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Fill in the blank with the either the comparative form or superlative form of each adverb, as


EX: Tom sang more loudly (more loudly/the most loudly) than the other kids.

1. I visit my parents (more often/the most often) than my brothers do.

2. He thinks he always knows . (better/best)

3. Out of all my siblings, I visit my parents (more often/the most often).

4. David did (worse/the worst) than he thought he would do on his test.

5. I did (worse/the worst) out of all the students on my test.

6. Out of all the students, Frank studied (less/the least), but got the best grade.

7. We argued (longer/the longest) than I thought we would.

8. My sisters laughed (louder/the loudest) out of the whole audience.

9. The two guys who enjoyed the game (more/most) were Tom and Robert.

10. George drives (more recklessly/the most recklessly) than his brother.
Complete with the comparative or superlative.

1. ( +++ high) the Everest / mountain / world

> The Everest is in the world.

2. (+ old) Paul Newman / Brad Pitt

> Paul Newman is Brad Pitt.

3. (+++ good) Martina Hingis / tennis player / world

> Martina Hingis is one of in the world.

4. (+ fast) a Formula 1 / an Austin mini

> A Formula 1 is much an Austin mini.

5. (+ dangerous) tigers / cats

> Tigers are cats.

6. (+++ expensive) Van Gogh's portrait of Dr Gachet / painting / ever sold

> Van Gogh's portrait of Dr Gachet is ever sold.

7. (- comfortable) the hotel Ibis / the Ritz

> The hotel Ibis is the Ritz.

8. (+ bad) hurricanes / thunderstorms

> Hurricanes are thunderstorms.

9. (- - - populated) the Creuse / French department

> The Creuse is French department.

10. (- difficult) ridin a bike / riding a horse

> Riding a bike is riding a horse.

11. (+++ bad) Technology / nuclear accident / ever / happen

> Technology is that has ever happened.

12. (- useful) haidressers / doctors

> Haidressers are doctors.

13. (+ easy) driving a car / piloting a plane

> Driving a car is piloting a plane.

14. (+++ famous) Mona Lisa / painting / world

> Mona Lisa is in the world.

15. (+ small) London / Tokyo

> London is Tokyo.

16. (- - - expensive) diesel oil / fuel for cars

> Diesel oil is fuel for cars.

17. (+ good) mineral water / tap water

> Mineral water is tap water.

a  Her daughter’s (lively) __________ her son.

b  She studies (hard) __________ her mate.

c  They have lived (happily) __________ ever since they got


d  She has a (tender look) __________ his ex.

e  Today they’re playing the music (loud) __________ usual.

f  The north of the Iberian peninsula is (wet) __________ the south.

g  He’s (angry now) __________ this morning.

h  He looks (brave) __________ his friend; but, in fact, he isn’t.

i  Today is (windy) __________ yesterday.

j  He’s (conservative) __________ his colleagues.

k  This job seems (stressful) __________ the one you had last


l  My daddy’s (tough) __________ yours.

m  He feels (depressed now) __________ when I came home two hours


n  They appear to be (selfish) __________ they really are.

o  This city has a (humid weather) __________ the one I live in.

p  You seem (energetic now) __________ when I met you for the   first time.

q  She’s (charming) __________ her aunt.

r  The word ‘get’ is (informal) __________ ‘obtain’.

s  This hair makes you look (lovely) __________.

t  I think your arguments are (convincing) __________ his. His    don’t hold water.

u  You’re very inconsiderate towards your pupils. You should be    (considerate) __________,
and think of them.

v  You’re a very narrow-minded person. Try to be (broad-minded)   __________.

w  This piece of land is too small. We need a (large one)   __________.

x  We need __________ (depilatory cream), as there isn’t enough in   this tube.

y  She gave him __________ he expected.

z  This job demands (effort) __________.

a  They are (poor people) __________ I know.

b  This is (easy exam) __________ I have ever done.

c  He’s (safe driver) __________ the four.

d  You’re (unpredictable person) __________ the whole world.

e  This is (fast car) __________ the market.

a  He’s a wealthy person. In fact, he’s one of (rich people)    __________ this city.

b  This is (spectacular view) __________ I have ever seen.

c  This expression is (commonly heard in informal speech)    __________ that one.

d  She told me that the only thing I loved was her money, but    nothing could have been (far)
__________ from my mind.

e  He’s two years (old) __________ I am.

