................................................................................... 6

pro_mf_cl_dir ................................................................................................ 7

pro_mf_param_dir.......................................................................................... 7

pro_mf_workcell_dir ....................................................................................... 7

shade_mfg_ref_models ................................................................................... 7

store_tool_path_file ........................................................................................ 7

About Pro/CMM Process ................................................................................... 7

To Create CMM Steps ...................................................................................... 8

Measure, Construct, and Verify Steps ................................................................ 8

Measure Steps............................................................................................. 8

Construct Steps ........................................................................................... 9

Verify Steps ................................................................................................ 9

To Select CMM Steps....................................................................................... 9

To Make Changes to CMM Steps ....................................................................... 9

To Modify CMM Steps .....................................................................................10

To Pattern CMM Steps ....................................................................................10

Table Of Contents

Patterning Measure Steps ...............................................................................11

Example: Patterning a Measure Step ................................................................11

About Operations...........................................................................................12

To Create an Operation ..................................................................................12

To Specify Comments for an Operation or Pro/CMM Step ....................................14

To Specify Comments for an Operation ..........................................................14

To Specify Comments for a Pro/CMM Step ......................................................14

To Set Up Start and End Points for an Operation ................................................14

FROM and HOME Setup ..................................................................................14

About Workcells ............................................................................................14

To Create a Workcell ......................................................................................15

Workcell Parameters ......................................................................................15

To Modify a Workcell ......................................................................................16

To Save a Workcell ........................................................................................17

To Retrieve a Workcell....................................................................................17

Saving and Retrieving Workcells ......................................................................17

About Fixtures...............................................................................................17

To Create a Fixture Setup ...............................................................................18

Fixture Setup ................................................................................................18

About Sites ...................................................................................................19

To Create a New Site File................................................................................19

Manipulating Sites .........................................................................................19

Parameter Visibility ........................................................................................20

To Activate a Site ..........................................................................................21

Activating a Site ............................................................................................21

To Associate a Site with a Workcell ..................................................................21

Associating a Site with a Workcell ....................................................................21

About Coordinate Systems ..............................................................................22

To Create a New Reference Coordinate System..................................................22

Example 1: Using Primary Axis ........................................................................24

Example 2: Using Custom Transformation.........................................................24

Table Of Contents

About Probes ................................................................................................25

To Create a Probe Model.................................................................................25

Probe Model..................................................................................................25

Using Assembly as a Probe Model..................................................................26

Example: Probe Models ..................................................................................26

To Add a Probe..............................................................................................27

Setting Up Probes ..........................................................................................28

To Delete a Probe ..........................................................................................28

To Modify a Probe ..........................................................................................28

To List Information About Probes .....................................................................28

To Set Up a Probe Table .................................................................................29

Probe Table ..................................................................................................29

DMIS Output ..............................................................................................30

Automatic Generation of the Probe Table .......................................................30

To Use a Default Probe ...................................................................................30

Default Probes ..............................................................................................30

About Measure Steps .....................................................................................31

To Create a Measure Step...............................................................................32

About the MEASUREMENT STEP dialog box........................................................32

To Specify Attributes......................................................................................33

To Specify Probe............................................................................................33

To Specify the Reference Coordinate System .....................................................34

To Specify the Step Name...............................................................................34

To Specify Parameters for a Measure Step ........................................................34

Common Parameters......................................................................................36

Feed .........................................................................................................36

Meas Params..............................................................................................37


Entry/Exit ..................................................................................................37

Parameter Inheritance....................................................................................38

Parameters Library ........................................................................................39

Table Of Contents

To Include Parameters in Relations ..................................................................39

Using Parameters in Relations .........................................................................40

To Specify Geometric References .....................................................................40

To Specify Measure Points ..............................................................................41

To Change the Probe Path...............................................................................42

To Change the Clearance ................................................................................43

To Define a Clearance Plane ............................................................................44

Clearance Plane Purpose.................................................................................45

To Delete a Clearance Plane ............................................................................45

To Set Up Start and End Points for the Probe Path .............................................45

About Probe Moves ........................................................................................45

To Create Go Delta Moves...............................................................................46

To Create Move to Pt Moves ............................................................................46

To Create Move to Pln Moves ..........................................................................47

To Measure a Plane........................................................................................47

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Plane .................................................47

Specific Parameters for Measure Plane..............................................................48

To Measure a Cylinder ....................................................................................48

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Cylinder..............................................48

Specific Parameters for Measure Cylinder..........................................................49

Example: Measuring a Cylinder........................................................................50

To Measure a Circle .......................................................................................50

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Circle .................................................50

Specific Parameters for Measure Circle .............................................................50

Example: Measuring a Circle ...........................................................................50

To Measure a Surface.....................................................................................51

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Surface ..............................................51

Example: Measuring a Surface ........................................................................51

To Measure a Sphere .....................................................................................51

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Sphere ...............................................51

Specific Parameters for Measure Sphere ...........................................................52

Table Of Contents

Example: Measuring a Sphere .........................................................................52

To Measure a Point ........................................................................................52

Example: Measuring a Point ............................................................................53

To Measure a Cone ........................................................................................53

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Cone ..................................................53

Specific Parameters for Measure Cone ..............................................................54

Example: Measuring a Cone ............................................................................54

To Measure a Line .........................................................................................54

Bounded and Unbounded Lines........................................................................55

Example: Measuring a Line .............................................................................55

About Construct Steps....................................................................................55

To Create a Construct Step .............................................................................56

The CMM CONSTRUCT dialog box.....................................................................56

To Specify the Step Name...............................................................................56

Types of Constructed Planes ...........................................................................57

To Create a Best Fit Plane ...............................................................................57

Example: Creating a Best Fit Plane...................................................................58

To Create a Midplane Plane .............................................................................58

Example: Creating a Midplane Plane.................................................................58

To Create a Normal Plane ...............................................................................58

Example: Creating a Normal Plane ...................................................................59

To Create a Parallel Plane ...............................................................................59

Example: Creating a Parallel Plane ...................................................................59

Types of Constructed Lines .............................................................................60

To Create a Best Fit Line.................................................................................60

Example: Creating a Best Fit Line ....................................................................60

To Create a Midline Line .................................................................................60

Example: Creating a Midline Line .....................................................................61

To Create a Projection Line .............................................................................61

Example: Creating a Projection Line .................................................................61

To Create an Intersect Line .............................................................................61

Table Of Contents

Example: Creating an Intersect Line.................................................................62

Types of Constructed Circles ...........................................................................62

To Create a Best Fit Circle...............................................................................62

Example: Creating a Best Fit Circle ..................................................................62

To Create a Projection Circle ...........................................................................63

Example: Creating a Projection Circle ...............................................................63

To Create an Intersect Circle ...........................................................................63

Example: Creating an Intersect Circle...............................................................63

To Create a Constructed Cylinder.....................................................................63

Example: Creating a Constructed Cylinder ........................................................64

To Create a Constructed Sphere ......................................................................64

Example: Creating a Constructed Sphere ..........................................................64

Types of Constructed Points ............................................................................64

To Create a Midpoint Point ..............................................................................65

Example: Creating a Midpoint Point..................................................................65

To Create a Projection Point ............................................................................65

Example: Creating a Projection Point................................................................66

To Create an Intersect Point............................................................................66

Example: Creating an Intersect Point ...............................................................66

About Verify Steps .........................................................................................67

To Create a Verify Step ..................................................................................67

To Verify Dimension Tolerances .......................................................................67

Example: Verifying a Dimension Tolerance ........................................................68

To Verify Geometric Tolerances .......................................................................68

Example: Verifying a Geometric Tolerance ........................................................69

About the CMM VERIFY dialog box ...................................................................69

To Specify Tolerance ......................................................................................70

To Specify Features .......................................................................................71

To Specify Datums.........................................................................................71

To Change the Reference Coordinate System ....................................................71

Reference Coordinate System..........................................................................71

Table Of Contents

About Auxiliary Steps .....................................................................................71

To Create an Auxiliary Step.............................................................................71

To Create Auxiliary Commands ........................................................................72

To Create GoTo Point Motions..........................................................................73

To Create an Offset Control Point.....................................................................74

To Create Go Delta Motions.............................................................................74

Modifying the Increments of a Go Delta Motion ..................................................74

To Insert DMIS Commands .............................................................................74

Modifying the User-Defined DMIS Commands ....................................................75

About Probe Path...........................................................................................75

To Display the Probe Path ...............................................................................76

Displaying the Probe Path ...............................................................................77

Example: Displaying the Probe Path .................................................................77

To Perform Collision Detection .........................................................................77

To Display a DMIS File....................................................................................78

Supported DMIS Commands ...........................................................................79

To Write a DMIS File to Disk............................................................................88

Writing DMIS Files to Disk...............................................................................89

DMIS File Library ........................................................................................89

Including Macros in DMIS Files .....................................................................89

To Output Operator Instructions ......................................................................89

Outputting Operator Instructions .....................................................................90

To Rotate or Translate the Probe Path ..............................................................91

To Mirror the Probe Path.................................................................................92

To Scale the Probe Path..................................................................................92

To Output the Probe Path in Different Units .......................................................92

About Process Information ..............................................................................92

To Output CMM Process Information.................................................................92

To Set Up Filter Configuration..........................................................................93

To Create a Customized Report on a CMM Process .............................................93

Using Pro/REPORT in Pro/CMM ........................................................................94

Table Of Contents

Examples: Creating a Customized Report on a CMM Process................................95

Example 1: Probe Listing .............................................................................95

Example 2: Accessing CMM Step Parameters ..................................................96

Index ...........................................................................................................99

Using Additional Modules

Computer-Aided Verification Option


Using Pro/CMM
About Pro/CMM
Pro/CMM is an optional module of Pro/ENGINEER, which provides the tool to
generate inspection programs for Coordinate Measuring Machines (CMMs). CMMs will
use these programs to probe manufactured parts and provide tolerance deviation
analyses for dimensions and geometric tolerances. Pro/CMM supports probing using
fixed, as well as manually and automatically indexed, probes. Using Pro/CMM, you
can create fully associative, and parametrically defined, measuring sequences
relative to Pro/ENGINEER models. You can also define steps that instruct the CMM to
construct geometric entities and reference coordinate systems relative to measured
data, and then to perform dimensional and geometric tolerance analyses on the
entities, with respect to reference coordinate systems. Pro/CMM provides dynamic
display of the probe assembly along the path of the probe tip, and allows changing
the probe, the active tip, and tip orientation at different points along the path to
enable interference checking.
The illustration below summarizes the Pro/CMM process.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

A Typical Pro/CMM Session

The Pro/CMM process may consist of the following steps:
1. Create or retrieve a Pro/CMM model. To create a new model, bring a reference
model (previously created in Part mode) into the Pro/CMM session. You can
assemble or create additional parts, if desired.

Note: To avoid creating a circular reference, set up the Pro/CMM model (that is,
retrieve the reference part) before you start the Pro/CMM process setup.

2. Set up the Pro/CMM process:

o Define the workcells (machine tools) that you will be using to create the
Measurement Sequences. Specify the workcell parameters and probes
available. This step is not required at this time; it can be performed later,
when setting up an operation.

o Select or create the probes to be used in the Pro/CMM process. Pro/CMM

probes are defined as Pro/ENGINEER parts or assemblies with a certain set
of parameters. If you have Pro/LIBRARY access, you can also use standard
probing tools from the TOOLING library. This step is also optional at this
time; you can select or create probes later, when specifying or modifying a
workcell for the operation. However, you have to set up the probe before
you start defining a Measure step which uses this probe.

Note: The terms "probe" and "tool" are used interchangeably throughout
this documentation.

o Define the fixture setup(s), if desired. Fixtures are Pro/ENGINEER parts or

assemblies. You may create your own fixtures, or use standard library
fixtures (with Pro/LIBRARY access, you can use standard fixtures from the
TOOLING library). The fixtures will be displayed along with the Pro/CMM
model, and are useful for creating probe paths that do not interfere with the
holding fixture.

o Set up the Pro/CMM sites, i.e., files of measure parameters, to be used in

creating Measure steps. This step is optional.

o Set up an operation:

Supply an operation name. Additional data can be supplied as operation


Specify a workcell that you will be using to create the Measurement

Sequences. If the workcells have been previously defined, you can just
select the one you need; otherwise, define the workcell at this point and
add the necessary probes.

Select or create the coordinate system to be used as the origin (0,0,0) for
the probe coordinates output.

Define the FROM and HOME points.

Using Additional Modules

3. Define sequences of steps for the operation.

To create a Measure Step:

o Select a type of Measure Step: Plane, Cylinder, etc.

o Select a probe to be used. Change tip, if desired (when you first set up a
probe, Tip1 will be used as default). For rotating probes, you can also
change orientation.

o Specify a different reference coordinate system, if desired.

o Specify a name, if desired. If not, a default name will be given by the


o Set up the measure parameters.

o Specify the geometric reference(s) for the Measure step.

o Specify the measure points, either by manually picking on the screen, or by

supplying the number of points in each direction and letting the system
automatically generate the points. Manually add, delete, or move the
measure points, if desired.

o Change the probe path, if desired, by inserting additional moves, specifying

entry and exit path, etc.

o Supply a comment, if desired.

o Set up the SAVE tag for DMIS output, if desired.

To create a Construct Step:

o Select a type of Construct Step: Plane, Cylinder, etc.

o Specify a name, if desired, If not, a default name will be given by the


o Specify the type of Construct entity, if multiple types can be generated

(e.g., for Plane: Best Fit, Midplane, Normal, Parallel).

o Select Measured or Constructed entities as references for the new Construct


o Supply a comment, if desired.

o Set up the SAVE tag for DMIS output, if desired.

To create a Verify Step:

o Specify a name, if desired, If not, a default name will be given by the


o Select dimension or geometric tolerance (gtol) to verify.

o Select feature(s) that this dimension or gtol controls.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

o Select datum(s) that this dimension or gtol is based on, if required by the
type of verification.

o Specify a different reference coordinate system, if desired.

o Supply a comment, if desired.

4. If necessary, you can modify Measure steps by changing probe, parameters, etc.
You can also redefine the way a step is created, or which operation it belongs to.

5. Output the probe path to a file and post-process it to use in a Coordinate

Measuring Machine.

6. Create a route sheet at the end of the process.

To Create a Pro/CMM Model

1. From the Pro/ENGINEER menu bar, choose File > New (or click the Create new
object icon). The system displays the New dialog box.

2. Select the Manufacturing button under Type.

3. Select the CMM button under Sub-Type.

4. Unless you want to accept the default, type a name for the new Pro/CMM model
in the Name text box.

5. Click OK.

6. The system displays the CMM menu and the model tree. Use the CMM menu
options to define the CMM model and process.

To Retrieve a Pro/CMM Model

1. From the Pro/ENGINEER menu bar, choose File > Open (or click the Open icon).
The system displays the browser window.

2. By default, all files are listed in the browser window. To narrow the search,
choose Manufacturing from the Type drop-down list. This lists all the models in
the Manufacturing family of products, that is, all the models that have the .mfg
extension (including CMM, regular machining, Cast, Mold, and so on). If you have
various types of manufacturing models, and want to filter out inapplicable types,
select CMM from the Sub-Type list. Then only Pro/CMM models will be listed in
the browser window.

3. Select the name of the model you wish to retrieve from the browser window.

4. The system displays the Pro/CMM model, the model tree, and the CMM menu.

To Bring Components into a Pro/CMM Model

A Pro/CMM model may consist of one or more part components. When you create a
new Pro/CMM model, it is empty, that is, it does not contain any components. You
have to bring in at least one reference model to measure.
1. Choose Component from the CMM menu.

Using Additional Modules

2. If the Pro/CMM model is empty, the only option available in the CMM MDL menu
will be Assemble. Choose it and select the part name in the browser window.

3. The reference model appears on the screen, and all the options in the CMM MDL
menu become available:

o Assemble—Assemble additional components (parts) to the first reference


o Create—Create additional reference parts in CMM mode.

o Redefine—Redefine placement of the reference part(s).

o Delete—Disassemble the reference part(s).

o Replace—Replace a reference part by a member of the same part family.

o Simplfd Rep—Create a simplified representation of a reference part.

4. Assemble or create additional reference models, if desired.

Note: Use the CMM MDL menu options only to place the parts that you want to
measure. If you want to indicate the positioning of the fixtures, to ensure that
your probe paths do not interfere with the holding fixture, use the Fixture

To Replace a Reference Model

1. Choose Component from the CMM menu.

2. Choose Replace from the CMM MDL menu.

3. Select the member (reference part) to replace.

4. The INSTANCES menu appears with a namelist of instances (including the generic
part) and two additional options Show Table and Edit Table.

5. Select the replacement instance from the menu.

6. Regenerate.

Part Family Tables in Pro/CMM

The Replace option in the CMM MDL menu allows you to replace a reference model
by a member of the same part family. You can create sequences of steps for one
member of the family, and then generate appropriate DMIS data for other members
by replacing the reference model(s) and regenerating the CMM model.
The replacement family member must have the same features as the one being
replaced. They may only differ in size.
Note: This functionality only works if you use the Replace option in the CMM MDL
menu. For example, if you replace a reference part with another family member
using the Simplfd Rep option, the steps will still reference the original reference

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Configuring for Pro/CMM

About Configuration File Options
You can preset environment options and other global settings by entering the
settings you want in a configuration file. To set configuration file options use the
Options dialog box (Tools > Options).
This help module contains a list of configuration options specific to Pro/CMM, in
alphabetical order, showing for each option or group of related options:
• Configuration option name.

• Associated variables or values. The default values for the options are shown in

• Brief description.

To Set Pro/CMM Configuration Options

1. Click Tools > Options. The Options dialog box opens.

2. Click the Show only options loaded from file check box to see currently
loaded configuration options or clear this check box to see all configuration

3. Select the configuration option from the list or type the configuration option
name in the Option box.

4. In the Value box type or select a value.

Note: The default value is followed by an asterisk (*).

5. Click Add/Change. The configuration option and its value appear in the list. A
green status icon confirms the change.

6. When you finish configuring Pro/CMM, click Apply or OK.

Note: It is recommended that you set the Pro/CMM configuration options before
starting a new Pro/CMM project.

<file extension>
Sets the default file extension for DMIS files. If you do not set this option, the default
DMIS file extension is .ncl.
Note: File extension length is limited to 3 characters. If you specify a longer file
extension, it will be truncated and a warning will be issued.

Using Additional Modules

<directory name>
Sets the default directory for the DMIS data files. Use the full path name to avoid
problems. For example, /home/users/library/dmis.

<directory name>
Sets the default directory for the parameter files for Measure steps. Use the full path
name to avoid problems. For example, /home/users/library/cmm_params.

<directory name>
Sets the default directory for the CMM workcell files. Use the full path name to avoid
problems. For example, /home/users/library/workcells.

yes, no
yes—Shades reference parts when generating shaded images.
no—Does not process reference parts when generating the shaded image (to save

yes, no
Specifies how CMM probe path information is computed:
• yes—The probe path information is stored in a file called filename.tph, where
filename is the name of the CMM model.

• no—The probe path is recomputed every time you retrieve the CMM model or
change any measure parameters.

Pro/CMM Process
About Pro/CMM Process
The Pro/CMM process consists of the following basic steps:
1. Create or retrieve a Pro/CMM model.

2. Choose CMM Setup from the CMM menu.

3. Create an operation, workcell, and the probes that you will use in the Measure
steps. You can also set up the fixtures and site files at this point, if desired. Later,
you will be able to return to CMM Setup in-between creating Measure, Construct,
and Verify steps, and modify the setup, as needed.

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4. Choose Sequence from the CMM menu, and create Measure, Construct, and
Verify steps:

o Measure steps generate sequences of probe motions measuring the

specified geometric references (planes, cylinders, etc.) at certain points.
You can create Construct and Verify steps by referencing the Measured

o Construct steps let you create geometric entities (planes, lines, etc.) by
referencing existing Measured entities. Constructed entities, in turn, may be
referenced by Verify steps.

o Verify steps let you verify dimensions and geometric tolerances by

referencing the Measured and Constructed entities.

5. Output the operation probe path generated by the system to a DMIS file and
post-process this file. You can display the probe path for Measure steps on the
screen, and view the DMIS program for the whole operation or for individual
steps in the Information Window, to check and verify the program.

To Create CMM Steps

A measurement sequence is a sequence of Measure, Construct, Verify, and Auxiliary
steps that all belong to the same operation.
1. Choose Sequence from the CMM menu.

2. Choose Step from the SEQUENCE menu.

3. If you have already created some steps for the current model, a namelist menu
appears with the names of all existing steps and the New Step option (if more
than one operation is present in the model, the By Cur Oper and All
Operations options will also be available). Selecting an existing step name
allows you to redefine references for this step (that is, redefine the step
elements). Selecting New Step allows you to create a new step under the
current operation.

4. The NEW STEP menu appears with the following options:

o Measure – Create a Measure step.

o Construct – Create a Construct step.

o Verify – Create a Verify step.

o Set Ref Csys – Create a new reference coordinate system.

o Auxiliary – Create an Auxiliary step.

Measure, Construct, and Verify Steps

Measure Steps
Measure steps generate sequences of probe motions measuring the specified
geometric references (planes, cylinders, etc.) at certain points. You can either

Using Additional Modules

manually specify the measure points or let the system generate them automatically
along the selected references based on the Measure step parameters. After a
Measure step is created, the system constructs a Measured entity by copying
geometry of measured references.

Construct Steps
Construct steps let you create geometric entities (planes, lines, etc.) by referencing
existing Measured entities. Constructed entities, in turn, may be referenced by Verify

Verify Steps
Verify steps let you verify dimensions and geometric tolerances by referencing the
Measured and Constructed entities.

To Select CMM Steps

Step features themselves do not always have geometry that you can pick on to
select the step for modification, probe path output, etc. Whenever a step is to be
selected, the CMM Step option will appear in the SELECT FEAT menu. When you
choose it, a namelist menu of the steps will appear; each step is identified by its
number and type, followed by the operation name, for example:
1: M_PL01, Operation: OP010

2: M_CY01, Operation: OP010

3: C_CR01, Operation: OP010

If you have specified a step name, by using the optional Name element, this name
will appear in the namelist menu instead of the step type (for example, M_PL01).
Note: If a line is too long to fit in the namelist menu, place the cursor over it and
check the bottom line in the message window to see the whole entry.

If more than one operation has been defined for the model, the SEL STEP menu
controls which steps are listed in the namelist menu:
• By Cur Oper—Only steps that belong to the current operation will appear in the
namelist menu.

• All Operations—All steps existing in the model will appear in the namelist menu.

Another way to select a step is to select the corresponding Measured or Constructed

entity on the screen.
A step can also be selected using the Sel By Menu option (as any other feature) by
its feature number, internal ID, and so on.

To Make Changes to CMM Steps

CMM steps can be deleted, suppressed, resumed as any other assembly features.
1. Choose Sequence from the CMM menu.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

2. Use the following options in the SEQUENCE menu:

o Delete—Delete CMM steps, or any other features in the CMM model. The
system invokes the regular user interface for deleting features.

o Pattern—Create a Reference pattern of Measure steps.

o Del Pattern—Delete a previously created pattern of Measure steps.

o Suppress—Suppress CMM steps, or any other features in the CMM model.

The system invokes the regular user interface for suppressing features.

o Resume—Resume suppressed CMM steps, or any other features in the

CMM model. The system invokes the regular user interface for resuming
suppressed features.

o Reorder—Change the order of regeneration of the CMM steps, or any other

features in the CMM model. The system invokes the regular user interface
for reordering features.

o Redefine—Redefine how a CMM step, or any other feature in the CMM

model, is created. For CMM steps, this option is equivalent to choosing Step
from the SEQUENCE menu, and then selecting an existing step name.

o Insert Mode—Insert CMM steps at any point in the feature sequence

(rather than after the last existing feature, as usual). When you activate
Insert Mode and select a feature to insert after, the system temporarily
suppresses all the features after the selected one. You can create new CMM
steps, as usual. When you cancel Insert Mode and resume the suppressed
features, the system will place them after the steps created while in Insert

To Modify CMM Steps

1. From the CMM menu, click Modify > Mod CMM Step.

2. Select the name of the step from a namelist menu. Only Measure and Auxiliary
steps are listed.

3. Use the following options:

o Probe – Change the probe, the tip, or orientation.

o Dimensions – Modify dimensions associated with the step, if any.

o Parameters – Modify the CMM parameters of the step.

o Motion Params – Modify the probe motion parameters.

To Pattern CMM Steps

You can pattern Measure steps that reference a patterned feature. For example, if
you have a pattern of cylinders (see example), you can measure one of them, and
then pattern the Measure step to produce DMIS output equivalent to measuring all
the cylinders in the pattern.

Using Additional Modules

1. From the SEQUENCE menu, choose Pattern > CMM Step.

2. Select the name of the Measure step you want to pattern from the namelist

Note: The Measure step must have a patterned feature as one of its geometric
references; otherwise, the system displays an error message.

3. The system creates a Reference pattern of Measure steps, based on the pattern
of the referenced feature.

Patterning Measure Steps

The naming convention for the pattern members is meas_nameX00n, where
meas_name is the name of the patterned Measure step, and n is the number of the
pattern member, starting with 2 (the first member of the pattern is the original
Measure step). DMIS standard limits the name of a step to be 10 characters or less;
therefore, if you pattern a Measure step, its name must be no more than 6
characters long. All the default names satisfy this requirement. If you try to pattern
a Measure step with a customized name which is longer than 6 characters, the
system will issue an error message and request that you rename the step first.
If you try to redefine a Measure step that has been patterned, the system will
prompt you to delete the pattern first. Use the Del Pattern option in the SEQUENCE
menu and select any member of the pattern. Redefine the Measure step, then create
the pattern again.

Example: Patterning a Measure Step

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

The resulting probe path display for the pattern of Measure steps is shown in the
illustration below.

About Operations
An operation is a series of Measure, Construct, and Verify steps performed at a
particular workcell and using a particular Machine coordinate system.
Note: You have to set up an operation before you can start creating the steps.

An operation is an assembly feature that contains the following information:

• Name

• Workcell to be used

• Machine coordinate system for DMIS program

• Comments (optional)

• A set of parameters (optional)

• FROM and HOME points (optional)

When the steps are created, they contain a reference to the current operation name.
Operation setting is modal, i.e., once an operation is created, it stays current until
another operation is created or activated.

To Create an Operation
1. Choose Operation from the CMM SETUP menu.

2. The CMM OPER menu appears with the following options:

o Create—Define a new operation.

o Modify—Change an operation definition. Select an operation name, then

use the DEFINE OPER menu options to specify new operation elements.

o Delete—Delete an operation. The system will invoke the regular user

interface for deleting features. All steps created for the operation are

Using Additional Modules

considered this operation’s children; you can delete, suspend, or reroute


o Info—The following information about the current operation will be

displayed in the Information Window:

Operation name

Workcell name

Workcell type (Coordinate Measuring Machine)

Status (active or not)

Machine Csys name

Run Time

FROM point

HOME point

DMIS file name

o Set Current—Activates an operation. All newly created NC sequences will

be included in this operation. When a new operation is created, it stays
current until another operation is created or activated.

3. Choose Create from the CMM OPER menu.

4. The DEFINE OPER menu appears with the following options:

o Name—Allows you to specify the name of the operation. The default name
(OP010, OP020, etc.) has been assigned to it automatically. You have to
use the Name option only if you want to specify another name.

o Workcell—Specify a workcell to be used. The WORKCELL menu will appear

with the options:

Create—Set up a new workcell.

Select—Select an existing workcell from a namelist menu. The namelist

menu will contain the names of the workcells that were either created in
the current CMM process, or retrieved into it. If no workcells exist in the
CMM process, this option will be dimmed.

Use Prev—Use the same workcell as for a previous operation. This option
will not appear when you are defining the first operation.

Retrieve—Retrieve a previously defined workcell into the CMM process.

o Mach Csys—Select or create a coordinate system for DMIS output.

o Comments—Add operation comments.

o Parameters—Set the operation level parameters. The operation

allow you to include user-defined macros in the operation DMIS file.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

o From—Create or select a datum point to be used as the start point for the
operation probe path.

o Home—Create or select a datum point to be used as the "home" point.

5. Choose Done Oper to finish creating the new operation. The newly created
operation becomes current.

To Specify Comments for an Operation or Pro/CMM Step

The comments for an operation or step can be listed in the CMM info; they can also
be output in the DMIS files.

To Specify Comments for an Operation

1. Select Comments in the DEFINE OPER menu.

2. The system displays the Operation Comments window. Type the comment and
click OK.

To Specify Comments for a Pro/CMM Step

1. Select Comment in the appropriate step dialog box and click Define.

2. The system displays the CMM Feature Comments window. Type the comment and
click OK.

To Set Up Start and End Points for an Operation

1. Select From or Home from the DEFINE OPER menu.

2. The following options are available:

o Create—Create a datum point to serve as the appropriate start or end


o Select—Select an existing datum point to serve as the start or end point.

o Remove—(Appears only if a point of the appropriate type has already been

specified.) Delete the start or end point.

FROM and HOME Setup

The FROM and HOME points are datum points that specify, respectively, the start
point for the probe motion within the operation and the "home" point. They will be
used when outputting probe path for an operation. FROM and HOME points are
specified using the From or Home options from the DEFINE OPER menu.

About Workcells
A workcell is an assembly feature that specifies a machine tool using:
• Name

Using Additional Modules

• Set of parameters

• Associated probes

• Associated site

You can create a workcell at setup time and then use it in an operation, or create a
workcell directly when defining an operation.

To Create a Workcell
1. Choose Workcell from the CMM SETUP menu, or turn on the Workcell option in
the DEFINE OPER menu.

2. Choose Create from the WORKCELL menu.

3. The CELL SETUP menu appears with the following options:

o Name—Allows you to specify the name of the workcell. The default name
(MACH01, MACH02, etc.) has been assigned to it automatically. You have to
use the Name option only if you want to specify another name.

o CMM Params—Specify the workcell parameters.

o Probes—Specify probes to be associated with the workcell.

o Probe Table—Set up the Probe Table for the workcell.

o Site—Associate a site with the machine.

o Show—Provides information about the workcell name, type, parameters,

and associated probes.

4. Choose Done to complete the workcell creation. If you choose Done without
selecting any other options from the CELL SETUP menu, the new workcell will have
a default name (MACH01, MACH02, etc.), a default set of parameters, and no
probes associated with it. All the probes that you subsequently use for the
Measure steps performed on this workcell will be associated with the workcell.

Workcell Parameters
Workcell parameters can be set, saved, and retrieved using the same procedures as
for Measure step parameters. The default extension for a workcell parameter file is
.cel. When you choose Retrieve from the PARAMS menu, only files with the .cel
extension will be listed.
The workcell parameters, except RAPID_FEED_RATE, are for information purposes
only; they are not used for setting the Measure parameters or DMIS output.
The following parameters can be specified for a workcell:
The machine ID. The default is a dash (-).

The machine location. The default is a dash (-).

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

The controller name. The default is a dash (-).

The feed rate used for rapid traverse. The default is a dash (-). You can specify a
value between 0 and 1 (that is, percent of maximum value), which will be used
when outputting the RAPID statement into the DMIS file.

Time needed for changing a probe. The default is a dash (-).

Minimum size of a workcell along its X axis.

Maximum size of a workcell along its X axis.

Minimum size of a workcell along its Y axis.

Maximum size of a workcell along its Y axis.

Minimum size of a workcell along its Z axis.

Maximum size of a workcell along its Z axis.

Specifies which coordinates the system outputs into the DMIS files for Measure
steps. The values are:

o STYLUS_CENTER (default)—The coordinates of the probe tip center (that is,

the center of the probe stylus sphere).

o CONTACT_POINT—The coordinates of the contact point.

To Modify a Workcell
You can modify, redefine, or delete workcells using the Workcell option in the CMM
SETUP menu:

1. Choose CMM Setup from the CMM menu.

2. Choose Workcell from the CMM SETUP menu.

3. The following options are available:

o Create—Create a new workcell.

Using Additional Modules

o Modify—Modify an existing workcell. When you select a workcell to modify,

the CELL SETUP menu appears allowing you to modify the workcell name,
parameters, and probes.

o Delete—Delete an existing workcell. Invokes the user interface for deleting

features. Choose Sel By Menu from the GET SELECT menu and select the
name of the workcell to delete. If there are children (steps) you will have to
delete, suspend, or reroute them.

o Save—Store the workcell information for future use.

o Retrieve—Retrieve a previously defined workcell into the manufacturing


To Save a Workcell
1. Choose Save from the WORKCELL menu. The SEL MENU appears, listing the
workcells that have been defined in the current session.

2. Choose the name of the workcell that you want to save. The DEFINE GROUP menu

3. Choose Done from the DEFINE GROUP menu. The workcell will be saved in the
current working directory (or in the library directory, if pro_mf_workcell_dir
has been set) as workcellname.gph.

To Retrieve a Workcell
1. Choose Retrieve from the WORKCELL menu. The browser window opens, listing the
workcells in the current working directory (or in the library directory, if
pro_mf_workcell_dir has been set).

2. Select the name of the workcell from the browser window.

Saving and Retrieving Workcells

Workcells are saved as user-defined features (groups) containing a single feature
(the workcell).
The configuration file option pro_mf_workcell_dir allows you to specify a "library"
directory for workcells. There, the workcell files will be available to all users for
retrieval into their manufacturing processes. The option’s value is the path name
(absolute path is recommended) of the directory where the workcell files will be

About Fixtures
Fixtures are parts or assemblies that help orient and hold the reference part during a
CMM operation. Fixtures can be created and saved in Part or Assembly mode, and
retrieved into the CMM mode during fixture setup.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

Note: If you have a Pro/TOOLING license, you can use the library of fixtures
(clamps, holding plates, chucks and jaws, etc.) of generic sizes. For more
information, refer to the TOOLING LIBRARY Catalog.

To Create a Fixture Setup

1. Choose CMM Setup from the CMM menu.

2. Choose Fixture from the CMM SETUP menu.

3. Choose Create from the FIXTURE SET menu.

4. Choose Name from the DEFINE FIXT menu and enter a name for the fixture setup.
The name must be unique within the manufacturing model. If you do not use this
option, the setup will be given a default name (FSETP0, FSETP1, and so on).

5. Choose Component from the DEFINE FIXT menu. The FIXT COMP menu appears
with the options:

o Assemble—Assemble a new fixture component (part or assembly).

o Create—Create a new part on the fly. This option allows you to create
fixtures as needed during the intermediate process steps by referencing the
reference part geometry.

o Clear—Remove selected fixture components using the Select option, or

remove all the components in the current fixture setup using the All option
in the CLEAR menu.

6. The Setup Time option in the DEFINE FIXT menu allows you to enter the time it
takes to assemble/disassemble the fixtures. This time will then appear in the
route sheet as a setup time for the step.

7. Choose Done from the DEFINE FIXT menu when finished defining the fixture
setup. This setup becomes active (i.e., it will be used by all newly created steps).