f  She has a lot of influence in this country. Actually, she’s    probably (influential person)
__________ the country.

g  He’s got three sons. His (old son) __________ lives overseas.

h  I am (powerful person) __________ this company, since I am the    boss.

i  She’s very efficient. In fact, she’s (efficient person)    __________ I know.

j  A Macdonalds is (cheap) __________ a formal restaurant.

k  Catalonia’s (sunny) __________ the British Isles.

l  This sofa is (comfortable) __________ the whole shop; but,    of course, it’s (dear)
__________, too.

m  A village is (quiet) __________ a big city.

n  This is (boring film) __________ I’ve ever seen. I’ve never    seen such a boring film!

o  They drank (sherry) __________ I did, which is why they had

   to go home to sleep it off.

p  The river is (shallow) __________ now because it hasn’t    rained much lately.
q  She’s (little talkative) __________ the group. She talks very    little.

r  That was (bad mistake) __________ I’d ever made.

s  Can you speak a bit (loud and slowly) __________, please? I    can’t hear or understand you.

t  If you talked (quietly) __________, the people sitting at the    table opposite wouldn’t
overhear our conversation.

u  A dog is (noble and faithful) __________ a cat.

v  China is (populous country) __________ the world.

w  He runs (fast) __________ any other boy in the class. As a    matter of fact, he’s (good
runner) __________ the whole school.

x  This is (filthy house) __________ I have seen for years and    years.

y  Should you need (far details) __________, please do not    hesitate to contact us.

z  You should behave (good) __________ at school.


Use these comparative words to show similarity.

The apples are the same. (pronoun)

These apples are alike. (Adj)

The apples are similar. (Adj)

The apples ripen similarly. (Adv)

This apple is like that apple. (prep phrase)


Use these comparative words to show difference.

The apple and the orange are different. (Adj)

The apple and the orange are unalike / not alike. (Adj)

The apple and the orange are dissimilar. (Adj)

The apple and the orange grow differently. (Adv)

The apple is unlike the orange. (prep)

Linking adverbs for similarity and difference (linking adverbs)


A transition word ( a linking adverb) transitions the reader from the thought in one sentence to
a similar thought in the next. The adverbial is an adverb (-ly, -wise) or a prepositional phrase.

This apple is tart. Similarly, this one is sour. (Adv)

This apple is tart. In the same way, this one is sour. (prep phrase)

That orange is delicious. Likewise, this apple is very flavorful. (Adv)

That orange is delicious. Equally, this apple is very flavorful. (Adv)

This orange is flavorful. In a similar manner, this apple is very tasty. (prep phrase)


These transition words, called linking adverbials, are used to relate the information in two
clauses. The adverb relates to the entire clause rather than the verb within the clause.

The apple is red. In contrast, the orange is orange. (prep phrase)

Some people think the apple is orange. On the contrary, the apple is red. on the contrary =
not true! (prep phrase)

While / Whereas the orange is high in fiber, the apple is not. (prep phrase)

The orange is high in fiber. However, the apple is not. (linking adverb)

On the one hand the lemon is high in fiber, on the other hand it is too bitter to eat. "both sides
of the coin"
Complplete the comparative expression.

1. Food in San Francisco is different ………………………………… food in New Orleans. From/than

2.The climate in San Francisco is similar……………………… the climate in New Orleans. As/to

3. San Francisco and New Orleans have………………………. Mardi Gras parades. Both/as well as

4.The fishing wharves in these cities are ………………………………………………….like/alike

5.The view from San Francisco is ……………… than in New Orleans. Beautifuller/more beautiful

6.The food in the French Quarter in New Orleans is … than the food on the wharf in San Francisco. Better /more

7.Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco is …………. famous wharf in the world. The most/most

8.The climate in the spring is ……………………. in San Francisco and New Orleans. Same/similar

9.Neither San Francisco ……………….. New Orleans has snow in the winter. Or/nor

10.New Orleans is hotter in the summer ……………………… San Francisco is. That/than

11.San Francisco has cable cars Venice which has gondolas. (boats ) in contrast to/on the contrary

12. San Francisco has earthquakes and ………………………….. does Tokyo/Tokyo does to

13. San Francisco nor Tokyo has much snow…………………………….neither/both

14. San Francisco is located on a peninsula, Tokyo is not. ……………………. As/ while

15.San Francisco has a wharf ……………………………………… . and Mateo too/but Mateo doesn’t

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