Fixture Setup
To use fixtures in the CMM process, you must first define the fixture setup(s) for the
CMM model. Each fixture setup has a name and contains information about the
fixtures that are to be present in the model when the setup is active. Only one setup
can be active at a time. Setup names can be used to manipulate fixtures within the
CMM model. Since fixture setups contain fixture assembly information, each CMM
model has to have its fixture setup(s) explicitly defined; unlike sites or probes, you
can not retrieve a fixture setup from one model into another. Fixture setups can be
defined before starting the CMM process or at any time between the steps.
When you choose Fixture from the CMM SETUP menu, the FIXTURE SET menu appears
with the options:
• Create—Create a new fixture setup. This setup then becomes active (i.e., it will
be used by all newly created steps).

• Modify—Modify an existing fixture setup. When you select a name of the setup
to modify from a namelist menu, the current setup is temporary replaced by the

Using Additional Modules

setup selected for modification. You can modify the setup name, add or remove
components, or change the setup time. Once modifications are done, however,
the original setup that was on display before you started the modification process
will reappear. If you want to make the modified setup active, use the Activate
option below.

• Delete—Delete a fixture setup by selecting its name from a namelist menu.

• Activate—Specify which of the previously defined fixture setups to display (i.e.,

make active). Select the name of the fixture setup you want from a namelist

About Sites
The Site option in the CMM SETUP menu allows you to set up site files that can be
later used to specify parameters for Measure Steps.
Warning: When you start using a new release of Pro/CMM, make sure to update
your existing site files whenever there is a change in the way the system interprets a
parameter value. Parameter values in site files are not updated automatically.

To Create a New Site File

1. From the CMM menu, choose CMM Setup > Site > Create.

2. Enter the name for the site. The system will automatically add a suffix
corresponding to the site type and extension .sit (for example,

3. A Pro/TABLE window comes up with all the measure parameters. Supply values
for the parameters. Each parameter must have either a default value, or low and
high range, or both, specified. If omitting the default value, type a dash (-). If
both are specified, the default value must be within the range boundaries. You
can also specify visibility and add optional comments for any parameters.

When specifying a parameter value, you can enter relations, similar to modifying
the parameters of a Measure step. However, when a Measure step inherits the
site parameters, it will inherit the evaluated value of this relation, not the relation

Manipulating Sites
The following options are available for site setup:
• Create—Create a new site file.

• Modify—Modify parameters of a site. Select a site name from the menu. The
editor window comes up with the current site parameters.

• Retrieve—Retrieve an existing site file from disk. Select a site name from the
browser window.

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• Save—Save a site file to disk. Select a site name from the menu. You have to
save a site in order to use it in other CMM models.

• Delete—Delete a site. Select a site name from the menu, then confirm that you
really want to delete the site. If the site has been used by a Measure step, the
system will issue a warning. If you delete such a site, all measure parameters
inherited from this site will be treated as customized (non-inherited). See the
help topic on Parameter Inheritance for more information.

• Where Used—Provide information about the Measure steps that inherit

parameters from the specified site.

• Activate—Activate a site file. Parameters of an activated site will automatically

be substituted as the system defaults when creating new Measure steps. Another
way of activating sites is associating them with the workcell.

• Show—Display information about an existing site. Select a site name from the

Parameter Visibility
Some of the measure parameters are always the same and need not be changed at
the Measure step level. You can set them up in a site file, and then remove them
from display when you are modifying the Measure step parameters. Similarly, you
can specify which parameters are to be listed when you output the CMM process
Parameter visibility can be specified using the following means:
• When you set up site parameters, two columns are available for each parameter:

o SET UP VISIBLE—Specifies if the parameter should appear in the Measure

step parameter list when creating or redefining Measure steps.

o INFO VISIBLE—Specifies if the parameter should be listed when you display

CMM Info.

The default values for all parameters are YES for both columns. If you set a value
to NO, this parameter will not be visible.

If you specify that a parameter is invisible in Measure steps, it must have a set
default value before the site may be accepted by Pro/CMM. If you set a
parameter with a "-1" value to be invisible, the system will issue an error
message and allow you to re-edit the site table.

• The Visibility option in the PARAMS menu allows you to modify parameter

o When setting parameters at the operation level.

o At the time of creating or redefining a Measure step.

When you select this option, a Pro/TABLE window appears with the list of all
parameters and the two visibility columns, as described above.

Using Additional Modules

To Activate a Site
1. Choose Activate.

2. Choose one of:

o Cur Workcell—Activate the site associated with the current workcell. Use
this option to quickly revert to the default site for the workcell after
activating some other site.

o In Session—Select a site other than the default site. Only the sites that
have been created or retrieved in the current session will be available.
Select a site name from the namelist menu.

Activating a Site
The Activate option in the SITE SETUP menu allows you to make a site active. Before
being activated, the site must be added to the CMM model using the Create or
Retrieve option. Only one site can be active at a time.
When you create a Measure step, the parameters of the active site will be the default
parameters. If no site is active, the system default parameters will be used.
Note: When you activate an operation, the site associated with the operation’s
workcell is activated automatically.

To Associate a Site with a Workcell

1. When creating a workcell, choose Site from the CELL SETUP menu. To associate a
site with an existing workcell, choose CMM Setup from the CMM menu,
Workcell, Modify, and select the workcell name. Then choose Site from the

2. Choose one of:

o Current Dir—Retrieve site files from the current directory.

o In Session—Use site files that have been created or retrieved in the

current session.

3. The list of sites of the selected type appears in the menu. Select a site name.

Associating a Site with a Workcell

If you associate a site with a workcell, all Measure Steps created in this workcell will
inherit the parameters of this site. You can then modify individual Measure step
parameters on a case-by-case basis. If you modify a site associated with a workcell,
or replace it with another site, all the Measure step parameters inherited from this
site (that is, those that have not been modified) will update automatically.

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Coordinate Systems
About Coordinate Systems
Reference coordinate systems are used in measuring points and verifying tolerances.
Coordinate Measuring Machines have a set of memory locations that you can fill up
with reference coordinate system definitions. In addition, a CMM has a notion of a
current reference coordinate system, which is kept in a working buffer.
When defining a Pro/CMM operation, you have to specify the Machine Csys, which
will be used as the initial 0,0,0 point for the DMIS program for this operation. You
can later create additional reference coordinate systems using the Set Ref Csys
option in the NEW STEP menu. A Ref Csys can only be constructed, or transformed,
relative to the Machine Csys, another Ref Csys, and measured and constructed
Before additional reference coordinate systems are created, the Machine Csys is
considered to be the current coordinate system, i.e., it will be automatically used as
the output origin for measure steps, etc. When you create a new Ref Csys, it
automatically becomes current.

To Create a New Reference Coordinate System

1. From the CMM menu, choose Sequence > Step > New Step.

2. Choose Set Ref Csys from the NEW STEP menu.

3. The elements are:

o Name—Specify a customized name, if desired. If you don’t, the coordinate

system will have a default name (REF_CSYS01, REF_CSYS02, etc.).

o Parent Csys—Select a coordinate system to be used as a parent for the

new coordinate system. The possible parents are: the Machine Csys and all
the previously created reference coordinate systems. They will all be listed
in the namelist menu.

o Transform—Select a transformation option from the TRANSFORM menu:

Primary Axis—Specify rotational transformation of the parent coordinate

system by aligning one axis with a Measured or Constructed entity. The
DATDEF and DATSET statements will be written in the DMIS program.

Translate—Specify translation along the parent coordinate system’s axes.

The TRANS statement with the appropriate arguments will be written in the
DMIS program.

Rotate—Specify rotation about the parent coordinate system’s axes. The

ROTATE statement with the appropriate arguments will be written in the
DMIS program.

Custom—Use a non-DMIS command to define the coordinate system

transformation. The DATDEF, DMESW with the appropriate arguments, and
DATSET statements will be written in the DMIS program.

Using Additional Modules

o Transfm Ref—Specify transformation references based on the

transformation option selected above:

For Primary Axis, select which axis of the parent coordinate system you
want to align to a reference (X Axis, Y Axis, or Z Axis), then select a
Measured or Constructed entity to be used as reference. A red arrow
appears showing the default direction of the primary axis; use the Flip and
Okay options to specify the desired direction.

For Translate, select which axis or axes of the parent coordinate system
you want to translate along (by putting checkmarks next to Along X,
Along Y, and Along Z). Use the Align to Ref option to select a Measured
or Constructed entity to align the coordinate system to, or choose Enter
Value and enter the translation distances along the selected axes.

For Rotate, select which axis of the parent coordinate system you want to
rotate about (About X, About Y, or About Z). Use the Align Axis option
to select a Measured or Constructed entity to align the selected axis of the
coordinate system to, or choose Enter Value and enter the angles of
rotation about the selected axes.

For Custom, choose Func Name and enter a non DMIS output command
name. If this command requires some arguments, choose Func Args and
enter the command arguments separated by commas. Specify the degrees
of freedom, if desired, by using the Deg Freedom option and putting
checkmarks next to the appropriate options (X Direction, Y Direction, Z
Direction, X Rotate, Y Rotate, Z Rotate). Finally, select a Measured or
Constructed entity to be used as a datum.

o Comment—Enter comment to be attached to the coordinate system. This

element is optional.

o Save—Set up SAVE tag for DMIS output. If you specify that the coordinate
system should be saved, the SAVE command will be output to the DMIS
file. This element is optional.

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Example 1: Using Primary Axis

This example shows creating a reference coordinate system by using the Primary
Axis option.

To create a Ref Csys for measuring the little cylindrical slot shown above, do the
1. Create a reference for the coordinate system by measuring the two planes and
constructing an Intersect line.

2. Choose Set Ref Csys from the NEW STEP menu.

3. When defining the Parent Csys element, select MACH CSYS from the namelist

4. The system prompts you to define the Transform element. Choose Primary
Axis from the TRANSFORM menu.

5. Choose X Axis from the ALIGN CSYS menu.

6. Select the Constructed line.

7. Choose Flip to flip the direction of the arrow, then choose Okay.

Example 2: Using Custom Transformation

To create a Ref Csys using your custom command CODE1, which takes two
arguments, A and B, do the following:
1. From the CMM menu, choose Sequence > Step > New Step.

2. Choose Set Ref Csys from the NEW STEP menu.

3. When defining the Parent Csys element, select MACH CSYS from the namelist

4. The system prompts you to define the Transform element. Choose Custom
from the TRANSFORM menu.

Using Additional Modules

5. The Func Name option is selected automatically. Type:

6. Choose Func Args and type:
A, B
7. To specify degrees of freedom, choose Deg Freedom, check off X Direction and
Y Rotate.

8. Select a Measured or Constructed feature to be used as a datum.

About Probes
Pro/CMM supports two types of probes: fixed and rotating. Several default probes
are provided along with Pro/CMM; you can use them directly, or copy to your own
directory and modify as needed. You can also create your own library of probes.
Pro/CMM probes are created as Pro/ENGINEER parts or assemblies that have certain
parameters and coordinate systems set up within the model.

To Create a Probe Model

To set up a probe, do the following in Part or Assembly mode, prior to starting the
Pro/CMM session.
1. Create probe geometry. Place a coordinate system at the center of each spherical
tip. Create one more coordinate system to serve as the probe origin.

2. Change the tip coordinate system names to TIP1, TIP2, etc. Rename the probe
origin coordinate system to TOOL.

3. Add a String type parameter to the model. Enter TOOL_TYPE for the parameter
name and either FIXED_PROBE or ROTATING_PROBE for the parameter value.

4. For a rotating probe, add the other parameters listed in the reference topic.
There are two ways to do this:

o Modify appropriate dimension symbols to exactly correspond to the

parameter names. Choose Modify from the PART menu, then choose
DimCosmetics and Symbol. Pick on the feature to display dimensions,
then pick on dimension text and enter the new symbolic name, e.g.:
o Add parameters to the model with the names exactly corresponding to the
probe parameter names, e.g.: MAX_PITCH_ANGLE

Probe Model
A probe can be created as a single part or an assembly consisting of several parts.
When you retrieve a probe model (part or assembly) into the Pro/CMM session, the
system will search the model for the following:
• The TOOL_TYPE parameter, which can have the value of either FIXED_PROBE or

• A coordinate system named TOOL.

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• Coordinate systems named TIP1, TIP2, ... (at least one must exist). Each of
these coordinate systems must be located at the center of a spherical tip. The
system will automatically assign the diameter of the spherical tip to the
appropriate probe parameter (TIP1_DIAMETER, TIP2_DIAMETER, ...).

• For rotating probes, the following parameters:









Using Assembly as a Probe Model

If an assembly is used as a probe model, the system will search the assembly first,
and then all the component parts in the same order as they were assembled (i.e.,
the first component will be searched first, etc.), for the probe parameters and origin
data. Once a parameter is set, all values for the same parameter found later will be
ignored. In other words, the top-level assembly parameters take precedence over
component parameters, and after that the precedence is determined by the order of
If, after all components are searched, some of the probe parameters are missing, an
error message will appear and you will be asked to select another probe.

Example: Probe Models

Fixed Probe

Using Additional Modules

Rotating Probe

To Add a Probe
Adding, or creating, a probe retrieves information about this probe (that is, the
probe model geometry and parameters) into the CMM process. Once a probe is
added, you can use it for creating or redefining Measure steps.
1. Choose Probes from the CMM SETUP menu, select the name of the workcell to
add the probe to, then choose Create from the PROBES menu.

... or ...

When creating or modifying a workcell, choose Probes from the CELL SETUP
menu, then Add from the TOOL SETUP menu.

2. Select the type of probe from the PROBE TYPE menu:

o Fixed Probe—The probe will be interpreted as having a fixed probing head.

You will be able to change only the tip to be used.

o Rotating Probe—The probe will be interpreted as having a rotating

probing head. You will be able to change both the tip to be used and the

3. Choose Retrieve from the PROBE PARAMS menu, then Probe Library, and enter
the name of the probe model (part or assembly). Entering a question mark (?)
opens a browser window.

Note: If you selected Probe Library by mistake, when you actually want to
retrieve a default probe, you can press the ESC key and then RETURN in response
to the prompt, and return to the RETRIEVE PROBE menu.

4. The system looks for CMM-specific information in the probe model and sets the
appropriate probe parameters. If the required coordinate systems, or some of the
probe parameters, are missing, an error message will appear and you will be

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asked to select another probe. If the probe is successfully retrieved, you can use
the following options to review it:

o Show Model—Displays the probe model in a subwindow.

o Show Params—Displays the probe parameters in the Information Window.

Setting Up Probes
You can add probes directly to a specific workcell, by using the Probes option in the
CELL SETUP menu. You can also add probes by using the Probes option in the CMM
SETUP menu. In this case, the system will prompt you to select a workcell for probe

To Delete a Probe
Deleting a probe from the current CMM model will delete it from all the workcells; if
you delete a probe from the current workcell, it will remain in the model database. In
any case, deleting a probe will not affect the probe model (part or assembly) used to
create this probe.
1. Choose Probes from the CMM SETUP menu, then Delete from the PROBES menu.
This will delete the probe from the CMM model.

2. To delete a probe only from the current workcell, choose Probes from the CELL
SETUP menu, then Delete from the TOOL SETUP menu.

3. Select the probe to delete from the PROBE menu.

4. Choose Confirm to delete the probe.

To Modify a Probe
The probe model is used by reference, therefore, to modify a probe, you have to
modify the probe model (its geometry, dimensions, and parameters).

To List Information About Probes

The Info option in the PROBES menu allows you to list the model name and
parameters of any or all the probes currently present in the model; similarly, the
Info option in the TOOL SETUP menu provides information about the probes
associated with the current workcell. Select a probe name from the PROBE menu, or
choose All Tools to view parameters of all the probes. The information will be
displayed in the Information Window.
If a probe is used by a Measure step and has been modified since the Measure step
is last regenerated, the probe info will show the new value and the original value of a
probe parameter, for example:
TIP1_DIAMETER 0.5 – modified; old value is 0.8

The Where Used option in the TOOL SETUP menu provides information on all probes
used in Measure steps in the current model. The format is as in the following

Using Additional Modules


FIX_ST1 1 4 190 NEW
INDX1 2 5 351 NEW
3 6 372 NEW
Information about probes used in the CMM model, including all components in probe
assemblies, can be output to the Pro/CMM BOM.

To Set Up a Probe Table

1. While creating a new workcell or modifying an existing one, choose Probe Table
from the CELL SETUP menu.

2. You are placed in Pro/TABLE. Set up correspondence between the probe position
in the tool rack, the register, and each combination of probe ID, tip, and
orientation used in the current workcell, for example:

Comments are optional. If a comment is specified in the tool table, it will be

output in CMM process info.

3. Exit Pro/TABLE.

Probe Table
Probe names can be descriptive, for example, "PROBE_FIXED_1". This name,
however, will not be accepted by the DMIS command SNSDEF, which identifies a
probe by the register on the machine. Probe table allows you to set correspondence
between the descriptive probe name (TOOL ID) and the number that will be output
to the DMIS files (REGISTER). There will be a unique register number assigned to
each combination of probe name and tip number and/or tip orientation. The TOOL
POSITION column indicates the position of the probe in the tool rack. Each workcell
has its own probe table.

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DMIS Output
When you output probe path to a file, the REGISTER value will be output in place of
TOOL_ID. In the example above, the following DMIS commands will be output:


S(7)= SNSDEF / PROBE, INDEX, POL, 30.0000, 60.0000, ...

Automatic Generation of the Probe Table

Whenever a probe is created or retrieved in a workcell, the workcell’s probe table is
searched for the combination of probe ID, tip number, and orientation angles (for
rotating probes). If not found, the probe is automatically appended at the end of the
probe table. The probe position and register are incremented by 1 with respect to
those of the last probe currently in the probe table; optional fields are left blank.
Probe table information is stored together with the workcell.

To Use a Default Probe

Pro/CMM supplies three default probe assemblies:
• Fixed single tip

• Index single tip

• Index star tip

These probe models are located in a system directory. To use them, choose Default
Probes from the RETRIEVE PROBE menu when retrieving a probe model, then select
the appropriate directory (fixed_sing_tip, indx_sing_tip, or indx_star_tip) and
the probe assembly name from the namelist menu.

Default Probes
Fixed Single Tip Probe

Using Additional Modules

Index Single Tip Probe

Index Star Tip Probe

Measure Steps
About Measure Steps
Measure steps generate sequences of probe motions measuring the specified
geometric references (planes, cylinders, and so on) at certain points. You can either
manually specify the measure points or let the system generate them automatically
along the selected references based on the Measure step parameters. After a
Measure step is created, the system constructs a measured entity by copying
geometry of measured references. Measured entities are shown in magenta; you can
later reference them to create Constructed entities and Verify steps.
Pro/CMM allows you to create the following types of Measure steps:
• Plane—Measure a planar surface.

• Cylinder—Measure a cylindrical surface.

• Circle—Measure a circular edge or curve.

• Surface—Measure a surface of any shape.

• Sphere—Measure a spherical surface.

• Point—Measure a single point on surface.

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• Cone—Measure a conical surface.

• Line—Measure a line on a planar surface.

There are certain elements and parameters that are common for all these types of
steps; they are discussed within the topics describing the MEASUREMENT STEP dialog
box. Techniques and parameters that are specific to a particular step type are listed
under the topics describing this particular step.

To Create a Measure Step

1. Choose Measure from the NEW STEP menu.

2. Select the Measure step type (for example, Plane), from the MEAS TYPE menu
and choose Done.

3. The MEASUREMENT STEP dialog box appears.


About the MEASUREMENT STEP dialog box

The following elements are common for all measure steps:
• Attributes—Specify the degree of automation for generating the measure points
and probe path (the MODE command).

• Probe—Specify the probe to be used for the measure step. Once the probe is
specified, you can change the tip and, for rotating probes, the orientation as well.

• Ref Csys—Specify which coordinate system is to be used as reference for this

Measure step. Coordinates of measured points are stored with respect to the
current reference coordinate system.

• Name—Supply a meaningful name for the step, to be used in namelist menus

and system messages. If you do not define this element, the system will use a
default name.

• Parameters—Specify measure parameters, which will define how the probe path
is generated.

• Geom Refs—Specify geometric references for the measure step.

• Pts and Path—Specify measure points, either manually or automatically, and

change the probe path generated by the system, if desired.

• Clearance Pln—Specify a clearance plane for entry and exit moves. This
element is optional.

• Start—Specify the start point for the probe path. This element is optional.

• End—Specify the end point for the probe path. This element is optional.

• Comment—Enter comment to be output before the DMIS block for the step. This
element is optional.

Using Additional Modules

• Save—Set up SAVE tag for DMIS output. If you specify that the measure step
should be saved, the SAVE command will be output to the DMIS file. This
element is optional.

Some of the elements above (Attributes, Probe, Ref Csys) are modal, which means
that once you set this element for one step, the setting will be automatically used for
subsequent steps unless you explicitly change it.

To Specify Attributes
This element defines the degree of automation for generating the measure points
and probe path. When you select Attributes in the dialog box, the ATTRIBUTES menu
will appear with the following options:
• Pro/CMM—Measure points and probe path will be controlled by Pro/CMM. DMIS
• Machine—Measure points and probe path will be controlled by the CMM’s built-in
algorithm. DMIS output:
• Operator—Measure points and probe path will be controlled by the CMM
operator. DMIS output:

To Specify Probe
You have to specify which probe is to be used to perform the measure step. The
probe must be set up using the Probes functionality prior to creating the measure
When you select Probe in the dialog box, the SET PROBE menu appears with the
following options:
• Name—Select a probe name from the PROBE menu, which lists all the probes
existing in the model.

• Tip—Allows you to change the tip to be used. When the probe is first selected,
Tip1 is used by default. If you change to another tip, this setting will also become

• Orientation—Change probe orientation (available only for rotating probes). The

PROBE ORIENT menu will appear with the options:

o Enter Angles—Specify the pitch and roll angle values.

o Sel Previous—Return to a previous probe orientation.

• Place Probe—Select a point on the reference part for probe orientation display.
The system displays the probe, reflecting the current Orientation angles, with the
active tip touching the selected point.

Note: If you have not set up any probes prior to creating the first Measure step,
the system will allow you to retrieve a probe model at this point, rather than
making you quit the creation of the Measure step. In this case, the PROBE PARAMS
menu will appear when you select Probe from the dialog box. To change the tip

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or orientation, select Probe again after retrieving the probe model; you will then
get the SET PROBE menu.

To Specify the Reference Coordinate System

The Ref Csys element allows you to change the reference coordinate system for
outputting probe coordinates. The Ref Csys setting is modal, that is, the reference
coordinate system from the previous step will be automatically used unless you
explicitly change it. For the first measure step, the Machine Csys is used by default.
If you create a new coordinate system using the Set Ref Csys option in the NEW
STEP menu, it will automatically become the default for subsequent steps.

Note: You cannot create reference coordinate systems "on the fly". In order to
change to a new coordinate system, you have to create it using the Set Ref Csys
option prior to creating the Measure step.

To change the reference coordinate system:

1. Select Ref Csys in the dialog box and press Define.

2. A namelist menu will appear containing the Machine Csys and all the previously
created reference coordinate systems, if any. Select the name of the coordinate
system to use as reference for this Measure step.

To Specify the Step Name

You can specify a customized name for the step, if you want. This name will be used
in namelist menus and system messages. If you do not supply a name, the step will
have a default name generated by the system (for example, "1: M_PL01, Operation:
OP010"). The naming conventions are:
• For planes—M_PL01, M_PL02, etc.

• For cylinders—M_CY01, M_CY02, etc.

• For circles—M_CR01, M_CR02, etc.

• For surfaces—M_SF01, M_SF02, etc.

• For spheres—M_SP01, M_SP02, etc.

• For points—M_PT01, M_PT02, etc.

• For cones—M_CN01, M_CN02, etc.

• For lines—M_LN01, M_LN02, etc.

To Specify Parameters for a Measure Step

Measure step parameters define how the system will create the probe path for
measuring selected geometry, and which values will be output to the DMIS file.
Parameters set for a Measure step can be saved as ASCII format files and later
retrieved to be used in a different step or even in a different model.
1. Select Parameters in the dialog box.

Using Additional Modules

2. You can either set up all the step parameters manually, by immediately selecting
the Set option PARAMS menu, or use one of the following ways to initialize the

o If you have associated a site with the current workcell, or activated a site,
at setup time, this site will be automatically used to initialize the
parameters. You can retrieve parameters of another pre-defined site using
the Site option in the PARAMS menu. Note that retrieving site parameters
does not activate the site for subsequent Measure steps.

o If you have an existing measure parameters file, you can retrieve it using
the Retrieve option. After retrieving the parameters, use the Set option to
make any variations, if necessary.

Note: If the retrieved file contains some parameters inapplicable for the
current step, these parameters will be listed in the Info window.

o If you have previously created a measure step, you can use its parameters
for the current step by selecting the Use Prev option. A run-time menu of
all previous measure steps will appear. Select a step name; it does not
have to be of exactly the same type as the current one. The system will
read in the applicable parameters and ignore those that are not valid for
the current step type. After reading in the parameter values, use the Set
option to make any variations, if necessary.

3. If you want to make changes after you initialized the parameters, or if you have
not initialized them at all, choose Set.

4. A Param Tree dialog box appears with a complete set of parameters

corresponding to the Measure step type.

The parameters are listed under the following categories, or branches:

o Feed—Feed parameters.

o Meas Param—Parameters that control the measuring probe path, such as

grid angle or number of points per slice.

o Machine—Machine-related parameters, such as probe compensation.

o Entry/Exit—Parameters that define the entry and exit path for the probe,
such as approach and pullout distance.

Double-clicking on the name of the branch will collapse or expand it.

5. To modify a parameter, pick with the mouse to highlight the cell with the
parameter value. The value will appear in the input panel at the top of the dialog
box. Then, depending on the parameter type, do the following:

o When modifying a parameter that has a numeric value, type in a new value
and press RETURN.

You can enter a mathematical expression, which may contain other

parameters in the same step, or probe parameters.

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You can also include model dimension symbols (in assembly format, e.g.,
d12:0) and user-defined parameters which are already defined in relations
for the model.

When you enter a relation in the input panel, the system evaluates the
relation and places the value in the appropriate cell. If you later highlight
this cell for modification, the input panel will display the relation used.

o When modifying a parameter that has a string value, such as FEED_UNITS,

press the down arrow to the right of the input panel. A drop-down list will
appear with all possible values for this parameter. Scroll to the value you
want (to display it in the input panel), then press RETURN.

6. The Edit button in the menu bar of the dialog box allows you to copy a
parameter value (in a cell, not in the input box) and then paste it into other cells.

7. To finish modifying the parameters, choose File > Exit.

8. Choose Save from the PARAMS menu if you want to save this file to disk (you will
have to save the parameters if you want to retrieve them for another model),
and enter a file name. The file will be saved with a file extension ".mea".

9. Choose Done form the PARAMS menu. If you haven’t specified a value for any of
the parameters with the default value of "-1", the system will prompt you for
each of these parameters in turn. Once you enter values for all the required
parameters, the system will proceed to the next element in the dialog box.

Common Parameters
Parameters common for all types of measure steps are listed below. They are listed
under a heading corresponding to the category, or branch, in the Param Tree dialog
box that you use to set up the parameters.
• You must supply a value for all parameters that have a default of "-1".

• Some parameters may have a value of dash (-), that is, "ignore". This means
that this parameter is optional, and if you don’t supply a value for it, it will not be
used. For some parameters, the system will use a certain default value, or a
value of another parameter, instead. The dash (-) value is only acceptable for
those parameters that have it as a default.

• Length units for step parameters (where applicable) are the same as the CMM
assembly units. If the assembly units are changed using the Same Size option
(so that the dimension values are changed), all the appropriate parameters of the
currently existing measure steps will also be scaled.

The rate at which the probe moves when performing measurements. The default
is "-1".

Using Additional Modules

The rate at which probe moves at a safe distance above the level of the part
(e.g., between a Pull Out Point and the next Approach point). The default is "-1".

Defines the acceleration in measure mode. The default is "-1".

Defines the acceleration when moving at a safe distance above the level of the
part. The default is "-1".

Units for the acceleration rates above. The values are: IPMM (inches per minute
per minute—default), MPMM (meters per minute per minute), PCENT (percent of
maximum value).

Units for the feed rates above. The values are: IPM (inches per minute—default),
MPM (meters per minute), PCENT (percent of maximum value).

Meas Params
These parameters depend on the type of Measure step. See the Specific Parameters
section in the reference help topic for the appropriate step type.

Specifies if the probe compensation is ON or OFF. The default is OFF.

Specifies the length of pullout moves, i.e., the distance between the Measure
Ready point and the Pull Out point. The default is a dash (-), in which case the
MEAS_PULLOUT_DIST value will be used instead.

Specifies the length of approach moves, i.e., the distance between the Approach
point and the Measure Ready point. The default is a dash (-), in which case the
MEAS_APPR_DIST value will be used instead.

Specifies the distance from the borders of geometry being measured (such as
plane, surface) where no measure points should be located. If a Measured point
falls within this clearance, it will be ignored. The default is a dash (-), that is, 0.


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Defines the length of the measure approach move, i.e., the distance between the
Measure Ready point and the Measured point. The default is "-1".

Defines the length of the measure pullout move, i.e., the distance that the probe
pulls out (at slow speed) after measuring a point. The default is "-1".

Default Probe Path Based on Parameter Values

Parameter Inheritance
Measure steps can automatically inherit their parameters from sites.
The following are the rules for the Measure step parameter inheritance:
• If, at the time of creating a Measure step, a site is associated with the current
workcell, the Measure step will inherit the parameters of this site. This is called
implicit inheritance. If you later modify the parameters of the site, the Measure
step parameter values will update accordingly. Also, if you later replace the
associated site with another one, or change the workcell associated with the
operation, the Measure step parameters will update to the values in the new site
associated with the workcell.

• If you initialize the Measure step parameters using a site other than the one
associated with the workcell (by activating another site or by using the Site
option in the PARAMS menu), then the Measure step will inherit the parameters of
this site. This is called explicit inheritance. If you later modify the parameters of
the site, the Measure step parameter values will update accordingly. However,
changing the site associated with the workcell, or the workcell itself, will not
affect the parameters of this Measure step.

• If you initialize the Measure step parameters using the Retrieve option in the
PARAMS menu, these parameters will be marked as customized.

• If you initialize the Measure step parameters using the Use Prev option in the
PARAMS menu, and the previous Measure step inherits its parameters from a site,

Using Additional Modules

the current Measure step will not automatically inherit from the same site. The
following situations are possible:

o If both the previous and the current Measure step implicitly inherit from the
same site, the inherited (non-customized) parameters used from the
previous Measure step will also be marked as inherited in the current
Measure step.

o If the previous Measure step explicitly inherits from a site, and you want
the new Measure step to inherit from the same site, use the Site option
first to initialize the Measure step parameters, then use the Use Prev
option. In this case, all the inherited parameters used from the previous
Measure step will also be marked as inherited in the current Measure step.

o If the previous and current Measure steps inherit from different sites, or if
one of them does not nave an inheritance source, then all the parameters
used from the previous Measure step will be marked as customized.

• If you modify parameter values using the Set option in the PARAMS menu, these
parameters will be marked as customized.

When you look at the parameters of a Measure step, the inherited parameter values
appear in parentheses. However, if you save a parameters file to disk (using the
Save option in the PARAMS menu), this file will list all the parameters without
parentheses (because when you retrieve this file into another Measure step, these
parameters will be marked as customised).

Parameters Library
Your measure parameters can be stored in a parameters library. There, they are
available to all users for retrieval into their Pro/CMM processes, for modifying, or for
setting up new Measure steps. The configuration file option to use is:
pro_mf_param_dir pathname

Always enter in the configuration file the complete pathname to the parameter
library to avoid problems when working in different directories with Pro/ENGINEER.
pro_mf_param_dir /usr/users/params

To Include Parameters in Relations

1. Choose Relations from the CMM menu.

2. Choose Assem Rel.

3. Choose Tool Info or Step Info if necessary to check on the parameter exact
names and current values. Step Info gives you the feature internal ID for the
Measure Step.

4. Pick the reference part to display dimensions in symbolic form.

5. Choose Add and enter the relation. Enter parameters using the syntax above.

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Using Parameters in Relations

You can drive Measure step and probe parameters by other parameters or
dimensions in the reference part, or the CMM assembly, by using relations. Both the
parameters with numeric and string values can be included in relations.
The step parameter syntax is:

PARAM_NAME—the parameter name,

#—the internal feature ID of the Measure Step.


The probe parameter syntax is:


PARAM_NAME—the parameter name,



If a parameter is driven by relation, the system puts a note next to it in the

parameters file. If you modify a relation-driven parameter, its value will be reset
upon regeneration.
Options Tool Info and Step Info in the RELATIONS menu, accessible in CMM mode,
facilitate using probe and step parameters in relations. They display parameters
(including ID) for a selected probe or Measure step, respectively.

To Specify Geometric References

Geometric references for a Measure step include the entity to be measured (for
example, a planar surface, a cylindrical surface, or a point) and, in some cases (such
as cylinder, circle, cone), additional references necessary to perform the
measurements. In each case, geometric references that you have to select depend
on the type of Measure step that you are creating. They are discussed within the
topics describing the specific Measure step types.
You can select either solid surfaces or surface quilts (for example, created as a result
of importing geometry from another application). When you select a surface of a
quilt, the system will prompt you to select which side of it you want to measure. A
red arrow normal to the surface will appear; you can specify the direction by using
the Flip and Okay options.

Using Additional Modules

To Specify Measure Points

The following options are available for defining measure points on selected
• Add Pts—Specify the measure points using one of the following options:

o User Defined—Pick points on selected geometry where you want to

perform the measurements. If you select this option when a set of points
has already been defined, the new points will be added to the end of the

o Automatic—The system will automatically generate a pattern of measure

points. (See the help topic on a specific step type for information on how
the automatic points will be generated.) If you select this option when a set
of points has already been defined, all the existing points will be deleted
and a new set generated. The system will prompt you for confirmation to

• Insert Pts—Available only when a set of points has already been defined. Allows
you to insert points before an existing point. Select a point to insert before, then
pick points on selected geometry to perform additional measurements. The probe
path will be redrawn with each pick.

• Move Pts—Allows you to move existing points. Select a point to move, then pick
the new location on selected geometry. The probe path will be immediately
redrawn. Proceed moving other points, or choose Done Sel to finish.

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• Delete Pts—Allows you to delete existing points. Select a point to delete; the
probe path will be immediately redrawn. Proceed deleting other points, or choose
Done Sel to finish.

To Change the Probe Path

When you define measure points, the system automatically generates the probe path
by connecting all point locations. The sequence of probe moves for each measure
point will consist of an approach move (down from the Approach point to the
Measure Ready point, the distance is defined by the APPROACH_DISTANCE
parameter value), a measure approach (down from the Measure Ready point to the
Measured point, the distance is defined by the MEAS_APPR_DIST parameter value),
the two corresponding pullout moves (defined, respectively, by the
MEAS_PULLOUT_DIST and PULLOUT_DIST parameter values), and a connect move
to the Approach point above the next Measured point.
The following options are available for changing the default probe path:
• Insert Moves—Replace a connect segment between two points with a set of
probe moves. The types of probe moves available are described in Probe Move
Types. After completing the last inserted move, the probe will move directly to
the next Approach point.

• Chg Clearnce—Change direction and distance for individual, or all, Approach and
Pullout segments.

• Entry Path—Add probe moves before the first Approach point. The types of
probe moves available are described in Probe Move Types. Note that entry moves
are created in the reverse order, that is, you first create the segment adjacent to
the first Approach point, then the segment preceding this one, etc. When you

Using Additional Modules

finish creating entry moves and repaint, the direction of entry segments will be
reversed (see illustration below).

• Exit Path—Add probe moves after the last Pull Out point. The types of probe
moves available are described in Probe Move Types.

• Chg Probe—Select a connect segment on which to change the probe, then select
the probe name (along with tip and orientation, if desired), as when specifying
the probe for a Measure step. Choose Done Sel when finished.

• Undo Path—Undo changes to probe path. When you select this option, all the
customized probe moves are highlighted. You can either select the moves to
delete, or choose All from the PATH SEGMT menu.

To Change the Clearance

You can change both direction and distance of individual Approach and Pullout moves
using the following procedure. You will also have an option of changing clearance for
all the probe path segments at once.
1. Choose Chg Clearnce.

2. Select the Connect segment(s) where you want to change Approach or Pullout
clearance (use the Select option from the PATH SEGMT menu), or choose All to
change clearance for all segments of the probe path. Choose Done from the PATH
SEGMT menu.

3. To change the direction of approach or pullout for selected segment(s), choose

Direction from the CHG CLEAR menu.

4. The CLEAR DIR menu appears with the following options:

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o Appr Dir—Check off this option to change the approach direction for
selected segment(s).

o PullOutDir—Check off this option to change the pullout direction for

selected segment(s).

o Normal Surf—Approach or pull out in the direction normal to the surface

being measured.

o Specify Dir—Approach or pull out in the direction of a datum axis. Select

an existing datum axis.

o Average Dir—Approach or pull out in the direction average between the

surface normals at the Measured points corresponding to the endpoints of a
selected segment (see illustration below).

5. To change the approach or pullout distances for selected segment(s), choose

Distance from the CHG CLEAR menu.

6. The CLEAR DIST menu appears with the following options:

o Appr Dist—Check off this option to change the approach distance for
selected segment(s).

o Pull Out Dist—Check off this option to change the pullout distance for
selected segment(s).

7. Choose Done from the CLEAR DIST menu and enter the value for approach and
pullout distances, as prompted. The default value, defined by the appropriate
measure step parameter, will appear as an option in the ENTER VAL menu.

To Define a Clearance Plane

1. Select the Clearance Pln element and press the Define button.

2. Choose Add from the CLR PLANE menu. The CLR PLN PLACE menu appears with the
following options:

o Entry—Use this Clearance Plane for entry moves only.

o Exit—Use this Clearance Plane for exit moves only.

Using Additional Modules

o Both—Use this Clearance Plane both for entry and exit moves.

3. Select an option from the CLR PLN PLACE menu and choose Done.

4. Select a plane, or make a datum plane, to serve as a Clearance Plane.

Clearance Planes can be displayed by selecting the Show option from the CLR PLANE

Clearance Plane Purpose

By default, the entry and exit moves are performed at a level defined by the
Entry/Exit parameters, the same as connect moves. The Clearance Pln element
allows you to change the height of entry and exit moves by specifying a Clearance

To Delete a Clearance Plane

1. Choose Remove from the CLR PLANE menu. The CLR PLN PLACE menu appears
with the following options:

o Entry—Delete the Clearance Plane used for entry moves.

o Exit—Delete the Clearance Plane used for exit moves.

2. Select the desired option(s) from the CLR PLN PLACE menu and choose Done.
When a Clearance Plane is removed, the system will again use parameter values
to define the level of entry and exit moves.

To Set Up Start and End Points for the Probe Path

You can specify the Start and End points for the probe path for Measure steps using
the Start and End elements, respectively. When a new Measure step is created, it
will automatically use the End point of the previous Measure step as its Start point
(unless you explicitly specify a different Start point).
1. Select Start or End in the MEASUREMENT STEP dialog box and click Define.

2. The system displays the DEF START or DEF END menu, respectively, with the
following options:

o Create—Create a datum point to serve as the appropriate start or end


o Select—Select an existing datum point, or a Measured or Constructed

point, to serve as the start or end point.

o Remove—(Appears only if a point of the appropriate type has already been

specified.) Delete the start or end point.

Probe Move Types

About Probe Moves

When you change the default probe path, the following probe move types are
available for Insert Moves, Entry Path, and Exit Path:

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• Go Delta—Specify probe moves in terms of increments along the axes of the

reference coordinate system (with respect to the current position of the probe).

• Move to Pt—The probe will move to a datum point. You can restrict movement
along certain axes of the reference coordinate system.

• Move to Pln—The probe will move to a selected plane in the direction normal to
the plane.

To Create Go Delta Moves

1. Choose Go Delta.

2. The OFFSET INCR menu appears with the following options:

o X Increment—Move along the X axis.

o Y Increment—Move along the Y axis.

o Z Increment—Move along the Z axis.

3. Check off the appropriate options and choose Done.

4. Enter increments along the selected axes, as prompted.

To Create Move to Pt Moves

1. Choose Move to Pt.

2. The GOTO POINT menu appears with the options:

o Specify Axes—The probe motion is controlled by the options X Move, Y

Move, and Z Move in the lower portion of the menu. The probe is allowed
to move only along the axes checked off in this menu. By default, all the
axes are checked off; the probe then moves directly from the current
position to the target point. If some of the axes are disallowed, the final
probe position is computed based on the current point and the axes
allowed. The X Move, Y Move, and Z Move options are available only if
the Specify Axes option is selected from the GOTO POINT menu.

o Z First—The probe moves along the Z-axis from the current position to the
level of target point; it then moves in the XY plane to the target point.

o Z Last—The probe moves along in the XY plane from the current position to
the location of the target point, and then moves along the Z-axis to arrive
at target point.

3. Specify the target point:

o Select—Select an existing datum point.

o Create—Create a new datum point using the regular functionality for

creating datum points. The datum point will belong to the CMM assembly.

o Offset—If this option is checked off, the probe will move not to the point
selected or created using the options above, but to some "offset" point. The
OFFSET INCR menu will appear with the options X Increment, Y

Using Additional Modules

Increment, and Z Increment; these will represent offsets along the axes
of the reference coordinate system. Check off the axes desired, choose
Done, and enter the offset values along the axes, as prompted.

To Create Move to Pln Moves

1. Choose Move to Pln.

2. Select a plane. The probe will move from the current position to the selected
plane in the direction normal to the plane.

3. Select another plane for the probe to move to, or choose Done Sel to finish.

Measure Plane

To Measure a Plane
To measure a plane, select the plane itself.

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Plane

When you choose Automatic from the ADD POINTS menu, the system generates a
default 2x2 rectangular grid on selected planar surface, and the Probe Points dialog
box appears. The illustration below shows a default grid for Measure Plane.

The grid orientation with respect to the reference coordinate system is defined by the
GRID_ANGLE parameter. The UP and DOWN arrows next to each of the input fields in
the dialog box let you increase and decrease the number of points in U and V
direction. When you click on an arrow, the corresponding value in the input field is
changed by 1, and the system redistributes the points according to the new grid. If a
point in the grid falls outside the surface boundaries, including internal islands (such
as holes or slots), this point is not generated. If you specify a non-zero value for
BORDER_CLEARANCE, points within this distance from the surface boundaries are
not generated either. The number of points that the system actually placed on the
surface appears in the lower-right corner of the Probe Points dialog box. When you
click OK, the system generates the default probe path by connecting all the point
The following illustration shows using a 4x3 grid for Measure Plane.

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Specific Parameters for Measure Plane

The following measure parameter is specific to Plane type measure steps:
Defines the UV grid orientation for automatic points distribution. GRID_ANGLE
specifies the angle between the U direction and the X axis of the reference
coordinate system (see illustration below). The default is a dash (-), which
corresponds to the grid angle of 0.

Measure Cylinder

To Measure a Cylinder
1. Select a cylindrical surface.

2. Select a start plane. The plane must be normal to the axis of the cylinder.

3. The system displays an arrow along the axis of the cylinder, which designates
intended direction for generating slices. Specify the desired direction by using the
Flip and Okay options.

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Cylinder

When you choose Automatic from the ADD POINTS menu, the Measure Cylinder
Points dialog box appears. The initial values in its input fields correspond to the
measure parameter values that you specified for the step.
The system generates the first slice at First Slice Offset from the start plane in the
direction that you have specified when defining geometric references. The number of
Measured points in the slice is defined by the Points per Slices value. If Number
of Slices is greater than 1, the system generates the rest of the slices at
Offset Between Slices distance from the previous slice.
Similar to measuring a plane, if an automatically generated point falls off the
surface, or within BORDER_CLEARANCE from the surface boundaries, the system will
not place it.
You can edit the values for First Slice Offset and Offset Between Slices, or use
the UP and DOWN arrows next to the input fields to increase and decrease Points
per Slices and Number of Slices. When you click on an arrow, the corresponding
value in the input field is changed by 1, and the system redistributes the points
according to the new values. When you click OK, the system generates the default
probe path by connecting all the point locations.

Using Additional Modules

The illustration below shows automatically generated points and path for Measure

Specific Parameters for Measure Cylinder

The following measure parameters are specific to Cylinder type measure steps:
The number of slices (that is, cross-sections of the cylindrical surface where the
system performs the measurements). The default is a dash (-), in which case 1
will appear in the Measure Cylinder Points dialog box.

The number of Measured points in each slice. The points are distributed evenly
along the surface cross-section. The default is 4.

The distance between the start plane and the first slice. The default is a dash (-),
in which case 0.00 will appear in the Measure Cylinder Points dialog box.

The distance between two consecutive slices. The default is a dash (-), in which
case 0.00 will appear in the Measure Cylinder Points dialog box.

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Example: Measuring a Cylinder

Measure Circle

To Measure a Circle
1. Select a cylindrical surface.

2. Select a plane, or create a datum plane, to define the slice where to measure the
circle. The plane must be normal to the axis of the cylinder.

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Circle

When you choose Automatic from the ADD POINTS menu, the system creates the
number of Measured points specified by the POINTS_PER_SLICE parameter and
generates the default probe path by connecting the point locations.

Specific Parameters for Measure Circle

The following measure parameter is specific to Circle type measure steps:
The number of Measured points for Automatic points generation. The points are
distributed evenly along the circle or arc. The default is 4.

Example: Measuring a Circle

The illustration below shows automatically generated points and path for Measure

Using Additional Modules

Measure Surface

To Measure a Surface
To measure a general surface, select the surface itself. You can select multiple
surfaces; in this case, Automatic points generation will not be available.

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Surface

When you choose Automatic from the ADD POINTS menu, the system generates a
default 2x2 grid on selected surface, and the Probe Points dialog box appears. The
UP and DOWN arrows next to each of the input fields in the dialog box let you
increase and decrease the number of points in U and V direction. When you click on
an arrow, the corresponding value in the input field is changed by 1, and the system
redistributes the points according to the new grid. The grid follows the U-V lines of
the surface being measured. If a point in the grid falls outside the surface
boundaries, including internal islands (such as holes or slots), this point is not
generated. If you specify a non-zero value for BORDER_CLEARANCE, points within
this distance from the surface boundaries are not generated either. The number of
points that the system actually placed on the surface appears in the lower-right
corner of the Probe Points dialog box. When you click OK, the system generates the
default probe path by connecting all the point locations.

Example: Measuring a Surface

The illustration below shows automatically generated points and path for Measure

Measure Sphere

To Measure a Sphere
To measure a sphere, select the sphere itself.

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Sphere

When you choose Automatic from the ADD POINTS menu, the system generates the
first slice in the middle of the sphere. The number of Measured points in the slice is
defined by the combination of the MAX_DIST_BTWN_PNTS and
MIN_DIST_BTWN_PNTS parameters. If NUMBER_SLICES is greater than 1, the
system generates the rest of the slices at OFFSET_BTWN_SLICES distance from the
previous slice.

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Specific Parameters for Measure Sphere

The following measure parameters are specific to Sphere type measure steps:
The distance between two consecutive slices.

The maximum distance between Measured points.

The minimum distance between Measured points.

The number of slices (that is, cross-sections of the spherical surface where the
system performs the measurements).

Example: Measuring a Sphere

The illustration below shows automatically generated points and path for Measure

Measure Point

To Measure a Point
To measure a point, pick a point on a surface. The system automatically generates
the default approach and pull out moves, according to the parameter values.
Because only one point exists, you cannot add, move, or delete points; the PTS AND
PATH menu is therefore replaced with the CHNG PATH menu, which allows you to
customize entry and exit path, change clearance, and so on.

Using Additional Modules

Example: Measuring a Point

The illustration below shows automatically generated path for Measure Point.

Measure Cone

To Measure a Cone
1. Select a conical surface.

2. Select a start plane. The plane must be normal to the axis of the cone.

3. The system displays an arrow along the axis of the cone, which designates
intended direction for generating slices. Specify the desired direction by using the
Flip and Okay options.

Automatic Points Generation for Measure Cone

When you choose Automatic from the ADD POINTS menu, the system generates the
first slice at FIRST_SLICE_OFFSET from the start plane in the direction that you have
specified when defining geometric references. The number of Measured points in the
slice is defined by the POINTS_PER_SLICE parameter (the default is 4). If
NUMBER_SLICES is greater than 1, the system generates the rest of the slices at
OFFSET_BTWN_SLICES distance from the previous slice.
Similar to measuring a plane, if an automatically generated point falls off the
surface, or within BORDER_CLEARANCE from the surface boundaries, the system will
ignore it.
The illustration below shows automatically generated points and path for Measure

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Specific Parameters for Measure Cone

The following measure parameters are specific to Cone type measure steps:
The number of slices (that is, cross-sections of the conical surface where the
system performs the measurements).

The number of Measured points in each slice. The points are distributed evenly
along the surface cross-section. The default is 4.

The distance between the start plane and the first slice.

The distance between two consecutive slices.

Example: Measuring a Cone

Measure Line

To Measure a Line
To measure a line, you have to manually select two or more points on a planar
surface of the reference part. The Measured Line is created as a best fit through the
selected points.
1. Select a plane.

2. Select two or more points on the plane. The system displays the tool path and
creates the Measured Line as a best fit through the selected points.

3. Use the Specify Unbnd option in the PTS AND PATH menu to change the form of
the DMIS output statement, if needed.

Note: Measured Lines can be selected as references for Verify and Set Ref Csys
steps. You cannot use Measured Lines as references for Construct steps.

Using Additional Modules

Bounded and Unbounded Lines

By default, a Measured Line is created as bounded (BND form of the FEAT/LINE
statement). You can define it as unbounded (UNBND form of the FEAT/LINE
statement) by using the Specify Unbnd option in the PTS AND PATH menu (this
option appears for Measure Line steps only).
When you select Specify Unbnd, the LINE BND/UNB menu appears with the following
• Specify—Select the direction in which the line is unbounded, by using Flip and
Okay options.

• Remove—Lets you revert to the bounded form of line output. Available only if
the line is currently defined as unbounded.

Example: Measuring a Line

The following illustration shows points and path for Measure Line.

Construct Steps
About Construct Steps
Construct steps enable you to create Constructed entities by referencing existing
Measured entities. Unlike Measure entities, which are displayed in magenta,
Constructed entities are displayed in cyan.
Pro/CMM allows you to create the following types of Construct steps:
• Plane—Construct a planar entity.

• Line/Axis—Construct a linear entity.

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• Circle—Construct a circular entity.

• Cylinder—Construct a cylindrical entity.

• Sphere—Construct a spherical entity.

• Point—Construct a single point.

To Create a Construct Step

1. Choose Construct from the NEW STEP menu.

2. Select the Construct step type (for example, Plane), from the CONST TYPE menu.

3. The CMM CONSTRUCT dialog box opens.

The CMM CONSTRUCT dialog box

The following elements are common for all Construct steps:
• Name—Supply a meaningful name for the step, to be used in namelist menus
and system messages. This element is optional.

• Type—Define the specific type of the Constructed entity. For each general type of
entity (such as Plane, Circle, Point) you will have several specific types available
(for example, Best Fit, Intersect, and so on). These specific types, along with the
references required for each type, are described in the sections below.

• Ref Feats—Specify geometric references for the Construct step. You can only
select the existing Measured or Constructed entities as references for creating
new Constructed entities. The number and type of references depend on the
specific type of Construct step. They are described in the appropriate sections

• Comment—Enter comment to be output before the DMIS block for the step. This
element is optional.

• Save—Set up SAVE tag for DMIS output. If you specify that the Construct step
should be saved, the SAVE command will be output to the DMIS file. This
element is optional.

To Specify the Step Name

You can specify a customized name for the step, if you want, by using the Name
element in the dialog box. This name will be used in namelist menus and system
messages. If you do not supply a name, the step will have a default name generated
by the system (for example, "7: C_PL02, Operation: OP010"). The naming
conventions are:
• For planes—C_PL01, C_PL02, etc.

• For lines—C_LN01, C_LN02, etc.

• For circles—C_CR01, C_CR02, etc.

• For cylinders—C_CY01, C_CY02, etc.

Using Additional Modules

• For spheres—C_SP01, C_SP02, etc.

• For points—C_PT01, C_PT02, etc.

Construct Plane

Types of Constructed Planes

You can create the following types of Constructed Planes:
• Best Fit—Creates a Constructed Plane through several points.

• Midplane—Creates a Constructed Plane midway between two planes.

• Normal—Creates a Constructed Plane through a point and normal to a line or


• Parallel—Creates a Constructed Plane through a point and parallel to a plane.

To Create a Best Fit Plane

Best Fit creates a Constructed Plane through several points. You have to select at
least three points (or entities that will represent points). If you select more than
three points, the system will construct the plane that provides the best fit for all the
selected points.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Best Fit from the CONST PLANE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. First, select a reference plane, which the system
will use to define orientation of the new plane.

3. Next, select three or more points to define the plane orientation, and choose
Done Sel when finished. You can select the following types of Measured or
Constructed entities to define the point references:

o Point

o Circle—The center of the circle will be used

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Example: Creating a Best Fit Plane

To Create a Midplane Plane

Midplane creates a Constructed Plane midway between two planes. The reference
planes can be at any angle to each other.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Midplane from the CONST PLANE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select two reference planes.

Example: Creating a Midplane Plane

To Create a Normal Plane

Normal creates a Constructed Plane through a point and normal to a line or axis.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Normal from the CONST PLANE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. First, select a reference point. You can select the
following types of Measured or Constructed entities to define the first reference:

o Point

o Circle—The center of the circle will be used

o Cone—The cone vertex will be used

Using Additional Modules

o Sphere—The center of the sphere will be used

3. Next, select a line. You can select the following types of Measured or Constructed
entities to define the second reference:

o Line

o Cylinder—The axis of the cylinder will be used

o Cone—The cone axis will be used

Example: Creating a Normal Plane

To Create a Parallel Plane

Parallel creates a Constructed Plane through a point and parallel to a plane.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Parallel from the CONST PLANE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. First, select a reference point. You can select the
following types of Measured or Constructed entities to define the first reference:

o Point

o Circle—The center of the circle will be used

o Cone—The cone vertex will be used

o Sphere—The center of the sphere will be used

3. To define the second reference, select a plane.

Example: Creating a Parallel Plane

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Construct Line

Types of Constructed Lines

You can create the following types of Constructed Lines:
• Best Fit—Creates a Constructed Line through several points.

• Midline—Creates a Constructed Line midway between two lines.

• Projection—Creates a Constructed Line by projecting a line onto a plane.

• Intersect—Creates a Constructed Line by intersecting two planes.

To Create a Best Fit Line

Best Fit creates a Constructed Line through several points. You have to select at
least two points (or entities that will represent points). If you select more than two
points, the system will construct the line that provides the best fit for all the selected
1. When defining the Type element, choose Best Fit from the CONST LINE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select two or more points to define the line
orientation, and choose Done Sel when finished. You can select the following
types of Measured or Constructed entities to define the point references:

o Point

o Circle—The center of the circle will be used

o Cone—The cone vertex will be used

Example: Creating a Best Fit Line

To Create a Midline Line

Midline creates a Constructed Line midway between two previously created
Constructed Lines. The reference lines can be at any angle to each other.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Midline from the CONST LINE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select two reference lines.

Using Additional Modules

Example: Creating a Midline Line

To Create a Projection Line

Projection creates a Constructed Line by projecting a previously created
Constructed Line onto a Measured or Constructed plane.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Projection from the CONST LINE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. As a first reference, select a line to be projected.

3. To define the second reference, select a Measured or Constructed plane.

Example: Creating a Projection Line

To Create an Intersect Line

Intersect creates a Constructed Line by intersecting two planes.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Intersect from the CONST LINE menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select two reference planes.

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Example: Creating an Intersect Line

Construct Circle

Types of Constructed Circles

You can create the following types of Constructed Circles:
• Best Fit—Creates a Constructed Circle through several points.

• Projection—Creates a Constructed Circle by projecting a circle onto a plane.

• Intersect—Creates a Constructed Circle by intersecting a cylinder and a plane.

To Create a Best Fit Circle

Best Fit creates a Constructed Circle through several points. You have to select at
least three points (or entities that will represent points). If you select more than
three points, the system will construct the circle that provides the best fit for all the
selected points.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Best Fit from the CONST CIR menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select two or more points to define the circle, and
choose Done Sel when finished. You can select the following types of Measured
or Constructed entities to define the point references:

o Point

o Circle—The center of the circle will be used

o Cone—The cone vertex will be used

Example: Creating a Best Fit Circle

Using Additional Modules

To Create a Projection Circle

Projection creates a Constructed Circle by projecting a circle onto a plane. The
plane must be parallel to the plane that the circle lies in, so that the projection is
also a circle.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Projection from the CONST CIR menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. As a first reference, select a circle to be projected.

3. To define the second reference, select a plane.

Example: Creating a Projection Circle

To Create an Intersect Circle

Intersect creates a Constructed Circle by intersecting a cylinder and a plane. The
plane must be normal to the axis of the cylinder, so that the intersection is a circle.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Intersect from the CONST CIR menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select a cylinder and a plane (in any order).

Example: Creating an Intersect Circle

Construct Cylinder

To Create a Constructed Cylinder

Cylinder constructs a cylinder as a Best Fit through three or more parallel lines. You
can select the following types of Measured or Constructed entities to define the line

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• Line

• Cylinder—The axis of the cylinder will be used

• Cone—The cone axis will be used

Example: Creating a Constructed Cylinder

Construct Sphere

To Create a Constructed Sphere

Sphere constructs a sphere as a Best Fit through four or more points. You can select
the following types of Measured or Constructed entities to define the point
• Point

• Circle—The center of the circle will be used

• Cone—The cone vertex will be used

Example: Creating a Constructed Sphere

Construct Point

Types of Constructed Points

You can create the following types of Constructed Points:
• Midpoint—Creates a Constructed Point midway between two points.

Using Additional Modules

• Projection—Creates a Constructed Point by projecting a point onto a plane or a


• Intersect—Creates a Constructed Point at the intersection of two lines or of a

line with a plane.

To Create a Midpoint Point

Midpoint creates a Constructed Point midway between two points.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Midpoint from the CONST POINT menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select two reference points. The system creates a
new point at midpoint of a straight line connecting the two reference points. You
can select the following types of Measured or Constructed entities to define the
point references:

o Point

o Circle—The center of the circle will be used

Example: Creating a Midpoint Point

To Create a Projection Point

Projection creates a Constructed Point by projecting a point onto a plane or a line.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Projection from the CONST POINT

2. Define the Ref Feats element. As a first reference, select a point to be projected.
You can select the following types of Measured or Constructed entities to define
the point reference:

o Point

o Circle—The center of the circle will be used

3. To define the second reference, select a line or a plane. The system creates a
new point by projecting the reference point, in the direction normal to the
selected line or plane, onto this line or plane.

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Example: Creating a Projection Point

To Create an Intersect Point

Intersect creates a Constructed Point at the intersection of two lines or of a line
with a plane.
1. When defining the Type element, choose Intersect from the CONST POINT menu.

2. Define the Ref Feats element. Select two reference lines, or a line and a plane.

If you select two lines, and they are not coplanar, then the order of selection is
important: the system will create the Constructed point at the intersection of the
first line with an imaginary plane which passes through the second line and is
normal to the first line.

Example: Creating an Intersect Point

The following illustration shows creating an Intersect Constructed point at the
intersection of a line with a plane.

Using Additional Modules

The next illustration shows creating an Intersect Constructed point when the
reference lines are not coplanar.

Verify Steps
About Verify Steps
Pro/CMM provides verification of dimensions and geometric tolerances. Dimension
tolerance verification is the practice of checking whether a reference entity is
positioned or sized according to dimensional tolerances. Geometric tolerance (gtol)
verification is the practice of checking whether a reference entity possesses certain
geometric characteristics within allowed tolerances.
Each verification step is a feature that captures the intent of verifying one dimension
or geometric tolerance. You begin creating a Verify step by selecting the dimension
or geometric tolerance on the reference model, or in a drawing of the reference
model. The system then extracts the properties of the dimension or gtol in order to
determine what other elements need to be supplied to the feature.

To Create a Verify Step

1. Choose Verify from the NEW STEP menu.

2. The CMM VERIFY dialog box appears.

To Verify Dimension Tolerances

When you select a dimension to verify, the system extracts the following information
from the dimension:
• Nominal value

• Lower bound

• Upper bound

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If you select a linear or angular dimension, the DIM/CORTOL menu appears with the
following options:
• Two Feature—Verify dimension between two features.

• Along X—Verify feature position in the direction of the X axis of the Ref Csys.

• Along Y—Verify feature position in the direction of the Y axis of the Ref Csys.

• Along Z—Verify feature position in the direction of the Z axis of the Ref Csys.

The system will then prompt you to select measured or constructed features that this
dimension controls.

Example: Verifying a Dimension Tolerance

To verify a dimension tolerance as shown above:

1. Choose Verify from the NEW STEP menu.

2. When defining the Tolerance element, choose CurrentModel from the

TOLERANCE menu, and pick the big circular cut. The system displays dimensions
associated with the selected feature.

3. Pick the dimension you want to verify.

4. Choose Along Y from the DIM/CORTOL menu.

5. Define the Features element. Pick the Measured cylinder.

6. Press OK to create the Verify step.

To Verify Geometric Tolerances

When you select a geometric tolerance to verify, the system extracts the following
information from the gtol:
• Value

• Material Cond (for axis features only)—RFS, MMC, LMC

• Zone Type (for Axis features only)—two parallel planes or a cylinder

The system will then prompt you to select measured or constructed features to
define the Feature(s) and Datum(s) elements.

Using Additional Modules

Example: Verifying a Geometric Tolerance

To verify a geometric tolerance as shown above:

1. Choose Verify from the NEW STEP menu.

2. When defining the Tolerance element, choose CurrentModel from the

TOLERANCE menu, and pick the hole. The system displays dimensions associated
with the selected feature.

3. Pick the geometric tolerance you want to verify.

4. Define the Feature(s) element. Pick the Measured cylinder.

5. Define the Datum(s) element. Pick the Measured plane.

6. Press OK to create the Verify step.

The CMM VERIFY dialog box

About the CMM VERIFY dialog box

The following elements are common for all Verify steps:
• Name—Supply a meaningful name for the step, to be used in namelist menus
and system messages. This element is optional. If you do not supply a name, the
step will have a default name generated by the system (for example, "10:
VER01, Operation: OP010").

• Tolerance—Select a dimension or geometric tolerance to verify.

• Feature(s)—The measured or constructed entity, or entities, that the dimension

or gtol controls.

• Datum(s)—The measured or constructed entity, or entities, that the dimension

or gtol is based upon.

• Ref Csys—Change the coordinate system to be used as reference for this Verify

• Comment—Enter comment to be output before the DMIS block for the step. This
element is optional.

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To Specify Tolerance
When you start defining the Tolerance element, the TOLERANCE menu appears with
the following options:
• CurrentModel—Use the CMM model to select the dimension or gtol to verify.
Select the feature(s) on the reference part to display the dimensions, along with
geometric tolerances, then pick the dimension or gtol you want to verify.

• From Drawing—Use a drawing of the reference part to select the dimension or

gtol to verify. The system prompts you to enter the name of the drawing;
entering a question mark (?) opens the browser window to let you search for the
drawing, starting in the current directory. Once you specify the drawing name,
the system retrieves it in a subwindow. Pick the dimension or gtol in the drawing.

You can verify the following types of tolerances:

• Dimension

o Diameter

o Radius

o Linear

o Angular—Cone

o Angular—Other

• Orientation

o Parallelism

o Perpendicularity

o Angularity

• Location

o Position

o Symmetry

o Concentricity

• Form

o Flatness

o Straightness

o Circularity

o Cylindricity

• Profile

o Surface

Using Additional Modules

When you select a dimension or gtol, the system extracts from it certain tolerance
properties, depending on its type. It will then prompt you to select the features or
datums necessary to verify this dimension or gtol.

To Specify Features
The feature is the measured or constructed entity that the dimension or gtol
controls. For example, a cylinder is the feature that a diameter dimension controls.
Some dimensions require two Feature elements.

To Specify Datums
The datum is the measured or constructed entity that the dimension or gtol is based
upon. By default, the system will use the Ref Csys associated with the Verify step.
You can also manually select a different datum entity.

To Change the Reference Coordinate System

1. Select Ref Csys in the dialog box and press Define.

2. A namelist menu will appear containing the Machine Csys and all the previously
created reference coordinate systems, if any. Select the name of the coordinate
system to use as reference for this Verify step.

Reference Coordinate System

The Ref Csys element allows you to change the reference coordinate system, which
is used as a default datum for the Verify step. The Ref Csys setting is modal, that is,
the reference coordinate system from the previous step will be automatically used
unless you explicitly change it. If you create a new coordinate system using the Set
Ref Csys option in the NEW STEP menu, it will automatically become the default for
subsequent steps.
Note: You cannot create reference coordinate systems "on the fly." In order to
change to a new coordinate system, you have to create it using the Set Ref Csys
option prior to creating the Verify step.

Auxiliary Steps
About Auxiliary Steps
Auxiliary steps produce a point-to-point probe path. They can be used to specify the
connecting probe motions between two Measure steps and supply additional DMIS
commands, if needed.

To Create an Auxiliary Step

1. From the CMM menu, choose Sequence > Step > New Step > Auxiliary.

2. Choose Step Setup from the AUXILIARY STEP menu. The following options are

o Name—Customize the step name (optional). The default naming

convention for Auxiliary steps is: AUX01, AUX02, etc.

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o Comments—Enter comments for the Auxiliary step. These comments can

be listed in the info; they can also be output using DMIS TEXT. This
element is optional.

o Tool—Change the probe if needed. You do not have to specify a probe for
an Auxiliary step. If you clear the checkbox next to the Tool option, then
the Auxiliary step will have no probe associated with it.

o Parameters—Specify the CMM parameters. Parameters applicable to


o Ref Csys—Change the reference coordinate system (optional).

o Start—Define the start point for the Auxiliary step probe path by selecting
or creating a datum point. This element is optional.

o End—Define the end point for the Auxiliary step probe path by selecting or
creating a datum point. This element is optional.

Select the desired options and choose Done. The system will invoke the user
interface for all selected options in turn.

3. Choose Aux Commands to specify the auxiliary probe motions and DMIS

4. Choose Done Seq or Next Seq from the AUXILIARY STEP menu when satisfied.
The Next Seq option will create another Auxiliary step with the same probe and

To Create Auxiliary Commands

When you choose Aux Commands from the AUXILIARY STEP menu, the system
displays the Customize dialog box, which enables you to create, modify, and delete
the auxiliary probe motions and DMIS commands. At the same time, the system
displays the DMIS file for the Auxiliary step, as it currently looks, in the DMIS File
When you first enter the Customize dialog box, its upper portion contains only the
<end of probe path> line. Creating a new probe motion or DMIS command adds it
to the list in the upper portion of the Customize dialog box, above the <end of
probe path> line. When you select a probe motion or DMIS command from the
Customize dialog box, the system highlights the corresponding DMIS line(s) in the
DMIS File window.
The middle portion of the Customize dialog box contains the following buttons:
• Insert—Add a probe motion or DMIS command before the selected item in the
list box above. Select the type of entity to insert from the drop-down list to the
right of the Insert button, then click Insert.

• Copy—Copy a probe motion or DMIS command and place it on the Clipboard, to

insert it at a different control point.

• Paste—Insert the contents of the Clipboard at a specified control point.

Using Additional Modules

• Cut—Remove a probe motion or DMIS command and place it on the Clipboard, to

insert it at a different control point.

• Delete—Remove a probe motion or DMIS command.

• Modify—Modify dimensions associated with a probe motion.

• Redefine—Change a probe motion or DMIS command.

• Params—Modify parameters of a probe motion.

• Clipboard—Show the current contents of the Clipboard.

The bottom portion of the Customize dialog box contains the OK and Cancel action
You can insert the following types of Auxiliary Commands:
• GoTo Point—Select a Measured or Constructed point, or create a datum point,
for the probe to go to.

• Go Delta—Specify probe motions in terms of increments along the axes of the

reference coordinate system (with respect to the current position of the probe). A
Go Delta motion can not be created as a first motion in an Auxiliary step.

• DMIS Command—Supply additional DMIS commands, by typing them or by

reading in contents of a file.

To Create GoTo Point Motions

GoTo Point motions enable the probe to go to a Measured or Constructed point, or to
any datum point. You can restrict moves along some of the axes of the reference
coordinate system.
1. Choose GoTo Point from the drop-down list in the Customize dialog box, and
click Insert. The Goto Point dialog box opens.

2. Click Specify Point to create or select the control point. The CR/SEL POINT menu
appears with the options:

o Select—Select a Measured or Constructed point, or an existing datum


o Create—Create a new datum point using the regular functionality for

creating datum points. The datum point will belong to the CMM assembly.

3. The Specify Offset button allows you to specify a target point offset from the
control point created using the Specify Point button, described above.

4. The next portion of the dialog box allows you to restrict moves along some of the
axes of the NC Sequence coordinate system:

o If the Simultaneous option button is selected, then, depending on whether

the X axis, Y axis, or Z axis checkbox is selected or cleared, the probe is
allowed or disallowed to move along this axis. By default, all the axes are
allowed; the probe then moves directly from the current position to the

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target point. If some of the axes are disallowed, the final probe position is
computed based on the current point and the axes allowed.

o If the Z First option button is selected, the probe moves along the Z-axis
from the current position to the level of target point; it then moves using
the X- andY-axes to the target point.

o If the Z Last option button is selected, the probe moves in the XY plane,
from the current position to the location of the selected point, and then
moves along the Z-axis to arrive at selected point.

5. The Preview button allows you to preview the probe motion defined. Click OK if
satisfied, or Cancel to quit creating the probe motion.

To Create an Offset Control Point

1. Press the Specify Offset button in the Goto Point dialog box.

2. The Offset From Goto Point dialog box opens.

3. Enter offsets along the axes of the reference coordinate system.

4. Click OK to create the offset point, or Cancel to quit. The Reset button resets all
the offsets to 0.

To Create Go Delta Motions

Go Delta motions enable you to specify probe motions in terms of increments along
the axes of the reference coordinate system (with respect to the current position of
the probe). A Go Delta motion can not be created as a first motion in an Auxiliary
1. Choose Go Delta from the drop-down list in the Customize dialog box, and click
Insert. The Go Delta dialog box opens.

2. Enter offsets along the axes of the reference coordinate system. The Reset
button resets all the offset values to 0.

3. The Preview button allows you to preview the probe motion defined. Click OK if
satisfied, Cancel—to quit creating the probe motion.

Modifying the Increments of a Go Delta Motion

You can later modify all the increments for a Go Delta motion using the Modify
button in the Customize dialog box. The Go Delta increments can also be included
in relations. To find out the dimension symbols corresponding to the Go Delta
increments, use the Step Info option and select the GO DELTA motion from the
menu. The information displayed will include the increment values and dimension
symbols assigned to the increments.

To Insert DMIS Commands

You can insert a customized DMIS command anywhere along the probe path. You
can either select a location on the probe path, or insert a command at the current
probe position.

Using Additional Modules

1. Choose DMIS Command from the drop-down list in the Customize dialog box,
and click Insert. The DMIS Command dialog box opens.

2. Select a location for the DMIS command by using the following option buttons:

o Current—The DMIS command will be output at the current probe position.

o On Tool Path—Click Select and select a location on the probe path. You
can pick anywhere on the probe path as it is defined for the current
Auxiliary step.

3. Specify the command contents using one of the following methods:

o Place the cursor in the Command text box and type the command, line-by-

o Click File and read in a file containing the DMIS command lines. The
browser window will appear to let you select the file name. The expected
file extension is ".cmd".


o You can edit the contents of the Command text box at any point by placing
the cursor in it and using the keyboard.

o If you supply more than one command line, they will be treated as a
"block," that is, you will be able to move, copy, or delete only the whole
block of command lines.

4. The Preview button inserts the command line(s) in the DMIS file at the selected
location to let you preview the result. Click OK to insert the command at selected
location, or Cancel to quit inserting the command.

Once you insert a DMIS command, its first line appears in the list in the upper
portion of the Customize dialog box.

Modifying the User-Defined DMIS Commands

You can modify both the contents and the placement of a previously added user-
defined DMIS command by selecting it in the list and clicking Redefine. This will
bring up the DMIS Command dialog box. Use the same techniques for specifying
the new location or editing the contents, as when inserting a DMIS command.
You can also copy, cut, paste, and delete previously added DMIS commands by using
the appropriate command buttons in the Customize dialog box.

Probe Path
About Probe Path
Once you have created the Measure, Construct, and Verify steps, you can output the
corresponding DMIS data generated by the system to a file and post-process it for
use in a CMM. You can also display a DMIS file in the Information Window, as well as
display the probe and the probe path for Measure steps on the screen.

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To Display the Probe Path

1. Choose Probe path from the CMM menu.

2. Choose Play Path from the PROBE PATH menu.

3. Choose one of:

o Operation—Display the probe path for a whole operation. Select the

operation name from the namelist menu.

o CMM Step—Display the probe path for an individual step. Select the step
name from the namelist menu.

4. Choose Display from the PATH menu.

5. The DISP PROBE menu appears with the following options:

o Probe—Depending on whether the checkmark is on or off, display or do not

display the probe.

o Status Box—When you display the probe path, the current XYZ
coordinates of the probe appear in the Info Box. This option causes the
sensor coordinates in the Info Box to update with each GOTO or PTMEAS
statement, to reflect the intermediate sensor positions during the probe
path display.

o StopAtStart—Makes the probe stop at the beginning of the probe path, to

allow you check the sensor location coordinates in the Info Box. Choose
Continue or Next from the CL CONTROL menu when you are ready to
proceed displaying the probe path.

o Collision—The system will detect collision of the probe with the model.

The next two options represent two ways to control the frequency of consecutive
probe displays on the probe path. They are mutually exclusive; the one that you
pick last will be used.

o Time Increment—Puts the probe display in the real time mode. Enter a
value for the time increment (in seconds) between two consecutive probe

o Probe Step—Displays the probe at uniform distances along the probe path.
Enter a value for step size (in the units of the CMM assembly). If you enter
a large value for step size, the probe will be displayed at the GOTO or
PTMEAS locations only.

6. Select the options you want and choose Done. The system displays the probe
path and the CL CONTROL menu appears with the following options:

o Position—Pick a point along the probe path. The probe will be positioned at
this point.

o Next—The probe is displayed at the location corresponding to the next

GOTO or PTMEAS command.

Using Additional Modules

o Prev—The probe is displayed at the location corresponding to the previous

GOTO or PTMEAS command.

o CL Measure—Access the Pro/ENGINEER Measure functionality to compute

probe interference, clearance, and so on.

o Time Increment and Probe Step—The same as in the DISP PROBE menu.

o Continue—Proceed with the probe path display from the current position of
the probe.

o Done—Exit the CL CONTROL menu.

You can interrupt the probe path display at any time by clicking on the STOP sign
in the lower-right corner of the Pro/ENGINEER window.

Displaying the Probe Path

For all Measure steps, you can display the probe path and a simulation of the probe,
to verify the probe path and make a visual check for interference with fixtures and
model features. For Construct steps, the Constructed entity is highlighted. For Verify
steps, displaying the probe path will make the system display the verified dimensions
or geometric tolerances. You can display the probe path for individual steps or for a
whole operation.
The configuration option cl_arrow_scale allows you to control the size of the probe
path arrow. The default is 1. If you set it to 0, the arrows will not be displayed.
Specifying any other positive number will scale the arrow accordingly.

Example: Displaying the Probe Path

To Perform Collision Detection

When you select Collision in the DISP PROBE menu when displaying the probe path,
the system checks the probe path for collisions with the reference part, fixtures, or
any other components of the Pro/CMM assembly. If a collision is detected, the
system interrupts the probe path display, highlights the probe path segment that
contains the collision in blue, and displays the Collision Detection dialog box.
The Collision Detection dialog box contains the following options:

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

• Continue—Continue displaying the probe path and checking for collisions.

Anytime a new collision occurs, the system will display the Collision Detection
dialog box.

• Stop Play Path—Stop displaying the probe path and investigate the current
collision. The system displays the CL CONTROL menu, which enables you to go to
the next or previous GOTO or PTMEAS point, measure distances between the
probe and the part, and so on.

• Skip All—Continue displaying the probe path, suppressing all the collision
warnings (the probe path segments containing a collision will be highlighted in
blue, but the Collision Detection dialog box will not appear).

• Skip to Next Step—Continue displaying the probe path, suppressing all the
collision warnings in the current step (the probe path segments containing a
collision will be highlighted in blue, but the Collision Detection dialog box will
not appear). Resume the collision warnings in the next step. (Available when
displaying probe path for a whole operation.)

To Display a DMIS File

Choosing the Show File command from the PROBE PATH menu enables you to view
the contents of a DMIS file in the Information Window. The Information Window
displays the DMIS data for the selected step or operation; you can use the scroll bar
in the window to view each line of data, or you can use the CL EXEC menu to locate a
specific line.
The CL EXEC menu contains the following commands:
• Step—Scroll through the DMIS file line-by-line.

• Jump—Scroll quickly to the specified line of the DMIS file.

• Position—Indicate the position in the CL file by entering a line number or picking

a location on the probe path.

• Next—Advance to the next line of the CL file.

• Prev—Return to the preceding line of the CL file.

• FF—Advance to the next line in the CL file which contains the specified string.

• Rew—Return to the nearest preceding line which contains the specified string.

• Measure—Bring up the MEASURE menu to measure distances, calculate

clearance or interference, etc.

• Done/Return—Exit the CL EXEC menu.

Using Additional Modules

Supported DMIS Commands

A subset of DMIS commands is automatically output by Pro/CMM to a probe path file.
These commands are shown below with their associated parameters and definitions.
Any line or portion of a line preceded by "$$" is a comment or command for the use
of Pro/CMM.
ACLRAT / MESACL, units, feed
Sets the measure acceleration feedrate, where:
• units—The ACCEL_UNITS value.

• feed—The MEASURE_ACCEL value.

ACLRAT / POSACL, units, feed

Sets the safe acceleration feedrate, where:
• units—The ACCEL_UNITS value.

• feed—The SAFE_ACCEL value.

BOUND / F(ent_name), F(BND_#)[, F(BND_#)]

Bounds a Measured or Constructed entity, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed entity name, for example, M_PL01 or

• BND_#—The name of the internal bounding plane, for example, BND_12. The
number of bounding planes depends on the type of the Measured or Constructed
entity being bounded.

CONST / CIRCLE, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]

Constructs a circle, where:
• con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_LN01.

• type—The Constructed Circle type. Can be one of:

o BF—Best Fit

o PROJCT—Projection

o INTOF—Intersect

• ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example,

M_PT01 or C_PL01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.

CONST / CYLNDR, F(con_name), BF, FA(ref), FA(ref), FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]

Constructs a cylinder, where:
• con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_CY01.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

• ref—The name of a reference entity, for example, C_LN01. There can be three or
more reference entities.

CONST / LINE, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]

Constructs a line, where:
• con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_LN01.

• type—The Constructed Line type. Can be one of:

o BF—Best Fit

o MIDLI—Midline

o PROJLI—Projection

o INTOF—Intersect

• ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example,

M_PT01 or C_LN01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.

CONST / PLANE, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]

Constructs a plane, where:
• con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_PL01.

• type—The Constructed Plane type. Can be one of:

o BF—Best Fit

o MIDPL—Midplane

o NORM—Normal

o PARLEL—Parallel

• ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example,

M_PT01 or C_PL01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.

CONST / POINT, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]

Constructs a point, where:
• con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_PT01.

• type—The Constructed Point type. Can be one of:

o MIDPT—Midpoint

o PROJPT—Projection

o INTOF—Intersect

• ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example,

M_PL01 or C_LN01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.

CONST / SPHERE, F(con_name), BF, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]

Constructs a sphere, where:

Using Additional Modules

• con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_SP01.

• ref—The name of a reference entity, for example, C_PT01. There can be four or
more reference entities.

D(csys)= DATSET / DAT(dat_name), dir

Creates a new Ref Csys using Primary Axis transformation, where:
• csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.

• dat_name—The datum label corresponding to the selected reference entity,

derived from the preceding DATDEF statement.

• dir—The primary axis and direction vector. Can be one of: XDIR, -XDIR, YDIR, -

D(csys)= DATSET / DAT(dat_name)[, XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR, XORIG, YORIG,

Creates a new Ref Csys using Custom transformation, where:
• csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.

• dat_name—The datum label corresponding to the selected reference entity,

derived from the preceding DATDEF statement.

The system will output only those direction and origin components that you checked
off when specifying the degrees of freedom.
D(csys)= TRANS / XORIG, x_value, YORIG, y_value, ZORIG, z_value
Creates a new Ref Csys using Translate by value, where:
• csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.

• x_value, y_value, z_value—The offset values along the axes.

The system will output only those axes that are actually used for transformation.
D(csys)= TRANS / XORIG, FA(ref), YORIG, FA(ref), ZORIG, FA(ref)
Creates a new Ref Csys using Translate by aligning to reference, where:
• csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.

• ref—The names of the Measured or Constructed reference entities used for

alignment, for example, M_PL01 or C_LN01.

The system will output only those axes that are actually used for transformation.
D(csys)= ROTATE / axis, value
Creates a new Ref Csys using Rotate by value, where:
• csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.

• axis—The axis of rotation. Can be one of: XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS.

• value—The angle of rotation.

D(csys)= ROTATE / axis, FA(ref), dir

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

Creates a new Ref Csys using Rotate by aligning to axis, where:

• csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.

• axis—The axis of rotation. Can be one of: XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS.

• ref—The name of the Measured or Constructed reference entity used for

alignment, for example, M_PL01 or C_LN01.

• dir—The axis being aligned to reference. Can be one of: XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR.

DATDEF / FA(ref), DAT(dat_name)

Assigns a datum label to a Measured or Constructed entity prior to issuing a DATSET
statement, where:
• ref—The name of the Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example,
M_PL01 or C_LN01.

• dat_name—The datum label generated by the system (A, B, and so on).

DMESW / COMAND, ’command[, args]’

Outputs a non-DMIS command to create a new Ref Csys using Custom
transformation, where:
• command—The name of the command (Func Name).

• args—Arguments separated by commas, if specified (Func Args).

DMISMN / 'DMIS Program'

Output at the beginning of a DMIS file.
Output at the end of a DMIS file.
Output at the end of a sequence of PTMEAS commands.
F(BND_#)= FEAT / PLANE, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k
Creates an internal bounding plane, where:
• BND_#—The name of the bounding plane, for example, BND_12.

• x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the plane.

• i, j, k—The direction vector of the plane.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / CIRCLE, side, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, diam

Defines a circle, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed circle name, for example, M_CR01.

• side—INNER or OUTER.

• x, y, z—Coordinates of the center of the circle.

• i, j, k—The direction vector of the plane that the circle lies in.

Using Additional Modules

• diam—The diameter of the circle.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / CONE, side, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, ang

Defines a cone, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed cone name, for example, M_CN01.

• side—INNER or OUTER.

• x, y, z—Coordinates of the vertex of the cone.

• i, j, k—The direction vector associated with the cone, which points along the
cone’s axis from the vertex to the base of the cone.

• ang—The angle of the cone.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / CYLNDR, side, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, diam

Defines a cylinder, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed cylinder name, for example, M_CY01.

• side—INNER or OUTER.

• x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the cylinder’s axis; this point is the

centerpoint for bounded cylinders.

• i, j, k—The direction vector associated with the cylinder, which points along
the cylinder’s axis from the first end measured to the other end.

• diam—The diameter of the cylinder.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / GSURF

Defines a surface, where:
• ent_name—The Measured surface name, for example, M_SF01.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / LINE, BND, CART, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ni, nj, nk
Defines a bounded line, where:
• ent_name—The Measured line name, for example, M_LN01.

• BND—Specifies that the line is bounded.

• x1, y1, z1 and x2, y2, z2—Coordinates of the two endpoints of the best fit

• ni, nj, nk—The normal vector of the plane where the line lies.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / LINE, UNBND, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, ni, nj, nk

Defines an unbounded line, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed line name, for example, M_LN01 or

• UNBND—Specifies that the line is unbounded.

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• x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the line (for a Measured line, coordinates of

the start point of the line).

• i, j, k—The direction vector which points along the line (for a Measured line,
the direction is defined by the flip arrow).

• ni, nj, nk—The normal vector of the plane in which the line lies, that can be
used for probe compensation.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / PLANE, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k

Defines a plane, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed plane name, for example, M_PL01.

• x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the plane.

• i, j, k—The direction vector of the plane which points away from the part.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / POINT, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k

Defines a point, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed point name, for example, M_PT01.

• x, y, z—Coordinates of the point.

• i, j, k—A vector, normal to and pointing away from the surface in which the
point lies, that can be used for probe compensation.

F(ent_name)= FEAT / SPHERE, side, CART, x, y, z, diam

Defines a sphere, where:
• ent_name—The Measured or Constructed sphere name, for example, M_SP01.

• side—INNER or OUTER.

• x, y, z—Coordinates of the center of the sphere.

• diam—The diameter of the sphere.

FEDRAT / MESVEL, units, feed

Sets the measure feedrate, where:
• units—The FEED_UNITS value.

• feed—The MEASURE_FEED value.

FEDRAT / POSVEL, units, feed

Sets the safe feedrate, where:
• units—The FEED_UNITS value.

• feed—The SAFE_FEED value.

FROM / x, y, z
The Start point for a Measure step, where:

Using Additional Modules

• x, y, z—Coordinates of the probe tip center or of the contact point (depending

on the value of the workcell parameter PTMEAS_OUTPUT_POINT).

GOTO / x, y, z
Go to point, where:
• x, y, z—Coordinates of the probe tip center or of the contact point (depending
on the value of the workcell parameter PTMEAS_OUTPUT_POINT).

MEAS / type, F(meas_name), n

Performs a Measure step, where:
• type—The type of Measure step. Can be one of: CIRCLE, CONE, CYLNDR, GSURF,

• meas_name—The Measure step name, for example, M_PL01.

• n—The number of Measured points.


Measure points and probe path will be controlled by the built-in algorithm of the
Measure points and probe path will be controlled by Pro/CMM.
Measure points and probe path will be controlled by the CMM operator.
OUTPUT / FA(ref_name)[, FA(dat_name)], TA(ver_name)
Output for Verify steps, where:
• ref_name—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference feature, for
example, M_CY01.

• dat_name—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference datum, for

example, M_PL01. Output if required by the tolerance type.

• ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.

Part name.
Sets probe compensation OFF.
Sets probe compensation ON.
PTMEAS / CART, x, y, z, i, j, k
Performs an automatic point measurement, where:
• x, y, z—Coordinates of the point.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

• i, j, k—A direction vector, normal to and pointing away from the surface of the
feature being measured, that can be used for probe compensation.

RAPID / pcent
The next motion statement will be a rapid traverse feed, where:
• pcent—The workcell parameter RAPID_FEED_RATE (specified as a percent of
maximum value).

RECALL / D(csys)
Makes a Ref Csys current (csys is the Ref Csys name).
S(r)= SNSDEF / PROBE, FIXED, CART, dx, dy, dz, ti, tj, tk, diam
Defines a fixed probe, where:
• r = REGISTER in the Probe Table.

• dx, dy, dz—The distance along X, Y, and Z between the probe tip center (the
TIP# coordinate system) and the probe origin (the TOOL coordinate system)

• ti, tj, tk—The unit vector of the sensor mount socket’s axis.

• diam—The tip diameter.

S(r)= SNSDEF / PROBE, INDEX, POL, pitch, roll, ti, tj, tk, len, diam
Defines a rotating probe, where:
• r = REGISTER in the Probe Table.

• POL—Specifies that the probe tip’s location is defined in polar coordinates.

• pitch—The pitch angle.

• roll—The roll angle.

• ti, tj, tk—The unit vector of the sensor mount socket’s axis.

• len—The total length between the sensor mount and the probe tip center.

• diam—The tip diameter.

SAVE / D(csys)
Saves a Ref Csys in CMM’s memory (csys is the Ref Csys name).
SAVE / S(r)
Saves sensor calibration data in CMM’s memory (r is the probe name, which
corresponds to the REGISTER value in the Probe Table).
Sets the measure approach distance (value = MEAS_APPR_DIST).
Sets the border clearance (value = BORDER_CLEARANCE).

Using Additional Modules

Sets the measure pullout distance (value = MEAS_PULLOUT_DIST).

Load probe (r = REGISTER in the Probe Table).
T(ver_name)= TOL / ANGLB, angle, lower_tol, upper_tol
Output for verifying an angular dimension tolerance, where:
• ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.

• angle—The nominal value of the angular dimension.

• lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.

• upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.

T(ver_name)= TOL / CORTOL, axis, lower_tol, upper_tol

Output for verifying dimension tolerance in the direction of a Ref Csys axis, where:
• ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.

• axis—The Ref Csys axis. Can be one of: XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS.

• lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.

• upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.

T(ver_name)= TOL / DIAM, lower_tol, upper_tol

Output for verifying a diameter dimension tolerance, where:
• ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.

• lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.

• upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.

T(ver_name)= TOL / DISTB, NOMINL, nom_value, lower_tol, upper_tol,

Output for verifying dimension tolerance between two features, where:
• ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.

• nom_value—The nominal value of the dimension.

• lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.

• upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.

T(ver_name)= TOL / RAD, lower_tol, upper_tol

Output for verifying a radius dimension tolerance, where:
• ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.

• lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.

• upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.

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T(ver_name)= TOL / type[, ang_dim], value[, FA(ref_name)]

Output for verifying geometric tolerance, where:
• ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.

• type—The geometric tolerance type. Can be one of:

o PARLEL—Parallelism

o PERP—Perpendicularity

o ANGLR—Angularity

o POS, 2D—Position for circles

o POS, 3D—Position for cylinders and surfaces

o SYM—Symmetry

o CONCEN—Concentricity

o FLAT—Flatness

o STRGHT—Straightness

o CIRLTY—Circularity

o CILCTY—Cylindricity

o PROFS—Surface Profile

• ang_dim—The nominal value of angular dimension. Output for Angularity

verification only.

• value—The geometric tolerance value.

• ref_name—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference feature, for

example, M_PL01. Output if required by type.


Model units.

To Write a DMIS File to Disk

1. Choose Probe path from the CMM menu.

2. Choose Play Path from the PROBE PATH menu.

3. Choose one of:

o Operation—Output the probe path for a whole operation. Select the

operation name from the namelist menu.

o CMM Step—Output the probe path for an individual step. Select the step
name from the namelist menu.

4. Choose File from the PATH menu.

Using Additional Modules

5. Enter the file name. The file will be named filename.ncl.#, where filename is
the name you entered and # is the version number.

Writing DMIS Files to Disk

A DMIS file extension can be set to something different than ".ncl". Use the
configuration file option:
ncl_file_extension file extension (without ‘.’)

Note: File extension length is limited to 3 characters. If you specify a longer file
extension, it will be truncated and a warning will be issued.

DMIS File Library

Your DMIS files can be automatically stored in a DMIS file library. This serves as a
central collection point for the DMIS files produced. They can then be retrieved from
there for post-processing. The configuration file option to use is:
pro_mf_cl_dir pathname

Always specify the complete pathname to the DMIS file library to avoid problems
when using Pro/ENGINEER in different directories.

Including Macros in DMIS Files

You can include user-defined macros, like setting the post-processor registers, at the
very beginning and the very end of a DMIS file, using two Operation parameters:
PRE_MACHINING_FILE—Enter name of the file you want to be included at the
very beginning of the operation DMIS file.

POST_MACHINING_FILE—Enter name of the file you want to be included at the

very end of the operation DMIS file.

Enter filenames without the extension. The files should have the extension ".ncl", or
the default DMIS file extension if specified in the configuration file.
The contents of these files will be included in the DMIS file of the current operation:
• The first file—immediately after "$$ —> BLOCK_START"

• The second file—immediately before "$$ —> BLOCK_END"

If you output probe path for a CMM step, these files will not be included.

To Output Operator Instructions

1. From the CMM menu, choose CMM Setup > DMIS TEXT.

2. The DMIS TEXT menu appears with the following options:

o Create—Create a new DMIS TEXT table.

o Modify—Modify the current DMIS TEXT table.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

o Retrieve—Retrieve an existing DMIS TEXT table from the current working


o Save—Save the current DMIS TEXT table for later use. You will be
prompted for the name of the file. The file will have an extension ".ppr" and
will be stored in the current working directory.

o Show—Show the current DMIS TEXT settings.

3. If the table has not been set up, the Modify option will be grayed out. Choose
Create. If you have previously set up a DMIS TEXT table, you can either change
your former settings using the Modify option, or start with a clean table using

4. The system displays the DMIS TEXT dialog box. It contains all the items that can
be output through DMIS TEXT. Whether an item will be output or not is
determined by the flag value. The default flag value for all items is NO.

5. Highlight the items where you want to change the flag value by clicking on them
once, then click on the appropriate action button (OPER, OUTFIL, MAN, or NO).
To unselect an item, click on it once more. You can also use the Select All and
Unselect All icons.

6. To set a different flag value for another item or items, choose Unselect All (to
clear the previously selected items), then repeat Step 5.

7. To supply comments for an item, highlight it and type the comment in the
Comments text box. When you highlight an item with an existing comment, the
comment is displayed in the Comments text box. While editing a comment, you
can revert to the previous value by clicking the drop-down arrow next to the
Comments text box.

8. Click OK to finish setting the DMIS TEXT table.

Outputting Operator Instructions

To output operator instructions for a Pro/CMM model, you have to set up a DMIS
TEXT table for this model. This table contains all the items that can be output
through DMIS TEXT. Whether an item will be output or not is determined by the flag
value. The default flag value for all items is "NO." Change it to one of the following
values if you want the item to be output:
• OPER—Outputs the TEXT/OPER command with the selected item into the DMIS

• OUTFIL—Outputs the TEXT/OUTFIL command with the selected item into the
DMIS file.

• MAN—Outputs the TEXT/MAN command with the selected item into the DMIS file.

The following items are output once per DMIS file:



Using Additional Modules

The following items are output once per operation:






The following items are output once per CMM step:
















To Rotate or Translate the Probe Path

1. Choose Probe path, Play Path, and select the Measure step.

2. Choose Rotate or Translate from the PATH menu.

3. Choose the Ref Csys axis to rotate or translate about from the CL TRANSF menu.

4. Enter a value for rotation or translation.

5. Choose Display or File from the PATH menu.

Probe path rotations and translations are cumulative. You can repeat steps 2-4 as
many times as necessary to change the output location. To change rotation or
translation value back to 0, choose Quit from the CL TRANSF menu.

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To Mirror the Probe Path

1. Choose Probe path, Play Path, and select the Measure step.

2. Choose Mirror from the PATH menu.

3. Select a plane, or create a datum, to mirror the probe path about.

4. The probe path is mirrored. Choose Display or File from the PATH menu.

To Scale the Probe Path

1. Choose Probe path, Play Path, and select the Measure step.

2. Choose Scale from the PATH menu.

3. Enter the scaling factor.

4. The probe path is scaled. Choose File or Display from the PATH menu.

To Output the Probe Path in Different Units

When a step is created, the DMIS data is generated in the units of the CMM
assembly. Later, however, the DMIS data can be output in any units.
1. Choose Probe path, Play Path, and select the operation or step.

2. Choose Units from the PATH menu.

3. Select the units from the LENGTH menu.

4. Choose File from the PATH menu.

Note: You can use only standard units. The Other unit option is inapplicable for
probe path output.

Process Information
About Process Information
These topics describe various ways of outputting information about your CMM
process and producing in-process documentation.

To Output CMM Process Information

1. Choose Info > Manufacturing from the Pro/ENGINEER menu bar.

2. The system displays the Manufacturing Info dialog box.

3. Select the type of report you want using the option buttons in the top portion of
the dialog box:

o Manufacturing Model—Output information about the whole CMM process.

You can configure types of information to output using the Filter button. All
operations and all CMM steps will be output according to their current Filter
configurations. CMM steps will be sorted by operations.

Using Additional Modules

o Operation—Output information about selected operation(s). Select the

operation names from the list box. You can configure types of information
to output using the Filter button. All CMM steps included in the selected
operations will be output according to the current Filter configuration for the
CMM step.

o CMM Step—Output information about selected CMM step(s). You can

configure types of information to output using the Filter button.

4. Use the Screen and File checkboxes to specify if you want to output information
on the screen, to a file, or both.

5. Click Apply to output information.

6. Click Close to close the Manufacturing Info dialog box.

To Set Up Filter Configuration

1. Click Filter in the Manufacturing Info dialog box.

2. The system displays the Manufacturing Information: Filters dialog box.

3. Select one of the option buttons in the top portion of the dialog box:

o Manufacturing Model—Set Filter configuration to output information

about the whole CMM process.

o Operation—Set Filter configuration to output information about operations.

o Step—Set Filter configuration to output information about CMM steps.

4. The system displays the applicable filters in the middle portion of the dialog box.
If a filter has a checkmark next to it, this type of information will be output.
Select and clear the checkboxes as appropriate to set up the desired Filter
configuration (you can use the Select All and Unselect All buttons to speed up
the process).

5. Click Apply to set the Filter configuration.

6. Click Close to return to the Manufacturing Info dialog box.

To Create a Customized Report on a CMM Process

1. Create a New Report and enter the name of the CMM assembly as a default
model name.

2. Proceed creating views and detailing the report as desired.

3. Choose Table from the REPORT menu. Create a table.

4. Define the repeat regions using the Repeat Region option in the TABLE menu.

5. Choose Enter Text option in the TABLE menu. Enter the table headings using the
Keyboard option. Use the Report Sym option to enter the report symbols in the
repeat region cells.

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

6. To fill in the table, choose Repeat Region from the TABLE menu, then Update

Using Pro/REPORT in Pro/CMM

You can generate customized reports on your Pro/CMM processes using the
Pro/REPORT functionality. Pro/REPORT allows you to access Measure parameters for
documentation and customize the report format to suit your specific needs. For more
information on using Pro/REPORT and the complete list of parameters available, see
the Reports topic in the Drawings domain. Parameters specific to Pro/CMM are listed
in the table below.

Parameter Name Definition

& Lists the operation names.
&mfg.oper.User Defined Lists the specified
operation parameters.
& Lists the workcell names.
&mfg.oper.workcell.User Defined Lists the specified workcell
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.head_number Displays the workcell head
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.tool_id Lists the tools in the tool
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.tool_pocket. Lists the tool comments
tool_comment for the tool table.
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.tool_pocket. Lists the tool position
tool_position numbers in the tool table.
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.tool_pocket. Lists the tool registers in
tool_register the tool table.
&mfg.oper.workcell.head.tooltbl.User Lists the specified tool
Defined parameters.
&mfg.oper.workcell.turret.holder_size Lists the holder sizes for
the turrets.
&mfg.oper.workcell.turret.index Lists the turret indices.
&mfg.oper.workcell.turret.indexable Lists the turret
&mfg.oper.workcell.turret.offset_reg Lists the offset registers
for the turrets.
&mfg.oper.workcell.turret.orient Lists the turret orientation.
&mfg.oper.workcell.turret.standard Lists the turret standard.
&mfg.oper.workcell.turret.tool_name Lists the tool names for

Using Additional Modules

the turret.
& Lists the step names.
&mfg.oper.ncseq.User Defined Lists the specified step

You can access any parameter for an operation or step by selecting User Defined at
the appropriate level and entering the parameter name. The examples illustrate
ways of using Pro/REPORT in Pro/CMM.

Examples: Creating a Customized Report on a CMM Process

Example 1: Probe Listing

To produce the probe listing for a CMM model, define your repeat regions as shown
in the illustration below (enter report symbols into cells as shown).

The resulting table may look like the one shown below.




FIX_PRB2 Tip1 5

FIX_PRB2 Tip2 7

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

ROT_PRB1 0_30 9

ROT_PRB1 30_60 11

Example 2: Accessing CMM Step Parameters

To produce a listing of all CMM steps along with selected parameters, define your
repeat regions as shown in the illustration below (enter report symbols into cells as

Note: To enter PROBE and NUMBER SLICES symbols in the example above, choose
Report Sym from the ENTER CELL menu, then choose mfg, oper, ncseq,
User Defined, and type tool_id or number_slices, respectively.

Using Additional Modules

The resulting table may look like the one shown below.





4: CON_CIR01



7: VER01

8: VER02


CMM Params command ................. 15 default probes ..............................30

CMM Setup command...................... 7 DMIS (Dimensional Measuring

Interface Standard)
CMM Step command ..................... 76
viewing DMIS file .......................78
CMM steps
DMIS (Dimensional Measuring
Auxiliary ................................... 71
Interface Standard) .............. 78, 79
Construct.................................. 55 E
Measure ................................... 31
examples in Pro/CMM
Verify ....................................... 67
creating a new Ref Csys using
CMM steps ................... 31, 55, 67, 71 Custom Transformation ............24

Collision command........................ 76 creating a new Ref Csys using

Primary Axis ...........................24
collision detection ......................... 77
fixed probe ................................26
Construct command ...................... 56
rotating probe............................26
Construct steps
using Pro/REPORT ......................95
Circle ....................................... 62
examples in Pro/CMM ....................24
creating.................................... 56
Cylinder.................................... 63
Fixed Probe command....................27
elements of............................... 56
Line ......................................... 60
creating fixture setups ................18
naming conventions ................... 56
modifying fixture setups ..............18
Plane........................................ 57
fixtures .................................. 17, 18
Point ........................................ 64
Sphere ..................................... 64
Construct steps .......................55, 56
DMIS files .................................89
coordinate systems in Pro/CMM
fixtures .....................................17
creating.................................... 22
measure parameters...................38
machine ................................... 22
libraries .......................................89
select ....................................... 34
coordinate systems in Pro/CMM ...... 22
Measure steps

Pro/CMM - Help Topic Collection

attributes.................................. 33 using in relations........................40

Circle ....................................... 50 using previous parameters...........34

clearance plane ......................... 45 visibility ....................................20

Cone ........................................ 53 workcell ....................................15

creating.................................... 32 parameters in Pro/CMM..................36

Cylinder.................................... 48 Pro/CMM

elements of............................... 32 Auxiliary steps ...........................71

geometric references.................. 40 Construct steps ..........................55

Line ......................................... 54 coordinate systems.....................22

measure points.......................... 41 fixtures .....................................18

name ....................................... 34 Measure steps............................31

parameters ............................... 34 operations .................................12

Plane........................................ 47 probe table................................29

Point ........................................ 52 probes ......................................25

probe path ................................ 42 sites .........................................19

selecting quilt surfaces ............... 40 Verify steps ...............................67

specifying probe ........................ 33 workcells...................................14

Sphere ..................................... 51 Pro/CMM .........................1, 7, 67, 71

Surface .................................... 51 Probe Library command .................27

Measure steps .........................31, 32 probe path

O displaying..................................77

operations interrupting display.....................76

creating.................................... 12 library of files ............................89

specifying comments .................. 14 supported DMIS commands .........79

operations ..............................12, 14 using parameters .......................40

P viewing DMIS file .......................78

parameters in Pro/CMM probe path ........................76, 77, 78

common ................................... 36 probe table...................................29

library of .................................. 38 probes

modifying ................................. 34 adding a probe...........................27

tool .......................................... 25 creating a probe model ...............25


default probes ........................... 30 sites

deleting .................................... 28 setting up..................................19

modifying ................................. 28 sites ............................................19

parameters ............................... 25 Status Box ...................................76

probe model.............................. 25 V

probes ...................................25, 27 Verify steps

R coordinate system ......................71

reference model datums .....................................71

assembling ................................. 4 dimension tolerance....................67

replacing .................................... 5 elements of ...............................69

reference model ............................. 4 features ....................................71

relations geometric tolerance ....................68

using measure parameters .......... 40 tolerance...................................70

relations ...................................... 39 Verify steps ..................................67

replacing a reference model ............. 5 W

Rotating Probe command............... 27 workcell

S creating ....................................15

Set Ref Csys command.................. 22 modifying ..................................16

setting up parameters................................15

fixtures..................................... 18 retrieving ..................................17

probe tables .............................. 29 saving.......................................17

sites......................................... 19 workcell ............................14, 15, 17

setting up .................................... 18


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